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I think he should be in a nursing home.


Absolutely not! What crimes has he committed?


Too many for me to specify but I got my source from r/conservative




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Uh no. The correct answer is our withdrawal from Afghanistan and the lives lost, Barisma Ukraine business dealings, quid pro quo Joe. ^ correct answer


Which President negotiated the withdrawal agreement with a deadline of May 1, 2021?


What law was broken with the Afghanistan withdrawal, what evidence do you have of any wrongdoing when it comes to barisma and what quid pro quo are you talking about?




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Any form of racial slurs, racist narratives, advocating for a race-based social hierarchy, forwarding the cause of white nationalism, or promoting any form of ethnic cleansing is prohibited.


Fully agree. The Biden admin’s continued kowtowing to Tehran has empowered Hamas and Hezbollah (both Iranian proxies) to attempt to genocide Jews and he should face questioning over this decision.


Sorry, what kowtowing?


He needs to be in assisted living. His cabinet should be in jail. For elder abuse.




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Among other things


My wife said that too. I said, don’t you get it? If there was any one else to replace him then he would let them. He knows that he is old. He just doesn’t want America to fall into the chaos with a madman like trump. So he will fight to his last breath. I think he dies sometime soon after the election.


> If there was any one else to replace him then he would let them. You're half right. If there was anyone else to replace him who was in their coven. Biden is the last avatar of a small circle of democratic insiders who've been running things since the 1990's. That group of people won't even accept the involvement of Kamala in day to day business. If they don't keep her sidelined, she'll run them out. For that group of people, the worst possible thing is not a Trump administration. It's a SANDERS administration. Under Trump, they're all laid off. Under Sanders, or Kamala, or basically any other democrat they haven't cultivated, they're fired.


I think this is generally the case for most current politicians - they're all on the neoliberal, "let's call bribery 'campaign contributions'" agenda.


They were (and basically still are) known as the "New Democrats." The party had a pretty solid rightward shift after the incredible popularity that was Ronald Reagan so successfully re-defined the Republican Party. Bill Clinton moved the Democratic Party to be more competitive in the "fiscal responsibility" category. Which, to be fair, he did extremely well, as he left office with a budget surplus that hasn't been seen since. But those "New Democrats" haven't cultivated any new leadership since the Clinton administration, and they've actively opposed a lot of potential rising stars if they didn't toe that line. I largely agree with you - I don't think that the New Democrats are a *bad* group of people. They're pretty moderate on most things, after all, and they are closer to actual *conservative* on more key issues than Republicans, especially now that MAGA has taken over. But they've done an absolutely trash job of setting anybody up for future success.


Most politicians probably should be.


No. I would rather see both Biden & Trump replaced with better candidates. I hate that out of over 300 million Americans those two are our only choice. Who would I pick? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” We need people who'll push for 21st century solutions as Republican leadership, and not a bunch of geriatrics who either can't cope because they don't want to live in the present, or people who use the "free market" as a guise to allow the country to be stripped to bone by Oligarchs in the name of "free market". I recommend everyone to watch the following video. https://old.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/18gc59g/guy_explains_baby_boomers_their_parents_and_trauma/ Basically what happened is that a generation who inherited a bunch of Trauma from the the Great Depression & WW2 are the ones who choose candidates in the primaries, these candidates are a reflection of their trauma. You can see inherited Trauma with the hoarders, they became hoarders because of their parents who did what they had to do to survive the great depression. I want to vote out the Trauma and rebuild what their parents built in a post-great depression to prevent the trauma from happening. Such as empthasis on infrastructure, education, and safety nets that are rebuilt for the 21st century.


No. I agree with Hur: "Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt," Hur writes. "It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him -- by then a former president well into his eighties -- of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness." I think he should just retire, go spend more time with (most) of his grandkids.


If he committed a felony, we would know.


> spend more time with (most) of his grandkids ***Supervised*** time.


That's such a pathetic political attack. Do you really think he sniffs kids, or does he kiss a lot of heads like many grandparents?


Would you feel comfortable with him hugging your daughter? That is the only thing that matters


Yes, I would. Why do conservatives love to spread conspiracies instead of sticking to reality and what is known?


Right? What about the time he walked in on a teen miss USA beauty pageant? Gross.


Would you feel comfortable with Donald trump hugging your daughter? He’s admitted to sexually assaulting women, theres a recording of it.


Easier than i'd let a priest do the same.




He sniffs hair. I do to but only my girlfriends. Either way not sure that equals sexual assault. Although I’m sure the me to crowd might disagree.


I think Biden and Trump should be, yeah.


And Obama


Probably a lot of presidents.


Perhaps it should just be a constitutional requirement for the job - you should be willing to do 4 years at the end of each term as a price of having entered the history books


Being the leader of an entire country definitely compromises your morals.


Why not? Isn’t like anything bad is going to happen to you with SS guarding you all day and night.


I went to Stanford with Chelsea Clinton and it was always funny to watch big grown men pretending to be students to blend in :) now it will be even funnier to see SS people getting face tattoos impersonating Nicaraguan gangsters or what have you… will even make a fun TV show


What was Chelsea Clinton like ?


I wasn’t friends with her just saw her in same room. Just a girl I guess


Secret Service has such an unfortunate abbreviation…


🤷🏼‍♀️ They’re much older than the third Reich.


So are swastikas. Doesn’t change the association.


If they find him guilty of doing quid pro quo stuff for money - yes.


But only if he made a promise before the act. If he gets a payment after the fact then it’s only a gratuity which is legal. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/snyder-v-united-states/ He’s got to get the timing right.


That’s nice. And with trumps new laws tipping isn’t even subject to income tax


Like what?


Like accepting bribes from the Ukrainian oil company that his son was on the board of


Shouldn’t they find evidence of that first?


Yes. If THEY find evidence THEY should put him in jail if that’s still considered humane by that time


If jail is an appropriate punishment for the crime, I totally agree.


Two is bigger than one no matter what you say and I’m willing to die on that hill, my worthy opponent!!!


Don’t you think they would have found it by now?


Who’s they? Biden justice department is final arbiter of what’s enough to prosecute…


THEY did find evidence, not enough to convict him. Plus Garland is the head, he’s not launching investigations onto his own boss during an election campaign?


Oh no this is where you’re wrong, Garland is not political and would not make prosecution decisions based on that. /s


I read it serious the whole way and was like somebody needs to tell him lol [Here’s the oversight committee Biden crime-line if interested](https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/)


That's the very, very biased republican version of events, selective language, misinformation, and cherry picked facts. My favorite part about the whole page is how often they mention a Biden family member or a Biden associate and how few times they mention Joe Biden himself. They also show a check they from Joe's brother to Joe, but completely ignore the check they found that matches exactly that amount, issued months before from Joe to his brother, completely proving the Biden story that Joe loaned his brother some money, and the check on display is his brother paying him back. Anyway, there are plenty of sites that debunk this very pretty web page. Dems even have a rebuttal hosted on government domains, but they didn't spend taxpayer money to hire a professional web designer for it. And while Jim Jordan spends years chasing down this already debunked story, based on information from confessed Russian agents, trying to find hundreds of thousands of dollars to prove Joe Biden's corruption, he tables every motion to look into the Billions that Trump's son, who had an actual government position and made policy, received from benefactors in the middle east.


Yeah but it’s .gov


Did you read his first comment?


Yeah, but it’s just a little weird. I mean, if they find *anyone* guilty of *anything* where the appropriate punishment is jail, then, yeah, that person should go to jail. Not sure why the person specifically called out being guilty of “quid pro quo stuff for money.”


That would warrant prison time ?


Just kidding, of course not. Why would public official accepting bribes be a crime?


Will it would have to be proven wouldn’t it ? And what was the bribe for? I believe Bob Menendez is pretty much going to jail.


Proven? Where do you think you are, USA? Oh ok, fine - proven




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Yeah I was scrolling looking for this - Ukraine, China, many “gifts” from oligarchs, Hunter paid a year of his mortgage or something like that RIGHT after some meeting took place with pops. It’s all shady- all bad -


Jared Kushner was put in a policy position overseeing the entire middle east. Shortly after leaving office, Jared received 2 billion dollars from Saudi oligarchs, an amount that dwarfs even the most radical estimates of alleged Biden corruption 10 fold. Every time Democrats move to subpoena Jared, the Oversight committee corruptly tables those motions. And democrats have receipts.


Yeah Jared Kushner’s a shady shit. I hope Trump wisens up with his cabinet choices this time




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If he would have then we would know.






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Nursing home.




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I’m a conservative Republican. It does not help our country for Biden to be in jail. That would weaken us internationally. Also, I need reasonable doubt that he has committed a serious crime for him to be in jail. Further, I need a real trial and a jury of his peers to convict him. Just because we are conservative,it doesn’t mean we are pushing for our political rival to be imprisoned.




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Robert Hur already said he should be prosecuted but declined to do so because of Biden’s infirmities.


Why have Hur and so many other conservatives become *Soft On Crime?*


Hur declined to prosecute because he didn’t think the case could be won. It’s a strange juxtaposition with the Cannon, Smith, and Trump situation. Smith knows he can win. Strange there’s such a hold up in the case moving forward.


Yes, he didn’t think the case could be won because the jury would see him as a confused old man.


Now do Pence.


Pence is a moralizing asshole, but he’s mentally acute.


Right. That’s kinda my point.


Okay, but it’s a wierd point to make unless you’re deflecting. We’re talking about Biden. Why bring up Pence at all?


It really isn’t. Biden didn’t catch charges. Pence didn’t catch charges. It wasn’t actually about age. In fact, I think the language was “would likely present himself to a jury.” The narrative “infirmities” presented above ain’t it.


> “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” it said. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — *by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness*.” Ed. Emphasis mine. This impaired memory is, I believe, the mental infirmary being discussed. SC Robert Hur > No evidence has ever emerged to suggest that Pence intentionally hid documents from the government or even knew they were in his home, so there was never an expectation that he would face charges. [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/mike-pence-classified-documents-doj-criminal-investigation-campaign-trump-af4ff0d829e32bf33a60e7a2197c761b#:~:text=No%20evidence%20has%20ever%20emerged,that%20he%20would%20face%20charges).


Sure. I’m familiar with the report. It’s just that the piece you emphasized is an opinion being treated as fact. As a diagnosis. The full story is “we don’t think we can win because jurors will identify with him.” Nearly everything after that is editorializing. Regarding Pence, if he wasn’t aware, who is being investigated for the presence of those files? Further, no evidence was present that Biden intentionally hid documents. Again, and as a reminder, none of which can be said about Trump.


I would have voted for Pence and I’m not even a devoted Christian.


Cool. He’s probably a better choice than Trump or Biden, but I standby my statement.




Like Ronald Reagan and Iran Contra ? Or how about when he traded Stinger Missiles to the Iranians for hostages? I find it ironic Conservatives ignore the long history of their own party. Then there’s Nixon. So far you folks have a trifecta of corrupt Presidents once the Feds get done with Trump. Although no convictions on the former two crooks.


So that makes what’s currently happening ok?


Nothing is happening regarding Biden that even comes close.


Of course you feel that way. I’m sure you would also still argue that Biden is in tip top mental health.


Not even timber sycamore, ( arms to suriam rebels that not only went to terrorism and violence against Christians, civilians, but who ended up losing to assad anyways?)?


What crime did he commit? The forgotten documents thing? The same "crime" literally almost every president or VP has done? The same "crime" that almost every president or VP has lent full cooperation upon discovery of the matter? I mean, I see what you are saying. Since Trump: 1. cooperated fully with investigators upon discovery that he still had files, 2. never lied on sworn statements regarding not having anymore documents, 3. Never attempted to move the locations of confidential documents upon news of pending forced retrievals and 4. Never compromised the security of illegal withheld documents. Why is Biden getting preferential treatment?


This needs to be pinned cause the truth. He was found incompetent- which is why they only release the transcripts not the tapes. He’s a mess- Well now it doesn’t matter since we all the saw the debate - They should release it


None of that is true.


>Hur declined to prosecute because he didn’t think the case could be won. Because he's senile. Finish the thought.


The thought ended at the period I typed. 🥰


>The thought ended at the period I typed. 🥰 It's not. Hur didn't just go "there's not enough evidence" He said biden is out of his gourd and couldn't be held responsible for his actions. That's an important part of this whole thing 🥰


He’s no more qualified to make that assessment than you are. That’s also not what he said. Continue reading the thread. There’s apparently a lot for you to learn. Glad I could help 😉


>He’s no more qualified to make that assessment than you are. Then charge him. If that's true then you should believe biden should be charged because he can't make that assessment. You're holding an incoherent view. You can't good both views and you only do because you're not "independent" you're left


>Then charge him. If that's true then you should believe biden should be charged because he can't make that assessment. You're holding an incoherent view. lol. What? If he thought he could win the case he would have charged him. He said — outright — he couldn’t win the case. >You can't good both views and you only do because you're not "independent" you're left You’re too cute thinking your little world view requires the compliance of everyone else.


>lol. What? If he thought he could win the case he would have charged him. He said — outright — he couldn’t win the case. HE COULDNT WIN BECAUSE HES SENILE. If, by your own logic, hur cannot make that assessment that Biden is senile, then enough evidence exists to convict. You have an incoherent worldview and you're being smug as if you're smarter than everyone lmao. The fool doesn't know he's a fool. >You’re too cute thinking your little world view requires the compliance of everyone else. I don't think you have any idea what you're even saying anymore. That's an illogical response to what I said.


>HE COULDNT WIN BECAUSE HES SENILE. I mean, now we’re repeating ourselves. He’s not qualified to make an assessment of *anyone’s* mental state. The entire story is he thought he’d lose the case. Full stop. All of the other editorializing is irrelevant. >If, by your own logic, hur cannot make that assessment that Biden is senile, then enough evidence exists to convict. lol. No part of that nonsense has anything to do with *my* logic. >You have an incoherent worldview and you're being smug as if you're smarter than everyone lmao. The fool doesn't know he's a fool. It’s too cute to watch you wrap up your ignorance in arrogance like a little pig in a blanket. >I don't think you have any idea what you're even saying anymore. That's an illogical response to what I said. I’m not surprised you feel that way. But again, your ignorance isn’t my issue to solve. E: it’s fun trading downvotes with you tho.


So an infirmity clause exists in criminal law ? Should an elderly sexual offender receive that same protection ?


Sorry. I should clarify. I don’t agree with Hur’s decision to not prosecute. I was speaking to the point that Biden *should* have been prosecuted but wasn’t because the investigator made a decision having nothing to do with Biden’s corrupt actions.




Oh brother


At the very least, I'd say a nursing home. But at the very most...? I'm not sure if he'll survive prison. Maybe a mental facility of some sort would be fine.


For what exactly? Being old ?


He falls up stairs, sometimes, if not everytime, has slurred speech, often forgets what he's saying, and I don't know if he still does this but gets the years wrong and say stories of his past life regarding events or him doing things that never happened or that he never did or him being or he never was at that time or say the wrong year for the things he did. Many of us have reason to believe he's not mentally fit to be president, especially if he can't attend court for the same reason.


He actually did quite well yesterday at his rally. Completely different Biden. Sure none of you watched it though.


Look man, I'm super anti Trump and I'd vote for whoever was on the opposite ticket from the deranged criminal autocrat if I was American.  But Biden is too fucking old. Period. He literally had the worst debate in american presidential history.  He could not find a way to attack Donald Trump, of all politicians, then you have no business being the commander in chief.  He stumbled through the whole fucking debate. It's pathetic.  Someone needs to have a fucking conversation with him and tell him that the country is bigger than him. If Biden's selfish desire to run again leads to Trump, he will go down in history as someone similar to Franz von Papen.  He needs to step aside. 


I’m just stating he looked and acted completely different at his rally. Yes he definitely needs to step down.


If he committed a crime worthy of jail sure.  Looks like he may have but I don't know  I do know I don't want him to be president, nor do I want his unknown handlers running the country


Mysterious unknown handlers? Like the Illuminati ? I don’t think Biden’s cabinet wears black cloaks and hoods. You can google them.


His Cabinet isn't with him writing his speeches, telling him what to do and say


Im not saying Biden needs to be in jail, I dont know enough about his case to make a decision. I am saying that what trump does isnt a different category of worse than what democrats do but only 1 person has almost 400 million fines and 34 felonies, which seems like a clear difference in legal treatment based on political leanings. My question is: Would trump have felony charges/a massive fine if he either didnt run or ran as a democrat?


I keep trying to hammer in this point: Bad-faith politicians like Trump believe that administering the country is some kind of "game" with hidden, unlawful "rules" that have to be played in order to "win". Then, when they are caught breaking the law in order to meet one of the conditions of these imagined "rules", they point fingers at everyone else saying, "But they do the same things, so why aren't they getting in trouble?! I'm a victim!!" No, they're a criminal. Real politics is boring; it's this antigovernment bullshit that gets laymen excited, because actual policy and governance is extremely tedious. Then they vote for antigovernment politicians and wonder why the government stops working properly; I have some guesses.


It’s bizarre isn’t it ? At least Democrats are consistent. Republicans are just content to hate Government then go into government under the guise of ridding it of corruption. Then get caught for said corruption and blame the deep state.


Uhhhh Trump just got found guilty for A made up class of felony - created just to be able to able to call him a felon- and Trump is playing some unlawful game of winning and losing? Riiiight Mics turned off during debate. Mhm Gov cuomo said himself- If he wasn’t running- No charges would’ve been brought- And he knows NY system better than most


>Would trump have felony charges/a massive fine if he either didnt run or ran as a democrat? Yes, he would. Many of those cases were postponed because he was either running for president in 2016 or was president still at the time the charges were brought or the case was brought, I should say. And others before he announced he was running again. You cannot investigate a US president. Trump's lawyers stalled the cases that could have been done by now, intentionally so he could claim election interference or not be tried at all should he win.


I guess you misunderstood my question. Would trump even be tried like he has been if he stayed out of politics?


Not the guy you're talking to, but yeah, I think so. Trump was involved in hundreds of lawsuits (as a defendant) before he went into politics. He is a charlatan who pushes or exceeds the boundaries of the law in every aspect of his life. So after he went into politics, it looked like he was suddenly being persecuted, whereas this is just par for the course in his life. Contrast that to Biden who spent something like 50 years as a pretty milquetoast politician without and real scandals for his entire life. Now suddenly it's "the Biden crime family." So much projection.


He would have been tried for his fraud cases. Trump Foundation trump Organization and trump University were all under investigation before he ran in 2016. The other things he would not be tried because he committed those crimes while in office or after leaving office thinking he was above the law. The rape case may have not been brought as well. She claimed she wanted people to know the kind of person he was a d he shouldn't be president. Basically, trump did the crimes. If he hadn't in or out of politics there wouldn't have been anything to try him for. Or as Hur wrote. "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it." "In contrast," the report said, "Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation."


If Trump had someone acquired Top Secret nuclear info and kept it in the open at Mar A Largo he would have been in jail within a few days.


The question is rather: would Trump run for president if he didnt face a handful of lawsuits?


No the answer is no- Atleast not the NY case (only one that could’ve stuck)


Governor Cuomo says himself the NY case never would’ve been brought forth


Como is just butthurt.


Cuomo knows the NY politics system better than anyone. Ofc the case wouldn’t have been brought if they let Biden run unopposed. Please be for real and step away front your objective hatred for Trump and look at it from that view point. If Cuomo- The man who was the center of NY for many years says something about his own backyard it means he has information that the case brought politically. [Here you go, also if you want- You should also research Capitalism and why socialism doesn’t work](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4734858-andrew-cuomo-donald-trump-alvin-bragg-hush-money-case-new-york/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite)


Why isn't Cuomo the center anymore? If his name were trump and he lived in Kentucky or Florida he would still be in charge. My point is democrats think differently. Liberals think differently. Fairly. Trump is and always has been a criminal. Had he not done the crime(s), he would not be in so much trouble.


Look up democratic socialism.


Considering Trump racked up all these charges while running and being POTUS we can assume a no to that.




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What amuses me the most.... Trump calls a campaign fee a legal fee and he is a convicted felon Clinton calls a campaign fee (payment to Steele for dossier) a legal fee and there is only a fine Not saying Trump isn't an asshat for doing what he did but the double standard is shocking


Trump used a third party to transfer the funds, and called it a "legal fee" in order to COVER IT UP. That was the crime, bud.


And Clinton called it a legal fee instead of a campaign fee to cover up her involvement in the Steele Dossier One was fined, one is now a felon


> Trump calls a campaign fee a legal fee and he is a convicted felon I don't even know where to start. 1. Trump wasn't prosecuted for a campaign financing crime. 2. The Clinton's campaign's violation was for a campaign disbursement disclosure law, not a campaign financing law. 3. Clinton didn't actually do it, her campaign treasurer did. 4. The law the Clinton campaign violated was, per the law, only enforceable with fines against the campaign. That's the remedy prescribed by the law. Literally the only thing these two situations have in common is that if you mumble the descriptions you can pick out the words "Trump", "Clinton", and "campaign". And on that basis you conclude, "double standard"?


Once again * Trump called a campaign fee a legal fee and is called a felon for it * Clinton called a campaign fee a legal fee and got a fine You can play all the semantics you want but my statement still holds true.  Trumps 34 felonies are 34 different ways of saying Trump called a campaign fee a legal fee


> called a campaign fee a legal fee This is not a crime. That's not what Trump was charged with, and not what Clinton's campaign was accused of. "Alice was the get-away driver for a bank robbery, and Bob ran a stop sign. All either of them did was drive a car, but Alice got prosecuted for a felony and Bob just got a fine! Double standard!" > semantics First, I'm sorry that this Rule of Law thing feels like semantics to you, but writing shit down and prosecuting based on what we write down and not what we mumble is a key part of what makes our criminal justice system fair. Second, the simple fact that *Clinton wasn't the one that violated the disclosure law* isn't even *close* to "just semantics". It's a pretty big piece of pretty relevant factual information if your goal is to hold the right person accountable for the crime. "Alice and Bob both killed their spouses, but Charlie isn't getting charged with murdering Alice's spouse while Bob did get charged for killing his spouse. Double standard!"


Trump was found guilty of a special class felony made just for him so( look it up - Class D is the least serious- They gave him class E which is made ) Trump signs so many things daily. If Clinton could do it- I’m sure legal analysts were telling him it’s fine based off prior history of presidents. It’s all bullshit- Cuomo said himself HE would’ve never been indicted if his name wasn’t on the ticket - Plain and simple and if you online Reddit libbies think you know more than the ex Governor of NY who knows the NY politics/ legal system better than anyone.


The timing of these charges says no one would’ve batted an eyelash at him if he didn’t announce he wanted to run again…


Hardly. The Federal charges against Trump were well into the investigation phase before Trump declared he was running again. As well as the election interference in Georgia and other states.


I mean they even extended the statute of limitation for this one crime in this one disctrict just long enough for him to be tried for it and then undid it once he got charges. Like holy fuck how is trump gonna end democracy when shit like that already happens?


That's super interesting. Do you have a link where I can read about the details on that?


These laws were passed by many states well before the allegations about Trump were made public. New York previously passed a similar law about child victims that this one just extended. How do you tell the difference between these two hypotheses: 1. The law was passed specifically targeting Trump. 2. The law was passed in response to the "me too" movement for reasons unrelated to Trump, and Trump just happened to be one of the guys that could be sued under it. Where does the incredulity about hypothesis 2 come from?


Yes if they would have been able to convict him when he was a bit younger. No now because I think he is mentally unfit to go to prison.


So basically Biden could get away with anything by enacting his infirmity defense?


Well, there is such a thing as being unfit to stand trial. In that case, he could be sent to a mental health institution.


at a minimum we need to know his foreign influences. he’s too old for jail


how would you determine if a political candidate was under foreign influence? Would looking at their tax returns be informative?


Well we know it isn’t Saudi Arabia don’t we?


Saudi has Trump and Kushner in their robe pockets. $2 billions to Kushner.


It’s an extremely complicated relationship the US and the Saudis. My guess is now that the Saudis are playing nice with Israel nobody wants to piss them off.


I’m well aware of this. Just wondering why it’s gotten so little attention.


The GOP controls the House Oversight committee is the most obvious reason.


He's just as guilty as Trump. I'll let you make what you will of that.


Then where are the indictments?


I don't know and that's the problem. I mean ignoring the obvious that someone a prosecutor would probably agree to a compassionate null prosecution on for most crimes short of murder probably shouldn't be leading the free world. I think his family is shady as hell and he's reportedly earned millions repeatedly refinancing the same home worth a fraction of that and this has not been investigated. It's troubling how much his son seems to get these magical high-paid positions that need no expertise and it stinks to high hell like the old mob no-show union job scam for buying influence, or an attempt to hide him from the public and keep his unstable personality from messing up the money (basically treating him like Fredo Corleone) At the same time I don't think he's up to anything out of the normal for a politician which is part of the problem And because someone will mention I agree fully Trump does much of the same, **this does not make it better**.


I mean, he probably deserves it but given his cognitive state I don't think it would matter much at this point. Where the man should be is a nursing home or something.


[Oversight.house.gov The Bidens Influence Peddling Timeline](https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/) Feel free to check my link for your answer


Yes. He committed crimes. Hur said as much. Charge him and let a jury of his peers in rural West Virginia decide.


Yes, as an accessory to crimes against humanity by giving so much money and weaponry to Israel.


No. He's probably too far gone in terms of health and memory problems to be capable of standing trial on any criminal charges filed against him by the DA/AG office. Never mind being able to remember the events of years ago or provide any effective assistance to his legal team. I do believe that Hunter should have served some prison time though, even if only for a couple of weeks in solitary. With the rest to be served at a halfway house, under house arrest or at a specialist medical facility.


Yes. Because of bribes