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My condolences to your friend's vagina


I'm also quite impressed with the stamina. Not like in lasting 90 minutes, but keeping up 90 minutes with just the physical task of the act


I don't think the idea here is pounding someone for 90 minutes straight, I think it's from start till end, so this includes the initial caressing/kissing/oral yadaa yadaa and probably more than one round. I've been "blessed" with having an exceptionally hard time orgasming the first time I hookup and that's how it tends to go. It's all fun though, unless the girl starts feeling self conscious. ...Or maybe he is *that guy* that always does hip thrusts in the gym and his time has finally come.


I’ve probably had a 90 minute sesh like twice in my life, and tbh, I’d rather have a concise 15 minute experience every single time. 90 is exhausting, and I have other things I’d like to do besides fuck all day


Yeah, lasting longer is not as much fun as it sounds. The clit is the magical button.


I've been there before, but I lasted mostly because it has been a while since I got laid and I was really nervous. Yea, keeping it up that long is rough and was not really enjoyable. I didn't even finish one time.




Not if OP has a small one then I believe it’s called a “tinky winky cuddle” and then the duration is about right




While that is true, it does depend on how the intercourse itself is going, could be very enjoyable that you lose track of time......




Don’t think the dude is banging his random friend from out of town at the post menopausal age


Homeboy just came out swingin


Just a bit of a humble brag


Pussy doesn’t grip as hard as your hand and you are in complete privacy with your body by yourself. You may want to give yourself a good break from jerking it to increase your sensitivity to someone else. At the very least encourage/coach a nice strong grip when she jerks you


"Oh yeah, you like that" "Feels so good, can you just smell this pepper and sneeze for me?"


In fairness, I had an ex who knew how to squeeze and pull with her pussy. It was the first (and last) sex made my lips quiver like I’m about to cry like a bitch.


My wife can squeeze so much I can’t pull out, and can vary the “grip” for maximizing pleasure, hers or mine. It’s as amazing as you are imagining.


"I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me."




Obligatory…I too choose this man’s wife.


I very much expected this. And you haven’t even seen her.


Much like Lord Vader, I felt her!


My goodness. I would complete a to do list a mile long for any future wife who did that.


It’s something she developed over the last 26 years. She didn’t have it when we were first married.


Interesting. Talk about longevity




Learning her own body, playing with it for fun, and kegels.


A lot of women do Kegel exercises (flexing your pelvic muscles). More common post child birth. Something to do with prevention for bladder leakage and better orgasm's / confidence


I do that to my husband, it's fun! Do those kegals, ladies!


There’s no crying in sex.


Bahaha I didn’t but lawd have mercy my lips quivered like I was gonna sneeze or something. Never felt that before. When you have a cutie riding you with an adorable look on her face as she looks you in the eye and squeezes so hard you can hear the juices as her pussy grips on your meat tightly 😮‍💨💀 Holy Santa Claus cock. I wasn’t ready. Kept her for as long as I could. 10/10 will want some more next time we hang out


My gf is a red headed Scorpio with this power and magnificent boobs. So ya, I locked that the fuck down


Wise man. I don’t think a murder attempt in my sleep would be enough for me to leave her. “She was just in a bad mood guys relax.”


May I ask, what difference does the “Scorpio” part make exactly?


There is a certain intensity those girls have


They so wild they make dudes believe in astrology?




Girls who can do this are absolute gold


Yes they are. She just randomly decided to do it. She never did before but went for it. When she saw the look on my face she tripled down the pressure and scratched my chest. We were never the same after that. It’s cemented in my mind. I would charge toward certain death to save that woman.


The same thing happens to women’s brains if you manage to give them the multiples storm


I don’t know what the multiple storm means. Multiple orgasms? If so I can only imagine. I’ve seen an exes eyes twitch and roll back when I find that perfect spot or perfect movement and spam it as though I’m button mashing a fighting game. It’s like finding a cheat code. Gotcha bitch.


100% this and the fighting game analogy is hilariously apt For me the biggest factor is building up trust between you so the girl is comfortable in telling you what she wants in bed. I usually flat out refuse to sleep with a girl unless we know each other well, because otherwise you are probably just flailing around and she’s humoring the experience instead of enjoying it


100% agree. I’ve done one hookup in my life so far and it sucked. It was super awkward. The morning when she left was also strange. The hug goodbye was like ok welp um yeah. Thanks for coming and you have a good day doing the things.. wherever you work and whatnot. I went to work feeling weird, also my lower back and hips were killing me. I thought… my body is hurting for a woman I won’t even see again. What a dumb trade. When it’s someone who has mutual love and respect for you. Goodness it’s unbelievable.


I know people can apparently do the hook up or FWB thing but I can’t. The sex is usually awful compared to Good Relationship Sex, and where my dick goes my heart will want to follow


Can confirm 😅


Glad someone is taking care of you 👍👍👍


Mhm, had an ex which made each thrust fell really good, she clenched somewhat on feel automatically. Current gf has to work hard and is 100% her clenching her muscles, you can feel when she forgets or just mistimes it.


What’s she up to these days just outv curiousity?




Or try jerking in public to get over the complete privacy.


OP should check his death grip. There are no some guys who exert excessive force on their member when masturbating and as a consequence have a hard time cuming with someone else. Easing up on that death grip is a process and it may take time, but will make sex better.


Going past the pelvic bone... or pelvic floor is close. But after that it's other sensations which requires retraining your brain


Yep. Try using a Fleshlight or something similar to retrain your dick to accept the much much much weaker grip and sensation of actual sex. This is also commonly referred to as death grip syndrome. You need to come to terms with the fact that pussy will never feel as good as your own hand.


No pussy squeezes harder than a hand man. Grip is what these flesh mittens are made for


Modern poetry, that comment is.


Read this in Yoda’s voice


"Squeeze as hard as a hand, pussy does not. Made for gripping, these flesh mittens were." "mmmmmMMMMMMmmmm"


Robert frost is spinning in his grave


My ex had a pelvic pain disorder. It basically just caused her to do kegel exercises all day for most of her life… the good part is is her vagina was super strong. Like a strong grip. And it was constantly constricted during sex. That with how pussy feels, I honestly had a super hard time lasting, which was wild cuz I always touted myself for being good at lasting as long as I wanted to, even to the point of having a hard time ejaculating in general. The other issue being she required an absurd amount of warm up to and even then, even when enjoying (thus the constant constricting) was also not enjoying. So I’m not going to say her vagina squeezed harder than my own hand, but it was comparable to her own hand grip.


Damn man, reading that even I miss your ex


I’m not gonna lie, shes amazing. She was a sprinter and was really pretty in general. So for me the sex was just beyond amazing. I blacked out a few times when she was doing the work at the end and sometimes it would feel so good I’d unintentionally cry a little. But she because if her disorder, she wasn’t in the mood for vaginal sex nearly enough. She enjoyed the other stuff though so 🤷‍♂️ We are still kind of together. I can’t fully give her up and she seems to only have eyes for me.




Fixed thanks


He’s a dry guy.


I heard all serial killers are dry guys






2 reasons 1. Your hand/imagination are doing exactly what YOU want for you 2. You are trying to get it done vs trying to make it last longer


Hour and a half of actually sex??? - dude i last more than my hand too, but the longest i have gotten is like almost an hour, that sounds unbelievable. - like even the girl will tell you she got sore and needs a break.


You'd be surprised. Once got head for the entire duration of the movie "big daddy". All 94 minutes. She started when I first put on the movie. I was shocked when we hit end credits. To be fair tho. I couldn't finish because she was really bad at it. Kept catching a tooth every time I got close. And she had to stop several times because her jaw was killing her


I was gonna say, to get a women to give head past 5 minutes is a miracle.


Really? I guess I'm the champ of finding them. I'd say most of my girlfriends have been enthusiastic about giving blowjobs. Which honestly kinda sucks because I don't really get off easily from them. I'd rather just move on to actual sex.


Either these guys have nasty dicks or they're not getting women in the mood cause I agree, almost every girl is enthusiastic if she's turned on.


Take care of your girl, and she takes care of you. Put in the time to give her multies, and you will get the ride of your life


Most of my LTRs had some type of relationship trauma, generally along the lines of their past partners forcing them to give them blowjobs, no matter if she wanted to or not. So by the time I got to them, and didn't ask them to do anything they didn't want to do, blowjobs were a complete no-go.


My only vanilla gf was coincidentally my longest relationship at 8 years. After that, the next few that I dated all wanted to go down on me all the time. Not only that, but they all wanted to be choked, degraded, etc. Took me a while to get used to all that after being with a prude for such a long time


The fact that you jumped on these men and decided to shame them for their own personal experiences with shitty lovers is low of you. There are a lot of selfish women out here that are super entitled to oral sex but feel like giving head is an after thought. You also get a lot of lazy women who don't care about giving head and are just crappy lovers in general etc etc. Quit drinking the koolaid that all men are horrible lovers and are therefore to blame for their crappy sex life.


Honestly yes!! 😭 I'm a woman and I love giving head to my husband but like it starts to kill me not far in. I've tried taking like Ibuprofen beforehand 😂 to see if it helped. It didn't. Drunk didn't help. My coordination is off and then it gets dangerous with teeth. I have tried chewing gum all day long to see if it trained the muscles or whatever. It doesn't help. So I try to use my throat more. Just open, shove it down, and swallow on the head. Then my jaw isn't moving and I can relax it more. I still probably made it once to 5 minutes. He's a saint really cause he just takes it for as long as I can and then he moves on happily to something else.


That why once I'm locked and loaded within 2 to 3 minutes we go at it. I'm not gonna be cruel and keep her going longer then she needs to.


You gotta appreciate the tenacity though


For real. She was a real go getter.


Dude how old is she lol... - okay the whole sex lasted a movie's duration, now that makes sense, i thought you were pumping for an hour and a half.


If Johnny sins can do it, what’s your excuse?


I like the way you just spontaneously break out into bullet points while responding. You’ve got style man.


Thx dude, although idk if that sas sarcasm or not lol.


We were both 16 at the time. This was almost 20 years ago


Having to catch a break every now and then from a 1,5 hour long BJ doesnt equate “being bad at it” lol. Try sucking a banana for 1,5 hours and get back to me 


That's not what made it bad it was the teeth


Suffocating for 1.5 hours and still there is a complaint about teeth. The audacity. Blow jobs are not comfortable and a gift to any recipient, no matter the skill left.


I was merely just explaining why it took so long. I did not complain to her at all and was very grateful


Nah, teeth make it bad. There are girls who learn to do it properly and give great head, just like there are dudes who learn how to go down correctly.


A lot of men struggle to nut from head though


Not me lol


why is an hour believable but 90 min not?


haha yea if me and wife go for a long session, 45 mins is about the max time now of penetrative sex before she’ll tap out. Think we made it to an hour when dating. But I could have gone longer, so i’m sure there’s women out there that might not care about being sore or like it or something. So to me it is believable


One time it helped me to be drunk as f and kind of tired, my body was stronger than my mind that night/morning.


Death grip


Yup. OP, get a fleshlight.


you grip to hard


my grip strength is about 85lb of force


Does your penis owe you money mate?


I’m picturing that meme where the guy is holding onto his cheeseburger like someone’s gonna steal it.


Bro’s afraid someone’s gonna steal his penis


Every time he has a wank his penis needs crutches for a week.


😭😂😂😂 underrated comment


Grip strength on your “piece” … let’s hope you’re not using 85lb of force lol


Oddly specific


🤣🤣🤣 wtf kind of response is that rofl


It's over 9000!!!!!!!!


Do you have Kung Fu grip?


Bruh, stop jacking it as often for the sake of your girl. Your hands know what a vagina doesn't and can get you there nice and quick, but please don't punish the vagina lol. Anecdotal, but related I had an ex who would take care of himself before bed, and we had a pretty active sex life in between, at first. He couldn't finish from PIV unless i was in pain due to the duration. It generally had to be a hand or mouth, and it could take 2 hours of fallacio (after 30min-1hr of PIV) before I'd finally tap out (and he'd get frustrated if I tapped out before or asked him to finish himself), AND he had to be watching porn. I wish these times were exaggerated, but sex was regularly a 3-4 hour event focusing almost solely on him, and often interrupted because he needed to change the video which was always catered to him and almost always gave me the ick. After the first year, i was a dead fish in bed. I'd just check out and lie there until he was done, then we'd move to his computer chair (because he couldn't be laying down, or he couldn't finish). Sex very quickly became a time-consuming chore and without a willingness to compromise (ie, he just fucking stop jacking off - he tried low-t meds, a fleshlight that i used on him, yknow, anything besides the one thing that I'd asked) it destroyed our relationship. Sex is supposed to be fun or romantic or passionate - not a task to check off your daily to-do list. Not an obligation to your significant other. And certainly not the fucking gauntlet I was doing. Now I'm traumatized by blow jobs, and he's of the opinion I just didn't want to try hard enough


This screams porn addiction. I’m sorry you went through that


Thank you, I got into more detail than I'd really intended, but you're absolutely right. It was an addiction, and it was incredibly destructive to our relationship and both of our self-esteem. I'm in a much healthier place now, thankfully


Glad to hear it!


Jesus this is ALOT. I’m glad this is an ex


You masturbate too much, you know exactly what feels good, and you have conditioned your body to feel that your hand is the primary way to reach orgasm. If good sex is important to you, you need to stop masturbating for the foreseeable future—at least until your sex life improves. In my experience this can improve in a month or so, but could take longer.


an hour and a half of penetration sounds like an actual nightmare. rip that girls vagina


You do know you’re allowed to just stop right? Like sex doesn’t have to go until you cum.


Stop gripping it so hard when you wank, dude.


You've got what they call a death grip


I have this same issue, but I learned to deal with it over time by watching less porn and good communication with my partner. You are squeezing hard and going faster, which is also part of why you are taking so long when having sex. Cutting down on masturbation and using lots of lube when you do will help. Especially, abstaining for a couple days before you have sex will help. I have lots more advice as somebody who has dealt with the same thing. Message me if you want


[Death Grip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death-grip_syndrome), stop masturbating so much.


It's because, with your hand, you're having sex with the one you love the most.


I have had a deathwish for years, this isn't exactly true


Don't kink shame yourself. It's not a good look. /s


Look, most women are very happy with 20 minutes of good loving. Please don’t torture anyone with your dick for an hour and a half unless you know she’s into that kind of torture. God her hips are probably killing her poor thing. Also, from what I’ve read…. Loosen your grip or someday you won’t cum at all with a woman.


Stop spanking it so much, gonna get the death grip, then nothing but your hand will work.


Bro suffering from success.


Cause you’ve got a pretty hand? Just chucking it out there, much like your hand does when you nut


The answer is obvious: Stop jerking off so much.


Seems like your hand’s the undefeated heavyweight champ of your pleasure division, mate. But you're basically setting Olympic records with solo training and expecting a casual gym buddy to keep pace. Time to let your partner in on the training sessions or raise the flag for a masturbation hiatus. Best to treat it like you're resetting a broken bone–give it time to heal from the overuse and slowly condition it to better respond to your partner's touch. Remember, variety is the spice of life, and your nether regions probably need a dash of something different right now.


Because you've had an awful lot of practice with your hand.😎Most blokes can knock one out and make tea during the BGT commercial break....it's an artform. Mind you, there is no rush, I promise your girl will not be impressed if you go at BGT☝️speeds with her.... JOKE: Why is justice like an orgasm? It can never come too late😎 EDIT: When I say joke, I mean wisdom oc.


I've been jerking off almost daily for 30 years. I know what my dick likes. And it's just me time, so I can make it happen as fast or slow as I want to. But when you put another person there, you aren't just there for yourself. Any decent lover wants to make sure their partner is enjoying it too. With someone you don't have much experience with, they don't know exactly what works for you, nor you for them. That is why sex is (usually) better in a long term relationship. You get to know each others triggers. I've had girlfriends that could get on top and make it last a minute or twenty, depending on what they like. Add in that performance anxiety is a thing. It's very easy to get into your own head and absolutely kill your ability to finish. Then you focus more on that inability and it becomes a downward spiral. And after then first 15 or 20 minutes, she was probably sore as hell and wanted to stop but didn't want to tell you to stop, so the enjoyment factor for both people goes way down. Foreplay as long as you want. Edging during foreplay will definitely make finishing during penetration easier. After \`10ish minutes of penetration its probably best to just throw in the towel. Enjoy the time you spent together, and then talk about it before the next time to find out what either of you could have done better.


You get there faster when you're in the drivers seat. Same reason so many guys last longer than they even want when receiving oral. I can pretty much last forever in a cowgirl.


Coz your hand knows exactly how ya like it


Damnit. I just made this exact same comment only to scroll down and see that you posted this comment an hour before me.


lol… when you know, you know 😆


The Devil's Grip. basically you have trained your body/brain to the sensation of masturbation = orgasm. It took your brain awhile to reload and instal the old sexyfuntimes.exe files.


probably the only desc that actually resonated with me as a software dev/troubleshooter


You know what you are doing with your equipment


Death gripe syndrome, stop jacking it for a while... like a month or two, a week at least!


Invest in a Tenga/Fleshlight or something of the like and take the few days in between ordering and its delivery off. It will help cure you of your death grip.


200bpm and 50 pounds psi


You're not really that attracted to her? You're addicted to porn?


no I don't do porn, and I am extremely attracted to her


If it's working for you and she's enjoying it then there is no problem, if you're worried about it and want to finish a little earlier or on demand then take a break from jerking off for a few days.


Lucky you, my problem is the other way.


It’s actually worse over on this end tbh. Having sex and not finishing is like sharing a big bowl of ice cream with your lover, she gets to use a spoon but you can only use your tongue. Think about how frustrating that would be. Usually, the guy gets so down he can only use his tongue, so ultimately he would rather not participate all together.


What an analogy.


Spoons are amazing


As a woman (yes this is a men’s sub) but an hour and a half doesn’t sound appealing


Its not your hand vs her vg. Its the porn addiction.


Palm-ala Hand-erson has been with you your whole life. This girl you known for how long? A couple of years max?


For me it's two parts , psychological, I'm not worried about pleasing someone else when it's my hand, and physical, I can maintain a constant steady motion with my hand and a steady amount of pressure.


Seeing a lot of comments about grip and such. Personally I think grip is a big part but the other major factor is you know what you like and can change in an instant.


Masturbate too much/with too tight of a grip. Vagina isn't as tight and has natural lubrication, so there isn't as much friction as your hand either.


That sounds awful.


Four words. Fear of getting caught.


Does she know you lasted that long ?


If you were using a condom, condoms really help a lot to last longer.


Could be the condom. Or could be your hand grips a little tighter so you cum faster


My hands been doing this shit for ages, it knows what it’s doing. Pussy on the other hand…..




**because YOUR HAND HAS GOT ‘5 ON IT!’** you set ‘em up, I knock ‘em down


Your hand knows you better than she does 😈😈


Maybe foreplay time? Which one was more enjoyable? Many people think the end goal is to climax and it is for some, but many love the intimacy, or just you know the whole experience, so 1 hour can be great


Personally, I would not wanna go for that long. Maybe it's just ADD but, no matter how good, I'm over it in about 45 mins tops


People here saying death grip, I don’t completely agree with that. When you masturbate you are with yourself, you can let your mind run wild and you can stimulate yourself at exactly the Rhythm and pressure you enjoy the most, which is why you might last much less that way. Some Condoms might also be making things feel weird.


You're gay for your hand, duh. 😆 No, really though, it's because the whole point of jacking it is to get off. Quick, self centered gratification. Sex is two people having an experience together, it's not just about you, and there's just more going on in your brain, with your body, and your emotions. Also... And hour and a half? Even if you're exaggerating by 50%, well done sir. 🫡


Seinfeld best answers this Elaine: Here’s the thing. Being a woman, I only have access to the ‘equipment’ what 30, 45 minutes a week. And that’s on a good week! How can I be expected to have the same expertise as people who own this equipment, and have access to it 24-hours a day; their entire lives!”


Omg an hour and a half? wtf how? Because of death grip


an hour and a half she did not enjoy this. Stop death gripping your penis your going to give yourself masturbation sexual disfunction


Because when you watch porn? You train yourself to hurry up and get it over with. It’s different with sex.. I’d be careful how much porn you’re consuming because it’s GOING to affect your sex life sooner or later and never in a good way.


Because you don’t use women to jerk off.


Sex with a woman you have to worry about her pleasure as well but with your hand your only purpose is to cum.


I’m a lot bigger with a girl than my hand too.


Honestly you become so used to busting with the same method (hand) that it's habitual so it's faster, whereas with a different stimulus you have to feel it out and then finish


It depends how often you have sex with a girl and how often you jerk off I think I don’t have sex very often tbh but I jerk off almost everyday and usually it comes very quickly, sometimes even in 2 minutes. However with a girl it takes an eternity to have an orgasm. The last time I had sex, I couldn’t have it at all and had to finish by hand, and not because I wasn’t attracted to the girl


Because your hand loves you


Death grip


You've been practicing for years mate


Don't grip it so tight


because your hand knows your dick very well


Death grip syndrome! Stop jerking off that constantly, or use lubricant.


you know yourself more than anyone


Lucky bastard.


Why is my playlist always better than anyone else's. Man, it's just banger after banger.


Awe, you got the grip dick. Stop jerking off so much, you wont enjoy real sex soon


For you or anyone else that has this issue, please check out r/delayedejaculation. Essentially you should reduce porn consumption, jacking off as much, and apply coconut oil to your entire genitals (twice a day).


you are probably somewhat interested in HER enjoyment. Which is a good thing. Don't over think it.


Its a mental thing, same way some guys come instantly as a girl touch em in bed




An hour and half of actual sex our the time you guys fooled around with foreplay and sex?

