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I'm too close with my brother. So close that we even have access to the other's bank accounts (we trust each other 100%).


Similar with me. When my brother comes over to visit, I just give him my card and tell him to use it as he pleases.


One sibling I’m friendly with, the other I see 2-3 times a year at some family function and then we don’t have a lot to say to each other. Not sure if a “standard” for sibling relationships even exists. It can vary a lot even within the same family, my mum is super close, like talking on the phone for an hour every day close, with her siblings.


I am the youngest out of 5. Fuck my two brothers. Love both my sisters. Close with 1 and the other one I support in spirit 😂


I have one brother and I love him to bits. He's my friend and confidant. Whenever I feel bad, or even if I fuck up, I know he's always there for me. We travel together and have fun, although we have wildly different personalities. I am very grateful that I have him.


Don't even know in which country she lives. Don't care. After the funeral of our mother, we shook hands, knowing we would never see each other again. We're both fine with that. We are vastly different people.


Close. I am 43, sister is 40 and brother 36. We talk weekly. I share a lot of humour with my sister. We share memes, make songs together to sing in the car. And her kids do the same with me. My brother is more serious. But we love eachother. I also love my parents. My mother is kind of like my sister. So we joke around a lot.


We don't have a bond at all. We were like two strangers growing up in the same house. We only see each other at family gatherings we're both invited to.


I was parentified and emotionally mothered my little sister but we're seriously best friends. Never had many arguments either.


I have 2 siblings. My brother is a year younger than me and we are close. My sister is still a child and there's around 20 years between us. We will hopefully be close in the future though


Im close with my younger brother and sister. My elder sister is not worth a wank, she totally turned her back on our family last year when mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and my husband with terminal lung cancer. Well, let’s just say I believe in karma .


I’m sorry to hear about your husband and your mother. I lost my grandfather to cancer. One week he was at my sister’s birthday party, a week and a half later he was in hospice.


Thanks you and also sorry for your loss. Cancer is cruel! At least my mum is cancer free now, I couldn’t handle facing loss of a husband and mum


Not, it's that we have the same parents but that is it. Not hateful or anything but just not close, we all did our own thing growing up.


I love my brother dearly and he loves me but we are total opposites. We are absolutely there to support each other but we don't spend tons of time with one another. He knows he can call or come over any time but we're very aware we do best with a bit of distance


Very close. My younger sister and I use to get along terribly as children (6 year difference), but we have a great relationship now as we've both grown into adults. She's probably what I'd consider my best friend, we often video chat with each other. During the pandemic we'd be on Skype calls for 4/5 hours while doing our own stuff and keeping each other company. I have what I'd call a maternal relationship towards my youngest sibling, as we have a 16 year gap. I'm very close to him but more in a motherly way than in a sisterly way. He's currently a preteen so things may change, but I'm his cool older sis (out of his classmates' siblings, I am by far the oldest) that buys him videogames and takes him out to the cinema and McDonald's. He also really likes my fiancé and thinks of him as an older brother, which makes sense as I've been dating my fiancé for most of my brother's life. I'd say my relationship with my sister is pretty common for my culture, as for my relationship with my brother it really depends on the family. In some cases big age gaps means those siblings barely interact and are not close, in others (like mine) they usually have a tight-knight relationship due to pretty involved caretaking provided by the older sibling. My mother is an only child, but my father has a twin brother and despite not talking often, they're pretty close as well. Their older brother died very young during their late teens and it really strengthened their bond.


My twin sister I'm very close with, texting several times a week, sending postcards monthly, just yesterday I parceled a pair of sunglasses made of wood I got given at a trade fair to her because why the fuck not. Included some sweets too. See each other several times a year. We're 33. Elder sister, 35, lives in Germany, don't see her often, she doesn't communicate very well, or at all. Not even a tenth as close to her as I am to Smelly Bum.


I have a brother. I'm close enough to exchange a dozen memes a day but not close enough to share feelings. But I'd say I'm closer to him than my parents


Infortuntely not very close. I have a twinbrother and love him to death, but we are complete opposites.


I don’t have a twin brother but I feel you. Would do anything for him if he asked be we just don’t go out of our way to talk to each other after years of constant animosities.


Both my parents are dead and I have neither brothers nor sisters. Only a couple of nieces and nephews and we don’t really communicate, just on the ocasional funeral of one our aunts.


How can you have nieces and nephews if you have no siblings?


I think he is either dutch or belgian, assuming by their name. And nepthew/niece and cousin both translate to neef (boy) or nicht (girl). And whenever we talk in English it feels more natural to translate Neef to Nephew, eventhough we mean Cousin. I hope it makes sense, but I make this same mistake a lot too.


Bert and/or Ernie, you’re right: I’m Dutch.


My parents both had brothers and sisters, so that’s how I got my nephews, nieces and cousins.


Me (27m) and my two sisters (28 and 31) are very close, we hang out pretty much every week; especially during football season They are also good friends with my girlfriend so that's great I think that we're a little bit closer than most siblings in Sweden are, but I think most people in Sweden are pretty close to their siblings


Don’t hear with my brother so often, every 2 weeks some random pm. Would give my life for him tho.


We still live together, and growing up we've started to communicate more about feelings and our thoughts rather than just passing time together. I don't think our bond will fade out with age honestly, surely I hope it won't happen.


My brother and sister are quite a bit older than me and we aren’t close at all. I hope they’re happy, but I rarely think about them and other than an email a few times a year, we’re not in touch.


Very close. We transitioned from "just" siblings to also friends as we grew into adulthood.


I have a sister and we have a 'best friend' level of closeness. Deep trust with emotional stuff and life in general.


Portugal - We are quite close, what is a bit of a surprise due to the fact we are 15 years apart. I left home when he was just 4. At the time we were as close as a 19y/o and a 4y/o can be. We had more of a cousins relationship. But when he was 17 i spent 6 months back home and we became quite close during the that time. Now that he is already a full grown adult we became very close, Im his "to go" person. Would't say we have the typical siblings relationship bc, in a way, we were both raised almost as single children due to the age gap and we dont have other siblings between us. Most commum age gap between siblings here is between 2 and 5 years. Most people here are usually close to their siblings, even with half siblings. People only go no contact with their siblings if something very serious has happened between them. To be fair, i always felt like i was missing out on not having a sibling close to my age but now we are each other support.


We have an 11 year age gap, but I feel like we’re getting closer with each passing year.


Me and 2 more brothers , have same friends group, and in that friends group are our 2 newphew. We pretty much go everywhere togheter. Clubs , concerts, festivals, billiar, picado, caffes,pools, to vacations or go out just for chill walk and talk


There's a bigger age difference between me and my sister (she's 6 years older), so we were never pals. She's the only family member I'm in touch with, we see each other maybe three or four times a year and we get along well, but we're not really friends and I wouldn't say I like her. Women I know who have a sister are usually best friends with the sister.


Not very close, i see them like 1-3 times a year, we get along fine when we are together, but we don't really keep speak apart from the few times we see each other.


Yea very close, I’m 25, brother is 23, sister is 22 and then my youngest brother is 12 lol


No contact with almost all of my family. Never had a good relationship thanks to our crappy parents, but yeah, staying in touch passive-aggressively would be typical for the culture. I just felt life was too short and it wasn't not worth my mental health.


I have one sister and I'm on good terms with her. She lives in a different part of Germany though so I usually see her no more than maybe 3 times a year. We also speak on the phone occasionally, but that's about it.


I have a brother in theory but not dying to meet that bloke, nothing against him. I just got my own life.


Okay close. We don't see each other every week, but we do text or talk regularly and meet up once in a awhile to grab a bite to eat and talk. As their older sister I try to make sure they know I will always be there for them and if they have problems they can come to me, likewise I know I can count on them should the need arise. The only good thing their mother has ever done was to put them into the world.


We do not speak anymore. Not standard but way more frequent than I thought apparently.


Two bigger sisters. Not that close that we meet very often but whenever we meet it’s like we meet every week. We write a lot of messages and have a group chat with their husbands. I’d say we’re close because I could always call them and they would leave everything behind them to help me. Same for me. I’d do everything for them. We also don’t have big fights although we’re not on the same page in every topic.


I’m quite close to my little brother. I can say we definetly do have quite a few fights here and there but generally we can spend time with eachother at least in some matter. But yes, parents are closer and I also enjoy my time with my cousin more than with my brother (maybe because I see the cousing less often and because he’s the same age)


I have a sister that's 4 years younger. We're pretty different personality wise, but we see each other frequently. She still lives at home, and I visit almost every weekend, so if she's not working we see each other once a week. We also hang out at my place every few weeks to play video games. We had the tradition of going to every single MCU movie together since the first Avengers, but we stopped after End Game. We still go to the MCU movies, just not all of them. We went to Furiosa last weekend.


I’m not close to mine,I seen my brother recently for the first time in 10 years


I have a brother and a sister, I'm not really close with neither of them but there's no bad blood between us, we just kinda grew apart like that. We visit our mom for new years holidays usually and have a fun time together but outside of that we talk once or twice a month. If anything bad happens we're ready to help but that's about it. I think most people in my country are closer to their siblings, and those who go low contact have more significant reasons to do so.


Me and my brother are now in our 20s and we live together in a flat because of college. We are pretty good although we were way closer when we were younger. Its difficult to talk to him because he a very closed off person, doesn't like talking about emotions and gets annoyed very quickly while I'm very open and don't really get annoyed so much. We used to always watch movies a few years ago but he hasn't watched a movie with me for like 4 years now, he'd rather stay in his room and rewatch breaking bad for 50th time. When we were younger we used to do everything together and were always really good towards each other. I feel like my brother some times doesn't act like a brother. Idk how to explain it better. I feel like he as a brother should be on my side and by my side when I need him, he lost a lot of knowledge of what it means to be a family. But the funny thing is that he goes home where our parents live way more often than I do and talks over the phone with them way more often then I do, even though I'm a lot more open with them. He gets annoyed and angry every time mom or dad ask him something personal. Meanwhile I tell them everything thats happening in my life. Brother keeps a lot of things to himself and I feel like because of that our relationship is getting a lot worse. When he had a girlfriend for almost 3 years he never really invited me to go with them somewhere, I spoke to his ex only a few times and he basically kept her to himself and never invited her to hang out with more people other than himself. Before they splitted, I invited him bunch of times to go hang out with my and my girlfriend and he always said no and had an excuse to not go with us. I want him to meet my girlfriend because we are probably gonna get married and have children in the future but he just always says no. We've all been together some times but its pretty rare. And they don't even talk much when we ARE together as she isn't a very talkstive person. But I feel like she wants to know him better and he doesn't want to know her better. When it comes to good stuff, I can still easily make him laugh, we have a lot of jokes that only the two of us can understand. We still hang out sometimes but not as much as before. I do think he's a good brother and a good person, just needs to open up more and he needs to stop having prejudice towards people that he doesn't know because that can ruin his social life.


I'm very close with both my brother and my sister. For the age difference, a bit closer with sister, though.


I have around 0% contact with my sister.. As both a feminist and an alphabet person I don't like being around her. I can not forgive the betrayal where she has actively taking part in destroying my life as a man, directly or indirectly. I feel, at this point, that ignorance to the fact is not a valid position.