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I think I might start reviewing spice bags or some shite


Love a curry on a Saturday night.


Yup out of it


alroih tiktok oim gonna ruhview dis bog standard fookin spoice bag for foiv minutes


He’s an absolute melt- can’t stand his voice 


Spice bags = some shite. Delicious though, obviously.


Brinsley mcnamara (weird ireland) hes great and finds weird things around ireland you can go see!!


Came here to say this! I love his weird little videos, no contrivances at all.


I save all his videos and i hope to see the places


He's on Instagram too so not exclusive to Tik Tok


Never heard of him. Just had a look at some of his stuff and it's class. Thanks for the tip.


I'm not on Tiktok but to be fair I'm not the targert demographic as a 34 year old. The only Irish 'influencer' I watch is Garron and I watch his vidoes through Instagram and he's fantastic. I genuinely hope to see him to do great things. He's down to earth, genuine, hilarious and he has a beautiful singing voice.


That’s the delicious guy? If so, I just mentioned him on another reply


I agree with that. I think he’s gas and I don’t think I’ve seen any other Irish tiktokers that are even just ok


Yah he's who I thought of, I found him on YouTube shorts only a few weeks back, he truly is delicious!! Except, on YT anywho, I didn't find any music on his page, even though his name is garron_music- you would think he would post music on YouTube? Am I missing something obvious


I’ve never come across his music specifically but on his regular TikTok he did a musical tribute to Shane McGowan when he died which was brilliant


Search Music_Garron or @garronnoone and that's his music tiktok channel


He's a class singer. And more people know for the I'm delicious bits and not his music. Which is sad because he's a quality singer too.


Garron's recent video on Ande*w Twat is quality. Mayo might never have Sam. But we have Garron.


> I'm not on Tiktok but to be fair I'm not the targert demographic as a 34 year old. That's not true in the slightest. Tik Tok is for anyone and everyone. I follow a US WW2 veteran that stormed the beaches of Normandy and makes Tik Toks.


Oooh that sounds brilliant, what’s his name?


@storytimewithpapajake he’s 101 years old


Because tiktok is cringe


TikTok is brainrot and not surprised that the content is low quality brainrot


Low rotten fruit for low quality people.




Gurl just NO




SprarrowTherapyPack is great. Her videos are about her dogs and horses are great. Also SylvanianFamilyDrama is so funny.


I forgot about the sylvanianfamilydrama, they’re good alright


Her videos got me through my dogs dying one after the other at the beginning of last year. She's so genuine


The young lad from cork that does the woodworking is honestly one of TikToks best creators!


Yes Eoin is great


It's not limited to Irish tiktok, it's just tiktok in general.


Feels like it'd be brain poison to use, but I'm glad it's getting so many more people making videos and trying to be creative. Even if loads of it is just someone redoing someone else's video, but with them in it.




He is really funny without being forced. And he is a great musician.


The delicious Garron




I saw him live. He's got a great singing voice


yesss I love his delicious ass


He's ridiculously hot too




There's a lad that I follow, who's delicious.


I follow him too, he is delicious


Love the Godfrey twins. You’re right tho, a lot of tiktokers are very cringe and constantly playing into stereotypes. Thinking of a particular ginger fella


God I hate that guy


Exactly who I’m thinking of


One who sits in his car?


Thank fuck I'm not on tiktok.


It only shows you videos that you watch for longer than a few seconds. If OP sees a lot of cringe Irish TikTok’s he’s probably hate watching them and ruining his algorithm. I hate TikTok cuz it’s so addictive, but there great content on there


Same (although I do spend most of my day on Reddit, Instagram, YouTube and Xwitter)


Tik tok is making a whole generation unable to stay focused more than 40 seconds.


This is literally being proven more and more true by the day. There are actual studies being done about it. Thank fuck I'm older than most of them!


I’m 59 and I’m noticing my attention span is dropping. What’s my name anyway?


what’s this post even about? what are you talking about?


I'm sorry, what?


The fitness ones are the worst they always have the most annoying Mayo accent and just shout through the screen talking about protein like they just discovered fire


Are you talking about proteinbor? What annoys me the most about him is his accent is clearly fake but i don't think anyone realises. Drives me mad...


The fitness ones are horrific. Shout and swear that will definitely make me funny


Haven’t read all the comments and I deleted tic tok approx 6mths after downloading it .. that said she may have been mentioned but dimplestilskin is very good, naturally funny vs contrived shite you normally see - I follow her on insta but would assume she’s on tic toc as well


She is and she's very funny. She gets some flack about jokes she does with/about her mam with cancer but I find them very uplifting as someone with several close family members currently going through chemo who also find her hilarious.


love a curry on a Saturday night


Saturday noi*


Controversial take: Most Tiktokers are completely fine and Tiktok itself isn't the problem. The problem is that some Tiktokers are so obsessed with creating a "marketable" online persona that they just become annoying caricatures with no consideration for others around them. They're superficial and obnoxious and everyone (including other Tiktokers) are aware of it except them.


Young people are the problem. They've always been the problem and they always will be. Except for the few weeks when I was young in 1993.


You almost had me up until the last line. ![gif](giphy|LvtKS6f1WatQ4|downsized)


I call it greenface minstrelsy. 99 percent of our fucking shite comedians *only* do this tripe, too. We're the worst. Putting on a little fucking song and dance for the Saxons (be they Brits or Americans) so they can laugh at the funny little Irishman. Makes me want to puke.


@UnaMinh is great! She's from Kerry (pretty sure?) and does Irish foraging content that I always enjoy! @RemnantsofOurPast has great history or Ireland and abroad @PintofPlane is an Irish carpenter who covers a lot of traditional Irish craft (with truly one of my favorite tiktok handles) @beardedbadger works (or maybe formerly worked in) the leprechaun museum in Dublin and talks a lot about Irish folklore


i'm not Irish, but i love PintofPlane. downside is he has me convinced i can build anything despite never once trying.


@thekerrycowboy has some really interesting videos about training and working with sheepdogs. I don't know if his accent is fake but I enjoyed some of his stuff


Irish social media personalities have long been plagued by "irish mammy/that's so irish" content. 2012 youtube was nightmare fuel for this shit.


Garron Noone is the only one that's entertaining


Great singer wouldn't be a big fan of his videos, but the partner is. I think he has that personality that you hope he does well even if you're not a fan


Michael Fry is class!


>Thick accents. Mammy with the wooden spoon. Cringe singing. Obsessed with chicken fillet rolls. Mentioning theyre Irish every video even though most of their audience is Irish and would know. It’s over 12°C so all Irish people make salads and go outside to tan. I find it odd that you give this paragraph of cringe stuff irish tiktokers do, and then mention Garron Noone as one of the good ones? Dont get me wrong, I love Garron, but isn't that basically his whole shtick?


I think that's Garron being himself, not playing up to the paddywhackery. He's genuine, not like a lot of the others.


If you think Kneevo has a clue about history get off the internet & set fire to your phone. She’s a moron


There's a very clear audience for it - I feel the exact same way about the 2 Johnnie's but they're wildly popular


Yeah I hate when any tiktoker who lives in the countryside or not from Dublin.. has to put on the biggest fakest thick culchie accent ever when everyone knows they don’t speak like that day to day




I'm not from westmeath but I am from the midlands and have never heard anyone talk like that


Sure he’s from Leitrim


his whole identity is being as irish as he can. markets himself as just being irish irish irish. works for all the Americans and the brits to suck them in but comes off as tacky to everyone else




That’s so true. When Irish people move abroad a lot of the time they suddenly start wearing flat caps and hanging around in Irish bars


Ye can spot the Irish fellas in Australia from a mile away they all start wearing gaa jerseys when they get here despite never following it before


He could have carved out a niche for himself as being more fitness focused, but I unfollowed when he focused on the gym less and more on just generic Irish-isms. 


Andrea Woods. Pretty sure most of her followers are American. Then she complains about the "small town mentality" when it's not just a small town that disliked you it's everybody because you don't actually speak like that. People aren't stupid and can see when something is an act


I’m pretty bad for swearing but my god she turns the air blue. I didn’t think I had a limit on swearing and if anyone ever says anything about it I’d always say ‘it’s just words’ but she popped up on my feed and I realised there is a limit for me


I mean a huge number of people from outside of Dublin do have very strong accents. Is it possible you just haven't been exposed to them very much?


No no no its impossible that a prick from dublin has painted the rest of the country with the same brush while never having set foot outside of the county.


You're right, I'm sorry. That was a ridiculous thing to say.


Is this like when people believed Mattie McGrath was faking his accent on here? People do actually just have accents.


As a monaghan man I whole heartedly apologise for Kayleigh Trappe.


It's all about Hannah Casement


Im still unsure if she's for real or if it's satire. I asked once and she liked it, laughed as a response but then I found myself blocked having to get her content from my boyfriend


It’s mostly bad imitations, it’s like a lot of them are not genuine but having said that, I’ve not seen all so I can’t speak for all of them but the ones I have seen just seem like they have no actual ideas or anything.


The virtual driving instructor guy is good


It’s just that the most popular ones are the cringe ones. If you look at other countries they typically have cringe people as their most popular, but it’s not as noticeable as Ireland because they have way more people doing it so they aren’t viewed as cringe as a whole. There are plenty of non cringe Irish tiktokers, off the top of my head there is a guy who does really amazing photo edits and a guy who is in to woodwork, they just aren’t as popular, so they don’t stand out as much


Kazoo the Clown Jedward


Seamus Lenane from Limerick is fairly clever. I personally dont like his impressions but his play on Irish is very good.


Exposure to mostly American media, since US dominates English speaking sections of the internet, I’m a Pole and noticed a ton of US cultural influences in Ireland, it’s been happening in Poland too but to a much lesser extent. Youth is easily influenced so it only makes sense that they try to copy what they see, and perhaps most importantly, it works.


I met Caoilte recently there and he seemed sound enough (I work in the shop he gets his gear in)


Eoin Reardon, the woodwork lad, is an absolute joy. Obviously Garron as you said. Whos that lad with the long blonde hair and blue eyes and absolutely loves the camera being pointed at him. Does a lot of those silent videos with dubs over them. Absolute prick


To appeal to Americans


To be honest there are few that start out relatively funny/interesting.. as they start getting to tiktok creator conferences and rte ...the become incredibly boring and performative where they were much more down to earth and funny prior


Yeah I just wanna go back to the mid 00's, those days were bliss, great music (plenty of nightclubs playing all genres) BEBO, MySpace, Napster, Limewire and YT in its early infancy as well. Heaven. TikTok is a constantly growing tumour that needs to be eradicated.


There’s a fella James Doyle I really liked because he made gym content and was effortlessly hilarious. Then he blew up and now makes shite songs with culchie stereotypes and incessantly promotes them. Does my head in tbh


I'd recommend just cutting off this nonsense. Its much easier than you might think. I for one have deleted instagram recently and the peace of mind from these fools is tangible. You will wonder why you ever spend time listening to them at all before long. Utter shite, honeslty.


Idk but Americans eat it up


I wish tiktok didn't exist, its actually ruined alot of people's lives without them knowing. People actually care so much how many views and likes they get. If any of those people are reading this, what do those likes mean in 10 years?


Kneevo makes more interesting videos? Where can they be found because they're not on Tiktok 🤣


They make us look like dumb cunts.


Can’t forget Danielle Walsh


Kneevo invalidates your post, she’s a clown 


Yeah used to not like her but since she started posting about Irish history + dancing and a bit about Palestine I’ve watched her more. Wasn’t sure whether to put her in my post


I think hating on Garron is unfair, he might do some stereotypical Irish humour n all, but he genuinely is funny and seems like a very wholesome sincerely nice person, also a ridiculously talented guitarist and solid singer. The majority of TikTok is cringe, hence why I don't use it, and why I don't whinge about it on another equally cringe social media platform.


The “follow me, I’m delicious” guy is funny.


Why is everyone on tiktok so cringe Think about it - you start off needy, craving validation from strangers, all of it reeks of desperation. You show your face At least on reddit you are just some anonymous no one Even that is dangerously close to cringe. Personally I’d remove the idea of karma but they need some way to filter out the bots


A few friends of mine have worked with Whelan or done stuff like make up for her, and every story about her is the exact same, she is a complete and utter narcissist.


I find all TikTokers cringe. Not just Irish.


Who’s the boy with the hair that pronounces Irish names? He does my head in with his posing and squinting


Blonde hair blue eyed fella? Absolure dose


Ohh that's the guy ItsStuart?


Because tiktok is so cringe and embarrassing


the only one i like is garron noone


Its the platform. Everybody on TickTok are cringe.


Dont reward it with likes, skip it fast.... I literally dont have dumb videos on my feed. They are giving me exactly what I want because I like and comment on videos that I want more of, and skip videos that I want less of.




Maybe cos im over 40 but cant stand tiktok


It’s the over the top ‘ahh to be sure to be sure’ thick fake accents that kill me. Irish Daily shared a video a few weeks ago of a woman with a middling Irish accent suddenly unable to pronounce three without saying tree. Clearly putting it on. Called it out and they blocked me lol


Tik tok and Social media in general are responsible for planting an “everybody’s a winner” mindset in everyone (younger people especially) meaning a splurge of content and vomit. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”


Why are ~~Irish~~ tiktokers so cringe.


I think tik tok is cringe.


The get ready with me videos are hilarious. They all talk in the same cadence and end sentences with inflections as if they are all questions. "So then I went and got a coffeeeeeee?"


Shanice Griffin. Total hun.


Tik tok is bad for you. Utter muck.


They use Irish slang terms in their videos and every easily influenced eejit loses their mind


I never heard of any of these people. Everyone with a phone camera thinks they're the next Spielberg or a comedian.


I like Garron. But James Doyle is all just show, If you meet him in real life he sounds nothing like he does on tiktok, hes accent isnt as thick as he puts it on tiktok


The fact that nasti has the audacity to 'review' food after mixing curry with sweet and sour is ridiculous


Protein bor will forever annoy the fuck out of me the thick fucking prick the way he is, is so fuckin stupid man. Always playing the extremely made up put on accent and pretending he's a dumbass. I've been around for 17 years and I have never heard an accent or a dumbass like his. Man he just annoys the fuck out of me. I have grown up in the country and am friends with farmers lads. They in no way shape or form have a thick accent like his You know what, his tiktok used to be a fitness channel. And nowdays it isn't. He's turned it into some bullshit cringe ass content and the song he made up is god awful man. Istg he plays the irish stereotype way to much and he added it all into the song with his "junior c" and "sippin tea" and just bro stop. Just sayin shi no other country would have and just exaggerate everywhere (apart from dublin, you do not want to go to dublin) is normal I don't hate him, he just fuckin annoys me and has strayed away from the core purpose of his tiktok Creators like lauren, darragh(the many of them), paddy, jim are all great and many more. It is just this fucker that annoys me😭


Garron kinda falls into that circle as well lately. Eoin Reardon is good, he just does tradition wood working videos. Weird Ireland lad does good short videos of random things around Ireland. Anyone from Dublin i just say not interested. Dont give a fuck about the best spice bag/pint/speak easy I often get tiktokers from Australia/New Zealand making videos taking the piss of out their own culture and find them funny. They don't seem forced or something maybe cos im not from there idk? They might feel the same way we do about irish stereotypes Also why do Irish people always have the Ireland flag in any sort of profile bio?


All influencers are cringe All tiktokers are cringe All Irish wannabes are cringe This group are an intersection of all 3


Why are you even using TikTok?


Because doom scrolling on Reddit and commenting on posts all day as if anyone cares about your opinion is so much better..?


Tbh it tends to be the lowest form of "Irish comedy" look at Mrs browns boys... Not funny, not clever, just infantile.


Tiktok in general is cringe.


I know someone who started posting like an influencer a few years ago. They added me to a "friends only" group on stories so she limited the feedback she would get while she figured out her content. She is doing the flowery lifestyle girly stuff. Her dogs Instagram gets more free stuff and opportunities than hers to be honest. It's cringe for me because I know her and she isn't like her profile at all normally and it's so fake it to make it type of stuff. We know half of those influencers or tik tokers don't act like everyday irish people and that's what makes them cringe. It's like come off it lads, we know you're not like that all the time.


Are her initials ER by any chance?




Ok there must be a few of them about then 😅


Because Tiktok is by its very nature cringe.


Ah it’s not that bad


@barneyplease is the goat


It's because the Irish are soo desperate to be liked...you can see it especially when they are away from home.


I think it's a level of familiarity to be honest. A sort of too close to home kind of thing. Like have you ever sat down and watched the irish version of any reality TV show and sunk into the sofa with 2nd hand embarrassment? I love first dates but I can't watch the irish version because it just feels like it's... fake kinda? I'm not explaining it great to be honest


There are some great Irish Tiktokers like that guy who makes things out of wood but it's not just the young generation - look at Bernard O'Shea!


Because of their dortspeak accent which makes them sound dumb.


One man's cringe is another man's tattoo.


Algorithm awards content that attracts kids 13-17 :) they makin dough 


I think tik tok will be the new vine, I have it, but haven't used it in months tbh


I dunno. Tik tok is too bloated for my phone.


Not a tiktoker but sargent.ducky is pretty funny


Just don’t watch them. Unfollow all of them and delete tiktok


You just described this subreddit


It's because you're from here. If you weren't used to living here, you wouldn't even notice it. That said, I don't use it and only see content when it's collated and reposted elsewhere.


Eoin Reardon just seems like a dead on sound fella. Plus he has a doggo


Honestly can't help you here, I'm too busy not giving a shit 😊


Sounds like r/Ireland


Dr Anthony Delaney, historian. Jane Casey, history and nature


That kind of shit is what the masses want. Not specific to Ireland.


What’s a tik tok and does it come with a chaser or do you have to order that separately


Ah now here, you can’t be dissing the chicken fillet roll. It’s like holy food to us Irish. 😂


Would you be talking about Garron by any chance?


Follow me, I’m delicious


The Hood Hack fella


I mean its TikTok, they do whatever gets them views and I'd bet most of their audiences are outside of Ireland


Mas life


Capt Mark McGuire is excellent drives a massive haulage ship and is very informative


Wait i thought Kneevo was an Onlyfans one not a TikTok influencer??


Courtney! She's hilarious!


the reeky bora protein guy is so bad,i dont even have tiktok but every person in the comments is like "UP THE IRISH" and you'd have to assume they're all from somewhere like dublin city.


As an Irish person I agree


Why do you have to drag America into this argument? What the hell did we do to irritate you this time?


I made a conscious effort as a millennial to have nothing to do with Tiktok, having seen what Vine wrought, and I'm happy I have. My attention span is bad enough. Kneevo sounds familiar? Is she the one who has an OnlyFans and was crowing about how much money she makes on it? And she's talking about Irish history? That's one hell of a pivot


Uninstall tiktok