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Reading vs. having to speak spontaneously. 


Cured his cold too!


I wondered about that. His voice was much better today.


But his soft cough/throat clearing was more often, I suspect a different cold remedy.


Maybe that's part of his remedy, cough the debris it out instead of try to hide it (and failing).


He technically was cured minutes after leaving the debate stage, his campaign took him to the waffle house where he could be in close contact with lot of people


I wonder if they gave him a COVID test… Don’t forget about the debate they canceled (tried to unilaterally change into a Zoom session) in 2020 because of a conspiracy theory that Trump was still contagious. Edit to respond to a deleted comment: The debate was scheduled for October 15th. This is from October 12: (https://twitter.com/PressSec45/status/1315764217249771526): >In response to your inquiry regarding the President’s most recent COVID-19 tests, I can share with you that he has tested NEGATIVE, on consecutive days, using the Abbott BinaxNOW antigen card. >It is important to note that this test was not used in isolation for the determination of the President’s current negative status. Repeatedly negative antigen tests, taken in context with additional clinical and laboratory data, including viral load, subgenomic RNA, and PCR cycle threshold measurements, as well as ongoing assessment of viral culture data, all indicate a lack of detectable viral replication. This comprehensive data, in concert with the CDC’s guidelines for removal of transmission-based precautions, have informed our medical team’s assessment that the President is not infectious to others. Trump tested positive on October 1st and had symptoms by the 2nd. [According to the CDC (PDF)](https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/93433/cdc_93433_DS1.pdf) at the time: >Available data indicate that persons with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset.[…] Recovered persons can continue to shed detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA in upper respiratory specimens for up to 3 months after illness onset, albeit at concentrations considerably lower than during illness, in ranges where replication-competent virus has not been reliably recovered and infectiousness is unlikely. >[…] >[In those who are not severely immunocompromised] a test-based strategy is no longer recommended except to discontinue isolation or precautions earlier than would occur under the strategy outlined in Part 1, above. Also note that it says 10 days, not 14 days as Wikipedia erroneously does by quoting the number for quarantine (when you’ve been *exposed* to the virus) instead of isolation (when you’ve *had* the virus) even though its source explicitly distinguishes them. (The *latest* CDC advice, by the way, is to leave isolation when you’ve been fever-free for just one day even if you still have mild symptoms.)




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No, he still had a cough, probably switched up remedies.


Agree, I just read a Nuerologist evaluation. The problem was: “word-finding difficulty in action.” And being able to read speeches solves that problem. >Neurologist Dr. Tom Pitts explained to “Morning in America” >Biden's gaffe “Child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, uh, with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with … look, if we finally beat Medicare.” \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Dr. Tom Pitts explains word-finding difficulty: >Pitts went on to describe how as people age, the brain’s left frontal temporal area degenerates. When people see something, their brain puts out the first five or 10 things. For example, in a furry animal, someone might say “cat, cheetah, tiger, leopard” until they pick the correct one. >“In this setting, when you can’t get there, you pick a close thing. So, if you saw a cheetah, you might call it a lion,” he said. “That’s why he came up with ‘we beat Medicare.’ That’s not what he was thinking or wanted to say, but that’s what happens with progressive kind of aphasias and degeneration of word-finding difficulties.”


He also has a stutter, which can lead to difficulty in word-finding.


That is not what happened...




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He was doing it before Trump started talking, Biden answered the first question first and it wasn't drastically different than his performance later on.




And being unable to form sentences before Trump started talking.


That's extremely similar to how stuttering manifests. You end up saying a word that's close but not the word you want because it's impossible to say the word you want.


Also, if you’re familiar with people who have dementia, their ability can differ widely day-by-day


From morning to evenings as it progresses.


This is what I notice with my mother. She does way better earlier in the day. I’d say up until early afternoon then it starts to get a lot worst and especially bad in the evenings.


Yes, that also


exactly, it can be shocking, even without the last-gasp effect where someone about to die becomes very lucid for a day or so before their death, I've seen people you would swear were on death's door (and were not sick beyond just general poor health it's not like they got over a bad flu) spring back surprisingly, even to be partially ambulatory and go on vacations! A big culprit is 02, lung sacs degrade over time and your oxygen saturation is a huge deal to cognitive sharpness. Older people drop their oxygen levels with exertion far more easily. But metabolism too, a ton of other factors.


Exactly! In the later stages of my grandmother’s dementia, she would forget people names and her relation to them one day, and then remember who they were the next day. The brain is a curious thing.


To the people downvoting me for stating common knowledge about dementia, here’s a [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24565377/) for you, lol. His cognitive decline is obvious. To deny that is to deny reality right in front of you.




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A raucous crowd, during the day, reading from a teleprompter is a very different situation. Also, there is some belief that he and his team overprepped for last night, and he was trying to remember to many specific talking points while also thinking on his feet.


Too much cognitive load? That’s extremely troubling.




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Yep. CNN's Erin Burnett also slipped and admitted Biden had received all questions again in advance...just like Hillary did. Given their heated 2020 debate, and all the rules in Biden's favor this debate, I think the Biden camp felt overly safe, that Trump would be aggressive, overtalk, and Biden would have JUST enough time to stick to the script. I don't think they counted on Trump stepping back, staying calm and quiet, and letting Biden tank himself. I think they felt the rules, and a boisterous Trump would save him, and save him from a debate they never thought Trump would agree to.


/u/amltecrec said: > Yep. CNN's Erin Burnett also slipped and admitted Biden had received all questions again in advance...just like Hillary did. Forgive me for being skeptical because this is a **really** significant claim, but could you provide legitimate proof? IANAL but I wouldn’t be shocked if it was criminal fraud if proven true (and it is likely easily provable). I’m skeptical of this because it would be the stupidest reason to get years in jail, ignoring the fact it’d easily tank the credibility of a major news corporation. I believe newsmax is **saying** this but I don’t believe it’s legitimate. Google tells me nothing (including on conservative media), which further implies this is false, but I’m open to your proof. And if it isn’t true but some publication like newsmax said it was, you absolutely need to change your sources. Edit: I just saw the clip thanks to my 82 year old aunt. Burnett said Biden knew “every one of these questions is coming.” It’s so obvious what she meant; Biden knew questions were coming related to inflation, abortion, border, on which he still fucked everything up. You’re perpetuating a lie only relevant to people not smart enough to understand basic nuance of journalism, not a concerted criminal conspiracy by Biden. There’s enough to attack, you don’t need to lie. This is a good example of a lie where it’s hard to tell the difference between ignorance and malice, and I have no clue which describes you.


Tbh you really didn’t need the questions in advance to know what they were gonna ask. They asked the most basic questions that anyone with half a brain would’ve known they asked. Economy, immigration, abortion, Ukraine, etc.


I agree about Trump. He was surprisingly calm, wasn't he? Edit: Maybe he paid attention to his handlers for once, lol.


I have to give it to trump, from what I saw of the debate he did seem to have a calmer demeanor, if that wasn’t Xanax then I will give him the fact that listened to the right people and followed advice on how to behave. on substance I agree with him on nothing, but he objectively seemed more presidential than Biden and we have a lot to think about in the next few months(I.e changing candidates)


I think he is rambunctious when he is trolling, but calm when he is angry. I think he legitimately believes Biden is going after him with all his court stuff, and so he feels Biden crossed a line. Before I think he just kind of thought it was all rhetoric and nothing would ever happen, but now it's getting real for him, and I think that changes his demeanor. I thought maybe he was just actually calmer, but at the very end they had their little spat about golf, something that didn't actually matter, and I saw Trump get a little "Trumpy", which made me think he's just seething upstairs the rest of the time.


Is that your bar for him? He lied through his teeth the entire debate, but because he didn’t throw one of his temper tantrums he somehow did well?


No, thats not my bar, but objectively it’s the bar for the people I work and interact with on a daily basis. I work with some devout Christian’s who really do not like trump, they left the ballot blank for president in 2020 and they really don’t want vote for him this time around, but that showing from Biden can definitely tip the scales for them, I’m a pragmatist at heart, call me a pessimist but I really don’t think Biden can win this time around d.


Any devout Christian who would endorse Donald Trump by voting for him is not truly devout.


Well and that’s kind of what I mean, I work with people who aren’t insane evangelicals, just regular Christian’s who have a genuine faith (and I respect that even as an agnostic/ verging on atheist) and they’re good people who see trump for what he is, a con man, so they decide to leave the presidential ballot box blank and vote republican down ballot. I can respect that. but they are also average citizens who don’t follow politics as a hobby and when they see a debate like that, its not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that trump is the better person to be president. Again I absolutely do not believe trump should be president, but I can see how the average American would come to that conclusion after that debate. I see no way for us progressives to win in November the way it stands.




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Same thing for voting for the very pro abortion Biden


Where in the Bible does God condemn abortion? Where does it say that all human life starts at conception? Why does the Bible specifically lay out a monetary fine for striking a pregnant woman and causing her to miscarry, but death for killing a pregnant woman? I can give you quite a list of explicit sins Trump has gladly and unapologetically committed. If you’re comparing the godliness of Trump and Biden, and you think they’re anywhere close to each other, you need to do some serious research.


I didn’t mention Trump, you did in an attempt to deflect. You can twist the abortion debate all you want but the fact is the result is a dead baby. The Catholic Church has been against abortion forever even it the bible doesn’t condemn. I am pro choice but I can also see Bidens hypocrisy when it comes to abortion.


Didn’t Biden lie too? Like Kamala said, “it was literally a debate “


It’s a controlled situation during the speech. He has a teleprompter and everything runs according to his team’s control. It’s also in the afternoon. Elderly people really struggle as it gets later at night. Many seem very together during the day, because they are, but once it gets to 7 pm, 8 pm their time, they lose their grasp on their current reality. It’s very jarring to watch happen and it makes me feel terrible for them in those moments. That’s when dealing with someone with literally no responsibilities in the world. Imagine having literally the most responsibilities in the entire world and living that way?


Is that worse than being an intentionally bad person? I'm sincerely trying to figure out what the cause of choosing Trump over Biden could possibly be if it's just an ethical/moral issue. I can understand being selfishly motivated purely by policy; obviously we all kind of are. I certainly am. It's just this juxtaposition of "well he's old so we can't trust him (and stands for the status quo)" with "he's a bold-faced narcissistic liar (who stands for sycophancy) so we could never trust him" that I can't grasp.


For me, I don't really care if the President is nice. I'm not asking to be his friend. As long as they deliver on what they promise and focus on what I think is important, then they have my vote. There is a lot of focus on Trump being a liar. But, they all lie. So, asking why I'd vote for a liar - well, that's the only option we have. A liar from the left or a liar from the right. I truly do not think Biden is mentally capable to run the country. He is clearly in a cognitive decline, and I don't care how physically fir he is. FDR was in a wheel chair. His mental capabilities at 1am in the situation room is important to me. His ability to negotiate our current world affairs is important to me. His ability to say NO to crazy ideas from his party is important to me. Kamala got 3% of the Dem vote in 2020. Jill Biden was not elected and neither were his advisors. He's the guy in the seat and he needs to be able to handle the hardest job in the country. Which, I don't think he can.


Egads “They all lie”? Trump breaks the bell curve of dishonest communication.


Ah yes, the former Upenn professor who taught constitutional law who also drove big rigs was arrested with Mandela, was appointed to the Naval Academy, who got into politics because of civil rights, who marched for civil rights, whose uncle was shot down and eaten by cannibals, who grew up in the black church I'm Scranton, who said the laptop was Russian misinfo, who said he had no idea of his sons business and his aon didnt get money from China ir Ukraine, who tries to get the American people to think inflation was 9% when he took office, who says no American servicemen died under his watch, who says there is less immigration now than 4 years ago, who says insulin is $15/mo, who said there's a $200/mo cap on, says unemployment was at 15% when he took office and the biggest non lie was that you can't get Covid or transmit if you got the covid vaccine. But, sure. Bidens the paragon of honesty.


A pig with lipstick at the trough is the bell curve I’m afraid. If you think Trump is more appealing than that… I admire your gastrointestinal fortitude.


Are you responding to me?


Confusion of conjugation corrected.


Well, thanks I guess?


Do you want to continue comparing paragons of dishonesty or just call it day?


I’m someone who won’t vote for Trump because he’s morally bankrupt. But, I’m not the problem form democrats. The problem is this people who would accept a known liar and cheat over someone’s who’s mentally compromised. People can employ tactics to defend against liars and cheats. You can’t have a mentally incompetent executive. Ed. If Biden were a forthright person he would refuse his party’s nomination.


>People can employ tactics to defend against liars and cheats. You can’t have a mentally incompetent executive. This presupposes that being a liar and a cheat isn't itself a form of mental incompetence. To say it's better to have a malovolent man who is at least sharp over a guy who has semi-dementia is like saying it's better to have Mohammed Atta fly a plane over Sleeping Beauty. It's a disaster in either case, and both are going to do some damage, but one is going to do a lot more than the other. Honest question: are their people you would prefer Biden to?


I think calling Trump “sharp” is a bit generous.


I don’t doubt Biden would do a better job than say… Reagan… but he’s dead. The fact of the matter is, Biden has obvious cognitive defects and appears to be following the same trajectory as Feinstein. That is to say, a near corpse who’s being propped up while other people make decisions in her name. Why on earth would you vote for Biden knowing that he may not be capable of assessing a situation and making important decisions. It leads to the obvious question - who’s really in charge here? Not a great way to run a country. Oh, but Trumps a terrible person. Correct. He’s a liar and a cheat. At the end of the day Congress is the one passing laws and SCOTUS recently struck a blow against unitary presidential theory. The contrast between the two seen at the debate… The DNC had better pray that Biden decides to not seek re-election.


>I don’t doubt Biden would do a better job than say… Reagan… but he’s dead. Right, but seriously. Is there anybody whose alive and qualified? What if the other guy was going to make child molestation mandatory? Would you vote for Biden then? > Why on earth would you vote for Biden knowing that he may not be capable of assessing a situation and making important decisions. Because you believe the other guy will dismantle democracy and put even more conservative Justices on the court.


Trump isn’t going to dismantle democracy, and I’m a okay with more Conservatives on the SC…


“Dismantle democracy” Well, you can’t argue about insane conspiracy theories. “SC Justices” THAT’S a reasonable concern.


> Well, you can’t argue about insane conspiracy theories. I can argue with someone who doesn't agree with that opinion. I'm not sure I can argue with someone who watched Trump fawn over dictators' anti-democratic tendencies, repeatedly refused to say he'd respect the result of his election, try to to overturn a fair election, Jan 6th, and convictions for election related crimes, Project 2025 and call it an "insane conspiracy" that he might kind be a threat to democracy. Like I say, disagree by all means, but to call it *crazy*?


“Crazy” Yes, very much so. You get a lot further with ACTUAL concerns, like the SC, than made up stuff.


It seems like your policy is that points you don't agree with are crazy, and therefore don't need to be refuted.


I don't see how one can claim that it isn't exponentially worse to be in this shape compared to a bad person. At the end of the day, a person who is bad, as you put it, is making a conscious choice to do so. Whereas Biden isn't making that choice, and it brings up a lot of issues with him performing the duties he was elected to do. * How can he interact with other countries leaders, diplomats, and press when he can't properly communicate? * How can we expect him to make informed decisions if he isn't always in a position to make decisions? * How can one be sure the people aren't manipulating him to take the actions he does? * How can we expect him to make timely responses if everything has to be written out for him? The bad person, while lacking morale at the end of the day, is able to do most of those things. Shockingly enough, however, is the fact that most people who are bad display narcissistic tendencies. Which means they will act in their own interests over the greater good.


My read on the debate (liberal take): Biden is **way** too old to be POTUS, Trump has no capacity to understand objective truth (and probably never did). Neither belongs. Any other candidate on either side would mop the floor with either of these elderly men in a debate. I’m hopeful for the future, but right now it’s a race to the bottom for the top position on the planet.




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“Could possibly be” Well, it’s call policy and that’s not selfish. It’s literally why we elect people to public office.


> Is that worse than being an intentionally bad person? First, you saying Trump is an intentionally bad person is your subjective opinion, not objective fact. Speaking of objective facts, Biden has lost his mental faculties, and that means people no one elected to be president is making decisions on behalf of the president, and we don’t know who it is or how they navigate this situation, and we the people have the right to know. So yes, Biden’s situation is 1 million times worse than someone you have the opinion is an intentionally bad person. >I'm sincerely trying to figure out what the cause of choosing Trump over Biden could possibly be if it's just an ethical/moral issue. It’s a reality issue. See my rationale above. You likely voted for Biden. You didn’t vote for whoever is making the actual decisions. You don’t even know who is. How you can find that acceptable is beyond comprehension. >I can understand being selfishly motivated purely by policy; obviously we all kind of are. I certainly am. It's just this juxtaposition of "well he's old so we can't trust him (and stands for the status quo)" with "he's a bold-faced narcissistic liar (who stands for sycophancy) so we could never trust him" that I can't grasp. This statement makes about as much sense as Biden did last night. Yes, Trump is better on policy. We saw the effects of Trump’s policies, and we are currently living the effects of Biden reversing those policies. The results are disastrous. Trump talks shit and is too full of himself and spouts off half cocked all the time. I wish he didn’t. If there was someone else who could accomplish what Trump accomplished but without all the baggage, tell me who that person is so I can write them in on Election Day. In the meantime, there is no justification for anyone voting for Biden anymore. I have zero respect for anyone who does.


>and that means people no one elected to be president is making decisions on behalf of the president, and we don’t know who it is or how they navigate this situation, and we the people have the right to know. I feel that this was always the case, and the presence of Trump and Biden in the last eight years has simply cemented it.


> and that means people no one elected to be president is making decisions on behalf of the president, and we don’t know who it is or how they navigate this situation, and we the people have the right to know. >I feel that this was always the case, and the presence of Trump and Biden in the last eight years has simply cemented it. Obviously there are tons of advisors, but at the end of the day, the president has to be the one to make the final decision. In Biden’s case, we literally don’t know who is making the final call, because Biden is obviously not capable of that. So who is it? What’s the process? What if people disagree, who determines which path to choose? These are not small decisions that can be worked out in the months ahead. This is a now-issue. Anyone involved in the Biden camp needs to come forward and offer some transparency here, or all of them need to be far, far away from any authority in the federal government.




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You are ignoring the fact that Biden and his administration lie just as much if not more. They just do so in a less boisterous trumpy way ‘the most, the best’ etc. The American public sees this.


Really what does he stand for? Strong border, low taxes, peace through strength Foreign policy, punishment for people who break laws and harm society. If you really listen to him- He’s not some extremist. He just liked the world better in 1980. If I was alive I’m sure I would too.


I’d rather have a president that isn’t nice than one that supports the murder of babies in the womb and has not been able to stop millions of people to die is wars and domestic health crisis. 


This is ridiculous hyperbole. I’ll give you “murder of babies” because it’s a stupid statement (Reagan legalized abortion in CA) but your argument is that Biden killed millions in wars? What wars? And were the deaths American? If so, what millions have died? As I understand it, if we omit the southern traitors, we **haven’t yet lost a million soldiers through all wars** including revolutionary, 1812, civil (union), WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq, and every other conflict **combined** since 1776.


No one claimed he couldn't read what others wrote


He's a proficient teleprompter reader. If you think that qualifies him to be president, you should vote for him.


I'm not entirely sure what exact leadership trait we're talking about here, but it feels superficial, so I guess I'm more incentivized to vote for him than before.


Paraphrased from Nancy Pelosi: Some people would vote for a glass of water with a D next to it’s name.


And many more would vote for a dumpster fire if it had an R next to its name. I don’t think conservatives really have a right to throw those stones to be honest.


>I'm not entirely sure what exact leadership trait we're talking about here Biden has no leadership traits.


Sometimes a person with dementia *will behave in ways that are difficult to understand in the late afternoon or early evening*. This is known as 'Sundowning'.


>Now, what in the world could have happened? I am adamantly not a conspiracy theorist, but if I were, I would almost believe his handlers sabotaged him last night. What do you think? I think having all that preparation worked against him. I was actually quite impressed he remembered so much spiel for the debate. This preparation must have been extremely stressful, to me he looked in complete fear on that stage, like Trump was going to say something he didn't prep for and when that actually happened, Biden hung his head in shame.




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There is a difference between being told what to read off of a teleprompter and being able to think on your own. I have no doubts that Biden is fully capable of reading.


It's just the nature of dementia. Some days they're relatively sharp and other days they can't recognize family members they've known for 80 years. There are ups and downs but there's no cure for the disease and it gets worse over time.


They mis-timed his medications on debate night.


Sundowners Syndrome.


That had not occurred to me, but I'm not sure why. My only experience with someone who had Sundowners was that the later it got, the more agitated he became. Maybe it can also have the opposite effect?


Yeah, it's rough. Watched 2 grandparents go through it.


> Now, what in the world could have happened? I am adamantly not a conspiracy theorist, but if I were, I would almost believe his handlers sabotaged him last night. What do you think? Are you suggesting what you saw today is baseline, and his team gave the President cognitive-impairing drugs to force him into a senile stupor? That sounds like treason.


I'm sorry, I must have expressed myself badly. I thought I said clearly that I'm adamantly not a conspiracy theorist, so no, I'm not suggesting that. I suppose it's possible, but it does sound like treason, doesn't it? But I honestly can't figure out what did happen. This seems like more than he had a bad night, but I have no explanation for it. So, what do you think?




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I think it was cold medication. The man was sick. He still had the cough today and a bit of a scratchy voice.


I've been observing Biden regularly for years now. The debate performance is how he usually is. It's amazing how much most people are in a bubble that they are just now discovering this about Biden.


That last night is how he normally is, and that the NC rally is him pumped up on drugs?


>But I honestly can't figure out what did happen. Yall do realise that bad days can happen, right? Anyone who has ever been in a debate (or something similar) knows, that sometimes it just aint your day. Hell, theres a billion factors playing into it one very real could be the pressure of the moment having got to him. Hell, maybe he was on the shitter all night and tired. Point being its absurd that people immediately jump to "must be AI/drugs/whatever" instead of the much more plausible explanation of having had a bad night


It's possible. But this seemed like way more than a bad day, to me. It was a disaster. And I'm not a Trumper.


Well, he was clearly sick last night his voice was scratchy and horse. He had the usual stutter too but it did seem like he lost his train of thought a few times. Maybe cold meds?


If he was "clearly sick" then why did he immediately go to a crowded Waffle House afterward to glad-hand people? And how did the "clearly sick" just immediately disappear the next morning? And the "stutter" line? What horseshit. Go look at older videos if you're too young to know what Biden sounded like for 50 years in public.


Because that's what people running for president do. It was announced before the debate that he was sick but would not be canceling. I learned that after my message to you. No mention of cold meds, though. Did you not hear his voice? Hear him coughing? I am 45. He has always had a stutter and is known for gaffs and stuttering, especially under stress. It is why he was never elected for president. It was seen as a weakness. Though he was always known as being a statesman and genius in Congress, He gets things done and works with the other side.


He's back! I'm going to vote for him 81 million times.


Drugs Lots and lots of drugs. Guys this is a joke it should be obvious.


You think they gave Biden drugs to make him perform worse? That doesn't make sense to me, and too many uppers would not explain how "not up" he seemed. I did wonder if someone somehow slipped a tranquilizer into Trump (without his knowledge, of course). I've never seen him so calm. EDIT: spelling


You're probably right; he smiles like Don Jr.


They get their drugs only from the finest... FINEST I SAY back alleys in all of America.




>But when trump Ahhh, there's the whataboutism we all know and love... Anyways, remember [this](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/special-counsel-says-evidence-biden-willfully-retained-disclosed-class-rcna96666)? They literally said they aren't going to prosecute him because he's old and forgetful. That wasn't "people on this sub". That was the Department of Justice. I'm not even a Trump fan, but geez, just give it up. You can vote for Biden all you want, I don't care, but clearly the dude just isn't all there.


Holy shit man it shouldn't be that confusing I'm making a joke.


I wonder if we can say for sure that it wasn't AI? After all, we know that there are media outlets that would very much cover for him. Will say 'oh yeah we were there' when they are not, in fact, there.


Which was AI? Do you mean the debate or the speech today?


Speech today. After all, they tried to argue that anything that made Biden look impaired was AI, well, if that can be true why couldn't the reverse?


The outlets that rag on him also go to his rallies. Same as every outlet attends Trump’s events. It would be nearly impossible to fake an event of that magnitude without someone figuring it out and blowing the whistle. You can be as sure it was real as you can be about most anything else.


Hm, that's fair.