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There is a stoic statement around “if you can do something about that, do it; if you can’t, just let happen.”


This will get you through some hard things


Still this dudes not solve anything


Don't know if it is inspirational but I will share my bit. My dad got cancer and had a battle for 3 years. I had to run to the hospital with him regularly due to strokes. Since he had a brain tumor he used to cry the whole time if not sleeping. And used to shout with all his strength that we (his family) were trying to kill him. Lost almost 80% of my savings. During this time, my wife left me and extorted 8 lakhs from me. I wanted to fight the case but since my mother and sister had no one and I had to take care of my father I had to pay her the amount and reduce the trauma the family was already going through. Due to my divorce and my dad's condition, I went into depression for 6 months. I got removed from projects due to underperformance. It's been almost 2 years now. Dad left us. We as a family got back on our feet. My sister is pursuing her master's and has a very good career track now. Mom took over a tailoring course and has started getting orders from her small business unit. As for me, I completed 3 projects as a lead with flying colours and I am up for promotion this month. Just have faith in God and do the best you can. I just follow one mantra - "it ain't over until I win".


Aww dude you deserve the best.i Pray for you and your family.


Sorry for your loss. You fought like a champion


Bro, battling through cancer is truly one hell of a thing even my mother had and passed away. I just wanna ask how are you? It is one of the most soothing question one can ask anyone.


definitely. It's been so long that I have been focussing on getting things done that I am not sure how to answer this anymore. I remember a time when I was supposed to pay the amount for Dad's radiotherapy. I was falling short of 50k and I had asked a friend of mine for it. He was also struggling at that time. I was standing in line all tensed and the moment my number came, the amount got credited from him and I paid 1.5 lakhs for the session. During this time my wife was there, her family, my family's relatives etc - NOT a single person cared to ask me if they could help me out. During my divorce when I was drowning in loans, the wife's mother and her brother came to our house and created a scene saying "A husband should take care of all expenses of the wife". I had asked her to contribute 5k to help me out since she was a working woman. This was the response. The person whose expenses I took care of since marriage, threatened me that she will put my Dad in jail if I didn't pay her 25 lakhs. After pleading it went down to 8 lakhs finally. Since I was managing my work along with Dad's treatment and the household expenses I couldn't make it to the hospital a couple of times. We had to leave by 6 in the morning. So I requested my uncle (dad's brother) to accompany him. For my uncle's accompany I had to buy him alcohol worth 1000 that day. I lived in a fantasy world before Dad got bedridden. I thought life was easy since I had everyone. But life taught me otherwise. The only lesson I take is that trust or loyalty is a very precious thing and cheap people can't afford it.


how is the current relation with your friend?


Im sorry for your loss. And I am glad things are better. Sincerely, wishing the best for you. Take care.


Upto Class 10 bullied by students, seniors and even teachers mentally fcked me up Family issues a different thing Always thought of ending it every night Went into chronic depression during 10th boards Used homemade tattoo machine to bury mental pain with physical pain. Irregular Diet ( Eating bowl full of rice to next day eating nothing) Shaved my head as a rebel move idk why but I did it Entered class 11 decided to change things up Started working out on my mental health Meditation and started being social (maybe because my bullies left school and some shifted to another section ) Became popular in school progressed academically girls started coming after me like almost every other day Made me feel valued, teachers started praising me and became school captain too Class 12 found loml and topped class 12th Made a serious comeback according to my standard.




why the f do we share the same story


bro deserves a biopic


Yes XD Karan Johar generic film


that's literally a plot for a bollywood movie. serious comeback according to my standard too


I feel that, I have done something which no one (friends, my parents, relatives) thought I could have done. From school life, I was thought of as a person with no ambition or just a happy go lucky guy. Even my parents thought of the same way. In college, the same situation happened. People thought I was "spineless" and other stuff. In 2016, I joined IT (mass recruit). 5year down the line, in 2021, got promoted twice. But somewhere I didn't feel right, felt suffocated with the job I had. One because I hated coding and computer related stuff, it doesn't simply go into my head, overtime work, even Sat Sun. Two, wanted to achieve something which no one (friends, my parents, relatives) had achieved. So, in 2021, I quit IT started preparing for SSC JE. Parents thought I couldn't get a govt job, but I didn't listen. Father thought I was his good for nothing son. Pressure started to pile up because one, I was nearly reaching the maximum cutoff age. Two, father's retirement. Three, friends are getting high packages, going abroad, getting married. Mother started asking about marriage, and also asked to search for a job in private, told that the neighbour's boys got selected in CGL and other SBI PO. But as you know, patience, determination finally pays off. And recently got selected in SSC JE 2022. First attempt after nearly forgetting everything that I read in Engg. Am I happy? Yes, because it is a Central govt. job. It is a dream job of many. I don't have to prove anything to anyone now. My hobbies especially gardening helped me a lot during these days. Don't know if younger generation like me are very much fond of it, but yes, it taught me a lot. Hard work, patience, & everything has its own time.


Find a hobby which is physical. It increases your blood flow and repairs your organs. Also helps you think better. And just hope things will get better. Have low expectations.


Hope. The only thought that things will be better in the future keeps you going and it actually does get better with time. If you’re young, probably in your teens, you’ve not even seen what the actual world is like. I think a person keeps falling and growing until they’re 25-27, after which they start learning about the current world


I will give you my solution. It worked for me, it may work for you or it may not. I do not know, but assuredly it will offend lots of people here, because well, it kinda is. I will repeat it worked for me. Just shut up and move on. The more you think about things and dwell on them the worse it gets. Didn't get a good college after 12th? Mediocre score where you aren't getting any good colleges? Think youre a failure? Yes you are. You failed accept that, stop bitching to yourself about it and move on. Make do with the cards youve been dealt. Or youre never gonna find a reason to live. Find a purpose. Have family? Make raising their standards of living your first priority. Family allways first, focus on that. Dont like to see injustice in the world? Do something about it. Seeing people sleep hungry on the streets without any shelter makes you sad & uncomfortable? Give em food and blankets. Have no money to do that? Go door to door in a wealthy neighbourhood to gather funds and volunteers. Make it an event, distribute certificates to attract students, etc. is money your thing? Exhaustively explore all avenues to make money. Cant find anything without significant investment? Stall daal ke kuch bechne lago. Just, shut up and move forward. Youll find something that gives you a reason to live eventually. God knows i did.


Lots of people said hope and I agree . But I will try to make it more concrete . How do you have hope ? By taking action . But what action ? An action which has the potential to solve your problem . Ex if you are having financial issues make a YouTube channel . You may not make it big but it is concrete hope . Every view every subscriber is hopium . If you are single and desperate , go to a gym . It will give you hope that you might make a gf if you have six packs . So find an action within your means which has a potential to solve your life problems and do it . That’s how you build hope to survive day after day .


I was a topper till 10th std, I underperformed in 11 and 12, my parents were not at all supportive, they were typical Indian parents, they abused me, berated me, even told me to leave home. I wanted to just leave somewhere very far. Because of under performance got into a tier 3 college, took a useless branch, somehow applied for service based company and got in for a very low salary and then learned DevOps. My extended family made fun of me for my low salary. One of my female friend manipulated me into getting in fight with another dude and I was ashamed of being gullible. But even after all this, im now working in a famous product based company with a very good salary, I doubt even my class toppers draw that much. I'm not trying to boast here, im just saying everything will pass, it's just not your time. I'm not saying be optimistic, but somehow push through. I haven't told anyone about my salary, eveyone think I'm still in the service based company and that im a useless fellow, but I really don't care now. When I think about all these things now, I just laugh.


How did you land up with a good job?


My life has been pretty shit for the last decade or so, as a man, I tried talking about it, didn't work. At some point you get to a point where things get numb, where desperation meets hopelessness, to put the feeling into words is difficult, but I would imagine if someone were to cut open your lower abdomen and pull out the last ounce of hope from your inside is what comes to mind. At that point, I learned to switch myself off, I don't feel numb; but instead I have limited range of emotions and not a lot of it also. I become more mechanical in response. That is not to say, I'm sad always; there are few bright days and bright spots in every day.


Hope Hope that tomorrow will yield better Hope that I can buy the item when investment matures Hope that one day I will be financially independent Hope that's it


This remind me of a good quote I read somewhere, "Umeedo se bandha jiddi parinda hai insaan.. jo ghayal bhi umeedo se hai or zinda bhi umeedo par !!"


Nice quote.




Life is like a box of chocolates .. at the end of the day, you just cant avoid diabetes.


I just cry about everything to my boyfriend. He will make everything better.


Continue living in the hope that things will eventually get better.


I've just accepted that life is suffering.


Find a purpose have big goals, going with the flow is boring af


‘Shit’ is subjective. I went from a dropout to a millionaire in 7 years. Be brave to take a stand, be bold to challenge the status quo, be willing to learn and most importantly buddy - DON’T ever take shit from ANYONE. And I mean no one.


Can you share your story in brief? What happened?


You wait for the time to pass and the best way to pass the time is sleep, music, any fun activity which you like


Universe has a plan for everyone


And that is the inevitable death...




Music 🎶


Try to find people to talk with here. Amazingly, I've found many people are going through a similar thing and hence you don't feel as bad as before.


Haha I find telling inspirational stories phony. Although I'd seriously recommend reading 'mans search for meaning by victor Frankl'. Changed the way I perceive suffering and life.


drink coffee


Keep going. Keep fighting. Think positive. Never be demotivated.


If you’re in hell why stay still? Keep moving


The best thing about being at your lowest is that it only gets better from there. You just need to carry on.




Whatever happens, has a reason that we aren’t able to decipher at the moment. Believe in whatever, god , universe or anything, but whoever is above you and has created you, won’t take anything away from you to put you in a bad place. It will all add up eventually


He who has a why can bear any how.


Suffer & Persist, one day it'll all be worth it


Buckle up and March on .. is the only option


Its so wrong that we just cant give up and chill at home and we just have to keep pushing on, just because i am not weak, but its ok to be weak yaar take a break


Endure, Master Wayne!


Sometimes in life you just gotta whether the shit storm. Remember it gets worse before it gets better. Everybody's life is a hellstorm at some point or other. Never compare your real life to their reel life. Everybody is faking it online. Nobody posts about their struggles online but they're all going through them.


Man you just give up, and by giving up I don't mean that you leave everything and run away or you die what I mean is, you just give up control over things you cant handle, stop trying to do things that are not reasonable For eg: you are in a very shitty job, with shitty team and you can't leave job because you need money, you have dependents and lets say, these dependents are also shitty to you but you don't really have a choice, you can't do shit about it, what do you do? you leave the job? you leave the house? no, you look for another job and till you do you adjust to your current job. Just saying sometimes accepting failure is more peaceful than keep trying and fucking up


Life will always be shit in some way. But perspective matters. Some day you'll wake up and realise how absurd all of it is. And then you'll be ready to extort all the wins out of it.


Outlive your problems. Fuck those losers.


The answer is in your question : can't give up or die. So keep moving. Stop for a while but eventually after some days/weeks, you keep moving. But I guess it's normal to have thoughts to end it all


Look inside. Somewhere there’s a tiny ball of courage that can teach you how to keep going on. Small steps. One day at a time. No big achievements. Just showing up. One more day. Know that nothing and no one has your back as much as you do. And hold on to that courage. And keep walking


Have sex


Make posts on reddit seeking help