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I believe the term you're looking for is "shibboleth". I feel like fashion is one, though I don't know exactly how to describe the difference. The emphasis people place on how they phrase things (a la moral foundations theory)


it's close, a shibboleth is something two groups do differently, like the different pronunciation of the hebrew word "shibboleth". Another example is counting, displayed brilliantly in Inglorious Basterds, germans count starting on the thumb, Americans and British on the index finger, meaning you give yourself away instantly as not a german if you start on your index finger. This is more a signifier, something one group does that others do not, like wearing special clothing or observing a practice (e.g. head coverings, daily prayer, dietary restrictions) that literally "sanctify" in the literal sense of "to set apart and make holy" them.


Ignore the pedants! I love this usage of the word and think it's very appropriate. Word of the day =)


Religion. Specifically the denominations. Also some exceptions to this of course. But pretty consistently Baptist, Non-denominational, Traditional Catholics (especially TLM folks), tend to all be conservative. Methodist, Universalists, mainstream Lutherans, Anglicans, all tend to be very liberal. An interesting subgroup, non-practicing Catholics (going only on holidays or only when at their parents) tend to be liberal.


i'd argue it's more telling when it comes to jewish denominations. most jews overall are liberal (reform jews: 80%, "conservative" jews: 70%), but if you look at the orthodox they are very conservative (75%, even mormons arent this republican.)


If they refuse to eat at Chic Fil A they're most likely a liberal


Am a liberal. Love chic fil a Shop at hobby lobby Very 2A You’d mistake me for a red hat if you didn’t know me.


Unlike what we see on Reddit, we don't all fit into neat little buckets. It's what makes this country great.


I have started to refuse Chickfila because their fries are ass now.


My lesbian very liberal aunts love Chick Fil A lmao


I work in San Francisco, and mentioning you like Chic Fil A would be received like you talking about the cross burning you attended the night before. It's like wearing a MAGA hat


In fairness their chicken sandwiches are dry as hell, nothing to do with politics for me. But yeah generally a good tell I'd say.


America is unique in that you can pretty much guess all of someone’s political ideology from a simple question such as “what’s your opinion on covid?”. There’s some super cliche things such as colored hair that tell when someone is more left leaning. Demographics in general also can be a pretty reliable tell. Younger women tend to be more liberal, and older men are usually conservative


> “what’s your opinion on covid?” *I get why it is*, but it's always been funny to me that this is a political question. "What's your opinion on the flu" would sound ridiculous to a passerby, no?


Welcome to the politicization of every single aspect of modern life


And again, I get it. I just wish it wasn't this way (and I try hard in my personal life to push against it).


Who do you think politicized covid and how?


Idk maybe when the government forced people to get a rushed vaccine and then lied about it?


Weird, I was never forced.


A lot of people like to consider "forced", in this context, to mean "literally held down and injected while kicking and screaming" while normal people understand it to mean the threat of losing their livelihood and being ostracized from society if they don't comply.


Weird, even by that definition I was never forced


Me either 🤷‍♀️


I’m not going to argue vaccine efficacy with you.


What was the lie?


>"What's your opinion on the flu" would sound ridiculous to a passerby, no? No one has been forced to wear a mask, had their business operations mandated to them, or threatened they will loose their job if they do not get a flu shot.


Someone doesn't know their history: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/03/americas/flu-america-1918-masks-intl-hnk/index.Hatml Most of the US instuted a mask mandate in 1918 which was punishable by jail time to stop the Spanish Flu


The case that impacted the decision you linked. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/04/10/politics/pandemic-coronavirus-jacobson-supreme-court-abortion-rights Good thing you believe in state’s rights when it comes to an individuals health decisions lol


Percent of global population killed by Spanish Flu 5.5%. Global population killed by Covid .087%


Yes, we have vaccines for COVID that saved millions of lives whereas in 1918, there was no such thing as the flu vaccine...this is your attempt at a good faith discussion??


Do you think 5.5% and .087% are anywhere close based on global population at the time. The Covid vaccine would have needed to save hundreds of millions of lives to compare. Also, did they shutdown the entire world for the Spanish flu? Is this your attempt at a fair discussion?


Oh you got me! We did do that over 100 years ago. The context the commenter was making is present day and that was what I was referring to not the entirety of human history.


The reason the covid mask mandates came into effect was because it was already socially acceptable to do it during a pandemic. Nobody thought Trump would make it a political thing.


Something we did once over 100 years ago is socially acceptable today?


During a massive global pandemic, yes.


If I walked up to 100 random people today and asked them is it socially acceptable to have mask wearing mandated by the government how many do you think would say “Well yes because we did it in 1918”?


Why would I care what random people on the street think? Most people are fucking stupid.


Somebody doesn't remember the Spanish flu...


Yes yes I have heard the talking point about something that happened over 100 years ago and specifically the obscure fact about mask that no one would know about unless CNN told everyone about to justify mask mandates. I already went through this in length with another person you can read the comments if you want but not going though it again.


Actually I'm pretty sure younger men are more conservative than older men. I don't have a link but they did a poll and in the young generation men and women are the most politically apart they have ever been. The most liberal people are young women, and the most conservative people are young men. To contribute, I think asking where someone's dream place is would do it. With liberals saying more city places and conservatives saying more rural places


I know the gen z is seeing stronger increases of conservatism overall and especially with men, but I find it hard to believe gen z men are more conservative than boomers and gen x. I think the point of some of these articles that get misrepresented, is that they are trending more liberal for their age compared to how liberal millennials were comparatively. There’s a higher percentage of men that identify as conservative in gen z than identified as conservative for millennials is the main point of this article. Still a concern for democrats and Biden and not really a surprise. The feeling of being the enemy and scapegoat of the young and progressive left is very palpable in online circles and sometimes in real life. Identifying as a liberal or progressive is much more difficult now than it was 10 years ago when a large portion of those people blame you for every problem and vilify “straight white men” constantly. Isn’t exactly a welcoming and easy thing to get over, even if you may agree with some of their economic or environmental policy, their social policy and contempt for white men has disillusioned many previous and potential young men. https://iop.harvard.edu/youth-poll/47th-edition-spring-2024 This is a link showing Biden still leads by 6 points with gen z men. A substantial gain from 2020 but no was Biden leads men with boomers and even gen z.


There’s less conservatives over all in gen z but the conservatives that are in gen z align more with the emerging Christian nationalist and white nationalist movements.


I see I do agree with that from my personal experience.


It's the biggest divide yes, but a majority of gen z regardless of gender is left leaning. It's just more of if you're gen z and right wing you're more likely to be very right wing iirc.


Because nobody holds an actual opinion based on their own reasoning, they just go with their perceived in-group from media pushed by their ‘choice’ of wealthy donor.


An American flag (straight up flag, or "line" variants). Hamas/Palenstine/Israel flag, sticker, shirt. Trailer hitch. Rainbow sticker. Any bumper sticker that contains the word "Mud, Fishing, Guns, god". Any reference/mention/snippet of the constitution or bill of rights. Military support. Hair color. Pretty broad generalizations, but you would be right more often than wrong.


I’ll add - wraparound sunglasses, especially in a truck or car selfie


Yes! Although if it's some kind of right wing political event. Protest, rally.. you've got about 50/50 of it being undercover feds, likely FBI.


On the opposite end, man-bun and ear spacers


I think this one depends a lot more on location tbh, in the north absolutely, in the south, maybe not so much. At least for the man bun part.


Alright I have to agree with you on this one haha. Also any guy with the sunglass tan likes as well.


Sincerely asking- have you seen actual Hamas flags? Or just Palestine ones?


[Downtown New York.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmhyFjCRyXU) The Palenstinian supporters don't seem to mind. Brothers in arms. Also doesn't need to be one or the other. At this point, it's difficult to show support one and not the other.


To your second point, I disagree but get what you're saying. To the first- fuckin yikes.


What about to their first point when showed Hamas flags


The first point: fuckin yikes that people are flying Hamas flags.


It's Charlottesville every day out there.




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Very good very good - you are one I like debating with- I’m happy you see that


Pretty much one in the same. Especially polling their citizen support for Hamas.


Citation to said polling? They definitely aren't the same just as the modern German flag isn't the same as the nazi flag and so on. However I'm sure there are people too dumb to realize there's a difference or who genuinely support Hamas (gross).


Here's just one source. Pretty disturbing...even more so when you click through to the polls from within the article. I'll have to find another I found showing something like 94% of the population voted Hamas in, and still supports that decision. Most still support the attack on Israel as well. I'll look for that other one I read, while you start here (a quick web search shows a lot more): https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/


What about the fact that more than half of Gaza's population wasn't alive during the last election, and most of the rest were too young to vote in it?


Same thing.


A trailer hitch is one I would’ve thought, too. But last year, a buddy and I pulled up to a gas station in a beat up F-550 towing a skid loader and I looked at the price of diesel and said “holy shit” and a man driving a Prius at the pump next to us said “It’s Biden voters like you driving up the price, you only have yourselves to blame.” He seemed 100% serious and I’m still confused what part of this made him think we were Biden voters.


Maybe that you actually beat up your 550 instead of buying a huge truck and then driving it around a city in pristine condition? Maybe? I'm from a Navy town where they all do that.


Someone on the right driving a Prius? Now i'm scared.


It was one of the most confusing interactions of my life. My buddy and I still bring it up from time to time and neither of us have a clue what happened. It’s like we were being pranked.


And he couldn’t be any further from the truth. Thank President Biden for the lower gas prices post COVID (despite huge demand and Ukrainian war) because he basically broke OPEC. He sold the some of the oil reserves when prices were high. Flooded the market, & lowered prices. The US is now buying back when prices are much lower. Made billions for the US!


When I visited Massachusetts and Rhode Island two years ago, I was surprised at the number of American flags in the city and the countryside. I was further surprised by how many residences had spotlights on them at night, which I believe is a flag code thing. I felt New England, being a liberal strong hold, would not be as patriotic as it seemed to be. Bring a Southerner that leans conservative, I’m not heartened by how flags are flown well past date and proper flag disposals seem to be done. That last one is anecdotal as out Scout troop flag collections have been trendy down for a while.


You’re going to see flag patriotism in almost every corner of the US. You will even see it on Indian reservations. It’s not a liberal or conservative thing


That’s what I was trying to say. Non-American flags can clearly be an indicator, whether stars and bars or Palestine. But I don’t think American flags are indicators.


Oh yeah I wasn’t sure because you said you were surprised that a liberal stronghold would be patriotic. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to think that flying a US flag is some sort of conservative calling card. I live near San Francisco, I see our flag flying every day. I see just as many as I’ve seen in rural Idaho, but far less confederate flags here than I’ve seen there


Yeah New England has this home of the revolution patriotism to it.


Trailer hitch? Guess that my mother and I are Conservatives then .


>Trailer hitch? Guess that my mother and I are Conservatives then . '*Only* a *Sith* deals in *absolutes*' just curious, what made you think the trailer hitch was conservative and not liberal?


I was just joking, but because I assumed that you meant to suggest that it carries the connotation of hauling something (why my mother and I have them). However plenty of folks have them for high end bicycle racks as well. Or to tow a boat. Both of which I would think are fairly universal. But, obviously, both left and right need to haul things.


I always envisioned that trailer hitch stretching over the sidewalk where people hit their shins.. >I was just joking That's on me.. I SUCK at internet sarcasm. Feel like Sheldon half the time.


Eh, reading sarcasm online, especially when politics are being discussed, is nigh impossible. No harm, no foul.


Ah ha! After much deliberation, I think I'm onto something.. A rusted trailer hitch=right? A well maintained trailer hitch=left?


You understand they are generalizations, right? It is understood that there will be outliers.


Most everyone that I know has a trailer hitch, and I live in a very suburban area. Just seemed like an outlier on the list to me.


I think most of these are silly. It is effectively people just listing out their own biases.


True. Judging a book by it's cover and all of that. My appearance is such that people tend to assume quite a bit about me.


That said... we can be pretty close to certain if there are "truck nuts" hanging there... You and your mom rocking a set of these [bad boys](https://www.amazon.com/Pink-Tall-Truck-Nuts-Made/dp/B002NZPOXS)?


lol! Yeah, they're pretty ubiquitous where I grew up nowadays. An uber conservative dorf.


I try not to hold many biased takes, but I will take my assumptions about someone with truck nuts to the grave...


This is coming from the “liberals are prissy city folk who drive electric cars and drink soy lattes, whereas conservatives are tough, hardworking folk who need to haul stuff while drinking extra strong black coffee” bias.


Driving a Subaru


I fly the American and Israel flags, support the military, and an enthusiast of the bill of rights. I’m not conservative, but I’m not a leftist either.


Those are all political other than the trailer hitch and hair color. The OP specified things that are *not* political


Perhaps.. but should they be? If you see a vehicle with "We the people" bumper sticker, you have a better than even chance of guessing their politics. So why would the first three words in the US Constitution be "political"?


Ok I see what you’re saying. We’re using “political” in two different ways here, and maybe I’m wrong. I’m not saying that using certain imagery is political because one faction or another uses that imagery more than the other. I’m using “political” in the sense that something has any connection at all to a state, nation or social movement. So when we’re talking about a flag or a snippet from our Constitution, I’m not saying it’s political because one faction might use it as a mascot for their own personal beliefs, I’m just saying it’s political because our Constitution is an inherently political document. I fully agree that We The People is for everyone and I think it’s stupid that you can often assume people’s personal beliefs based on them using that type of imagery, and I don’t think it should be that way at all. I’m only saying it’s political because it refers to a political document, and again maybe I’m not using the word correctly. Conversely a trailer hitch or a hair color doesn’t refer to a political document, state or movement. I hope I’m making myself understood


I’m curious why you think the constitution/bill of rights is a political tell all? Do you mean specific amendments or something else?


Somebody with a bumper sticker of the Preamble is equally likely to (a) be conservative and (b) never have read the document in question.


The wild thing about hair color is that, at least in my experience, wildly colored hair either means "queer progressive" or "rural conservative", but that might just be where I'm from. Also, out of curiousity just because of your other comments, would you consider someone who supports a ceasefire, two-state solution, and arrest of both Netanyahu and Hamas leadership/those who have actively taken part in violence to be a Hamas supporter? That's a stance I've seen a lot more frequently as of late.


>would you consider someone who supports a ceasefire, two-state solution, and arrest of both Netanyahu and Hamas leadership/those who have actively taken part in violence to be a Hamas supporter? I would think you were terribly misinformed. Ceasefire yes. However Hamas has broken EVERY ceasefire, without exception for the last, at least 40 years. Not some, not most, ALL. October attack being one of a dozen examples. >two-state solution Hamas/Palestine have rejected 5 or 6 proposals. Even those the provided western protections. They won't accept any two state solution that includes the existence of Israel. It's either "from the river to the sea" or nothing. It's certainly worth trying, but it'll never happen. The October attacks all but killed the Abraham accords. We were THIS close to having Egypt sign off, which would have a domino effect in the Arab world. (thanks Iran, sigh). >arrest of both Netanyahu and Hamas leadership/those who have actively taken part in violence to be a Hamas supporter? I mean, Okay, go for it. Doesn't change anything.


I had a very thoughtful and nuanced response to this that randomly vanished when I tried to post. I hate the internet sometimes. It boiled down to this: • that's my current position, I am well aware that A) I could be misinformed as I'm a domestic policy person and B) it's unlikely to happen due to the realities of the situation. It is, however, what I consider to be the most fair, although I understand my own lack of knowledge and generally don't talk about it in contexts outside of like, here where people ask questions. • i think painting anyone who supports a free Palestinian state, even if they oppose Hamas as an organization, as a Hamas supporter is maybe not the best approach? there are definitley more nuanced perspectives on the issue out there and dismissing everyone who supports a free state as supportive of a terrorist group (yes I said terrorist group) isn't fair. i get why you feel that way but... • it's the same type of broad brush thinking that folks on the left engage in, to the point where a lot of left-leaning people who are well-informed and have more nuanced opinions are leaving political advocacy and academics altogether. it's become arguing with a brick wall and with people who care about being The Most Woke and not about actually finding solutions and helping people. • yes i actually do feel this way about the left. • yes i have voiced this to other people on the left, to mixed reception. • no it does not change my domestic policy positions, those are generally based in years of research and not the behavior of those advocating for them. grrrrr what i originally wrote was so much better 😭😭😭😭😭


Considering Netanyahu is on record saying he plans to continue the bombing campaign regardless of any agreement signed, pretty sure Palestinians aren't the ones rejecting peace...


>The wild thing about hair color is that, at least in my experience, wildly colored hair either means "queer progressive" or "rural conservative", but that might just be where I'm from. Pretty much on the money where I am as well, if you add facial piercings in to the mix it clears the picture up even more. If she is driving a lifted Jeep with a name on the hood and a ton of ducks on the front bumper every assumption can go out the window.


There's this insta/tik tok trend where girls will caption, "When you're trying to figure out if his mustache is 🌱🎸☕️🛹🐕 or 🔫🪖🛻🏋‍♂️🇺🇲"


I don't necessarily think you can always tell. I have patients who wear masks because they're immunocompromised but I know they are conservative or at least right leaning. But generally things regarding covid can give you a good barometer


I live in a deep-blue city in a deep-blue state, so the fact that I subtly try to steer the conversation away from politics as soon as someone brings it up is probably my "tell" that I'm right-leaning.


Driving lifted/diesel trucks haha.


Every time I goto the public library there always at least one librarian who is still wearing a Covid mask. And it’s usually a young healthy looking person and they are sitting behind a plexiglass desk most of the time. Also, I’ll include coworkers who put pronouns in their email signature or have to include pronouns next to their name in Zoom meetings.


I know a librarian who's exactly like this. Young, healthy looking, etc. Wears a mask, sits behind plexiglass. You wouldn't know from looking at her that she is immunocompromised.


Weird thing is how all these immunocompromised folks only emerged after COVID... It's not like the common cold or flu wasn't deadly to them either... Not saying they don't exist or have real issue... I just would've expected to see people wearing masks more often before COVID.


2 factors there. Prior to COVID, there were solid treatments for most identifiable illnesses that made wearing a mask less important. COVID changed the game as there was no immediate reliable treatments so more preventative measures needed to be taken. Even with the multiple vaccines, those people still need to be concerned about it and take extra caution. COVID also caused many people to become immunocompromised. COVID has also had a lot of mutations with a range of symptoms. So until there is a reliable vaccine, akin to the flu shot, I would expect to see more people than normal wearing masks for the foreseeable future. Are there also paranoid people doing it just to do it? sure. There are also people who believe the earth is flat and that combat juggling shouldn't be an Olympic sport.


> that combat juggling shouldn't be an Olympic sport "those people are difficult and insane" -John Mulaney.


So any sort of medical mask today is automatically assumed a COVID mask ? Is this for real ? I’m sure from my posts you can clearly come to the conclusion I’m not a liberal. But people have been wearing medical masks way before COVID. I know people who suffer greatly from allergies and it definitely helps wearing a mask. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your post ?


I really wish it had never been politicized...I like wearing a mask *when I'm ill* because I feel it's socially responsible to not share my yuck. It's all about harm reduction even if it's not 100% effective (i.e., the most effective strategy is not to go out, which is not always an option). But some people practically want to pick a fight over it. A shame. If Trump had leaned into the masks and made patriotic red-white-and-blue ones, he would've sailed to reelection...I've always been puzzled why he didn't.


Young people can be immunocompromised or live with people who are. This existed long before masks were politicized.


Being physically in shape disproportionately tells me someone is at least marginally right wing


This one is crazy haha. Feel like this one isn’t great and a lot of apolitical people probably fit this one more than a specific political belief. It could be an indication they aren’t super left wing though.


I replied to someone else but I think there's a generational divide here too. I'm gen z and, as my tag implies, pretty left wing and virtually all the people my age who are in shape I know are left wing too. Personally it seems like this applies more to millennials than my generation.


If you work on HR/marketing I’m 99.999% sure you’re a progressive If you actively manage and track your investments and finances I’m 99.999% sure you’re right of center If you’re vegan you’re liberal, if you’re in great shape you’re conservative


Kind of funny how, except for the vegan part and partially the investment part, this completely different where I am


Hr is conservative where you live?


Well it's important to make the distinction between the person and whatever corporate image HR tries to push. The image tends to be very progressive and whatnot. Even when I worked for gambling company. But the people themselves. 


It would definitely depend on the corporate setting for sure. I l’ve worked in factories that had HR and I certainly wouldn’t assume they’re liberals.


If you work in those fields and are progressive you are probably not an executive. I do not include lipservice progressives.


I'd also add age and location are a huge predictor of how conservative or liberal a person is. Especially in combination. If someone is 80+, from the South and from a rural area, they are most definitely conservative. An 18 year-old kid from inner city LA is most definitely progressive/liberal.


Given the amount of DEI training and lunch&learns my company makes everyone do just so that I can sit behind my computer and compile financial statements… I can’t imagine actually being in HR. Though at least then it would be completely relevant to my job. I feel similar about how Pride has been handled. The number of managers encouraging and borderline pushing us all to go to the Pride parade has been a lot. I guarantee if I brought up the Eucharistic Procession going through the city it would be considered inappropriate for work. Maybe one day we can focus on our jobs and leave personal identity (sexual, religious, whatever) out of it. You do your job well? Great. I shouldn’t need to worry about what you do after work unless we decide to be personal friends.


>If you actively manage and track your investments and finances I’m 99.999% sure you’re right of center Guess I’m in the 0.001%.


>If you’re vegan you’re liberal, if you’re in great shape you’re conservative I hear this online and it confuses me. Yes, vegans are liberal where I live, but they're also in better shape. I hear people say online that liberals are more obese, but it's the opposite in my locale.


I probably could have been more clear but the implication was not that liberals are more obese, but rather anyone with a physique that turns heads in a good way tends to be conservative. Obesity is 50/50 split, but skinny fat or emaciated looking people tend to be liberal, people who obviously lift tend to be conservative, and fat people are all across the board.


I see now and it makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


I think this varies by age too. I'm a very avid lifter and runner and all my friends who do the same are liberal, but I'm also gen z and in grad school so that likely plays a part in it too.


I think with "great shape" it depends on what you mean by "great shape" and where you're from. For example, in the area where I live (Central Pennsylvania) it seems like most distance runners are liberal, while people who lift weights or have a lot of upper body strength are mostly conservative. Again, that might be a regional thing though.


That's actually pretty spot on lol the gym I toss iron at looks like a Thin Blue Line convention half the time... the good news about that though is the squat rack is usually always open haha


ayyyy gotta get your squats in


>If you actively manage and track your investments and finances I’m 99.999% sure you’re right of center I'd actually bet this tracks more with level of education than anything else. Anecdotally of course but in medicine and grad school this seems pretty universal but majority of folks are left leaning.


Interesting. I work in marketing and it is absolutely filled with conservatives. Marketing/sales is usually an indicator for conservative for me.


Wouldn't it at least somewhat depend on the brand? I'd assume the marketing team for Black Rifle Coffee is pretty conservative, while the team working for Sephora maybe not so much. Not that you can't market a product you don't approve of, but your enthusiasm has to affect your work product.


Yeah I'd imagine that plays a role for sure. Although direct marketing/d2d/etc. was pretty universally conservative. That isn't to say they didn't know how to market/speak to liberals, but their own leanings were majority conservative in my experience.


Fair enough!


“If you’re in great shape you’re conservative”. I live in a very conservative region and have most my life. Sorry. The first strategic step in beating conservatives in a civil war would be cutting off insulin supplies.


1. Nuclear Energy - It’s science, not political for the 1 millionth time. Thankfully most Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats seem to tripartisanly agree on the subject of nuclear. 2. Patriotism - How the hell is loving your country political? It is in no way shape or form political.


I agree with your sentiment on patriotism and it should be embraced by all stripes just like being a good neighbor should


There’s true love for your country, but 90% of what i see labeled as “patriotism” is performative BS by politicians that are decidedly unamerican. Wearing a bunch of lapel pins and flying a giant flag off the back of a boat does not make up for not properly caring for our veterans.


> Patriotism - How the hell is loving your country political? Hey, I love this country and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I think it's a big part of Biden's messaging too with stuff like "build back better". Trump is the one currently going around comparing us to a third-world country right now.


> Patriotism - How the hell is loving your country political? It is in no way shape or form political. Because different people have different ideas of what is and isn't sufficient when it comes to loving your country.


Here's just a few I was able to cook up. * Pronouns in their profile * Venomously anti-capitalist views. * Belief that "real" socialism or communism have "just never been tried before." * Non-ironic use of the term "patriarchy." * Hatred of white people, straight people, men, or any combination of the three. * Being a vegan (not saying vegan Conservatives don't happen but I haven't met one yet). * Defending a movie/show/game/whatever that was created for an incredibly small audience flops by saying 'it failed because of bigotry.' * Belief that if a criminal knows their victim is unarmed they will not harm them. * Belief that criminals would respect any sort of gun law. * Belief that only white people can be racist. * Belief that any woman who is straight is just brainwashed. * Belief that any woman who wants children is just brainwashed. * Belief that men only want children to control women. * Idealizing women who have traits that would be called toxic when present in a man. * The belief that you have a constitutional right to not be offended.


On the nose with Behavior !


>Venomously anti-capitalist views. Careful, you might tick off the monarchists /s


Never heard of 'em.


When someone walks into the room dressed in drag holding a children's book.


Didn't Giuliani do that once?


Your marriage status and if you have kids and your sex. If you are a married male with children you have something like a 75% chance of being Republican. If you are a single childless woman you have something like a 90% chance of being a Democrat.




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Idk why but whenever I see a white couple driving on the freeway or walking in public - I have the ability to guess which candidate they voted for. Passive husbands- Strong willed wife’s Tight jogging outfits Sketchers Some sort of electric vehicle “Well Mary, if you think this is the option for breakfast” Idk where in history along the way this started, I’m guessing South Park’s episode on the Prius helped form this bias But I haven’t been wrong yet! I will go ask people politely “Which party do you lean towards”


> Lime green Nike shoes Which direction is this?


You know those older white couples that dress to slim and usually have running shoes on even when they’re grabbing coffee ? Or looking at Target- like Elizabeth Warren and her husband Great example of People who visibly look like their voting ticket


Fair enough!




Crazy accurate lmao




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- Wearing rainbow anything - An American flag - Non-natural colored hair (especially blue, green and pink) - Liking the UFC (weirdly enough the only people I know personally who love the UFC are democrats) - Listening to Taylor Swift (though im the most right wing person I know and am a big fan of Taylor Swift, since the single digits of my life)




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Glasses. There are normal glasses, and then there are *problem glasses. You just know.


Maybe someone wearing a mask is in health care? Or, for me, is taking care of their extremely ill veteran, republican father that has no immune system left? This is the problem with this country. Shitty assumptions about BS stuff.


OP, masks are extremely political, so I wouldnt use that as an example. Yes there are a few delusional people who think they work, but they were worn largely as a virtue signal against Trump and conservatives. People who don't have social media are almost always conservative. There's one.


Personally I wouldn't call masks political in nature, pre 2020 it wasn't even a question, even now there are plenty of circumstances where wearing a mask isn't political, but wearing one at grocery store (usually sagging around your chin) is often a political statement now adays but there isn't anything inherently political about masks (where wearing a maga hat or a che guevera shirt is explicitly political)


Post 2020 Masks are a political weapon gauged to see where one lies politically (in America)


They werent political before covid or even during the beginning of covid. It was widely understood they were useless. Then they powers that be decided to flip their position and pretend otherwise because it was an easy virtue signal against trump. 100000%, if Trump came out in favor of closing schools and wearing masks, the "Science!" crowd would have had the exact opposite position on these two issues.


I personally never had an issue with masks themselves, I thought they were useless, especially when they were just cut up old shirts turned into masks , I especially laughed when people wore them outside or with their nose exposed, but my issue was more with all mandates, masks were annoying, but government arbitrarily forcing rules on private businesses is what got me.


Id be okay with banning anyone who had a role in mandating masks from public office, and banning those who supported them from voting.


You want to take away citizens’ constitutional right to vote?


And drive, yes.


I was very disappointed there wasn't a total clean house come election time.


> It was widely understood they were useless. It was? Southeast Asian citizens would disagree with this assessment.


And how did that work out for them? They got hit nasty with COVID (after it being declared that their mask compliance "conquered covid"), they still get the flu and other illnesses the same as the rest of the world. Wearing masks for them is much more of a cultural thing. Just like they wear big ass visors and them white gloves that the stanley cup guy wears.


> And how did that work out for them? They had drastically lower COVID infection rates than the rest of the developed world.


Incorrect. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries Covid lagged there between 2020 and 2021, a period of time when the mask lunatics were saying "look at asia!" Then came 2022 and covid exploded there. Did they all suddenly stop wearing masks?


Covid exploded everywhere in 2022 because it became more infectious. South Korea had the 6th most infections, admittedly, but the 32nd most deaths in the world. So I should change it to say "drastically fewer deaths than the rest of the developed world"?


We're talking about cases, not deaths. Masks have no effect on how effectively your body fights covid once you get it. The entire point of them was to reduce transmission, which they did not do in the least.


Eh, not entirely true. If you get a lowe "dose", so to speak, your infection may not be as bad. That's the theory in medicine anyways.


> People who don't have social media are almost always conservative. Conversely, people who *only* have Facebook are almost always conservative.


Probably more Trumpy than actually conservative, but I get what you're saying .


Or they are old and can’t keep up with the Tic Tac or whatever people these days are using (actual thing my baby boomer mom said)