• By -


Min: $500k Max: Unlimited


500k would prob be the right amount.


This. šŸ‘†šŸ½


That 500k would solve my problems too. That's about how much I need.


I need about tree fiddy.


That is about right, enough to pay off some debt, get my fiancƩ and I newer (not new, but new to us) vehicles (we both drive 2001 vehicles) and buy very nice house (around 300k). Use the remaining to invest and keep back for retirement. That would set us up for success and we can finally be out of poverty.


Problems is a loaded term. We all have problems regardless of cash. Pay off all debt I would agree 500k.


Dang it I came here expecting a bunch of high prices but exactly the right answer was already at the top... it's like we've all done the math at some point šŸ˜…


Agreed, would help solve some debts and some wiggle room on my mortgage while enjoying baby time


500k on top of what you have or 500k total? What problems would it solve?


> 500k on top of what you have or 500k total? Either one > What problems would it solve? Help me change my citizenship / migrate or retire early to somewhere in the Caribbean.


If I had half a mil, I wouldn't be able to be found


Thatā€™s really not a lot of money, definitely not enough to disappear for the rest of a lifetime. Unless you just want to go completely off grid alone, even then it would be tough.


Says who? No matter where you live that's life changing. In some places, you'll never need more


Never need more if you live in squalor the rest of your life.


You canā€™t live in the US for more than 15 years on that, unless youā€™re willing to go like off grid in a cabin like I said. Or youā€™re okay living in completely shit conditions.


Say you're 25? A nice house paid off for under 200k paid off cash, then 300k invested can easily average 10% return a year to top off any job you got. Even if you make 50k a year at work, that's a pretty easy life and certainly not "squalor" *edit* I should obviously note I'm an expert. I lived 3 years traveling Europe and Africa, living a pretty extravagant lifestyle of partying and sight seeing. I once did 9 weeks in 8 countries (western europe) on just under 100 dollars, went to the craziest nightclubs and fanciest restaurants, but everything was given to me freely. Not everyone has the same skill-set but there's layers I'm sure and people can get by on a couple thousand a month.


Min: 5k would solve all problems for me which is kinda sad how unreachable a goal it is for a lot of us while others spend that kind of money on a purse. Wild isnā€™t it!


That's pretty much the same for me. 5k would turn my life around but it's more likely the number I need will increase than it is I'll actually get out of the shit


Yeah Iā€™m Running backwards and will likely die of health issues before itā€™s fixed which is incredibly sad to me lol. All I need is a car and a chance to get a leg up on my life but like many other folks , it wonā€™t happen and life goes on!


May I ask where you live? Why do you need money to fix your health problems? You shouldn't die just because of money, that's not fair. Can we help you somehow?


Missouri Money pays bills and provides insurance and transportation as well as medications and food and clothing. Not having a vehicle has basically sealed my fate because unless you live in a city you need one. Which costs money. I am better off than many others who are closer to death and canā€™t work at all. I just have accepted the fact I likely wonā€™t fix this and I will have to be okay with that. I donā€™t want anything from anyone I just want the world to become a better place so people who are low on the totem pole and donā€™t have family or dependents or anything - still have a fighting chance. but thank you anyways. I see the world Slowly changing and people caring more about one another and it gives me hope. But I have still watched 2 people die in the last 3 years from situations similar to mine so I just would like that to change.


I'm deeply sorry for all the people who are going through stuff like that. That's crazy to me. Everyone, no matter where in the world they are, should get free healthcare. I'll never understand why American doesn't care about their citizens... I assumed you're living in America before I asked and that I knew it because of your post says everything. That's just so wrong. I have a few chronical illnesses and I wouldn't survive in the USA as well, I'm so thankful that I don't have to deal with this. It's just not fair, I feel so bad for y'all..


Oh sorry! I forgot to mention USA. My close minded ass forgets šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Itā€™s definitely not fair but I recently just accepted it for what it is and stopped panicking over it. Begging for help would make me want to die anyways and the guilt that goes along with it is not for me. I have done my absolute best in a severely complicated situation and I continue to do so. Itā€™s not enough and wonā€™t be, but Iā€™m not leaving behind children or a spouse or family so itā€™s not as bad as many other people.


There's no such thing as free healthcare. Someone has to pay for it.


That's not true :) For example: Brazil. They define healthcare as an universal right. Anyone in the country, even short-term visitors, can get health care for free. And what I meant by free healthcare in general is that there are a lot of countries where healthcare is free for the citizens because everything is funded by social security contributions. Nobody has to die because of money or nobody needs to think about it before they go to the doctor or the emergency room etc. They get all the needed medication for free. They get help immediately without questions being asked and without having to worry about money. So obviously it gets funded but I thought that's common sense when I posted this comment, apparently it's not.


>And what I meant by free healthcare in general is that there are a lot of countries where healthcare is free for the citizens because everything is funded by social security contributions. That's not free. You're paying for it with taxes. And though you're not aware of it, you're also paying extra to facilitate all of the bureaucratic overhead. >They define healthcare as an universal right. Declaring something to be a universal right does not change scarcity. It would be like if you declared beachfront property to be a universal human right. That does not change the actual supply of beachfront land. What it does do, however, is create a system where companies are forced to sell certain goods and services at a loss (because people have a "right" to them). Then those companies, because they cannot sustain such losses indefinitely, must turn around and change exorbitant prices for other goods and services which are not "rights" (and thus not subject to government price ceilings), to negate the losses imposed on them. This is why an ER visit for a scraped knee can cost up nearly $1000 for what amounts to tape, gauze, and 5 minutes of examination - because the insurance companies and hospitals are trying to recoup the losses they are being forced to sustain.


I would love to educate you but it seems like it won't work because you don't care. So I don't want to waste my time. But I wish you all the best


This is so so true.


Saw a quote somewhere, ages ago... "being an adult is realizing $5000 is not a lot of money to have, but a lot of money to owe."




Yeah I feel ya I am currently walking To work to barely scrape by just to pay bills or sometimes skip a bill and buy food. Going through radiation but lost insurance so just letting the tumors fester and drowning. Life is Hilarious


Jesus. I am so sorry to read that, friend. I wish I could help you.


Not looking for pity no worries there :) just want other folks to realize there are tons of people who fall through the cracks even if they do work hard, and a lot of them just kinda work till the day they die and thatā€™s that. Iā€™ve come to terms with it but Iā€™m hopeful someday in the future itā€™ll change for others. No one should have to accept they will fail suffer and die because itā€™s their only option. Itā€™s weird as hell. Lol


Fun facts: 1/3 of American adults wouldnā€™t have the means to pay a $400 emergency expenditure. 82% of American adults aged from 18-25 suffer from financial anxiety, 83% between the ages of 26-43. Overall, 65% of all American adults say financial stress is a major factor in their daily life.


About $15,000 would handle all of my pressing issues. More would be nice for luxuries or extra security of course


Honestly anything over $10k would be life changing lmao. I could get mine and my wife's cars fixed up and still have money to clear up some debt


This is very humbling, I would need $5M. But after reading your post I realize I might be better off than others. Although Iā€™m the poorest person in my wealthy neighbourhood. Lesson; Always be grateful


Do u not have student loans? That covers a semester of my tuition and housing šŸ˜­


Nah, I graduated a decade and a half ago so my student loans are finally paid off


Slay congrats king


About Ā£10,000, then I can stop struggling to afford food. Sure, my life won't be made with just Ā£10000, but I can actually start working on improving myself with that weight off my shoulders


For life? Probably 3-5 million. Pay off the house and live in interest. Assuming 5% interest that would be $150,000-$250,000 per year, which is way more than I would need right now but I'm hoping to live for a while and I don't want to be screwed by inflation.


0, none of my problems are stuck behind money.


Same, but sadly, this isn't the case for the majority of people. Heard a stat not too long ago that something like 45% of Americans don't even have $1k in savings.


I'm lucky enough to be close to having 1k in saving. I'm at 900!


Congratulations šŸŽŠ


I saw the percentage of people set to reach retirement age within the next 10 years who donā€™t have anything saved up and the number shocked me


Most people are worried about the present and don't think about the future. I doubt I'll live to see retirement age anyway. I do have an IRA account and 401k but not much.


Yeah i know. I'm lucky on that part. Not that I'm rich i just have a stable income, don't live in USA and everything has settled down to steady routine.


Must be nice.


I wouldn't say nice. Just that extra money will not fix the problems i have. So acceptable. I am in content with my situation.


Just made it to 1k in savings for the first time in my 34 yo life, but still need about 19k fml


What's a savings?


And some of those people are still living happy lives despite their financial situation, while there are millionaires that are contemplating suicide.


Yeah, but thereā€™s always that anxiety of what if SHTF or not having the freedom to just leave my crappy low paying job without something lined up. Even getting a cold can be stressful because i donā€™t have sick pay and my expenses are very tight.


I donā€™t disagree with that at all. Iā€™m just pointing out that there are money problems and then there are mental problems that no amount of money can genuinely solve (yes, even with healthcare). Money problems can be temporary but unfortunately a lot of peopleā€™s mental health problems are a lifelong battle that they lose, regardless of their bank account.


I don't have $1000 in my bank account and money still can't fix my problems.


My dad told me about that stat recently. I can't believe it.


Try y having a disease where meds cost over 25k before needed insurance plus hospital stays and ambulance rides, life as an American. Uncontrollable epilepsy that's med resistant with depression and anxiety from it due to its location because I'm a fuckin lottery winner.


I'm sorry to hear. Having any sort of permanent medical problem and being born in USA is really bad combo. I'd be fucked there too.


This is horseshit for most rational men. You can only say that if you 1. Already have over 500k in value and so you donā€™t know any better 2. Donā€™t plan on having any offspring Money solves all the problems up to a point. That point is probably 500k and then after that itā€™s relative.


You jealous? Ofcourse more money could improve some things, but it's not necessary. Current status is completely acceptable. We can take an example from Buddhist monks. They have almost nothing and are still in peace/content.


Buddhist monks donā€™t live in a man made prisonā€¦ America


Then why are you on this post? Lmfao


To represent the other end of the scale.




Hello, Kremlin here, will be to you shortly.


You need like 2-3k$ for that




I moved to poland from Belarus and spent maybe 2ā‚¬k for moving. Found a job within a month. Key for rent is splitting it or renting a room. Also, job prospects depend on your education and experience.






Absolutely wish you the best of luck and hope you can get out of your situation as quickly as possible. Network and make friends in other countries and utilize those connections. Start by making a list of countries or cities you would like to move to that are easy to gain citizenship or at least have the ability after jumping through the hoops. No point in moving somewhere on a temporary visa if you're trying to change things completely.


ā€œ I need to escape from Russia,ā€ šŸ«µšŸ¤£


For once in my life my problems arenā€™t around money at all. Iā€™ve realized the time I desire to spend doing activities or with loved ones and friends matter so much but sadly I have to go to work in order to pay the bills and donā€™t have that time. Although, 20k would make things like my car loans go away so that could be cool


With enough money you wouldn't have to go to work. Other than that little trick, I feel the same way. My problems are not financially bound. More money might pay for more therapy or something. More money would permit me to take unpaid leaves of absence. But I suspect large patches of otherwise unoccupied time would lead to new problems.




I need $11,235.89 to get rid of the irs and a wage garnishment. The rest is routine.


Bout tree fiddy


Goddam Loch Ness monster!


None. Spent my entire life working on myself and now I have a great career, no debt, and more money than I could ever need. Realistically I can probably retire in my mid 40s. But frankly Iā€™m just bored and lonely. All my friends have married and/or had kids. I donā€™t have someone of my own to share this nest egg with be it a partner or kids. Iā€™m bored with most things except sitting at home and tinkering with stuff, but at the same time I donā€™t want to do anything new because I donā€™t see the appeal. Iā€™m looking for that spark now that Iā€™ve ā€œwon the gameā€ so to speak. Feel like Saitama honestly lol.


Be careful and keep your head on, for sure there's some partner out there who's going to pretend their way into your investment, not saying that's guaranteed, just be careful and don't rush into marriage too quickly any relationship you get into take your time and enjoy it


Appreciate the advice, but if you think about it, I wouldnā€™t be in the position I am today if I humored every, or frankly *any* woman that crossed my path.


The only problem i have right now is food. I think 50 would get me through the weeks till a find a job.


Praying for you brother


Honestly? 2 million would set me free from any problem cuz I could invest it, let it grow and weather the current storm, and then quit my job. I donā€™t really have any debt and I could live off the investment gains of the 2 million.


1 million


Not much, as long as its value isn't being eroded by more of it being printed


50k, probably. Not school loans or credit cards or anything like that. I owe the IRS this year for keeping more of my money in my paychecks rather than getting less for a refund later. I could really use a better vehicle to keep my kids going where the need to be, help with paying for a divorce, we desperately need some new clothes, shoes, haircuts and such. They both need braces (oof). And just some cushion so I can be present in my life and not just worried all the time about what I would do if something came up that cost a lot.




10k would help me pay off my car and some debt. Thatā€™s all I need. I want more but need? 10k lol


*chants for the beast to appear*


Honestly if I could just have $250k, Iā€™d pay off my house, cars and have enough left over to add an addition on the house. So then still have ~$100k leftover.


10-35 mill USD


I can give you 35 mL


I think like 4 or 5 grand would probably fix most of not all of my current problems. Which isn't a lot, but it's way more than I have. And living check to check doesn't really let me put anything aside.


Depends on what you define as problems. Honestly, I donā€™t need any more money/income or assets. Could definitely manage our spending a little better and be a little more comfortable. But overall we donā€™t want for anything and can generally buy the things we want without much trouble. Now if I wanted to pay off all of our debts (house, car, etc), weā€™d need about $220k.


3600 a month roughly. Almost there now. I mean that would be the minimum


According to the IRS, $4,218.78.


I need about tree fiddy


About tree 50


40 million... I don't really want to spend most of my time during the day working. So I think that would be enough to live off investments and pay for most things. And pass that on to the next generation


an annual pay of 80k would be nice. My problem is work. So if I could quit but still have money then that would be nice. AKA retirement lol


0 because they are all family matters.


I need $10k now, but $500k ultimately


$600K would pay off both my mortgages. I think Iā€™d be pretty content with that. Iā€™ll happily take more though.


Probably $40k tops. That would get me back to even which would be the world off my shoulders.


None. This will probably get downvoted, but all I need is my family and my faith. I live paycheck to paycheck but I have a strong faith and a loving family and I consider myself a rich man.


Bout two grand would do it.


I bought a house last year, so about $270k.


Give me 15MM and Iā€™m set.


After Sallie Mae gets her $50,000, I would just have car payment, mortgage and a moderate credit card


I just like 4 months rent, so I can save up to fix and restore my car, prep for a new job and have a holiday as I haven't had a break in over 8 years


Iā€™ll be content if I had 100k of liquid cash. Pay off sisterā€™s and my debt. Get plenty left over to put a down payment on a duplex unit for us both.


That duplex wouldn't be in Alabama would it?


Youā€™re gross. First, I would not be happy if I living in a home and my sister was struggling in the streets. Second Iā€™m Gay. Your comment really reflects your state of mind.




Jesus what wrong with you.


You would say that.


15k so i can pay off my debt before 2027.


Short term: 5k Long term: 20k Permanently: 100k


Some problems can't be solved with money. Of those that can be solved with money, I think I'm doing ok to address those with the income I have already. Not a fun or amazing answer, but it's great to be practical and be glad at where you are.


My wifeā€™s cancer can be fixed with money.


Ā£20,000 - Ā£40,000 Pays back what's left of my student loan, gives me an emergency fund, helps pay back a couple debts & probably sets me up so I don't have to struggle. I essentially lost Ā£20,000 over the last 18 months due to being long-term sick & getting no support from the government (Rent, food, bills, depression making me send money, pharmaceutical bills etc.)


10-20k would be life changing


500k. I just need to clear my loans, finish school, fund my brand, own land, build my houses then I can cultivate and invest in myself to grow my profits in addition to also just letting my money work for me. It would be so easy but I'm currently staying from the ground up...


$700k. Payoff mortgage, a loan, replace two aging cars and buy a boat. $1 million and my wife can stop working.


500ā‚¬. Iā€˜ll get my financial problems resolved by the end of this month.


Man this thread made me realize Iā€™m doing a lot better than I thought lol


I read these threads to keep a realistic perspective outside my own head-space. It's been a long time since I was in a place where $1000 would be considered life-changing.


Enough to fight the boomers


Unbeknownst to us, my wife's aunt (by marriage) left us in her will an account worth about $170k. She had no children, was widowed 20y ago. Split the estate equally among her 2 brothers except for this account. Waiting for the $ to be released, she died 3 weeks ago. Trying to decide what to do with it. Current plan is a week vacation ($6k-ish), a new living room window and investing the rest.


A billion should about do it


Just enough


Money? What's that according to the real problems?


Probably around 20kā‚¬, to show as financial proof for my residence permit extension + pay my debts + get a nice carbon bike


If I got about 5 million after taxes, I could retire without being too paranoid something terrible will happen and I'd have to work again.




I don't have a precise count but 200k euros should well cover it; and the same again to retire outright.




I guess Iā€™m doing good by the looks of it. Just $700 would be life-changing, itā€™ll pay off the rest of my credit card and I can keep my income.




Roughly $300k to buy a house


I don't have any financial problems. I have a mortgage but I don't consider that a problem because now it's cheaper than paying rent


All of it.


About 5 grand.


$100k a year


$100k would set me up for a better life


About tree fiddy


ā€˜bout tree fiddy


None. My problems aren't financial.


About a quarter million will get me back to zero but I'm doing all right.


I'd be happy with $2,000 a month for the rest of my life. If there is no limit though having a lump some of 100 million would make me never have to worry again


100k and Iā€™m completely debt free, I can take it from there


I could be where I want to be on less than 50k


Much more!


Ā£180k clears my mortgage


Enough to get rid of my student loans






About 10k


None, I think. I mean, I would love to have about 400k DKK for a 20% down payment on a small apartment, but it's not really a *problem*. I'm currently renting a nice little apartment in a great area, I just kinda want to own my own home.


$10k could totally change my life


Strictly speaking, nothing. However, if you gave me Ā£100k, I could do all the work I want to do to my house right now without saving and doing it ion bits and pieces. If you gave me Ā£1M, I could use that to stop working and have a comfortable lifestyle.


3k for student debt


5K would get me so far. Literally just to get ahead on bills and have the smallest safety net. I can manage with very little.


$19k to get out of debt. The rest I can handle myself


The answer: yes


17k to pay off my mum's debt 20k for a house deposit 10k to sort out some other stuff/buffer That's the minimum amount. Although being able to buy a house outright would be even better.


Need? $0. Make me feel a bit more comfortable and debt free? $100,000.


Damn I wish I was rich I would be in here like Oprah, you get some money and you get some money. Oh what's that under your chair.... oops looks like it's more money, who put that their? šŸ˜‰


How much does a big bottle of pain killers cost? That much.


No less than half a million dollars.


Zero, money can't fix my problems.


Iā€™d say 15-20k would be enough to pay off my debts and then have a little bit to get myself on the right track.


Money can't solve any of my actual problems. But sure, I'd like to get enough money to buy my own apartment - yet lack of owned housing isn't a problem, just a mundane inconvenience.


170K. Itā€™s all I need to pay off my house, both vehicles, and credit cards. I would be able to save about 2500 a month for savings or traveling.


Well.. Your mom usually does 30 for $50. So.. $50šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


the kind of issues i would like to solve require several hundred billions.


Many much money


All of it


One billion dollars.





