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How frequent is E. Coli exposure? I am reading about E. Coli and wondering if this is common. Is it likely that I have been exposed multiple times in my life? I remember several occurrences in the past where I experienced painful cramping which I thought was related to the food I ate. It went away after expelling some mild Diarrhea.


E. coli exposure is probably almost constant. Keep in mind that we eat bacteria all the time, including pathogenic bacteria. We have stomach acid and a large amount of immune tissue in our guts in order to prevent those bacteria from becoming infection. It takes a lot of E. coli to get sick, not just a small exposure. If that were dangerous, none of us would survive past infancy.


What causes these E Coli scares then? It sounds like it requires fecal matter to spread. How are farms getting enough E Coli on their plants to infect a large number of people?


Those are usually particular types of E. Coli that are worse than our usual "normal" E. coli we have in and around our bodies on a regular basis.


I am reading a woman's autobiography that was published in 1918. She recalls her blind grandmother from her childhood. The grandmother tells her the story of how she became suddenly went blind. I'm curious as to what are some possible medical explanations for this. ​ From the book: >My eyes had never been strong... I was digging in the garden...when I was startled by a crash of thunder so that the very earth under my feet seemed to tremble...I hastened toward home...\[The windstorm\] blew the loosened shingles from the roof, and swept the dry sand in a whirl before me. At the same moment I felt a stinging pain in my eyes so that I could not see the door. In darkness I groped about for long time, till I found it. For twenty-four hours I was beside myself with pain. At the end of that time it went away as suddenly as it came. When your father, who was a little boy then, untied the kerchief from my eyes I asked him if it were night. > >"'Why, mother,' I heard his frightened voice, 'it is daylight. Don't you see the sun across your bed?' Then I knew." ​


Why is it so hard to eat solid foods when you have a cold. Like I swear if I have a cold, the only foods I can swallow without it hurting are soups and oatmeal. Why is this?


I'm not sure, but I believe my question is minor and "do not require demographic information". So here goes. Can high protein intake causes cloudy indwelling urine catheter? I know UTI does, but meat?




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Anyone have any thoughts about a ziopatch vs Holter monitor/event recorder?


Well the nice thing about the patch is that you can wear it for a few weeks. A holter is usually not worn for more than 48 hours. The pro of a holter is that it is a full ecg, making it also suitable for detecting things like ischemia. An even longer term type of zio patch is called reveal, which is small device that is implanted under the skin and can last for 3 years (when the battery runs out).




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Lindsey Buckingham heart surgery damages vocal cords https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/feb/09/lindsey-buckingham-heart-surgery-damages-vocal-cords-fleetwood-mac?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Copy_to_clipboard How is this possible?


This isn’t my area of expertise, but my mildly educated guess would be that they either damaged his cords with the intubation for the surgery, or through manipulation of the laryngeal nerve, depending on exactly what his emergency surgery entailed.


I'm unable to eat a lot ATM. I'm trying to stay above 500 calories. But recently it is harder for reasons. If I keep this up, only being able to eat 500 -800 calories. What could I expect happen, not weight lose wise but the other important stuff. I know I'm losing muscle because of this, but what else could happen.


You will die. Your body cannot live with that calorie restriction. What exactly is the problem? There are a lot of ways we can help with calorie intake, but it depends on the cause.


I am supper overweight when my problems started I read 470 I am now 410. I AM NOT tryin to lose weight this way. My teeth are falling apart and I do not have insurance. If I chew anything at all I will be in so much pain that i can not hear anything out of my right ear. I have a way to fix it. A friend I'm Germany is a dentist and she can help but I, myself, need to get the money to go. So as soon as soon as I can go I should be ok. *This is just more info you asked for. I'm not trying to gather sympathy. My only objective was to learn what this course of action will lead to for prolonged periods.


No, this makes sense. Until you can get dental help, you may need to see a doctor for antibiotics. You should start drinking your calories, with a straw if you can. Look into soylent and nutritional supplements for the elderly. If you want to safely keep losing weight while you do this, calculate your estimated energy expenditure, remove 500 calories from that, and make it your goal liquid intake.


I picked up some walmart brand nutritional shake the pharmacist recommended since I could not find a store near me with Soylent. Even with these it will still be hard to hit 2500 calories. but i will try not being near 500 anymore. Thank you.


You can buy soylent online. It is a much easier option if you can do it.


If i can figure out a way to purchase it online I was planing on it. It seems like the better option.


I will try to do this and see if I can get some Soylent. Thank you for your time. I appreciate it a bunch. I have taken my self to the ER since my last message. I used the restroom and my urine was just blood. I don't know if this is related but I'm not taking a chance. I just hate it's more debt. Again thank you for taking the time for me. Edit: bladder infection from a recently passed stone I was unaware off.


Yikes. NAD but I’m so sorry you’re voing through all of this. I hope things start to look up for you.


I hope so also but if they don't such is life I ain't giving up. BTW what is NAD? Not a doctor. NVM


Doctors, do you think if you reported a doctor's behavior to the board of medicine anonymously it would irrevocably harm the relationship between doctor/patient or lead to termination by some specious means? I am in a situation where I don't want to stop seeing my psychiatrist, but I also know addressing her directly regarding bad behavior leads to her using immature defense mechanisms and becoming hostile. I basically want them to knock of some bad behavior. The secretary is playing god, with the blessing of the doctor, and calling in new scripts and answering concerns from my pharmacist on behalf of the doctor. Instead of relaying messages, she dispenses medical advice. When I told the pharmacist that this person she had spoken to to express a concern to about a dubious prescription was a secretary and not a nurse, she was shocked because this person has been calling in my scripts, including for controlled substances, for many years and my pharmacist believed she was a nurse, which she is not (there is no nurse at the office). How protected am I in making an anonymous complaint? My concern is that the psychiatrist would suspect it was me and easily make up a reason for termination. She has threatened termination in the past if I don't try certain supplements, etc., saying if I didn't agree with her that I needed to find someone else. I kind of wanted the pharmacist to make a complaint, but I don't feel comfortable asking her to be in that position of confrontation.


Honestly, based on what you have written, I would find a new psychiatrist.


I've been on benzos since I was 14. No one has wanted to take me on because of it. The psychiatrist that put me on them when I was so young and then the one I saw at college retired. The one I'm seeing doesn't take patients who are or even ones who were on benzos in the past, but I'm grandfathered in. There's such a shortage of psychiatrists that they all take applications and don't want benzo-dependent patients.


Yikes. I am sure you are aware of the research regarding the link between long term benzo use and the development of dementia. Benzos should never be used long term and this is very concerning.


I'm aware. I wish I had been aware a long time ago. I'm 36 now and been on them daily since I was 14. First was with psychiatrist in high school, and then when I went off to college the psychiatrist there added a second benzodiazepine. It's only been in the last 10 years or so that psychiatrists in this area went from advocating them to not wanting patients on them. I was at a service board for many years where the psychiatrist wanted me to increase the dose and I did (but he wanted me to even more), but that same services board will now not take any patients on benzodiazepines. My functioning on them is so poor and even small cuts to my dose set off bad brain feelings that are hard for me to describe and tachycardia even worse than usual. I've never taken more than prescribed. There's not a lot of help for getting off. I've looked into detox centers and people often end up in protracted withdrawal. It's not the type of medication that is ideal for coming off of in a rapid period of time. My psychiatrist diagnosed me right now as being in tolerance withdrawal (having active withdrawal symptoms from the tolerance and the dose not having been raised over such a long period of time). I have tapered small amounts with this current psychiatrist. But in exchange for her being willing to see me, I have to put up with a lot of nonsense from her (pushing weird supplements and other unorthodox drugs and tests).


In an anonymous complaint, she should not know it was you.




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Near me, it is 90 days.


In Australia its 12 months. Not sure if you're in the US.


Depends on the area in the US. I know near me it’s 6 months


Does eating before bed impact sleep quality? I understand there may be a resulting elevated risk of acid reflux. And the person could get food poisoning, which would of course impact sleep quality.**Neurologically**, however, is there any known impact? Edit: Clarity


Is there a limit to how much you should drink decaffeinated coffee? I love coffee, I drink about 2 cups of regular coffee a day and then like 3 cups of decaf coffee on top throughout the day. I don't use sugar but add a splash of milk. Is there any harm in drinking this much? I've been looking around but most articles only talk about how much caffeine is good for you.


Nah go for gold, have as much decaf coffee as you like. The studies on coffee consumption and mortality generally show that drinking more coffee is not associated with any significant harm and may be overall positive for mortality - see, for example, [this study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1112010). Whether the improved health is actually due to the coffee or not is very difficult to figure out, but there certainly doesn't seem to be any good evidence of harm from drinking heaps of coffee.


A question for anyone who would know in Ontario, Canada. Is it legal for a physician to lower the dosage on a prescription without informing the patient? Not sure if this information will have any bearing on the question, but my girlfriend has been taking 1mg of Lorazepam nightly since she was 13 (30 years), and her doctor suddenly just changed the prescription to 0.5mg without informing her or explaining why. It was her pharmacist who notified her, after he verified that there wasn't a mistake in the prescription. I know benzodiazepines are a controlled substance, but I know nothing about their strength or addictiveness.


Generally speaking it is legal for a physician to do whatever they like with a prescription. The prescription represents the doctors "prescribed" medication, i.e. what dose they would like the patient to take, it is entirely up to them what prescription to give. Of course, it is always good practice to explain any decision about the medication to the patient, but I don't believe there is a legal requirement to.


Which way would make a patient's self reporting more credible and complaints more likely to be taken seriously: verbally self reported increase in symptoms in general over a few months span reported at one appointment, or a detailed little log book of each event (onset time, duration, intensity, location) handed over at an appointment? I don't want to be the nutter that shows up with a book of statistics, but I am also tired of the "take some ibuprofen and I'll see you next year" response.


Detailed log books sound like a good idea, but we generally don't like them because it's information overload and not really helpful. At the end of the day the back and forth discussion between you and the doctor is the important bit, they will ask questions to clarify any significant patterns to the symptoms if this is relevant. If you're talking about trying to get more attention for the severity of your symptoms, it's best to just say this in words: "these symptoms really affect my quality of life because X", this is more important than having a big notepad full of dates and times.




This thread is not for personal medical questions.


Can children be given the organs of adults if they are in need of them? (I.e. child needs a heart, adult organ donor gives up theirs) and a follow up question, if the adults heart was say 40 years old, would the child who is now the recipient of said heart have to have that heart replaced in a couple decades from it being to old? Sorry if it’s a dumb question I’m stupid when it comes to medical stuffs


Children usually don’t have bodies big enough for adult organs.




>Other than "does not respond to treatment," is there a commonly used term for when someone has a chronic condition that simply doesn't get better even after using all the meds/therapies typically used to treat it? Refractory is the term you're looking for. Dunno about the other one - paradoxical perhaps?




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I have recently been diagnosed with type 1 von Willebrand disease. It's very mild and I haven't needed to do much to control it. My factor stays in the 40ish range. That being said, what are some items that I can keep on hand, either at home or in my vehicle, for that one time my factor is too low, and I need to stop bleeding? The only thing that really comes to mind for me is a tourniquet. Are there any other good items to have "just in case"? Also, I noticed an unusual phenomena during my most recent injury. I'm not concerned, more curious. I dropped a rotary blade on my foot, and it was profusely bleeding. I lost enough that I was a bit shaky and dizzy. I noticed once the bleeding died down a bit, the cut swelled up (like a bubble) to the size of a large marble. It was just filled with blood. Is that because I kept bleeding into the skin after the outside clotted? I ended up having to use a maxi pad taped to my foot to contain the bleeding, and when I changed it out after a couple hours, the bubble was gone.


von Willebrand's disease typically results in a mild bleeding tendency, you're very unlikely to end up bleeding out from a superficial injury. That said, if you're looking for things to help stop bleeding in general, gauze would be the main thing. Put a shitload of pressure on it using the gauze and don't remove this pressure at all (even to check if the bleeding has stopped) for at least 3 minutes. Using a tourniquet might help in massive arterial bleeding (unlikely to ever happen to you), but it's not going to do much for superficial cuts and may in fact increase the bleeding by increasing venous pressure. I wouldn't use one personally, the risk of damaging the limb from applying too long is greater than the benefit for most situations. That bubble sounds like a haematoma, pretty much happens by the mechanism you described.


I spotted it about two days ago. I tried scrapping it off but with no success. It is right under the nail. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks..


What common disease requires you to see the most amount of doctor specialties? * 1 visit to primary, 1 visit to cardiologist, 1 visit to urologist —> counts as 3 * 100 visits to primary care —> counts as 1


I'd go with a type of cancer requiring Multidisciplinary treatment. Breast cancer maybe? Oncologist, radiation oncologist, breast surgeon, primary care, possible counselling etc.


Palliative care too!


What is palliative care? Palliative care teams have patients see many types of doctors?


Palliative care is a kind of medicine that focuses on making patients feel better instead of necessarily focusing on fixing underlying problems or decreasing mortality. It’s really useful for chronic diseases where there is serious symptomatic involvement, for diseases where the treatment can cause serious side effects (like cancer and chemo), and for end of life care where you’re trying to keep someone comfortable as their life comes to an end. There are palliative care doctors and there are also palliative care nurses and palliative care teams with nurses and pharmacists and docs and care managers sometimes.


Thanks for the information!


Thank you for the reply! I think that makes sense




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Was just reading an article [here:](https://www.lifespan.org/lifespan-living/do-you-have-high-blood-pressure-what-new-guidelines-say) The stat I'm curious is "If left untreated, a blood pressure of 180/120 or higher results in an 80% chance of death within one year, with an average survival rate of ten months". While that is a very high bp a 10 month survival on average seems really low. Unfortunately there is no source but I'd be curious to see if this was from a study. The author also didn't specify between hypertensive urgency and hypertensive crisis. Any input would be appreciated.


I'm also very suspicious of that statistic. Sure it's high risk to have that much BP, but 80% mortality rate sounds waayyy too high. I can't find anything in the literature to support this.


I highly doubt even hypertensive emergency has that mortality rate. The literature I can find shows that this amount of bp cuts years off life but years from life expectancy and not years from now. Btw thanks for your input :)


My roommate got the flu yesterday. The night before, we used the same bathroom a few times. What are the chances that I'll get the flu, given I have the shot? Should I attempt to get Tamiflu?




the nurse at my university clinic is giving me a preventive dose, any reason not to take it? i have a major job interview friday so she said we could be on the safe side.




no just live in a shared apartment. my friend's doctor, when diagnosed, actually told her to tell the people she lives with to get preventive doses, which is why i contacted my doctor, especially since i have the interview Friday.




ohh ok! do you think it could harm me or anything? I honestly agree with you, I'm just being selfish bc I have this huge interview Friday. I actually lost out on a job two years ago bc i had to reschedule for the flu, so i guess it's a sore point for me, if that makes sense.


Is it possible that the black dot at the edge of my nail cancerous? It seems to be on the nail bed https://imgur.com/gmarGIS.jpg , it just started appearing about 2 days ago.


I have a question about appointments. I just went to the Dr. and got a prescription for a new med. The front desk had me schedule an appt a month out to talk about if the med is working, and if so, potentially upping the dosage. I did this once before for Ambien and when I got to my follow-up appt, they had no idea why I was there and it was a total waste of time and money (it was my understanding that since I was being prescribed a controlled substance- Ambien- that I had to come in for the follow up since I had to jump through hoops to get the prescription in the first place). Anyway, this new med is not a controlled substance. If I wish to up the dosage, I guess I will keep the appointment, but if I think it's not working for me or if I think my current dosage is working fine...do I really need to keep that appointment? It seems like a money grab and my copay isn't cheap. Thanks for any insight.


If I request to go to rehab through my health care provider will my depression and antipsychotic medications be stopped?


No. They will only stop meds that can be abused such as benzos and ADHD meds. They will likely adjust your meds as they see fit. But they want you to remain mentally stable and removing all your meds would be counterproductive.




Alcohol. About two pints of vodka a day


Usually they will not be stopped, but it depends on the requirements of the rehab program. It is also possible you won’t need them as much when you are clean. Congrats again!


Regarding cancer and chemotherapy - once the cancer has reached stage IV and been through at least one systemic treatment, does that mean that every subsequent systemic treatment is less likely to be effective? In other words: after first line and second line treatments fail, does the third line option have as much of a chance to work as the first one did? Can oncologists keep going back to the well and offering different treatments (if there are more treatments to offer)?


First-line treatments are first-line because they're more likely to work. Second-line treatments are often the ones that are either less effective or more toxic generally; some cancers are also more resistant to treatment overall. Oncologists can keep offering more until they run out of options, either curatively or to try to keep cancer from progressing.


I’m getting a physical with blood being drawn on Thursday. I was under the impression I’d have to fast before the blood test to make sure my glucose or whatever is right. I asked the doctor and they said I’m not required to be fasted. Im curious how this affects the test?


Fasting only matters for some blood tests. It does matter if they're testing glucose, but they may not be, particularly if another test is being done for diabetes.


Okay. Thank you


Is it true that former cancer patients can’t be organ or blood donors? If the patient is cancer free, why can’t they donate? Should I take the organ donor sticker off my driver’s license?


It depends on the organ and the type of cancer, but that's about all I know.




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Its been a while since I've been to a regular doctor. I've been collecting a list of issues to bring up with a doctor when I do go. Can just bring the whole list of possibly unrelated issues all at once? What should I tell the receptionist when I make the appointment?


You can ask, but there may not be time to get to everything. Prioritize, ask up front, and be ready to pick one or two that matter the most.




I'm really confused where would be the most suitable place to ask this question but AFAIK "sports" sub is not the place athletes debate about problems. As far as I know athletes can be cured and for example M. Bjørgen has asthma but she is allowed to take medications that improve her stamina. On the other hand there was not clear case of Vitor "TRT" Belfort who was allowed to take testosterone but then he had to stop. In result he barely wins any fight and looks much worse probably due to hypogonadism. But are ppl with already existing hypogonadism can have medical care and take HCG/ HMG or Testosterone?


This is a question about the rules of regulatory agencies for sports, not about medicine. You might get lucky here, but doctors who aren't practicing sports medicine for pros are unlikely to know the relevant rules.


Okay so it depends on the federation. Thank you for assuring me.


I've yawned like five times in the past two minutes, and I'm not tired at all, just stressed. Can being stressed cause yawning?


What kind of day-to-day moments make your job fulfilling?


Appreciation. Knowing we helped someone. Screaming at the EMR. Making something click for family members that they didn’t understand before. Preventing unnecessary harm.


Hi, F/23/adderall 30, 15, 10mg, yaz OCP/ 165lbs 5’5 I got my first ever lip augmentation today. I got an entire syringe between both lips of Juvederm. My questions are, 1. Can I take Tylenol? Or something of that sort? They hurt kinda bad. I am a weeny but if there is something else besides taping this complimentary ice pack to my face Id be happy. 2. Is there a restraint I should be following on kissing and oral sex? I’m not super hip to either of those considering the soreness I’m feeling but I didn’t know if there was recommendations either way? 3. The doctor “shaped” the filler by manually moving and massaging my lips with her fingers. Will I need to always be scared my filler will move if I push to hard or is it after a certain amount of time that I will not be able to move It? I’m scared to apply chapstick right now. Hahah I kept trying to make this its own post but it kept getting deleted




Bless you sweet, redditor


I'm unable to cook vegetables at the moment or buy any that don't need cooking. How long can the body go without them? I can still have fruit if it helps.


I had a local anaesthetic (lidocaine) at the dentist today. Around 8 hours after I began having awful anxiety/intrusive thoughts and instances of uncontrollable crying for no reason at all. I could not pin point why or how it suddenly came about. Things began to click together though, as I recall after I had a rhinoplasty under general anaesthesia I also cried for days after, over things that normally wouldn't be a big deal for me. It may or may not being a coincidence although I was wondering if anybody has seen this in patients before or even personally experienced side effects like this after any form of anaesthetic?


Anesthesia in my experience makes you cry. I cried like a baby after surgery and when I got home from surgery. It felt like any tiny little thing or thought would set me off!


Yes... Many years ago I had my wisdom teeth removed under general anesthesia, and when I woke up I was crying uncontrollably. The nurse(?) told my mom that 1 in 10 women on that anesthesia had that sort of reaction and it was nothing to worry about. (Please note, I am not a medical professional and I was pretty out of it when it happened, so this merely is my memory of what was said.)


Can caffeine elevate your red blood cell count levels?