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I am currently a programmer with 15+ years experience, being pushed into management. Any job in world, i would love to sit and code, thats enough.. !!!


I'm the same with engineering. I really like cranking out drawings and models by myself. But unfortunately most of engineering isn't cranking out drawings and models, it's research and coordination meetings.


Haha true, i have been a web programmer all life. Now trying to learn some IOT, lets see how it goes :) Happy modelling though!!


I wish i liked coding as much as you lol. I couldn’t stand it so had to switch careers but it definitely is a great job if you love programming. Lucky you


I've been in software engineering for 37 years, and managing for 15 or 16 of them. I *really* enjoyed programming, but I enjoyed so many other things, too. I always gravitated towards jobs that let me do more things. I've found it's very, very important to understand what my employees want/enjoy - probably more than some other disciplines. Quite a number of them want interesting programming assignments, current tools/environments, and a healthy work/life balance. If I tried to nudge them towards leadership roles, they'd be unhappy and might just leave. Note that several of those people would be excellent managers; it's not about ability, it's just what they like. I have a smaller number of other people who for sure want to go into leadership positions. Some of those are more interested in technical leadership, some functional. Only a subset of them have the attributes to be decent or effective leaders/managers. And then there are people who just like working, solving problems, and being useful. It doesn't matter as much what they're doing. Everyone is different - is good to know what drives you in particular.


I really really hope to find a boss like you!! Perfectly put, much more than i could have.


Employees like you are actually awesome. I mean, I for sure don't mind helping my folks grow and develop into new areas - it's literally part of my job - but when you find someone who is good at what they do and just wants to keep doing that, it makes the manager's job super easy. I have a guy who is a really good developer, and he's been doing it for 40 years. He could retire, but doesn't want to yet. He's amazing with people, but absolutely hates being in any leadership capacity more than mentoring new hires. My 1-on-1 meetings with him consist of me asking if his work load is okay, which it almost always is, if there are any issues he needs my help with, which there are almost never any, and then chatting about family or whatever. It's completely effortless for me.


Haha lovely, the workplaces would be so far amazing and less toxic if this attitude is copied over!! I for one dont mind and do work a lot with new hires which i love a lot . Also have been with same firm for 10+ years, so yes not much complaints, but good to hear other experiences!!


You sound like a really good boss man. I wish job markets had more of your thought processes.


I am on the verge of becoming a senior developer right now. I recently got the opportunity to work on my technical writing for acquiring new projects for the company. Do you recommend learning / avoiding learning any skills to stay in the technical realm and get paid well to do it? As far as I can tell I am heading in a good direction, but I am always open to recommendations.


Nah thats still good, i mean technical writing is nice and thoughtful. I was more leaning towards people management, budgets and other corporate shit which is in truth sucks. All the very best for your Role!!, And for your job i feel learn how to handle chatgpt haha, it will do most of the writing in near future.!!


Actually I am currently mobilising a few people in my company to join a games jam with me in order to try any rely on ai tools as much as possible. While trying to get the food sponsored by the company. So in a way there is also some people and budget management involved already.. 🦆 Let's hope that I can stay on the technical side. And that you might find your way back. One of our CEOs found his way back into software architecture, so there might also be a chance for you.


Backup NFL quarterback


I, too, love blue mountain state 😂


Not to Aaron or Ben but someone a little more robust like Patrick or Russell. Front row to the game unlimited fitness and money.


F-22 pilot, no hesitation at all






This is the answer of my husband!


Waste some missiles on the way


Fighter pilot, agreed.


Host of Diners, Drive ins and Dives. Get paid to eat and travel the US? No problem 😁


Someone important, like an actor.


I appreciate the reference, even though the quote came from the worst character in the movie!




*Eats a juicy steak.*


You know, I actually have no idea what a steak tastes like.


since when are actors 'important'? wait. when you're still in your 20's...


Dude, if you can’t even get basic Matrix references, you really have no business being in conversations on the internet.


lol, "matrix references'......lol


Astronaut 100%


How can there be any other choice


A mattress tester.


My ideal job when I was a kid


I think I'd be good at. I got 37 years experience sleeping on beds.


Uncontested king of the world




Just be size nobody has filled the position doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist lol




No. Just rain over all humans on earth. I mean, if animals want to follow, I’m ok with that. There is just a language barrier and I don’t think they’d understand




I’ll be ok. Only this universe has God (cuz there can only be one true God)and he’s going to whoop your butt!


Reign, not rain.


You are 100% correct. … or did I want to become weather? ☺️


Want to be an Astronaut and go to space and want to see that magnificent beauty for myself.


I am mystified myself, but I don't think I could physically do it. The discomfort and claustrophobia. Not unlike being a submariner, you are trapped in a vessel surrounded by death. I don't think I would have the Cohones. What a thrill it must be though. Like that guy that did the first untethered space walk...so wild.


I think if I could do it all over, I would have been a fireman.


Whatever position pays the most right now. Probably CEO of something. Ride that for a couple months and you're set for life.


I don't think the average person could bear the mental stress a CEO has to go through. You need to have a very tough character for this job. I guess what you are looking for is being the owner or main share holder of a big company. Less stress and the payout could be the same


Musk, while working as CEO at Tesla, had documented different tricks to keep Elon away from the engineers. He was bored and nosy. Do CEOs actually work hard? I've never seen someone explain how.


CEO don't do shit they have people who do all that worrying and stressing for them while they sit on their asses and collect a paycheck


Their, not there.




Nuclear Engineer fs


Racecar driver


I just want to own a smallish piece of land where I can work the land and make enough money by selling what I grow/ raise to provide the things I can't




Today we are going to test out if males prefer heavy teeth usage (including chewing)


I want to be a space pilot that flies people from Earth to Mars. No backsies.


I want to own and run Disney. I want to use it's megolithic resources to create magnificent works for the sake of the works and not the fans or the money.


Heiress … does that count? :’)


I just want to play the drums. Even studio drumming would be great.


Voice actor


I’d still be a nurse.


International drug lord


I've always wanted to be a blacksmith tbh. Making functional, and cool swords, daggers, blades, etc. Been interested in that type of things since I was a kid. Tbh, the Avatar the Last Airbender episode when the Sokka forged his own sword got me hooked on the idea lmao.


I am an electro mechanical engineer and do enjoy my job, been doing it for 35 years so would hope so. But when I was younger I really wanted to work in Forestry. I like being outside no mater the weather and love being in a forest. Wouldn't matter what I was doing, Logging, planting, fencing etc. I applied for a job on an estate in Scotland at 18 and it looked great starting as a junior groundsman, but my nerves, that would now be more accurately called anxiety got the better of me and I didn't go for it. For the job I hugely regret it, but I would not have met my wife and had my 2 awesome kids I have no complaints. Dream job is still Forestry.


Marine biologist


Me too. Wouldn't it be incredible?


You’re darn tootin’


Archeologist with no budget restrictions. I mean I grew up watching Indiana Jones and I damn well know its not like that but a man can dream. I think it would be neat just to be able to travel and see things most people only dream of and trying to work out history like a puzzle.


Tank cannon operator


F1 driver


Xenobiologist on an interstellar mission


Fighter pilot


Travel writer and silver smith


I would like my old made up job back. I created an on the job training company for residential construction people willing to dismantle move rebuild and restore free houses that I gave to the folks working for me.


Cinema director. I actually did study for that and I'm currently writing a project in which I have some faith.


Pro climber


Michelin star reviewer


bionic prostheses dev


Bespoke fitter for ultra high end menswear - Think $5k-$10k+ shoes and suits


Retired sports star. I could retire on what those bastards make in a day. It's not fair.


F1 driver


Ill take a rapper 💀


a travel and food vlogger (that is thriving and successful ofc)


God of Planet Earth, Seer of All, Servant of None. The one true ruler.


🤔 without education or experience?? I’d probably join my family and be the third gen lawyer but I couldn’t handle that much schooling so I quit


Fighter pilot


A judge. Preferably in some place that has death sentence.


Tbh Private Military Contractor, Captain in the Fire Department, or real estate agent. But right I'm in college to become a Pharmacist


Maybe a President, I want to know what it's like to run a country and be the most powerful person on earth.


Chief engineer on an aircraft carrier


Mattress sleeper QA. Sleep 8 hours every night and rate the quality.


Supreme Ruler of the World


A midwife


Gynaecologist for reasons…






President of Africa and I get to have absolute power


Streamer with enough subs to be professional.


A professional sports official. Like I would like to officiate a Super Bowl, NBA Finals or ump a World Series. At 45, I miss being in competitions.


Tennis umpire at Wimbledon. Even if Roger’s not in the game anymore.


Pop star


an astronaut or a professional dancer


Those upper management who do nothing but make half a million a year


I would love to be an anthropology professor at Cambridge. I just love anthropology and would love to be recognized in the field


Experienced clasic car mechanic, someone like Iain Tyrrell from Tyrrell's Classic Workshop on YouTube. Would be amazing to know how every mechanical parts work and how to dial it properly. To be able to work on various amazing cars, and to know it's properly fixed in your hand.


Teaching overseas


Working next to a director (male, preferably my age or Gen X) on commercials/movies 😍😎


I want to work for Nintendo.


Person who gets paid to talk about history to other people.


Might sound strange, but I'd love to be in a science station in Antarctica. One of those remote places where you are mostly by yourself all the time. Mostly just because I am curious about how I would take that. I heard it is very hard and people can't take those jobs for long because of the lack of contact. So I wonder, how long could I take that.


Voice Actor, Painter, Artistic Blacksmith. I'd just go into all of the arts REALLY deep. I hope to do it when I retire.


Underwater photo pro at any one of many resorts in the South Pacific. Get paid to go diving and take pictures of lots if spectacularly cool things.




Think tank member


King. Simple.


Theme park engineer


Either a top tier golfer or a high end relief pitcher in the majors


I've always wanted to be a voice actor.


What about talent? Cuz it'd be awesome to be a professional athlete or artist.


An author or professional football player.


CrewChief for a Nascar Cup Series team


It's not really feasible anymore, but I always liked the idea of exploring jungles and forests. I'd like to travel on a boat over oceans. Unfortunately, that's all been mostly done, so put me on another planet so I can do it. I'll be an astronaut.


Makeup artist for movies


Voice actor.


I've always wanted to be an art therapist lol


Toy designer or rescue helicopter pilot


An artist. Painting or doing sculptures


Bush pilot in Alaska or an island hopper plane somewhere. This is the dream.


Ambassador to a small Caribbean or South Pacific Island.


Trash collector or street sweeper. Being outside everyday, friendly greeting people and waving kids in kindergarten. That would be enough for me.


Be a big twitch streamer getting paid loads of money from ads and subscriptions just to play video games and talk to my viewers. Get paid for my hobby. Ideal Or be a WWE Wrestler which was my childhood dream job.


Astronaut. Wait you said in the world...


This is mildly odd, but Tyrant/Dictator.


I'd love to own a food truck, but I'm a drunk and lazy.


Owner of Amazon


Ruler of the Universe… Then fly any one of the F-22’s in my fleet:)




Any kind of CEO for assisted living facilities.. or at least head in charge / oversight. As a 30yr old female working in the industry for 5 years across 3 states … it’s heartbreaking to see the lack of care going Into taking care of elderly. Almost all being run by white males who inherited the company or worse- big real estate empires like WELLTOWER who are buying up medical facilities and turning them for profit - with zero background in nursing and how to care for them. Empathy in elderly care is gone and all the dudes running them now only care about profits. To the point they would rather have the residents die than put any effort towards making sure they are comfortable and living the rest of their life to the fullest. The name of the game is seeing how much $$$ these places can suck out of the seniors retirement funds and social security before they are dead


Disney CEO so I could fix the trainwreck it has become.




Programmer. I studied some economic nonsense and now stuck in an office job. But my dream life is me living somewhere on a farm in nature, so I need a remote job. I'm starting to learn it from scratch and really hope to make it to a point where I can support myself from it in the future. And also hope AI doesn't fuck it all up.


A Top Gear presenter but old top gear . Doing the challenges etc with two best friends ? Best job ever.


Hostage negotiator


A job that pays lot of money to do fuck all


Planner (with experts helping me) deciding which small towns and villages the world over will be dismantled and returned to nature as giant herbivore herds again will roam all continents to some extent (except Antarctica). De-industrialist, reforestator, de-desertificator.


I wouldn't mind working for a ONG,one of those jobs that are half on the office, half on the field. And other options would be firefighter,but I don't have the aptitude for it.


Hands down. Secretary of Defense of the United States of America.


Lottery winner


Forensic science. I really love the filed but I couldn't get the education level to study it.


I would love to be a weapon tester for the military.


Game warden


Not really a job. I wish I could be wealthy, just to help people. Especially orphans. I daydream a lot about what I'd do if I didn't have to work just to pay bills. That's at the top of my list of things I'd do. I'd adopt all the kids I could, provide really good therapists, doctors, teachers, and a safe haven for them.


Property developer. Not to get rich, not to be a greedy landlord. But because I absolutely love looking at different types of buildings, and different parts of the city and reimagining them into fun, useful and beautiful spaces.


WWE referee


Human Anthropologist, Fire Rescue Pilot, NASA Engineer, etc.


Prosthetics engineer


Womans' volleyball coach.




A billionaire who inherited all his money and doesn't have anything. Alternatively, an astronaut, a hermit in the woods, a test pilot and/or the owner of a small bookstore on the ocean in Scotland.


Coast guard rescue swimmer :(


Voice acting


President of the United States of America


Professional bitch slapper


The jobs I'm currently pursuing and getting closer to reach: \-Fiction author. \-Game developer -> Owning my own game development company with employees.


Assistant to the regional manager at a paper company based in Scranton, PA


Travel the world and hosting an educative real life show. Every episode a different country


I wanna be the guy that plays with big cats at the zoo


I used to love playing Railroad Tycoon Deluxe, so how about running the train-based distribution network for a shipping company. i hope none of the wooden bridges get wiped out by floods.


I’m a pilot and people ask me sometimes what would I do if I didn’t fly airplanes for a living, and honestly, the thought never occurred to me. It wasn’t until I was in my 30’s that I even thought about it. I landed on sports photographer. I would want to be a video cameraman or on field photographer for sporting events. It’s not an “important” job but I love the atmosphere of live sporting events and having a job where I get to go to games every day and see all sorts of unexpected outcomes sounds glorious.


I have it, I’m a farmer.


Professional bat boy for an MLB team


I just want to work for me


Superstar DJ in Ibiza


I had the best job in the world for 30 years, firefighter. I did everything from "fight fires and save lives" to command eight stations with 64 firefighters.


Hot girl on only fans




Whatever Jonny Kim is doing right now. Dude has had the most absurdly badass life.