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I’m 32 and so very literally attracted to my girlfriend. Whenever she’s within arms reach, I’ll touch her before I even realize it


I'm also like this, but unfortunately not all women like the touchy touchy vibe :(


Not all, but those of us who crave it are stuck with non-touch love language men 🤣🤣


Isn’t that crazy, my man has to be coerced into a light pet Pat here and there. It honestly makes me wonder if I am in the right relationship. I love to be touched and caressed and to make out but my ltr is nothing like that it’s like he has an aversion to physical contact. Only quick pecks when I beg, no tenderness.


This is so depressing. I am 43M and my wife hates me going near her. Just makes some reference to always wanting sex if I do. Even though we hardly have it. My love language is touching but it’s seems I am trapped with someone that is the opposite. Glad to know it’s not just men getting the brush off


Hi. I'm so sorry. My guy has crippling anxiety and had to learn to be loved through touch. I separated loving touch from sex completely and focused on creating loving touch only for some months. Daily, I gave footrubs, and backrubs, and I made sure I was very good at them. With no payback or sex involved. And over time, after a long day, my wonderful guy who was previously dead fish lie next to each other neflix and chill, would be like "...hey I'm a little owie, can you work my left foot?" and the angels, they sang. Once loving intimate touch from me became the regular I asked if they could try working my shoulders, and I kept it short and offered a couple of pointers, lot of praise and "ermmmmmm" happy noises, and then eventually asked for full on oiled back rubs. While there was some resistance eventually they got good at that. And now I get to keep a little coupon in my wallet that I can redeem for one oiled back rub on demand so that I never have to feel bereft of intimate touch, because they've realized how good it feels and how much better relationship is with intimate touch even when it's not sexual. Sexual intimacy followed but it took a while to get there because there was so much anxiety and lack of positive connection with physicality for my partner. Anti anxiety medication was a big player, too.


You already know this, but you should think about getting out. Talk to a couples counselor first so you can put your mind at ease and say to yourself that you did the best you could. You’re not too deep in given that the rest of your life and happiness is on the line.


Yeah that's not something i'm willing to deal with, that's why i'm glad my gf doesnt like freak out when i touch her (cause yes that has happened with previous women i've been with). Most she'll do is say "off limits, sir" as a joke but she never gets tired of wherever my hands go. It's comforting


My last relationship was like that, but my current one she loves my pokes and grabs and touches. She even encourages me to get a bit naughtier with them sometimes. It's honestly awesome. Having someone who likes your love language is actually amazing.


I would seriously reconsider such a relationship myself, physical touch is so important that I'd rather be single than be with someone who (appears to) not want to be physical with me.


You aren't. You're only going to grow more resentful and unloved. Speaking from experience...




You aren't with the right person if you are questioning it. It's something I've learned along the way, especially now being with someone who is my literal puzzle piece. Once you feel it, you can never go back. Find your puzzle pieces


We really need to distribute ourselves better. I'm dying to be with a girl that wants to be hugged and cherished all the time. My ex and only partner I've had so far seemed like she was merely tolerating me :(


I read a quote once that said be somewhere where you are wanted, appreciated and respected and not merely ignored or tolerated.




Usually when she walks by I love to lightly rub her butt! Never in public, but if she’s washing the dishes, or looking out the window. I love the little touches!




Thank you for letting me know it’s not just me. My wife almost despises my touch. It’s like I am a different being. I just feel like a creep for wanting to touch my wife. Granted if she’s not in the mood but it’s my love language and she drives me crazy, I just wish I had the same fact




All the time, it either ends up in a fight that I am making he feel like a ‘freak’ because she doesn’t want me touching her or cant show that she desires me. It seems talking about it makes her feel bad about herself and that makes it worse


My exH was like this to me. I'd be busting my ass with the kids or household and he'd come over, pat my ass, and walk away. It infuriated me. A butt slap attaboy isn't helpful when I'm drowning in tasks. If he really loves me he'd see I'd have 10 items on my to do list and he'd cross one of those off. Then I'd be a bit more open to affection.


I see you here. My primary love, languages, physical affection, but when my husband would just lay on the floor and take a nap while I had just come home from work too, and I was cooking and taking care of the kids, etc. I had no interest in him and in fact resented him. If I knew he would do the dishes or something while I chilled, that would’ve been different, but it wasn’t the case. When my primary love language is touch and I don’t crave it from you then you know something is really wrong and it’s not about our sex life. It’s about our regular life.


I tried to make this work. Never again.


Honestly. I know my boyfriend wants me. I know that we have great sex. But he is not a touchy feeling cuddly type of person. And I very much am. I crave all those little touches and he never does it. And I'm definitely not going to try to coerce him into doing it so I just sit there wanting to be randomly touched


My wife taught me about love languages and that hers is touch. I'm very much not a touchy person but learning about that showed me what I needed to do to make her feel the love I have for her, so now I touch her constantly and have 2-3 minute hug sessions when she gets home from work. So if your dude isn't touchy explain the love languages and what they mean and he will probably step up. No one wants the person they love to not feel that love.


There's certainly nothing wrong with someone who doesn't like the touchy touchy vibe but I wouldn't be able to date them. We simply wouldn't be able to make each other happy.




I like being hugged, massaged, hand held, etc. What I don’t like is the breast grabbing, crotch massaging, etc out in public. I don’t like when I tell my man I’m not mood or I’m needing to do something and he will grope me anyways. I don’t like the non consensual sexual touching. Just because we are dating, it doesn’t mean every inch of my body is available to touch when lever he feels like it. I have had to have talks with him because it was getting to be too much. It was a daily thing, almost to the point where it was me walking into his place and the touching would start and not stop until I had sex with him. Even after telling him a reason to stop. It made me feel like I was just there for him to get off, not to actually spend any time together. I am thankful he loves my body and wants to be physical but time and place


Exactly “not all”, i wish to have someone like this


My wife and I have been together for almost seventeen years, married for twelve next Monday, and we’ve been parents for almost ten years. We can’t stop touching each other. I adore my wife, and I adore touching her.


Happy early anniversary!! That’s so good and comforting to hear!


Early happy Anniversary! My hubs and I are almost to 8 years and are almost always touching each other in some way.


If I don't squeeze her ass multiple times a day she asks me what's wrong.


This is meeee lol. Booty spanks throughout the day or if I'm standing washing dishes or brushing my teeth and he doesn't come from behind and slip a hand in my boobs while he nibbles on my neck... I know he's mad or something is wrong lol... same if he's sitting and changing and i dont come up to him and start hugging and kissing him while grinding on his leg. He knows something is up lol


Wife and I have been together for 12 years. I still can't keep my hands off of her. Any chance I get, I'm slapping that ass, especially when she is going up the stairs, I chase after her and spank her all the way up. She does the same to me. We are like little horny jungle animals.


Can we just take a moment to celebrate healthy intimacy 😌


Touch is a love language and you guys are lucky to both have it.


I'm such a lover.. I love giving and showing my affection.


Your mans is lucky asf




Lord I have seen what you have done for others . . . .




If I walk by him and he doesnt slap my ass, I go around again just to make sure he does. Been a little tougher these days cause the Elden Ring dlc came out 🥲


And if she doesn’t respond with false exasperation/frustration I ask her if something is wrong lol.


Every single day! - waking up in the morning and touching her leg while still in bed - kissing her shoulder - simply holding her hand - standing behind her and gently pressing my body against hers and breathing on the back of her neck. To add a little context, we just celebrated our 25th anniversary


We're 2 years behind you and I do the same. Maybe there's a link there. I mean a link between affection and staying together, not a link between me and you.


This joke is exactly the kind of joke I expected from someone married for 23 years, and I mean that as a compliment, I love it


We’re 44 years! We just wake up, try to remember what to do first, and if you can’t, let the other get up first and follow! We might touch each other, but that’s cause we’re passing on the stairs. Wait, what was this about again?


25th next month. Love your response and totally agree.


Damn, congrats! Although not as long as you guys, my girlfriend and I are going onto 15 years together, I agree as well. Can't keep myself away from her, never felt so close and comfortable to someone. It's a weird, addiction - not sure if that's the correct term


Yeah.. Addiction definitely seems like the right word 😂😂 Absolutely cannot keep my hands off my guy and we’ve been together 14 years


Sir, do you have any brothers? Because the dating pool is AWFUL


Unfortunately no. I have 2 sisters (one married 35 yrs and the other 20 yrs). Also my parents celebrated 60 years a few weeks ago.


When I breathe on her neck she tells me my breath smells like ass 😂


So there’s this new invention. It’s called a toothbrush!


Brush twice and still... Ass.


Mouthwash? You might have some nasty bacteria growing there.. Alternatively, are you dehydrated? Could be the cause.




Touch your tonsils with your finger- if it smells, then you have tonsil stones, even if you can’t see them. Once I got rid of them, I no longer had bad breath. I too brush flossed and tongue scraped every day and could not figure out why I had bad breath


Same with me. Married to her for 23 years, and I still want to touch her every chance I get.


35 years here and the same. Always very close and hugging and touching all of the time. We love each other's company.


Yep, agree, in love with her for more than 40 years, together for 27, married for 24, can’t not-touch her if she is within a step and arms length. Keep up the good work.


The small things matter so much


I’ve been married 25 years also. My wife plays tennis and pickle ball and has a hard body to show for it. I love to touch the muscles on her arms, legs and back as I go past her. Her ass is pretty nice too. Just stay away from her boobs, she does not like that in this context.


Same here. 29th anniversary coming up in August and I touch/rub/caress/grope at every opportunity. When she gets undressed I usually swoop in for a hug/cuddle. She leans into my need for contact.


That’s absolutely amazing. I’m grinning like an idiot at all these lovely stories about everyone and their partners ❤️


What loving romantic comments. We need more of this.


my heart warms up to hear men in love like this, saying they adore their wives after 20+ years of marriage🥺🥹 gives me hope as a hopeless romantic


Yes me too.


Same girl. I’m a very touchy feely person but my partner always seems to lose interest. Pretty sure there’s something wrong with me. 😕


No way are you ever too much. Your love languages may be different or you may need it more than he can take it. Communicate about that so you can both address your needs.


Yea I did that. I got told I know why he is the way he is and if I don’t like it I can leave. So I’m working on that…


Never say that. Its never “im too much” or “im too needy” its just that you haven’t met the person that meets your needs. Stop wasting your time, break up and move on. If being with him doesnt feel like a YESS then it’s definitely a no. and im not talking just “yes” or “maybee” im talking YESSSSS


After settling down for some tv, I will touch my wife's legs/thighs/butt at least once per day. If your gf doesn't mind, it's not excessive. If she's feeling uncomfortable, then think about doing it less.


Ooooot at different times. Sometimes it's not the where and how, but the when that is inappropriate. Like I love you and all, but can I finish this here task?


I’m an ass-grabbing, bootie-smacking, boob-grazing, hand-holding, neck-kissing, foot-massaging, back-rubbing, spooning on the couch and snuggling in the bed husband who’s going to lead her into the room with my hand on the small of her back. I can’t keep my hands off of her and quite frankly I don’t want to.




This got me good lmfao


A hand on the small of a woman's back is such an underrated but sexy form of touch. I've always loved when men do that to me, especially my husband.


So sweet 🩷


100% this - welcome to the club. I think if you don't treat your S/O like that, you're not a very loving partner.


Oh yea your woman def feels loved lol


You said it best friend!!


I intimately touch my wife every day If we are watching TV either I am cuddling her or she's laying down opposite of me with her legs on my lap where I will have hands on her legs and/or feet and maybe a little rubbing/massage moment as well If I am driving I have my hand either on her thigh or we are holding hands If we are in bed we are cuddling with her head on my chest or spooning watching tik toks There's a lot of other moments but we would be here forever. You're being normal bro don't worry


My ex and I were car hand holders. I kinda miss that. I would play with her hands if we were driving or on a bit of a road trip.


I’ll be married 21 years next month. And I still can’t keep my hands of my beautiful wife. When I get the chance I’m always touch her body in some form or fashion. Kiss on the cheek, hug from behind when sneak up on her. Cuddling in bed with her legs wrapped around me. Or a morning hug while laying in bed on Saturday/Sunday mornings. Her love language is touch and feel, so every opportunity I get I’m gonna make sure she knows how much I love and cherish her for being my wife, and the mother of my 2 daughters. And a damn good lover if I may add!!


Question - my husband is like this, and I do love it, but we have four kids, three of them toddlers and by the end of the day as an introvert I am so touched out I sometimes can’t handle it. He understands but I know he feels sad about it. Did your wife have this? Did you understand? I still adore him and find him the most attractive man in the world but our lives are so chaotic that I feel like we’ve lost that a lot. Am booking us a week long kids free holiday for September and I intend to be attached to him the entire time! (After 12 or so uninterrupted hours of sleep)


I’m the husband in this scenario - I do understand and I try to keep my hands off of her (failing too often probably ) and I do get sad and I do get lonely. Suggestion: if you are aware of your situation, make physical contact, tell your husband directly but gently that you do like it, but at this point you are overwhelmed and you need your space. This would not feel like rejection, but gives your husband direction how to be the best husband at this specific time. And while a week off in September sounds good, an hour a week would go far.


Thank you! I try to do this and try to make time for us, doesn’t help we can’t sleep in the same bed as he snores like … I don’t know, a jet engine? Plus we always have a kid or three in our big bed. I have no bed really, I just kind of sift around the house till I find somewhere unoccupied. I just talked with him about it again and he said he gets it but he can’t wait till we have our own space to be a couple again. I am so lucky to have him. I’m going to make an extra effort to have some cuddles and enjoy the moment without my mind immediately trying to jump to the next thing that has to be done. Thank you for you insight!


If you haven't considered it before, it could be a helpful idea to look into curing his snoring. Obviously it hasn't been for you, but I know for me it'd be detrimental not to be able to sleep in the same bed as my partner, and I'd imagine it would be a welcome change for you.


We just talked about this! I think it’s important. We are going to book a doctors appointment to see what can be done - it’s only been in the last year or so which is quite strange as I’m not sure why it’s happening - no weight gain, the guy is super fit and active. Probably just exhaustion! Also getting the babies out of our bed would help too (but he doesn’t like them to cry, so he’s aware that this is the trade off 😂)


FWIW, I would also snore AF, if I would sleep on my back. Solution for me that keeps 99% of snoring away - sleep with my head turned to a side ALWAYS, even if otherwise on my back. I learned to keep sleeping this way, because 1) my ribs would hurt from all the hits from my wife and 2) snoring is bad sleep for myself as well


I’m 41F and dated the most cuddly guy, he would move over to sit next to me when we were out at restaurants (this was in the earlier stages of dating) and cuddle my legs and upper body somehow. He would give me kisses on the shoulder, cheek, etc, while I was still eating. At first it felt like too much, I wasn’t used to it. But I knew both of our love languages are touch so I tried to embrace it. And with time it felt so good. He would open my car door and I would get in and he would lean in to kiss me. I thought that was so sweet, he couldn’t wait to get to the driver’s side to kiss me. When he would hold me and caress me, it felt so peaceful, it felt like home. He would play with my hair, give me massages, constantly be touching me. He could not keep his hands off of me. And it made me feel incredibly loved. I actually started to cry when I read your post OP, bc that guy and I were not a good fit, but I miss that part of us—overall, we wanted different things out of life. But he made me feel so loved. I think he loved me from the first time we met, he thought I was the most beautiful person on earth, and that always came through in the way he touched me. Live authentically and ideally both people like physical touch.


Damn, I feel ya. I've had one relationship with I woman who I couldn't keep my eyes and hands off, and it was reciprocated. We were not a good fit, like it was really bad in the end, but I miss the intimacy so much. It's nice to read stories like ones on the post, but damn it hurts a little.


I feel you. It’s like can I get all the amazing physical intimacy PLUS a good fit/alignment next time? 🙏🏼😆✨ We both tried really hard to make it work and we both acknowledged how much we loved the physical intimacy —I think we both knew it wasn’t going to work but tried to extend the timeline bc the physical touch was so good. Next time! 💫


Currently dating a guy just like this! It’s only been a few months so we’ll see where it ends up, but I’m enjoying the hell out of it for the time being.


I hope it works out long term! 🫶🏼


I feel your pain, except my ex was the opposite. He wasn't super affectionate, esp. if he was stressed or if we were in public. So pretty much the majority of the time we were together. I hope to find the level of love and affection described here in my next relationship.


It’s out there! You can get it! 🫶🏼 I was touch starved in my bad marriage for years. I didn’t realize how much a lack of touch affected my ability to feel loved. I knew I wanted it—but it made my heart feel so good! ♥️


Same for me. It'll be 13 years in October. Still can't keep my hands off of her


It would be weird for us to be in the same room for more than a few seconds without touching each other even if it's a fleeting thing.  Been married a little over 10 years.


Married for 3 years here. Totally normal.


My girlfriend doesn’t like me doing it. She says it make her feel like a pet dog, kinda sucks.


Damn bro that does suck sorry to hear that :/ have you tried expressing to her how it makes you feel? I told my gf that it’s not from a purely sexual perspective; it legit makes me feel warm and safe inside and so she is willing to give me that feeling.


I may try that, she is the type of person that’s just not all that touchy feely or affectionate for that matter, I find myself bringing the lack of affection up a lot here and there and different ways, it starts making me feel like less of a man to be real, so I stopped. But I crave physical touch a lot


Sounds very much like my situation when I *was* married. It played a key part in our divorce (for my part) - touch is my love language. He wasn't into physical affection. Please do have that convo as OP suggests, I'm sure you'll reach a compromise that makes you both happy.


I really hope so, it’s harder as a man to bring things like this up, we get treated like our complaints are just some man sh*t we should just be able to get over. I hope i can get some real solution to this, she tends to be the type to push things under the rug and fine with leaving them there


Likely ur relationship won’t last if u can’t express ur affection bc she dislikes it might cause conflict should talk it out


My ex was similar, but she wouldn’t really say it, she would subtly stop holding hands, or moving away from me if I was being too touchy. She had times where she loved affection, but it didn’t make me feel good and made me assume she didn’t like me. We’re still friends now but your person should match your energy with affection for it to work.


everytime she passes by. most of the time for petty ‘crime’ like distracting my focus and showing too much skin. i’m like a detective in the house, always ‘investigating’, pat down searches looking for clues and enforcing ‘the law’..


Hahahah. I’ll be sitting on the couch watching a movie with him and he’ll say ‘stop it! When I’m doing literally nothing. He says stop being so gorgeous and distracting me from the movie 🥹🥹


he gets it!


As long as she’s into it that’s great! Normal and healthy and a good sign in a relationship


Coming up on 21 years of marriage. Touch daily. Both sexual & nonsexual touch.


Recently my wife has been struggling with lack of sleep and a 10mo with a bit of separation anxiety hanging all over her constantly. She doesn’t want to be touched. Which is fine. But it’s killing me. We’ve always had a free to fondle type relationship. Now that she needs some space I feel like a drug addict going through withdrawals. I love my son more than anything but he’s being a real cock block right now.


Keep your head up, theres hope! That first year having a baby was hard. I love being touch and we’ve always been touchy but after the baby and juggling between him always turned on by leaky breastmilk and compounding lack of sleep, touch would drive me insane, bickered all the time. Help more with the baby, Safe to say everything was back into its groove by 1 and a half year.


It's rough, friend. My advice is keep it short and sweet. Walk up, hand on her side, quick kiss on the cheek or forehead, then walk away. That and date nights. It's vital yet so difficult as parents to maintain an identify as an individual and as a couple separate from the kid. That's why you end up with empty nester divorces because you have nothing in common after the kids are gone and don't even know who you are without them.


8 years in, and I touch her every moment I get. Whether it's holding her hand while I drive or squeezing her butt as she walks by, I just can't seem to get enough of her. Sometimes, I truly wish I could grow another pair of hands so I could enjoy more of her simultaneously. I've literally used my feet to "take more of her in" at once.


*girlfriend exists* touch.


Married 12 years, totally normal and absolutely healthy. Love my wife to no end.


Been married for over 13 years and dated 4 years before that. And my answer to your question is every single damn opportunity I get.


We both enjoy touching all the time.


7 years together. Can never get enough of her too haha


We might get old, but touching or snuggling her never does and probably never will.


I’m a physical touch love language kind of guy so when we’re in near each other it would be weird if I go 15 min without touching her. Could just be a random hug or hand on the shoulder or a tickle or poke. Just how I express affection


This thread has 99% of Reddit sobbing.


Three whole years ? Sport I have been married for thirty five years.... we make love each day, every day... Got a calculator to figure that one out? 365 x 35 years is a lot of foreplay, cunnilingus, intercourse and orgasms... Wait.... I forgot leap years...


This is the funniest circumsized Canadian gun nut I’ve ever read.


Ok now this makes me miss having a partner. I love affection. 😔


Since we’re just roommates/co-parents - never.




Totally normal... 19 years together & we can't keep our hands off each other.


Every chance I get. I've explained to her it's her fault she's so hot. Nothing I can do about it. She's trying to read, I'm touching her. She's watching a show, I'm touching her. She is trying to cook, I'm in the kitchen too getting in the way like a pest. 23 years and she still isn't sick of it thank god. My love is like a barnacle.


PSA for husbands and boyfriends: lots of women love this! But there's one caveat for some (not all) women. There's tons of threads about "my wife won't let me touch her anymore" and it's almost universally because groping always led to disrobing. My husband touches me all the time and I love it because the touch is the goal. But I would get touched out fast if every touch was a sexual overture and this is a common complaint from other women.


You just described being a mentally and physically healthy heterosexual adult man who loves his woman 👌




This post is your sign to no longer lack affection!


As much as i can.


girlfriend here and i love that ! it makes me feel loved thank god my fiance anD I are on the same page


16 years later and still in the honeymoon phase. We have three kids, a dog, chinchilla, and a bearded dragon. She thinks she may be pregnant again and is getting a test in a few hours.




My parents have been married for 52 years and my dad is still touchy/grabby with my mom everyday.


My parents have been married for 27 years. I've never seen them kiss, I've seen them hug maybe five times, and I've never heard them say "I love you." They sleep in different rooms every night. Still, they are a healthy couple who care deeply for each other. I have some suspicion they may each be on the aromantic spectrum and wanted the kind of relationship where they could raise a kid with their best friend, without having to engage in romance or change their lifestyles too much. As a physical touch love language person their marriage has never made much sense to me but it works for them. Just goes to show how every couple is so different! It comes down to knowing what you want and finding someone who wants the same thing. For me it's someone who loves cuddling all the time but is okay with no PDA


Been with my wife 17 years, I’m handsy most days, With a make out session every 1-3 days on average.


15 years married and still handsy. You're on the right track XD


Personally, my love language is touch. My wife knows that. My wife enjoys that about me.


My woman can't walk across the house without a pat on the ass, no exceptions


How often? As much as she will let me before she removes my hand and as of now that's happened 0 times


Well... i am in a LDR. So, not as much as i want to. But when im with her..... only once. I just don't leave her side and touch her the whole time


I put her hair up, I’ll wash her hair, help her put on socks after I rub them. Rub her head in bed or watching a movie. Neck and shoulder massage if she looks sore or tired. Going on 23 years now and I do a little of everything every day. It feels selfish because I do it so if something happens to me she might remember me everyday. And because I want to be able to remember everything about her. I dunno. I couldn’t imagine not doing it.


3-4 times a night when she starts to snort


I used to not be able to keep my hands off of my wife. Every time I was near her, every ride in the car, any time I walked by her. But the touch I received became less and less until it dwindled down to zero. So now I don't touch her either.


Touch and quality time is my love language. I love hearing her talk but I’m in bliss when we’re cuddling and I can randomly bite her shoulder or arm, and I always try to kiss her forehead at least once every night and then tell her I love her. Plus the squeeze and occasional tickle because it’s fun watching her laugh and squirm


Pretty regularly, in fact, she'll tell me when I don't. The key is to give affection WITHOUT expecting sex.


at least once per hour?


We've been together for 16 years and I touch my wife all the time. She does it too and it's great.


I actually think this is the secret to long, healthy marriage. Can't change my mind.


Been married for nearly 20 years and been together for 27 I touch her every single day, from the moment I wake up I fondle her ass/boobies/pubic mound.


50 here. Been married for over 20 years and she is hotter today than ever. I can't keep my hands off of her still.


Wow, I really have a relationship need not being met by my boyfriend… this post makes me feel sad.


If my wife is in arms length. I'm touching her.


Constantly, I’m touching her arm right now


I would love it if someone did this to me. It would make me feel desired and cherished


I couldn't function without 4/5 hugs a day, ditto for kisses. Bonus points for holding her hands when we're out or just lazing on the bed/sofa for an hour or 2 talking shite. 30 years in 👍


This thread is honestly some of the most wholesome shit I've ever seen on the internet, you lot are making me really look forward to being a husband and father one day. Have a good day everyone


My boyfriend (of 4 and a half years) touches me every few minutes or so. Like he'd just rub my hand or arm randomly, if not he just cuddles up to me. He even does it in his sleep, lol. For him, I think it's also a comfort thing. It's his way of checking that I'm still there and to fill the silence (in his words). I think it's very cute and sweet of him.


Sounds very normal to me. My BF does that too ALL the time. My favorite is whenever we are out and about, he'll open up his hands signaling me to hold it. Imagine Thor and his hammer, that's us lol


After 17 yrs of marriage.. I would LOVE to touch my woman everyday but the rejection, or fear thereof, makes me refrain. I hope you never get there and enjoy each other the rest of your relationship without what most men go through .


If I don’t grab my fiancés boobs or butt at least 5-20 times a day she thinks somethings off. I set the precedent early in the relationship (going on 10 years).


Married for 18. Totally normal.


every second were together. I can't get enough of her soft skin and those lips


Completely normal. I can’t keep myself off my partner, I just find her so attractive


Yeah I'm touching her constantly I can't help it either I just love feeling her and having her close. Of course if she tells me she's not in the mood I'll stop. But usually even if it just a hand on her arm or leg I'm touching her. When we are close.


12 years married here and I still love physical contact with her. Physical intimacy (not necessarily sex) is something that I find grounds me and helps me reset when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed etc.


All depends on your women tbh. Keep asking every now and then if what you are doing is okay. Consent is important. If all parties are happy, there is no such thing as too much or too little. Different people have different comfort zones. 


Evere single day. We're both 46, and we've been together for 10 years.


My guy is constantly touching me. Whether it's butt squeezes, holding hands, his hand on my thigh while he's driving or we're on the sofa, little kisses and he loves to cuddle before bed.....even I get sweaty and have to push him off 🤣🤣


A lot of men's love language is physical touch. We are starved for it throughout our lives most of the time, so when we get a conduit to actually release it, we want to do it as often as possible.


Touch is a love language. Not every man’s, or every woman’s. But as a fellow handsy man, there’s nothing better than being with a woman who is also physical.


idk if im any help because im in a gay relationship but im pretty touchy with my boyfriend, we hug and hold hands pretty often and he knows it comforts me.


It’s funny you should ask. My (31m) now wife (30f) and I started dating back in 2009 when we were in high school. We’ve been through a lot of different seasons of life and one of the things that’s always stayed the same is the physical touch. When we were younger and I’d want to touch my wife she didn’t understand but was fine with it no less now she jokes around and tells me I have her conditioned to want me to touch her. All that to say we are basically just high schoolers still who are really infatuated with each other!


I really thought I was overdoing it until my wife grabbed my hand and put it on her. She was getting annoyed that I wasn't touching her. She always does this when we sit next to each other. I'm fine with it.


30 years, still grabing her at every chance.


Been with my bf for 4.5 yrs, he still touches me every single day, if not more (minimum 3x). Especially if we are just hanging out, he needs to be holding my thighs, breasts, legs, anything. Tells me its because he cant help himself, not even in a sexual way, he says its because it feels nice/comfort


It's like a very strong magnet. If she's within a certain radius of mine, my body automatically touches her.


Been with my wife 10 years. We still hold hands when we walk around or I am driving. We are still very physically affectionate even if the sex life has slowed a little


I work abroad full time so what little time I do get to spend with my wife, best believe I'm grabbing booty and squeezing boobies.


I usually keep my hands to myself. Touching someone without a clear signal it is welcome makes me feel creepy. 


I’ll be married 38 years on Friday and not a day goes by that we don’t touch each other, a pinch on the butt, a caressing of a breast, a neck massage, back rub, holding hands and so on.


Wifey and I are both "touchy/feely" types. After 47 years together, married almost 46, neither of us are really aware of it. It's just something we do.


Every day and after 9 years together I ain't slowing down 😂


23M and I’ve been with my girl (22F) for 2+ years and every day I’m the same as you bro


all the time. i especially enjoy watching her whole backside jiggles when i smack her ass.


I’m constantly touching my fiancé, we’ve also been together for nearly 3 years and I can never keep my hands off her. But I wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t make her as happy as it makes me. I would feel totally weird if she just “let” me do it, but it didn’t actually make her happy.


Us dudes are often less inclined to *say* 'I love you' and more inclined to *show* 'I love you'. I'm touching my wife any time she's within arms reach. 20 years and counting.


As long as she’s okay with it, I think it’s a good thing! Affection. Maybe touch is your live language and it would make me feel wanted and loved if my partner couldn’t keep their hands off me all the time


Never, because I don’t have a woman. But I’m constantly rubbing my man’s body. He loves it, I love it. Physical intimacy that isn’t sexual is a normal part of a healthy relationship in my opinion.


9 nine years together in a few weeks, holding hands, she always puts her leg over mine at the bar, slap her ass and grab a tittie just for the sake of it. She loves it. I couldn’t keep my hands off her gun to y head. We kiss all day everyday and cuddling all the time. It fuvkin rocks! Has healed years of self doubt and shame. Beso mi amor!


Means ur love lang is physical touch