• By -


Being a widower, I go out by myself all of the time.


As someone (30M) who has a 100% fail rate with getting women, I do this all the time. I've done it so much that I don't think it's weird anymore. Watching people have fun has become my new happiness as a way of getting rid of the pain of solitude. Plus, this also convinces me that if it can happen to others, then companionship can happen to me too.


It can happen. Sit at the bar even if you do not drink. Be confident and talk to as many women as you want too. You got this my man.


tru dat. at the bar does not mean drinking alcohol (although it can be a trigger)


This is a lot like me. I also travel a lot solo so eating out does not feel weird at all. People watching is fun. I’ve found a lot of positive experiences by sitting at the bar and talking to random people OP, I saw you are an USAF veteran. Greetings form an Army veteran. You also have some cool art work.


What kind of places do you go?


I’d usually go anywhere with a bar and post up there and eat. I don’t drink so some NA beers, if not some Coke or sparkling water and some food. I do it all the time and have met some great people.




Username does not check out.


Ikr, i feel scammed. At least put a skull emoji in there somewhere.


Same here. Wife's been gone over a decade. Before the place we used to frequent closed down I'd go there alone once in a while. Just go to the one closest to home now, alone.


My dear god, I‘m so sorry


This is me as well


Unmarried, do it all the time


I don't mind doing it, but it doesn't always feel like it's worth the effort - it really depends on the type of place.


For me it becomes more about the food. A 7/10 dinner with friends is worth the time and money. A 7/10 dinner by yourself isn’t worth it for me. I can likely cook something reasonably similar for less and it is faster. You don’t have to travel there, wait for a menu, etc.


So as someone who isn’t a great chef, it is partially the food and partially the experience. Being out of the house and getting served by a waiter is something that I enjoy. It’s low effort and I consider it an opportunity to enjoy something when I could’ve easily stayed home and made some bum chicken and rice.


Only time I've eaten out alone was after I got fired from a job soon after my daughter was born.  On the way home I felt like I just needed some time to compose myself and stopped by a fish and chips place and had some greasy spoon food with a nice beer while looking at the ocean and figuring out next steps in my head.  Other than that, I have 100% only ever eaten at home or cooked my own dinners if I am by myself cause it just isn't worth the effort.


That sounds more like a pub than a restaurant (even if it wasn't) and I think it's totally acceptable to pass by the pub for a beer and good food. (I like shepherd's pie but it has to be in season.)


Billy No Mates here. Divorced, friends all have their own lives and partners. Started to enjoy my own company and pretty much go out to eat by myself all the time.




I have been curious about asking men this because my ex bf used to say I was weird about going out to eat by myself. It’s refreshing to see other men’s perspectives. Thanks, OP!


Once in a while I get the urge to go back to the chain I used to work at in my early 20s. It’s nice to rock up to the bar, get a nice pint, and an old favourite meal. Best part about that dinner is that it costs me $30, instead of $120 and a fight.


As an empty nester that always got the bill, it is a little confusing to receive a (small) check for dining out alone, "*There must be some mistake*?"


Never. Like if I want something I order it, I see no reason to go to a restaurant and eat there alone. I don’t like being around people and the ‘experience’ does nothing for me really. Just sitting there staring at my phone waiting for the food to arrive, I can do that at home, being much more comfortable.


Same goes to going to a bar alone, in the best of cases I'll talk a bit with the barman and in the rest I'll be on my phone. A friend of mine doesn't understand why but I'm just not a people person. I much prefer to drink the beer at home alongside a good show or movie.


Some ppl can’t fathom that not everyone can start a conversation with a random person. For them it comes naturally, unconsciously it just ‘happens’. while for us it’s a very conscious process that takes a lot of thought and energy and that holds us back.


My first instinct is to freeze up, and end the conversation as quickly as possible. It takes a lot to get over that


More money, worse experience.


I’m the same. I’ve gone out for food by myself when I’ve been away in another country on a trip but I never do it at home, I just order in instead


I used to travel for business and do it all the time, dining alone is: Great fun, you get to try all sorts of new places without someone asking you to compromise and stay with their preffered places. Great fun because you get to try all sorts of new foods Great fun because it is possible to meet people, if you want, and those random conversations can be fun.


After the shine of business travel wore off this remained the high point. That and airport beers.


from time to time, i go on a solo date, mostly to the cafe and enjoy alone time. Either draw some sketch or work on a laptop. Whenever my gf or friends aren't around or too much work coordinate for lunch/dinner i go on my own and indulge some great food. Self love, Fuck what other think, mostly people have lot on their plate than judging you. ✌🏼


Yup every Wednesday my girl works late. I go out for a ride on the motorcycle and find a random bar to grab some beers and something to eat at. Found some real good places this way. Even a couple dates came from it.


I do the same thing 🏍️


I'm perfectly comfortable doing it. I do it from time to time; however, I tend to stay quite busy so it's not super practical for me to go somewhere and just hang out with myself and some food. I think if I were a "people watcher" I'd probably do it more, but as it stands I genuinely have zero interest in what anyone else in a restaurant is doing. I'm almost certain that my father goes out to eat at restaurants just for the people watching even more so than he does for the food. haha. Not my thing though.


I like it Used to be embarrassed but now I don't care


That’s another level of confidence. Some waiters ask me if I’m sure I want a bottle of wine with my meal.


Yeah once I started travelling for work it went away , if I wanna do something I just do it now, I have a subscription to a "luxury" cinema now , I'm there about twice a month at least and il have a meal etc somtimes when in out I'm not even single, she just doesn't share my love for older movies


I sure do. I don't **need** anyone else to enjoy life to it's fullest by myself, sure - life can be a whole lot more enjoyable with someone by your side, but true joy comes from within.


I agree personally 🌺


Yesterday I went to let lunch by myself and sat in the place. I promise you legit no one cares or is looking at you


Because of anxiety. I don't feel comfortable doing stuff like going to dinner, go out drinking, going to a concert or going to cinema by myself. Only thing I will do by myself is go out shopping at a mall or something and going to the gym Again, because of my own mental health. I don't judge people who do go by themselves


Same. I can sit down for a quick bite at a lunch spot alone, that's normal. But otherwise I'm too self conscious about the fact that i'm alone in public to enjoy being alone in public


I used to be like that with concerts. I wanted to see a band bad enough last year I did it . It was a great experience but I did have to push past a lot of anxiety


I travel for work, which means I have nights in cities with no one around I know. So I go out to dinner by myself some nights. Probably the most striking thing about eating alone is how fast it is. I usually know what I want right away. During the meal I’m not talking to anyone, I’m just eating. Doesn’t really take long to eat a plate of food. It’s like 20-30 minutes tops


Same here. Also the wait staff/bartenders know this too so they usually give you a menu and water, come back 3 minutes later and ask if you want anything else to drink and if you’re ready to order. When you’re with a group I think they usually assume you’re chatting for awhile


If you’re not capable to go out and have meals by yourself, somethings wrong with you. If you’re struggling , just go out and dress with the mindset that you’re a business man on travel to a foreign area.


I like this, fake it til you make it


Or a hungover construction worker who hasn't had an actually hot meal in three days. Just don't actually be a hungover construction worker who hasn't had an actually hot meal in three days.


I enjoy it. If I can later share my discovery with someone else, great.


I have a friend I do this with!


Im a bit of a loner. So i do enjoy doing things alone. Coffee, meals (lunches/dinners), even i used to watch movies on my own. I dont crave attention or affection if im out. I can focus having that meals. From my experience, when you have family, you will sorely miss that alone time. But hey, people are different. Thats just me.


I don't mind eating by myself sometimes, but I have to be doing something to take my mind off it, like a movie or something. But for me, going out to dinner is completely social. I'll only get sad if I go by myself with no one to talk to, surrounded by happy groups of people. It feels like buying myself a present and pretending to be surprised, it's just depressing.


I prefer to go to sushi by myself. Just sit me in the corner booth so I can sit in peace, people watch, and enjoy my meal.


I love doing it, its so relaxing just sittning, eating and not have any preassure of conversation throughout.


I am happy and comfortable doing so when single. People seem to treat you differently when you do. "Why are you feeling sorry for me while eating a succulent meal?"


I don't do it because i just don't see the reason to but if i wanted to eat out alone i don't think I'd feel uncomfortable about it at all


Don't think I'd mind. I just don't feel very interested in it. I do lunch out alone regularly, it's a nice break from the social pressures at work in the lunch room.


Never. Sounds like a massive waste of money. I can put together restaurant quality meals at home for $10 or less.


It would be weird as fuck for a grown adult to be *uncomfortable* with that. This is just another weird American hang up that the rest of us only see on the internet. You guys are scared of *everything*.


Never thought of this as an American thing but I can totally see it. A server at a full service american restaurant will badger the fuck out of you, so if you're at the table alone its really not a relaxing/comfortable experience




I love doing all kinds of things alone. Restaurants, bars, karaoke, movies, theatre…


Company is usually preferred but I go solo a lot, especially when traveling.


I usually order home delivery if I don't want to cook for myself. Especially at dinner, I'm usually at home for dinner if alone and do not want to go out. I've gone out to eat outside alone a few time but only for lunch and when I was going out to do something else in the first place. It's not really about being uncomfortable about it, it's more about it feeling like a waste of my time/money.


What's the point? I cook just as well but way cheaper. It's just nice dressing up with someone special.


I work away alot from the wife and kids. I sit in the restaurants in hotels etc with a book. Never bothered me at all.


Comfortable would imply I want to do it in the first place.


Me it’s not a big deal


I'm a foodie so I'm used to going out to dinner by myself all the time.


Never. If I'm eating alone, I get a takeaway. Don't see the point in paying to sit in a seat if I'm not there with anyone.


Very, I do it all the time


Going alone is the last resort. I have been and still go to movies, dinner etc by myself if no one is willing to join. You don't wanna come, no probs but just because they don't wanna come doesn't mean I am gonna cancel the plan duh


Fast food don't bother me. Eating in the ride or taking it back to the house. No big deal. But to go in and sit down for dinner alone.....make me feel....well alone. I enjoy good convo with dinner. Breakfast and lunch different story as I usually don't have time to conversate.


Lunch, dinner, movies, concerts, comedy shows, musicals…. I love my own company


I'm a decent cook. I never go out for food unless it's a social event with either my wife or one of my friends, and in such cases, the restaurant's character and atmosphere is more important to me than the food. It's about sharing an experience with someone else. Seems pretty pointless if it's just me.


I used to, but I barely even want to get out of the house anymore.


I'm a big boy I do what I want


Never. It‘s only comfortable with at least one person. Eating is kinda like a mini event you want enjoy with someone else


I was single for long periods during my 20s, and I learned how to do a lot of things on my own. Dinner, movies, even going to a dive bar alone. Sometimes it was very lonely, but you do what you need to do.


Not a fan of it. I prefer cooking myself most of the time. If I don't have time/desire to than I just order.


Pretty much every night. I love nothing more than a cross country motorcycle trips of doing this in every large city I ride through.


I love this, I ride as well and it’s my dream to go on a cross country trip by myself 😊


Everyone else I know: I want some BBQ ... I'm gonna go to Famous Dave's. Me: I want some ribs. I'm gonna ride to Memphis. I'll be back in 4 days. Might ride down to New Orleans on the way back for some grilled oysters.


Some of the best food I've had are in those two cities. Mother's in Nola, momma's in Memphis.


Depends if itnis worth the experience and ambience Omakase, steak, sports bar, korean bbq > sure Italian, indian, Mediterranean i can bring home if i’m solo


I am terrified to go out and eat to be able to keep living ! My brother in Christ. How do people do this !


(32m) I’ve done it most my life, it’s awkward at first because while you’re out you mostly see couples or groups but you just pay attention to yourself and what you are doing and go about it. Go to the movies, shopping, restaurants, all of it alone. I also don’t have many friends and I’m not off on the weekends. Plus being single all my life.


I do but I can’t stand being in the centre of room (or at the bar) I tend to favour a table on the sides where I can have my own space, I’m not going to be forced to socialize with anyone and a good view of the TV monitors.


Did it all the time. Zero fucks given.


I enjoy eating with others, and will rarely go out for dinner just by my lonesome. I have on occasion had a meal by myself at a restaurant, but almost always it has been when I've been traveling alone. I have the same relationship with going to the movies by myself. It has happened, but usually I'll be by myself in a big city and feel like seeing a particular movie.


35M, and Australian (if that adds any relevance). I do plenty of things like that by myself and have a good enough time. It'd be awesome if I had a girlfriend to share stuff with, and I enjoy doing stuff with mates (to an extent), but I'm fairly independent and certainly don't need other people's presence to enjoy things. I do only go out to eat food opportunistically though I guess, like after work or if I'm already out and about. I don't proactively book a seat at a diner a week ahead of time to visit on my own.


I’m Australian too and it just seems foreign to see people eating alone


I haven't really cooked at home for almost a year. Other people's insecurities aren't going to prevent me eating good food 😁😁


Wait, I've been going on to restaurant alone thinking it's entirely normal! Is something wrong with me? 🙃


This is what bars are for, eat by yourself and have a drink, maybe random conversation, maybe not. I like it once in a while.


I do and enjoy it. I bring something to read.


All of us are comfortable eating alone.


I solo travel a lot and I almost always eat by myself. I don’t mind it


When working away at a place near restaurants I want to try I absolutely do it and really enjoy going solo


Doesn’t bother me at all


I never even understood why people are weirded out by this. I don't even give eating alone a second thought. If I'm hungry and I'm out I'll get food. Solo or not


I did a motorcycle road trip on my own and ate dinner in restaurants and pubs by myself most nights. I also met some interesting people doing this.


For the last 20ish years or so I've done some work travel (usually 30-60 nights/yr). Most of those nights I've been solo for dinner. Almost every time I've gone out somewhere to sit and eat by myself in a restaurant. Given a choice I'll typically sit at the bar and read while I eat, but I have no issue sitting at a normal table either. I absolutely love it, and I find that most people who find out and want to talk about it say they don't have the confidence to eat alone. The truth is that no one really cares that you are eating alone, it's a construct in people's own heads that it looks weird or that it'll be socially unacceptable to others. The great thing is that, if I'm in a sociable mood sitting at the bar of a nice steak place, I can almost always find someone sitting next to me to chat with, or the bartender. If I am not in the mood, I sit and read on my iPad. Being happily married, I typically only do this will traveling for work. But if I go a few weeks with no travel I kind of miss having a quiet night to sit out in public at a nice restaurant, reading, people watching, and just relaxing. It's honestly a nice decompression time for me.


More comfortable, I actually look forward to it.


I love going out by myself I get all the food as leftovers


Outside of disliking what it does to my wallet going out for food is something I have always been comfortable with whether alone or with others. That said eating isn't really something I get excited about that much so other activities like going for a hike or bike ride were more common for me. I will say the alone part is something I enjoy far more than most other people. My partner biked a lot as well but almost always with other people. For almost any activity she has much more fun when it is with a bunch of friends while I can enjoy solo activities about as much. I'm the weird one who actually really does enjoy socializing but also isn't bothered that much by long periods of time without socializing


Been single for 10 years, I’ve gotten used to it, but I usually hate to eat alone on a weekend…


Just got back from a solo date. I usually go to eat foods that my friends consider weird, but it's my comfort food, so I have no regrets! And when the restaurant is empty, like it was today, it's a bonus. So, it was a good day indeed.


Being enough as you are or self sufficient is like a super power these days. Its such a superpower that you get stares when you are able to do some stuff alone. Please stop asking me where is "the wife" when I'm perfectly fine enjoying myself. I will not stop just because my married with kids acquaintances murdered their social life and their wallets. I also travel alone and make friends along the way. I know most people around me are too uncomfortable to do things they would like to do without an accessory so they'd rather miss out than do them.


I'm still young. When I was in high school I thought it would be weird eating out by myself. However, when I had a job where I had to travel by myself, I ate out by myself almost everyday or just get room service. I can be an extrovert but I'm an introvert. I'm not trying to make conversation unless you're my girl tbh. I'd do OMAD and spend $100 on my meal when I'm off work at the bar area because my work paid for it. So I'd be eating the most expensive meals I can see all the time which was nice in Vegas. People never judged me eating alone. They just look at my food, drink and say I should've ordered that or try to talk to me. I went out to eat with my mom one time and she was talking to me saying this one guy at the other table was eating alone. I had to tell her I do that as well and I don't care what people think anymore. Leave people alone and worry about yourself. Traveling alone for work probably helped a lot with my mindset.


I kind of don't have a choice.


41, M and married. I take every solo meal I can get. Lol


Absolutely, I don't need an accessory to enjoy a nice dinner


Me. Never worried about what anyone else thinks.


I prefer it.


Not worth the price in most places


I legit just went to breakfast by myself this morning, in another country, no less. Was very nice and enjoyable.


All the time, it’s a great way to meet new friends and women. I’ve found you are a lot more approachable when you are alone


I prefer it, I like to just sit there and watch something on my phone without interruptions every 3 minute interval and eat exactly what I want without having to go back and forth with her about where to eat (that’s a generous amount of time too).


When I travel for business I eat out all the time by myself. It’s no big deal.


I have to be lol- the only other option is drive thru every night.


I'd prefer not to, a good food is always better when in company. But I've had to get comfortable with it for multiple reasons - least not being fly in fly out work, so I'm pretty much all the way there already.


Replying to this thread whilst out for dinner by myself


I used to a lot alone all the time, but now going out sucks. The food sucks for what you pay for so I stay home.


I’d be stuck inside the house permanently if I weren’t comfortable doing things by myself.


I am, got used to solitude




I am barely aware that it is even a thing to be aware about. Restraunt has tastey food, I have tastey money, let's trade.


Once in a while is nice, like seeing a movie alone. But usually prefer having company. I think breakfast/lunch are easier alone just because dinner is typically a longer affair.


I'm comfortable doing it but it doesn't seem worth the trouble


(M51) I have no issue with dining alone -- I tend to do it often when traveling for work and I don't think anything of it. I used to go out 1-2x a week for dinner just for pleasure -- I enjoy sitting at the bar and peoplewatching. However with me trying to watch my weight, and restaurant prices skyrocketing, these days I save my "unhealthy eating" for worthwhile occasions or when I can put it on the expense account. Also, I consider food to be a communal experience, so I do for sure enjoy it more with a companion or two. "Here, try this. What do you think of that? Have you ever had rissotto? Here, try some." Same with museums or movies. No problem doing them alone, but a companion enhances it because I'll invariably try something I've not had before.


I can’t understand why anyone would be reluctant or embarrassed to eat alone at a restaurant. I do it weekly. It’s very pleasant and enjoyable.


YESSS, Having alone time and eating peacefully just feels different and lets you harmonize thoughts and uniquely review your entire day.


It’s literally the best thing ever. It’s the only time I get a break from life. Going to get a bite to eat after a work out or something is damn near a religious experience


I haven't done it in a long time in order to save money as everything has quadrupled in price, but I used to do it semi-frequently


When I was single I would do this 2x a week directly after the gym. It was great.


That's a nice self reward


It was easier cause no cleanup, no bullshit. Waitress already knew my order. She brought it and the check at the same time lol so when I was done I just left, showered and relaxed 😎


i don't like going anywhere alone, which is why i just don't leave my house


Once I started traveling for work, I lost the feeling of “something is missing” when I’m alone at dinner. Now, it’s a good people watching and “self” time when I do.


I almost prefer it.


I'm comfy while chompin on some beef quesadilla. She keeps me great company. Well, it lasts only so long.


I go dinner and a movie by myself all the time


Literally every dude


If I hadn’t been asked I wouldn’t have even considered what it might look like to a complete stranger who saw me eating out by myself. I feel sorry that people would feel this insecure.


why wouldn't someone be comfortable going out to dinner by themselves? "Here dining establishment, take my money please."


Post divorce? I am. No problem at all. I love to sit at the bar. I go to Outback a couple of times a month. I usually eat at the bar. Usually there are several single middle aged men eating alone sitting at the bar.


66 M, Mostly Lunch or breakfast, I like a place with a counter & I wind up meeting interesting people.


How many **American** men, I assume? I don't think this is an issue anywhere in Europe. I eat in a restaurant if I feel like it.


Op is Australian lol


I wasn't aware Ozzie males ate indoors?


No, I would have no reason to go on a date with myself.


This guy


I used to do it all the time. I had a job that required a lot of travel, and that was solo. So whenever I wanted to try some new cuisine I'd just go by myself.


I've done this, usually during work travel. I rarely have a chance to go out solo, but I've done it. Movies, dinner, it's all good. No one cares.


>How many men are comfortable going out for dinner by themselves? I'm quite comfortable with it ... dinner, lunch, movie, performance or event, whatever ... I'm not going to not go just 'cause I don't have someone to go with.


Going out for dinner by myself is nice, I do so occasionally. Sometimes it's more fun to have a few friends with me, but I can enjoy a meal by myself just fine.


Me. I'm not sure why it is a thing though... I love enjoying me time alone eating.


I love it. And all the time. Can meet new people easy. Love going out on Fridays people have a good mood as Tgif


I don't like going out in general by myself unless I need something. For food if by myself will be limited to fast food or take home from restaurants.


Anything fancier than 5 Guys and I‘m out


I (m29) do it a lot now. Can't seem to get a date, so I just enjoy dinner by myself :) Still remember the first time I did it and it was at first scarry but I really enjoyed it :) I still have the "are they looking at me?" in my head and I especially notice couples in the same restaurants but it does not bother me enough to not go out for dinner alone on a regular basis :)


I love that too but I hate being out with people around , I wished really if every street I walked wouldn't have a human or a dog


I’m not a fan of food at expensive places. But I do become feeling comfortable going alone what I want to do. I was stupid and dumb when I was younger, missed many cool opportunities because I was scared to go alone.




I used to be. Then I chose to save this for business trips.


Thankfully travelling quite a bit for work got me into the habit of eating alone. Honestly it's just really nice to people watch whilst enjoying your own company.


Sure. Used to work away a lot so had very little choice


I'd be comfortable doing that, I just never find the time.


All of us?




I mean, what else am I gonna do? Go out with my non-existant friends? Jkjk, but still, being utterly friendless, you get used to it real quick.


I've ate most lunches and dinner myself growing up. It's pretty peaceful and if you gotta eat, you gotta eat. It's a part of growing up and being comfortable with yourself. I will admit I did feel a little self conscious about it in the beginning, but once the food comes, it's the best thing. I ponder and think about things I need to do and self reflect on life. Peace and quiet


I am and have done so once or twice before.


Often…I biz travel alone quite a bit and like to try cool restaurants wherever I visit. Most of the time I eat at the bar.


41m I eat out alone lots of times. Very enjoyable.


I mean, it’s not something I actively go out of my way to do but I do go out to eat alone and will dine in if I want the food and to relax. I also go to the movies by myself self sometimes, events etc. It’s not a big deal.


Yep, do it all the time, mostly when I'm away for work, but I'll go out and treat myself from time to time. Quite fun really.


I do it sometimes. I like trying new restaurants and my girlfriend is usually down to go with me but some places she's just not that interested in, and unless my friends schedules line up it can be hard to get together like that. I have no qualms about going and trying some good food and just enjoying an e-book or reddit on my phone. Someone said it's weird for a guy to just sit alone and read at a table but frankly if that bothers you you should mind your own business.


A mans gotta eat. I’m on the road a lot so I don’t really have a choice but it doesn’t bother me at all.


I don’t mind it, same with going out for a drink. There’s some cocktail bars that if I’m around, I’ll stop in for a drink and enjoy the quiet. I used to ride my bike to a brewery in town and have a beer and read and I loved it. Movies though, that’s where it’s at. Holy shit I love seeing movies alone. I can see any movie, at any time, and I can pick any seat I want.


Me. Can go to place i wanted to go, but no one else was on board with it. Can order whatever i want. Can watch episode to my favourite season to listen/watch to podcast without being disturbed Can eat however I want to eat


I'm comfortable with it but don't do it that often bc there are other things I'd rather be doing. But it can be nice sometimes.


Comfortable, somewhat, but I find it kind of boring by myself.


If by “going out for dinner” you mean “staying inside and eating on the couch” then I’m perfectly fine with it


I have gone to a movie by myself as well.


I was a road dog consultant for 8 years so I have zero shame in sitting at a bar ordering by myself. It’s actually kind of relaxing sometimes. +1 if you have a friendly and chatty bar staff


I've done it quite a few times and it's great if you're comfortable with your own company. I've never really been too bothered by what other people think and to be honest most people aren't paying you anywhere near the attention you think they are. No point missing out on life. Go for it.


I go all the time


I love going to get food by myself. Sit at the bar, have some drinks, order dinner, make friends. Pre-COVID, I would travel for work and spend at least 4-5 nights per month on the road. I loved dining by myself.


I haven’t tried dinner yet. But I will. I go to the movies by myself all the time.