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[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. Kshitij_Vijay originally posted: Recently I started talking to a girl. And I just became close friends with her. I occasionally gave her hints and she also responded well giving me hints. This was during the holidays. But later in college I expected her to come and talk to me, but she didn't. So I did not talk to her for about 2 weeks. Later I had to text her due to a mass bunk that was planned in our class. She became excited and texted with full enthusiasm, and I felt like she had missed me. Even I texted her back because I also like her and had missed her. Like wise, a few weeks later she called me to participate in a college club painting activity. I went and participated alongside her. It was our first date and we took photos. She herself came rly close to me while taking selfies. That day the entire class got to know that we were dating each other. The next day some girls started to pair her up with me, and I feel she felt a bit sad. For the next 3 days she was angry on me, and did not talk much. Many boys came and told me that she is actually in a relationship with some other guy. They told that because anyone can always see her talking on the phone. Even I see her talking on the phone everyday after and before class. Before I started to text her, even I thought she was committed with some guy. But some of my other female friends outside college told me that It could be a girl. So on that basis I first became close to her, and then proceded to flirt with her only after she started giving me hints. Even if anyone observes her for a day in college, you would naturally feel that she has a boyfriend because of how much she talks on the phone. But I've never seen her with any guy in college. A few weeks later we had Ethnic day in college, and I took her on a long 6hr date. All my friends were fully shocked. That time I observed her and I felt like she did not have a boyfriend. And she kept on comming close to me during that date. As far as I've known her, She's a really introvertic person, Doesn't talk much with anyone, and has very few friends. She is kind and caring. And spending that day with her I felt like there was no way she was double dating. Even on that date I asked her if she's single and she told yes. Then I asked her why she is always so busy in her phone, and whom she is talking with all the time. She told that she doesn't talk to anyone on the phone \[lie\]. Again there's one more guy who is my classmate and I suspect that he is jealous of me being with her. I'm sure that he doesn't have any interest in her, but he constantly came and kept on telling me that she has a boyfriend. And sometimes he even gave me fake news that he saw her with some other guy. Anyways, now even my suspicion has grown a lot. I just want to know for real if she's commited and with whom she speaks on the phone so much. Even after the date, she did not approach me so much. Most of the time It's me approaching her, but she does respond to me well. She also approaches me, but shouldn't that count increase after we have dated a few times. I'm sure she's interested in me, but is she actually double dating ?? As I've seen her she doesn't seem to be that kind of a person who betrays someone. Is she acting... How do I get to know that she is not dating some other guy and is truly intrested in me ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does she know that it was a "date" and that it's not just you assuming it was? If yes, just talk to her dude! How difficult can it be? And if she becomes defensive about it all, just move on - is all that drama really worth it?