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Put valuables away in a safe. Unless they’re spending the night, it’s not like they’re going to be in your place unsupervised.


Innocent until proven guilty. Learn the basics of criminology: crime is work, people are lazy & crime is very often opportunistic - not planned... the men you host are not going to spend the time getting the invite to steal your TV or credit card numbers. Crimes against persons has two primary motivations: revenge & greed. Don't give reason for revenge & don't show off. This goes for every day, not just hookups.


Myself, and two other friends have been victims of crimes post-hookup. Mine was opportunistic, he took my belongings which were on display and bolted while I was out of the room. Another, one of my friends told his hookup he was going on vacation, and his house was robbed while he was away. My third friend had a guy over 3 times and we can surmise that this guy was planning his move during each hookup, similarly he asked my friend to get him something and robbed the specific 3 expensive items. He even hung out casually with them in his pockets before leaving and my friend noticing they were gone. Whether you're a criminologist or not, OP is really smart for asking this question and whether it's revenge, greed, desperation, addiction - It's really smart to stay safe and keep your belongings safe. They have signs all over the damn airport for this very reason, because people steal.


When I host I hide my wallet, keys, work phone in really random places in my kitchen cabinets. I host a lot and I’ve never had an issue with someone trying to steal something. I’ve never felt personally unsafe either.


This is how I constantly lose all my stuff for years at a time 🥲


Don’t invite shady people and chat long enough to invite them over….


Define 'shady' (I consider DL guys and guys cheating on their wives/husbands to be shady)


I don’t necessarily HIDE items, but I put them in places a guest wouldn’t normally go- the night stand on the far side of the bed in a drawer, for instance. Something where the person would have to be pretty sneaky and scheming to actually make it work. I’ve never had an issue. In fact, I have more of an issue with guys ASKING for things lmao I invited this guy to a party, he claims he has to go into work last min- I believe him, it’s fine. And then he asks to borrow my shorts, not usually a big deal except I’m currently shopping for a new wardrobe and that was one of two pairs I have lol but I relented. AND THEN he asked me for weed to go home with?? I’m like mf you’re bailing on me right now and you have the nerve to ask for free weed for home?? 😂 Gtfo


I had a guy take my underwear as a ‘souvenir’ when I was young. It was my best pair! Now I actually have the balls to tell someone to fuck of I can afford more than one pair of good company underwear, but it still pisses me off twenty years later.


I’ve also lost some great underwear to exes lol that’s the price you pay for finding the good shit. Oh I’m getting those shorts back. I told him that 😂


I only do that with boyfriends/FWBs


When I was younger my place was such a mess no hookup could’ve even managed to find anything valuable. For myself, well, I’m 6’2”, chunky and lift weights.


I don't meet many new people, but I put things away. In a rush I have thrown my wallet in random places. I'm always with my guest when hosting. Even if I go to the sink in the bathroom, I can still see 95 percent of the bedroom from the bathroom mirror. Usually my guest is still in bed or in the bathroom with me.


I just made sure I always knew where my guests were, and I kept half an eye on them at all times.


When I invite men to my place to have sex, I am generally unconcerned about them stealing my valuables as I own very few things of any real value. That said, even if I did have a lot of valuables I would still be unconcerned as I tend to talk long enough with the men I have sex with to trust that they aren’t the type of person to rob me and when they come over we have sex and then he leaves so there isn’t really an opportunity for him to rob me. It would be very difficult for someone to steal something of mine unnoticed while his dick is securely docked in my hole.


Use the guest room


If I invite someone over for the first time, the fun usually takes place in a room that's very close to the front door. I typically hide my wallet, keys, and any prescription drugs I have in my bathroom.


Valuables in the freezer and pre booked friend checkins on snapchat.


I’ve never had anything stolen from me during hookups. And this over thousands of them over the years - I don’t even put my valuables away. I do usually have my handgun nearby (out of sight) in case I ever encounter a bad situation.


That's terrifying. Non-Americans, imagine knowing your hook up has a GUN nearby just in case 😬 Like i get this is normal in America but Christ


Well. They don’t ever know about it.


Hide my wallet etc. I have a webcam in the living room pointed at the door.


I'm lucky enough to have a spare/guest room so all my fun goes on in there. It's just a bed and a wardrobe so essentially makes it look like I have nothing lol. Everything else gets locked away in my *actual* room. As for keeping myself safe I'm still trying to figure that one out after some bad experiences.


When I host, it's in a hotel because I'm traveling. Butt, even then, I hide my keys, wallet, money, etc.


This is a really helpful guide to having [sex with strangers](https://youtu.be/iH3FPrI_Cuw?si=mdpgXWhl2jY4RjcF).   * Don't exchange names, just call each other baby because it will be simpler.  * Ensure the lump in their pants is a penis and not a gun.  * Have them clean their balls  * Ask if they've gotten tested, and then tested again after 3 months.  * Pretend you have to do you dishes if you're having second thoughts.


• [Hide your kids, hide your wife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW6ytcVDh3Q)


If I host I often tell him we have to be quiet because I have a nosey roommate. I live alone but I have a car and a pickup so it's believable. If I go to him, I leave my watch and wallet and stuff in my car/truck and only take my phone. I can unlock both with my phone using a PIN. It would suck if he stole my phone but it hasn't happened yet. I always ask about prep and testing but a lie defeats that so I make sure I don't miss a pill and I get tested every 3 months. I watch for any red flags when chatting and even after we meet. If I don't feel comfortable I cut it off and move on. There have been a couple of times when I felt uncomfortable after meeting and I left but fortunately there has only been one time when I thought I might actually be in danger with a hookup. I didn't listen to my own advice and didn't cut out when I had the chance. Lucky me, nothing bad happened but I wouldn't repeat it.


We have a spare room for hookups. Before we had a house with a spare room we didn’t have any shit worth stealing. As for personal safety I just trust my instincts and don’t let anyone tie me up unless I know them. Some guys are gonna be unlucky, but people who would hurt you are a small minority. I have dogs and a gun, but I’ve never had to use either. I don’t drink or do drugs when I’m hooking up either. Things can go wrong fast in so many ways if you’re impaired.


Pepper spray in the nightstand


It's a real risk in many cases and unfortunately no foolproof way around it. Doesn't even have to be valuable things someone snatches.


If you don't have a guest room, then keep it to the living room. Throw a blanket over the couch or on the floor and keep a baseball bat on the corner 🤔 then you can put everything away in your room and close the door and you don't have to worry about getting your sheets dirty, lol I have a big dog that would attack someone if they tried anything so I wouldn't have to worry about safety. You should screenshot a picture of them anyway so you have it until after they leave. It would suck if something happened, and they deleted their account, and you couldn't show who they are. Stay safe


I just hook up in my room. They come in and go right to my room. I don't hide my desktop computer (iMac) but I do put my laptop and apple air pods in a closet if I have guys over. I don't have any other valuables they would find. One time I met a guy in a random encounter. I blew him on my living room floor, which was next to the front door and I just happened to have my phone/keys/wallet sitting on the endtable there. After he came, he asked me for a glass of water. I went to get it and when I came back to the living room he had bolted... with my belongings. Now just out of habit if they ever ask me to go get something after the hookup, I just say no I can't sorry. One guy was like can you get me something to drink "No sorry, my roommate will be home soon you have to leave." I keep wet wipes by the bed after we are done, if they need anything else they are on their own.


Beware the plug in & air wick snatchers!


You put your own personal safety at risk every time you let a stranger into your home, or every time you walk into a stranger's home. I don't understand how some of you guys put your health and lives at risk just for sex.


First and foremost, all my blood is in my dick, so my brain isn’t functioning normally.