• By -


When we were still just dating, my wife stopped a bus for me. I was so zoned out from a bad day at work I didn't hear her calling for me, from her car, at the bus stop. So I boarded and rode for three or so stops. Then I noticed the bus wasn't moving and I heard someone shouting my name from the front. Took me way too long to understand what was happening. I got off the bus, and we walked over to her car that she had parked on a side road. She was like a parent picking their kid up from school after they just got suspended. She was *cute* mad. She told me she could tell I was having a bad day from my texts, so she came to surprise me with a ride home but I had totally missed it so instead she had to race ahead of the bus, park, rush to the bus stop, and startle my ass into understanding. Anyway, we got married and just celebrated 16 years a few months ago.


My wife (then just gf but discussing marriage), booked my time and then took me through like 5 versions of a new household budget and told me “I’d rather you have more time for me and our future kids than make more money and be stressed out and travelling for work.” She then showed me our household budget and 4 new flavours of said budget with adjustments on things like food, entertainment, hired domestic help, car payments, clothing, savings/investments, fictional mortgages based on some research. It allowed me to quit my high stress/high travel job guilt free that it would affect our luxury oriented lifestyle. It also laid out ground work for what kind of marital home we’d buy and what cars we planned to keep/sell/lease/buy. We also ripped the bandaid off on me constantly trying to impress her and entertain her and focused on the stuff that mattered.


Solid! Sometimes, they just give you a sign that if you end up living in a box under a bridge, they will be right there next to you and working things out together.


Huge W


You have a great woman.


I do. I love her to bits


You chose wisely.


To be fair, she chose me and I went along with it. But yes, it was wise to be with her


You chased her and she caught you.


What was your job previously? Sincerely, a young adult who is curious about potential high paying positions


B2B Sales. I was a sales leader for a mid size manufacturer for three years US, Canada and Mexico markets


Wow you married a gold digger who turned out to be more family oriented? How?


That’s a pretty ungenerous take but possibly accurate to some extent. My wife is pretty pragmatic and pretty savvy with getting what she wants. She never liked work and has passions in other areas of life that aren’t related to being a corporate wage slave. I wanted a wife who would eventually concentrate on raising our children (and I wanted more than two) and not have to be distracted by work. I also didn’t want to have to compromise my schedule, where I live, when I can take time off, what we do on my time off if I had a wife who was career focused. I am been there done that and one of the most annoying thing about being with a woman who loves her career is that you eventually get into conflict on schedules and priorities. I’ve been there done that and my life is much simpler now.


Fell in love with me, gave her heart to me, married me and been my partner for the last 41 years.


Careful she might not be interested. It's best to just hedge your bets still. [For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=dO-60va6Bfnfvf-s)


are you sure she isn't just Canadian?


Well she is always cold.


Is she....alive? *cue the this guy's dead wife followup*


Some days I wonder. We literally have three jackets in the back seat of the car. Light, medium, and heavy depending on how cold she expects the place where we are going might be.


Kudos to her for thinking ahead. As a Canadian I get it. Cheers to you and your lovely bond with your wife.


Thank God!!! 23 years for me.


Show me affection without me asking. It made me feel wanted and desired, which was a completely new feeling for me.


It's a real heartwarmer. Especially if you're not used to getting that for a lifetime like the rest of us. First time I really can remember feeling safe in life




Wow, that sounds amazing lol. congrats, hope it keeps going for you


There's a lot of things I could say here, but the absolute nicest thing a woman has ever done for me is help me realize I have PTSD, support me through the panic attacks and all of my related fears and anxieties that would even be directed at her sometimes, push me to and support me through getting therapy for it, and not judge me for crying or being emotional or anything throughout it all. That woman is my best friend :D She's helped me through a ton of other things, and I have for her as well. She's truly irreplaceable.


My mum gave birth to me and raised me. So that.


no other things can top that! I just love my mom so much.


This is so sweet 🥺 as a mom myself


You haven’t seen r/antinatalism yet


I got into a fight with a couple of older kids when I was 11 or 12. They worked me over pretty good. When I got home, my grandma made me Mac and Cheese. It was great, because I couldn’t chew.


Never too late to settle an old score in my book


They’re dead, it’s too late, besides I’ve got way more important shit than to bring up bad blood from 25 years ago


Oh sounds like you already settled it


In my country, there is conscription. During basic military training, i would put my soiled uniforms into plastic bags and bring it home for the weekends to wash since recruits have no access to washing machines. For some of u who havent experienced that, u sweat a lot such that u will have this distinct stench. So u can imagine the smell when your soiled uniforms have been fermenting for around 3 days My mom never once complained when she washed my uniforms for me


based on you referring to it as basic military training plus the fact that you could go home on the weekends, i'm going to guess you are from singapore


Yup. Where are u from?


singapore lol


Alamak. Was hoping ure from somewhere else so i can ask how u guessed it


i ruled out you being from south korea because they rarely get to book out and certainly not during bmt. taiwan was maybe the other option.


Israel has conscription too. Finland too. Pro sc2 player serral was able to train sc2 when he was conscripted


afaik israel's regimentation is pretty high, though admittedly i don't know the details


There are lots of little things she does, But one thing that sticks out was when we buried my dad, she didn't try to make me talk or tell her my feelings, she just hugged me while I sobbed which was exactly what I needed at the time. This is my wife, BTW.


I dont know about the absolute nicest, but my wife makes me jello any time I'm home sick. That always hits me.right in the feels.


One girl took me on a nice picnic at the beach way back, it was lovely. I wrote her a poem while I was at work afterward but I think I chickened out on giving it to her. Last I saw she's happily engaged to a swell dude, life rolls on


Aw man dude that's so sweet Love when you meet someone who wants to just do fun nature stuff with you like a picnic, don't have many male homies that would think to suggest something like that if it wasn't just hiking


My previous partner committed suicide. Her family blamed me and cut me out of the proceedings. They refused to tell me where she was buried and claimed they could and would have me trespassed if I found it somehow. They didn't actually have the power to do that but that's beside the point. When I started dating again, I opened up to my current partner about this. She found where my previous partner had been buried. Thanks to my girlfriend, I was able to visit the grave of my departed lover instead of the site of her suicide for the first time in years.


Gonna go with a purely platonic one for this one. She found out it was my birthday during a trip with friends. At the time, I never really liked to celebrate my birthday as I hated it, and didn't tell them as I didn't want to make it about me. Nonetheless, she got the other friends involved and threw me a surprise birthday.


Non-romantic partner: The kindest thing a woman has ever done for me was to gift me $300 when I was in my early 20s and in college. She was a coworker that was 35-40 years my senior and we got along well in the office I worked at part-time. I had gone on a weekend trip and then had bad experience after bad experience that turned into a week long trip and blew through nearly all of my savings while waiting for the car to get fixed so we could head home. Once in the office I was talking with a peer about all that happened and how broke I was and not sure how I was going to cover expenses. A few days later, she came up to me and handed me a check. She told me she overheard and she wanted to help me, no need to repay her, it was a gift to help cover some expenses so I wouldn't have had to drop out of college school.


She took care of me when I was sick. She scratched my head and touched my neck and let me sleep with my sniffling head on her stomach. She brought me water and hydration packets and helped me change my sheets and wash my blankets after I sweat through them.


Lets me buy unlimited tools which I then don’t seem to use that often.


Scratch my back when I'm falling asleep. Thanks honey, I love you.


Random lady on the bus stop noticed like a hundred bucks fall out my pocket and called me back to the seat. It was high school and that was money i saved for my TI 83 calculator. Old coworker liked how i worked and introduced me to her husband. That changed my life. Interviewed for the government. My blue khakis were faded and the shirt was wrinkled due to the 2hr bus ride, they still hired me. I’ll assume i did great instead of them needing people with a pulse 😂. Dated and broke up with a woman repeatedly. No matter what crazy she did (I’m lucky I didn’t catch an std from her) i always took her back. Just the good old kryptonite man. What she did, she told me she got married and how we should be friends, then respected my wish to never speak again, because I would have went right back like a dumbass. That’s all i can think of.


She gave me 3 kids and has loyally stood by me for 21 years.


I just finished a solid eight months of 70+ hour weeks and genuinely, the most choked up I’ve gotten was my wife going out of her way to get me the basic crap i use in the morning before work. Nobody really understands how hard you actually work when you own a business and this little stress relief literally made me well up.


I told her it was my birthday and she went and told a DJ to play happy birthday without me asking.


that's something that seems small, but is quite big. kudos to you


Gave birth to me and cared for me for 18 years. It wasn't all sunshine and roses, but it still counts and I think about it a lot.


My ex from when we were in college broke it off, she never wanted marriage or kids but i was the closest. We were engaged and went our seperate ways, no social media relationship or anything. After dating a clearcut narcisist last year, and us breaking up 4 days after my father and best friend died i was in a rough place. for a couple of months. I had not seen her for 12 years, she walked up behind me during my companies Christmas party at a restaurant and immediately we hit it off again. We reconnected, talked a lot, she was always a best friend as much as a partner. She found out I was spending my birthday alone, asked me what I wanted and after about 3 times of saying nothing finally just said "for a woman to have as much sex as possible with me and feed me." , So after her "well why didnt you say so so, she drove an hour and a half to visit me, brought food to make dinner and we laid in bed all day having sex and just talking about life in between. It was just like college haha. Unfortunately we both agreed it wasnt going to last. She still doesnt want marriage, doesnt want kids, and wants to live her life running her own charter fishing company as the captain every day. Shes the best woman and friend ive ever dated in my life, and unfortunately she will always be a great white buffalo. She really helped me get re-centered and reconnected to who I was in the past as well as who I am now. I needed a friend more than anything at that point in my life who just understood me, and she always did, we never argued, she knew me for me, and we accepted each other. Probably wont ever be another woman like her which is A okay. But man, that was a fuckin gift when i needed it most.


Love to hear these stories, man. I had a girl who did something similar for me back in 2022 right after a really bad breakup. I remember thinking before I went to go see her, "I'm at an all time low, do I really want to be around someone right now?" So glad I didn't listen to that voice and actually spent time with her, really credit that moment with being a bounce back time in my lfie


I know the feeling big time there. Im glad she snuck up on me because had she reached out throught text or social media i would have been kind but probably not as engaged. I was disconnected. But for some reason when my dad died i shaved my face to match his goatee, i hadnt had my facial hair like that since college. Next thing I know boom, shes right there behind me walking up and saying "Id see that stupid goatee and know it was you from a mile away." Just hearing her voice made me smile immediately because some memories are just ingrained, and she hadnt changed a bit minus life and all that important stuff i guess haha.


that's a great story, really. kudos to you for knowing someone like that. i would suggest to be a true friend if possible, and repay the favor (assuming she's not married etc)


My ex did a lot for me. Took care of me financially, took me on trips around the world, helped me buy my car, helped me go back to school and change careers, taught me how to be more accountable and empathetic. I will always be truly grateful for everything she did for me.


She sounds like a gem, man. What made you guys go separate ways if you don't mind me asking?


She was a covert narcissist and I am ADHD Inattentive and I think we mainly stayed together because we were codependant, after 10 years she had an affair and asked for a divorce to move in with the other guy. My last sentence in my previous post is just a part of my feelings on our relationship. I will always be truly grateful for everything she did for me but I will never forgive what she did to me.


Can you expand on the covert narc vs ADHD inattentive thing? What happened?


This is going to be long and rambling, but I'll do my best. A covert narcissist is someone that instead of being the grandious and bombastic version that most people would equate to narcissism, is more introverted and keeps more to themselves and likes to manipulate via more subtle methods like passive agressivness, guilt and playing the victim. They simultaneously think they are both the greatest and worst thing on the planet. She needed to have constant entertainment and adoration because otherwise those dark negative thoughts of inadequacy that constantly haunted her mind would have to be dealt with. She had to have control over every situation and if she didn't, it unnerved her to an astounding degree. Quick example: We were on our way home from Paris when someone committed suicide by jumping in front of the train we were on. We had to disembark at a different station and find a new mode of transportation ourselves. She got increasingly anxious and upset and taking it out on me, not because someone had just ended their life but because her plans for getting home could potentially have to be changed. We'd have to get a different flight or perhaps stay an extra night. We'd have to contact the lady that was checking in on our cats that we'd need an extra day or so. Our work schedules would need a few more days of leave taken because of this horrific incident. These are all admittedly annoying but easily done tasks. To me, nothing compared to the idea of an existence being snuffed out or feeling dread for the crew that was going to have to deal with the clean up on the rails and train. Not to mention what would the family and friends feel when they were informed of what happened to that person? No, none of that. It was the fact that her plans could be affected that was causing her to unravel. She snapped at me as I downloaded uber and got a driver to take us to the airport. The entire ride she was in a foul mood while I was dwelling on the meaning of human existence. You see, a person like me who has ADHD of the inattentive type easily loses track of a situation when a thought becomes hyperfocused in our brains. Or, heaven forbid, we get bored. The fact that I was spacy, forgetful and, unfortunately, had quick changes in mood due to my ADHD symptoms causing frustration because I was irritated by being distracted from whatever my current focus was or the guilt when I realized that I have not done a task that I had promised to do or was responsible for. So there we were. Yin and Yang. One totally focused on control, details, expectations. The other immature, irresponsible, and didn't care about routines, preferring to go with the flow. I assume she felt resentment because she felt that she was responsible for everything and that if she wasn't at the helm, everything in the world would fall apart. But if you tried to step in and take charge of something and it wasn't done exactly the way she wanted, she would get angry, take control and tell you to go away. I will be the first one to admit that I took everything she did for me for granted but also I took an amazing amount of emotional abuse from criticism, devaluation and guilt for not being the man we both felt she deserved. In the entire length of our relationship, I can only think of three compliments I received from her. I had nice teeth, I was good at packing up left overs at a restaurant and she liked my writing. There were numerous times where I reached my limit and got to the brink of ending the relationship, to eventually decide that I would never meet someone as amazing as her and I owed her so much for every positive change in my life. And I knew I was frustrating. I hopped from hobby to hobby and job to job because the old one either was too simple and bored me or the challenge and responsibility would overwhelm me with anxiety. Not exactly the kind of man most women would want for a husband. We had been a couple for about a decade and had been friends for twenty five years in total. Two codependant people that stood together because it seemed no one else was either worthy of us or would put up with our own individual idiosyncracies. Until something changed. I don't know exactly what happened because in the end, she never talked to me about it. She once said it wasn't worth it because nothing would change in our relationship anyways and I gave wide berth to any topic that could set her off in a dark mood. But since she was an introvert, it was near impossible for her to meet a new man to take my place. Until she met someone acceptable to her while playing an MMORPG. Once she had a new supply, any lingering affection she might have had for me was overwhelmed by derision at how much worse I was as a partner compared to this new man. Truly buying into a grass is greener mentality, the only solution that could fix her miserable life must have seemed to divorce me, sell our home and immediately begin moving her entire life to a new state that she had never visited and which had no friends (that I knew of) or family. Our relationship was unhealthy and I sometimes I wonder if it could have been saved if we had really focused on communication and empathy for each other's situation. But that's a lot to ask of two people who have been damaged by our respective mental conditions.


Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time out to post this. Some good things to reflect on, and I hope you have found, or will find a genuinely kind woman/girl that will make your life better. Appreciate it again.


After being used by women for multiple reasons (not for money) she showed me that there are good women in the world who do not want to use me and actually want me for me and want to share a healthy relationship. Nothing ever happened between us because I was moving to a different state the next week. I think about her often.


Noticed that I actually exist. It was great.


She got me a journal for my birthday. My birthday almost always landed on the first day of school, so since everyone had things going on my birthday would always go by the way side. Even with my family, my siblings would have big birthdays up at my grandparents while i would have a small thing at home with just the immediate family. When i was 15, i was at work on my birthday when my friend came in with a birthday present. She didnt know what to get me so she just got me a journal, and wrote a couple notes in it. She was convinced i would be dissapointed because it was such a "lame present", but this was the first time in my life someone outside of my parents / siblings got me something for my birthday, or even knew it was my birthday without me mentioning it. To this day i still have it, and reading the notes she wrote in it just warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye. Its the oldest thing i own, and the only thing with any sentimental value to me. Its become even more special to me too, every serious relationship ive had since then, the girl i was seeing wrote a note or more in there without me knowing. When im feeling lonely ill just flip through the pages and find notes that were left for me that i didn't even know existed.


Made a family with me. Story to be continued...


A woman told me i had a nice hat. I think i was 6 back then. Greatest compliment i have ever gotten (only compliment i have ever gotten actually. That woman was my mother)


My Sister is probably one if the most caring and empathetic human beings I know. She’s seen me in some pretty nasty spots mentally, and is one of the few people i’ve cried in front of. There’s not really any one thing I can think of that she’s done for me, she’s just an all around awesome person and I’m grateful we get along. It seems to be a rare thing for siblings to become good friends, so I’m happy we are, and I’d trust that girl with my life if it came down to it.


Left me alone, and pretend like I’m not there.


Gave me her hand in marriage


give birth to me


A girl I was going out with in senior year of college gifted me a hand made cardboard miniature guitar (I play guitar) with strings and the whole nine yards as a going away present, safe to say I’ll never forget that till I die


She complimented me that I have a nice smile


Last weekend my gf surprised me with a weekend at the seaside. Loved it


She stayed by my side right after my dad died. She put up with my crying, sadness, and having to travel. I think in the long term it soured the relationship. But in the moment she was super kind and helpful.


Let me break completely apart in their arms in a way that made me feel completely safe and not judged. My now wife and I had meet a bit after my then wife and I had split up. The divorce was moving to completion, but I was an absolute mess. I tried to hold it together (Pretend I am fine and get back out there) and some event just made me break down in front of her. This woman let me fall apart about my emotions I was dealing with around my failed marriage while we were trying to form a relationship. That was 14 years ago, we have been married for 10 years.


That’s……incredibly god damn lucky.


We're talking about outside of literally giving birth to us, right? Because that was very nice.


Waking up in the morning and she is completely wrapped around me… still asleep. Closest moment of my life and therefore the most special.


Probably my sister listening to me when I need to talk/ramble. Also my ex did plenty of nice things for me when we were together. 


I had a great friend at work , when she left for her maternity, I legit cried because I loved the bond we had , so she asked what's wrong , she just reassured me , well see one another soon ,and just comforted me , and later just said it's okay to feel vulnerable when I sent her a text , to make sure she got home safely , she is honestly a sweet bean 🫘


She listened to what I had to say, and always helped me feel included


Bought me the entire season of dragons ball z….. married her on the spot


Little surprises - notes, visits, texts to let me know she’s thinking of me


It's so special for someone to show they think of you proactively like that Makes you feel like you matter to someone in a world where most of us feel like we're all on our own


Married me. Maintained a wonderful home while excelling at her profession. Had 2 children with me and raised them wonderfully. Discussed every major issue that we were faced with in an open and constructive manner. Supported me in every decision that was ultimately mine. Helped me form and grow a successful business. Accompanied me to every occasion that I asked her. Partnered with me through thick and thin. Maintained her physical state without letting herself go in the comfort of marriage. She (mostly) laughs at my jokes and always has a positive outlook. She and I share similar values. …I’d be lost without her.


You're a winner my man! Take care of her.


I was supposed to go to jail for a month. They didn’t take me as they didn’t have the paperwork. They told me to come back the following week. I had made preparations to be in jail and had told work, my family and friends, etc. I was at a low point. I was friends with my now wife at that point. I called her from a pay phone about a mile from the prison where I had walked. She came and got me. I stayed at her place and went back the next week. Same thing but she waited and we went back to her place again. Same thing happened for 2 more weeks. After that I just quit going. By the end of it we were not just friends anymore. We were dating and never looked back. That was 28 years ago. They never came to get me and I never went to jail.


Got me something to drink.


Small gesture, but impactful. I went to HS with this girl who I kinda had a thing for, and I think she felt the same for me. We had our share of deep convo’s about life, we also knew a little bit of each other’s shaky childhoods. I remember her texting me one night while I had some shit going on *(family members dying/nearing death)*. I didn’t even drop a bread crumb of info and she read me like a book, asked me ‘what’s wrong?’ and the ball rolled from there. She was very sweet and understanding, reassuring that I’ll stay afloat. We had a few real ass chats after that, but I never thanked her properly for that, never told her how much that second voice offered clarity and kindness. She’s a dope soul, I miss her. Definitely gotta say what’s up one of these days, make sure things are going her way


Probably saved me from Fall from a bus by grabbing my shirt. I mean I'm still alive. What's more nice than that?


Date marry and have sex with me regularly.


I'm not the best at making new friends. Having said that, I study 4 hours from where I live, so it gets really rough when I have to attend exams early in the morning. From day 1 there was one girl who was really nice to me and after not even 3 weeks of seeing each other like once a week, she let me crash at hers. I know how much trust that has to encompass.


She agreed to get divorced.


She carried me home when I was drunk. She told me that my last words were "Thank you, mom" when she closed the door.


Said hello 🥹🥹🥹


Once when I was having a bad day I was with my girlfriend after work, just trying to relax and forget about it. As we were getting comfortable and relaxed I get a series of work related phone calls that just ruined my good time and once I got off my final call I just sat there had absolutely nothing to say other then a quiet frustrated “why?” As I looked over at her she just looked me in the eyes and asked me “are you depressed?” I was caught completely off guard by the question and just without any hesitation responded with “yes” and i realized that in my 30 years nobody as ever once asked me that despite the fact that I always subconsciously knew that was the case, but just having somebody to tell that to was something I never knew I needed. Her and I are no longer together and unfortunately we aren’t on great terms, but despite everything that one moment means so much to me because for the first time in my life, I felt like someone actually cared about how I really feel.


She took care of me when i was sick, got up in the middle of the night to ask her grandmother for a recipe that could help. It did, i wont forget that. She took off work to watch me for the week after i got my wisdom teeth pulled.;


Saved my life, literally saved my life.


My wife, marry me.


My friend bought me super Mario oddessey 🤷‍♂️


Back around 2015, at my old job, I worked with a woman I went to school with. We never talked to each other in school and only ever started talking because of work. She’s drop dead gorgeous and I’m a 6/10 on a good day. Caught me by surprise when I figured out she was interested in me. One day she brought in some peanut butter fudge and gave me a piece. I told her I love peanut butter fudge and it was delicious. The next week she brought in a whole 11”x9” pan of fudge, that she made, just for me. I was serious about her for a little while until I learned she was cheating on her gf. She’s now married to a guy who is 15+ years older than her and has a kid to him.


Anal but she put a bright red bow on her butt


Left me alone.


I couldn't actually think of any other than the obvious. My mother, can't think of a nicer thing a woman has ever done for me


Aaah that girl, I will forever be spitefully grateful for her. She lied, betrayed and abandoned me. Beforehand, I wanted to love her until the end of my life. She didn't let me. And I am thankful for that. --- Besides that? My best friend and his girlfriend got me a box of my favourite tea and gave me a good talk when I was absolutely on the floor. This was years ago, my ex was nowhere to be found during those dark times. Just last weekend we went to my friend's concert. While he was reharsing we went out to the park and grabbed some coffee, chatted away the time. That weekend told me she likes having me around, and that it is never awkward with me, as I basically feel like family to her. She's a wonderful soul and I hope they remain happily together forever. I truly love her like a sibling now. I'd fight for them. --- If family counts, then its my little sister. It is the purest love I have ever felt. She's always ready to call out problems with me, and always pays a compliment if I'm doing something right. I love my sister and as long as I live she won't be lacking anything in her life.


Married me


When i was meeting my partner i lost my job and my economic situation was pretty bad and only going worse. One day in the car talking about stuff i just broke down and started crying telling her my situation and that i was not sure to continue because i didn't want to drag her to my shit. She just sat there, listened to me, and when i finished she told me that she didn't care, that it's ok and things gonna get better and hugged me. She also got me a job through a friend some months after.


A gf of mine took me to an outdoor concert as a birthday gift. It was a band that anyone who "knows me" would know I like.  It was without doubt the most personal gift any partner has ever given me.  It was not very long after a previous relationship had finally ended, and it struck me that the previous partner would never have thought of it, much less actually done something like that for ME. It set a new (to me) standard that a gf has to reach - get to know me that well, and show me that you care about me as a person. That's kinda depressing to type out now I think about it.


Back when I was in my twenties, I had a shitty job, no education, no skills, no savings, no car, and lived with my parents. I met this girl. She was the opposite of what I described. I brought her to meet my parents, my own mom says she was too good for me. We dated and co-signed my car. We have been married for 20+ years. She saw something in me that I didn't even see.


I will let you know what it happens.


Birthed and help raise my legacy and gave me wonderful memories and experiences along the way. Plus helped me reach my long/short term goals twice as fast and fun.


Love to hear that man. Always happy to see and hear about long-term relationships that actually work out


I was helping my parents move across country from a big suburban house to a smaller rural house. No one listened to me and they brought everything. When the three large shipping trucks showed up, I was sick and had only a few hours to offload all the trucks. My girlfriend, who has a 100 miles away, knew I was stressed. She made me a custom playlist of music to help me manage my stress, sent encouraging messages, and even called to check in on my health. It’s not a lot, but I didn’t have to ask for it. She did it for me because she cared. I am not used to that. My own family didn’t care that I was stressed or sick. (To be fair, they were doing a cross country move and needed me to do my part. So I don’t blame them.) That playlist and those messages meant so much to me.


That's awesome she was there for you like that. It's a reminder good people exist, regardless of gender.


Hard agree. I feel like if you live your life in the TikTok / influencer bubble, you could become legitimately convinced that good people don't exist and everyone is just out to get you or use you There are definitely still many lights in an often dark world.


I can't think of a single thing.


My all night sex overnighters have been really great. All that passion, living and restoring my faith in women. And they leave with no strings attached. Doesn't get any better than this.


I offered her 50 to help with food she only took 40


First date anal.