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She wouldn't stop talking about her ex. Every time I tried to shift the conversation to something else it went straight back to him.


I did that once on a date. I was like 20 minutes in and I realized I wasted so much time on my ex. That time I tried to initiate a new subject, she was like "no, please, continue, how was like with your ex? I wanna know" I had to control my urges to not walk away at that second. Guilt made me stay.




*You* had to control your urges not to walk away? You're the one in the wrong. I'm so confused.


Wait, I'm confused. Is it bad that she was curious about your ex?


She wasn’t curious, in fact it was the exact opposite. Kind of like sarcasm.


Lol can’t blame her, 20 minutes is kinda wild


Well if you can't handle sarcasm as a response to being slightly in the wrong (which is arguably not the case but imo applies) then they wouldn't have been a good fit anyway.


Ohhh, I see, my b, thank you for clarifying


It turned from a date to a podcast.


I once saw a girl who did this, that meant she was still into her ex or at least had feelings for him, major red flag. Leave right away.


“I’m better than the rest and you’re gonna have to work for this, it ain’t free”


Spoiler: it wasn't better than the rest


Never found out. That just screamed entitled Princess aka nightmare


She told everyone you were too intimidated by her confidence 100%


Some people play "hard to get"; she was playing "hard to want".


Ice cold. I like it.


"You're right. I don't deserve you. In fact, I can see now that you're way out of my league. Don't know why I even took you out. Bye."


"I usually bang on the second date"




“I’m an athlete, and I have to eat healthy food.” She was almost 180 lbs at 5’1. She was showing me Chipotle for the first time in my life. “When we wear the masks, everybody knows we’re athletes, and we’re like cool.” We were on a New York City subway; coronavirus period, where she was wearing the athletic department college mask. She plays golf. 🙂‍↕️


Serious question, Do people think Chipotle is "healthy"?


It’s probably the “least bad” fast food option if you’re not dumping sour cream all over it.


I agree with you there on the sour cream. Limit the cheese, try not to get a tortilla (although that's impossible- maybe don't eat the entire tortilla). Avoid the guacamole, Chipotle guacamole isn't that good anyway. But everything else is perfectly reasonable.


Delusion knows no bounds, but I guess you could make it more nutritious and less calorie-dense depending on the ingredient selection. This girl was obviously not paying mind to things like where the meat comes from, total calories, etc.


I had a coworker who was convinced it was healthy but couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t losing weight while eating it.  Chipotle has this feature on their website where you can actually calculate how much sodium, fat, calories, carbs, etc are in your food. I showed it to her. I added everything she usually gets for lunch and it came out to almost 2,000 calories, 1200 grams of sodium, and almost 90 grams of fat. And that was without the chips and guac. I said just because something is marketing itself as “natural” doesn’t mean it’s healthy. You still have to pay attention to the actual nutrition content.


I used that feature to construct my after workout bowl. 850cal, 23g fat, 85g protein, 85g carbs. Probably a lot of sodium but I don't know what it is. Bowl with double chicken, double beans, light brown rice, fajita veggies and lettuce. Not exactly "healthy" in an absolute sense, but it's not a double cheeseburger with fries.


"I'm an athlete" >Plays golf


“I know what I deserve and the next date better not be a coffee shop.”


Seriously though. What do they think dating is? Sitting over coffee and getting to know each other is perfect. Especially for a first date.


The way I see it. If you don't have enough chemistry/ things in common. you can't sit, and talk over coffee. Then it's a waste of time.


They're mad because they can't brag about it on Instagram


wow, that truly is an instant turn-off.


And she was never taken to a coffee shop again 😂


Technically, her wish is granted exactly down to what the sentence meant if she doesn't get a second date.


What did she want? A candle light dinner as a first date?


She complained that I could have done better for a lunch time first date. Her final comment at the end of the date is what I shared since it stuck the heel in when I thought a low cost, no pressure chance to get to know each other was a good start. After all I was working. She was working. We both had to go back to our jobs after the date to finish out the day. But despite having no complaints when I picked the venue, she thought it was only a meeting place to then go on to any nearby restaurant from. I learnt enough to know I wasn’t wasting time on a second date.


Good riddance, imagine ever saying that to a perfectly good date.


All she had to say was "I had fun, I can't wait to see you again. Maybe we'll do something in the evening ;)"


And to bring her besties


"What makes you think I'm taking you out again?"


"Who's taking you on that then?"


Smoothie shop it is


“Don’t worry about that. It definitely won’t be a coffee shop.”


I really can't imagine how I would react if I heard that. It really would not be positive. Seeing as its over at that point, you may as well lean in and start asking her to justify that. Why is so special, what does she actually bring to the table.


I just smiled, sipped my coffee and gave a small nod. Blocked her as soon as I left.


And, here we have the well adjusted male, having heard the females absurdity, coffee in hand, he sets his phone, on the table in clear view of her, opens the relevant app, finds her messages and blocks her. He then looks up and smiles, takes a sip of his coffee, and nods, indicating that she should leave now. And, he lived, happily ever after. (Yes, that was in an Attenborough voice in my head).


You have way more self control than I do. Your next date is no date lady.


It just wasn’t worth the drama.


"Well, you pay the bill this time and I'll treat you to somewhere super special next time." Generally if they're that demanding they tend to be a little stupid too. Greed really is a huge motivator for some people.


Oh man, I hate dates that are expensive and prefer going to coffee shops and parks. I was the one who asked my husband out and I invited him to a park. We kept meeting up there on a regular basis just to chat and see each other and I got a whole marriage out of that. I have a type of claustrophobia that makes me anxious when I can’t move around freely. I used to have so much anxiety at restaurants because I felt bound at that table until the server fully closed us out and brought the receipt. I felt so much pressure to like the place and the food and to be content there because I couldn’t not eat something that was so expensive or leave a place I was specially taken to. Ugh, this makes me glad I’m a woman because if I had to date women and they tell me that, I wouldn’t go far.


Ehh I could work with the whole claustrophobia thing, not a deal breaker in and of itself.


Men like you are why I’m not single. I appreciate it so much. I just wish more women could be flexible and realistic


She probably watches Shera7 on YouTube. That woman promotes no coffee dates, because from her perspective, it’s a sign that the man is cheap.


It shouldn’t even be about money. Take me to the cheapest taco joint with the best authentic al pastor and tell me why it’s your favorite place and why you love it so much. It’s about the company.


Would have walked out on the spot lol


Ah yes, the rare kind of woman who admits she deserves a "walk alongside a busy city street on a humid summer day" for a date.


Second date was at Burger King


“You’re uglier than in your picture”.


Harsh. Probably one of those people who calls themselves brutally honest but is more concerned with being brutal.


Brutally honest is just another term for low emotional intelligence


All about double standards, she couldn't possibly accept the same line directed at her. Because she is brutally honest, you see


Ironically I’ve received the opposite comments but I’ve thought “ok so you thought I wasn’t good looking???”


Same. "you look better in person than in your pictures." I was just like ok.... is that good then?




"I hate men." Cool, then why are we here?


I see this all the time on dating profiles. I appreciate it cuz it helps me filter faster


Bonus points if the profile is set to match with only men.


Lol. "OMG. This is so embarrassing. You see..."


She hates men, but she's not a lesbian!


She pointed at an Asian woman in the restaurant at a table near us, who was eating dinner with a white guy. She told me that she knew her from university, and that she was a slut with no self-respect because she dated white guys instead of sticking with her own race. Reader, my date was also Asian, and I am very, very white. I noped out of there, and to this day I’m not sure whether I was more bothered by the casual racism or the sheer idiocy of not realizing we were the exact same racial makeup of the couple she was disparaging.


"But *i* don't *only* date white guys, I'm currently dating *a* white guy but i don't always "


Maybe that was her way of letting you know that she, too, was a slut with no self-respect. You could’ve stuck around and had a fun night. 


She just wanted a free meal.


"So when will you stop being a vegetarian?" "Would you get rid of your cat for me?" "I don't have a job right now and I'll lose my work visa in a few months" I hear the first two semi-regularly on dates, the third one was a one-time occurence but it icked me out so much because she made me feel like the only reason she went on a date was to get a visa eventually. No thanks.


It’s kind of crazy that people would ask you to get rid of your pet.


> Would you get rid of your cat for me?" That’s actually a pretty good question. If they answer “yes” it’s time to end the date.


"You seem like you got bullied at school"


Hahahah. What made them say that?


his long leather coat and samurai sword.


While you were having sex, I studied the blade


Reminded her of aomebody she used to bully at school


Apparently I was "too polite"... Honestly she said a lot of other things too but that one was really the stand out phrase


"you know this isnt a date, right?"


So what was it in the end? Business dinner? Brainstorming sesh? The Great National Assembly of the Republic? I'm curious here!


I was a jr in college. I knew her roommate but didn't know her. When I met her, I was talking about the Keanu Reeves Dracula movie and how I wanted to see it, she said she wanted to see it too. I asked her if she'd want to go see it with me and she said yes. We went to dinner, had a great time, I paid. We went to the theater, I bought the tickets, I told her to go grab seats and I would grab snacks. Got some drinks and popcorn. When I came into the theater I found her and sat down next to her. She immediately got up and moved one seat away, looked at me and said " you know this isn't a date, right?" I must have really dodged the bullet because I drove her home and not that long after that she had some kind of mental breakdown and ripped a towel rack off the bathroom wall and smashed anything she could throughout the apartment. She was so hot. Short little pixie blonde hair, ice blue eyes, big pouty lips. But apparently, also nuts.


Should’ve asked her for half the dinner and tickets then…


He valued his towel rack too much for that.


And this thread is for first dates, she made it clear it wasn’t. Come on man. Just in case…/s


Please tell me you drank both drinks and all the popcorn yourself. lol


How’d the car ride go?


I ended up dating for a year and a half somebody that she knew well. So I used to hear all of the stories about her nuttiness. I didn't really care, it was just such a callous way to handle the situation and she never reached for her wallet. I just looked her up on Facebook. Still a smoke show.


For her, it was a free meal.


Mlm pitch


This isn't working out and then she left.


Tbf, sounds like a win win.


Yeah probably was.


That is fair....


“My husband left a note before he hung himself telling me to keep enjoying sexual fun” Now I didn’t know if he was just a loving husband who sadly ended it all but wanted his wife to enjoy life. Or did he mean it in a regrettable way that he knew his wife was cheating on him and told her to just keep going because she really doesn’t give a shit… Yeah, there was no second date regardless!


Even if it was the former…bringing that up on the first date is wild


"I usually don't date Asian men, but you're very handsome for being Asian." Cool.


Ewwwww,,,,, can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this or variations of this


Is was in college and working at the local movie theater. When I told her that was my job she told me I’d have to quit and find a new job as soon as possible so that I could financially take care of her to the point where she can stay home with our children 🙃🙃


"I deserve to be pampered"..


Bro I have no idea what’s in the water but the amount of women I have dated that have said things like that really early on has been wild. The wildest thing is that they also seem to expect that they should contribute nothing. Like just existing around me is worth that much.


It's a lot of social media coaches' advice 🥴


Oh god. Is that advice from essentially the female equivalent of the toxic male social media influencers like Andrew Tate?


Look up the female dating strategy subreddit.


Omg when I first heard of that I was like “ooh, I need that!”. It sounded so harmless. I ran out screaming immediately after joining.


Oof I just checked it out. That place is very toxic. Had to bounce when I found this gem: "Your paranoia and anxiety may keep you alive one day, I believe you should trust it.... in the back of my head I always think that any person is capable of the worst." They're actively encouraging one another to be paranoid and anxious. Speaking in such absolutes (always, any, worst) about a nuanced topic often doesn't lead to a healthy outlook. Although I did see they're trying to give tips on keeping one another safe, so that's good at least.




I've been in the dating game a long time. Its DEFINITELY worse than it ever was. I blame tiktok influencers, women have become blantantly about that money


A good response is “Me too.”


“I’m just looking for someone to make all my life’s decisions for me.”


Was she special or something? She sounds like she needed a legal guardian






For 20min she went on and on about her lawyer friend who she had been sleeping with on and off for years. How he supposedly would "steal" things from her in this game that they played. After a little probing it turns out she would just purposely leave things at his apartment as an excuse to return and sleep with him again. This all came out about an hour into the first date completely unprompted. Part of me thinks this was some sort of test or game she was playing. It didn't really matter, either way I was done.


She referred to herself as a crazy bitch and then proceeded to say she will be difficult to pursue


Those are the same ones difficult to lose.


That he forgot something at his house so we went there and it was an already in progress family reunion.....he didn't forget anything.


Hahaha! That's pretty funny. We need more details of how the rest of the night played out! That seems like a scene from The Office.


I was waiting tables (before cellphones) at our family restaurant and he was a frequent flier. He asked me on a date and I thought why not? We made a time and date and he was to pick me up there at the restaurant. He gets there and oh no! He forgot what I think was his wallet? It's been a long time. We were supposed to go to the county fair. We headed to his house where ALL of his relatives were for a family reunion and they all knew my name.......this was our first date and first time even hanging out EVER. He told all of them about me and how in love we were and how we were probably going to get married ( I was 15). They were all so excited to see me and meet me. I didn't even know this kid's last name. We ended up going to the fair where I saw a good friend of mine and I told her everything and to get me out of there. I told him ✌🏾and left ASAP with her. A couple days later after I didn't answer his nine million calls he found out where I lived and came to my house looking for me. I literally ran up the road to a friend's house to avoid him because my sister thought it was funny and told him I was there and invited him in.


Dang! What a story! That's so weird they all knew your name already. Kid had some issues. Poor guy. I bet he had photos of you on his wall. lol.


A few classics from my time in the dating (cess) pool. 1. I can't wait for two weeks to go by so I can afford to get my car washed. 2. An educated teacher lady started talking about the Illuminati and how the world is controlled by a secret society. 3. A woman who said nothing and seemed to have zero character. 4. I met a woman in her town and so I let her plan where we eat as she knew the places. She picked an expensive steak place and booked it in my name. Happy days.


>An educated teacher lady started talking about the Illuminati and how the world is controlled by a secret society. Do you still have her phone number?


"I'm only interested in real men. I could never date a faggot" Also "They make it seem like such a big deal but shit like that has happened all the time throughout history" in reference to the Holocaust. Two different women. I'm a Bisexual Jew.


>I'm a Bisexual Jew. And picky, it seems! /s


Fucking hell. I don’t know how people can go completely filter-off with someone they just met. I mean, on one level it’s good because it saves you the time of going on multiple dates before they let something like that slip but still…damn.


I'm autistic and a big cuddly teddy bear looking dude with chill energy. Most people describe the feeling of hanging out with me as closer to hanging out with a big fluffy dog than hanging out with a person cus I'm just so go-with-the-flow. Therefore most my dates turn into a girl chilling cuddling on my chest in a park or a coffee shop booth trauma dumping about whatever happened in their life. Top first date hits include - Recently had someone break into her house and sexually assault her - Desire to kill her own mother for all the body images she gave her. - Struggling to accept the fact she wasn't attracted to men but was too scared to be an out lesbian. - Dad was on deaths door from cancer but she didn't wanna go see him because he molested her - Gained weight during COVID and could no longer stand to see her reflection. ...I'm glad I'm not dating anymore


"Let me consult my horoscope."


She bragged about beating up her ex.


"why do I care what old white men think" This was after I quoted Thomas Hobbs


"Did you know that the earth is actually flat?"


She told me about her last partner who turned out to be a guys in his 30s who went to prison because he beat up a 13-15 year old girl at a playground (supposedly cause she said something to him he didn't like) . She told me how he kept texting her asking for help finding a new apartment after prison, she then tells me she has been trying to actually help him. Meanwhile I'm thinking "why the hell are you helping this man, he literally beat up a teenage girl, not to mention the fact that he's a grown ass man.."


She made fun of my glasses and motorcycle.


“I’m kinda crazy.” Ive learned to always take that at face value and leave it at that.


Drunkenly slurring 'Put the window down! I'm going to throw up!" Proceeds to vomit all over the inside of my car.


… she started meowing. Like, actually meowing. Shamelessly.


"Sorry, I have these seizures all the time due to a car accident" She had 2 seizures while we had dinner. I felt really bad for her, but that was something she should have prepared me for ahead of time.


I went on a date once and when I got there he told me he was deaf. It was totally fine and didn’t bother me but it did catch me off guard and I thought it was odd that he didn’t tell me. He used a voice-to-text translator on his phone, which I didn’t even know existed. It was pretty cool. We didn’t really vibe though so we didn’t talk much after and never met up again.


These are really sad. People kicked away from the dating pool because of their disabilities. I'm not blaming anyone.


Harsh but understandable...


I’m not a man but this one guy talked about never wearing a condom and getting an STI, how he cheated on every girlfriend he’s ever had and how his older step-sister molested him when he was a child. It was weird.


"Hi, I'm the biggest asshole you'll ever meet" vibes


"I can read your cards if you want" Yep. Nope. Not doing that again.


Any woman that claims to be "spiritual" I stay away from. It usually means tarot cards, fortune telling, horoscopes and seance nonsense. Its fantasy bullshit. I once had a woman tell me she read the stars and determined we weren't right for each other. "It may not make sense to you, but it's enough for me" she said. I agreed with her 100%.


Again? 😭


Me: “I enjoy playing video games.” Him: “So, what, you like fArMvIlLe???”


You should have challenged him to a 1v1 game of Halo and teabagged his corpse. This is the way.


Me in middle school who played lots of fucking video games of all sorts: *shyly* yes 👉🏼👈🏼😂


I'm a stud and I should be able to take what I want. Ok.... 🙄


Lost me there, the guy said that to you?


Yep! With a straight face and everything.


It wasn't something, but everything. Never stopped talking and never asked a question about me.


Started talking anti vax nonsense


Thank you kind sir, for immediately waving the red flag high in the air, with gusto!


She was weird. Told me she couldn't stand my voice and asked me to get surgery to either mute me permanently or change my vocal cords for better ones.


"I'm not sure what I want." Never understood why even go on a date with that already in mind.


Some douche went through and downvoted every comment. I douched the other way and brought us back to stasis boys.


Good Guy Greg? Is that you?


My man


Ma fuckin man




She asked me why I worked the job I did, and what drew me to the work. I proceeded to tell her the reasons why I was passionate about it, and what I enjoyed about my work. She looked at me with this really weird face, I can't explain it, but it looked like pure disgust. She then told me, " I don't have a clue what you're talking about, that doesn't make sense to me" I literally just told this women what I enjoyed about my job, and she thought it was the weirdest thing in the world. I thought to myself if she can't handle this type of conversation, she'll never be able to understand who I am as a person, nor will we be able to have anything other than surface level conversations. It also blew my mind because I'm fairly certain most 10 year old's would have been able to wrap their head around what the fuck I was talking about. It was like she only cared about money and job security and not whether or not someone cared about the work, and enjoyed what they do everyday. She told me her goal in life was to "make money". Then she proceeded to tell me how she works 80 hours a week and was cut thin for time, stressed all day, etc. I knew instantly it wouldn't work out and she pretty much never talked to me again after that night, despite being good friends for months prior to asking her out on that date. Felt like her only goal was to cash out and the fact that I was passionate about my work was a turn off.


“He treated me like a princess” Bullet successfully dodged


Wouldn’t shut up about being a member of the local DNC. In fact, it seemed like the only thing she wanted to talk about was politics…on the first date. It got even worse when she finally got me to tell her how I registered to vote and I said I’m not affiliated. Then it turned into a cringe filled attempt of a recruitment campaign on her part. I cut the date short and deleted her phone number. Damn shame, because she was otherwise fairly attractive.


Mention their ex


Just a single mention?


Would you like to get together again? No, thank you. Instant ",time to move on" moment for me.


I wonder if she was playing any game there "Oh, I gotta make it difficult! He needs to ask me at least three times"


Honestly, at the time, I was getting ghosted a bunch. I was thankful for a straight answer for a change, and I told her so. Seriously, she got a lot of respect from me for giving me an honest answer. Edit: three times is for interrogating villains. She should know that.


Started telling me about the last 3 guys that she had in her bedroom she kicked out because they couldn't get her off. Also told me about how the last sketchy guy who she dated gave her VD. She wonders why she is single...


"You actually look like you could be taught the differences between the main course fork, salad fork, and desert fork"


Pointing to a black homeless man and saying "Wish those N\*\*\*\*\*s would just go back to Africa." I ended the date there.


This was asked on here 1 day ago.


“Eh, I didn’t think The Last Jedi was that bad”


She was 19 or 20 at the time and I was 22. She liked to party and drink with friends, which I mean I did too. However, she had a fake ID and kept asking if I would bail her out of jail if she got caught with it. At that time I was in college and didn’t really want to have to worry about someone who just could wait the extra year to legally drink.


“You’re not going to cheap out and make me dinner. You’re going to take me somewhere” I was already three hours into cooking…


Does she think ingredients are free? WTF


She only spoke about her male friends... Yeah,nobody got time for that.


The ones she banged or the other ones? As a guy with close female friends, the only time they talk about me is when they're selling me as boyfriend material!


Dude, you hit gold! Take good care of your female friends! The only way mine sell me is as mule to carry heavy stuff for them during hiking


Being a straight up pro-apartheid racist did it for me. "But you don't understand Mr Ham Man, *they're* not the same in South Africa."


“I have 4 kids from 4 different women!” —said in a jokey voice. No shade about the specific dynamic, it was just something about the way he said it that made me cringe, almost like he was bragging? Idk


"I'm a lot to handle" and "All my friends are guys" come to mind.


Taking pride in being difficult is fascinating


She told me she cut the brakes on an ex's car, that cheated on her


She blamed all her past break ups on men and said " men are dumb ". I played the diplomatic role, said " yes " and " uh hu " to all of her comments and ghosted her after.


“I used to be Christian” - Christina


Not what she said although she was a bore and not at all how she looked in her pictures, but she arrived nearly an hour late, hungover, drank way too much, kept taking calls and texting during dinner, and expected me foot to bill for all her drinks. As we were saying goodbye, she got another call and had to take it to learn where the next party was. Listen, I like to party as much as the next guy does, but she was wayyyy too about that lifestyle. Pass!


They don't believe in abortion.


Not a man but worst date I ever had the guy ask me why incest was a bad thing 🤮 although he was discussing a book he'd read debating why socially things are "immoral", I still thought it wasn't really appropriate first date conversation. Then proceeded to angry rant at me when I politely rejected him (blocked).


"My kids." I do not date single mothers. "I know I gained weight." She was over 200 pounds.... "I'm glad you got a big dick so I don't gotta lie about it." You just admitted you lie to men. I am a man. You will lie to me. "How much do you make." Next contestant please come on down! "My soon to be Ex." You should have told me you were still married. Next!


So you’d date a non single mother? 🤣


My pronouns are...🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃