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I feel lost


Ironically, that's how you find your way.




I like that, I really like that


I'm with you brother, you're not alone ✊


Thanks bro


Get familiar with wherever you are and you’re not lost anymore


I was just talking to one of my bros last night about how sayings like this are really cheesy and piss everyone off to hear em but they are so true and good advice Good advice


I am dying. I have cancer and a team of 6 doctors, all of whom work independently. My appointments are spaced far apart because during the pandemic, everyone put off going to the doctor - they are booked solid months in advance. My body chemistry is no longer regulating itself - I take shots and pills. My immune system is failing - I caught a cold from my partner - for her it lasted 3 days - for me it was a month. I'm still ambulatory, but I fear the day that I lose that, and I can see it coming. My body is winding down. I'm not so bad off that they are recommending hospice - it's more likely that the side effects will kill me than the cancer (which is currently under control). I don't get many visitors, due to the risk of Covid. I did get it once this year, and it was harrowing. I was immediately put on antivirals, and that probably saved me. I felt like I was drowning. I did think "so, this is how it ends." I've had 3 friends die this year - 1 from cancer, one from heart failure, and one was shot in a parking lot - probably a robbery gone wrong - suspect still at large. People think seniors are easy victims, but we fight back - we can't afford to lose what little we have. I have good days and bad days. I have two friends that I see regularly, one has cancer like me - we talk about guitars (a lifelong hobby). The other comes and we watch movies. These little episodes of human contact keep me sane. Otherwise, it's just me, my partner, and the dogs. I have, for the most part, accepted my fate. But I still have moments where I feel a crushing depression, but fortunately, they don't last for more than a few hours. I rationalize my way through these episodes; it's not real, it's your chemistry going wrong, it will pass, it always does. I'm hoping that I die in my sleep, rather than suffer a series of debilitating malfunctions, like strokes, thyroid storms, etc. I have a DNR on file. I wonder if I will die before the world annihilates itself. It's funny, it gives me anxiety even though I'm on my way out. It's ok for me to die; it's not okay for the sun to set on humanity. I'm not sure why I'm writing this - I don't think any stranger really cares - I am one of 8 billion people, and I'm not really relevant to the modern world.


Well. As a stranger on the internet. I can say that I do care. I hope you live well and make the most of time you have left.


Thank you. I've had a good life and I'm grateful for it.


I am glad to hear it man.


Im glad too read this as well. I really do wish you the best. Im glad that you have had a good life. Just make sure you keep it going ;) <3


I second this, I care.


I third this, I care. And summin blessings to u 🙏🏾


I care too man, I'm sorry you are going through this.


People care brother. Feel for, and with you.


Thanks for sharing your story. Dealing with the healthcare system is a nightmare and I’m sorry. I hope you can look back on your life and know you were loved by your partner and the friends that visit you. You matter. You are loved. And honestly that’s what life is about- love. You may not realize how much you mean to them right now and they probably don’t either . From my experience you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Death has a profound impact on people when they look back on relationships. I hope you can continue to love and cherish the time you have left no matter the struggle of the journey because these are important moments. Make the the best of it. Even if you can’t go anywhere it’s a state of mind. Love yourself and the people around you. Peace comes next. We all face the same fate. You are not alone.


You will soon be at peace, brother. Godspeed.


My buddy died of cancer at the end of 2020, just 3 days after my birthday. He was 32. Poor guy went through a lot in his last couple years but he had a lot of people who cared about him. For the most part he had a good life. No one lives forever, just make the most of your sunset years 🙂


Hey man I care ❤️. I’m in a similar situation as well, during Covid I blacked out and spent weeks in the ICU at the university hospital , only to realize that I have a extremely rare heart condition that Covid somehow mutated my genetic structure , genetic testing proved fyi, and now I could randomly die from sudden cardiac death at any moment , no cure , no warning symptoms or prevention. I was in a weird mind set for awhile but then I got motivated enough to start running and going to the gym and changing my life around and eating healthier again , never felt better and I too have accepted my fate completely and I welcome it 💯 no regrets for me , I’m just going to keep working on keeping myself motivated for as long as I have the opportunity. Honestly if I could see my three golden retrievers , both males 4 , 4 and my boy just had a litter with a female so now he has a son , 3 months . If I could see them finish growing up and be able to get to old age with them , I’m good and ready


Find peace brother


I admire your mental strengtht.


Fuck man. Hope it all will turn out to be good and you will be in good shape and healthy pretty soon. We are there standing behind you even when you cannot see us.


Please spend every day finding the small little joy. You are right when you say 1 of of 8 billion, but you are not alone.


I'm sorry for your situation. I hope you get your wish.


I'm going to dedicate my hard day of work today to you. Sending love.


Sorry to hear that.


Man, this hits home for me. My mom just lost her fight with cancer in December. I hope you are able to enjoy your time left with the people you love. Wishing you the best from one stranger to another.


I work with seniors and the assumption they don’t fight back is so sad and harmful. They really do their best, it’s all they ever can do. Even the ones with dementia and cancer, they’re always just doing their best. I’ve grown so attached to some of the people I work with, just know someone who works with you probably loves you to bits and you’re never alone


I hope that even though you are limited in what you can do, that you can atleast have as much of a good time as possible and that you will be able to see your friends again once it's done. And just know that you impacted other people's lifes through sharing this.


Man I cried. You are relevant sir. You inspired the humanity who read this and their posterity to keep on going.


Take solace in the fact that humanity has survived much worse with a MUCH lower population. Ice ages, the Black Death, Natural Disasters. Humanity has survived it all. Will a LOT of people die? People have always died. Populations rise and fall along with civilizations. And that's ok. That's natural for this planet and for our species. I know it's cliche, but it's true: Life finds a way.


I care, and I find it extremely interesting to read people's experiences especially people that are close to death. Death is something that we don't talk about very much in society even though we are all terminally ill. Every one of us is going to die someday.


Your message will stay in my heart, praying for you


I hope you're well within the possibilities of it mate. And I strongly hope that this phase is just the harshest of it and that you can come stronger from it!!! Really wish you all the strength to live this part of the decease and I hope positive things come to you in these times. Sending you a big virtual hug


I don't know you personally. But I do care.


I care man,I wish you all the best and I hope you make the most out of the time left.


A lot more people care than you’d think.


If only it were possible I’d trade my health with yours in a heartbeat. You’d make more use of life than I’ve ever done. Stay strong man, wish you well!


Sending my thoughts and prayers. You got this bruh. Fuck cancer. Cancer has killed a fair few of my family members. Side note: you are always relevant.


Your life closely resembles my late partner's. I hope your wish for the end is granted. You seem like a good person who will be missed by all who's lives you've touched, just like my late partner. You've made a difference to every life you've touched that will last much longer than you can imagine. I care.


I send positive energy and prayers your way for you and your family. That you will have a smooth transition and your family will be taken care of in your absence. And that they heal naturally and healthily. What are your biggest lessons you can pass to the next generation? I'm in my mid 20s personally.


I care bro! You are a strong person and left a great mark on this world. Take care my friend!


I really do hope things get better for you brother. I'm sorry I don't have some great advice but I love you bro


"It's ok for me to die; it's not okay for the sun to set on humanity." 😢 *hugs*


I care dude, thanks for sharing your story. I hope you can continue to enjoy your friends and hobbies while you’re with us.


God bless you brother 🙏


As a nurse who works with cancer pts, I see you, and do care for you. May you find the strength to live out each day as best as you can. And when your time comes, I hope you breath out your last breaths with some peace of mind❤️


Someone is going to read this and relate to it. Maybe they’re going through the same thing except they’re stuck in an endless depression. Seeing that you can accept your fate but cannot accept the similar fate of humanity before you leave may be the perspective they’ve been looking for. You’ve certainly made someone’s mind play a C rather than a G. All the best, sir/ma’am.


I care. Our suffering usually gets swept away because it's not your struggles. But I hear you, and I can sympathize. Unfortunately that's all I can do as a stranger on the internet. Sometimes you just have to move that energy. Keep on keeping on.


I care. And I also really love that you answered the question so sincerely, for yourself and for everybody else.


For some reason I’m not in any mood now. Strange feeling


I aim for that neutral feeling most times


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for power, gold? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Pretty common feeling


Not very productive at work today. Not getting enough sleep. But hit the gym this morning, and work is looking optimistic. Honestly, I'm happy.


Good for you! What did you do today at the gym?


Jogged for 10 minutes, covered 1,15Km Some body squats, yesterday was back and bicps, today was chest and triceps. And fooled arouns on the monkeybars a bit too


Heck yeah, sounds like a good time. Todays legs for me 😭😭




I’m actually really bad about this so even the little tip is a good reminder to drink water, I appreciate it!




It is what it is


Yep. Good talk.


What happens happens


Cheers to that




*smack on the ass* Good game, bro.


In Canada they say "that's the way she goes eh"


Sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn't go. That's just how it fuckin goes


"Just the way of the road, Bubs. Just the way o' the fuckin road"


Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn’t, way she goes


Oh ya know. Can't complain.


Could certainly complain, but won't. because you know, it is what is.


Yup, juuuust existing, and its not that bad


"No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse"


Thank you for the free, not requested existential angst.


Living the fucking dream.


I like this, really, I wish you all the success you NEED!


No better answer


Couldn't have said it any better.


My dad died last month... 3 other people I know have died in last three months, and another three went to the hospital and things were not looking good at one point (two are much better now). One of my close friends is moving across the country in May. My position at work might be dissolved so now I'm job searching just in case. We are only a month and a half into 2023 and I can't take this year anymore. I haven't been sleeping well since dad died and I cry for at least a few minutes pretty much everyday. I'm starting to recover, but I would say I'm not doing well.


One small step towards getting better than 1 step back or no steps at all. Let them tears out too man, we've been taught from a young age to bottle up but it's not healthy, you gotta let your sadness out ever now and then. I hope your third friend that went to the hospital gets better, and you can stay in touch with the one moving. The job market I'd ripe for harvest so you'll find something in no time. You got this man! Just keep your head up and don't drop your crown!


Hey dude this shit is tough as hell it took me about 2 full years to move forward. Take everything slow and do things step by step that seemed to help. You got it bro just keep chugging along


Sorry to hear this man 🖤 Hope it gets better


The grief eases with time, my friend. Hang in there. 🌻


Don't be afraid to make time for yourself to cry as much as you need to. Back in the day when things were a bit rougher for me, my favorite was to go lay down in the closet and cry. Something about the closed space, or feeling like perhaps I could shut out the outside world for a bit and just deal with what was inside of me was really helpful for me. You may want to find a situation like that for you. If you think of something like that that appeals to you, don't be afraid or judge yourself for pursuing it.


*virtual hugs* I’m so sorry, brother. A ton of incredibly difficult things are happening to you that are completely out of your control. Please be kind to yourself, no normal person would be able to truly recover from all of that in just a few months. My DMs are totally open if you ever need someone to reach out and vent to ❤️




In all honesty, I had a good run too until yesterday At least you know it’s coming so be prepared


What happened buddy?


Enjoy it while it lasts. I thought the same two months ago, then everything came a tumbling down


Exact same situation. Its not that I know it cant last, its the recognition that when you have everything… you’ve also got everything to lose.


in a world of constipation and diarrhea, I guess it's just another shitty day.


A true poet.


Shit happens man


Going into rehab this morning for my alcoholism. Finally getting the help I need that I’ve avoided for so long. I’ll be in for about 4 weeks. Wish me luck folks. It’s time to be the better man for my little girl.


One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time you got this! Well done for making the hardest step!


Proud of you brother. You dropped this 👑 best of luck


My parents did the same thing when they got married for my older half siblings, 27 years sober and they still say it's the best choice they made. You got this bro, you're an amazing dad and this'll just up your game!


Good luck man. Sobriety will give you your life back. I quit in 2010 and although my life isn't perfect, I'm alive, which I don't think I would be had I carried on drinking.


I genuinely asked someone if they're doing fine... They replied " don't send unnecessary texts, it's annoying ".... Perks of liking someone i guess


I honestly just got used to them behaving like this and my life got that much better


Not healthy. Anyways, how are you?


I could definitely be better but I’m not dead so I’m okay


Don't die


Of course not


Honestly, I’m barely keeping it together. The love of my life left me 4 weeks ago and I’m pretty sure I’ll be alone forever now. That being said, work is going quite well and so is my progress in the gym. Gotta look on the bright side I guess.


Yeah, shit happens, I like how you’re handling things. 👑


I know that feeling. But the sooner you convince yourself that you're alright with being alone, the sooner someone else shows up. Voice of experience. One day a time.


Right here with you buddy, ex left few months ago and barely keeping it together. Gym is fucking key. Also my life coach told me “if you tell yourself you’ll be alone forever then you’ll be alone forever, don’t think what you don’t want to become, think what you do want to become”.


That’s good advice. Thank you. Right now I’m not in a place where I can imagine being with someone else. Without the gym I would sit around being miserable all day. I figure I might feel better if I start to look better.


I'm sorry to here that. I know how well it feels living alone again. My ex broke up with me 4 weeks ago as well. Learning to live alone again and it'll get better as time goes. I'm with you in this, we'll get through it.


I went through the same a couple years ago and I hate to say it, but it took me those couple years to fully accept it. It wasn’t on bad terms and we remained in contact for a bit as friends, but the best thing to help me was to limit that contact which helped me these last handful of months. I recently deleted all of our picture we had together and boy was it a good feeling finally being able to do that. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it does get better. I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve been in awhile and I know you’ll get there too man. I wish you happiness


I been there bro


I thought the woman I loved for 3 years would be with me but she folded and left.. I know the feeling you have to keep going you have to find yourself again you have to practice self love practice gratitude, gym


Time is your friend here, as I heard on a podcast recently (science Friday if you want to give it a listen). A grief researcher said after building a relationship for a long time those neurons get stronger and when that relationship ends your brain has to physically build new neural networks to take over for that area. So they really emphasized it's a phsycial process that takes time, keep killin it at the gym and stay active.


Just floating, taking it day by day


Struggling to stay positive, I know life not too bad make enough money to survive but just so tired of the daily grind. Know I need to keep improving myself if I hope to have a chance to meet someone special again.


Don't know what your circumstances are but are you able to take like rdo or flex days (some kind of day off that won't result in less money in your paycheck) and have a 3 or 4 day weekend? Sometimes just an extra day at home doing nothing or engage in a hobby can really help ease stress and anxiety.


Getting increasingly worse, mentally and emotionally. I hate my job, and the career I am in. I am utterly miserable, although I am trying to remain positive and keep a cool head. It’s starting to negatively affect other areas of my life, physically for example, I have way less motivation to go to the gym. Yesterday I was out with my girl, and I couldn’t fully focus on our date because my mind was dreading having to go to work the next day. Saturday nights I start to get anxious because work is fast approaching, and the last few Sundays have been soul-crushing because the weekend is already over and the next day is back to work. I’m currently looking for a career change, although that will take time, which makes it even more infuriating as I will need to be at the job longer. A career change may also likely mean a reduction in salary, something that I am not currently in a position to be able to do, although I am willing to make that sacrifice. Any one else in this position?


I feel this so heavily and I always get the back to work dreads like 2 days ahead of time and I feel guilty on my days off. I always feel sad that time goes by so fast and the day is fast approaching its end. Is that all there is to life is working to pay bills and to survive? I hope one day to find true happiness, peace, and hopefully a whole bunch of money so that I can ensure me and my loved ones live comfortably for a long time to come. I wish the same for you and anyone else in this boat.


I mean, i was like 3 years ago.. Every line of text you wrote i felt. I made the step, lost like 20% of my salary. Just to get a new oppurtunity thrown my way in which i made a career change, new education and a better salary then before. Never been better and happier, its funny how things can go into your favor. Whatever you do, choosing for yourself is never the wrong decision friend. Good luck


I’m doing great, bought a house yesterday, had a great Valentine’s Day and I’m off work today so yep all good thanks for asking 😉


I’m happy for you


Thanks bro


Nice to see things like this! Glad life is treating you well.


It hasn’t always be easy bro but appreciated!!




The pay raise is the important thing my friend, congrats


Welcome to the layer cake son


Feels like I am always waiting for something but I can’t figure out what that is. Wish I could just enjoy the present day.


Honestly, losing faith in humanity daily. Watching everything go downhill is disheartening. Inflation, government, geopolitics, social upheaval. And personal problems all contribute to me giving less and less of a damn about life. The future looks bleak for the average person.


Nothing to look forward to


Not good currently... trying to fight the tears back. Stage of regret. But still a tiny bit optimistic I think


Well keep that optimism.


Hey dude, sorry you're in a rough spot. When you think it's an appropriate time, let those tears fly. Sometimes just letting yourself feel those things can help it from building up. Go for a walk, watch a sad movie, or take a hot shower and let em loose. And honestly, props to you that even though you're in a low spot, that you're still looking and holding out for hope and optimism. That's truly incredible and resilient. Not that I can bring about any real change from it by well-wishes over the internet, but i hope you find the relief and healing that you need.




Can I see your business card?




90% sure I'm breaking up with my girlfriend soon. Got into an argument about some things and now... well I don't even see her in the same light anymore after what she said. On a more positive note, Dead Space kicked ass, such a masterpiece of a remake. 9.5/10. And I'm going with my brother and best friend and her boyfriend to see Ant Man this weekend so can't wait for.


Oh wow! I didn't even realize Ant-Man Quantumania was coming out this weekend! Cool stuff! Pertaining to you breaking up with your girlfriend, I hope that goes smoothly and that you both aren't enemies after that. I don't reckon my relationship will last much longer either so I'm almost in the same boat you are. Wishing both of us smooth sailing ahead.


40s. Neglected childhood. Lost sibling last year who was best friend. Lost childhood friend last fall. Last surviving parent passed away last month, broke up with girlfriend. Strained and distant relationship with remaining sibling. No other family. You know gen x dudes, so all my friends are pretty much emotionally unavailable Somehow still here, but I feel pretty broken. Therapist thinks the neglect forced me to learn how to figure things out myself (one of my earliest memories is figuring out how to read between learning the alphabet and what my sibling read to me, because my parents never did), so that’s why I’m still able to function through it all.


Dude, that's a lot to be going through. And neglect can really have such a huge impact on our development as kids and teens. I think the "Somehow still here" really speaks to your ability to adapt and respond to really shitty life circumstances . I'm sorry that you've had to go through those things and that you're doing a lot of it on your own. If nothing else, you're really resilient and resourceful. Heck, you're even taking steps to do what you need to do to manage everything by seeking out a therapist. You're a badass, man. At least i think so. I'm rooting for you.


I'm an Eagles fan. So dead inside.


Pretty lonely


Same. I don't haver very many friends. It's hard to make friends.


Yeah, realistically I probably have four friends. They all live far away too. Making friends in your 30s is definitely a challenge


I got snipped last Friday and I’m doing better than I thought I would be.


Well I have a crush, and I'm horrible at social relationships. So yeah, I'm paranoid and feel like shit most of the time. As for the rest, it's fine, thanks for asking, really.


You’re welcome


Deviated, demotivated, destroyed


I’m so tired.


My anxiety is poisoning my mind about what is going on around me, but at least my therapist and a couple of friends can see more clearly and help me not get too far into the wrong end of the mood pool.


55 yrs old and looking for a new job Gotta leave this one because it’s eroding and my mental health


It’s good you know


Numb. Told my best friend I was in love with her 5 weeks ago and she ended up blocking me on snapchat 2 weeks ago bc she said she doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with this.


You took a chance and said how you felt. Now you can let it go and focus on moving on.


Either she'll come back around, or she won't but don't waste your time waiting. If she is really like that, I wouldn't even wait anyway.


doing cool right now honestly!! about to rewatch the greatest showman with a friend


Good pick. I love that movie






Apathetic honestly, I'm doing "well" I have a decent job, own my own house. Since my "it's complicated" moved out and we've spent the past six months trying to fix things but these days I honestly just feel nothing most days.


I'm alive....


Stressed and depressed, I mean... Fine 😁


Tired. Just tired


Miserable , fuck depression . i can't enjoy anything


Water’s good


Not ok Parpetually horny Stuck in a religion i dont believe in so as not to loose my family Unsure abt what to do with life but super ambitious


I've given up on myself. Lost total motivation to do anything, I cant care less.


I think I am almost in that phase. I have a completely given up on myself but I don't work out, I eat what I want when I want, and I don't really do productive things because I just don't care that much. I just earn money and survive to chill.


I feel you man, I used to be very active, and a triathlete, carefull of what I eat and drink. But I just can't be bothered, lost all selfrespect and can't be bothered to gain it back. Don't know why, how or when it happened. Only reason I can think of I have no purpose or meaning in life, nor do I care anymore to find one. Went to therapy for I dunno how many years now. It is what it is, I wasn't made to be alive.


My wife and I have hit this point in our relationship (6 yrs married, 10 yrs together) where I think we’ve connected in a lot of ways and I’m terribly afraid of loosing it…


You're right, it's a dangerous position to be in when you have something to lose. Hopefully, she feels the same way and has good attachment skills, rather than getting afraid and pulling away. Think about the good that can develop, and it will manifest. Try not to think about the negative things- they will also manifest if you focus on them. Just keep doing all the right things you've been doing. Stay positive, my friend.


Slight positive forecast for the future


Just like 3.6 roentgen.


Not great not terrible


Realistically life isn't going to get any better until I hit 50. Until then I only think 2 days of my week are worth living for.




Not great. Work is killing me right now and I need to find something else, but I’ve been there for 11 years so I’m used to my job, but I’m never going to make more money or advance in my current situation.


Change is good, most times


Well I'm 2 weeks away from my 24th B Day, I'm off my Anxiety Meds and am doing very well and I have a good friendship going with a new girl at work who whenever I'm around she makes me feel happy so better than usual


Not that good to be honest and It's frustrating as I know I can be more and do a lot better, It's like I know what to do but I can't physically do it and when I start I know I'll end up here again, I'm trying to fix my mindset so I don't have to go through this again and again, I have potential which I recognise but I'm used to being in survival mode 24/7 and I'm not that good at just living. I'll figure it out eventually, my guess is that I need to focus more on helping others and by doing that I'll actually be helping myself and feel more fulfilled in the process. What about you?


Way better than two years ago! Gents, take care of your mental health; whether you need to see a psych doc, get a prescription, electrotherapy, meditation/breathing exercise, whatever…there’s no shame in that game! Some of it sounds silly, I know, but give it a try.


I'm burnt out at work. Next month I plan on resigning from my 8 years+ job so I can travel and figure out what I want to do with the next portion of my life. A little depressed, very hopeful, and getting ready for the change.


Thanks for asking dawg. I'm suffering quietly as my problems bury me. I'd love to write out a big paragraph but really even the most perfectly crafted sentences can't convey the extent of my suffering despite my life not being plagued by any major catastrophes. Mental health is a bitch. If you're reading this.. thanks for listening, Be nice to yourself. <3


Great, very purposeful, but lost all my friends.


Broke up with my partner of 10 years last March. He’d been acting increasingly hostile towards me for the last year of the relationship, which turned out to be because he was having an affair and was too much of a coward to end things with me himself. He ended up moving out on my birthday, which he forgot, in a van that I hired and paid for. Most of the lifting and carrying and all of the driving was done by myself and my friend, since ex and his new guy were apparently incapable of doing these things on their own. All a bit fucked up, but I just needed him out of my life at that point. Since then I’ve been moving on. Valentines the other day though did remind me of everything and make me think about my upcoming birthday/ anniversary of that fucked up day. I have considered about it deeply, and I have decided that I will spend my birthday in quiet contemplation and meditation, where I can reflect on my life and plan on how to use my experience to constructively develop as a person… nah fuck that, I’m booking the day off work and buying myself a PS5.


Married but so lonely.


Good one. You got all day?


Doing well honestly. I don’t think the fluctuations in mental health for men are appreciated nearly enough. Very few people ever ask how you’re doing or feeling.


I've never felt more connected, content and full of purpose in my 42 years of life, than I do right now.