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I know some lads who'd never touch as much as a splif (I'm like that), I know other lads who were doing coke before maths class in 6th year...


Grade A's for A Grades




Study high, take the test high, get high scores.


ā€¦. -profit!


Right? Riiigggghhhhttttt


I was thinking oh I bet this guys fun at parties then I seen the profile, you certainly make your own fun haha


Can verify: peeped the profile. Absolutely unreal read. Please invite this guy to every party.


There's ways of enjoying yourself without drugs my friend... God only knows how mental I'd be if I ever took them...


20F here, I smell weed off some people in college but have never been around weed or coke with my friends. Don't know personally anyone my age who does drugs, but almost all of my family do it very casually - aunts, uncles, granny, in-laws, and coke is prevalent in my brother-in-law's tech company. I didn't realise how common it was until recently. Was raised to believe that people who did drugs were essentially bad people, I've had to unlearn all that.


My humble unsolicited advice: avoid coke like plague. It can absolutely ruin you, can melt your brain in a way you can never truly recover. (Maybe because I'm south American I know lot of people doing coke and ruined by it)


Yep, Iā€™ve seen a few lads I know getting into serious bother with cocaine. 1 had to flee the country for a few months because he owed a massive debt (he was only 20 and was a really smart kid in school, ended up trying to play a big man and impress others), one has had threats of petrol bombs being thrown through his window over not paying debts too, his mother and father had to take out a loan to save him. Anyone else I see on coke is horrendous, they always say they hate it but continue on anyways.


My mate had to petrol bomb someone's grandma's house over late fees


Couldnā€™t agree more. Coke is nasty stuff and very anti social. Got stuck on it for a few years way back. Horrible. I smoke hash and thatā€™s it. Steer clear of all drugs if you can. Theyā€™re not cool anymore anyway.


Wait a minute. All your family does drugs and you were raised to believe anyone doing drugs is a bad person?


Your GRANNY? Thereā€™s a story here


M39, never did coke even though I was around it plenty in my 20s.


You should try it for your 40th!


Mightnā€™t make your 50th!


It's mostly dirt now ... press goes on about increased strength, etc, but that does not mean purity. I did it occasionally a few times a year until my early 40s and had a great connection that used to get "good" stuff... in recent years I have unwisely had a few sniffs here and there and it was all gak... mixed with everything from speed to Adhd meds and all that old heahdshop shite.... don't waste your money....


> press goes on about increased strength, etc, but that does not mean purity. To be pedantic it does mean increased purity. Cocaine is a molecule. There are no stronger or weaker forms of it. The only way to increase strength is to increase the percentage of that single molecule in the mix, that is it's purity. That said, what the rest of it is that it's mixed with can definitely vary greatly in how nasty it is, so you're still quite right that it can be dirtier now even despite increased purity.


It's not pedantic at all... I didn't use that term correctly! Either way, the problem with it is what you said .. even if the source is purer, it's not just novocaine (4 the soul )or paracetamol. its being cut with....


I donā€™t either. My grandmother has had issues with drugs so I know first hand how much addiction sucks. I stay away from them I just donā€™t like the idea of feeling like Iā€™m not in control


I wouldn't do cocaine if you paid me. It has ruined so many people I know who I never would have thought capable of doing such. The only thing I've really tried are mushrooms but they were ones I gathered myself growing here wild. It's not something you'd do often.


I'm exactly the same. Fuck that stuff. Destroys so many lives. Normalising it is disgusting.


Whole reason I donā€™t talk to my cousin any more. We were so close growing up but heā€™s a different person now cos of coke. He looks absolutely shocking now as well


People are pretty surprised when they hear the liberty caps that grow all around Ireland are some of the best shrooms youā€™ll find anywhere. Great craic every year!


Love the thought of you growing regular mushrooms and eating them thinking you're off your face while you're actually having a placebo trip šŸ¤£


Liberty Caps grow wild here lol. Go look at r/beacain


Late twenties and never touched any drugs in my life.


Thereā€™s more people like you than you think ā€¦ I never touched drugs ā€¦ sad to see people like sheep going up to the scumbags selling drugs in our village


I don't understand how people can afford it, especially teenagers. When I was a teenager, I could barely afford to buy drink and now I've completely stopped drinking because of the crazy prices here. Than the cost of everything else has gone up, paying for my car, paying bills, paying for food, I'll be lucky to save ā‚¬20 a week at the moment, let alone buying concaine every week.


They buy it 'on tick' and end up being chased and threatened by drug dealers and their minions. If you think ordinary debt collectors are bad, that's a whole new level and they don't recognise bankruptcy/insolvency...


You're not alone in this. I grew up with an alcoholic so never even drank until my 30s (and then very rapidly stopped drinking). In the 2000s, through work, I interacted with many people who were in recovery from drug addiction. 3 became friends. One of them died of an overdose last year, another is 'back in' (and has had to quit a well paid job) and the third, while mostly clean, has gone down the conspiracy theory hole. I have never seen anything good about drugs, so I won't use them. I have never actually seen cocaine.


I (M 48) have never done any recreational drugs, including alcohol, in my life. I have been around people who did drugs, and I have had friends of a similar inclination. None of them ever gave me any hassle for not joining them. I don't have much of a reason, no moral or health conviction. I just never saw the point. Couldn't be bothered. I hear they're fun though.


Not just you. Iā€™m German and I would have thought that my youth was ā€œwildā€ Of course wild meant for me ; alcohol and maximum some pot. Iā€™ve never seen cocaine in my life and never seen a person take it. It was surreal for me that people take it so much here when I came over in my 20ā€™s, I was like ā€œbut youā€™re a professional???!ā€ For me cocaine is on the same level as crack and heroine and I have absolutely nothing to do with it and neither do I want to


I honestly feel the same about cocaine. It's insane how prevalent it's become in our society over the last decade and a half.


Cocaine has always been the professionals drug of choice especially high earning ones


I had the same experience in my company when I realise some of them enjoyed cocaine in a casual way and my mind was blown that these very-professional types were doing lines. Like....dafuuuuuq?!!!!


I've had the same experience, and I'm a nurse.


Its not on the level of heroin and it keeps people running, it's a much more socially doable drug than the others. It's why it's so prevalent


I mean, crack is cocaine too, and have you seen the state of the crackheads in town? I'd take the chill heroin junkies every time over that.


Yeah but it just gives a different hit than coke and is harder to take in public, I'm just referring to how coke is easier done and is easier done in a busy social setting.


I agree with it being on the same level as crack. I know of lads in work that can't even go a weekend without coke


It's no where near the same level as heroin ffs


Did you see the ā€œ*for me*ā€ part? FOR ME itā€™s on the same level. I would never cross that line to hard drugs, which include crack, coke, heroine


What do you have against heroic women??


Absolutely. Usually a quality sniff


I stopped doing recreational drugs when I moved to Ireland because they're shit quality here and I'm very happy with that. A few pints of Guinness or a good IPA is all I need now. Or Jameson Ginger when I want to have a wild night.


An important point. Much of the drug supply in Ireland, particularly rural areas, is appalling quality. A waste of everyone's time.


Was at a drag performance, they were American. Had a rant about how bad our coke is.


A national embarrassment.


Which is mad considering we have a billion euro plus cartel from Dublin


They were genuinely asking how anyone got a coke habit in this country, might aswell of just sniffed her baby powder.


I read this comment imagining you being like a Downton Abbey upper-class toff snarking about drug quality over your morning paper "No darling don't waste your time on c'caine, it's *apallllling* quality these days"


šŸ˜ Yokes were always my thing, and we're grand, though growing up in the north it was impossible to convince local Republicans that one could take the odd swedger while remaining sound on the National Question. So we kept a lid on it, and only partook out of sight. It was only after growing out of yokes we got to see how terrible the quality of everything else was, so we mostly stopped. What passes for coke in rural Ireland is an absolute disgrace. And I'd like to speak to your manager, please.


I stopped doing drugs in Ireland, after living in The Netherlands and realising how shit our drugs are. Completely different high with no horrible come down that I got with Irish drugs. Paticularly MDMA and coke.


Your getting it from the wrong people. Half the cocaine in Europe comes through Ireland from the Americas


Cocaine in Ireland is fucking dog shit. Just because it comes through here doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t cut to shit by the people here. I lived in South America for a couple of years and I can tell you the cocaine in Ireland isnā€™t even on the scale of good cocaine.


Even so, the quality of Irish coke is very hit and miss in my experience. Lot of good stuff going around, but a lot of stepped on shite as well.


I stopped doing recreational drugs, here's some brands of a recreational drug that I take


Dabbled a small bit in my 20s but I had a few friends heavily into it and that turned me right off. I knew I didnā€™t want to go down that route so stayed well clear. 40 now was recently out with a group all around 30. 2 out of 10 of them werenā€™t doing coke. Surprised me that many of the group were doing it. Not sure if true or not but it does seem to me more prevalent on a night out than 10/12 yrs ago


No. Have never done any drugs. Wouldn't dream of touching anything. It just fucks things up. God only knows what the impact of it will be in decades to come. Cocaine isn't good for old ticker.


Donā€™ fuck with dopamine. It drives everything we do right down to the very will to live. If anything, we should be re-sensitising ourselves to it, not the opposite. I do sometimes wonder when someone is trying to wean off cocaine if they have permanently damaged their dopamine receptors and will spend the rest of their life looking for something to fill the void. A study was done where rats were put into a container of water that had a pedestal in the centre. Those not given cocaine simply climbed onto the pedestal to safety. Those that had been given cocaine swam around the perimeter until they collapsed and drowned because the cocaine was out there.


I have ADHD so my dopamine is fucked naturally but I do think my drug taking in the past has made it worse(again, linked the ADHD brain), my life is one constant search for something to fill the void.


Never did cocaine, seen it ruin peoples lives way too much


Itā€™s scary how common it is. Everyone i knew took it, when i meet someone new at the pub they were taking it, the ā€˜goody two shoesā€™ from my year in school were taking it etc. I just moved from one side of the country to the other and iā€™ve already met more people who take it than donā€™t. Not easy being off of it when everyone around you is on it, but seeing how it ruins those around me has pushed me to nearly complete sobriety.


Used to dabble in coke. It is the most insidious, dirty, life-ruining substance I've ever encountered. Anyone selling that should be locked away for years. It ruins people, families and communities. Now I just smoke a bit of weed now and then and it has nothing but positive effects on my life. It's not for everyone but I enjoy it and can function as normal


Did it once, didn't get the hype of it and never touched it again. Used to have a massive cannabis dependency however and burned through half my wages a week in order to keep it going. Went out last night with a few friends and moment the bag came out at 9pm, I was gone. Made up some bullshit story that I'm meeting the parents the morning after so have to be in decent condition. Cracked a beer, watched some Shoresy and happy with the reminder why I don't go out anymore.


I'm in my 40s and never took drugs. Husband is the same. Just not my thing ever.


I don't drink or smoke or do drugs myself. Lots of healthy people out there


Fair play.


I dabbled before. My mental health suffered. I'm an advocate for mental health. Help people with suicidal tendencies. I wasn't looking after me. Then I went to counselling gave it all up. It's pointless. Doesn't help with grief doesn't help with pain. Only causes mental and physical illness


Iā€™d say itā€™s definitely quite prevalent in teenagers and 20 odd year olds. Or im guessing anyways haha. Iā€™m 17 and Iā€™ve seen a lot of drug use, from my friends at concerts or parties stuff like weed vapes, fast gas and ecstasy. Iā€™ve never seen anyone do cocaine but thatā€™s just personal experience


Where are ye even getting the money from? I've fairly sure cocaine ain't cheap & there was no way I could afford it as a teen.


Personally, I donā€™t do drugs but a lot of us have weekend jobs and no expenses. Majority of the people I know who do drugs are involved in something dodgy though, majority of them are on cheap shite from what Iā€™ve seen.


They said theyā€™ve never seen anyone do cocaine tbfĀ  Yokes are about a tennerĀ 


I'm going to do it..... what the hell is fast gas now at all?


Apart from some boozing, ex-cigarette smoking, coffee, and those things. Never anything else.


In my town theres nothing to do if you dont drink. Theres no places for young people to hang out apart from coffeeshops. I remember as a teen i was lucky to get a fiver for the week. But theres nothing they can do without money. Theres no bowling alley or anything. So most of the teens i knew when i was in school turned to drugs out of boredom. A lot of them started when they were as young as 12


Sad but true


Listening to your comment it sounds to me as if youā€™re being slightly influenced and wonder if youā€™re missing anything. Please donā€™t do drugs. Itā€™s a long road you may not come back from. If theyā€™re all doing drugs be the interesting different guy. Take up guitar and play at parties. Be that guy. I know some will scoff at my comment but I really donā€™t want you to do drugs.


Nope, I'd be the same. I was only thinking about this the other day, I wonder what's different for me and my friends because I'd say only about 2 ot 3 of us on 20 odd have ever done anything more than weed. It got me thinking was or something to do with our generation or the effectiveness of the scare tactics used on us in school or what?


Awhile ago I jokingly asked my friends if they were all doing drugs without me, because I keep hearing that apparently everyone is doing it but as far as I'm aware we all just drink (and not even that much) So I think it's very dependent on where you go and who you hang out with.


F29 took cocaine 3 times in my early 20s, found myself wanting it a 4th weekend in a row so I pulled myself aside and didnā€™t take it since. Too addictive for my personality. Iā€™ve smoked weed a few times in the past on average maybe once a year. While their are a lot of females taking it too, I do think from my experience itā€™s more popular amongst men from late teens into early 30s.


Most definitely. I was at a very rural country pub for one last night and was told all the old timers out there are even on it.


Everyone and their mums is doing coke round here... Oh yea, like who? Farmers Who else? Farmers mums


Iā€™m nearly 40. Have never touched any drugs. No interest in not being fully in control. Maybe cocaine was less common when I was in college in the naughties but nobody in my friends circle was doing it.


I don't do any, mostly cost and bad effects. I would happily smoke pot recreationally if it was decent quality but the stuff in Ireland seems to increase the anxiety inducing shite not the feel good fuzzy shit.


F31, never did drugs and have absolutely no interest in ever trying. I rarely drink either. Just not for me- makes me feel shit & impacts my mental health. Iā€™m zero craic and boring compared to many others in my 30s.. do I care? NO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mid 40's. I think I've smoked weed maybe 4 times? That's it. Drink maybe twice a year. I just don't see the point; waste of time, money, energy. (But each to their own, etc.)


So interesting that we don't consider alcohol to be a drug


I'm 37 and I genuinely have never seen anyone doing cocaine in my life. I'm not saying it's not common or anything, just it's not something in my circles or something my friends use.


Also M39, done nearly every drug except cocaine. Hate the idea of it. Why would I want to turn myself into a wanker? Also the historical impact on South America which is utterly horrific. When Escobar controlled Comune 13 in Medellin in Colombia the cartel would be killing children daily. They had a playground where they dumped the bodies. The bodies were "untouchable" for days afterwards so the parents couldn't collect them and had to sit watching them. The cartel eventually started disposing of the bodies in the city landfill. It wasn't discovered until years afterwards that Medellin dump is a mass grave for thousands of people. Other drugs are great though. You can join the army and see the world or you can do mushrooms and see the universe. Not anti-drugs, just anti-cocaine. Edit: by the way, regular cocaine use will catch up with all those young lads. It will leave its mark.


No youā€™re not the only one. Not me like, Iā€™m not a loser but I know thereā€™s definitely other people who donā€™t do drugs. I feel bad for anyone who hasnā€™t done MDMA at least once though. The best.


And mushies


.....I've never done any drugs. So no, you're not the only one.


3% of the adult population reported using cocaine *in their lifetime*. https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/5655/ Itā€™s not everybody and itā€™s not everywhere.


Haha because everyone who takes coke runs to make a report after. It's not everyone and it's not everywhere but it is a fucking lot of places.


If 3% of the adult population had only tried coke it wouldn't be a very profitable business. There are 4 million adults in Ireland. Exclude the pensioners maybe 3.3m adults. 3% of adults is 100,000. I'd imagine 100,000 people will take a sniff this weekend, let alone in a lifetime


F30ā€™s exact same as you, did the brownies in my early 20ā€™s other than that I donā€™t do drugs, have no interest in doing them and frankly, donā€™t really get why theyā€™re so prevalent, especially in the workplace, I find that shocking tbh!


F35 lived in Dublin most of my life and have never taken cocaine. Iā€™ve smoked weed and taken mushrooms and that is the extent of it. Very few of my friends take drugs. The few people I know that take cocaine canā€™t seem to go on a night out without it. I really do think it depends on who your surround yourself with.


I refuse to believe the coke here is anything but a slight bit of coke mixed with ecstasy or something else. My argument for this is that it was the drug only professionals could afford and they seemed to use it a lot in fairly prestigious companies. It's supposed to boost confidence and so on (along with the high). I don't think that would have been possible to take in those type of situation's, if the side affect was your jaw going like the clappers and pupils the size of bin lids. People doing coke now just look like people that have taken too many ecstasy tablets.


I like a bit of weed but never anything stronger, but I know a lot of people who do. My joke about it is that I get addicted to video games and coca cola, anything properly addictive would ruin my fuckin life so I ain't touching anything dangerous. I'd be open to some hallucinogenics or something but yet to actually do it.


I've never done any drugs, and I've no interest in them at all. I have always been surrounded by them in my friend group, but I just wasn't interested.


33, never touched anything. I drink a fair bit, but not half as much as I used to. I'd really like to try mushrooms if I'm being honest


Never smoked, never did any drug even as a teen in the 90s on the rave scene, and I might drink once every two years. Three brothers on heroin and alcoholic chimney smokers for parents probably put me off. Our house is a dry house, only on very rare occasions will I let them drink at home, debs, 21st bday, thatā€™s what pubs are for.


I donā€™t!! And itā€™s shocking how many people do.. no hate but feels like a lot of people have no boundaries anymore lol


Never, and havent had people actively do it around me bur i know a handful whove admitted to doing it in the past. Id like to hope there isn't lots of people doing it secretely around me.


46 and never went near any of that shit. Know plenty of people my age who still do.


I don't do any drugs, tried it once and that was enough for me but I'm surrounded by it, I've one friend who I'm concerned about due to the amount of coke he does. We're all in our late 20s - early 30s I had assumed for this behavior to stop Weddings, house parties, just going to the pub you name it someone is doing coke and it's not subtle


Nope, youā€™re not alone! Mid 30ā€™s, most I had was a brownie in Amsterdam. Doesnā€™t interest me. Donā€™t mind a drink but happy to go out & not have one either!


Definitely did not and continue to not šŸ‘Œ


Iā€™ve never smoked or tried drugs. Does alcohol count? I drink rarely.


32f. Haven't drank since I was 24 (was never much of a drinker to begin with), quit smoking after college. Never touched any recreational drugs. Have quite a few people in my family with addiction issues, so have seen how much and how badly drink and drugs can muck up people's lives and that was enough to scare me straight. That, and some people are just fucking annoying gobshites when they're high. I know how much of a headwreck I am when I'm sober, so I dread to think of how annoying I'd be on the gear and I wouldn't want anyone to have to put up with that.


I for one love colcannon!


Never touched it, never will. Smoked a joint once and got sick. That was the end of that! Havenā€™t touched anything else


34F and none of my friends do it at all, Iā€™ve never tried it nor would


M52 - everyone did hash when I was growing up - except me. Felt like I was speaking a different language after a while


Its everywhere. Friend is a guard. After She told me about the conditions in which they mix and what they mix it with iv never touched it since. Showed us pictures. Absolutely disgusting


Was always deathly afraid to go near the stuff because of regular drug tests at work. Iā€™m sure there were drugs in that setting too. But it turned out that since Iā€™ve changed careers, coke is everywhere. Also since had health issues so largely avoided alcohol and anything that could fuck with my sleep cycle. Personally have no interest, Iā€™m an insufferable know it all sober, I canā€™t imagine myself on coke. Maybe mushrooms or weed for my mental health problems, but too afraid in uncontrolled settings.


Care to say what career/industry you're in that coke use is everywhere?


I work in academia now. A colleague mentioned that cocaine (and probably speed) use was rampant among faculty members. Went out for a department get together and there were quite a few twitchy colleagues alright.


That's mad Ted. Academics huh. I've heard there's a lot of ego maniacs in that field so suppose drugs is to be expected etc!


I had a fairly eclectic group of friends in secondary school and a good bunch of them were culchie types. They basically made one lad in the group an outcast (I'm still friends with him, he's actually the only one im still in contact with regularly) all because he started smoking weed and became very much a stoner type dude. Now, the irony here is that they all cut him off because they said drugs were bad, stupid and a waste of time. By the time myself and Stoner McGee went off to college, the Culchie Gang never left our home town and they'd all started on the coke. But of course it's all hush hush because of the hypocrisy. They've all emigrated to Canada and Australia now for a "fresh start". I don't do any drugs myself but I was absolutely surrounded by it in college and it's still fairly prevalent in my friend circles. My attitude used to be very much along the lines of "ah well, none of my business, do whatever you wanna do" but as I get older it becomes more and more apparent how drugs like coke fund criminal organisations. Coke is very clearly linked to Eastern European human trafficking and forced prostitution. Even little old harmless weed in Ireland is mostly controlled and supplied by the Chinese Triads. It kinda wrecks my head now how so many people I know are out there on "morale crusades" about this and that but then the very same people have no problem funding violent crime so they can indulge in their personal poison.


Yes lots of users including "civilians" never come in contact with the hard criminals who run it all, these people are scary if you come across them. The hard nuts are involved in all sorts of crime and drugs is one part of it. The moral crusade types are the very ones who phone the guards when their house is broken into!


I donā€™t and have never even been tempted to do it itā€™s passed around so easy in clubs etc people who you wouldnā€™t think would do it are all doing it. I am all for having a few drinks but I draw the line at drugs. I only have to look at the junkies along Aston quay and thatā€™s enough to put me off


I've seen first years snorting lines off the window sill. I'd say you're entirely right that just about everyone here is doing something, whether it's powder or drink they're a junkie for something. (Before anyone asks about the kid, "not my circus, not my monkey")


The mushrooms are they way lads, just amazing and no real downside. Absolutely beautiful.


In my personal opinion you're asking the wrong question. The question should be, why is everyone around you taking drugs? The reason is a lack of purpose/meaning which is better than drugs. Purpose and meaning are the best. But if those are unavailable drugs are a decent second option.


Iā€™ve worked in corporate ind all my career and have never seen anyone take coke. Iā€™m 50yo. People have been very professional everywhere Iā€™ve worked for the most part and those that werenā€™t were just regular assholes. Non of my social circle do. Non of my 30ā€™s and 40ā€™s siblings or their friends take it either. I do know come is every where though as my kids have told me itā€™s riff. All drug free people in my life. Is this a Dub thing?is it an under 30/40s thing?


Smoked quarter of a joint as a teen and projectile vomited. Put me off drugs for life, never touched coke, I donā€™t even know what it smells like! Within my circle of friends the majority would take a line or two on the odd Saturday night they get out and would be back living the normal family life on Sunday. A couple of the single lads could go out the same night and end up on a 24hr bender and be depressed until Wednesday believing itā€™s not an issue because ā€œIā€™ve never missed a days work over itā€.šŸ™„ And then there is one who has a serious problem. A few bumps to get through the work day, bags hidden around the house, would rather sit at home with cans and a couple of grams than meet up. Wife just about ready to leave him. This is a group of males in mid to late thirties.


M27 - Have had a very healthy relationship with drugs since I was about 15 and tried a very large variety. Never gone overboard and know everything I need to know. Majority of people I know would use them occasionally. I personally find alcohol to be probably the worst trade off in terms of the effect it has on my mental and physical wellbeing. Would agree though cocaine seems to have gotten out of hand in recent times and I have heard of the younger crowd using it more which I donā€™t think is good at all. Majority of the time cocaine and alcohol use are going hand in hand. I think better education surrounding drugs is necessary rather than just flat out demonisation which is what I got in school when I was young. I personally found this useless because when I eventually tried something I realised that they werenā€™t these terrible things that will ruin my life and just felt lied to about the entire subject of drugs. Education on dosage/ things that shouldnā€™t be mixed and all that is very important when experimenting with any substance. Also having the sense to ensure you have a clean quality product. I donā€™t really understand people who are hardcore Anti drugs and then go get locked on a regular basis. Iā€™ve had some great and enlightening experiences on drugs and donā€™t see a reason why Iā€™d ever stop enjoying them.


When you say "drugs" it's far too vague. There's a world of difference between someone getting coked up every weekend and someone who takes LSD with friends in a forest in the sunshine. There's a world of difference between someone wasted on vodka every night and someone who drinks a couple glasses of wine on Friday. There are good drugs and there are bad drugs. Good drugs are good for good situations, bad drugs are good for bad situations. So what do you mean?


Yeah, you are the only one and You sound like a loser. You should get an 8 ball and just smash the fucking thing . You'll thank me later šŸ‘ Also, if you ate a pot brownie and it didn't do anything, it wasn't a pot brownie.


be proud of it! It's a great thing to never be near, I was surrounded by drugs from my teenage years till now (30m) been clean 3 years and nothing but trouble, have done pretty much everything, my friends have become accepted addicts, 2 years ago I was nearly sent to prison for 9 months because of drugs, and now happily married with 2 amazing kids and my own business! I didn't grow up in a rough area btw, pretty normal childhood, it's just very accepted and widely used, I went to a house party about a year ago with around 30 people there, and I was the only one not doing drugs! My advice, avoid it like the plague, don't even think about trying it, because it's very difficult to stop doing something you love


Drugs in Ireland seems to be more of a trend or ā€œI am coolā€ type of thing.


I never tried. Not even a cigarette


No interest in drugs at all, I hate the flippant, nonchalant attitude to coke that's out there. There's no stigma around it, in fact, it's almost like the stigma is not doing it. If you don't vape, have a fade and a crippling coke problem, you're a weirdo.


Never touched it. I worked in pharma for years and my knowledge of coke is thst it thins every lining of all organs in your body forever . Starting with yout septum heart,lungs, etc, they never recover ; your damaged for the rest of yoir life


This is not accurate at all.


This is completely untrue. It damages your septum because it comes into contact with it and is a potent vasoconstrictor. It is quite cardiotoxic and can cause a dilated cardiomyopathy, but it doesn't 'thin the lining' of every organ in your body. The situation is bad enough without the additional misinformation / scaremongering.


The cokeheads are going to come for you after this one


I haven't drank in 12 years and have never touched a drug. I've never felt a feeling of missing out. In my late 30s now and have met a number of my peers who've either kicked their addiction or are still chasing their youth on the weekends with drink and drugs. Big one for me was the money being spent and wasted on nights out and weekend benders! Could never justify it again once I stopped.


30 here never smoked or done drugs. If you do drugs youā€™re an idiot in my opinion.


Never even done any illegal drugs and never had any interest. I think it's fecking stupid that people need that much of a high whilst risking their health by buying at best from dodgy sources. I keep well clear of people that do coke as the few times I've been around it, it's just caused mega anti social behaviour on a night out. Yes I drink beer the odd time and yes alcohol is a drug too but at least I'm buying a drug that has at least some form of health and safety food standards applied. The worst I'll do is fall asleep in the pub or in a bush on the way home. There may be a case for legalising some drugs, but coke is not something I'd like to become a normalised part of socialising. (Feels like it is already tbh though) pubs are currently awash with it in Dublin.


"There may be a case for legalising some drugs." You've literally just made it.


Do you drink? That's a drug.


The OP is Iā€™m fairly sure talking about illegal drugs.


Do you smoke or ever drink? Because alcohol is a drug, so is nicotine, so if you partake in either you ā€œdo drugsā€




Yes we've all been talking behind your back about it.


I've never used illegal drugs in my almost 50 years on earth. Never had the desire to do so and never understood the attraction. Very very rarely drink alcohol, but that's just because I can't stand being around drunk people and loud pubs/clubs/bars (ASD).


Nice try Garda


I despise drugs tbh


I only smoke the weed on Friday and Saturday so just as bad as people who drink




No, you're definitely not the only one.


Me too




I donā€™t do coke, and havenā€™t. Thereā€™s something inherently rich wanker about it in my mind, and I donā€™t trust my mental health. Iā€™d take, and have taken other drugs like psilocybin and things that might help with mental health. Additionally Iā€™ve used booze too much, which is terrible for me.


I'm sober these days but there's a shopping list of things I either tried or did often. I've done cocaine a few times and it either turned me into the kind of person I can't stand, or just made me anxious and fidgety. Very damaging health-wise too. But yeah it's absolutely everywhere. In some late bars especially, run a finger along any flat surface late on a weekend and you'll see. In retrospect the only thing that won't mash your brain up and leave you in bits the next day is psychedelics. It's like having a brutally honest conversation with yourself, and your prior mindset and environment will decide if that's a good or bad thing.


No, can't afford it so I stick to booze


Just enjoying some joints after work, never did anything harder and not going to but yeah, you have no idea.


I do smoke weed, but I'm in my 30s and have never tried anything else. As a gay man, you wouldn't believe how many of us are on meth and ghb like near constantly


The quality of drugs in Ireland is shyte


Early 30ā€™s only did weed years ago. Missed the first bus from Louth to Dublin on All Ireland final day and barely made it back in time before the match started and had to give a ticket to the brother who was waiting!


Me either Only drink on an occasion too Im very boring


M38 Iā€™ve done my stint in drugs. Never was really a cocaine person but would have done a bit of mdma and acid but mostly weed. Before I quit smoking I lost interest in weed and all other drugs.


Never touched to stuff in my life. Used to have a friend group who did, a small percentage of who Iā€™d have hung out with. As Iā€™ve progressed in life theyā€™ve all become distant. Havenā€™t fallen out but just have less in common. The people I hang around with nowadays 98% of them wouldnā€™t touch the stuff. Even the young people, Iā€™d say about 40% of them donā€™t drink. A few in my opinion are addicted to the gym for their endorphine high. My take on it all is if someoneā€™s looking to escape from not liking their life, itā€™s an easy option. If your life is perceived to be going well in your mind, and you want things to get better - you avoid it. Saying all that Iā€™m super aware itā€™s rampant everywhere in Ireland, and kind of amazed where they get the money to be able to afford it.


I don't do drugs either in my late 40s I sit back at times watching these people poisoning themselves.


Never smoked anything stronger than major and only tablets I take are what doctor prescribes, so no you're not the only one.


lol I have the opposite problem. Being the only person I know who does drugs regularly


Tried several things in college.. they just seemed a watse of money to me... now i just like my caffeine and nicotine..


33M here, only thing I've done is drink alcohol and I haven't done that in well over a year now, although I might next year.


M48 only pot brownies a couple of years ago. I'm not interested in taking anything and I never was. Treatment services for cocaine addiction are bursting at the seams and I want no part of the whole scene.


I have never done any drugs (and also don't really want to). I like to have a drink or two but I don't enjoy the feeling of being drunk, mostly feeling less in control, so I never go overboard. I enjoy being out and dancing and all that, and I'm not the type to sit in the corner sipping my one beer. I want to enjoy myself and have fun and also remember everything the next day. I never really understood the desire to take drugs, but I also don't care if other people do want to. I have friends who use drugs to varying degrees, but it's not everyone in my friend group and it's not all the time either. My partner is open with me about things he's done in the past, and he knows I don't mind if he wants to use weed or similar in the house, but he's not really into the idea anymore. Still, much in the same way I might distance myself from someone who got blackout drunk every night out, I probably would pull back if my friends were on coke every time we met up. If it's occasional use, I don't care and it's not my business.


I've done the wacky tobaccy but otherwise none for me, ive like zero street smarts (i cannot understand the difference between grass, weed, and hash or whether crack is heroin or cocaine) and have no desire to try anything "harder" than weed like coke or shrooms or acid. Im fierce boring altogether.


Used to way way back in my early 20s, haven't in about 15 years and wouldn't


I've been around people who use coke, and it's never pleasant. I've never tried it and don't feel the urge to do. It's just something that is not appealing to me at all. Lived in Canada for a while and worked in a gambling company. My manager was a cokehead and one of the most erratic and unreliable persons I've met in my entire life. He casually offered me a bag once while sitting in his car. Absolutely unhinged guy and unpleasant to be around. He got extremely touchy, overstepped so many times, yelled at people in my team, enjoyed cruelty, and even appeared unannounced at my house when he was supposed to be working to show me his fecking e-scooter. Constantly bitching about his wife and other managers in the company. I knew others from management who used cocaine regularly, almost like a little drug circle they had there.


Depends on your demographic. Here's an example. There's 150,000 people going to Taylor Swift this weekend. If you exclude the gay lads, I'd honestly be shocked if 150 of those 150k are hitting the jacks in Landsdowne for a line. Contrast that to, I dunno, Liam Gallagher gigs coming up.


Alcohol is a gateway drug to cocaine they go hand in hand in almost every pub and club you'll visit. I've noticed it become more socially acceptable too amongst higher class or higher professions at least. My own job had a huge amount from workers through managers, supervisors, engineers and even project managers. It's alcohol leading most young people too it especially when they drink a little too much and a friend helps them out.


No I hang out with a large enough group of lads, only one or two are on the bag. I used to do it but but I grew out of it. Seeing those lads on it doesn't make me miss it. I find them quite funny on it, they usually make fools of themselves. They act like no one knows they take it. Which is good in a group because it it takes the focus off me if I'm a bit drunk. Saying that I do have a smoke after the pub usually. Would never be stoned in public. I'd be too paranoid.


Female early 40s here. Smoked some cannabis onceā€¦. Wasnā€™t a massive fan. Never touched cocaine and I donā€™t know anyone in my circle who has either. Maybe Iā€™m the wrong age group.


I never have


I donā€™t know anyone who does coke Nor do I see the appeal of it


Only drugs I'm on are prescription and caffeine




The idea of doing drugs is anathema to me- Iā€™m such a wimp Iā€™ve never even touched a cigarette - even my mum didnā€™t believe me when we were talking about it once


I have never done it, plus I love my work crowd but I do not socialise with themā€¦


I was at a book festival a few years ago, and there was a woman writer on stage talking about her youth as a clubber in Ireland, and she said the young Irish take more drugs per head of population than any other country in the world except for Australia.


A lot of people that have developed a cocaine addiction glorify drug taking to see people become fcuked up like themselves - lots of people are happy out without drugs


We have tried pot but never done anything else and probably never will. Lifeā€™s great. Fun. I donā€™t see why I need a crĆØche for happiness lol