• By -


I had a really hard time my first year of medical school, depression, imposter syndrome, just really struggled with it mentally. I failed my first unit and was talking to my girlfriend about taking a leave and repeating the year, and how much it was upsetting me that I failed. She said, "yeah, because you know I won't marry you otherwise." Didn't try to support me, just told me there would be consequences. Never lost my attraction to someone so fast. Dumped her three days later. Fuck you Kristin.


Yeah Kristin, fuck you. Hope you figured Med school out brother.




I reckon he did already at least twice both in a very good way.


Yeah, fuck you Cryztin


Fuck you Kerstin


Ah yes, the Kristin's natural enemy - Kirsten


So we all running a train on this guy's ex?


fuck you Kristin!!!!!!


Get fucked, K-dawg.


Hell yeah, Kristen. Fuck you.




Glad to hear you dodged that bullet.


Yeah, F off, Kristin!


Fuck you Kris Kristofferson 


Fuck u kristin


Yeah, fuck Kristin. Gross. Good choice dumping her!


Fuck you Kristin


A satisfying dumping 👌🏼


Fuck you to the moon Kristin!!


Hope you're doing better now. I took an interruption of studies during my first year of medical school because I had untreated anxiety and depression my whole life that finally overwhelmed me. My gf stood by my decision all the way and told me how happy she was that I was doing better. Headed back to med school this May.


Fuck you kristin you fucking fuck


Sounds like a typical narcissist. She just wanted to tell people her bf was a doctor for clout lol


As a doctor, I feel you. Also fuck you Kristin


Yeah, fuck you Kristin. Fucking bitch.


We were both educated and professional with high profile jobs. We were also both divorced and childless. We had been dating for less than a couple of months and I had invited her over to my house for dinner. I had received a call from my office and had to report back to sign something that I had forgot earlier in the day. She had just gotten there and since I was only going to be gone for less than an hour she decided to stay and wait for me. I got back about an hour later. We had dinner, a glass of wine, made out for a bit and then she went home calling me when she got to her house. All in all, it was a decent evening and at the time I truly believed that this relationship had some future. The next evening I was in sitting in my home at my desk sorting through my mail and paying bills. I noticed that some of my mail, etc. was out of place along with other personal items. I didn't think anything of it and blew it off. As I was walking back to my bedroom I noticed a light on in a closet of another room in my house. In that closet I kept boxes of old nostalgic things to include high school stuff, college pics, and of course stuff from my previous marriage. Yes...that woman went through all of my personal mail, pictures, letters, and everything else in my residence.


Her name wasn't Kristin was it? Because, fuck you Kristin.


I actually shuddered reading the ending, I’m sorry this happened to you.


I had something similar happen. Felt like I had been robbed. Also went thru my Facebook messenger deleted messages and unfollowed and blocked people. Didn’t really realize the scope of everything til about a year later when I ran into some friends asking why I had blocked them.


Why would you think she wouldn’t??? Don’t trust ANYONE in your home alone


I’m a female and thinking the same thing. That said, me personally, I have respect for other people’s personal space. I’d been more concerned about having dinner finished when he came back than snooping around. My second husband died, he had this brown box he moved around several times, even after he died I felt like I was invading his personal space


I’m sorry for your loss. Thats your husband tho, what’s his is yours. This person let someone they barely know stay home alone in their house. Heck naw.


I understand that. Even married something is private and should be respected. Anyone that trust you in their home don’t give you the right to disrespect their home by snooping either


Losing respect for her father because she saw him cry when his father died


Nooo I don’t like this ☹️


Ohhh this is so bad


Only thing I can think of is she was trying to sound cold to impress her friends


Yeah.. Which is still really shit behaviour. If I saw my dad cry I would hug and care the hell out of him, and I'd start crying too 🙈


If I saw my dad cry I’d hold him and cry with him I love that man with every bit of my heart


If that kind of cuntish behaviour impresses people, I don't want to be anywhere near them. There is 0 reason to be like that.


Good riddance. (To her not her grandfather.)


This is grimy


what the hell fuck that. When my dad dies ill cry for days, and im a special forces soldier and bodybuilder. The love between family runs so deep, that line being broken is gonna be one of the worst days ever


Wretched she-beast. No one will mourn her.


Entitlement, lack of accountability, and reaching out only when she needs something, something broke, or she has a bill she can't afford. Don't take me for granted. None of the women who do those things deserve any of my attention.


no one's anything let alone attention


Telling me, while with me, how she is going to be when she starts dating again.


You dumped her on the spot, right.






A girl showed up with my friend at a party but tried leaving with me. Even after I turned down an earlier advance.


Yea she for the streets. Wow


So i casually dated this girl who told me that another guy was also pursuing her. She wanted us to fight for her affection like she was on a bad reality tv show. I remember her saying that an important test was her birthday and she needed to know how much I intended to spend on her I told her he won and I left.


Dude, that was the perfect opportunity to really fuck with her. You should have found the other dude's identify and then gotten together with him to give her a birthday she would never forget. I be the other dude didn't want to play that game either.


Having expectations that she herself cannot live up to


Ooo, I had one of those once. Absolutely made my life hell over suspected cheating. Constant accusations, controlling behavior, always going through my phone. Turns out she was playing both me and her side dude. Bonus, she used to stalk my Reddit activity too. If you're reading this: you're not that sneaky, I knew.


One of my best friends married and knocked up that parasitic girl. I love him but how foolish 🤦‍♀️


Is this Beth? Look I was drunk and had bad judgment she’s lazy maybe but parasite that’s a little harsh if it is not Beth about me and Sara then never mind lol


I hate it when women say they want 8" but aren't even 5" themselves


Anything where she feels like she’s too pretty to do something. One time this girl from my high school stood in the rain cuz she had no money for Uber but the bus (which was $1) was available but she thought that she’s too pretty to be in a bus.


Wow. Lol. Too pretty to ride a bus... First off, imma guess she wasn't. 2nd.. I don't think that's a thing. Just pay the dollar and be grateful you have a ride home lol..


Maybe it wasnt her. Maybe the bud line has standards for riders. No one prettier than a 7 can ride . Or maybe I'm sleep deprived and think dumb shit is funny


You must be this unattractive to ride…


That thing when people act entitled and are also condescending. I do not have the will or energy to deal with any of that.


What are some examples of acting entitled?


I live in a flat (apartment) over a workshop that I both own and work at. One coworker had a baby, then another coworker had one the following year. Being besties they decided they’d like to use the front room in my space as a crèche, how cute! The workshop is NOT a place for kids, but this room is out the way of the dust and mess and danger. You know, cause it’s in my fuckin house. They didn’t make an offer to rent it, they didn’t acknowledge that I’m having some mental issues and having people in my space might not be easy for me (they were well aware), they just seemed to be trying to guide me to the obvious conclusion that this space should rightfully be there’s. I can see the logic. The room is empty. It would be very convenient for them. Not for me but what do I matter. They have incredibly cheap access to the biggest workspace of its kind in the city. Give people a little a they’ll take whatever they can. One of these women has hated me from the start (quietly, subtly), but the other I have always been on good terms with. When it became clear I wasn’t comfortable with screaming infants being in my house whenever the parents felt like it this lady decided we are no longer friends. She’s been thinking over our relationship and actually she’s never really liked me she just didn’t see the signs at first. Holy. Fucking. Shit. It’s got fuck all to do with her, I am looking out for my own well being but that means nothing to them.


Sounds like you should review your relationships too and revoke that cheap access. I'm sure they are other people in your city that could use the workspace without trying to bully you into taking care of their kids while they work


It’s a very niche business, there aren’t many others and the few who are are well established, and getting them out would be extremely difficult.


In my top 5 things I cannot FUCKING stand is parents that think their needs matter more than people who don’t have kids. That’s so fucked up for them to do, especially since they knew you were going through it. I can imagine them having a discussion about using the space, acknowledging your struggles, and still deciding to use it for their crying babies because they felt like their struggles were more important just because babies were involved. It’s fucking gross. They (I’m assuming) CHOSE to have a baby, they should make arrangements for that baby that don’t negatively impact any other people in their lives. Sorry I’m starting to rant but this shit really gets to me and I’m swear to god I’ll never be this kind of parent and will always hold parents like this accountable and call them the fuck out because what the fuck makes them think they’re so fucking special and their stress matters more because they have a fucking baby?


> In my top 5 things I cannot FUCKING stand is parents that think their needs matter more than people who don’t have kids. And yet those same people think that childless people are selfish.


Yea I wouldn't either.


Being unbelievably attractive to me while also being unbelievably unattracted to me. The nerve.










Anne Hathaway, that bitch. How dare she. /s


I knew a girl when I was a kid who used to put her hand down her pants, take it out again, then chase people around with her glistening fingers threatening to rub them in people's faces


This kind of behavior is likely a result of abuse.


If she was a guy, she'd end up on the RSO list for decades


Ew. Just ew.


How old was she at the time?


In her middle teens I think


Expecting her prospective partner to do 90% of the work in the relationship


I have a list. This isn’t the worst; maybe it's the funniest. When I was 17 years old, I was at the pub after a Christmas pageant. The pub was closing, and out of nowhere, an older woman approached me with a Christmas bag of lollies/sweets and asked if I wanted a bag of lollies to go home with her. I looked 15—way younger than my age. I was pretty drunk and agreed. She took me back to her house. She had a large house that was a little strange. She had dried corn on every surface in her lounge and kitchen. There is was place to sit.  She said she’d have a shower, and I could go in after. I had to stand in her hallway, awkwardly waiting. She came out of the shower wrapped like a Mommy in towels, hiding her body. I walked into the large bathroom. In the centre of the room was a corrugated water tank with a door, but inside was a shower room. It was dark, and as I entered, all I could smell was a gross baking bread smell. I’d heard jokes about yeast infections, and I was pretty certain she was yeasty. Like brewers, beer extract. It smelled really bad. I pulled my clothes on and made my way from the front door, which was dead bolted and locked from the inside. I went to the bedroom, apologised, and said I had changed my mind. She got angry, said she wasn’t driving me back to the pub, and I again told her I wanted to go. When we reached the door, she started stroking my hair back behind my ear and touching my cheek. I said, “No, no, no.” She eventually let me out. I knew we had driven a little way out of town, but I hadn’t paid attention to how far. This was before mobile phones, and it took me until dawn to walk home.  Edit: I still have the bag of lollies  30 years later, stuffed into a commemorative coffee mug pushed to the back of a high kitchen cupboard. My ex-wife hated that I had my rape lollipops. 


What the fuck!?!?? Bro you are a victim.


Compared to what I had been through only 3 years earlier this was genuinely nothing.  And that previous experience put me in the mindset of doing risky and unsafe things.  I felt at the time if the door wasn’t unlocked I was going to end up a pig pen at the back of the property though.   She was seriously mental. 


Rape Pops 🤣🤣 I'm sorry 🤣


Yeah,  not appropriate… but the ex had a way with words. 


This is some hansel and gretel fairytale sht


She started a fight in the car after a party. The reason? I was too quiet in the car. Context, she was wasted and it was super dark and my high beams weren’t helping. I was focused on the road. I let it slide for a couple more months and asked her to leave my house. She was shocked. She never got dumped before. She got by pretty privileged for too long. I stood my ground.


I really don’t like how people have responded to this comment. If you don’t like the way someone treats you, fucking leave. Doesn’t matter if they’re drunk or sober or whatever. News flash people, shit doesn’t have to get super fucking awful in order to justify leaving someone. I have a friend who walked out on a first date 20 min into it because he had a gut feeling, and we later found out that chick stole like 8k from the guy she dated after him. I have another friend who has been dying to date a certain person for almost a decade and just decided TODAY that they don’t want to anymore because she doesn’t like that he kissed her last week, scheduled a dinner date with her for tonight (26th), but never texted or called her to confirm said date so she is no longer interested in him at all. THAT’S COMPLETELY VALID. The fight she initiated while driving home was obviously the start of a drawn out break up, and she obviously did other shit over the months to follow that did nothing but remind Big Bad Booty Daddy that he didn’t want to deal with that kind of shit.


Thank you. Couple months later, I was already one leg out the door, she started another argument where I knew she was wrong. There’s a difference between “Being Right” and “Getting it Right”. In the argument it was equivalent me saying “2+2=4” and she would still fight me on it. Accountability was her kryptonite. I’ll give her credit. When I asked her to grab her stuff and leave my house she did. The only thing she left was one piece of lingerie hanging with a “you’re going to miss this” sign 😂


I meeeeeeeeean it’s good she left without a fight but leaving the lingerie like that?!?!? That’s fuckin’ toxic bro. I’m glad you’re done with her and I hope nothing but the best for you dude.


She was late 30s but had a body of a 22yo. She was able to getaway with a lot of crap. Doubt any guy called her out on her BS. I’ll give her credit. She let me go. Never contacted me or initiated any kind of communication after the breakup.


A couple of months? Really?




Refusing to take care of her health and wellbeing - and no, I don't mean something like 'gaining weight' or the like. More like being physically lazy unless there's no other choice, binge drinking, substance abuse, refusing to admit there's a problem and see a shrink if there's depression/anxiety causing her trouble, etc. I'm 48, far from being an adonis in either looks or body, and I don't expect anyone else to be, but I try to make sure I look after myself and my health, mental and physical. I don't feel it's unfair to want to see the person that I'm with (or in times gone past, could potentially be with) show care for their basic health needs and be able to enjoy and do 'life' stuff, whether it's relaxing at home, going out, or just doing the stuff that needs to be done on the daily.




I was talking to a girl many years ago. We’d been out on a few dates. We had mutual friends. Hung out in the same places. We were hanging out one night, playing pool at a bar and I asked her how her weekend went. She tells me “not much, my sister came over and we smoked ice and watched movies”. Like completely normal, not joking. I ghosted. I don’t know how she’s doing now. Hopefully ok.


How to make someone break up with you so you don't have to.


I respect your opinion, but gotta say, I'd pick a girl on coke over a blackout-drunk girl any time.


Ya like’em chatty, do ya?


I mean why not. If she has something interesting to say, chatty is nice. But I was mostly saying this because I had some not really nice experiences with very drunk women.


Fascinating that most of these seem to be about behaviour and choices rather than physical appearance. I wonder how many women realise they were actually turned down on behaviour and not appearance. All of my deal breakers are also behaviour, values and personality based. It's definitely an indicator that maintaining a dress size won't ever be all that makes a relationship go the distance.


I think people of all genders often over-estimate how important looks are. (Myself included, yikes).


Looks are entry pass. Personality gets you to stay. Behaviour is the exit door.


If someone has a great personality they just become more and more attractive.


Not having or getting a job, freeloading off others, jumping from guy to guy for the aforementioned


Constant male bashing.


One woman I had the misfortune of knowing said that all men and boys are potential rapists. That's stupid as hell 😐


I mean literally everyone is a *potential* rapist, including the woman who said that.


True, but she also literally degraded males by saying all men and boys are potential rapists. She was also one of those raging bra burning social justice warrior feminists


Oh for sure, I'm just saying she should've considered that if her grounds for hating men or whatever is that we have the *potential* to be rapists, her feelings should've applies to literally everyone. She was being a hypocrite by hating men for a quality she has too.


I’m a male CSA victim. Abused by a msn over 2 years.  It’s not uncommon for women to say that abuse against boys, even by other men isn’t as bad as it is for girls.  To be anally raped isn’t as bad as vaginal they claim. And if the abuser is a woman the boy has no right to complain as he would have enjoyed.  I have heard this narrative from women on both reddit and facebook. I used to comment how sexual assault help and education is almost exclusively focussed on women and girls.  And as a boy I felt like my abuse didn’t matter and no one cared or would care.  Add that being ‘gay’ was a common insult in my youth, although I’m straight, I was certain that I’d be labelled and insulted for the abuse. I still kinda ?? Hurt at the words from some of those women arguing I shouldn’t talk about my abuse because it doesn’t matter in comparison to females, and it’s so rare in their opinion it doesn’t need talking about.   1 in 3 girls, and 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before they are 18.  The stats are high no matter the gender. 🤷‍♂️ 


I’m so sorry you went through that, and then the additional trauma of fuckers dismissing your abuse. Abuse is abuse and men can be raped. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck right off.


It's so fucking disgusting that people turn it into a competition to see who has it the worst. Big hugs bro ❤️


Mister Badger, as a woman and fellow survivor of sexual abuse, I am fucking disgusted that any women have invalidated and minimized what you went through. The common narrative surrounding men’s sexual trauma is fucking disgusting and I hate that you, or any other man, has to be subjected to such sexist commentary. I truly feel as though boys and men who experience sexual abuse have it worse than girls and women because of certain stigmas that you had have first had experience with, and I hope for a future where society as a whole can recognize how harmful sexual abuse is regardless of the gender of the person being abused.


All people and animals are potential cannibals.


The same exact logic


^That’s ^why ^I ^eat ^people ^before ^they ^eat ^me…


Did this also apply for toddlers? Because my two year old godson is a bit daft, my dude walks into doors, learns nothing and does it again. I don’t think he’s got any potential at the moment.


Have his eyes checked. My second child did this, turns out she was blind in one eye and had no depth perception.


In high school I was making out with a girl and a tooth fell out. It was black. She explained she hadn’t brushed her teeth in months. “I just forgot teehee”


how did neither of you SMELL this?


hopefully those germs you got didn’t hang around and mess up YOUR teeth.


I taught a girl to French kiss in high school, in return she’d agreed to make my plastic key ring in tech. So I could wag class.  As we were kissing lettuce was dislodging from her bracers.  It was f*cked.  Her breath was bad too.  Edit: Typo 


Victim mentality and princess syndrome


This woman was talking about how she drives drunk. She said she doesnt worry about getting off the road cause she wakes up if she hits the rails or the side of the highway. I thought she was smart. We’re no longer friends and my desire to be connected to her started decreasing from that point on


Pouring in milk before the cereal.


RUN!! she’s a psychopath


*Captain Crunch hates this one trick!*


She puts her socks and shoes on in sock shoe sock shoe order.


Better than shoe shoe sock sock


Shoe shoe sock sock is a lizard person in disguise


That's intense.


One of my first girlfriends. Super hot. A wild one. She kept a bottle down the side of her bed. The contents? A years worth of phlegm, she coughed up, spat out, and collected. It was only a third full. But that's a whole lot of nastiness that definitely did not need to be collected.


Why though🤮


The girls in our country have this weird Norm of getting together and bad mouthing about their husbands or husbands families (their in laws). Fucking hate that.


Russian or Russian adjacent?


I think women do this in general.


That's even worse. 😕


Gotta say the one time I pulled into our local gas station ( small town). Looked over and saw a woman probably in her mid to late 20's in a pair of short shorts, tight top& long black hair ( she was pumping gas already. I thought wow, haven't seen her around ( again, small town), no sooner thought that when I saw her put her thumb to the side of her nose and blow snot on the ground, that did it.


My ex was pissed that she didn’t find anything when she went through my phone while I was in the shower. She wanted to know where I was hiding my messages with other girls and grilled me about it when I got out. She was 100% convinced I was cheating on her when I wasn’t. There were some other red flags before this happened, but that instantly made me lose all interest in her and despise her as a human being.


Really pretty girl sat at a table opposite me in a restaurant. Loud, open mouth chewing the whole way through her meal. Gave me a de-rection.


Blowing a rando in a filthy toilet at a dance club.




Knew a girl for years who at the time was a good friend. I thought she was really cool, fun to go hang out with, and genuinely one of the most sweet and authentic girls I’ve ever met. Until one of our mutual friends let it slip she regularly goes on dates for free meals at least 3 days a week and always ghosts the guy right after. She also uses the profiles to get guys to take her places on weekends who she also ghosts immediately after. She even made her dating profiles with a fake name so the guys couldn’t find her on socials after. Our friend told me that she’d been doing it for about a year at that point. Instantly lost all respect for her. Eventually the girl found out that her secret was out and was pissed that myself and a bunch of other dudes completely disassociated with her. She couldn’t understand why as a man I would find that behavior unacceptable. Complete shock to me. I would have never guessed. Just goes to show you can’t trust anyone, especially a decent looking girl on a dating app.


Of course she could understand. She even used a fake name because she was aware she is basically scamming these people. Not understanding is just an excuse after having been caught and lacking any argument to defend herself. I also hope it wasn't only guys disassociating with her. I would never trust a woman who tolerates this behaviour in their friend groups.


Met a fun flirty chick at a job interview (I declined the job offer for another job) who ended up being incredibly vain. While hanging out with her the first time she would talk about how she meets guys with the promise of a date just to get them to do things for her like working on her car or apartment. Then she would always ask things like "Who is prettier between me and the other girl at the interview?" We ended up hooking up and about two days later she called me from her work (where we interviewed with the other chick she asked about in the first paragraph) the other girl had been hired too and it was weird because she was like oh say hi to Mindy! Almost like a weird flex to be like "He chose me over you"...I could be wrong about that but her overall persona was like that.


I don't understand these guys that devalue themselves. Work on a car or home is easily hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A non-sex date is worth like $50. They can't be that thirsty.


The guys are probably wrapped up in the idea that the chick seems into them. They feel pride in themselves that she asks for help and they can do the job, and then also the guys think a potential GF/date/ or hookup will happen. It's a mind game basically IMO


Weaponizing a man's insecurities against him.


She made a racist comment.


My ex wife’s boss is Aboriginal.  For 3 years she’d talk about her boss and one day she mentioned her bosses cousin had come into work.  I knew him as a boy, he’s indigenous. I asked her “Is she Aboriginal?”  My ex wife replied “Yes, why?” I was really impressed with her that she was so race blind.  When we were teens I was embarrassed as she had a tantrum walking behind some Asian girls. She stopped in the middle of a busy sidewalk and said rudely “Ching Chong Ching Ching F*cking Chong, I can’t listen to that shit!!”.   I was shocked.  Sadly, the nice woman went insane during covid with all the conspiracies and I divorced the cooker. 


Expressing bitter resentment toward their nine year old child. Only first date I ended early. I imagine it would be equally offensive for a man to do.


A woman who thinks she’s “hot shit”.


The worst is: Blocking/sabotaging access of father to common child for revenge


Another binge at a party and our house, hauled wife into the bathroom. The vomiting started, then she lost control of her bowels. Managed to get her showered and dried, and hauled to bed, then decontaminated the bathroom. Went around the house, into all the hiding spots I could find, and gathered up all the alcohol. Didn't allow alcohol or girl parties for a year.


Smoking cigarettes


I hate the smell.


Dating a fcking multiple people at a time,displaying misandry.


I don’t want to hear her hoe stories. I don’t care if it’s the funniest story in the world I don’t care if it relates to our situation. Why are you thinking of past boyfriends? Huge red flag.


A lady invited me over to her place a spacious 2 bedroom unit in an expensive area, probably cost triple What my apartment did at the time… I show up and the place is a fucking mess, piles of clothes everywhere and the place smells of unwashed clothing…. The kitchen was a 4x4 meter room with an island in the middle and every surface is covered in filthy dishes, her lounge room is covered in dvd’s and dvd cases (ok this was a while ago) we had seen one another for months but she always came to my place I had no idea she lived like this… anyway… tells me she was “cooking me dinner” and pulls out “sauce she made earlier” which is clearly from a takeaway.. it was in a square plastic takeaway container wrapped in cling wrap with black texted on it… she tells me “this sauce is so good you won’t believe it” and pours it over some half cooked pasta she was failing at cooking then she pushes the plastic container into her face and starts licking the container out covering herself in sauce while she does it… I was feeling super awkward and because ewe had so much history and rapport I felt like I owed it to her to endure the night… later that night after finally finding a dvd she wanted to watch she started trying to fuck me… I felt awkward all things considered but halfway through she starts crying and tells me she doesn’t deserve me… it was a really weird night…


Gaining 200 pounds and calling herself plus sized


Looking at her phone.. while on a first date.


I did this when I was high as fuck and was nervous lol. Phone was the only thing grounding me. Never get high on the first date 🙂‍↕️


Shitting in Johnny Depp’s bed


A woman who says she doesn't need a man or men in general. I actually call them out. "Great, when can I watch you change your own oil?" "Who are you going to call when you need to move?" It's fun to point out just how silly they sound.


I love men and I know I need them. I also work on my own truck (learned how to from a man) and have moved myself and helped my guy friends move. We need men, but not just to do stuff for us.


Berating her own brother for being short, while being shorter than him. Yuck , we get it you have physical preferences. Dumped her ass for being toxic asf on other aspects.


Say things like men only want sex while she already have more sex partners than you and most men. Both genders like sex of course so it’s not one sided 




When my concern about their behavior was perceived as stalking. Oh this is even after they realized their own behavior; said they went back on their medication but didn’t, and so continued to act out. My empathy went 100 to 0.


She was really beautiful, too bad for the personality though. Narcissistic, entitled, sadistic, couldn’t be held accountable for anything, and a bit psychotic. Also telling me that it was a privilege to be with her…wtf lol. Good riddance!!


Stabbing her boyfriend (and killing him) in the throat 108 times, then the dog then herself, and getting only 100 hours of community service... no prison time...


I normally jog at this really public loop. It goes around an elementary school and a neighborhood. During the summer, lots of people use it. Anyways i can be a horny fella and one day i saw two 20ish year old attractive girls walking my direction. One thought it would be a good idea to squat down, drop her shortd and tsunami piss on the ground. They both giggled, and kept walking towards me and then by me afterwards. For a split second it was sexy af, and then immediately aftet i was disgusted and pissed(heh) because there could have potentially been children who witnessed that. Never saw a hot chick become unattractive so fast. Nature calls, but there are port a pots and bushes if you wanna go au naturele all around this spot.


Fucking my best friend even after I sacrificed the best years of my life helping her through depression.




Not good communication (not conveying how she's thinking or feeling) and telling all the things to her bitchy friends


Talking to her ex.


Dude I know starts talking to a lady on one of the apps. She seems alright until they set a date to meet up in person. She starts hitting him up about how he needs to pay for a babysitter for her kids, a new outfit, her nails, etc.. She was completely taken aback when he got back to her and told her nevermind, best of luck. I guess that’s the easiest way to separate the wheat from the chaff if that’s your expectation.


Using the term real man


A woman I dated was keen on making my feelings for her seem like a joking matter. "Not gonna hold hands, someone might think we like each other" kind of thing. She otherwise did tell me she liked me. We spent a lot of time together and genuinely enjoyed the company. But she was not good at talking about her feelings. One night I sent her a text telling her I liked her, and she responded with "I dont like you". She laughed when i told her it didnt feel good at all, so she proceeded to sing this one song that's about being too sensitive and getting your feelings hurt. I left and never texted her again.


Shared intimate details about her guy with another friend of mine. Its so fucked up that this is considered normal to women.


Calling herself a feminist. Having an OF. Making light of the struggles men deal with.




Misandry. And most don’t even know it


I told her i didn't want and will never want children. 2 years of relationship later, and having not bulged from my position as expected, she told me "I fought you'd grow up".


Being a rapist


My girlfriend said to me “it’s going to be really sad for me seeing you have kids with someone else”. I made it very clear the whole time that I wasn’t bothered about having kids, we’d already been together for a year at that point. Ended up catching her looking at a picture of her in bed with another guy when we were on a date, I still loved her but her serious commitment issues were a huge insecurity. Ended up getting dumped so shoulda seen the red flags


Well, the last time I tried dating someone she ended up cheating on me with two other men. :/ Then she would tell me that flirting with other women was thrilling/scary compared to men/me. So.... you know that kind of hurt my feelings into oblivion. Haven't really been able to date other people since then.


Refusing to improve her personal hygiene after a doctor discovered E.coli in her vagina


I once had a white woman describe my skin as tastey mocha chocolate skin. Been scarred for life off that one.


“Put that 8inch co*k into me” (sounds great but it turned me off so bad) then another time said “you want me to lick your a**hole” I broke up with her…


She was very manipulative and basically acted like guys should worship the ground she walked on because she was hot. I noped out in a heartbeat.




Not the most off putting thing ever, but the most off putting that I ever experience IRL. I was out to eat with my cousin and this girl from germany that was staying with us while teaching at a local school. She was very nice and around my age (mid 20's) and I had been on quite good terms with her thus far and we got along pretty well. My cousin was doing something stupid with the pizza and I took the utensils and cut the pizza myself while saying "No, you cut it like this" and it was legit not even a big deal, she even admitted later she was doing it on purpose to bug me, but the german woman just got super offended and said "You are MANSPLAINING to her!" and was completely serious. It just flipped a switch inside me and I lost almost all the respect I had for her in an instant. I hear about women bitching about "mansplaining" on the internet and I laugh because it's so ridiculous, but to have a woman in real life say that to me and be genuinely offended was such a shock to me. If you are going to use sexist terms like that and be so serious about it I just can't take you seriously.


It's completely silent, almost imperceptible, but men that have had it will know. That first time when she looks at you with contempt.