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5'5". I'm short, but there's nothing I can do about that.


I’m 5’3 man I feel ya.


Same brother, same...


better than me 4'9"


Bro I’m 5’8 and I’m taller then you and there’s guys that are taller then me wishing I was taller then them so you’re not alone dude


5’5” and same :L


Go to the gym homie, us short kings are blessed with putting on muscle like crazy


Representing the 5'5 gang! I wouldn't say no to being 5'8 but meh what's a guy supposed to do. Taller than both my parents if that counts?


That's probably close to me if we're sitting down


5’11. Tall enough to date the majority of women, but not tall enough to hit my head on everything. Perfect height for me


Same here man, I JUST hit 6 feet and I can't complain


Same here but I want to hit the 6' mark, but now I dont think it's possible


Same here, apparently when calling men under 6 foot "manlets" was a thing, 5'11" guys were called "King Manlets". It's good to be royalty!


5'11" here, how do you avoid the head trauma? I hit my head on everything! Just today even, *smack!* Right into a tree branch. I guess I just don't pay attention as well as I should.


5’11” isn’t even tall


Its taller then the majority of men I believe 🤷‍♂️


6ft woman here...yes, yes it is taller than the majority of men. I would know 🤣


5'10, and meh; I wish I wasn't quite so wide.


5'7, but yes, more concerned with my width than height.


5’10 people from my country are generally tall, im average and alotve my friends are 6’ to 6’1 feel kinda small sometimes


5'9" I'm happy with it.


Hell yeah brother. The world is built around our height. We fit everywhere


I am also Team Five Nine






World average, even Steven.


Same, 69" is nice


Comfortable on planes gang, yea yeaaa! Funnily enough I'm the shortest person in my friendship group as they are all 5'10" and above, so I get all the short jokes. Doesn't really bother me though, I've always been of the opinion that you shouldn't get upset over factors you can't control or you'll live a miserable life.


5'3". I try not to think about it because when I do I spiral into sadness.


Feel you man. 5”4


I'm 5'5" female dating a 5'3" man. I'd say I'm a solid 7.5/10. I'm absolutely in love and will probably marry this man due to his big heart, fun personality, & charisma.




yeah. seems like most people don't notice how short he was because of the boots he wore onstage. so who knows, maybe I should just get a pair of boots with 6-inch soles and dance around until I do permanent damage to my spine and die from being addicted to the painkillers I take for that spine damage. Always look on the bright side of life!


5'5". I've always been short so I learned early on to be comfortable with it. Hasn't bugged me since I was like 6


5'7". Can't say I'm sad about it, but I have no problems. I am aware of the advantages of being taller, but eh. it is what it is. I'm relatively happy with myself.


6’ 5” tall, I’m happy until I have to get in a small car or fly coach.


6’4” here and I have the same issues. Buying pants is also a challenge. Otherwise, it’s good.


6'-3". Pants or dress shirts. Sleeves all ways have to be rolled up.


6’ 3”, I hit my head on the emergency escape hatches on smaller regional jets all the time. I also can’t wear beanies with the little fluff balls on the top when I’m in most cars because it just gets smushed between my head and the roof.


6'8". Used to be kinda cool, but I'm pretty over it now.


At 6'8" your pretty over most things my guy.


Like these jokes


5’4”. I’m happy with it but no one else is lol


5'5" guy here. You're happy then that's all that matters. Fuck all of the people who think otherwise, they're pieces of superficial shit anyways. Become the best you you can be


Eh I agree but it's a little lonesome at times lol


Oh absolutely, and if there wasn't a dating stigma surrounding height and if no one had that terrible little lizard brain saying "big and tall mean good", I would much rather be my size. You ever need someone to talk or just vent to hit me up. I know how rough it can be


>no one else is I have a relative around your height. He is a stand up guy and generally very cool to be around. But for some reason a lot of our relatives make comments such as “oh I wish he was taller” or “we should try to see if there are some shoes with lifts” I tell them to not make such comments as it’s ridiculous. First, he clearly cant change his height, so its pointless making these comments. Second, he clearly doesnt give a shit about your shoes with lifts. To which they rely with “no you don’t understand! He is insecure thats why we want to help” To this day i still have not seen him show 1 insecurity or problem with his height. But lots of family members still make comments how they’re not happy.


6'2. It's good. Tall enough to be tall, not so tall as to have problems outside of airplanes.


Same. 6’3”. statistically “tall” but not so tall that it’s overly annoying. I still hit my head on a weekly basis. Also, in the 6’ + bracket which has all the 5’1” girls thinking they deserve tall. Bitch, I was taller than you in the 5th grade.


Lmao. I don’t get why girls who are like 5’2” want a guy who is 6’+. Like you don’t need someone a foot taller than you. I understand preferences, but that’s just ridiculous. Not even a preference atp


It's biology. They want their kids to be taller so they inately choose taller men, because being short is disadvantage in dating and survival. The preference is subconscious.


6''2 bro checking in. Peak height


5’6” male and never had any dating issues because of height. It can be offset with personality, intellect, and humor. Any woman who sets an arbitrary height requirement isn’t worth your time, so find the ones that don’t care. There are millions of them.


5'2 / 158cm. Yes im happy with my height even though me as a very short man have difficulties in dating im still happy about my height.


Thank you for putting the effort to make it understandable for non US


More power to ya bro


6’1 yes I’m happy except I travel for work and planes aren’t built for anyone over 6’.


Sorry bro. I always feel sorry for you guys getting on the planes.


My exact answer I was about to post. I fly for work every other week being 6’1, people don’t realize how hard travel and when a rather wide individual sits next to you it’s straight misery. There’s a reason I hit the sky club for liquor before every flight not at 5:30am. Those night time flights your better off settling into your window seat and falling asleep.


I'm 5'5" 33 yo, I'm happy whit it, it's average in my environment and fits well in all cars


What’s your environment?


5'8". Would rather be 6'-6'2"


6’1. Happy. Tall enough to be considered tall, short enough to fit in tiny Japanese sport cars from the 90s (daily drive a 90 miata for 5 years, owned a 93 rx7, 91 mr2, 88 mr2, have been in/driven mkiv Supras, r33/4 skylines, eclipses, s2000s$


6’1” as well. Happy with my height except for the fact I hardly pass a door handle that doesn’t stick into my belt loops. My wife is a 6’er as well and says I’m the only man she’s been with that makes her feel dainty, so I’ve got that going for me I guess.


Oh. My. God. I've never heard of anyone having the same problem as me!!! I'm 6'1" as well and I'm forever catching my belt loops on drawer and door handles!!! Drives me up the wall!!


6’5” and yes, the only time it sucks is airline travel.


5'11 no complaints here, happy where I am, never thought about height as a hindrance ever, it's not like I have aspirations to play basketball or volleyball, etc.


5’10” and happy with it. Good enough for my wife and short enough to have an apparent napoleon complex


6’4”. I can reach all the tall shelves but don’t make me look into low cupboards/drawers etc. also, I need to put on a ton of muscle before you can notice anything.


5'4 with 1 leg just be a good person and hold your head as high as your height allows and know you're a king. And if you're a woman looking for some action with a real-life pirate, all i can say is...yaaaaaarrg😏


I'm 5'5" I'm not upset about it because there's nothing that I can do about it. I'll take a woman who loves em short


5'5" guy here. It's caused me some pain and trouble in my life, especially my dating life, but I'm at the point where I don't really give a shit. So yeah I'm pretty happy


5’4. Use to bother me quite a bit. Don’t care anymore and happy with it. Not gonna stress about what I can’t control.


5'8. I'm personally happy with that but I dislike being called short when I'm statistically average. Also has the natural effect of eliminating shallow women from my dating pool. I also find that people see me as less threatening and more approachable so most people are quite nice to me.


I'm 5' 8", suits me well.


186 cm i like it, perfect for me. except for low hanging lamps they always get me.


5’10”. Too tall to complain, too short to feel tall. As a child I really wanted to be 6’3” and then I grew 6 inches to 5’9” in the 8th grade, I thought I was on track. Only the horror of growing one inch by 18. I wonder if I’d be any taller if I wasn’t so lazy, unhealthy, and slept more. But then again my biological father was 5’8 and my mom is like 5’3 so I should count myself lucky.


It is also about good nutrition and environment.


6'0" , I'd say I'm happy with it. I'm kinda at a happy medium with my height , not tall enough to have to duck under doors and not short enough to not be considered attractive


5 foot 9. Wanted to be in the 6 foot area as a teen when I played Basketball. Now that I don’t play anymore, I’m good with my height


5'8 , couldn't care less


I'm 6'3, it's not much to me so I don't really care


5'7 and meh. I used to care a lot more. The only real disadvantage is in dating where some women specify tall men only.


5’10 (178cm) and I’d be okay with being a little shorter


5’11” and eh, it’s good enough.


6'2 I love it but buying pants is a challenge


5'11". Works for me.


5'11" not really, I'm close but no cigar.


It's a nice, even 180cm if that's any consolation.




Bro you're tripping I'm 5'9 and I have no problems with the ladies. Chances are it isn't solely, or even mostly your height.


I'm 5 8 too. My personality makes up the difference for me.




I'm 5'4 (F) and i think 5'8 is perfect. Still taller than me even in heels.


5'10" and change...I'm fine with it. My wife is 5'3" if she is thinking tall thoughts, so she is the perfect chin rest for me. I'd would be weird if I was taller, kissing would be an issue.


I’m 6’ even and my wife is 5’1”. We make it work. After 13 years together I usually don’t really notice the difference until I see pics of us lol


I'm 5'8" last time I measured. I'm happy with that, yeah.


69inchs 😎


Same 😎 Personally, I'm perfectly fine with it. Comfortable dimensions with arms long enough to reach almost anything *flat-footed*, and legs that allow me to sit in most spaces not cramped. It would be cool if I were an inch or two taller, but I definitely don't need to be.


6ft 8in tall and not really


6'3". No. I wish I was 5'3". What's leg room like?


6’4”. I didn’t like it at first, but women love it, so it grew on me.


6'8" Even if it sounds odd, it's honestly **too** much. Buying clothes and flying are a huge hassle. You hit your head a lot. I can't fly coach and I can't buy clothes in physical retail stores (and I'm not heavy enough for "Big & Tall" stores which mostly cater to very heavy men these days). Many brand's online-only limited stock "tall" sizes are still too short for me. Cars are a big problem too - I like sports cars and the smallest sports car I can fit in is a Dodge Challenger - I can't really own the kind of car I **really** want (something Japanese) but I have to make do. Things like dancing and lovemaking are also made more complicated. Not impossible or even necessarily harder...just...different. That said it comes with a lot of perks. It grabs people's attention - and it's very easy for me to "lead" a room, be it in a party or a business conference. Most women find it attractive (at least initially). And I literally never have to worry about someone trying to rob me or pick a fight with me (I have a pretty sturdy build, too, and I lift). I feel like the ideal maximum "tall guy" height would be 6'4": you still stand out at exceptionally tall without it causing daily problems in other areas. I'd be happier between 6' & 6'4".


5'4" I used to hate it but now it has its advantages. I don't get asked to help move a lot. I can skurry up anything. I'm the guy they ask to string the cables in the ceiling tiles. I don't tend to scare women when I walk behind them. Legroom on the flight is never an issue. I can curl up and sleep in the front seat of a car.


6'4...finding shirts that aren't too short would be great.


I was 5'10 since I was 14 and on. I didnt care. I somehow grew 3 inches after some years and I didn't notice until I was 27. Meh. Its an uncontrollable thing


195 cm, i have no idea how to translate that to feet but im pretty satisfied


it's less than one football field


5'10". I was hoping to hit 6ft, it's fine tho


5’7” and actually suicidal about it


Hey man, I'm 5'5" and went through a period in my young adult stage where I was going to kill myself because of it. I was getting picked on for my height all the time and girls my age would insult me straight to my face. I'm thankful that a sweet old woman at a convenience store complimented me on the day I was going to do it, because as stupid as it sounds she saved my life. I'm assuming you're young because all short men go through this stage. Here's what I did. I studied hard in school, got really into golf and BJJ, got a great job, earned my black belt and a community of guys who are genuinely the nicest guys I've ever met. Never really had much success in the dating market but eh you can't win em all. It seems that the whole height thing is almost becoming more prominent but again, that isn't your whole life. I'm not gonna sugarcoat your life, a lot of the time dating and rejections because of stupid shit will really drain you and make you feel like shit. But I want you to change your perspective and gain confidence like I did. I want you to succeed. Many people see short men becoming great at something and being confident or cocky as overcompensating or a "Napoleon Complex". I see it as an underdog fighting to earn his keep. Never just put your head down and submit, you are a strong willed person and making it this far is proof of that. We are living life in hard mode, but when you come out on top you will feel even better for it. Keep your head up and go get em brother.


>as stupid as it sounds she saved my life. Doesn't sound stupid at all. A kind word can change everything, right? I'm glad you ran into her.


Fuckin'A straight up inspirational. Bam. Living your purpose, bro. Preach.


I appreciate the advise man, you’re a real one. But yeah, I’m a young man working in a “macho” industry, and I never feel like anyone respects me because of my height. I was always bullied in school, and girls used to tell me all the time they’d date me if I was taller, and stuff like that. It’s not as blatant now, but I can tell the people I work with look down on me for it. Again, thanks man.


Sure thing man, the struggle is absolutely real and it certainly doesn't help when you get told it isn't a hundred times. I would say either go and participate in a combat sport or try some therapy. Therapy wasn't really for me but BJJ was. The feeling that other people are looking down on you actually kind of does this really weird reversal once you build your confidence, like you are holding an excellent hand in poker and you can bluff like a son of a bitch.


6'3, and yes, but sometimes my back hurts and I'm not happy with that


I'm 5'8" so it's good since my preference is for women who are about two inches shorter than myself. There are a lot of women around 5'6", so I have a pretty large pool.


208cm, I love my height Downsides include: planes, most cars and spiderwebs


I'm 6'3" I honestly could do without an inch or two


As a fellow 6'3" what are the main reasons you'd like to lose an inch or two?


5.6/ hell no, a God damn 14-year-old is bigger than me and not a lot of people takes me seriously


5'0 I'm not happy with it at all but it's not the end of the world either


5’11 and yeah, it’s fine


6’6.5. Love it. Clothes are a challenge.


169 cm pretty happy with it.


6'1" its worked well so far.


6’ it’s good


5’ 10”, though, honestly, 99% of people I meet think I’m 6


5’8” and couldn’t give a shiny shite about my height. Care more about my weight and mental health.


6ft even, and it’s not something I can change so it’s not something I have ever thought about


5'11" (181cm) and yeah, can't complain.


6’1”, I’m happy 😊


6'1 and yeah it's tall enough


5’7” and yes.


6’1”. Don’t think about height until I have to deal with leg room on a plane or at a stadium.


Just over 6 ft. Can't say I've ever wished I was taller or anything.


5'10", wish I was 20' so I could *destroy* in basketball, then my knees after the first 30 seconds of the game But really, I wouldn't change my height at all.


5’11” down from 6’1” it sucks getting old and I’m only 44. Kids try to avoid heavy labor.


5’4”. Being short isn’t what annoys me what annoys me is that I’m very wide, I’ve got broad shoulders and a bit of a gut, so buying clothes is a bitch. If it’s good length-wise it’s too tight on the chest and stomach but if it fits my stomach and chest well it’s way too long.


5'7" honestly don't care it's not like I can change it.


Why waste energy being unhappy with something you can’t control?


5'6" and yes, I'm happy.


5,4.25 bein small helps in my job so I'm happy with it


abt 6ft, i wish i was shorter bc my back hurts a lot but i also have shit posture


6’4. Two inches too tall in my opinion. But my wife doesn’t complain.


5'4" I'm not done growing taller, my projected height is 6ft


5' 5" I am the shorted guy in the family but I am okay with that.


5’5”, I’m content. People don’t notice me in crowds so I don’t have to talk to anyone


5'7 and 13 years old sooo Yes I am happy


6-1. And im good with it


Straight Average, 5’9. I feel how you would expect, kinda wish I was a bit taller but glad I’m not shorter. I’m happy with it


I'm 6'2 and yea I'm happy w it


5’11. I’m okay with my height, though I’d be okay being anywhere between 5’7-5’11. I hate my broad shoulders and rib cage, though.


5’10 YES ! Never the shortest person in the room .


5'3" I mean, I wish I was a little bit taller, but not Guinness Book of Records tall.


6'2", the absolute tallest I'd be comfortable with being. I hit my head on enough shit as it is.


5’11. I wish I just had one extra inch to make the number more satisfying, but I certainly can’t complain


Im 23 now standing at 6'3, Everyone in my family is above 6'1.


5’8 and I really don’t mind


5' 9" I'm tall enough that my feet reach the ground. I used to wish I were taller, but I'm fine with who I am now.


1.84m. Yes, I'm happy.


6’3” im happy with it honestly get asked quite often to grab something off top shelf from girls 😅


6'2". Just about perfect. Tall enough to see over peoples' heads at events and but not excessively tall where everyone assumes you play basketball and to stand out too much from others.


6'01" and pretty happy about it.


I’m 5’5 so technically in the border of short and average but yeah I like it


6ft. Yes I am.


5’ 9 don’t really care it’s fine


About 6'2. I'm happy


6'0. Yes. My older brother got the shit end of the genes in that regard, he's 5'7. Our Dad is 6'1. My moms family is all short. My grandpa on my moms side was only 5'6.


I'm 5'6" and I'm cool with it. Anyway, it's not like they can put me in a Taffy Stretching Machine like in Willy Wonka.


5'9 - yes


6’1” but all the men in my family are over 6’3” besides me. Would have been nice when I was younger for sports but as an adult it is perfect. I can still fit in clothes and vehicles perfectly 👍.


5’11 3/4


6’4” and usually. Most of the time it’s useful, but it does make fitting in cars/planes/confined spaces a pain.


6'4". It is what it is honestly. I'm tall and thin so that usually gets mentioned. I'm more happy about my metabolism than my height.


I knew an old guy, cute as anything, and he was just about breast height on the average woman. Dude took advantage of that great "vantage point" at every age of his life! He was 70 y/o dancing my young-to-him "38 y/o" rump around the dance floor resting his head on my chest! LoL! He didn't deny it. He said being short had it's " benefits" 😆🤣


6' and pants are pain to find.


5'10", well built. Never had any reservations.


6’2” - extremely happy


6'2 and yeah it's fine. I'm clumsy and stub my toes sometimes lol. I hit 6 ft at 13.I grew so fast that year that my back had horizontal stretch marks making me look strange shirtless. It took 4 years for that shit to disappear.


5'8" I don't stress about in my day to day life but if I had the option I'd want to be taller


5'10"; quite happy with my body


5 - 4 nothing I can do about it


187cm, however much that is in american units. I wish i was thinner, not taller!


6’1 and yes


5'9, it would be nice to be able to reach more things but I don't really care about height because I'm quite masculine


5’8 wish I was taller, but not really care cause nothing I can do about it


6'4" yes and yes


5’9 and loving it!


6’2, it’s pretty hard to find stuff that fits you Or getting comfortable in a car


~1,69/1,70(5"3?). No, I'm not happy, but I can't change anyways.


6'6" 201cm too tall really but I have adjusted and happy enough :) not the worst problem to have. I just want to be able to buy normal clothes in-store. I'm too thin for XL, and most L's are too short in the arms.


6' 2" I hit my head on everything.


5'9. It is what it is.


187 cm. I think I'm ok.


5’ 11” I’m happy with my height. Although, even at this height at my size it can be hard to fit into certain amusement park rides. So I wouldn’t want to be taller. The world is designed with this as the max size.