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I know someone who sort of went the Farhan path. Completed his engineering, quit his job and decided to give wildlife photography a try. Wildlife photography was exhilarating but it barely paid enough to consider it a long term goal. He came back to tech but because of the gap, he couldn't get a decent job. He'd get a job, get frustrated and quit to pursue his dream only to return. Now he is not earning much and in debt but also not pursuing his passion. But he has generational wealth so he will be fine.


This story was a freaking roller coaster


moral of the story, be born rich and you can afford to fuck around however much you want


On the other thread about loving your job I said - you might want to pursue your "dream" passion or keep your whole life thinking about it or you start loving what you do. I love puzzles. And one of the puzzles for me that intrigued me was the crossing of medicine and technology. That is why I chose biotechnology. When I went for internship I was awed by the work - the company was working on a bio-polymer used in mountain boots so that it doesn't stick into the ice. The issue was - most companies don't innovate, they try to reverse engineer stuff from foreign companies. So, what we were doing was trialing out ways to produce the polymer produced by foreign companies. (and because this is Reddit, let me be clear - nothing wrong with that. Japanese used to produce terrible fakes of US products before starting innvoation and same with Chinese and now there are companies in this field in India that you can't imagine what they do, just look at the covid vaccine from serum). The issue was that pay was bad. Really bad. so, I turned to IT. Starting salary was 5x of what I was offered in biotech. I was pretty much terrible and hated the job. but I realized that I could turn it into my dream profession by catering to the basic need - Puzzles. Biotech was one way to scratch that itch. Today in IT I am known for a keen eye for code and resolving even the most difficult issues because if things don't work the way it does - it intruges me to no end. Sometime I don't eat or sleep just to tinker and figure it out. This post is already too long. so, I'll leave with this - people should read Taleb's concept of Mediocristan and Extremistan and why the whole "dream" thing is a bad idea.


I just took BS Biotechnology from SRM University 🙃


There is a stark difference in movies and reality. In real life - ‘Roti, Kapda, Makaan’ takes priority unless you have parents who have left you a shit ton of money - in which case you can burn through it if you don’t have the knowledge to manage it smartly. I know many who were passionate about food and started a food business only to close it down after a year or two. Of 30-40 who attempted maybe 1/2 are moderate successes. The dream doesn’t die of course. But yes. That’s the harsh reality of the movie called ‘LIFE’.


Tbh they were students of tier 1 institutes hence someone like Raju got placed, Rancho is completely fictional, we weren't shown the struggle of Farhan too, career in photography is hell tough, and yes pays peanuts for a while. So one has to be realistic, those waiting tables in restaurants, cleanliness workers, labourers aren't doing what they are out of passion. Or they lack dreams.


rancho was literally inspired by sonam wangchuk ( very real guy )


Most of my family is engineers and i wanted to go for a change and did dental. My family warned me about taking the risk it but i fought and went for it anyway. I graduated two years ago. No job, no money, no idea about my future, while my engineer friends and younger cousins are doing well. If i could go back in time i would in an instant switch my field.


Another dentist in the thread 😅


Yeah.  You cant let passion beat practicality. And practicality says to get in to a profession that has good earning potential and easier barrier of entry. I loved science and also was good with computers as a kid. So, I went in to the medical fraternity. Cue, a couple of decades of watching friends from school finishing engineering , going abroad to do masters and settling and doing really well for themselves. Meanwhile I was left navigating poor paying jobs, finding time and money to do my masters and to gain enough experience to get a well paying job. Im doing alright now. But, it takes so much effort, money and time to start earning well that its not worth it. There was a much easier option available and I should followed the rest of the flock instead of taking the road less taken.


What do you do?




mfw medical is a "road less taken"


Im speaking relatively ofcourse....  In my school batch around 70 percent opted for engineering, 25 percent graduation or something else, and 5 percent went in to the medical fraternity


thats more because of paucity of opportunities ( pvt eng college >>>>>> pvt medical college )


Well with current NEET vs JEE applicants. I guess, the tide is turning the other way. Engineering is being seen as a “jobless” profession compared to “evergreen” doctor.


yes but neet is inflated with droppers, as well as being the only exam for the medical sector


Good with computers and hence went for medicine ?? How does that add up?


I loved science and went for it even though I was also good with computers.... Which is why I regret noy going for Eng/IT


🙋‍♀️ Majored in Physics. Regretting the decision ever since.


What are your plans now? Masters abroad?


No I have already completed my masters from a tier 1 college in India. I plan to switch careers now and do MBA. Can't see myself doing research long term.


Ahhh. Is it due to lack of pay or loss of interest? I am going for BS in Biotechnology this year from a Tier-1 college, that’s why I am asking 😅


Both essentially. Having interest in Physics and studying it vs doing research in it are very different things. I realized that I liked studying it but the research part was not very exciting. Add to that the lack of good pay and I didn't have much reason to stay.


if you want ti get into research then go ahead but research scope on india is 0 , the pay is shit ultimately you’ll end up getting into a pharmaceutical corporate which is soul sucking mind numbing


What about Research abroad? And how much on average do pharmaceutical companies pay both in India and abroad?


not sure about research scene abroad but from what I’ve seen luck also plays a huge part, in india starting salary after masters in a pharma company starts at 3lpa doesn’t go beyond 4 without experience, this is with a masters degree, and for a desk job. From what I’ve heard research roles pay the same or even lesser in some cases.Also you have to be mindful of work culture and conditions. Mnc’s will have a better work culture, Indian companies will have terrible hours with very less pay.


abroad you’ll make good money, if you’re thinking of getting into health sciences field no point staying in india, pay is bakwaas , work hours bakwaas, pharma companies are not really known for their amazing work culture


Thanks for the help…


You have so many options if you are good at the subject. Research scientist job at BARC. Tough as hell to clear the interview but not impossible. I did it. Faculty for JEE, NEET coaching. Pay rises exponentially after a while. For those who like teaching, this is the best high pay job.


I wanted to do aeronautical or mechanical engineering but my parent really pushed me for CSE .... If I had resisted a bit more they would have agreed but I am glad I followed their advise as placements in our college for ME and AE were close to 10 percent only and even the faculty isn't good for these branches... btw I got placed ... I still do hate computers and technology but I guess its home now ..... maybe will crack a govt exam in the future


Currently doing my dream profession (law) was told by my ex gf and my bsf that this is not a good idea but still went for it cause i didn't have interest in anything else let's see how it turns out in the next 5-10 years.


Best of Luck mate.


>Has a Farhan even regretted taking Wildlife Photography instead of being an Engineer? > Buddy did you even watch the full movie??


What was wrong in that statement. Genuinely asking I could not understand your response.


At the end of the movie it is shown that Farhan dearly loved his work and would not trade it for anything else. He becomes a skilled photographer and many of his works are published in popular magazines.


I think it was a typo by OP it should have been ever not even.


Thoda bhool gaya bhai maaf kardo 🥲


From childhood, I wanted to work in a megaplant in India. Got the top placement in my college in a plant. Fking nightmare. I knew it was gonna be tough but I kinda lost my soul. It's not just the toxicity but the sheer lack of ethics in the entire industry.


yes, i took architecture it is a professional job need 10 yrs to stablish your name. No job practically speaking, above all get pennies for 10 hrs work. Yes i was very happy, designing is my passion but no career in india above all there is a deadline for me by my parents on earning if i didn't cross it, marriage.


Job and dream shouldn't be used together it's a capitalistic ploy to get the system moving. So is the idea of " travelling" for corporate employees. Only dream worth chasing in revolution!!


"Follow your dreams" and "Find a job you love" are impractical rhetoric. You change as a person. Your passion can become a chore when dealing with clients/situations. Illnesses/accidents/diseases can restrict you.


Did computer science engineering from a tier 1 college did job for 1.5 years wfh just to get knack of how corporate works joined my family business due to compulsion of being only child no interest in business as it not related to my field its about manufacturing and heavy engineering 3rd gen business. Always wanna try prepare for upsc and give it a shot. Finally decided to go ahead with it currently not where I intend to be but yeah in process.


My dream job was to be a software engineer, yes, a software engineer. But society and my parents together made me become a doctor. 😔


I didn’t get to do my dream profession but actually I’m glad now because that profession doesn’t rlly have any scope and i think if I would’ve into it instead of my current profession I would’ve regretted it . I love my current profession ( atleast until now )


What was your dream profession?


Ghar valo ne lene hii nhi diya 🥴