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Flying planes.


Trips going into space


The ultimate ski weekend.


This is my number one dream hobby that I don't currently have time and money to afford. I'd get my pilot's license and buy one of [these](https://www.titanaircraft.com/brochure/t-51_brochure.pdf). Some day.


That's what the Foo Fighters song Learn To Fly is about. Dave Grohl wished that he could literally become a pilot. There is no poetic meaning to it.


Cirrus jet would be fun. The model with the parachute.


I came to say this. I want to get my flying license. And also my skydiving license


I would be a track junkie for sure.


Wasn't aware that running track was so expensive


There's a reason any semi pro driver has sponsors


Racing for sure!!! Rally, stunts, circuit


Same. I have a Toyota 86 and I would love to track it. But it's my daily and I can't wreck it.


Same for me but minus the track.


Flying planes Restoration of old military stuff Building more legos


A tank? I would love to restore one


40k with canonically accurate numbers


This guy Guardsman-s




Came here to say this! And all of the books from the Black Library


Please, we all know there's not enough money on earth for that. Plus, there's some *serious* shit heaps in the black library.


May the Emperor shine favor upon you




DAKKA is fine and all but what you really need is DAKKA on the DAKKA in DAKKA time


A buddy and I are talking about buying a starter set once 10th edition comes out.


Could also try running a game of titanicus with 40k scale titans.


I would love to hike the entire appalachian trail one day


If you stay on the trail & surrounding villages it should take about 6 months. You also don’t need to pay rent for that time (but you will need more food) and if you go from mid spring to mid autumn you shouldn’t need to stay indoors for more than a week total. Do it!


PCT and the Annapurna circuit in Nepal for me.


I would hike at least 6/7 of the tallest mountains. Then maybe do K2 instead of Everest because it’s a tourist trap, although I feel like if I got 6/7 I’d have to do Everest


I'd travel the world and become a world renowned reviewer of strippers and strip clubs. I want to analyze and break it all down to it's composite parts. The decor, the costumes, the music choices, the ambiance, the quality/styles/variety of dances, the staff and how they conduct themselves. I think it would be incredibly fun and a hilarious waste of money. If you want something less overtly sus, I think I'd like to get into either: * **Dancing** (So spending lots of money on lessons from the best teachers around the world and doing so in various differing disciplines from ballroom to hip hop to pole) Or * **Book Collection** (and build a massive library like in Beauty and the Beast just filled with every book that speaks to me). A life spent reading in a massive library feels very fulfilling. Now I'm wondering if it's feasible to combine my love for literature with my love for attractive scantily clad women...


This guy knows what's up


Dancing for just ONE dance discipline is enough (not counting ballroom) and travel for it for most would be required if you're not in a prime location for that discipline or you want to experience different teachers. Once you become part of any dance community you'll get a better sense of this. I don't count ballroom because that world is very different than the hip hop, salsa, hustle, flamenco, modern, tap, etc. Yes, not really a hot take that the salsa and bachata communities should not be compared to the ballroom which tends to be focused on either studio sponsored performance or competing.


Build a huge Lego city with my kids


One place to start is hot wheels, my 3rd bedroom is an entire hot wheels track and city


You have a 3rd bedroom, I’m guessing money is no object for you already.


If I was rich I'd be excited to afford a small Lego set.


This is my hobby!!! Great choice!


Track racing


Participating in Motorsports in general is quite an expensive hobby... It doesn't matter what kind and if it's IRL OR virtual. Though virtual has less risk of personal injury.


Yeah if money wasn’t an issue I’d love to do vintage racing


If money wasn't an issue I'd track a Ferrari F250GTO. It's a racecar damnit. Race it !


Participating in Motorsports in general is quite an expensive hobby... It doesn't matter what kind and if it's IRL OR virtual. Though virtual has less risk of personal injury.


Make my own clothes


I did this with little money. Buy a used sewing machine. Start by buying cheap fabric to start practicing. I buy clothes and drapes from good will. Then once you are confident enough, start increasing the quality of the fabric. I started 2 years ago and this is what I'm making now. https://instagram.com/237workshop


Nice stuff




Yeah. I would have to buy all that material and essentially not have a job bc it would take so long


I would build a work shop from the ground up. It would mainly be wood working since I wanna get into building guitars, but it would also have a part of it be dedicated to metal fabrication, another 3D printing and resin casting for plastic fabrication, a big spray booth, and one part fully equipped big garage where I can work on cars.. ironically so I can fix them myself and don't have to spend money on mechanics to fix them.




Yeah. Not as much as I used to, nowadays it's just for fun at home. But yeah I would probably need to have a studio and rehearsal space there too now come to mind 😉


Heated Swimming pool. Swimming relax's me better than any other exercise outside of sex.




You would think so but not really.


Every year there is this "Birdman Contest" in Japan. People build their own man powered airplanes and try to get the prize. I would love to have the money and time to build my own pedal motorized plane...


I'd collect politicians and make life better for everyone.


Buy a very expensive boat and go to sea sailing solo. I love Hiking and camping, but those are cheap adventures.


If money were no object, I'd have a heavily crewed boat.


I love sailing, not even sailing, boats in general, be it a fancy ocean sailer to a oar boat cruising along a river. Ironic since I'm deathly afraid of waters.


Developing third world countries




Ummm do you mean “hunting, man” or “hunting man”? I’m kind of nervous


*cocks gun* you being nervous will make it more fun


Sunset seeker. Dedicated to posting sunsets every day at my favorite beach spots.




why not both? used to travel for work. caught the sunrise in NYC and sunset on Avila beach. good memory


I probley would say goodby to my current life and any I know . And start living a travelers life of total freedom . Wandering and drifting all over the world , seeing new wonderful places , meeting new wonderful people , trying all kinds of new wonderfully delicious foods .


Go to school and take courses I actually have an interest in.


I will buy myself a full plate XVI century knight armor and go to participate in reconstructions.


Learn to make music professionally.


Traveling. Trying new hobbies. Space for said hobbies. Time for said hobbies. Eg wood working, sculpting, gardening, Painting, board games, more poker, community work


I’d not acquire new ones. But do the ones I have differently. Workouts? I would do even more sessions with a PT than I currently do. Diving? I’d go on more liveaboards, and would not evaluate the price as much as diving location, what I can see, probably pay for a personal guide, and ensure to fly business class out so I come out (and home) well rested. At the moment I’m prioritising getting my new apartment into order instead of looking into future travels. I’d pay off my apartment loans so the money I earn is pretty much spending and saving money apart from monthly bills. I’d treat my nephews and niece to even more things than I already do. I adore those kids and to spend time with them is a treat.


Astrophotography, or just photography in general. I have a $300 phone and take good photos with it. I always wanted to better photos especially astrophographs which requires a good camera, telescope and mount with different filters to get started with.


Flying small planes and helicopters Parachuting Sailing


Printing and painting minis with my kids.




"Minis" commonly refers to miniatures, a style of board game that is built primarily around the use of small figurines which the players move around a map. These figurines (minis) are commonly made of a single color of plastic or resin, and it is expected that the owner of the mini will paint them to customize their appearance to their liking. As you can guess, this hobby can easily balloon into hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of minis, paints, and other crafting tools, not to mention the games and maps themselves, which also commonly have purchasable and customizable terrain, items, and obstacles.


Buying mansions Means whenever I see any mansion in Europe i truly want to buy them. But every mansion cost starts with $10 million


Horseback riding. I’ve tried it and totally loved it! But so expensive, I could afford it but I won’t be able to go eating out and party with friends


Id buy a 55 gal drum of cocaine and go fishing all over the country.


I like your style, only 3 sleeps until Christmas!


Restoring old buildings in my country. So much beauty in decay.




It’s Belarus. Not too much left due to constant wars throughout centuries, people are mostly poor and hence it makes little to no financial sense to restore stuff outside bigger cities, and even there it’s not much. Since the question is “if money wasn’t a problem” I’d happily do it for free hoping someone would make use of buildings. In the real world though I’m more inclined to do it for profit, like small weekend getaway for families to live in a small hotel, ride boats in rivers/lakes, play sports, ride horses, eat local farmers food, maybe a pool/spa. I live in Poland now and there’s a lot of such restored places here, which gives me hope I can do it one day in Belarus.




Sleeping in.


Warhammer 40k, d&d with figures, building mobile suits figures, playing a tcg, pc gaming/virtual headset gaming, rock climbing, would make a decked out home gym and do fitness & mma, would take a chef course and take up cooking, would take some professional courses for my current painting hobby.


I would get my pew pew license and buy a couple pew pew’s. I like the CZ P01


I love this lmao


id start collecting battleships


Mountain-biking. The prices of mountain bikes these days are the same as motorcycles.


Jetski around the world. Not even sure it's possible


I would have a woodwork shop in my mansions garden area! 🤣🤣🤣


Tactical and Competitive shooting. I’d also build my own range on land. Plus drag racing.


1. Buy island on the ocean 2. Make secret base with traps etc 3. Convince strangers to participate in secret reality show on my island 3. Make people to fight (to death) each other to win big money


You can call it the Fish Games or something.


Pay people for cheap entertainment. "Hey go punch that guy". "Hey you super straight guy, suck that guys dick for $10k? Ok, $20k". "Hey you wanna fight a monkey?".


Buying a steam locomotive plus cars to ferry the racecars and Warhammer around. And to confuse the fuck outta people.


- Photography - Golf - Sailing - Luxury Travel including cruises


Collecting and shooting machine guns.




Vintage car racing. Mostly just upgrade my stuff, I'm into a lot of things but as an amateur its hard to justify the expense of pro level gear, but I like to get myself some nice things. For example climbing shoes, badminton rackets, bowling balls


Karting / Formula 1 / Racing


Travel. 3 or 4 long trips every year to points all around the world.


Horses, collecting high-end MTB ($15k/each range), Roman/ancient coins


Regularly going and shooting guns. Ammo is getting expensive.


65 foot cruising catamaran to live and travel.


This is probably one of the more interesting questions I’ve seen in a while on Reddit ! Usually it’s “men, what’s the sexist sex you’ve ever sext?” For the billionth time😂 Mine unquestionably would be travel if that even counts. But my biggest dream is to be able to see the world in comfort. Be able to go first class everywhere and just see and explore what the world has to offer in its fullest. Something money very much restricts me doing right now. And that’s really my only goal when it comes to money. I’m not someone who craves expensive or luxurious lifestyle it’s just not my thing. But the ability to see the world is one thing I envy about not having extravagant amounts of money.


Cycling. But I'd have lots of very nice stuff. Instead of a lot of budget stuff. I love my hobbies. Can owning a home be a hobby?


Luxury car collecting.


Hot air ballooning and travel. I already travel a lot, but if money were no issue, I could travel to more expensive places and do more expensive things. And hot air balloons seem like so much fun!


Traveling to the countries of my ancestors and mapping out my family lineage.


Astro Photography


Shooting. Like gun range and all.


Bodybuilding and martial arts at professional athlete levels. Complete with support from trainers, dietitians, the works. (No PEDs for me though.) Travel! Serious hiking through remote places. Experiencing the last wild frontiers of the Earth as a hiker sounds amazing. Get the huge, very expensive Legos. Especially the Technic line. Dive deeper into an existing hobby — whisky. Go for the rare and expensive bottlings. Not for collection but for drinking! And maybe put out honest reviews for them a la Ralfy. Roleplaying games! Not particularly expensive, but having the time to prepare the really ambitious campaigns I’ve always wanted to run is.




1/5 scale RC Car racing.


Traveling around the world and trying to master different skills


I‘ll just keep snowboarding and sewing as they‘re both expensive AF🥲


Working on a old mustang (old cars) like my Dad did. Snowboard off different mountains around the world.


The ability to operate on someone, regardless of the task.




Building a Drift car and taking it to the track and learn how to Drift like a pro etc. Also woodworking. I'd love to get into that, loved it ever since middle school shop class, but all the machines and tools, etc, have always been too much space and money I don't have.


Motorcycles, and a garage for them. If I had the money I'd basically march right now into a dealer and order three bikes, because there's so many good offerings available at the moment.


One of the things would be to buy a garage with a car lift and lots of tools and aquire some old cars and repair them. I really really like cars and I would love to just buy some old cars, repair them, put in high performance parts and either keep them in my collection or sell them (without profit in mind). It would be awesome seeing cars on the road that I repaired and modded myself. I don't know much about cars myself, I am not a mechanic and I know jackshit about how to work on cars. But I think I'd enjoy it a lot. I also like motorcycles and scooters. So there would be endless possibilities for me.


Manufacturing plant


Traveling, expansive home gym, physically collecting media I enjoy.


Maybe buy a harp


Travel the world on motorcicles, either untill I have no more places to go or I die




Gold bars


Classic Cars collection. Take them round the country to shows ect.


DJing and music production


Part time Rally Driver Make low budget movies with my friends Footubing


Diving. But, if money were not a problem, i would get a job instead.


All of them! Travel. Cooking. Leatherworking. Brass casting. Chess. Planes. Languages. Extreme Ironing.


The same ones i have now lol. Ill just be able to do them. Cars guns computers in that order


Travel photography, jet skiing and couture techniques


skydiving and multiple days hikes all over the world




I just carry on running, but buy a stack of Vaporflys to run in


My new hobby would be counting all my money


I would like to buy some land in the country and a backhoe. Then I would dig holes and then fill them in.


Get a huge new pole barn filled with all the best equipment for working on cars and woodworking


Sailing, & paragliding




Making custom motorcycles




Racing. I would be at the track almost weekly in single seaters.


Fishing, in the ocean.


Probably home repair/ remodeling. I just bought a house and theres tons of things id like to fix up if i had the time and money


woodworking. it's already my hobby, but everything is so goddamn expensive it's very limiting.


Carpentry so I could help build homes for the less-fortunate, and farming so I could set up a sanctuary for animals who would become victims of kill shelters... Also, hookers and blow.


It's not a problem, and I'll be sticking to what I'm doing. If I had other interests, I'd pursue them.


driving nice cars i don't mean super expensive hyper cars, i don't care much for those but regular cars in their highest specs and I'd build myself a small, but proper gym at home. and a nice sizeable kitchen


Being a car mechanic


I'm traveling to Jackson Hole Wyoming for the month of July. Gonna learn how to Paraglide. I started flying lessons but thought better of it. I worked too hard for too long to just piss money away. Once you spend 100k minimum on a plane, 10k for instruction, 60 dollars an hour in fuel you are still on the hook for insurance, annuals, and a 40k engine rebuild after 1800 hours. I couldn't do it.


Travel the world 🌎. That’s a hobby.


Kite surfing, flying planes, sailing, making stained glass things, and I'm sure a billion others I'm not thinking of at the moment. EDIT: And buying a Hardingfele.


Sim racing. Shopping.


I would collect cars, buy a ton of watches, and probably build a top tier gym in my city.


Scuba diving


Dirt track racing


Coke and hookers


Fishing on a lake


Travel fine dining Foundations and ones i have now but do them more and properly 😂


I'd be at the racetrack every day!


Motorcycle racing, car racing, sailboat racing. Like the saying goes "How do you make a small fortune racing? You start with a large fortune."


Buy all the most expensive stamps and use them to send letters to kids with inspirational messages! #freethestamps


Treasure Hunter. Full scuba gear, fully decked out research vessel. Research stories and explore the Caribbean and Mediterranean


collecting fine art and antiquities, driving luxury sportscars, fly private jets for city breaks and frequenting the best restaurants in the world


Learn to fly


Wood working!


Riding motorcycles


Get a big home with a big garden and build a home theatre, a perfect kitchen and a mini farm


I’d like to have a paralite


Racecar driver or drifter, tires aren't cheap.


Aquascaping, skydiving, flying, adventuring in jungles, collecting magic the gathering cards and playing with people during my travels


I would love an in-ground saltwater pool for many reasons...mostly to do laps bc I rly want and need to get in shape but I just do not have the motivation 😔 I've also been thinking about teaching myself to play an instrument. I'm 32 & I've never even attempted! Piano or guitar? Idk! & I realize that these are not wildly expensive but tbh, they're simply not within my budget rn. 1 day tho


Making things/machines.


Have a motorcycle racetrack (Or racetracks), With a large garage that would do repairs and modifications to race bikes. Same with cars




I'd build a driveway-race track and buy a Formula E car. Just race around my property almost silently anytime I want. The garage would have solar panels for charging it up.




Money isn’t a problem, but if I had more, I’d probably invest in a full BDSM house and take on more bdsm slaves


Take martial arts, learn dances, get a personal trainer.