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Moisturizing your skin is great, especially your feet. Emotional intelligence and mindfulness are the most important skills you will ever develop. Not only will they improve your relationships with others, they'll improve your relationship with yourself.


And both of them calm you down. Self awareness and self care. Underrated.


I used to think drinking tea, emotions, and moisturizing was women and gays. It's not gay to take care of yourself


Wear socks more, if you don't, to keep your feet moisturised.


Why is moisturizing your feet great? I've moisturized my hands for the last few months with shea butter to loosen up a bit of scar tissue on my thumb but that just makes it harder for decent callouses to form. I don't see the general appeal.


I wonder if it varies. Some people have skin that dries and cracks super quickly at certain times of the year. I never had that problem personally, my skin is pretty healthy and I think anything added would upset the balance I've got going. Some people aren't living in their ideal climate though maybe.


You're on your feet almost as much as you're using your hands. Keep them happy, and you'll thank us when you're 80


I have no intentions of loving until 80, so I'm good. According to the doctors, it'll be a fucking miracle if I make it to 70 and, I have to say, that doesn't bother me in the least...I worked hard to wreck this body , over the years, because I never I never planned on getting old, and I won't get much older. I can't stand to have lotion on me, ANYWHERE, so that's not going to happen. At 61, and having my 24 years in steel mills behind me, my wife and partner say that I have soft skin, especially considering what I've put my body through over the years. The only reason my skin is still elastic and soft is because I've rarely been in the sun much... Of course, it is pretty because I try to never exposed it to sunlight very much. I'm a creature of the night.


Pedicures are for everyone.


Surely the general male population doesn’t believe emotional intelligence and mindfulness are “unmasculine”…right?


Oh my sweet summer child. But seriously there’s a shitton of guys out there who don’t do the tiniest amount of self reflection and *never* talk about feelings. The bar is on the floor I’m telling ya


It's a few things. Partly, yeah - some guys are taught that the only emotions it's acceptable to express in public are happiness and anger. It has to do with the implicit and explicit lessons they were taught as kids by their fathers, older brothers, and peers. But also it's a skill issue. It takes knowledge and practice to identify what you're feeling inside, translate it to a word for that feeling, and then express it in a constructive way in an appropriate time and place. Most people can say, "I'm unhappy", and they might be able to pin it down to something they experienced as kids even, but then they might not be aware of how that experience fully impacts them as adults, in their relationships with other people, their partners, and themselves. For instance, anger can be a big one. A guy might get angry a lot, and be able to say, "This thing this person said made me angry", but he doesn't know that anger is a *secondary* emotion, like an iceberg. There's something else underlying that that he feels first, that then jumps to anger. That feeling might be guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, inadequacy, or something else, but *that's* the emotion he has to identify before even the anger, if he wants to find real healing. I mean, I came up with relatively little baggage and no active trauma - no abuse in my family, no one hit me, we were frugal but not poor, no drugs or alcohol - and I still have spent the last twenty years of adulthood working on and figuring out why I am the way that I am. And I feel like I have it pretty well figured out now and I'm in a better place than I ever have been before, but that's also because I took a bunch of counseling courses in a grad program I failed out of, so I know enough to help myself, even if I can't officially help others.


Importance of skin care can not be overstated.


Also use sunscreen. I've been using since my mid twenties from a girl that gave me advice and now I get people telling me I look like I'm 21


Stretch for 20 minutes before bed and use moisturizer


Why before bed?


Stretch for 20 minutes in a hot shower at any time of the day. The warm water loosens your muscles up and you're not going to be wearing any restrictive clothing. 10-15 stretches a minute each, both sides of the body.


Shower is the deadliset part of any household, but yea sure exercise in it lol


Yeah let's take life advice from the person who is scared of showers and considers stretching exercise... If you added context to your Google search you'd realize that most fatal shower accidents happen to geriatrics, so this is solid advice for 90% of the population. ETA: Peep the profile and top subs are r/movies, r/television, r/gaming and r/PS4... HEY GUYS IF YOU WANNA BE HEALTHY, DO WHAT THIS DUDE SAYS!


I wouldn't consider stretching exercise, but standing on one legg in a slippery shower enclosure or worse, a bath tub/shower combo, is the epitome of wanting to slip.


Yeah lol I’m a fairly healthy young adult and I slipped and fell once. Usually I’m exhausted from work and the shitty apartment tub has like no grip. I somehow managed to knee myself in the face lol


You can still touch your toes and do upper body stretched that allow you stand squarely on two feet, you'll be just fine.




Yeah, every time I plan to exercise or eat healthy, my video game and TV addiction kicks in and I get the shakes and just collapse on the couch in a pile of cheetos... by God's grace someday I will rehabilitate myself from leisure and pop culture just like you.


20 minutes? I'd rather not waste so much water.


It’s actually not gay to wash your asshole.


I use a bidet, I must be really gay.


The gayest.


Wait wait wait, some ppl think it's weird to wash your ass???


A very small number that the internet thinks is most guys.


There are a few relationship advice posts over the years where girls complain about their boyfriend literally not washing their ass. Back when I was hopelessly single I wondered what the fuck was so horrible about me that even poop-in-his-ass-guy could maintain a relationship and I couldn't even get a second date. I still wonder what other qualities poop-in-ass-guy has for the girl to not leave him, but now at least I have a girl so I am not jealous as well. That being said I think that it might often be related to past abuse / sexual trauma when someone have that level of phobia about cleaning their ass.


For real. Wash your butts


And less itchy.


Ugh gayasss. Let me help you. It'll be less gay than you having to touch your own asshole.


What is the best way to wash down there cause I still deal with swamp ass even after cleaning down there. So I'm not sure if washing somehow affects that or if it's two separate things, you know what I mean.


You got dusty farts my friend, I’d suggest a look at your diet


I can’t believe some people actually think it’s gay to clean yourself.


Dear God I can't believe this is a thing.


Not even just your asshole, the skin in between too. That general area? Just fucking clean it, dudes.


Sunscreen. No, not a daily moisturizer with sunscreen. But golfing 18 with the boys? Wear sunscreen. Beach day? Sunscreen. Hours of work in the yard? Sunscreen. It's amazing how many guys are like "nah" and then think a sunburn at age 30+ is *not* just so embarrassing.




Bro Supergoop is the shit


It actually spreads and doesn’t feel disgusting on the face. Amazing stuff


1.7 oz for nearly $40. I’ll stick to banana boat.


Trader Joes does an amazing dupe of SuperGoop


if you can, get the japanese/korean sunscreens that don't show too much on your face.




rohto skin aqua, biore uv aqua rich, nivea super water gel, isntree, round lab are some commonly recommended ones


People constantly think I'm way younger than I am. I just did it by never spending time outside in the sun. I guess your way works, too.


"Wear your seatbelt" I know many guys that say it's for pussies.


.... that seems like a self-evidently bad idea.


Yet many guys chose not to wear one, simply because they think it isn't masculine. But hey, maybe they just really want that Darwin award.


They have authority issues.


I find it has far more to do with how much I want to get where I am headed: To the courthouse to get married? For sure, seatbelt. To the courthouse to get divorced? Eh… first or second? Edit: I just remembered, none of you know I’m married to my second wife.


I've made a career out of being a firefighter and we don't typically see critically injured or dead young men unless they weren't wearing a seatbelt, or they worked under a car without jack stands.


This comment makes me embarrassed about how much trust I placed in a Harbor Freight floor jack.


I've entrusted my life to a $20 Duralast floor jack more times than I can recall. I finally purchased jack stands about a month ago. lol


I got an award for saving a kid that used cinder blocks as jack stands. His forearm was broken like the letter Z.


He's fortunate it was his forearm and not his spine, I guess. Thank you, by the way! What you do is underpaid and underappreciated. 


I tried to save a kid that dropped his car on himself using just a floor jack. I don't remember his face, but I do remember his mother's screaming.


"Fellas, is not dying in a car accident gay?"


Super gay.


Absolutely this. And call a taxi when you're too fucked up to drive


Use ear protection when it’s needed…so many grown ass men think they’re too cool to use ear plugs. Also it’s okay to use bandaids…I carry them in my wallet all the time but 9 times out of 10 if I offer one to a guy that needs it they say no.


My brother is built like a brick shithouse, will drink anyone under the table, and generally kinda rough around the edges (he's a good guy, just very blokey) he doesn't go anywhere without a pack of bandaids


Arch your back when benching fellas. Protect your shoulders


why exactly?


Along with pinching your shoulder blades together, it helps keep your shoulders from pushing forward and putting too much strain on the anterior delts, instead of mainly on pecs/tris.


Yes, mild Arch though, you don't need to look like a scorpion.


Exactly. most people over do it. Now its just a way to limit ROM on the bench so dudes can lift heavier.


wait, I thought benching is the one where you shouldn't arch and keep your back flat on the bench?


For a very long time arching your back on bench was a big thing in powerlifting. I think it just became illegal though in competition?


No. You always arch. Powerlifters just do it to the extent where you can pass a toy dump truck underneath. Lowers the range of motion when numbers mean more than actual strength.


I wish I was taught this when I was younger.


I wish I was taught this when I was younger.


I wish I was taught this when I was younger.


Stop ego benching !!! That’s what dumbbells are for lol.


Cables will humble tf outta anyone with a high bench pr


Sunscreen should be relabeled as Rad Guard, and everyone should wear it daily. Toughing things out leads to a shorter lifespan. Drinking yourself sick on alcohol is terrible for you and you'll do much better drinking water instead. Eat your vegetables.


Unmasculine life tip: drink water! Its kinda sad how you are right about that


yoga does the body good.


I’ve considered it


25 years on Earth. Never heard someone not put on gloves dealing with chemicals to be masculine. I don't know where you live but holy mother of fragility.


Spend a month doing residential construction if you want to see grown men really disregard safety


Disregarsing safety is one thing but disregarding it purely because they think it's masculine that way is a new level of dumb.


O yea, it's way more common than you think.


I’m from California my mom once called it gay when she was having a bad day because I was cleaning after my dogs #2 Other time I was scoffed at by my university civil engineering club for using gloves during our welding/metal shaping sessions for our team project Until one day I heard a scream “PUTAAA MADREEEE” from outside our shop & found the main dude who made fun of me for it(team captain btw) held up his hand & I saw a paper hanging from the center point of his index finger & thumb Upon closer inspection it was half the bloodied skin of his palm hanging onto his hand like a rag that’s stapled at the top When he made eye contact with me, I looked at my gloves like I was given super powers, his face was pure silent pain as I kissed my glove then went back to work while he went to the hospital He never gave me crap for gloves again & the entire team was now suddenly asking me where I normally keep the best gloves we have


How tf did that happen? Yikes lol would gloves even help against such destruction?


He basically welded his hand on our steel bridge that we made scale model the size of a pickup truck


What kind of civil engineering club is that? Our professors wouldn't let us participate in lab classes if we weren't fully geared on PPE, even if it was smth not dangerous like surveying on an open field.


ASCE is the club it’s a national thing in the US The exact competition is [Steel Bridge](https://youtu.be/SJJMqQpxMG0?si=kiU3wrcjVBfS-t8g) where we cut shape weld a scaled down steel bridge the size of a pickup truck through winter break Then have the pieces separated from the start like legos then we race to build them against other schools Then they put 1500 lbs on it & we get ranked amongst other schools for stiffness, weight of the bridge, speed to build, etc My dumbass captain was in charge of our group who thought following safety stuff wasn’t manly at all When our professors are in charge of in class projects then of course we are always instructed to wear safety gear etc


Damn, nothing scarier than a dumb CE student. Reminds me of a classmate I had on my freshman year who didn't know Newton's 2 law. Honestly, my compatriots are quite patriarchal, but no one fucks when it comes to being secure. I don't even wanna know how much a construction worker life/health insurance would cost in US. Anyway good on you man for having common sense. Best of luck out there


Agreed, at least yours can google the law to learn while my captain who was a senior at the time just actively refused safety lol Thank you & idk either I’m cool working behind a desk on CAD & Chief Architect which I am now haha


Work in oil and gas with some of the manliest dudes alive. We all wear gloves at work and will remind each other if someone forgets theirs. Gloves are awesome.


Soft hands and all my fingers make my wife happy. I’ll stick with my gloves thank you.


Knew a guy in a chem lab working with lead, cadmium, nasty liquids, etc who I think thought he was too macho to wear gloves a lot of the time


I've definitely seen it. A lot of guys I grew up with saw those rubber kitchen gloves as feminine and wouldn't use them because they "could take it".


Idk why so many guys think being safe is being not masculine. Going home to your wife and kids after working hard and taking care of them is masculine. Needlessly burdening them with hospital bills and funeral bills is not masculine. Hearing aids, aching everything, gangrenous limbs and missing body parts is not masculine and only burdens everyone. Trust me I work with a lot of man babies who don’t take care of themselves and now they have to pay someone else to wipe their butts every time they poop.


Safety is important. Some of these 'masculine' guys get hurt so bad from being so manly, I wonder how masculine it is to have to get someone to wipe their own ass after falling from height because 'harnesses are gay'


Manicures and pedicures are awesome and feel great. Openly expressing your feelings, including crying, will help you feel better (and live longer).


This one might be too much


Not really


Suitcase is not a purse.


Telling the homies you love them and giving them compliments.


Put some variety in your diet, try fruits and vegetables.


Literally cry about it. Releasing all the tension can actually help you relax.


Bro, use safer cleaning materials. Most of the time water is enough.


Buy women-branded shampoo/conditioner/body wash. It's cheaper and smells better


Wash your dirty ass


There are still lots of men in this world who think that knowing how to cook is feminine/not manly. Fuck that…there’s no better way to save money and eat well…and healthier.


It would seem to me most 5-star restaurants have men for chefs. Cooking is masculine and sexy. (Source: Am woman with buff bf who cooks)


Go to the hospital or the clinic when you are injured.


Wash your face and clean/trim your nails.


Your girls shampoo is better than yours by far


I don’t know how best to say this, but… Understand and intimately know your bhole & prostate. It’s brilliant for orgasms, health, sexuality, etc.


Older guys with prostate issues dont speak up enough thus dooming the younger men to the same fate since no one is doing any research to fix something thats fixable. Every pimple on a womans ass gets researched over and over yet literally there are millions of silent men having prostate issues and no one gives a shit.


So any ideas on how to prevent prostate issues.


Lay off the soda & caffeine.


Have a family history here. I am in grea tphysical health and have the fewest issues. I have no proof other than myself but I stopped eating nitrate treated foods and it makes a huge difference for me. From what I know all the OTC pills dont work. They just make you pee a lot in hope of keeping your urethra open. They dont shrink the prostate. I am open to suggestions for my brother and dad.


Lay off the alcohol and weed. Seriously.


Castrated men don't go bald.


But Varys!


I still haven’t seen a comment that I consider un masculine. Wearing gloves is very masculine is smart, not feminine.


Metamucil will transform your life. They sell it in gummy form. Your asshole will thank you.


I've taken a lot of supplements in my time and fiber is the only one I still take regularly.


>They sell it in gummy form Doesn't the US sell basically everything in gummy form? I actually had a hard time finding a multi-vitamin there that wasn't in gummy form. One of many culture shocks I experienced.


Ha, I guess so. I didn't realize this is particular to the US. I don't care if it's a pill or gummy, but was referring to that vs mixing it with a cup of water, which requires substantially more effort.


Buy disposable gloves to use for food prep while cooking. Keeps your hands from stinking like garlic or onions. Also keeps from handling raw meat, especially fish. Lastly keeps any germs on your hands from getting in the food. Buy a bidet attachment for your toilet. Especially if you are part of the Sasquatch asshair club.


Taking long hot bubble baths once every 1-2 weeks has been a life changer


Eat your vegetables


Use safety accessories when working with power tools. Any tools, actually. I've seen people work with angle grinders without the shroud or handle, chainsaws and weed whackers without glasses or ear muffs, forklift operators without helmet or seatbelt. It's not pussy-like to protect your bodily integrity while working. It only takes one split second to mutilate your face or any other part of yourself.


To not worry about what people think is or isn't masculine.


You should have a face care routine and wash your face twice a day. Wake up and wash your face, use vitamin C , then moisturizer with a jade roller, lastly put on sunscreen. Then you should wash your face before bed with some serums and other stuff, then moisturize again. This will keep you looking young and feeling good.


There’s no way rubbing a rock on your face does anything!!!!


Dudes been watching TikTok on his girls phone.


Give it a try bro


But how though like why would that even work? Someone told it had to be cold but then why wouldn’t an ice cube work? And how do you know it’s the jade roller that’s making the difference and not washing your face 2x a day and changing pillowcases a lot?


So, I don't know about jade specifically, but I've used pumice before when I was in a sweat tent and that did an amazing job of scraping off a whole external layer of dead skin.


Jade roller LMAO. You cant seriously believe what you're saying. Just because your girlfriend said its real doesn't make it real lol


If you put a jade roller in the freezer then make it part of your daily routine, you'd be amazed how much less puffy your face becomes.


What would surprise me is some scientific papers explaining the magic behind a jade stone. Should i also be keeping crystals under my bed to encourage good dreams? Its known that applying ice or something frozen to an affected area reduces swelling. But why Jade?


Jade roller was just the topic of the tread I was replying to. That’s why I mentioned jade roller. There’s nothing special about a jade roller besides novelty, and it isn’t even as good as regular ice


Used my gfs jade roller for fun. For what ever reason that thing feels chilled just sitting in room temperature. I don't know if other stones would be the same way, but that thing is very smooth and stays cold for a long time.


Though this is true, you can get the exact same benefit putting a spoon in the fridge/freezer and doing the same thing.


Spoon wouldn’t stay cold for as long, your body’s thermal heat will very quickly raise the temperature. Even the roller has a very limited window where it’s useful tbh. I just use a silicon mold with a hole for water, and then put the ice directly on my skin.


I keep my jade roller in the freezer. It helps with puffiness. When I do “rollie face” time, I rollie face my hubby too! We’re so glamorous!


Sit down to pee. Your toilet area will stay clean much longer.


Sit down when you pee at home. It makes such a mess, no matter how good your aim is.


sit when you pee. it makes so much less of a mess and makes cleaning your bathroom so much easier and you get to avoid the whole seat up/down drama with any women in the household


Argan oil is great for your hair


I always buff/ Sands my hands and apply lotion. It keeps the calluses at bay and my hands softish for my wife.


I use vagina soap to clean under my foreskin. It's very gentle and keeps it fresh the entire day.


Who says healthy life tips aren’t masculine? Any healthy thing you can do for yourself is masculine. Don’t listen to the haters.


Get a tailor you trust. Clothes that fit properly will make you look amazing.


It’s okay to piss sitting down in the morning when you’re groggy as hell. Don’t wanna fall over first crack out of the box.


I don't know if this qualifies as "unmasculine", however: Journaling. Yes, I'm behaving like a 13 yo girl and writing a diary. If you are someone who struggles with "time is going by so quickly", "where has the time gone", missing out anxiety, or simply feel like you're wasting your life away, journaling can be a powerful tool. It helps keep me grounded in the present. Over the last few months I've had this feeling that time is going by so quickly and that I have so much going on but at the same time can't remember shit. I don't use social media so journaling is my way to look back on things and to keep myself grounded. Also, it's a good way to self-criticize and self-evaluate. All in all it's something that helps me with my anxiety and living in the present (by documenting the past).


Tell your doctor everything even if the doctor makes fun of you. Tell your doctor everything even if you think there's a chance the doctor will make fun of you for not "toughening it out". If your doctor indeed makes fun of you, start looking for a new doctor. Never think that female doctors are above making fun of you.


Listen to women


Probably focusing more on our hygiene. My gf has taught me so much that I never did, and damn its so nice experiencing significant less funk! I think there's a lot of funk guys just don't notice and cam be a major turn off for people if it goes unchecked.


There’s no any like that. Real men is able to take care for their health, life and general well being. Needing women to survive isn’t masculine at all


Your worth as a man or a human being is not measured in the number of sexual partners you've had.


Wear a helmet when you ride a bike/scooter. The amount of people I see not do so is infuriating.


A fast driver isn’t necessarily a good driver


Very true, but drivers who consistently putz along at 5-10 below the speed limit, are almost always irredeemably incompetent.


Use an umbrella when it's raining.


Get pedicures


talk about your feelings to your significant other, and what is actually bothering you without being angry. dont just complain constantly though.


What on earth are you cleaning with that has you worried about cancer?


Sometimes all you need when you're stressed is a nice bubble bath with some jazz or classical music.


Use moisturiser and sunscreen. Go see a doctor and get regular checkups. Use an umbrella.


Using a bidet. After moving to Japan, I can’t live without one. Taking a huge dump and having clean butt afterwards is gratifying.


I shaved my armpits while on crutches for 3 months. 25 years ago. Never stopped. That changed my life as my shirts no longer have sweaty armpits (unless literally working out or outside).


Learn to meditate. At least learn mindfulness so you can be aware of your thoughts and decide if they are productive. Pairs well with stoicism.


Don't let your pride get in the way. Sometimes, avoiding a fight is a better alternative.


Wear ear plugs any time you're doing something that is slightly uncomfortable decibel wise. I wear mine mowing the grass, hammering, chain sawing, anything with sharp or lingering high decibels. Watched everyone in my family who did the opposite lose their hearing after about 50.


Moisturizing/general skin care A bidet - game changer A bag (purse) to carry all your things


SPF lotion on the face, neck, and forearms every morning without exception.


take care of your skin. It is like ....your SKIN (i.e. a living part of your body).


Pedicures. Especially if you wear sandals/flip-flops. Prior to pedicures, the rough skin of my heels would get so bad that it would tear my sheets.


Sleep well, drink less (more water though) and wear proper sun protection (hat/long sleeves)


Do yoga. great for your body, mind and surprising ***shocking face*** sexual benefits. doesn’t get any better than that for a health activity that are often overlooked for being feminine.


Get ya brows done, hands n feet, monthly facials. Love yourself King.


“Man purses” are fucking great. These days there are plenty of things the average person needs to carry around if you’re going out of the house for most of the day. A portable battery and charging cable for your phone is always a good idea. If you’re germ conscious, hand sanitizer, especially if you’re eating throughout the day in public places. If you wear glasses/sunglasses, you now have something to carry around the stupid case in. Do you live in the fucking desert like me? Throw some chapstick in there; it’s “unmasculine” until girls see your chapped af, flaky ass lips. And bonus, I personally carry around extra body powder because swamp nuts can happen anywhere. I’m not bringing it out for a quick trip to the store or family dinner, but if I’m going to be out of the house for 4+ hours, it’s come in handy multiple times. And my wife was getting sick of carrying my shit around in her purse.


Sorry, but man purses are gay as fuck. I take care of my skin, wear PPE as often as required, wear nice fitting suits, etc. A man purse tells us men you aren't one of the boys. I'd be embarrassed to walk around with you.


Sitting down when you pee means less mess to clean up later.


Yoga. Men ground yourself and find your center. It will bring peace.


Yoga. It will help A LOT.


Meditation and spirituality, meditation is amazing for stress and neither of the two genders is immune to the effects of cortisol. Meditation is like a small amount of restful sleep scientifically, but the spiritual side like realising you aren't your thoughts is life changing.