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Well she’s not my gf anymore but the qualities I looked for when I was single was. A sense of humor. Independent. Selfless. Intelligent. Someone who could bring me down to earth. Loyal. Honest. Dependable. Someone that could make me smile for no reason at all. And someone I could just be myself with.




Yeah, it’s those little things you take for granted that make all the difference.


I still laugh at jokes my ex made when we were together. We broke up 7 years ago.


You are lucky to have a super woman in your life


Independent is such an up and down one because it is so broad. I feel like someone who can adapt is probably a better quality. As in there are times in all relationships where one should be dependant on the other and vice versa (And both at the same time) There are also places where both partners need some independence. There should be a happy middle ground between the two, but it should always be flexible enough to change depending on circumstance. Like, if my partner was having a tough time at work, maybe a looming deadline or a massive project. I'd rather she be dependant on me for the amount of time needed, for me to take care of some of the smaller things for her whilst she could focus on her work. Than have her trying to struggle fitting in other things like shopping/cooking with the workload simply because she wanted to be independent.


you are right man


I hate to say it but intelligent has become a huge one for me. My ex was not very smart and it’s something I just dealt with. Her actions towards the end of the relationship made me realize it’s something I should’ve cared about much more. Both actual and emotional intelligence.


I don't think selfless is something to look for in a person. Unselfish is different from selfless. Someone with a balanced sense of self needs and others needs is preferable. So many women are expected to abandon their own needs and constantly prioritize the men in their lives.


I do agree, but to me being selfless is more about helping others without expecting to gain something in return. No one should abandon their own personal goals, dreams, aspirations just to be with someone. What I meant by it is that if you see someone needing help, you try to help. You aren’t thinking about what’s in it for me, you simply do it out of the kindness of your heart.


That's called altruism.


For many years, I wouldn't have thought that this woman existed, then I met my current wife. She's everything that I could have wanted and more. We laugh everyday, she knows when to squeeze my hand to bring me back to earth, laughs at herself, honest as they come, and ALWAYS HAS MY BACK.


What would you consider someone being independent and dependable?


Independent to me is someone that isn’t clingy and can do things on their own or with their friends. I don’t want to be the center of their world, I just want to be part of their world, and dependable is when either she or I need help, we have each others backs. We are there for each other thru the best times and the worst of times. Does this help answer your question on what it means to me?


This is known as a healthy attachment style I believe. It's rare. If you find someone with this type of attachment style, do not let them go 😅


It's rare but will turn a good outcome


Yes I do consider it


It’s a good list but I think it’s missing some qualities. I am all of those things and still get passed up routinely 😞


Oh I’m sure it’s missing lots of qualities as we can overlook the little things very easily. There’s so many things involved in finding a person to share a life with. Personality, emotional availability, attractiveness, romantic chemistry, etc. You also have being at the right place at the right time and at the right maturity. I’ve seen people say they would never date a person then a few years later for whatever reason the same person they said they’d never date.. they are now married too. Idk what happened, maybe they just settled, maybe they changed their minds as they got older, maybe there was an eye opening moment in time that they just thought to themselves “wow, I was blind not to have seen the real person”. There’s someone out there for everyone it’s just a matter of time :)




Be a woman (optional)


Hi, I'm a phone connected to ChatGPT and duct taped onto a fleshlight , is the position still available?


Clever girl…..


nice pick


Only if you agree to meeting my parents.


Meeting with parent's is a turn on to most of the girls




I’m a man, is the position still available?




Virgina and YY chromosome


Luck, skill, concentrated power of will, pleasure, pain


And a reason to remember the name?


can you break these up into how important they are? preferably in percentiles


10% luck, 20% percent skill, 15% percent concentrated power of will, 5% percent pleasure, 50% percent pain. And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


- Loyalty - Honesty - Respect - Selfless Service - Attractiveness - Intimate - Knowledgeable - Exclusivity - Integrity Edit: HONOR, VALOR, COURAGE, AND THE UNDYING WILL TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR DEMOCRACY


My man listing a job recruitment ad


Pays well


Cosign. The one most guys miss is: Someone who feels lucky to be with you. Someone who's grateful. If we can value that over *hotness*, we can avoid a lot of headache.


Fax, you gotta make them feel lucky but not be cocky like “You’ll never find anybody like me!”. My brother in Christ, treat them well enough so they feel like they can’t.


Wish I had more upvotes to give, this is so airtight. Circumspect 👌


I think you’re looking for a dog.


Went to the doctor, they took my x-ray. Says I got the dog in me.


Why? Honestly that list should be baseline.


Facts, these like the most basic qualities in anybody, not just for a girlfriend, lol.


so true


You’re right, it should be the baseline. My dog checks off more boxes than my wife.


Im sorry to hear that


Nah, don’t be. I love my wife but still our pup, Kaden, rocks the boat on loyalty, honesty and respect. My wife will just have to keep working at it.


Maybe Kaden could give her few lessons?


She only has to watch him. Most of the time, however, when she is home he is on her lap. He’s a good seven year old puppy. I would never split the two as every moment they have is precious.




And an axe!


Dude uses most of the acronym for LDRSHIP. Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless service Honor Integrity Personal courage What a weirdo


Them acronyms be fire tho, no drizzle


Selfless service lol


I do think it's implied that this is a two-way street. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or some shit like that.


Some people acting like I wouldn’t be expecting these exact things from myself tenfold. If you aren’t holding yourself to these standards, how can you expect these standards from her.


Yeah, doing things for others without expecting anything in return or out of the kindness of your heart. Too much to ask now a days, huh?




Naw, I want a girl that no one knows


Thats why i hide my girl in the basement


There is still woman who have these qualities


Start with asking yourself if you have these qualities.


Just gotta find them


You found her already


You tryna rizz me up?




Good to hear. Round them up in one dance hall for one fine evening, then sell 100 tickets to men at an auction. You'll become a billionaire.


Sad part is that those qualities should be baseline


Welp, good luck being single


inb4 getting told "your standards are too high". (Yes. Yes, they are.)


Facts. I feel like if a woman said the same qualities that she would want in a man though, half these people saying “oh so you want a dog”, would be saying “You’re so valid in wanting these from a man”.


Looking at OPs replies this seems more like a fishing expedition rather than an honest question with the amount of "Just like me" or similar posts. That is an undesired quality.


That she exists in real life




No. Girl friends in ur head are great trust me


But mah waifu..


Empathy and brains.


Nice qualities


Must be single


A simple man with few demands.


Men without this requirement can potentially achieve more of the following benefits: Sex By a considerable margin. Are you sure you are satisfied with your currently selected search criteria?


Attractive enough Successful career Similar cultural background Interesting hobbies/passions in life. This is a big one. Personality matters a lot


Does anyone else think OP sounds like a bot? They have a default username. Their responses are kinda too general. Though for some comments the responses are more specific towards the comment, so maybe OP is a smarter bot, like chat GPT. OP also posted on r/freekarma4you and r/followforfollow. I didn't know about followforfollow, but I have seen freekarma4you on the post histories of more obvious comment repost bots.


Be well read. Not necessarily books. But read a news article a Wikipedia page anything but read


Old Fashion but I love it


Hot and kind


Would you settle for kind of hot?


it counts


It’s kinda binary to me ngl, either shes hot or she’s not


found her already


>2 min. ago wow




You found me I guess


You’re all I’ve been looking for


Kindness and ownership. We all mess up in life but it’s the ability to admit like “hey, I did this, it was awful but I am a better person now”.


Smart, creative, easy going


Be a girl and a friend.


You are right


They must not have a cock bigger than mine


Thats asking for too much


Not be insane


What’s insane?


People who ask about girlfriend qualities on Reddit and shoot their shot with matching descriptions.


I’m not the original commenter but as far as I’m concerned, anyone who isn’t a stalker, abuser, or prone to throwing acid in peoples faces sounds sane enough


kind, smart, self-sufficient


it's me


Must be girl, must be friend. Must be friend that I am intimately engaged with in a monogamous manner. But seriously, some other things: * Kind. In general, to family and friends, and to strangers. * Intelligent. They don’t need to be a genius, but we need to be able to click intellectually and have deeper conversations from time to time. Someone who I can bounce ideas off of and engage with critically is super important. I need to be able to trust that they’re a person who, in general, acts in rational and thoughtful ways. * Cute. I’m not huge on specific body types or any of that, but what is important to me is for them to be cute - eyes, dimples, cheeks, etc. * Well maintained. I don’t need a model or fashion star. But I like them to be conscious of their hygiene, able to clean up when the situation arises, cognizant of what they’re putting in their body. * Passionate about something. It could be anything really. They have something else going on in their life besides me, and something beyond watching TV. * Low drama. Tensions flare sometimes, and in any relationship there will be tiffs. But in the steady state, they can’t be someone who thrives on stewing in and stirring up interpersonal conflict in their lives with me and others. * Employed, or employable. I’m not looking to be a sole breadwinner. I’m looking for a partner. * Caring. For me, for our pets, for children, for future children (if we have them). * Dependable, loyal, trustworthy. I shouldn’t need to second guess our relationship or be worried about what’s going on when I’m not there. I should be able to trust that they will follow through on commitments. They should be able to be independent. If I’m sick, I should be able to trust that they are willing and able to take care of me to some degree. * Honest. Can call me on my bullshit, hold me to task, speak their mind, be introspective, be willing to see things from another view. I’m very fortunate to have found someone who fits all of these and be able to call them my wife and partner.


Has integrity. Is able to be held accountable. Has healed her traumas to such a degree they arnt a major player in the relationship, kind hearted, loyal, knows how to have fun, nurturing and feminine.


XX Chromosomes


Very important. Accept no imitation.


LIke me I guess


Id need to see a pic 🤓


you can message me


Mine has a few extra just in case


What’s wrong with XXX? ;)






Kind, peaceful, considerate, funny.


Honesty and loyalty


the most number 1 rule in a relationship


Kindness. Honesty. Transparency. Intimate. Loving. Nerdy. Geeky. Intelligent. Does not EVER want kids. Wants dogs. Takes care of her body and will even go to the gym with me. And just....loves me


Oh...wish I could have these qualities


You could. Gotta try. As for the kids part...well I'm getting a vasectomy. My DNA is poison


not religious, financially independent, nice smile, educated, well-read, slender hands and fingers, likes the outdoors, a good listener, not a liar, not hung up on an ex. that's the short list.


Finger fetish much?


She had man hands


By financially independent do you mean like independently wealthy (having enough money to subsist without working), or just being employed/employable and being able to support themselves financially? Like, dependent on a wage, but able to generate that wage.


Loves to laugh, loyal, and actually loves me for being myself.


Thank you


MUST-HAVES 1. At least some physical attractiveness. 2. A balance between clingy/needy and independent/strong. I like the feeling of being a safe space for someone and I'm a very affectionate person who will protect her, however we are Bonnie and Clyde, not Jack and Rose. 3. If she doesn't like/hates dogs or animals in general, we most likely will not get along. Fears/phobias are an exception; I'll help her through that. 4. As a gamer/anime fan, I want someone I can play VGs and watch anime with. 5. She's considerate, honest, and loyal. 6. Monogamy. 7. She puts me in my place when she has to and doesn't always take my side no matter what. Anything other than that isn't a healthy relationship in general 8. Patience. I'm not the fastest learner and I make mess things up from time-to-time. I also have ADHD. 9. She is not super easy to offend. My sense of humor is both dark and just flat-out comes across as rude a lot of the time, but I never mean what I say. Regardless of whether or not she is offended, I will put her into consideration of course. 10. She's just generally fun to be around. 11. She is not arrogant. I hate arrogance in anyone. 12. Open-Mindedness. It's important for her to be confident in your own beliefs, but it's always good to consider other beliefs as well. 13. She and my mother have to get along. This doesn't need a explanation. NOT MUST-HAVES BUT BONUS POINT QUALITIES 1. Extroversion to balance out my introversion. It's not required, it just may be the most healthy dynamic. 2. Also not a requirement, but more bonus points if she's emo/goth/punk or fits any similar aesthetic. Anything outside of these is also fine.


I'm exactly like this, except I'm very shy and introvert.


My gf and I are both introverts for sure, but neither of us are shy. It's possible to work on the shyness so interacting with others isn't awkward.


My list is more about nonnegotiable qualities. I'm at an age where we all have faults. I don't care so much that we have things in common. I just don't want to have arguments that we can't resolve.


This one. Us>the issue at hand. If we can’t solve it together and always butting heads….why?


Loyalty, ability to communicate, and has varied interests. I can work with a lot of other qualities but I need these otherwise the relationship is dead in the water.


Just give a fuck about the person you are dating. Holy shit.


One that acknowledges my existence.


Respectful. Self respectful.


This is a super good qualities


And barely anyone has them! I know I’m only 19, but I’ve been trying to find a partner with these qualities, without luck. I’ve only found 2 single women over the past few years that I can confidently say are both of those.


Loyalty, transparency, kindness, selflessness, exclusivity, empathy, thoughtfulness. Those are pretty basic and I think most people want that In a partner. Now to get more specific, I really love a girl who’s super in tuned with self-improvement, mental health, physical health, eating healthy, meditation, longevity. Basically I love wellness girls. The type of girl who’s idea of a good weekend or day off isn’t clubbing and binge drinking, but going on a hike, or a bike ride, or rock climbing. I love it if she reads fiction, or writes or paints and does artistic stuff. I’m pretty much like the male version of the girl I mentioned above, so I’d like a girl who compliments me.


Biological female and alive seems to be the reddit baseline


1.she doesn't have a dick 2.she is female 3.shes alive Ok now that the priorities are out of the way on to the more complex stuff 4. loyal 5.she exercises regularly 6.she is under 200 lbs 7.she wants to have kids 8.She isn't influenced by social media like TikTok 9.she wants to be in a relationship 10.she has a sense of humor I know this is incredibly high standards especially this time around but hey I hope I find a woman who has these qualities.


The same ones as I would have for a guy friend


Loads but a big one is a girl who is not easily influenced


Must be able to take care of the plants that I buy


Just that I feel comfortable talking to you


Traditionally feminine


Smart and not the kind of person who conforms to society, kind, humble, honest The basics


love to the beach or traveling in general and no problem with simple date example of simple date, just walk to the park and eat ice cream together can communicate easily or at least try to learn it, if she's mad, don't just silence for all day, the worst gf i ever had when she got mad and i asked what's the problem, she don't even want to utter a single word, i tend to want relationship problem to be solved quickly can deal with me time, i'll let you go everywhere with anyone to consume your alone time as long as it's not cheating, in exchange you'll do the same for me, i don't like relationship that always together all the time, it makes me exhausted sometime, maybe for one month i need twice or three times for alone time can cook, doesn't matter if she's bad at this, for me cooking is my laguage of love, the lovely thing about cook is, it's easy to learn seriously especially if the meal is simple, it's difficult to become chef but easy to become cook, you don't have to be accurate about it, and if it failed to the point the meal no longer edible, we just laugh about it and order the meal online instead, also it's such wondeful feeling to cook together i don't require my GF to cook for me everyday, just 2 days a week is enough, i also cooks for her for 1-2 days a week and sometime we cook together and if we're really busy i don't mind to eat outside as for physical attractiveness, idk man, physical attractiveness won't last forever, personality is number 1 for me my current gf is bit fat and honestly if go to the beach, there is more sexy girl than her, physical attractiveness just pleasing for eye no more and honestly i won't trade that sexy girl for my current gf she's damn cute and make me happy to the point i feel satisfied, the quality i explained above can be found in my current GF, so that's why i wont let go of her, ever, we're on 5 years living together and just recently i consider to marry her or at least engage the only worry is of course it's about money especially if we wants kids, still back and forth to decide this, probably we ended up to delay for few years untill our financial situation get better


Not crazy.


Loyalty, honesty, commitment and attraction


Trust worthy, empathetic and not using me for whatever their malicious plans are


That she’s a girl


The ability to evaluate herself realistically and not simply think she's a flawless prize to be earned (spoiler alert : no one is and if you claim otherwise, you're delusional) Understanding that our relationship is a partnership, not her just being another responsibility to weight down my day. If she has an issue or a problem that concerns me, her or the relationship, that she clearly communicates it and not just "let me figure it out". If she's not willing to clearly communicate then she's not willing to make the relationship work.


Well, she must not have a penis for a start.




Acceptance of each other, Sense of humour, Loyalty, Honestly. This goes for both of us.


Not gonna pretend this doesn’t matter - she has to be good looking




She’s gotta be forklift certified and have her osha 10 minimum


Lack of penis


Must love pets! Must love grandparents! Must love me!


Loyalty above all


Intelligence, financially responsible, affectionate, loyal, funny.


Must make me feel good, or at least better, and not angry or sad.


Fit, feminine, and friendly. Not too much to ask.


In this day an age, the first quality she has to have, non-negotiable, is that she was born biologically female with female genitalia and that she identifies as a woman.


In this day and age? Only about 1% of the population (and it’s less than 0.5% for people over the age of 25) [identifies as transgender](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/). Not exactly difficult to filter for. I guess you’ll have a bunch of options though with >99% of the dating pool meeting your requirement.


Chill and with big boobs


- not obese - alive - born with XX chromosomes and has not gotten any genital surgery - treats me like a partner and not a paycheck


Smart, nice smile, good sense of humor, gets sarcasm, financially independent, small hands, and gives good dome


sounds good


Don't be fat. Don't have a penis. No picky eaters. Likes BBQ.


Good sense of humor, Fairly fit, Not a bitch, Good at communicating, Semi intelligent (enough smarts to have a good conversation), Open minded, Honest, And loyal


i'm just looking for a girl with real tits


I need to know that she's okay with foot stuff and she has to exist. I'm not the most picky, she can even be a fem boy.


So you are looking for a man then


Either or, whatever's clever. If there's a femboy who doesn't mind foot stuff, banging. If I meet a nice girl who's into foot stuff, poggers.


Funny, can take a joke, Enthusiastic border line suicidal head game with a deep throat, professional level cleaning abilities


Cheerful and boobful


The really big ones for me are humility, loyalty, and responsibility. Other traits might be pluses or minuses, but those three are absolutely essential.


That she is a woman


1. Be a woman (with XX chromosomes) 2. Have hair (bald is beautiful on men, or women if they have cancer, but wigs are a thing so just throw one on) 3. Not fat (fat shaming, fat-phobic, I don’t care what you call me. If she is thinner, that means she takes care of her body). Doesn’t have to be skinny, but there is a good medium area that isn’t hard to reach. 4. Must be attracted to me. I’m not a stud of a guy so this one might be hard, but I’d like my gf to at least find me attractive.


Good values. Driven. Kind and thinks about something bigger than herself. Aware of other cultures bc she’s going to raise Black kids in this country.


Pull your fucking weight and have common sense and act like a adult and not a feral dog.


\- 100% honest, i don't accept "small lies" \- fit body shape and discipline to keep it \- no tattoos, piercing (earrings are ok) \- no alco, nicotine, weed, other drugs


Must be able to keep a secret from my wife...


Loyalty, respect, connection. She cheats? Walk away. She wants to hang with guy friends/go to clubs/call you names/disrespect any order you lay down? Walk away. She does none of that and you genuinely enjoy her company? Stay. She does all that and makes you food and encourages your career, dreams, and hobbies? Must be foreign. Cherish her! But have your own life too. You don't get a solid partner without being one first.


my qualities in a girl friend is faithful, value morals, respect, attitude more than money, GOD fearing women those things are rare and that's my traits so that i will find the same thing


Respects me, loyal, sweet to me (not 24/7 but overall) mostly submissive, laid back and is kinda cute


Cute skinny and a penis


Open to learn or take interest in new things, loyalty, kindness and NOT a man-hating Feminist.


Must be a Virgin, deal breaker if not.




You can state that you don't want to date someone who is trans without being transphobic.


I don't give a fuck how someone feels when I say something.