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This is how you get 38 weirdos in your dms saying “if you need an honest opinion on it send a pic”


They love it...


Stealth OnlyFan ad most likely.




How it looks? No. How it smells or tastes? You're damn right I care. Hygiene #1


Yeah ain't nobody got time to be licking a 9v battery...


I have time


I have not seen a vagina I have not liked. I prefer shaved so I can see the labia


I have seen many a vagina and I've only seen 1 that I didn't find asthetically pleasing. Was still very fun to put my D into though. 🤷‍♂️


I could pull up a couple pictures that might change ur mind just fuckin quietly...


Wooooow the heck


No; typically, if it's visible, there are other things on my mind.


Nope. I have slept with 15-20 people and I can't tell you any specifics about any of them. Some had smaller lips, some were bigger. Some had more pronounced clits and some didn't. But if you put them in a lineup and asked me who matched to which one, (outside of skin color) I wouldn't be able to. I understand being self- conscious about something so personal and also sexual. I had huge insecurity around my butt after something someone said about butts LIKE mine, not even mine specifically. But you know what? That insecurity never came up with actual partners. It was a much, much smaller issue on the whole. Don't let one individual's personal opinion mess with your head. You're good.


Nobody likes to be brutally honest when it comes to this question. Yes, if course guys care, to some extent. You could ask a guy about any other physical attribute and whether or not they have a preference or a favorite, and they likely would admit to one- eye color, hair color, height, breast size, etc- why would anyone actually believe that once it comes to what genitals look like, they all of a sudden have absolutely no preference? It's like ice cream; there might be 10 different types of ice cream that you like and would enjoy eating, but you probably do have one that's your favorite.


Don't speak for everyone there bud


Thank you, I really liked this response!


You just wanted someone to support what you already believe in.


What I would say as a follow-up, and in light of your original comment, is that attractiveness is SUCH a wide spectrum in society and I wouldn't get in your head too much about one inconsiderate man making comments about your body- no matter what the physical characteristic in question could be, there's going to be tons of people out there that are into it and some that aren't.


To shorten it, almost every guy will have a preference, but very few guys will care when they get to the point of seeing it.


I can only speak for myself, but I have never seen one I didn't want to obliterate with my face. Not one.


Do you care how penises look?


Hygiene and health is the only thing that matters to me. That goes for my own dick too.


No rotten smell, no sour taste & disease-free is what the majority of men want. Some guys like the clam(in) look, others like the mangled roast beef(out) look...


I would imagine all vaginas taste a little sour. They are really very acidic.


The fluid is, but the amount you're actually consuming is so nominal that it's effectively tasteless.


In my experience, if she is healthy and good hygiene the taste is mild/neutral. If I start gagging or nope I am done. Usually the smell and taste go hand and hand together. Obviously, if you are going down on a woman after you have been both out around town all day and she doesn't fresh up it's natural. But if they get out of the shower and it's a no go, it's an infection or bad hygiene


I guess the acidity is mostly on the inside anyway. The vulva is probably mostly flavorless.


I've yet to meet a fellow man that actually enjoys the mangled roast beef look, but to each their own.


To be honest, I prefer the shaved clam 99 out 100 times. However, I had this gf with a gnarly mangle down there like a triple stack of roast beef curtains. She would go so wild when I would suck on the beef lips that it really got me super excited. I definitely enjoyed her but a guy that likes a thick bush with some beef curtain, God bless him!


Today’s that day, I love the roast beef look


For me personally, unless it is WILDLY outside the norm or pierced, no.


What is WILDLY outside the norm?


Majorly deformed as an example. Honestly, it would have to be pretty crazy. Like a penis, the labia isn't exactly an aesthetically pleasing body part to look at anyway.


If it has massive bat flaps that look flight capable, looks like pimento loaf, or maybe it’s leaking…. Stuff like that.


Lolol bro what the actual fuck, but for real tho.


He's talking about wizard sleeves, Arby's, dumbo ears, beef curtains


yup beef curtains is what we called them back in my day


Yabut I would really really like that so even then


[Pimento loaf](https://alchetron.com/cdn/pimento-loaf-a4c5d141-9b77-47c2-83e8-675e24af8e6-resize-750.jpeg)




Instantly thought of the monster book from Harry Potter.


I’d recommend reading the book “Come as You Are”. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. Nothing to be self-conscious about.


Not at all. Unless there’s a medical emergency


No. If it's wet and there's a hole, we ball.


Female here. Just want to say, don't listen to some little fuck boy. If a guy tells you that, shut the shop and send him packing. The right guy will make you believe it is the most amazing pussy ever(Taste, looks, smells, feels). When you find him, he is a keeper.


I agree with this to an extent. He shouldn't have told OP that her vagina looks weird, but he and every other man are still allowed to have preferences. The truth is that some men *do* care what your vagina looks like, which is the reason we see tiny shaved vulvas without much outer labia in mainstream porn. It's no different than some women preferring larger circumcised penis like the ones you also see in porn. There is a beauty standard for genitals whether we like it or not, and nobody is an asshole for having their own preferences.


I agree. That was just about his comment to her. I understand it isn't always gonna be for every man. Saying something like that to someone is being an asshole, not that he had his opinion.


Awfully defensive there. Gee, I wonder why. Anyway, guess I'm going to have a roast beef sandwich for lunch, with lots of extra roast beef hanging out of it. Not that it's related to the first part of my comment, just small talk.


Hey, here’s a thought. Don’t be a dick. Not related to your comment, just small talk.


> Don’t be a dick. I refuse. Too many people walk on eggshells and it results in people having absurd opinions. If someone comes here to ask for a real opinion, I'm giving a real opinion. They can get smoke blown up their ass somewhere else, it doesn't help them to sugar coat it.


🤣😂🤣 did I offend you? Bet that roastbeef sandwich was amazing. I wasn't being defensive, I was supporting the OP with my opinion.


You all want the fuckboy shaddap...


Maybe. Depends on how good they are.


Nobody wants a badly packed kebab...


Dude are you eating the package or the kebab?


lost in translation


Nuh uh


What the fuck is with these posts lately?


Know this place is probably college age and down and people feel safe posting insecurities on the internet.


They feel safe posting their insecurities for strangers online? So they need for strangers to tell them they should feel okay and not their closest friends?




Damn, great comeback. You just left me speechless. How will I ever recover from that?


You'll still be thinking about it a couple days from now...


You ask questions and this is how you treat people who try to provide an answer… It’s gonna be a tough ride until you learn to chill more. And to answer your two additional questions, yes and yes.


The vast majority of women have been conditioned by media to be very insecure about every minute detail of themselves.


I think they binned the bluehaired neckbeard mods when reddit went public.


All are enjoyable. Taste and smell are what matter. I’ve seen every variety and eat them all. Taste and smell are the only reason I wouldn’t.


Girll as long as ur clean down there no man is not gonna want to dine out of it. Every girls vava is different lmao me n my girlfriends compared ours once all different all just fine never had a man tell one of us it looked weird etc it the guy said so he probably only seen pornpussies. And then again its yours not his. Only one thats gotta love it is you. He doesnt like it ? He can close his eyes or look away. Lmao


The dude that says your vagina looks weird has never seen a vagina before


Unless it has teeths inside of it. You’re fine


Lol, thank you!


That guy who told you it looks weird is a fucking cunt and prolly doesn’t get any pussy whatsoever. Every vagina is fucking amazing.


It had to reeeeaaaaally out of this world.


Definitely don't like piercings personally, but outside of that, no.


The looks of it would be the last of my worries


No, but I do care how it tastes.


Most men are thrilled just to be near one, never mind care what it looks like. Men don't actually see that many (in person) so who knows what is supposed to be good or bad ?


There is no such thing has a (healthy) bad vagina. I've been with zero clitoris, you going to fuck me with that HUGE clitoris, bat wings for labia, puffies, jungle forest, are you sure you have one, and oh my god I fell in and it's **ALL** good. So no.


Nope, I never cared at all about the look. Innies, larger lips, bigger or smaller they are all beautiful! Hygiene is another matter but usually that just requires a delicate conversation.


Honestly no I don’t care however usually the small girls with the big coochie. If you look up Elsa Jean you would know what I mean


Unless there’s something wrong with it, I’ve never really cared. I do have a few preferences though.


Normally it is not that important....but if you see a really pretty one it is of course more of a turn on.


I mean, I haven't seen one up close, but probably not. Unless it's incredibly fucked up. And even then, probably not.


Not rlly aslong as it smells good


Yes, only in the same way girls care about how someone's dick looks. Genitals can be weird for some and beautiful for others, not everyone has a preference. You're is just fine so don't let someone be the judge of that. Learn to love your body for what it is. We are all only human.


If you expect me to put my mouth on it, it matters how it looks.


Yes. But not because we don't like One look and like the other. More like we like them, that's why we care.


I do, the whole innies versus outties look. I much prefer innies, guys preferences skew towards innies but other than that on how it looks doesn't matter (clit size for example, unless it's a bodybuilder clit haha (they become very large after taking testosterone for a while)) Plenty of guys still like outties if that's the case and surgery (labiaplasty) I recommend against. Loss of sensitivity, infection and UTI rates go up


Not really, I’d like it a little tidier/shorter on the hair when I go down but otherwise nope, everyone is different and unique in its own ways so it is what it is :)


No by the time you’re there you don’t care what it looks like as long as it’s clean. I don’t recommend sharing nudes though on principle


I mean I don't care. Some guys might. Though I have been with women that had tiny little puffy ones and one that had meat curtains big enough to wrap up to my ears during oral.


I mean I don't care. Some guys might. Though I have been with women that had tiny little puffy ones and one that had meat curtains big enough to wrap up to my ears during oral.


Eh, it's not too important. Yeah I have preferences, but the smell and taste are more important since it affects whether I can eat them out or not. Otherwise my dick is going inside and I will be focusing on other things then.


I think care is the wrong word, but we notice about as much as you do with dicks. Just because something is slightly different doesn’t necessarily mean that it matters, but there is an ideal look, or rather a look that you’d rather they not have


Everyone has a preference when it comes to everything on a person. For me I prefer innies and camel toes. That’s just like I can get to the nitty gritty of every preference in terms of how it looks bent over and everything. There is a preference to everything but if life has taught me anything it’s that getting everything you prefer will never happen.


Yes. If it looks like you've banged a hundred thousand horses, few will find it appealing. There will still be some, though.


The only time a "weird" vagina ever disuaded me was when i was in the act and she seemed shallow, if you get my meaning. Made sex hurt kinda. besides that, its really not a problem


Another comment says that of course they do, and implies that men who say they don’t aren’t being honest. I think that may be true but misleading. Yeah to be perfectly honest I do think some are prettier than others, but it matters so incredibly little to me. Even if I get in a really superficial, purely appearance-driven mode of thought, what a woman’s vagina looks like has pretty much zero bearing on how attractive I find her.


I'm more interested in how they taste more than they look...


I care more on how they smell 🙂


Up to an extent, yes.. Though I believe every man has his preference..


Is there a female equivalent of "it's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean"? I think it would be disingenuous to say that people don't have preferences, or that having them is immature, or that smaller labia minora are not more of a crowd pleaser. But, I don't think it's that important as long as nothing looks diseased or unclean. There's so much more to being good in bed. If you've ever been with an 8"+ man who didn't know how to use it, and a 6" who did, you'll know exactly what I mean.


I’m being honest here, to a certain extent, yes. As someone here pointed out - there are beauty standards for all body parts, so it wouldn’t make sense if genitals were excluded. Guys also have this insecurity, you probably would have at least once come across a “does size matter” post. Point is, everyone has something they are insecure about. If it helps, most guys wouldn’t really care as long as you are hygienic.


To put it shortly, no your vagina does not look weird




As long as it looks healthy


Yep, sure do. An ugly vagina is just that: ugly. You might stick your dick into it, but you probably don't wanna eat it out or play with it much, and you're missing out on something that's supposed to be beautiful on your partner.


We all have preferences but if a guy tells you that yours looks weird then he’s an insensitive prick and doesn’t deserve to be between your legs.


Somewhat I prefer it shaved smooth, just a little camel toe,not to lippy


Yes I do care fs. The prettier the better obvs.


What makes it pretty?


Great question I have never thought about it. Symmetry, color, how the hair is. All kinds of factors go into it I guess. But my favorite is when the labia majora is pretty fat, small clit, the rest is whatever.


Also I gotta say that if everything else about a girl is right, this detail won’t make or break the situation


The same way you would care how a penis looked.


Sometimes yeah but I feel like vaginas have the potential to very in looks more than a dick does


You say that like most guys don't walk around with some kind of insecurity down there. I think we're just more critical of our own bodies than of others.


I might care if I was living in THAT level of abundance, and seemingly people can be very petty. But, if the rest of the relationship is good, people dont care much about the stuff which you can disregard. My advice, dont be conscious about it, own it!


I think they are all beautiful! All different, just like all flowers are beautiful


It depends on who it’s attached to!!!


Some, not all.


Eh, there's dudes who don't like 'beef curtains' and there's dudes who like them. Innie vs outie. Everyone has a preference. I've never seen an ugly one though.


Small, clean and symmetry. No huge flaps...can't get into it. Massive clits...also not a huge fan...




we all have shit we need to come to terms with...


As long as it doesn’t look like the demogorgon from Stranger Things or a meat grinder accident, then no.


Girl I just had this conversation with my boyfriend the other day and he said that no man actually worth giving a shit about would care 🙂❤️


Nope. Just happy to be there.


Nope. Don’t care.


No, I like them all


Not ***this*** guy.


Can someone rate mine lol




Not particularly


Nope. It's only the hygiene that I really care about.




Unless it has teeth, no.




What if the lips are longer? 🫣


Yes, it also matters how they feel when you’re in it.