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I like the outdoors. And I live in Canada, we have a LOT of outdoors. If I have nothing else planned on a weekend I'll go hiking or fishing or camping or something. Just stuff that gets me out in the countryside.


Smoking a joint and hiking is one of my all time favorite things


Amen brother 🙏


There is something about getting stoned in the forest listening to the leaves as they dance in the wind. It’s magical and if you have not experienced. You must try.


Where in Canada ? I’m also from Canada and those are also my favourite activities


Ontario. I live in the GTA so I have to travel a ways to get out in the wilderness but there's plenty of national parks in range of me. Where are you?


Around Edmonton/Calgary area but I spent most my time working out in Kitimat BC . Super close to the mountains and all the outdoors


The lifestyle I’m studying for to achieve


Poker. After playing constantly for several decades I'm finally good enough to NOT lose all my money. I can sit down at my laptop in the morning, open up some tables and finish with an extra $50 or $100 at the end of the day. It's awesome.


Gaming, listen to music, watch movies/shows/documentaries on amazon, Reddit, YouTube, Google for a walk, Work Out and do stuff with friends


Man's just described my life lol


Hmm, welp, read books, play solo board games, fuck my wife, watch tv series, sports....


I also fuck this guy's wife when I have the time.




What solo board games??


Mage Knight, LoTR LCG, Spirit Island, Agricola and many others :))


OG 🔥




There's a favorite author of mine named Peter Clines that writes modern novels inspired by Lovecraft. 14 and The Fold are some great ones.


Absolutely nothing.


You don’t masturbate, play video games and workout? Thats like my entire week.


No libido from medication No money for video games or desire from medication And my job is already manual labor/I don't have money to go to the gym/desire to workout.


My dad was a pipeline welder. You have the same enthusiasm for life as he did. But he is a good dad and loving retirement, despite bitching about his union 24/7 growing up. So at least you have old age to look forward to?


I quit masturbating forever.


Go skate around on cruiser/long boards.


Camping, making sawdust in my wood shop, and turning wrenches on my old car.


I have so many hobbies. I hangout with some internet friends that are part of a hobby group, I shoot sporting clays, I shoot archery, I play golf, I play the cello, I'm a cyclist, I lift weights, I play video games, I bake, I'm getting into grilling (got a big green egg for free so that's neato), I love going and exploring interesting restaurants/microbreweries with my wife, occasionally I'll read (working through some Warhammer 40k books, currently reading Gaunt's Ghosts), I dabble in wildlife photography (I'm not particularly good, but I like toys and tech). My hobby is basically collecting hobbies. I find I don't have enough time or money to do all that I want to do and it's a weird problem to have.


Yea bro money in this present society is a most How do you manage without paying a lot?


Evenings at the beach. Walking in the surf barefoot is therapeutic. Also heavy drinking


I stand on my head in the corner and shtack marbles




Smoke the devils lettuce 🍃


Videogames, dating, and hanging out with friends. Also: Weekly D&D


Start fighting instead of just lifting weights, learn a new skill, invest yourself in a new project, try to socialize with random people you share interests with, learn a new language, discover a new hobby, build a house... The list is actually endless.


uhhmmmm... whats free time?


Golf and reading


I collect crafting hobbies. Blacksmithing, leatherworking, wood turning, pottery, 3D printing (especially cosplay items), metal casting, and recently I added gem faceting. I also workout, play Rugby, ride my bicycle and motorcycle, do photography, and various outdoor activities (hiking, kayaking, stand up paddleboard).


I work out at home mon, wed, fri. I skateboard on the weekends. I played video games but that has been replaced by learning the guitar. I’ll play the Elden ring dlc July because I have a week off.


As little as possible


Gym, walking, building model kits, anime, movies.


Gym taking most of my free time really and all the duties around the house takes the rest


BJJ, running and reading I’m going into my senior year of High school so working on the college process


I think having a creative hobby is always a great outlet for any lingering energy you've got. Whether you get an instrument or some art supplies, you'll find that you're learning something new and can challenge yourself to get better or do something different each time you pick it up. Personally, I love just picking up my ukulele and strumming a few songs when it's nice out :)


Cycle around town, the mere sensation of rolling around on my two wheels is fun to me.


When I was younger and broker - I had a cheap y pass at a student rate. Took classes and things. I also spent a lot of time going long distance on my bike. Not in a hurry - just to - you know - bike around.




When asked by my baby sister what my wife was into that was my wife's answer the first time they met. Now my baby sister who was only like 30 at the time, said , "I see why you are a great couple". She is the only woman my baby sister ever approved of for me, or I wanted to marry frankly.


Mess around with some classic cars. Whether it be pulling a dent, installing a sound system, or even a full rebuild. I'll be working out in the shop doing something similar.


Hey man which classics you worked with?


71 Skylark, 71 c20, 70 Malibu, and a few others


Hang out with friends/family, hang out with my daughter, work out, watch movies/shows, watch sports, go grab some grub, listen to music, go play soccer, box a little here and there, read, and bull shit a lot.


Gym, video games, drawing, learning japanese, eating out, and reading


What about turning Japanese while eating out?


I spend way too much time choosing a book to read and a very little actually reading.


Martial arts, gym, video games. VG is the least consistent but i like having a weekend day of binging a game for a few hours.


Wish I wasn't so socially awkward


That shit is certified curse i hope if there is nothing called social anxiety/awkwardness


You have free time??


Back when I had free time, Games, nature hikes, learning new side skills, fishing, writing, watching thunderstorms, wood working.


Think about things I want to do with my free time. For years.


Gaming (Warzone, Dota and single player games, Also love watching my wife play Sims, Humankind etc) Working Out (Boxing, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Swimming, Weight lifting) Engineering (Looking at Industrial Machinery, Understanding different forms of Production) Travelling (This is mostly on the Holidays like once a year, my family and I take a vacation to North of Pakistan, absolutely beautiful) Socializing (Go to Friends place, listen & create music, dine out, Midnight drives with the lads) 420


Study (not necessarily the academic areas where I have degrees, often instead languages, creative stuff as 3d printing and image edition, etc) Go outdoors (love a good walk or bike ride) Games (tho, honestly, this doesn't entertain me much anymore) Manga and movies (mostly movies alongside any of the others, not by itself


Play videogames, drink, scroll on my phone, or sleep.


I walk, listen to books. Build different board games out of scrap wood. Have a good beer, listen to old music. Contemplate life and my mistakes. Wonder endlessly why I'm not enough for anyone.


Free time? lol That's a weird thought to me. Not because I don't have time that others might consider free but because it always feels occupied and scheduled for myself. I have a little webcomic I make. I like to sit down with a latte and do that. I play with my son. If driving counts I listen to audiobooks while driving. I watch a bit of anime.


I usually fo a Mix of working out, Reading, Gaming and Drawing/Sketching. My PC broke down like a Week ago though and I can't afford Replacement Parts right now so I've been sketching and reading more.


I play music and D&D


Video games, board games, TV, painting miniatures, going to the gym, just hanging on discord with my friends, cooking a new recipe, making shit. There's always something to do


Gym and the outdoors as well but mostly fishing. I probably fish 2-3x a week but I live on an island so it’s easy. Besides that, smoking cigars and reading. I used to journal and it was a great way to pass the time. I might get back into it.


Work out, leather work, girlfriend, booze.


Reddit and TV watching, or Drinking and Reddit and Snapchat


Watching TV or a movie, playing video games, or going online to read things on Reddit and other sites or watch Youtube videos.


Woodworking. It’s pretty satisfying to even make basic things.


Listen to podcasts or audiobooks or music while I knit


Elden ring dlc


My only free time is Sundays from 7pm to whenever I go home. I play Magic: The Gathering. All other days of the week I am working or have 1 to 3 of my children.


Going to the Gym, meditation and yoga, reading books, watching movies, learning languages, playing chess online and dancing salsa 🦚


Hang out with my wife. We like to fish, camp, play video games together.


Bicycling, motorcycling.


Read, game, watch shows/movies, spend time with my kids, spend time with my gf.


As little as possible. It’s the only way to recharge from a week spent out amongst society.


TikTok or gym


Right now… Preparing for hurricane season, doing house repairs, stocking food and supplies, testing out equip equipment


I’m a hobbyist landscape photographer. I love being outside photographing nature!!!


Surf, paddle board, beach


Outside of the norm of gym and socializing, photography has allowed me to feel fulfilled by having a creative outlet. It’s also turned into a side income for me too which has been a new experience. I’ve also recently gotten into judo to feed the competitive itch I get now and again.


Gym. Side hustles. Surf. Beach. Hikes. Mates. Read. Meditate.


I like to read and make little pies and pastries


Exercise, video games, sports and kill time with my wife who also happens to be my best friend


1. Sleeping; 2. Reading; 3. Walking outdoors; 4. Preparing for food food or self caring; 5. Gaming or watching heartfelt anime films; 6. Doomscrolling on social media or eating out. According to priority and toxicity.


I play THE FIANLS, and try to make fun/creative videos. My last one did decently on Reddit so that was cool.


If you like being physically active, you could try a new sport? I tried HEMA before the pandemic and fell in love with it. Plus it's the perfect blend of nerd and jock hobby lol. I also have a bunch of crafty hobbies. woodworking, leatherworking, sewing, etc.


Jiu Jitsu, Salsa/Bachata, gaming, reading, fucking around on the internet and phone


* Watch/Play Football * Read BR Literature * Watch YT videos on communism * Workout * Cook * Jerk off * Spend time with my GF * Have sex with my GF * Eat * Drink * Spend time with family


Mine has been video games and shooting pool. If I’m not working or playing video games in my apartment, I’m out at the pool hall shooting. I’ve managed to meet people and socialize myself again after being divorced. I’ve also enjoyed playing ultimate frisbee, disc golf, and skateboarding a little again.


Go fishing mostly now that it's the summer


I Worry about things


Going to work is what i do when I am free to. Most of my job is dealing with stuff I enjoy and would love to deal with and talk about in my social circles. Before landing this job, I would do the exact same thing I get paid for, as soon as I had an occasion to. And most of what happens in my social circles bore me out. I just go through the moves and behave as if I had a clue or an interest in what I do when I socialize. But I am told you ”have to” socialize. So... To me my ”free time” is what others would call work and what coworkers call free time is what I woul call work. My father, my partner, my (adult) kidand my godmother get me, and I am lucky to have them.


Playing guitar, singing, playing basketball, hanging out with my friends and my dog, books, binging tv shows, sometimes I play random games on pc.


Watch "YouTube videos of how to do (input activity)" and continue to watch other recommended videos, realized it late to do anything til the next day. Repeat.


I'm a mechanic, I spend all day taking things apart and putting them back together. I'm pretty big into LEGO, so I like to relax after work by taking things apart and putting them back together.


Mostly computer games, TV series/movies, watching sport (mostly boxing, football, snooker and athletics) and I also do cycling long distances and taekwondo.


Any little chance I get I want to sleeep


Sleep and sleep. I need to charge my social battery


Walk the dog daily Mountain biking ideally weekly Play football (soccer) training once a week and a game once a week. Try to play guitar Read books, almost 99% non fiction. Go to the gym 3 times a week. Enjoy a craft beer. That's a normal week.


Hike, go out with friends, play videogames, watch movies/TV, sometimes if I'm feeling really in need of relaxation I'll pick a story driven game I've never played before and play through it did that recently with firewatch and it was amazingly fun and relaxing highly recommend.


Shoot pool every day if I can




smoke, listen to music, write, read, watch YouTube, Netflix, drink yerba mate


Riding bikes, working out, recently gotten into disc golf and climbing, always been an avid reader too. Improv comedy here and there.


I like to put on a kilt and throw heavy stuff. When it’s not kilt weather I got into playing tabletop war games and in the past few years, 3D printing my own Battle Barbies. Reconnected with an old friend over the Battle Barbies a few years ago. His son picked up interest so I’m looking forward to bringing the little dude his first imperial guard tanks this weekend.


Trying to find good horror movies I haven't seen yet. 


Ultimate frisbee summer league


i strongly recommend dance classes for fun (and eventually go dancing in public)


Video games


At the gym, biking, or reading (comic books).


Draw, read, journal, watch tv, hang with my girl, waste time on my phone and then feel guilty about it


I like to workout or just go for a walk and think about things . If I got lots of free time I’ll do some road trips


Just hanging out, being awesome.


Rec sports




Outside videogames and the gym, I started woodworking, I dont always do it, as it takes time and my week is complicated.


Games, Reading, Sport, Girlfriend.


gym, gaming, tesla, my girlfriend (when I didn't have her in my life I naturally did dating which was a fun activity). Occasionally with some friends. Overall these few activities covered plenty, way back I only did gaming/some gym which deff made me feel empty




sports, walking, hiking, running, chillin in hammock in the park, reading, traveling, camping,gaming sometimes asw.


Free time? Tis but a distant memory 😩


“Full leisurely, we glide”


What's this free time you speak of??


Video games, mountain biking (like trails And stuff), And sports


Shooting, hunting, play guitar and BBQ


Hockey, guitar in a metal band and I put things together. Haha


Watching good movies. 


I read and study, just no much to do here without money


I like to go hiking and exploring Los Angeles in my spare time. I just grab a day pass to ride the light rails/buses until I find a place that interests me and get off. LA has plenty of hidden gems that most of the inhabitants don't know about, and it is purely due to the fact that they are easily missed due to the driving culture that exists here. Back in the drinking phase of my 20s, those rails made all the difference in the world because I was able to cruise around the county getting loaded and not worrying about DUIs and whatnot. Mix that with a decent camera phone and you have some fantastic memories saved for the scrapbook.


Watch football ⚽


Video games, jacking off, gym, warhammer painting, family time.