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Sildenafil, works great… there was a slight stigma with my wife at first, but once she experienced first hand how much it helped, she has never complained or shown any negative feeling about it again. Literally just get harder stay harder, and last longer, and more confident, no performance anxiety at all. The only downside was a small hangover-like headache in the morning sometimes and slightly swollen nasal passages at times.


This has been my experience as well. Can control the pace better, allowing me to go longer or play/tease a bit more. Overall a better experience. Don't use it every time, but it's nice some of the times, especially if I'm a bit more tired, or more stressed, as those things get into the head and can sometimes cause performance issues. This takes that away. Headaches are a bit annoying, but I deal with them on a regular basis from bruxism anyways, so usually medicating for that.


Exactly, it works wonders for first encounters, then once you have enough confidence with the new partner you can leave it.


It can also increase the risk of stroke, which is where those headaches are coming from. Be very, very careful about casual long-term use


Stroke is not a huge risk at the typical daily dosages of 2.5mg-5mg. Risk is more so for occasional use at high doses, for people with pre-existing cardiovascular issues. However yes, I agree it’s good to be aware that the risk exists.


I think you’re mixing up tadalfil (Cialis) vs sildenafil (Viagra) that the OP is referring to. Sildenafil is only used as needed, prior to sex, whereas tadalafil is the one that has smaller daily doses.


You’re right, I thought the comment I replied to was talking about cialis.


Is cialis safer? Not planning on giving up wife sexy time pills anytime soon


Daily Cialis can give you tenitis and cause permanent hearing loss. I had to stop taking it once I started noticing the ringing in my ears.


Good to know - thanks for sharing 👍


How about blood pressure? Does it increase?


Many men are prescribed Tiladafil daily to help with blood pressure. At least in my circle they are.


Are you US or Europe based? I have heard that taking things which pumps blood to your d increases BP and headaches are like normal after taking it, which indicates bigger BP obv, which may lead to unpleasnt things and generally people with BP issues are being told to not take such pills or at least have a consultation with cardiologist Europe based here


US here. No idea about any of that, I just know that I have several friends that take it daily for BP reasons. They’re all in their 40’s. Wish I could offer more than that but I simply don’t know much about it.


Understood, thanks


Talk to your doctor and don’t be afraid of it. I like to keep them as a backup just in case things don’t work out. My issue is mostly mental, I get in my own head and make intimacy a bigger deal than it should be, if that happens the pill helps me get back to where I need to be. Honestly, life is tough and everyone needs help sometimes, these sorts of medications do that.


Do it, you will play like Jordan, every man must feel it some day.


I've taken Cialis every day for a year straight purely for lifting purposes and it does definitely help in that respect as well. No reason not to unless you don't want to pay for it or can't be bothered to take it. However if you're having issues it's best to diagnose the root cause rather than treating the symptoms because if there's something that's causing ED but is also causing a lot more issues, the other issues will still be there. Like if you have low testosterone, fixing that can improve your quality of life all around, not just fixing ED.


Wait for lifting purposes? What’s the use there? Never heard of that.


It's for doing hands free pushups


One is all you need


Cock push-ups?


ask tenacious d about it.


This comment gave me a weird feeling that I feel rarely but still believe deserves a name. It's that feeling where the early formulations of a joke are beginning in your mind, but before you can vocalise the joke you read it from someone else almost word for word. In any case, well met stranger. I laughed.


The reason Cialis helps with ED is primarily from increasing blood flow. Increased blood flow is good for you overall, both in reducing blood pressure very well, and also in increasing the level of the pumps at the gym, as well as speeding up recovery times from the nutrients being shuttled around the body faster.


I thought it was more of a targeted increase in blood flow. Not trying to make a joke but I remember reading somewhere it was more targeted. I need to get back to lifting anyways. Maybe this can be the inspiration.


That is true. It works by controlling the enzyme that allows for increased blood flow to the penis, but overall it works for blood flow and blood pressure the same way. It inhibits or blocks the PDE-5 enzyme which allows for the blood vessels smooth muscle to relax, which widens them and increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure as a result. It's why it doesn't just 'give' you an erection, because it doesn't affect libido directly.


I asked my doctor for it because it does decrease blood pressure as well as give me a hand in that department. I didn’t ask for it till my mid 40’s though. The doctor looked at me like “what took you so long”. My older daughter is getting into lifting so I guess I have no excuse not to get back to the rack and train with her. I wonder if this would be considered a ped. Thank you for the technical breakdown, I personally like to know that information, even if I don’t seem to retain it forever.


How many milligrams of cialis do you take on the daily?


It stimulates blood flow because in a stimulated situation, your body does 1 of 2 things, it either has a fight or flight response. The reason Cialis helps most men with ED, is because what’s happening is their body is going into flight mode, in flight mode, your body draws blood away from your extremities, making it nearly impossible to get erect. Cialis corrects your body back to fight mode, pushing blood to the extremities. It does not “increase” blood flow any more than your body normally would.


Very interesting.


Not just that, apparently that increased blood flow also reduces hair loss and some are starting to consider Cialis as part of an anti aging routine. Which is wild


That’s pretty fascinating.


It stimulates blood flow because in a stimulated situation, your body does 1 of 2 things, it either has a fight or flight response. The reason Cialis helps most men with ED, is because what’s happening is their body is going into flight mode, in flight mode, your body draws blood away from your extremities, making it nearly impossible to get erect. Cialis corrects your body back to fight mode, pushing blood to the extremities. It does not “increase” blood flow any more than your body normally would.


It stimulates blood flow because in a stimulated situation, your body does 1 of 2 things, it either has a fight or flight response. The reason Cialis helps most men with ED, is because what’s happening is their body is going into flight mode, in flight mode, your body draws blood away from your extremities, making it nearly impossible to get erect. Cialis corrects your body back to fight mode, pushing blood to the extremities. It does not “increase” blood flow any more than your body normally would.


How old are you?


It stimulates blood flow because in a stimulated situation, your body does 1 of 2 things, it either has a fight or flight response. The reason Cialis helps most men with ED, is because what’s happening is their body is going into flight mode, in flight mode, your body draws blood away from your extremities, making it nearly impossible to get erect. Cialis corrects your body back to fight mode, pushing blood to the extremities. It does not “increase” blood flow any more than your body normally would.


This is 100% wrong. Cialis dialates the blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure and increases blood flow.


Actually, it relaxes them, which causes them to get larger. Which is what improves blood flow. The reason they aren’t dilated as they should be, is because your body is in flight mode. If your body went to fight, they would dilate already as intended. Oh, and FYI, it’s dilate*


Taking Cialis for lifting sounds like broscience at its finest.


It's not, but it's definitely an "off-label" use for it that hasn't been studied or proven safe


> hasn't been studied or proven safe Sounds like the textbook definition of broscience!


I too am intrigued


Dick push-ups.


I was having ED issues for a month or so earlier this year and considered trying pills (just turned 31). But now I’m not having problems: pretty sure my issues at the time were poor sleep and diet + lot of work stress. I’m sure this has already occurred to you but I encourage you to consider what factors in your life might be causing this for you rn


I'm 42 and have taken it occasionally since my 30s. It works fine, just don't stress and don't take too much. Start with the weakest pill and take half of that - it already more than fixed any problem I had.


You should try a conservative approach first before getting on ED medication. This includes improving your diet, sleep and exercise regimens. Question, do you wake up in the morning with an erection? If you consistently do not, there's a sign right there that your testosterone might be low.


> do you wake up in the morning with an erection? If you consistently do not, there's a sign right there that your testosterone might be low. Geez, I haven't had morning wood in like 20 years.


I'm almost 40, overall out of shape, sleep terribly, diet is middle of the road, and mostly sedentary 'office life'. But I do not have low T and wake up with wood every day. All that to say you might want to get some blood work done my guy.


I'm not even that old, mid 20s, but I tested at low levels when I was a teenager. Recently went to get blood work done for unrelated reasons and I mentioned I'd like to get that tested again. The doc said it wasn't worth it and that studies have come out that say it's not worth it. The fuck? I just want to know. The funny thing is the guy looked like a college kid, not a single hair on his face. I ended up not getting the test because he convinced me not to. Maybe he didn't want to do the paperwork? He wasn't even the one that drew my blood.. I regret not doing it.


And if you wake up with something hard enough to hammer in tent pegs every morning, is that a sign of good testosterone levels?


Haha, generally


Also worth checking on sleep apnea if you're a heavier guy and snore/wake up with a sore throat. That significantly impacts REM during your sleep cycle (it interrupts your sleep constantly, even minorly) and that obviously affects that too.


It's fun and they work quite well. Sildenafil makes my face flush more than tadalafil, and it is similar to how niacin makes me flushed. An improvement in your general state of health also does wonders.


It will do nothing if your libido is the issue.


When I was 218lbs (180cm), I still had issues so I went on Tadalafil 5mg. Works well. I’m now 235-240, no issues with the ED medication. If I’m not into the girl through it won’t matter. Still doesn’t work


Are you in shape? Do you work out regularly?


So they definitely work. But there is some risk of mental dependency and it's really only masking and ignoring the source of the issue. Sounds like you get it and know the issues. Stress and shitty lifestyle impact sexual health. Try to workout a bit more. Clean up your diet and I believe you will notice some improvements. Working out more might even improve general mood and make your job more tolerable. That combined with low dosage of ED meds will have you feeling like you're 18 again.


Please speak to a doctor. They can advice and sometimes ED is an early indication of arteriosclerosis or other heart condition. Not the most likely, but lethal enough to rule out.


Im 43, and I like using Cialis functionally and recreationally 😂 My "ED" is on and off and at varying levels. I think mine is purely psychological.... and my doctor agrees. I'm a long-term anxiety sufferer. When stress gets the best of me, it's hard for me to concentrate on what I'm doing and stay in the moment; apparently it's the same for my dick as well sometimes. So I take 10 MG Cialis just whenever I feel like it. Shoot, I don't even have a girlfriend or a partner or anything right now, so I'm not even having sex lately, but I still take it maybe twice a week so my masturbation sessions are even better and more intense LOL hey can't leave out self care you know!! And it's great to have them as a backup in case something spontaneous happens or whatever, you never know


Overweight and have the betes. Lost about 100lbs but still had trouble staying hard. Tried sildenafil and it was life changing. Better than before even. Both of us love it. But, I didn't like having to plan each time 30 minutes beforehand. Talked to my doctor and switched to tadalafil (cialis) daily. Still works great and can be spontaneous again.


i discovered that its actually zinc deficiency for me. Started taking zinc and in two three weeks things were back to normal. Before taking a pill that may have side effects, give this a go.


Cock felt like it would explode


Have you had Covid? I never had any issues before getting Covid and now my sex drive is non-existent and it's much more difficult when trying to get an erection. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8450276/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8450276/)


Same to me!!


It’s a vascular illness so yes. It’s also caused a ton of POTS or just plain old orthostatic intolerance. I get dizzy when I stand up or am upright in heat for even very small periods of time (like a minute or less, sometimes). Body can’t figure out how to dilate my blood vessels and keep blood where it mostly needs to be. Medication that helped increase my blood pressure and retain fluids has been effective in making me feel better, along with more liquids, higher salt intake. I’m mostly just listing this in case anyone can relate to either ED or POTS out of nowhere… you may have gotten covid and then that later. My infection was very mild and I wasn’t affected until months later.


Cardio is a better fix than medicine. A strong heart will do the job better than a pill.


It's pretty useful.


I think they’re great!! I use Viagra and now it’s generic. I take it about 45 minutes before I want an erection and it works like a charm. Oddly my wife doesn’t care. But I do. She likes me however she gets me (or at least kingly says so…).


They’ll help physically, but if your drive is low for whatever reason then you still won’t get hard.




Taladafil (Cialis) has a daily 5mg one that really works wonders. It’s not for those with severe ED, but helps you stay hard throughout when ready and greatly helps recurring ones throughout the day if needed.


The job is killing you. Also, you need to take a vacation and relax. The job won’t missing you if you get real sick as they will just hire a recruiter to find your replacement. Maybe try to go to the gym 3x a week and make sure to do cardio. What are your doordashing? Also, remember to do Kegels. But most importantly is having a physical and checking your testosterone.


Doctors gives these scrips like candy and the drug is dirt cheap with discount cards. I take it daily to help with BPH and erections. Try a little cardio. It tends to have to stop taking it when I am doing heavy cardio. Literally night time erections start to feel like a sore muscle down there.


I would recommend consulting with a urologist first. That is what I did and my doctor gave some suggestions that helped me. He told me that it is a common occurrence as men age. He also suggested using a vacuum pump, which at first I was resistant to but later found that it helped. There actually is studies that support the use. If you go that route be sure to get instructions from your urologist on proper use. To much can be harmful and painful. In addition, my primary physician recommended changes in both diet and exercise helped quite a bit. Also mitigating stress helped. Hope this helps.


Tadalafil (generic Cialis). Prescribed 5mg, but I only take 2.5mg daily, and the results are very good so far. I was "at maximum" during sex for quite some time, and this year started not having that as much anymore. I am on psych meds long term, but everything else is really good. Great marriage with no issues, very attractive wife. Lots more work with two young kids, and in our careers. My wife says I don't need to improve, but she definitely has not been complaining.


Sildenafil is nice. There's a clear difference in hardness, even if you don't have issues with getting hard you'll be harder. I originally tried it not because I needed it but was given a free sample and wow. The first time I was able to cum 3 times without stopping, I just stayed hard no matter what. I still use it from time to time with the wife, she can easily tell the difference. I will often try 25 or 50. I've done 100 but I see halos. Taking more does not give better effects ime. The stuff is like having superpowers. Cum too early? No problem. Need confidence? No problem. With that being said, it will not fix issues with getting hard due to psychological reasons. It can help you get hard easier with sexual stimulation, but that's about the extent of it


Talk to your doc and get a prescription. If you don’t wanna talk to a doctor do one of the online pharmacies. I had issues for a while and the doc first told me stress which was definitely true, but not being able to get it up also stresses you further. I don’t use the pills now but I also take comfort knowing if I need to I can take half a pill and go from not feeling it to being ready in 30 mins.


I love it. I don’t always use it, only when I know it’s gonna be a fuck fest. Get multiple erections that stay hard during the time is fantastic. I highly recommend it.


please do give it a try . wish you the best too


I do 10mg of Cialis daily. It works. Also, diet and exercise are crucial. My doctor also prescribed a cream to help delay ejaculation. Works like a charm. BTW, I'm 36.


How's your fitness level, physical and mental health? At 36, you shouldn't have any issues.


>you shouldn't have any issues. Kinda definitive answer to give, when it's more complicated than that. The fact remains that around 15-20% of men younger than 40 have suffered or suffers from ED, according to international studies. Not to mention that it can be caused by numerous things. This includes obesity and mental health yes, but also high blood pressure, hardening of arteries, physical deformities, smoking, alcohol use, low testosterone, antidepressants or other medications. And that's just the most common causes.


True, forgot to add health complications in general and porn can cause ED too.


My experience is that it's awesome. I've been using it since I was in my 20s even though I have no issues with ED because it's really easy to get from legit doctors and sometimes it's just fun to have that extra boost, there's nothing wrong with it. As long as you're not overdoing it, you'll be fine.