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I felt sorry for Biden, this was like watching elderly abuse.


I was just waiting for him to shout "I know you are, but what am I???? Nah, nanananah!!" He's regressed to childhood.


I was physically cringing every few seconds. At first I thought it was a slam dunk for trump but as it went on, it looked pretty sad for Trump too.  Honestly not sure if it'll change many minds. It looked terrible for Biden but Trumps ramblings weren't a great look either and I'm not sure he answered a single direct question. The American public are the real losers here. 


I feel sorry for America. Not just because we have bad choices but because stumbling through reasonable responses while old loses to moronically lying with confidence while also being old. Biden was subject to standards. Trump survives in a complete lack of standards. His lies were jaw-droppingly stupid and he’s celebrated for it.


Is any of this supposed to make sense?


I think Trump did a better job of achieving his goal than Biden did. This was Biden’s biggest opportunity to show the American people that he was still up for the job, and, especially for the first ten minutes, he looked really, really awful. It got better, especially after the first break, but overall it was probably still an unmitigated disaster for him. I think Trump was trying to show a lot of people that he could be normal-ish. I mean, he was still Trump, and there was a lot of nonsense, but for a lot of it he seemed well collected. He didn’t yell, he didn’t throw a tantrum, and weirdly, he flung fewer personal insults than Biden did. There were definitely times he still sounded pretty cooky, but he wasn’t the caricature that a lot of people have in their head. If you walk off a debate stage with Donald Trump, and he appeared to be more even-tempered, adult person on stage, you messed up royally.


Good analysis. Biden was a shell of his former self. I watch MSNBC. They are teeing off. The flip side is that Trump is also a disaster. He lied the entire night. From Jan.6 to Abortion, he was all over the place. In my opinion, Trump would be a bigger disaster. I trust the team around Biden. If he stays in, I’ve got to vote for him.






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Rule: 5 In general, self-congratulatory/digressing comments between non-conservative users are not allowed as they do not help others understand conservatism and conservative perspectives. Please keep discussions focused on asking Conservatives questions and understanding Conservativism.


Oh it was, but that doesn’t matter to a lot of Trump supporters, and lot of people aren’t even going to really look into whether he was lying. There was just a such a surface level contrast between the two that I don’t see any Biden doesn’t take a way bigger hit from this, actual substance aside.


Truth. Harris doesn’t have much of a chance either.


Trump did not lie


Uh, bro, he lied over 30 times. It was nothing but lies. Look, Biden’s performance was terrible. I was horrified. He looked old, anxious and confused. Trump looked much better. But he lied on everything from National Guard troops to abortion.


Trump didn’t lie


You believe him, that’s the issue. Good luck man.


I beleive him because it’s the truth and I don’t need you to wish me good luck


You don’t believe he slept with Stormy Daniels? You believe EVERYBODY wanted Roe v. Wade overturned?


I didn’t say it was. You said he didn’t lie last night. He said he didn’t sleep with her. Therefore you believe he never slept with her. He wanted to pay her 130K so she would keep her mouth shut about something that never happened?


That isn’t a crime


I don't think Trump's yelling about murdering babies or constant illegal immigrants coming to destroy black people and prisoners coming across the border came across as even tempered.


Talking about those things causes discomfort. They are real and should be discussed.


Murdering babies is real? A swarm of violent criminals pouring over the border like locusts is real? Come on his goal was to invite as much fear into his base as possible damn the truth and lie till the cows come home


6 women just this month have been raped and or killed by illegal immigrants. As well as the billions of dollars in resources they're taking from American citizens. 11 million people you don't know invading your country is a very real threat that should continuously be discussed.


It is a problem. Trump killed bipartisan legislation that would have helped.


Trump had strong border policies and record low illegal immigration.


There are on average over 100,000 rapes committed by American men every year and you want to focus on the 6 that weren't ....


Notice how you said those men are American. They have a right to be here. Illegal immigrants don't.


I love how thats your biggest problem with this. You are concerned about women being raped by migrants but this comment shows that you are actually more concerned with the citizenship of the rapists then the victims.


No I'm concerned with crimes like rape and murder happening when there was no reason for them to be. Aka illegal immigrants and soft on crime prosecutors and judges letting out repeat offenders who then rape or kill people when they should have been or stayed locked up to begin with. But keep fishing for your gotcha moment.


You can kick out every single illegal immigrant and not make a single dent in those statistics... So I am hard pressed to think your actually concerned


This happened under Trumps watch too.


The difference is Trump didn't let 11 million of them illegally come here. Any president really except for Biden.


11 million Catholics that would most probably vote Republican? Seems like you missed a great opportunity to increase your base. Because there’s no getting rid of them now.


You think 11 million illegal immigrants would vote for Republicans aka the people saying they should be deported or Democrats aka Biden who let them illegally enter the country en masse in the first place and are giving them free government assistance? Cmon now. And idc if they vote for Republicans or not, they have to go. But that sure does sound like a rigged election to let 11 million people illegally immigrate and counting on them to boost your numbers like that. Hmm... 🤔


Could be. Maybe Republicans should have thought of it ?




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Yes, it is real.


How ?


Spend some time in the four corners area. It's all real. Have a good night.


Good night. Can some one else explain what this means? Sounds gibberish to me


[Average Illegal Immigrant Crimes annually under Trump 4-6,000 Under Biden average is 13,000-16,000](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics)


It has been proven time and time again illegal immigrants commit significantly less crime than anyone else in the country. It's fear mongering to pinpoint them and incorrect to say criminals prisoners and terrorists are flowing accross our border https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2014704117




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The thing is, he didn’t really yell like he usually does. There were definitely parts where his rhetoric or his meandering made me cringe a little bit. I don’t think Donald Trump killed it, but he didn’t have to. His goal wasn’t to actually be a normal person, it was to be a *surprisingly* normal person. He had an incredibly low bar for that, thanks to, in part, the media coverage he’s gotten over the last eight years. On the flip side, Biden didn’t necessarily have to be cogent, he just had to be *surprisingly* cogent. He had an incredibly low bar for that, thanks to right-wing media. However, I don’t think he met that incredibly low bar, and I think the current state of a lot of left-leaning media bears me out on that.


Yea, it was bad for Biden.


When did he say any of those things - Glad to know you tuned into Star Trek re runs


“The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come through the border. They’re taking Black jobs now,” Trump said. I’d love to ask him … why he’s allowed millions of people to come in from prisons, jails and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country, They will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth. After birth. If you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do so, and we’ll determine what we do with the baby. Meaning we’ll kill the baby. ... So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth. Because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor, the former Virginia governor, put the baby down so that we decide what to do with it. He’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen, Democrat or Republican; nobody wants it to happen,” Trump said.


>The Fact is that his big kill on the black people is the millions Very true. Assuming they’re talking about the under developed black community- When migrants come in they’re doing entry level and day to day work commonly found in those communities The crimes committed by illegal immigrants are 4x more annually- Under Trump maybe 4,000 crimes. Now- [12 or 13,000 In 2024 TO DATE](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics) That last one I agree with you(I don’t need to read it) but It also happens to be something I care the absolute Least about. Late term abortions do happen- Yes they are rare- But you can’t deny they happen rarely - But they do. He shouldn’t used Absolutes like that (absolutes are a therapy term meaning you use extreme examples of something instead of telling it like it is- Example- I never get my way- Never being the absolute) edit: People are picking those first 2 things as negatives but it’s how it said it- Not what he said. What he said was factual how he said was what people r complaining about. If he would say “Illegal immigration is damaging African American opportunity to find work-“ it would be received better.


Can I get an apology on the star trek comment? There’s no evidence that undocumented immigrants are taking jobs away from Black Americans. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Black unemployment rate fell to 4.8% in April 2023 — an all-time low. Before that, the Black unemployment rate was as high as 10.2% in April 2021 Late term abortions are a medical necessity to preserve the life of the mother. That's why they happen and need to continue... What trump was discussing was murdering babies... Which is not what is happening


Trump Only thing that surprised me was how fast CNN turned on Biden


Not only CNN.




Yep, the Democrats turned on him which earns them my votes. It proves they have standards. Trump lied absurdly and frequently. If the results were reversed. If he had stumbled and appeared just as old as Biden, the GOP and the right-wing media would be spinning it hard. Metaphorically, look me in the eye and tell me that’s not true.


You could think about it this way... The dems thought they could hide how severe his mental condition is and lied to our faces for years now. They only turned on him because there is no other reasonable course of action given it has been completely exposed. Republicans have been sounding the alarm on Biden's mental health for a very long time now.


No man, that wasn’t my point. They never said he wasn’t old and he’s older than he was years ago. They haven’t been “lying for years”. Biden’s age is public knowledge. Are you sure you want to be discussing denying reality about a candidate with Trump in the room? Indictments galore and pretty much every respectable ex-cabinet member publicly stating he’s a danger to the nation is a lot to be in denial about.


It isn't about age, it is about his mental condition. They have done their best to hide his mental illness. It has now been fully exposed and they are in panic mode.


Next thing you know, he’ll be describing how magnets can be demagnetized by pouring water on them, that the sound of windmills causes cancer and that babies are aborted after they are born. Does Trump have dementia? Biden is old and seemed confused. That doesn’t equal dementia. I had to repeat things multiple times a day to my grandparents and none of them had dementia. Biden is not an ideal candidate as he is just too old to be “all there” all the time. That doesn’t make Trump suddenly a viable alternative.


Trump is not my first choice, but I don't see how anyone could view them as equals when it comes to their mental conditions. Trump does public speaking very regularly and off script. There is tons to go off of if you want to watch him and see how he thinks. Biden avoids it like crazy and the few times he talks we end up seeing things like we saw during the debate. Biden's face alone without him even saying anything was unbelievably concerning. I have grandparents near his age and they never have that type of a face or get confused like him. Again, he does not have minor lapses. His condition is EXTREMELY severe and democrats just expect everyone to ignore it because he has babysitters. Lol. This is the president, not a walmart greeter. The president isn't just a figurehead. Things have become so bizarre in this country. If someone can watch him and then go and cast a vote for him to be president.... we are in a very sad situation. If Trump sounded like him and biden sounded like he did 8 years ago, I would legitimately go vote for biden because it would be too scary for me to elect someone in this condition. We clearly have no real checks in place to stop someone who is mentally ill from holding office.


He’s not a criminal and wannabe dictator. In this scenario, he’s the only choice.


Things turned bizarre when Trump was elected. People denied everything he said and did with the exception of the three weeks after J6 where people were actually honest about how f’d up that was. Look, bizarre is nominating someone with 83 charges across four indictments. Bizarre is nominating a serial liar and sexual predator. Bizarre is being obsessed with Epstein but looking the other way when Trump appeared on the flight logs seven times. Bizarre is restructuring society to accommodate and protect one man who literally wrote himself into the Bible. Being old is predictable. Biden is too old, but aging is the only thing in this election that is not bizarre.


Lol. This isn't "being old", this is losing all your faculties and the dem establishment doing their best to hide it from the public


Aren’t you ashamed that a guy who is “losing all his faculties” is far and away the better option for the future of this nation? I will vote for an electric blender before I vote for someone who has done everything possible to warn us that he is a danger to the country and the world. That’s not a theory. We lived through that chaos. Biden is the ONLY choice even if he’s in a coma.


Trump steamrolled


He spent 90 minutes not answering questions and lying. I guess that's considered steamrolling?


He had to be asked again to answer some questions as he went off track but no he answered every single question. If you watched the entire debate, which I did.


How is he going to carry out the mass deportations?


I honestly don't know in this case given the political climate and the massive amount of them. I believe Obama actually deported a record amount in his term, somewhere around 3 million. So it's possible. But this is 11 million people we're talking about. All I know is I'm voting for the guy who kept them out during his term, not let them pour in by the tens of millions.


> I honestly don't know Neither do I. So I was glad when Jake Tapper asked Trump how he’s going to do it. You said Trump answered every question. So how come neither of us know what his answer is?


Ahh you're right. He answered yes that he would but then went on about Biden letting millions of them in illegally instead of specifically answering how, my mistake.


Did he answer if he would accept a loss?


He said if it's a fair and honest election then yes he would.


You know damn well he’ll only say it’s fair if he wins. That’s not the same as saying he will respect democracy if he loses. He gave the same answer before 2020.


Well you asked a question and I'm giving you the answer. The rest is up to you.


He did neither of those things


Because babies have been ripped out of wombs and murdered at 9 months?


* https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024#no-the-southwest-border-is-not-open * https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024#trump-falsely-accuses-biden-of-orchestrating-his-prosecutions * https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024#trump-accuses-biden-of-opening-the-southern-border-to-migrants-who-commit-crimes-data-shows-otherwise * https://www.npr.org/live-updates/trump-biden-presidential-debate-2024#fact-checking-trumps-abortion-claims


Friend, Biden is not capable of dressing himself in the morning much less running the country. He belongs in a long-term care facility.


What’s that have to with this specific conversation babe? Trump can speak and can’t answer a question. Biden can’t speak and answers questions. Rough night for Biden, absolutely no denying that. But Biden not doing well doesn’t mean Trump did well. He was just the Trump we all know, lie, lie, lie.


>What’s that have to with this specific conversation babe? I'm not your "babe". Get lost, creep.


You said babe and edited it, weird flex.






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He never was running the country neither was Trump.


None of these were lies


Yes they were, democrat states do not allow abortions after the baby is born...


He said that it happens or could happen


>He said that it happens or could happen What does this mean? Can you explain very specifically in testable terms what this is saying? An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. After a baby is born, the pregnancy has ended. Killing a baby after the pregnancy has ended isn't even an abortion. It's just plain old infanticide, which is illegal everywhere. So what are people talking about here?


Which one ?


I love how you only source one progressive outlet for facts- You’re funny


NPR is not a progressive outlet. https://adfontesmedia.com/npr-bias-and-reliability/


All of the things having to do with Trump had a very high bias to reliable marks. Higher numbers under the bias chart- so what this shows is that they are Bias to do with things on Israel, and Trump, and Jerry Seinfeld surprisingly


> ll of the things having to do with Trump had a very high bias to reliable marks. That's not what that page shows. I see -2.67, -4.33, and -17.67 for the 3 articles about Trump. And for the -17.67 one, go to the actual page: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/17/1239019225/trump-says-some-migrants-are-not-people-and-warns-of-bloodbath-if-he-loses "By The Associated Press"


Now who's lying


Not me. https://adfontesmedia.com/npr-bias-and-reliability/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/npr/




Amazing rebuttal.


Eh, they're both liars. We have to look at policies and their record (if applicable) and take the gamble every time we vote.


4 articles of mental gymnastics....doesn't make what Trump said lies.


He lied about after birth abortions and he demonized immigrants and made insanely genocidal comments.


The post-birth thing has happened and has been pushed for, albeit not the norm. Demonizing immigrants is not lying and which genocidal comments did he make?


Who is pushing for it? I’ve never heard anyone advocate for this. Demonizing immigrants by claiming that they are all rapists and murderers is absolutely lying. It’s a xenophobic trope to claim that immigrants are all dangerous criminals. It’s simply untrue. The genocidal comment was that the US should give Israel more weapons to “Finish the job” after we have spent 9 months witnessing Israel indiscriminately kill civilians, including 16,000 children. That’s more children than have been killed in world wide war zones/armed conflicts in the last several years combined, according to the organization Save the Children.


Virginia governor in 2019. He never said every individual immigrant was like that, he's speaking on the whole. And he's right about it. I don't agree that it's genocidal. He's talking about getting rid of Hamas. I do disagree with the overall view though. But Biden shares this view.


They're not immigrants. They're ILLEGAL immigrants. Trump never said anything condemning legal immigrants.


Who's pushing for post-birth killing of babies? No one on the left is pushing for that. Could you link a source?


Not who you're talking to but we all have access to Google. Here's the [AP fact check](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-ralph-northam-virginia-abortion-952598071326). While they say it is distorted, it should be obvious how one could reach that conclusion.


I think they’re referencing partial birth abortions. I’ve seen videos of them pretty freaking horrific.


What blows my mind is CNN is panicking, and saying dem operatives are freaking out about his performance. Doesn't seem like anything new to me, seems like same Joe we've been seeing his whole presidency, just seems like media is finally acknowledging it


I was watching Anderson Cooper talking with Kamala Harris. He point blank asked her, "The way Biden was tonight, is he like this everyday?" I know the libs tend to dismiss what a conservative says, but to this extent where the light clicks on in Anderson Cooper's head for the first time like he realized all the "conspiracy theories" might have a nugget of truth to them after all? Like, really, do all Democrats just completely dismiss ANY criticisms and just mentally wipe it away as some kind of conspiracy theory?


This felt like an entirely different Biden compared to the SOTU.


Sotu he wasn't terrible, but almost every other public performance I've seen was exactly like last nights, that was typical Joe


Trump dominated, CNN is saying he should consider stepping down before the convention. Like a thunder clap on the political scene.


Why would the far left CNN say something like that?


It's not just CNN, The New Republic just said it too. The Atlantic is considering it. It's really bad optics right now for Biden.


Because he gave an absolute embarrassment of a performance. What even is this question? What’s the knowledge you are trying to get? Or did you just assume that because I’m on the right I think anyone left of center is “lItTeRaLlY cOmMuNiSt!”? Because I don’t, most don’t. CNN is the window into the worldview of the old guard of the Democratic Party, not of the communist party.


Really? I thought we all lost.


Because you’re on the left, as a Republican, Trump did awesome, I just wish he gave a positive note to appeal to everyone, but he was targeting black and Latino issues especially in the debate which is awesome.


Really? I thought he was avoiding questions left and right and giving unfactual statements. Biden looked like he wants to retire and go on vacation.


He was doing what every debate student was told within the first ten minutes of class, don’t be dominated by the moderators, he used time that was allocated to talk about say climate change, something that is overwhelmingly an issue to white progressives, middle class women, other democrat dominated demographics, and he used it to talk about the border, economy, and other things that are important to Latino and black voters who are very much in play in this election. “Unfactual statements” depends what you mean, in the sense that he’s a politician that’s what he does? For example, “we had (super great economy under me, COVID was solved, etc.) Sure, but no where near Biden attacking trump for “good people on both sides” when that lie has been debunked for the better part of a decade now. Imo, anyone with an ounce of critical thinking should be aware that trump saying “we had the greatest economy, maybe ever” doesn’t literally mean there has never been a better economy in world history, he’s a salesman and a politician, his job is to exaggerate and bluster, that’s not as bad to me as 7 the opposition as threats to the country, saying trump said their would be “bloodshed” if he lost, (he totally did not) in Biden’s NC speech immediately after the debate.


I don't think we'll ever convince each other. Let's be honest. Both need to go. I wouldn't mind a republican president if it guarantees that MAGA is gone.


Trump didn't do great. Better than his performances in 2020, but he still got too defensive, was obviously dodging questions, and missed some obvious points. But Biden was a complete disaster. He confirmed the widespread suspicions that he's suffering from dementia and is unfit to be president. Overall a big win for Trump.


Biden lost the debate all on his own. Trump didn't even need to show up for it. Yeah, they both lied and obfuscated, but Biden showed many people who only watch liberal new outlets that he really is declining mentally. Even the left is panicking all over the place right now.




You’re right. He did not look or sound good. I don’t know what to do. Trump lied the entire debate. He was more vigorous. Biden got a little better as the debate moved on, but it was still not good. Is it too late to get someone else? That’s going to be difficult. We’ll see what happens over the next few days.


Is this even a question? Besides for the fact that Trump dodged so many questions he could’ve easily answered, and at times *did* answer, Biden was a complete mess. I genuinely tried to understand the things he was saying and while a cohesive statement popped out here and there, it was literal gibberish at times. At the last debate Biden did fine imo. Nothing to write home about but he at least seemed competent.


I agree, my heart sunk. Trump did lie the entire debate, from Abortion to Jan.6. The Biden of 4 years ago would have nailed him. He looked like a shadow of himself. Was it the cold? Um, may have contributed a bit. It wasn’t good. 81 I think is too old.




Yeah, he did say fine people on both sides though I heard that wasn’t taken into context. He said disinfectant not bleach. Trump told over 30 obvious lies. Everything he said was false. He’s a liar dude.


Trump definitely came out on top but by the end of the debate do you think regular conservatives and independents were left with the impression that Trump is in control of all his faculties? 


No worse than a year ago. Trump didn't lose any supporters last night, Biden definitly did. So while maybe Trump's performance didn't gain him any support from Independents, Biden lost support.


I mostly agree though I would be interested to see if the polls or votes actually move.  For never Trumpers it was never about Biden's performance but it went worse than they probably imagined.  Regarding Trump, I went back up watch the "fine people" press interview. Very Trump with the typical word salad and not very committed to an actual position. But he looked dreadful by comparison last night, didn't answer questions well and we really all over the place. I'd encourage you to give it a watch.




Centralization of power creates polarization. This is what you get.


I think so, and I’m strongly against Christians and any candidate they’re enthusiastic about. But Trump’s debate performance was a deftly executed one. He used all his time to most efficiently target the voters he can swing, he defended his biggest weaknesses in a passably-convincing manner, and he came off as ready to work and ready to serve another four years. And this is coming from someone who thinks he belongs in ADF Supermax. Biden didn’t just lose, Trump did great.


Judging by comments over on AskALiberal "Biden just lost the Presidency" etc. Trump won. Trump was slightly better than average in demeanor but same old rambling. Biden looked frail, tired, old, not sharp (the eye fluttering and stumbling speach trying to remember lines in his end monologue was a bad ending) and got into the gutter where Trump usually stays - it didn't help. The whole thing was pretty sad.


I will say i was unsurprised all the way around during the debate. My biggest surprise was watching cnn activley criticize Bidens performance, and his cognative ability, and several of the panelists openly discussing him stepping down. I assumed they would be kissing his but. So im more shocked, at how they responded to his performance, than his actual performance


Yeah that part was shocking. I had to double check that I was still on the CNN stream as they always circle jerk the democrat and claim the republican lost. 


It’s not just CNN, either. MSNBC, the NYT, even the Young Turks, have all been running coverage of how he should step aside.


Trump came out on top. No contest. The panic from all the left right now is proof of that. But here's the thing: Trump did not do well either. He was repetitive, kind of dull, and very obviously avoided questions. But at least I could understand what he was saying. The only thing that Trump really had to do was speak clearly and look like he knew where he was. I'm sure there will be spin and the whole "lie counter" thing will be visited time and time again, but that is damage control. Biden did awful. And that's not me saying that either. That's all of leftwing media right now.


The debate went exactly as I expected, two geriatrics rambling incoherently. But it is really entertaining watching the meltdown happening in all the liberal subs.


Democrats: "Can we all acknowledge that they both suck? Pretty please." Republicans: "HHAHAHAHAAHHA"


I’m walking with a million dollar strut into the office for WEEKS


They do both suck though. Trump is clearly more mentally fit, there is no doubt about that. Biden probably has early stages of dementia and should be in a care home, not run for president. Trump however, was convicted of sexual assault in a civil trial, is now also a convicted felon and may potentially even get incarcerated. He has absolutely no morals, openly bragged about groping women and walking into women's dressing rooms, been accused of rape and sexual assault by numerous women, sexualized minors, throws around with insults and personal attacks all the time. He's openly stated that he wouldn't be a dictator, "expect for on day one", bragged that he could shoot someone and people would still vote for him. He's a narcissist and a liar. He's just an awful person. The US would be better off both without Trump and without Biden. People like Mitt Romney and John McCain made the Republican party look reasonable. Trump is an absolute lunatic on the other hand.


Honestly I think CNN came out on top, they got a huge ratings boost. I don't think either candidate particularly did well, although I think President Trump didn't do as bad as President Biden


….. who came out on top? Seriously?


Whatever drugs they gave Biden didn't work. It's hard not to feel bad for him, and it's elder abuse to keep putting him through this. Despite all this, the effort to gaslight us all into thinking he's not at all senile will likely continue.


I don't know how it's even possible but both candidates lost this debate.  And all of America lost.


I disagree. That was Trump’s best debate ever. He won resoundingly.


He won because Biden lost, not because Trump's arguments had any real merit that was verifiable against known reality.


Trump never had a chance with people who care about verifying arguments against reality. But he had a 50/50 chance with swing voters, and after last night it’s probably a 60/40 chance or better.


In case you haven't noticed, elections are won mostly based on charisma, not on facts or expertise. Otherwise none of these scumbags would even make it to office.


Yep. America lost.


I think it's clear now that Dems wanted an early debate before their convention as a test of Biden. And he clearly failed. Even all the Democratic pundits on TV recognize it. I don't see him being the nominee. They're going to come up with a different ticket at the convention.


This was part of the plan all along and MAGA has forced us to walk right into it.


Trump wasn't spectacular but won. He avoided answering some questions, but considering that Biden didn't lauch counter attack on him, that was a good strategy.




Trump. It wasn't even a competition. Biden did so horribly that the Dems are in full meltdown mode and trying to defend it. I heard some are trying to claim he has a cold or something and that it made him do a bad job. Biden clearly had no idea where he was. With how wide-eyed he was half the time I imagine they had him on so many pills the guy was probably able to make out peoples' pores in great detail. Meanwhile, Trump showed unusual restraint. Usually he tries to talk over others but this time he seemed happy to sit back and let Biden talk, which I think is the best thing he could have done. "Don't interrupt your enemy when he is in the midst of making a mistake."




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Trump 2024 🇺🇸 I'll never vote for someone who let in 11 million illegal immigrants and helped destroy the economy.