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As far as I know yes. I'm out to my parents but not to the rest of the extended family because I don't care enough. Life is awesome!


Why are you so happy? Did you grow up without religious shame? Heh edit -- I realise now that he might have been sarcastic about the being happy part, still kinda odd that I got a half dozen downvotes but not gonna lose sleep over it. Meh.


That's part of it.


There is a much bigger world outside of America just fyi


I should hope so, since I live in Australia.... What point were you trying to make??


That outside the Anglosphere religious shame, there’s a much wider experience to one’s upbringing


My silly little joke had nothing to do with race and you're making so many assumptions here. Maybe experience more of the world before you automatically go for that Anglo angle. Jeez.


Yes and it sucks so bad, trailblazer energy right here


Yep. I’m adopted and the only gay person in my entire extended family, and I’m adopted so I have three immediate families. Meanwhile, my friend has two older siblings and all three of them are gay.


Similar situation, my mother was the adopted one. I'm gay, my brother and sister are bi.


Only gay in my family, extended on both sides. My ex had a lesbian and bi sister and only one straight brother, so 3/4 queer there. I've noticed some families have more gays


Haha, my husbands family is similar, 3 gay men and one straight woman, 3/4.


There's 10 grandkids on my mom's side of the family. I have one cousin who is maybe Bi, but we're not close at all so I have no idea. Only 3 grandkids on my dad's side. The other two are a lot younger than me but I assume I'm the only gay one just speaking statistically.


No… between all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins, numbering over 80 people, there are two of us out… so far.


Yup. Don't have a very big extended family, but big enough to where I'd think there'd be at least ONE other perosn, a random cousin's kid or something. As far as I know, it's just my sister & I, and neither of us are close with most of our immediate or extended family.


I’m the only person on my family, so yes.


Yes I am. All my sibs are married to opposite sex partners. All my cousins are married to opposite sex partners. I am the sole gay family member. I used to be afraid of the judgment by family. Now, in my 50s, I don't care what they think. I wish I would have had the same attitude when I was younger as it would have saved me a lot of anxiety. But I feel fortunate I can be open and proud today and live a thriving life. Better late than never.


Nope, not even in my immediate family as my brother is also gay. I have a couple of gay male cousins and a couple lesbian cousins too (but I got like 25 cousins lol). I have a gay uncle too.


From Boston: I have a couple of gay cousins on my mom’s side, and I have a couple of gay uncles on my dad’s side. My mom is also friends with a gay couple she met at a bar one night and they became workout buddies. Its nice to be accepted, but now there’s so much comparisons and expectations for me to fit into the frameworks set by the older gays in the family lol.


I come from a very small town and a big family I’m the only gay one in both but I just don’t care what people say family or not.


there was a cousin of mine that was disowned by the whole other side of the family because his grandparents said everyone was doomed to hell or some bs like that since he was gay. so yeah no plans on that anytime soon


As far as I know, I'm the only one. As far as they know, there is no one. 😑 It's definitely a predicament to be in. On one hand I do want to tell them, but on the other hand I know they won't accept it. Luckily I can afford to live on my own but I don't want to lose em. 


Once I read a paper that concluded that the genes that play a major role in defining homosexuality are more frequent in some families than others. In my case that's not the case. I'm the only one, though I have no cousins so it's a rather small family.


Nope. I have a gay uncle, and I'm pretty sure one of my cousins on my stepdad's side is lesbian.


Nope. I have a couple gay cousins on my dad's side and I suspect my mother's uncle was gay and that many of the women he had hanging on him were femmes. He died years ago tho, so not like I can ask and my grandmother is very tolerant and open minded but still uses euphemisms. I doubt she'd tell the open truth.


No. It's now 4/5 of my immediate family. At least one cousin who apparently attended the lgbt club at school. One cousin that my mum and grandma strongly suspect is closeted. And a couple others that we wouldn't be surprised about.


Nop, i was the first one out, but after that, 3 cousins came out


Yes. At least what I know of. My mother's side and my father's side. Not a single other queer person, openly at least. And it's a very big family. Same for my partner. He's the only one as well. Fortunately we both have very supportive families


I am Latino and come from a huge family (6 aunts and 5 uncles - not including my mom and my 4 older brothers). I am, AFAIK, the only gay man in my family. My cousin (one of a ton) is super pro LGBT to the point where she has been feuding with her mom (one of my favorite aunts/uncles). I got disowned by the majority of my family except for my aunt and a few others. I suspect she’s bi, if not lesbian. It’s odd being the black sheep of the family especially since I don’t come off as totally gay. I’m masculine and no one suspected. But I’ve been confiding in my cousin and she has dropped hints that she is cut from the same cloth dude


Yes. Atleast the only open one 🤣


Hi! Yeah, I am, so far, my cousin's are still young so they might be but I doubt it, as it stands I'm "The gay one".


i’m the last of five kids and the only homo…in that specific batch of my lineage. unsolicited advice: pay attention to your instincts about your cousin and mom. it takes one to know one after all, and you may unwittingly be leading by example if youre the only person that is publicly out in your family. they may very well need your guidance one day and it can teach you a lot about yourself and your family. [i speak from an experience i had with my niece.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/small-town-gay-coming-out_n_64090adae4b06acd7c83fe42/amp) be the person you needed when you were younger. ❤️


As far as I know I'm the only gay male on either side. I might have a lesbian cousin but no one in the family seems to know.


A couple years ago my cousin texted me and told me she might be bi. She was older than me (early 40s i think?) and later told me she had been talking to a girl. She trusted me because I'm trans and pansexual. She unfortunately died of a heart attack just a few years after starting this journey. I'm still not over it. I wish she could have had more time. My mom (biological grandma) has randomly said she's bi before but I don't think she's actually explored that at all. And no one knows who my father is for sure, but based on what I have been told they might be a trans woman? Which would make her a lesbian or bi if that's true. All I've got is "man who dressed like a woman and wanted to be treated like a woman" and not even a name or anything. But I am the only one I know of who has actually been open and explored, had relationships etc and I do feel very much like the odd one out. My mom is valid too, but doesn't seem to understand me at all or get where I'm coming from. EDIT:I also just remembered my other cousin suspects my nephew is gay. I told her she can direct him to me if he needs someone to talk to.


Nope. At least 1 1st cousin out of about 18. At least 2 a generation below that. 1 niece, 1 nephew. That’s just on Dad’s side.


I was going to say yes, but then I remembered my sister is gay lol. I also have a cousin on my dad's side who is, but i've seen him less than 5 times in my life so it took some brain power to remember. Don't know if some are bi, but the others are in/have been in heterosexual relationships.


I have one distant second cousin I never see. Otherwise, yes


Grandma had 13 kids, none of them gay (tho some are sus 👀) Out of the 13 aunts n uncles, 3 of them have 1 gay kid each. (Plus 2 “straight” cousins who used to lemme suck their dicks, so idk if they count per se as the total of gays) So 3-5ish. Which is surprising because my family is HUGE. Like each of the OG 13 have 3-8 kids of their own. And some of their kids already have kids. Holidays are a blast. Oh, and my dad’s side is literally just me, dad, grandma. Which makes me the only gay there.


My boyfriend is 1 of 8 though, and literally half of them are gay. 😂


The opposite is mostly true for my family. I’m gay, my dad is gay, my brother is gay, my uncle is gay, and I have a gay cousin on my dad’s side. There might be more, but I don’t know many people on my dad’s side.


I’m the only one that I really know of. My dad had sexual attraction to men when he was younger but he has said that his sexuality shifted to straight with time. I have a cousin that I think might be bi but if he is he’s not in the best position to come out


Yup. However, there are a few family members who would not surprise me if they came out.


I’m the only one that is out. I have a 20 something year old cousin who I suspect, but will let them come out on their own time.


Somehow my younger brother is gay too what are the odds?


For a while I was the only one. Then my youngest sister came out as bi, and later on one of my cousins came out as gay (was a bit of a shock, she'd been with the sweetest guy for almost 6 years, everyone thought they'd be engaged any second, suddenly it's off because she realized she only likes girls) and one of my other cousins is gay (was rough for him, grew up in the middle east and it took him a while to work through internalized homophobia). And I've got a sneaking suspicion about another cousin. Most of the family on my dad's side are homophobic and pretty much blame me for starting the "trend". What can ya do.


My brother is gay as well. He’s 4 years older but I took him to his first Circuit party and showed him how to be gay and functional. He still turned out a mess but that’s life I guess.


Nope! On my mom’s side at least. Just on her side if the family alone it is me, my uncle and his husband, my cousin and his soon-to-be husband, and finally my other cousin who is trans and bisexual


I'm the eldest of three. I'm gay, my middle brother is bi, and my youngest is straight. I like to joke our parents ran out of gay ink while having us.


As far as I know, yeah I’m the only one. I have a slight inkling that one of my younger cousins might be bi but I don’t really know. As of now I have 9 cousins including myself and my sister. My sister is very straight. And I’m pretty damn sure all the adults in our family are as straight as can be.


Yep. Only gay person in my entire extended family and indeed likely to be the only gay person most of them have ever met.


Between all my aunts, uncles, and cousins (~30-40 people) I am the only one who is out. Statistically I feel like I can’t be the only one, but so far I am


To my knowledge I’m the only one. My cousins have kids that are coming of age. Odds are real good at least one of them is some version of queer purely because of how many of them there are.


One brother, 6 aunts, 1 uncle, 6 cousins - all straight except me. Although my fundamentalist brother squeezed out 6 kids so one of them *has* to be something.


I have a gay cousin on my mother's side, but no gay cousins on my father's side.


My great aunt once married a bi dude. The two of them divorced (not because of the bi thing) and then she died before I was born, and I think I have a distant cousin who’s a lesbian, but other than that it’s just me.


I’ve got about 20 cousins on my mum’s side and as far as I know, I’m the only one :(


I have a cousin who is also gay. We have a large extended family tho.


To my knowledge, yes. Certainly the only one I know in both sides of the family who is open about it.


We always laugh that the gay is strong on my mother’s side of the family. Every one of my mother’s siblings has an LGBTQ child. I’m gay, my uncles son is gay, my aunts daughter is trans, my other cousin is bisexual. Now the next generation is being born on my mums side, the first grandchild has just come out as bisexual. No one will ever be able to convince me that there isn’t a genetic aspect.


Same with mine. There's like 2-3 every generation going back a long time. They're also really Christian (protestant or Lutheran or something), but genuinely loves everyone no matter what. My dad's side is catholic, but hypocritical bigots. If there are any lgbtq+, they ain't talking.




Nope, all close siblings (4ish) identify as some flavour of bi, one of my aunties is a lesbian and about to have a kid, two of my girl cousins are lesbian. Actually technically me and my older brother are the only queer guys, queer girls for various reasons are more common in my family. If I used my distant siblings you could add a few more girls to the count. So no I'm one of two queer men out of about 100 relatives (I have a stupidly large family/extended family).


It seems so but my grandma's sister's granddaughter is lesbian.


Yes only me and no one else my whole family hates me


Yep. Statistically it doesn’t make sense 🤷‍♂️


Never felt alone but yes I am the only one. And I am okay with that.


I have a large extended family, I'm 100% certain I have at least 2 cousins who are under the rainbow even if they haven't come out yet and one who has and then went back into the closet.


Yes I'm the only one and have been disowned by my entire biological family


I have a sister who is bi. And while none of them are out, I have 3 Male cousins who have been suspiciously single for ages. So there could something be going in there. But other than that it's only me


Difficult to say. I'm bisexual, no one else is out that I know of although my creepy uncle is a mystery, and a few years ago one of my estranged siblings came out as trans but haven't heard anything about them riding stick so maybe that doesn't count. As for immediate cousins they're all 18 and under and live in Italy, statistically speaking I'd be surprised if at least one of them doesn't come out as gay or bi eventually. I'm sure that'll be fun for my missionary uncle haha.


One of my brothers is bi; I have a lesbian cousin and a cousin who’s pan.


Nope. I’m one of six brothers, and three of us are gay. Also, I have minimal evidence but I’m pretty sure a great-uncle of mine was gay too. He was a very old man when I was a little kid and he died in the early 1990s. But he lived with another man who my homophobic grandmother kept cagily referring to as his ‘companion’ or ‘friend’ which I later read as code for gay. He was born around 1900 so I can’t even imagine what his life must have been like.


Yeah, as far as I know. Even the bachelor uncle I have went to look for dates with women, so I think he's just a socially awkward guy who doesn't know how to talk to women. My cousins are all in hetero relationships, as is my sibling.


Yep. There isn't a single person I know who's gay, and that includes both sides and extended family.


I’m the oldest of the kids/cousins and gay. The youngest is on dads side and is also gay. The oldest. And the youngest. Something is funny about that heh.


im the only one in the family and i dont think thats an issue or a thought i mull over at all. we arent that many people in my extended family, so only one gay guy isnt statistically weird.


I think I may have a second cousin who’s in a same-sex relationship, but other than her and myself, there’s nobody else I’m aware of in my family who isn’t straight.


Far as i know yea i have my suspicion about 1 or 2 of my cousins a male and female but not much past that


Nah. One of my second cousins on my father’s side is gay/bi and non-binary. One of my father’s cousins is a lesbian. Oh and one of my second cousins once removed (if I remember the connection right) on my father’s side is trans. I don’t have much family on my mother’s side, not close (she is an only child, and her father was adopted with unknown parents so we don’t know much about his biological family), so there’s not much to find there.


I don't know I can't know I can't ask 🤣


Yes. We're with seven grandkids. I'm the eldest and the only gay one. The closest gay relative is a cousin of my father. Might've met him once or twice, but I don't really know who he is.


Just my sister and me, born 5 years apart, both gay. No idea about extended family as I haven't seen them in decades (not a gay/religion issue, just apathy), although I do have suspicions about one cousin who used to show me his cock as a teenager




As far as I’m aware, I’m the only one. It’s never really bothered me that much, although I suppose from the perspective of my family I must be “that one gay one”. As for your cousin, or even your mum, I’d leave it alone. Poking it with a stick will only make things worse, if they’re not ready for it. You could even scare then further into the closet, if you’re not careful.


Yes, all my cousins or family members are married, except my male cousins (all the females are married to men), who are all single. But thats fine because one is like 19 (but definitely straight), one is like 35 and I'm pretty sure is either Ace or just doesn't want a partner, and then one is 26 but has burns to 90% of his body - so dating people is probably both hard and not worth it. (saying that though I'm sure he will eventually find a gf, because other than all the physical medical issues, hes a really nice guy kinda nerdy and fun to be around)


Yes, I don’t know my cousins due to a messy divorce between my maternal grandparents. Although I always wondered about my paternal grandfather as his name was Clarence but prefered being called Claire


I have a gay cousin, who is a lesbian. She is awesome and we always bond over the ‘gay experience’ and like to compare how each differs and have similarities.


So far I am, I have a brother and sister, 6 uncles/aunts (not counting their spouses), 16 cousins and none of them has identified as LGBT+. I come to all family gatherings with my husband. I have a cousin who might be asexual/aromantic (always been single, never talks about finding anyone attractive). They are all nice though and all of us are not nosy at all in general, we tend not to ask people too many questions if we feel it might make them uncomfortable...


Yes and that's so sad. None of my neighbors are gay as well.


Nope. I have another openly gay cousin and I think another one is closeted.


I am the only gay person (that’s out) on both my mom and dad’s side. Both families are huge (100’s of people total when you include extended family). I am the trail blazer - no issues though, thankfully. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


Yup. Far as I know. 19 cousins on my dad side. And like 10 cousins on my mom side. I’m one of six siblings. The closest out relatives are one on my dad’s dad’s brother (great uncle’s?) grandson and one on my mom’s mom’s sister (great aunt?) grandson.


Yes. Sometimes it sucjs, but in a way I like the trailblazing aspect of it. I'm the youngest in my entire extended family and the first to be openly queer. It's been interesting to see everyone's reaction, every now and then someone comes to ask questions about lgbt stuff, or confesses to having had a queer crush, or something like that. They don't have anywhere else to turn with these thoughts, and I'm mostly happy to give them an outlet. If someone comes out at some point they know at least one person will be there to support them


No, but I’m the only out one. The rest have came out publicly.


Yes, but also no. My extended family likely has some candidates historically but they have all committed suicide. I’m an only child of the youngest daughter of my family, who had me later in life, and so must of the candidates died in the 80s and early-90s. They were in their teens and twenties when I was 7. I do have a step cousin who is gay and we get along great. He’s a bit flaky though 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


On my mom's side there's at least 4 sapphics, all except one are closeted and repressed and wanted the same for us. We don't talk to that side anymore for good reason. The other side it's 33 cishet christians, my dad who turned away from religion, and me and my sister. We're both trans and gay


I came out at 19. My dad came out two years later, and my cousin just came out as LGBTQ, got married and his wife is alsoo LGBTQ so I don't feel so alone anymore.


My moms side is way bigger than my dads, and on my moms side I have a gay uncle, a lesbian cousin, and a bi cousin. There’s also a great aunt who’s since passed away who nobody is “sure” of her sexuality but she had the same female “roommate” for 40 years and when she died my mom was the one who cleaned out their apartment (nobody had ever seen it) and it was a one bedroom so that’s another lesbian im pretty sure. On my dad’s side, there’s a cousin who everyone is 100% sure is gay but has never come out to anyone, including me (the family was super accepting of me so there’s no reason why he wouldn’t, but he hasn’t). But I’m the only out gay on my dads side atm.


My mom has told me she could date anyone regardless of gender and her cousin is a lesbian


Nope, 4 out of 6 of us are queer in some capacity.


my dad's side? yes. Afaik i'm the only queer person My distant cousins on my mom's side are gay as Fuck. I don't have much of a relationship with any of them though.


If a gay gene was a thing, it runs rampant in my family on both sides.


Quite the opposite, lol. From the point of view of my niblings, we (gay men) are even the majority. My sister has two brothers (my brother and myself). We're both gay (well, actually, I'm bi, but it's been 7 years I'm in a relationship with a man, so, pragmatically speaking, I can be considered gay for the question). She married a man, and this man only has one brother. Who is also gay. So my three niblings only have gay uncles (or guncles). Which means that, if we count spouses/companions/boyfriends, in the core family surrounding my niblings, you have their two parents (straight), their three blood uncles (gay), their uncles' SO (gay) and three grandparents (straight)(I don't count my father because we disowned him 15 years ago). So there's 6 gay men and only 5 straight people around them in the close family (my niblings are 4yo and under so I don't consider them having a sexual orientation yet, be it straight, gay, be, ace or anything else). So, yeah, we're in the majority. (For the rest of the extended family, either we never see them and I don't know a thing about their whereabouts, or they're dead, so I think it's best to focus on the close family). And it's not as if we all come from particularly progressist families. My father was a jerk, my mom is right-leaning and, while very inclusive, still has strong reeks of conservatism (it took her quite the time to accept that bi people aren't just greedy perverse, but she's learning and is fundamentally a good albeit very prideful person, so it takes a bit of work but it's not that difficult to make her see the errors of her ways, especially since she knows she grew up in a different time than us and just has to adapt); as for my in-laws, they're generational bourgeoisie with the political mindset coming with it (and my brother-in-law's brother is definitely one of those idiotic conservative gay, in a relationship with a right-wing local elected representative). So there's no social predeterminism in it either. Just some funny statistical deviation from the norm. But, frankly, if none of my niblings turns out LGBT, I'd consider having failed somewhere.


I have a lesbian cousin, but I don’t know her that well. That’s about it afaik.


I come from a family where both of my parents are 1 of 7 children, and almost all of them married & had kids, and most of my cousins have done the same. It's a very large family, and I am the only openly gay (or any part of the LGBT+ community) member of it, including my parents, 2 younger brothers, 1 older half-sister from my dad's first marriage, my grandparents (only 1 surviving now), my aunts, uncles, cousins, and cousins' kids. My mom's side of the family are all very religiously conservative what with my mom coming from a strict Baptist upbringing, and the only relatives that I know are just fine with me being gay are my half-sister & my cousins on my dad's side, who all but 1 live in other states & don't make any effort to visit.




Big family and the only homo in it


Gays on both sides of the family tree. Some were/are open and others are closeted. My husband has the same situation with his family.


I'm gay, my half-brother is gay, and my sister is bi. That's it as far as I know for the whole family. My husband is the oldest of 6 boys, one of his brothers is also gay.


Yes. I’m the only one who’s LGBT from both my parent’s sides (and I tick a couple of those too)


My mom is a lesbian, but I’m fairly sure I’m the only gay cousin


I suspect there is a long line of gay people in my lineage. My uncle was married to a woman. They had no children, but as I look back in my childhood he was playful with his nephews. In the family tree, on my father's side, there are dozens of unmarried men, few women, and others married but with no or just one or two children — which is odd for families in the 1600s to 1900s that generally had many children assuming many of them would seccumb to disease or war or something else. One of my nephews (second brother), who had awkward relationships with girls, committed suicide at 25. Another nephew (third brother) is openly gay. Hereditary, maybe.


I’m the only one that’s out. I have a 3rd cousin that is bi, married to a man, so it’s been easy for her to hide it from the conservative family members on my moms side


Both my sibling and I are gay. That’s about it (as far as I know). It’s weird because this is not something seen/open in the black community. I feel like a rare breed.


I come from a large family and out of all of my cousins, there’s about 10-12 of us.


I'm a gay man with an out bisexual polyamorous sister and a lesbian mom and two gay male nephews and a gender queer cousin and a likely lesbian aunt who died many years ago. Queerness seems to be the family business.