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There is always more to say, but I answered a very similar question here a while ago. You might like to review that thread while you wait for fresh responses to your question: [Was there such a thing as a "German mob" in the United States?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7ymvtg/was_there_such_as_thing_as_a_german_mob_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you very much, that is very interesting! So, to really dumb it down would be that most german immigrants were farmers who just wanted to have their own land or wealthy and educated middle class people who were not presecuted and had no real reason to form a cirminal organization? You made this post 6 years ago, that is quite a long time ago and it could be that you found out more about this topic in your research. If so, would there be anything more that you could add to your response?


I haven't done more research here, I'm afraid. Your summary is accurate, and certainly there was no substantial German ghetto in a city such as New York, which had substantial poor Italian and Jewish districts.