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They are whatever as long as they are well done and maintained. More than anything, not every style works for every head. Some guys chase a trend that doesn’t work for their hair type and head shape. Hair trends always have cringe moments in hindsight and then manage to return.


Millennials who had the shaggy swoop at that age can't say anything about the broccoli hair. It's basically the same thing. But I do look at my old pics and think why.


30 year old millennial here. I can’t say crap about it lol. I had my hair fully grown out when I was a teen. It was shoulder length, curly, frizzy, and hotter than a damn helmet. For some reason, I didn’t want to get it cut. I have short hair now and I’ll never go back to that travesty. Lol


I still grow mine out every few years. I haven't had a cut in about 6 months now and I'm thinking of just letting it grow again. It looks awful, it can't be tamed, the mildest bit of wind is its mortal enemy, it takes forever to wash and dry, but goddamn, if I don't love the way my hair jiggles in my neck when I turn my head.


I have this theory about older guys with long hair: people notice. In the absence of meaningful conversation they say ummm "nice hair!" So they keep it. But I like bald, military or just short. That's just me.....now. I had my long hair days.


The shaggy swoop can have a lot of variations, though, and it was quite popular with emo guys. Emo guys will never not be cute af. I should know, I was a cute af emo boy. xD


The "Bieber hair", emo scene hair and high-faded pompadours were pretty stupid too. If "kids these days" want mullets and perms, that's their problem. lol


I think they look kinda ridiculous most of the time, but that’s because most of the people I see who have these kind of haircuts don’t have the right head/face shape for them. They only really look good on a small percentage of guys who have the right face and hair texture for them. The only one I could possibly pull off is the broccoli one because of my hair type. Thick and curly. But I know my hair and that shit will just look like a frizzy cotton ball by noon.


A big no thanks to them.


I love the mullet with the dangling cross earring I feel I’m in a 1980s horror movie when I go to the gym and they’re all there lol


And the pearl / shell necklace. I mean, some rock it and it’s hot, but still cringe.


They look ridiculous, but I had a ridiculous skater cut when I was that age so I try not to judge to harshly. I'm glad they enjoy their thick hair when they're young at least, im always shocked when I see young guys shave it; it's not going to last forever!


>im always shocked when I see young guys shave it; it's not going to last forever Why would you be shocked? They are not thinking "One day I could be bald, must never shave my head", it's hot in the summer, lol. Also, not everyone goes bald.


What's it matter? They aren't using it to attract us old gays. If it's not for me, it's none of my business.


Ding ding ding. It being a turn-on would be turn-off for me. We are two generations removed.


Don’t mind a mullet. That’s very Brooklyn. The brocoli hair is disgusting tho haha.


I think the reverse actually. The mullet just doesn't look good on anyone, which is why it was ripped on for so long. Business in the front, party in the back? Blech. Just because it's "so Brooklyn" now doesn't mean it's not the same unattractive hairstyle that trailer park hicks were wearing for decades.


No it can look good.


This is [Brian Pillman Jr](https://www.usanetwork.com/sites/usablog/files/styles/hero_image__large__computer__alt_1_5x/public/2023/10/wwe-brian-pillman-jr-contract.jpg) erasure, and I won’t have it.


Alright, I'm usually not a fan of these but he pulls it off damn well.


I'm ok with erasing him lol. Mullet boys are all yours, we won't be competing for them


> Don’t mind a mullet. That’s very Brooklyn. That's interesting. To me, a mullet is very Aussie. We have [Mullet Fest](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/gallery/2023/dec/04/grubby-and-extreme-mulletfest-2023-in-pictures). We've [embraced the mullet](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-australia-64048499) more than other countries.


Absolutely. Not interested in someone whose haircut makes them look like a toilet brush that needs replacing.


Agreed! The stupid broccoli hair and with white shoes just proves there's not an original thought up there cause they all look and dress the same


Given that I was a punk kid that absolutely hated when adults took issue with my style when I was a teen and in my early 20s, I refused to be THAT middle aged guy. Their hairstyles are awesome and I’m glad they can express themselves.


I am not very influenced by fads. Things come and go in cycles anyways. In a few years skinny jeans will be the thing again for example.


Turn off. I'm past the age, I do remember my own PJ pants and wild hair days though so I don't judge


the broccoli hair cut just reminds me of the jersey shore era blow out - not a big fan. i think it’s a clear indicator a guy is too young for me lol




I think almost any hairstyle can work on the right person, but not every person can pull off every hairstyle.


Honestly I’m just jealous that they have a full head of hair, regardless of how they style it 😂


I refuse to become that older guy that gets irritated or complains about the fashion choices of the kids. And hair styles just depends on the individual. These can look good on the right person bad on the wrong. Only fashion trend I am judging is the return of baggy jeans and long shorts. We gays fought long and hard on par with storming Normandy to get form fitting clothes and shorts less than 7 inches back into the mainstream. They don’t appreciate all the bodies of brothers in arms we left littered on the Omaha beach for this freedom.


I so agree. I'm a skinny guy and hate baggy pants and long shorts. I was so happy when everything got slim years ago. Finally clothes that fit me without flapping in a light breeze.


Good thing is since we’re on the over 30 subreddit we can choose to let our personal style stop at whatever year we want since we’re old men now. I picked about 2019 as the last year I’m staying modern with for the next 15 years when circa Covid fashion comes back in style for the next generation.


True. I have clothes I really like that I've had for many years. I fully intend to keep wearing them.


I hate the looks and not because I can’t grow hair lol. I always like buzzed, fresh clipped hair, or spiky hair. There is something clean and sexy about it. Even if I wasn’t bald, I would still keep it super short.


I sincerely hope that Gen Z people don’t give a shit what middle-aged men think of their hair.


I'm not a fan of the whole mullet thing. It was a sort of queer ultra cool hipster thing six or seven years ago before it hit the mainstream and I didn't like it then either.  Then again, I don't have to like it. It makes no difference. Fashions change and trends are gonna trend.


It’s a trend, and trends die. In ten years I’m sure we’ll see the shag haircut return on the heads of teenagers. We were there too, once. ;)


While I prefer a “traditional” fade/cut, I don’t have any issue with people expressing themselves however they want. Being out and gay is basically saying “I don’t care if you don’t like me for being myself,” so how is a haircut different?


I feel like my mother, when she told me that our fashions in the 1980s were just recycled from when *she* was a teenager. This is just another example that I'm seeing for myself. Mind you, I didn't like mullets back then, and I still don't like them now. But most *trendy* hairstyles over the decades have been a bit too extreme for my tastes. Every generation has a group who wants to stand out and also conform at the same time.


The mullets are hilarious. Good for them.


I'm a 41 year old 6'1 and slightly muscular dude with something similar to a mullet and a mustache. I think it looks hilarious! Only a few friends and coworkers had the nerve to laugh with me. It looks ridiculous, especially when I put on my wildland fire uniform. Eventually the novelty will wear off, but not yet.


I don't mind most hair styles if the guy has the confidence to pull it off... except for the Hitler Youth hard-parts. Just... no. You're not Rolf from The Sound of Music.


Especially not if they're seventeen, going on eighteen, and their girlfriend is a year younger. Ick.


Or if they are… A Nazi


Makes no difference to me, but the broccoli cut looks fine on most of the guys I’ve seen. Lord knows my generation has had their fair share of bad haircuts.


Mullets were what some of use grew up with. :) Trends change, to not accept that is to become a "boomer".


Y’all should have seen *my* hair when I was 20.


Not for me:- But then I'm a millennial who dates other millennials. I remember mullets & bowl-cuts the first time round! They weren't great then!


When I see the broccoli haircut I immediately think “young, dumb & full of cum”, so mostly a good time 😉.


Let them enjoy it before their hair starts to fall off 💇🏻‍♂️


I would most likely not date a Gen Z'er due to age than their haircut. If it looks good, it looks good.


I like the broccoli boys, although it’s more for their youth than their haircut.




The only one that I actively dislike is the Edgar The rest are just slight variations on hairstyles that have been around before. Fashion goes in cycles, and we're recycling aesthetics so quickly with social media needing to pump out content that all fashion eras are kind of existing simultaneously now. It's kinda neat, to be honest. Subcultures have always existed, so this is just that happening faster and wider.


I had to google what you were all talking about “broccoli hair”. It’s fine. As others have said, young people always have stupid or ugly hair styles that older people don’t like. Who cares. This trend is no worse than any of the ones that came before.


I mean like I prefer men my own age, and like... IDK I feel like those hairdos are probably a bit better on youngin's


They're as normal as any other hairstyle. I'm mostly jealous they still have hair x)


Eh. Whatever. Some look crummy and some nice. I'm not changing my high-and-tight no matter what is in fashion.


Virtually every boy at my daughters school has the broccoli perm, it's like copy & paste.


Zoomers are becoming more versatile with hairstyles, transcending the whole men-should-only-wear-their-hair-short-and-simple fallacy. They're building on trends set by Millennials...who built on trends set by GenXers...who built on trends set by hippie Baby Boomers.


I only like bald or short hair. No matter what generation. Haha


Each generation has to make fashion mistakes on its own it seems. I think it's so that future generations can laugh at them when they are older. Mullets are not sexy, never were, and never will be but the "cool kids" are sporting them (again). I remember them from the 1980s and early 1990s when they last went around. I was in high school at the time and I had a discrete "longer in the back" look, not as brazen as some mullets but still in keeping with the times. I remember a few years later in gay community, the hotness was the Caesar cut (mid 90s). OMG. It seemed fresh and cool at the time but I look at those pictures now and I see a haircut that lowers the observable IQ of anyone who has it by at least 10-15 points.


It’s cute!


Mullets can look okay on the right guy. Most of these guys are not the right guy though.


Looking back at fotos of one unfortunate hairstyle choice, I feel (1) I ruined some otherwise great fotos, and (2) I probably wasn't hired for a couple of jobs I really wanted because I insisted on keeping this style way past its expiration date.


Glad I’m still a wavy middle part guy lol


As someone with curly hair who tortured it to look straight because that's what was in style when I was a teenager, it's cool to see guys with curly hair rocking it.


Mullets look awful, but I kind of don't mind the broccoli one. It just doesn't suit a lot of people - either their face is the wrong shape or their hair is too thin so it's just wispy and meh.


I find hair style from 2015 onwards unattractive, but the again I find hair style from 1950-89 unattractive. It's just fashion, doesn't really matter, every generation has their own preference


I’m GenX and grew up listening to early Hip Hop, Punk, and New Wave, it’s nice to see a new generation give their spin on some of these looks. The Mullet seems make a comeback every generation.


Every generation has a cringe hair moment. As an elder millennial my emo Fringe era was absolutely cringe and at the same time something that I would never ever change or regret as it’s so if it’s time. I try to keep and open mind and not be too curmudgeony, everything hits a tipping point where it becomes cliche and uncool, I think we’re reaching that point here in Australia with mullets as it’s been a long arse time that they’ve been trending here


I really can't talk. I had a ["Flock of Seagulls"](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-lists/mullets-fros-beehives-10446/flock-of-seagulls-51266/) haircut at one time in the '80s and a flat top in the early '90s. LOL!


I've gone through phases with level of liking the broccoli hair ..took me awhile to warm up to it but now i find it kinda sexy. I just couldn't do it. 


I think it mostly looks awful when over 30s try the young 20s trendy cuts like the mullet... Style and trend are two totally different things. And it just looks off to me on older guys. Like they're trying to be young and it's just a no. Otherwise - totally works for some people, love a curly mullet.


I had the golden arches when I was in HS. Imma bow our of any criticism.


Style? What style? They all look like broccoli or coconut head.


I personally think the mullet looks awful. I even know some Gen Alpha who find it cringe - or those who are above the age of 25 with it. I just think the wolf cut mullet thing makes people's head look misshapen nor is it a very flexible look, in my opinion.


They have hairstyles?!?


The only guy that could pull off a mullet was Ziggy Stardust. He was the nazz, with God given ass.


My Gerardo / John Stamos / Richard Grieco / NKOTB-rat tail lovin ass wouldn’t *D.A.R.E.* **DARE** sit here and try to be mad about some mullets and broccoli hair. I mean, it IS ugly, and I don’t get WHY that of all things, but I’m not gonna lie and pretend I didn’t think it was hot the first time around.


Who cares?


It's the fugly mustaches that are trending now and just repulsive to me


The broccoli mullet combo is wild and ugly af, the Hispanic kids be Lovin it tho. Every generation has their choice hairstyles but I don’t think any has ever has been this widespread. Maybe it’s because of the internet, but it’s like they all want to look the same. Can’t forget the half blonde, half black color scheme. I don’t think I’ve seen one person actually pull that off.


I find them distinctly unappealing - in my mind they evoke the bad bits of the 80s, trailer parks, and iconic sex-god figures like, uh, Napoleon Dynamite. (And yes, I shouldn't throw stones given that I had overly spiky hair at 20, but two wrongs don't make a right.) I reserve far more animus for moustaches, which I genuinely hate.


I honestly think mullets look great on a lot of guys.


I enjoy them. 💯


I had a Brady Bunch poofy hairdo in the 70s. Then a Rod Steward shag. Then it was cut short after a horrendous perm gone wrong. Knock yourself out. It is self expression. I don't even dye my gray beard now lol


Maybe I'm just becoming a prude with old age, but gen Z still feel like children to me. It's automatically a turn-off to be younger than 30. That being said, broccoli-perms on white boys look out of place. Looks great on desi and middle-eastern men, though. Edit: [Saif Shawaf](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/faces/shawaf-saif-image.jpg) is a good example of where I find the style to look both natural and stylish.


The mullet isn't any better the second time around but I don't mind the curly broccoli thing so much.


The mullets have to go unless it's euro ones. The troll puffs on str8 bros in their 20s is cute. Notice how my criticisms is all for str8 guys and not us.....


Mullets are hot


I’m always grateful to see men at whatever age with hair that didn’t come from a menu.


I don’t feel anything about how people choose to express themselves if it’s not hurting anyone


There is a difference between a mullet and a wolf cut. They generally have the latter, which is far more stylish.


I like the broccoli hair, not really from an attractive perspective, but kind of funny. I had natural broccoli hair and wished it was popular then!


Mullets need to be forgotten back in the 1980-ties, along with high rise jeans. Some things just need to stay in the past.


turn off. at any age. I like short hair (or bald men), and dark hair. not into blonde or red. long hair or man buns? instant no. something like 1-3"?? I gotta see it, but leaning towards no. yes, I am that shallow in regards to head hair and not ashamed to admit it. im way less shallow in regards to physique.


The bowl cut, shaved sides& Mullet combo is horrific.