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Depends on what part of Inglewood it's in, but as a rule you should never trust the landlord.


What parts of Inglewood are good?




This is a correct suggestion. But the fact that you have to go block-by-block to determine safety is probably not a good sign. Like “this area is okay but don’t go one street over because there’s a bunch of gangs there” seems a bit much to ask.


Isn’t this how many neighborhoods in LA are? I mean Beverly Hills you can go one block and all of the sudden a guy is shitting on the the sidewalk


That guy is employed by the City of West Hollywood as an official greeter so people know this isn’t Beverly Hills.


First time prospective home buyer here, at the worst time in my life to need one. I see a ton of nice looking houses in that area but I’ve often been suspicious why I’m not priced out of it 🤔


Cuz folks like YOU live there…


I feel like this is the case in most of LA except the very swankiest neighborhoods, though? For sure, in my own very nice, safe, normal neighborhood in the Valley, like half a mile away there's a notorious gang-controlled slum. This is a city.


Long Beach is block by block too


Inglewood has very nice weather and it’s near to the beach. It has a terrible reputation especially among older Angelenos that remember crime in the 80’s and 90’s. I don’t know what it’s like now, but I know there are beautiful historic neighborhoods and it has a very cute “downtown” street.


People will say Inglewood is a dangerous or unsafe neighborhood, but the truth is more complicated. I have some friends that live in a very safe and nice part of Inglewood. Some parts of Inglewood are still a bit ghetto. But overall it’s not horrible. Even the worst parts of Inglewood are livable, but you probably don’t want to live in those areas. Inglewood used to be a dangerous city in the 1980s and 1990s but over the years it has changed a lot. There is a recently new stadium there called SoFi, one of the most beautiful sports stadiums in the world, and the stadium next to it, the Forum, also gets really big concerts. This has brought a lot of jobs to the area. Combined with the new Crenshaw metro line light rail train that opened last year, and its location to major employers like LAX, SpaceX, and Google, Inglewood has seen a real influx of home sales, new restaurants, and increased cost of living. For better or worse it has brought with it lower crime and cleaner streets.


I was at the Forum for a show in September from out of state. Everything online made it seem like you shouldn’t DARE wander into the neighboring streets for parking. Once I was there I quickly realized I walk around more dangerous streets in my own city.


90s hip hop set a bunch of perfectly fine neighborhoods back a bit reputation wise.


And misrepresented the demographic too. People are usually surprised to learn that Compton is 70% Latino.


I lived there in 2013 and really liked it. It’s got more green spaces and community social areas than it did when I was there. The SoFi traffic has got to be obnoxious though.


It wouldn't be my top choice, especially being new to LA. Do you already have a job lined up nearby that made you choose that area? Also, what's your budget, and are you looking for a one-bedroom or open to roommates? May be able to suggest some better neighborhoods.


Good questions


Depends, tell us about your neighborhood!


Part of north Inglewood, close to Westchester.


You should be fine! Van ness / century( even though the houses are beautiful) and the area near Hyde park are one to avoid


Oh that area is fine! I’m a woman in my 30s with little kids and we live over here! I mean there are some parts of Inglewood that I probably wouldn’t wander around at night by myself but that’s true of anywhere in LA


The closer to Westchester the better, but perfectly fine area. Although, the last time I passed through I did notice a few more un-housed than in the past.


Yeah, you’re fine dude lol


Inglewood if fairly large. But it does have some lovely neighborhoods. The northern part near La Brea is especially lovely, very community oriented.


Inglewood isn't exclusively up to no good- it's gentrifying but still not particularly safe (at the same time, not as dangerous as Joe Rogan would make you think). The crime stats are available via your favorite search engine.


Never, ever take the landlord’s word on safety. Check crime maps near the address. Having said that, it is gentrifying, and I’ve never met an Inglewood resident who wasn’t friendly.


It’s better than it used to be but a ways from being “good”.


Inglewood is pretty nice these days for the most part, and getting more and more gentrified because of Sofi, etc. I just bought a house on the Inglewood/LA border, and it’s quieter and chiller than my last house in Venice.


Same general feedback here. I moved to Inglewood in 2018 and haven’t had any problems. I lived in West LA and Pico/Robertson before and I feel like I heard about crime more often in those areas. My neighborhood Ring alerts are mostly just related to porch pirates. I’d prob avoid Southeast Inglewood and anywhere within a few blocks of the 405 though. Seems like there can be a lot of activity around there due to the homeless population.


I grew up on the west side of Inglewood, middle class Mexican neighborhood hood. Not many apartments, Mostly houses. Don’t know why you would like to visit. Not much of a night life. It’s cool to raise your first generation children. But not to sight see.


Your landlord is a liar what a surprise


All depends on the area and if you have common sense when out and about.


As long as you stay in the gentrified parts you’re good 😭


Honestly, it is boring, living crowded, and packed full of intense random traffic on event nights. Not the greatest spot and it is a little flat but not dead when it comes to excitement. Aside from all that it is livable. Just not my preference.


There’s a lovely coffee shop in a neighborhood in Inglewood that I honestly feel more safe in than in some parts of la, Hollywood, weho. It’s called Sip & Sonder! You should check out that area


Inglewood is a city with various neighborhoods. There are very nice neighborhoods and others that are struggling more . You might have better info by asking about a particular area around a couple of cross streets.


You’ll probably be okay.


My dad lived in Inglewood in the mid 90s. I was there every weekend for years. It's changed a whole lot since then. You'll be fine.


it's becoming more and more gentrified because of the new stadiums/event centers in inglewood. the area will keep getting nicer but check the crime rates yourself


Yes, give us an address. Yes, stay away from Hyde Park. I like Inglewood. Went to Inglewood High! But yeah, it got bad but it’s better. Just make sure there’s an iron clad lease. Rents, that used to be reasonable, have skyrocketed because of development.


You can use this tool. https://www.crimemapping.com/map/ca/losangeles Also check the nearby schools. Bad schools = bad neighborhood.


It's not great. The only reason most people visit Inglewood is to see a concert or football game. There aren't many "very safe," neighborhoods in Los Angeles, especially by European standards, and of those few neighborhoods, Inglewood isn't one of them. In fact, most would say it's one of the less safe cities of L.A., regardless of neighborhood. As a tourist, there are certainly many better alternatives to explore and rest your head.


Most parts are ghetto and filled with crime, some parts are more developed


My fiends bought a house in Inglewood. Lived in a gated community. They left and sold their house becuase it was dangerous and sketchy. Would not recommend


Recent Chicago transplant here. Angelenos thing nothing is something all the time. I’m used to assuaging the concerns of people moving to Chicago and I honestly don’t know what these people are talking about here. LA is dead. I have yet to see a “bad” neighborhood in this town. Inglewood is just nothingness. If that seems dangerous (oh, and if being around non-white people is grounds for feeling endangered) don’t worry about it. Be more afraid of the fact that you’re not moving to a real city but an amalgamation of boring suburbs.


These annoying Chicagoland transplants keep multiplying.


Well OP is moving from Europe. The vast majority of it is infinitely safer than the US so what they call safe would be different from us


Go back and shiver


lol you clearly haven’t been out much


I worked there for 8 years at the school district and everyone was so nice and friendly and yes the community at large was an actual community that knows each other well and supports one another. I never had any problems in Inglewood but one city that harassed me was Huntington Beach and the white guys got out of their Trump mobile and told me I need to go back to my own country(I’m Lakota Sioux so I believe I am in my own country) I suffer from fear and I never want to go back to HB.


No one seems to want to mention this but it is important—Inglewood historically has had a predominate African-American and recent immigrant Latino population depending on neighborhood. That does NOT mean it is a less desirable area and many parts of Inglewood are middle income or above. But the city still carries a past perception when it was primarily a lower middle income area and had higher crime activity. A sizable part of the city has been on the upswing over the past 10 years because of the revitalized Forum indoor concert arena venue and the 2 year-old Sofi Stadium that was built there and hosts major outdoor sporting events and concerts. There is also an additional sports venue that is being built there near the Sofi. But the other thing to consider is if your apartment is in proximity to these large venues your neighborhood may be subject to sporadic intense car traffic during these frequent special events. You need to look on the map and be aware of what Inglewood’s neighborhoods are like before you move to any particular place. Landlords are there to rent their buildings not necessarily give you objective information.


It definitely ain't as bad as it used to be, but stick to the nicer parts, anyway.


Inglewood is not a safe place. Plenty of Redditors who haven’t yet been robbed or assaulted will protest otherwise, but it’s just a matter of time before the odds catch up.


just stay away from Manchester Blvd


All of LA is block by block. Some groups of blocks to avoid are bigger than others.


It's starting to gentrify, but it's always been the ghetto in the past and ha shad heavy crime.


You’ll be fine. Also, westchester has a couple of blocks with places to eat & a solid record shop.


It’s a shady area rappers refer to in their music. Look up a crime map of the zip code you’re looking at for objective data on how prevalent crime is there. Anyone who defends that area either lives there or has family there and busts into the conversation trying to convince outsiders it’s not as shady and scary as it literally, objectively is. Just look at a crime map. Nuff said.


Inglewood is currently in the process of being gentrified, so as people have stated it really is dependent on where EXACTLY you will be living. That said there are other options in LA that may be a better fit depending on your situation (budget, job location, kids vs. no kids). As with anywhere in LA though please exhibit respect and common sense and you will most likely be fine. It can get real here but it’s not the hellhole some people would make you believe.


Like with anything - it has it's good parts and bad. But Inglewood is considered to be lumped in with Compton. Which is right next door. The area scooped together I would say no it is not your better place in LA.


In Inglewood, if your car ever stalls out, don't worry, Danny Glover will be there to tow your car to safety