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Do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life. Let me correct that: Do something you love, and you’ll more than likely never have any money to do other things you like.


"Do something you love, to find out you don't love it 10 years later once you've been doing it 24/7, and no longer for recreational purposes" I know some people can do it and that's great, but in my case, it's been best to keep my passions as passions and not careers.


Agreed. I tried a career in museum work due to my passion in history. I was constantly poor because museum work pays basically minimum wage. Now I work in IT and go see museums in other countries to scratch that itch. Because I actually have money.


It’s certainly dependent on what it is you love. I love making blacktop driveways smooth as glass, that is actually pretty lucrative.


Thank you for this! There are tens of thousands of very hungry artists, tattooists, beauty technicians, middle aged women who open boutiques selling jewelery or homemade candles/soap that have DEFINITELY worked hundreds of days in their lives and have struggled like fuck through most of them😆 Do something you love and then use cliche sayings to lie about how hard it actually is to support yourself doing that thing because that something I love is NOT being a doctor, lawyer or investment banker 🤣


"Everything happens for a reason." Aye, right, what a pile of shite that saying is.


This really us the worst one. There is absolutely no grand scheme to the universe. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. There is no natural justice. This magical thinking allows people to justify pretty much anything. Platitudes when others need help. Taking credit for random good luck and not taking responsibility for their bad decisions.


It’s fucked when someone dies and someone says this.


God I hate that one.


I mean, its truth. The other half they ommit is "and a lot of t8mes that reason was your own stupidity".


It depends how you use this one. Some people might mean its god or the universe doing whatever for a reason. I look at it as becoming stronger in the face of adversity. Like the reason bad shit happens is because then we’d take good shit for granted which is absolutely true.


> Like the reason bad shit happens is because then we’d take good shit for granted which is absolutely true. It's not true. Like if a meteor comes down and kills all humans, it wouldn't be "because" we took good shit for granted. It would have come and kill us even if we hadn't taken good shit for granted.


Lol you completely missed the mark of what I was saying. Basically without darkness there is no light. If we never experienced loss, we’d never embrace the beauty of life and treasure the moments we share with our loved ones. Without getting fired from that one job we would of never went outside our comfort zone searching for a new one. I’m pretty sure no ones gonna go around saying “everything happens for a reason” after a meteor wipes out all of humanity. You’re not even in the same realm of my interpretation of the saying.


Be yourself


I've found that people who say "be yourself" mean don't over-try and be normal, especially if they're talking about a personal interaction or especially flirting/dating. And while not trying too hard is actually a good tip, the being normal part just doesn't connect when your default "normal" is much different than the average person. It's well-intentioned, but pretty far off the mark.


“Just be yourself and girls will want to date you” No, I have decades of experience that says the opposite. Do you think I was acting like Ryan Gosling or something? “Just be nice” Do you think I’ve been going around calling everyone ugly or something? People say I’m one of the sweetest people they know and still nothing. While there is a little bit of truth to these statements, it’s like slapping a bandaid on a wound gushing blood out. Guys can do both of these things, but that doesn’t mean that they are entitled to a girl. Evidently, there’s something else that’s going on, and the sooner we identify it, the sooner we can all get on the same page.


"Treat others like you want to be treated." I stopped doing that a long time ago. Now I treat others exactly how they treat me and I find I have a lot more pleasurable interactions.


Came here to post this too. I was exhausting myself physically and emotionally trying to do for others what they wouldn’t do for me. Even in relationships, I tried so hard to love them how I wanted to be loved and it just led to being burnt out and resentful. Now I simply treat others with respect and kindness (if they offer the same) or push back if they’re treating me like crap; either way I won’t go out of my way for them though. I’m only coexisting with people who match my energy.


Never give freely what will be taken for granted. If the spoiled brat wants something they have to ask nicely.


I keep things short and positive and don't expect anything. If they do more than that, I'll start doing more, but only in baby steps. It took many years, but I realized some people only act nice to manipulate you and some only for validation ("I want to add you to my collection so the world sees me having the perfect life").


Inversely, some people only act poorly because they think you'll let them get away with it.


That's why I keep things short.


My mantra is to match effort. Don't invest in those who don't do the same.


This is dumb advice anyways. People don't necessarily want to be treated the way you want to be treated. Honestly one of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships is that the way they want to be treated is the way their partner wants to be treated. 


Do you see it as a victory to mistreat people who mistreat you?


People don't mistreat me.


I guess i dont understand your earlier comment then. Do you just mimic people?


Mimic is massively different than absorbing your surroundings and acting accordingly.


Maybe i got too caught up on “I treat others exactly how they treat me”


I think that's fair, the op statement itself is built in nuance


You won't always have a calculator with you.


I mean it's still really helpful to be able to do basic math in your head, to at least roughly evaluate things.


Very much this. I know most people love to touch their phone every 3 seconds, but if I’m not home, I don’t look at it, and don’t want to look at it.


"There's a Jack for Every Jill"


Sometimes Jack ends with another Jack and Jill ends up with another Jill.


Some Jills rather just stay home and self pleasure with that pail of water.


"The customer is always right" No.. no they're not


Because people have used it as an excuse for poor behavior. What it initially referenced was customer preference and behavior. If you're constantly selling out of blue widgets but the red ones are still on the shelf, stock more blue and less red. If there are cars waiting for you to open every morning, consider opening an hour earlier. Stuff like that. Not "I'm a shitty person and I demand that your business absorb the time and cost for my mistake and lack of understanding."


Many years ago the sales rep I worked with amended that to “The customer can do whatever they want”.


“Happy wife, happy life.” An entire chicken coop full of poop.


Get married.


"respect your elders" Sorry no, most of you are jaded shitheads


You're not kidding here. I'll always show respect just out of being a decent human being but as soon as its not reciprocated or they behave like they are receiving it because they're entitled to it then it goes out the window.


"just be urself bro" said my 6'3 chad buddy, while im avarage and 5"7 short ( dating advice )


"You just need to get out and do it." The most generic, least useful advice ever given.


“Just wait and the right one will come along” or “You’ll find love when you least expect it” Absolute bullshit. I’m still single and miserable after over a decade of waiting. I’m just gonna accept it’s never gonna happen and end it all at 40.


Spare the rod, spoil the child. I can’t think of a more wrong piece of parenting advice.


"Be Loyal to the company and the company will be loyal to you." Absolutely awful advice.


The idea that fast cars, big houses etc = success and that's the only barometer to if you're successful or not.


Give it time, they will come around.


Any generic piece of dating or social advice. It's all bullshit. They always present things as far simpler than they are. Just doing your best and being yourself will not win you friends and find you love.


***Respect is something you earn.*** What a crock of shit, some people will never respect you and being a professional ass kisser isn't going to change that.


I don't think your point invalidates the sentiment. Of course, it's not right that people don't get the respect they deserve, but the saying is aimed at people who haven't earned it but feel entitled to it anyway.


I find a lot of the people who harp constantly on about respect really mean "Respect me as if I'm an authority, and then I'll give you the basic minimum respect due human beings"


I still believe this is true. But it is earned differently with different people. With some it is kindness, with some it is diligence and with others it is displays of strength or of domination.


If over rated you mean wrong, then it was me being told if you have bareback sex with a girl while bith are standing your seed can't go against gravity and impregnate her. Luckily, after several times and no pregnancy, I found out that was false.


That's not really advice, just misinformation.


Trust your parents. Sorry pops, you make mistakes too, i ain’t blindly trusting anyone ever.