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I often notice but am never offended


Man of culture


I'm something of a man of culture myself.


.gif of Willem DaFoe looking up at the giant shadow *Nips. The shadows are nips in a shirt*


Why would any man be offended? This is so silly. They’re boobs.


OP's husband isn't offended, he's ashamed that he's looking at other women's breasts asisde from his wife, but can't express that. It would be more healthy to understand that you're going to have attractions to other women besides your wife, and this is normal so long as you don't act on those feelings. You're not going to magically stop being attracted to attractive people just because you got married.


I've got single friends. I'm looking on their behalf.


“Window shopping” “Look but don’t touch”


"You can admire, but don't desire"


Doesn't matter where your get your appetite, as long as you come home to eat


Lol . Made my day 😄


Want to touch the hiney


Nice to see, Good to hold, Once broken Considered Sold


My old coworker used to say “ just because I’ve ordered my meal, doesn’t mean I can’t look at the menu”


I live by the motto: first look is ok, 2nd is not. I’m a dude and I’m a sexual being, I’m gonna notice when things come into my sight. But I’m not gonna take a second glance or let my mind linger.


Hot take- the human body can be appreciated without being sexualized.


_Can be appreciated without being sexualized,_ sure, I concede that point. _Should only be appreciated without being sexualized_ is an implicit argument of those using the "can be" verbiage though, which is blatantly false. "Can be" and "should only be" are very different things. Even "can be" and "should be" are often worlds apart.


My uncle used to say, “just because I’m on a diet, doesn’t mean I can’t look at the menu.” If I notice my wife’s nipples before leaving the house, I’ll let her know. She usually asks if that’s okay. I just tell her, “they’re not my nipples, I don’t care.”


I would adjust that to it’s not for me to say rather than I don’t care. You should show you care but in a supportive way


It’s so sad to me men view monogamy as a “diet” 😭😭😭


OP’s husband is Mike Pence.


I always say, i liked women before i got married and she hasn't done anything to change my mind yet. :)


It seems odd that he would even mention it at all. It is really irrelevant to anything. Nipples get hard from time to time. Get over it.


He liked it and wanted to talk about it and this was the only way he could bring it up. I've been there when I was much more immature


Exactly. I give props where props are due and move on.


If you want to make a lump of fat more interesting, put a nipple on it.


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?


The joke goes how do you make 5 pounds of fat look good? Stick a nipple on it.


I've seen some boobs and 5 pounds is huge. Like 2 H cups huge.


When I was in my twenties I had a golden blonde girlfriend with breasts like that. She was built like a Valkyrie too. Real solid stock, large calf muscles, would have been great at hauling pails of water from the village well a few miles from the farm, if you know what I mean. To answer the OP's question: Yes, always without fail. I imagine my answer is common for men if they are being truthful.


Oh yes I thought always without fail was self evident. I'm in love with the description "would have been great at hauling pails of water from the village well a few miles from the farm, if you know what I mean." I do know what you mean and I want to date her.


"If anything, they should be rewarded"


That's why I don't understand who's opposed to free the nipple. Everyone wins.


I'm the opposite of offended when I see them.




That profile picture with this answer tho


If I’m seeing a nipple, I am only thankful.


Au naturale baby, thats how I like them, swing low, sweet chariots


If you took a males nipple and placed it on a woman’s tit would you have to blur it on tv?


Same. Why comment? I's got nipples, you's got nipples, we's all gots nipples.


Always notice and never offended


I myself am never offended and sometimes notice.


I notice and always think it looks very sexy.


I always notice. Think in my head how awesome nipples are and then continue my day. I’m never offended.


Yea. OPs husband sounds detrimentally horny.


Literally every time.


Yep. Did we just become best friends?


breast friends?


Rachel on Friends


To this day, I'm convinced that this was why some men even continued to even watch that show.




Oh, thank god. I'd hate for you to see me staring at hard nipples.


"OH MY GOD, If you say that one more time; I'M GONNA BREAK UP WITH YOU".


No, I don't have time to be friends with every heterosexual male on the planet.


Wanna do karate in the garage?




I, also, did not understand the OP question. How would you *not* notice?


It's literally impossible not to. Do women not? I feel like we're programmed to notice from miles away. It's not even about looking, I'll notice if they're in my peripheral vision. It's like a dog tracking a ball thrown in the air, we see it. We can't help it.


Woman here. I notice. It’s hard to look away.


We always look at breasts, no matter what and if nipples are out every man is looking...it is what it is.


Who gets annoyed by that.


We notice, but we usually like looking at them. (Personally I’m always happily surprised)  Why doesn’t he like looking at them? 


It makes him uncomfortable because he doesn't want to seem like a creep at work for seeing what his brain is biologically programmed to try to look at. Like, the last thing you would want is people at your work to think that because you get caught looking at an erect nipple. He just wants to do his time and get out with peace and dignity imo. I'm the same way, unless it's a woman who finds me attractive, then all bets are off.. but I also have no idea when a woman finds me attractive unless she literally says it directly to my face in those terms.




I'm not sure the part about how he shouldn't have to see them, that's kinda weird to me. Yes, I notice, no, I don't put much more thought into it other than maybe a brief thought of "nice".


>I notice, no, I don't put much more thought into it I swear two days ago I thought about a girl I saw on a bus wearing a polo without a bra more than 30 years ago.


I'm sure most of us have a couple such memorable moments burnt into our brains. 


>Mammorable moments


We'll always have the mammories.


As Richard Marx sang, “Hold on to the ‘mammaries’..”


Cedar Point, 2002. Bridge over the Snake River Falls. High school me was standing against the railing watching a group of college students standing in the splash zone. Red Bikini top girl in jean shorts got her top blasted off by the wave and it was etched into my mind like a nuclear shadow. My then 12 year old brother said it’s his favorite memory of us together. We were the only other people on the bridge and just some giant whambos coming out for a surprise visit was enough to bond us and I totally forgot he was even there.


"Giant whambos coming out for a surprise visit" is a totaly new but oh so awsome sentence :D




This is the only answer here relevant to the question.


We always notice. May not always sexualize, but we notice.


It's like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. You get a sense of it, and then you look away.


And if you're wearing sun glasses you can stare a little bit longer.


A few years ago I was at a water park in Spain, it is quite normal for women to go topless. Anyway I'm hanging out on my sun lounger and I glance over to my left and there is a teenage boy wearing sunglasses, probably around the age of 14 but I can see his eyes are off to the left of where his face is pointing. So I follow his gaze and see a bunch of women topless sunbathing and look back at him and he looks at me and I look back at the women. I start laughing my ass off because it reminded me off being that age and how obsessed I was with women's body's and how in his little mind he has probably struck gold lol


Boys that age cant help but look at attractive girls/women


Suns hate this one trick


Most of them don't wear bras, either, AFAIK. Will have to look closer at the next game.


He's a pro






This comment is GOATed


Getting a good look, Costanza?


You're supposed to take a peek after a poke!


thanks jerry.


Might lose an eye, otherwise.


It goes both ways. Regardless of sexual preference people look at each others butts and bodies. ~~And women will glance at a man’s package.~~.* * I had come across this but it seems to not be true. Women look at upper body more and specifically abdomen from the studies I came across. Men will look at a man’s chest. Both men and women look at women’s bodies in a similar way.


As a woman, I look at man's forearms more rather than the package..


I agree! I always check out the arms!


fair enough


Omg yes and hands! My husband is a mechanic and his arms and hands are solid muscle. I love it!!!


Mine's an electrical contractor and a big, solid guy in general. The strong hands and arms always make me swoon.


I love forearms. Especially the really veiny ones. My boyfriend is a plumber and his forearms are literal boulders.


Narrator: His forearms were not in fact literal boulders.


Why the forearms?


imo strong forearms can portray the ability to protect I guess. Also I prefer walking while holding a man's forearm rather than his hand.. It has a nice feeling overall


Yeah my wife sometimes prefers holding my arm just below the elbow to holding my hand. Makes me feel like a gentleman for sure


My wife does this, too. Mostly because my hands are much bigger than hers and makes holding hands very uncomfortable


As a woman, I also notice all nipples, every time. Not to sexualize, I've never liked nipples. This is how I realized most men don't wear undershirts anymore. 


My issue is that my nipples poke through all my shirts. But undershirts get so fricking hot especially in the summer.


I gave up on them when I realized there were days when I had on bra+camisole+collared blouse+merino sweater and STILL had visible nipples. Everyone has nipples, I try not to care what people think about mine.


I wear undershirts almost all the time. Had no idea they were hiding my nipples though, I thought it was to avoid sweating through my shirts in the armpit area.


As is tradition


idk ive literally never “glanced at a man’s package”, on purpose or otherwise. I’ve only ever noticed when a guy has pitched a tent in public like… twice in my life? I feel like women are thinking about everything *but* a man’s penis when we’re going about our lives.


I’m a package checker.. most men I’ve come in contact with don’t have a bulge so I never have to look again… BUT if I see there’s something there, I will always be like a dick ninja and check it out! I try to see the outline and try to figure out it it’s a fat cock or fat balls… but like a ninja, I never get caught..


This is the realest comment 😂 🙌


Most definitely! I check out eyes but mainly package first.


Careful. One day dick ninja will fly too close to the sun


To each their own, otherwise gray sweatpants on men wouldn’t be popular with women.


I feel like women talk about grey sweatpants in the context of their partner (or at the very least a predetermined romantic/sexual interest) rather than a stranger on the street.


Yes I always think of the curb ur enthusiasm episode where his pants make it look like he has an erection


I agree with your comment! I am a female and don’t really look at or glance at a man package! 😂 I usually look the ass tbh


Yes, it is a natural body function. Yes, we look. Even if it’s someone we know we don’t want to see. We have to. We are geared that way. I am never offended.


I guess I am no better than a man. I always notice nipples, man or woman. Flacid or hard.😔 They looked at me first😂




Men's nipples are visible through their t shirts all the time!! We all have them and if they happen to be visible if I'm wearing a bralette, who cares. If men sexualize that when they see me, I don't really care. As long as they don't make it my problem, they can think what they like. I'll wear a padded bra or pasties for a more formal or professional occasion, same as men would wear an undershirt with a button-down.


As a guy I hate shirts nowadays, so hard to find ones with slightly thicker material.




Sounds like a reason to start a fight, "they looked at me first"




All the time. I don't think much of it unless she's hot, than I think "neat" and get on with my day


I prefer “nice” but yeah I won’t linger and I’ll move on a little happier.


Unless they're popping in a photo, then I'll stare at them for way too long.


Good for me i have photographic memory


*pornographic memory


Even if she's not hot, I get a little aroused seeing them.


This exact experience happened to me a literal 30 seconds ago 😂


I notice all of them. That doesn't mean my mind goes sexual all the time.


then what do you think? honestly I don't know.


Nothing, really. Maybe "nipple".


Pretty much how I always yell "kitty" when I see a cat out in the wild. Except with the nipple thing I use the voice inside my head, and also don't point at them.


lmao excatly this! "Nips!" and moving along.


Shit I've been doing the quiet part loud


I’m thinking “I hope she didn’t notice I looked at her nipples” 😆


Usually "she must be cold".


Whenever I see my wife’s nipples are hard I just ask her if she’s cold. That’s my first thought with random women as well.


I just think "nice" and then move on with my day. If she's particularly attractive or something about them really stands out my mind might linger some more.


I notice them 100% of the time… and in 100% of those instances I am not offended. That’s a dumb thing to be bothered with. Notice them, then move on with your life.


Indeed, we do take note, just as you might notice a man with an untucked shirt or uneven collar. It's simply a visual cue that stands out amidst the day-to-day scenery, not unlike a brightly colored car or a dog in a sweater—it catches the eye. Now, the social implications can be as varied as the individuals who cast their glances. Some might carry a momentary flicker of sexual connotation before the rational mind steps in, while others might simply make a mental note akin to spotting someone with an undone shoelace—an observation devoid of intent or judgement. Then there are circles that indeed sexualize, but that's less about the specifics and more about general attitudes towards human bodies and sexuality. In the end, acknowledging these details is inherently human, but we define ourselves by how we choose to interpret and react to them.


This right here. You notice but it’s rarely sexualized unless you’re already in a sexual mood. It’s like cleavage or leggings; it’s there, it’s pleasant, once you’ve seen enough it doesn’t really illicit any response except to remind you that it exists. Imagine the change from noticing ankles 150 years ago. Back at that repressed time it probably gave guys a raging hard on. Now you barely notice they exist outside of noticing they exist. Women’s anatomy exists: Repressed individuals: Reeeeee!


Nicely written. I rather like your words selection and flowing writing style.


You’re a beautiful writer


AI scan says it’s 89% ChatGPT generated. Still a nice way to put things, but thought some may be interested to know. 


It’s also incredibly wordy. That’s the giveaway!


Yeah, it's definitely AI. Their whole profile doesn't look like it belongs to a real person


Ffs that's insane. Good catch




Yeah bro it's obvious


Wait till men find out we can also see their nipples through their shirts.


I always notice but wouldn’t ascribe a sexual meaning to it. When I say notice, it really is ‘notice’, not fixate or stare. It’s like ‘huh there’s some nipples. Ok time to move on’


Always, but one just thinks "heh, nice" and moves on


Your husband is correct, we always notice Your husband is wrong, it doesn't always have sexual connotations. That's his own personal opinion Your husband also has an odd view on the topic, that "he shouldn't have to look at them". He *doesn't* have to look, no one is forcing him to. His actions are his responsibility and should not be dictated by what another person wears if it's easy to ignore.


My mother would tell me, “If you don’t like it then don’t look at it”. & it really is just that simple. He needs reprogramming.


As Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, "here's a spoon".


We *always* notice. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sometimes we might notice and be a little happy. Sometimes we might notice and desperately look for something else to keep our eyes distracted. But it's not offensive by any means. That being said, it's not our business. If a woman wants to go braless, good on her. If a woman is self-conscious and wants to keep them under wraps, good on her. Any man who comments on it needs to mind his own business.


Always and yes your husband is right, it is seen as sexual, there's at least a couple of subreddits devoted to this sort of thing solely. In a sense I think it's in part due to "the more women try to hide something, the more sexual it becomes". I do disagree with him on the statement that "he shouldn't have to see this in public". I'm sorry bud, it's a free country. Men can think the darnest things but please don't judge or get upset over what they think but rather what they do and say.


Yeah, exactly.  we notice, but him being angry about it is a weird him thing. 


Once ran into a guy I knew from highschool at a fast food spot and he was with his wife or girlfriend. We started a short conversation when suddenly a girl walks in with a bbl and a very short skirt. We all noticed but kept the conversation going. Then suddenly the guy from highschool keeps looking at her and shaking his head but takes these long glances and then just shakes his head. It made me I comfortable for the woman he was staring at as well as for the girl he was with. The girl he was with noticed that I was noticing and uncomfortable. And she tells me, "he just hates to see that in pero bloc so much. He finds it disrespectful". And the guy heard her so he looks at me and says "yeah man I just hate it so much" as he keeps staring and acting offended lol. Dude I know what you were doing.




Huge controlling energy from that dude. Mad? I'd for sure want to know what he's mad about. That he's turned on and can't fuck them? That they're not reprimanded for not wearing more layers? I'd wanna drill down on this one.


OP clarified in another comment that he’s mad about the sexual thoughts it produces. So yeah, basically every woman should dress to his standards so he doesn’t get horny lol. Like the world revolves around him.


That's some conservative preacher energy there.


If it was his wife going braless then I'd kinda understand. Kinda. But it's a random woman. Why does he care so much? Also OP saying "it's sick of men to think of me that way", no it's absolutely not. If a man had a big dick and wore jogging bottoms that would show off his dick, he would get sexualised. If people can see your nipples or the outline of a dick, obviously they will notice it. And men don't necessarily sexualise nipples, just like women wouldn't necessarily sexualise seeing a dick. But nipples and penises are sexual objects. It's completely normal to notice them and think about sex.


Makes me wonder if the husband is using “**I** shouldn’t have to see them in public” as his excuse to mean “I don’t want **other men** to see you like that in public”.


Oh that's disgusting. Which subreddits though? So I can be sure to avoid them.


Make sure you block r/pokies and keep your mind pure


Huh, thats weird. Im already subscribed to it, I must have added it so I would make sure to block it. I'll go there now and rectify this mistake immediately


without exception, every time. its not even sexual. my brain just really feels the need to point it out.


YES. Eyes exist for seeing. Sky is blue. Boobs are magical. Grass is green.


I can't blame men, I notice my own sometimes 😂😂


Yes we notice. No there is nothing abnormal about it. Certain bras and pads have nipple contours in them to make it less noticeable when they do get hard. It is not inherently sexual any more than a natural nude body. It really depends on the viewer. The only embarrassment involved should be on the people making a big deal about it in the first place. How can you have so much shame for the human body? And why is another persons body any of your business?


Instantly and every time. I'm sure women notice too. It's just kind of obvious. Like if you walked around topless. It's not the norm so it's eye-catching.  Your husband has a pretty odd viewpoint though. And very confused. I don't think it's a big deal. 


“He shouldn’t have to look” He doesn’t have to.


It's easy to notice. It just catches the eye, the lighter the clothing the more obvious due to the difference in contrast from the slight shadow it creates. I very frequently notice it in movies or whatever too. I think you're putting too much weight in it, as far as I've seen, men don't really "think about you" a specific way. It's more like "oh her nipples are hard, she must be cold" and forgotten, similar to how you could go "oh he has a mustard stain on his shirt, he must have just had lunch"


I notice it, but rarely get offended. I mostly feel bad for the woman if she doesn’t know. But if she’s aware and decides to nip out anyway, more power to her.


If you walk by a restaurant you're probably always going to smell food but it may not be something you want or perhaps you're just not hungry.


Always. This is not hyperbole. If your nipple can be seen, they will be seen. It makes you sick to think that humans are attracted to other humans? That's kind of how life works. If it makes you feel better, one day men will stop viewing you this way.


People are dumbfounded that humans have specific bodily functions to encourage breeding. Reproduction is the purpose of all animals, including us. The people in here making multi-paragraph intellectual arguments for the complexity of the hard nipple and its repercussions on society make me laugh. You’re not virtuous by lying that it doesn’t illicit a sexual response.




We don't care but we notice


You think I would not notice one of the joys in life?


Turkey's done.


I'm quite a free the nipple renaissance man myself. The problem is they are eye magnets & you always get caught staring. Work is the worst who wants to be described by the younger office set as 'Pervy Pete from accounts'


It is almost impossible not to notice unless doing something that really really demands your full attention. I am a man and I don't like my nipples poking out either. Simply because it sticks out (pun only slightly intended) and can be distracting to either man or woman even if not looking at it sexually. Of course when I see a woman with poking nipples it is different type of distracting than seeing a man. I have never tried it, but there are things called "nipless" that I have seen for sale in cosmetic section. Silicone sticky covers you can put over your nipples to keep them under control and still go with your preferred bralette.


I only notice when I notice so I have no idea how often I don't notice. Maybe I notice it 100% of the time maybe only 10%. I've never complained about it or been bothered by it though. They're just nipples, we all have them why would noticing them be a problem for anyone?


If you have a number representing how many times nipples are showing I’d estimate that the number of times they’re noticed are the same


I do when younger it turned me on. small breasts with nips showing . older now My sex drive gone way down But I still look .. But when young the wind blowing got me hard


Not a man, but yes they notice. However, so do women. I never wear padded bras (can't stand them), and generally, depending on the clothing I am wearing, will use silicone guards. The guards aren't a favourite either, but I prefer them to padded bras. For me, it's a matter of two things. One, \*\*I\*\* want to be regarded at work, not my breasts. Two, I find it can diminish an outfit. I put my outfits together to look a certain way - nipples showing just distracts from the overall aesthetic. Mind you, I am talking about at work. If you are in casual situations where you don't have to pay attention to professionalism, I wouldn't worry about whether they show.


Every. Single. Time.


Women also often notice. Just they just don't sexualize it.


I don’t know about this. My husband is always pointing out nips and I have no idea how he notices all of them so quickly. I am oblivious.


Never miss them




All. The. Time.


Every. Single. Time.


How often? Every chance I can!


Yes, we notice, but he should also be a grown man about it. Like it “bothers” him? Maybe he should ask himself why a pair of nips makes him so insecure lol