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Well, similar to that IDF chief you're quoting, most of the west frames it as 'violent terrorism', not "armed resistance".




they're trying to end Palestinian self determination and/or make them leave their lands by any means as long as it takes.


That's actually a pretty apt description of the situation imo. In general the second half of the statement is spelled 'defending themselves' tho. 😐


Why would they? They do exactly the same thing in Syria, Iran and Russia by imposing unholy sanctions and always inciting people to start a revolution


Because most westerners are Evil racists who dont care about Muslim Lives America could invade any Muslim country right now and most would support it 


Simply put, racist orientalism that dominated the 19th century never really went away, it just morphed into the current "Rules based Order" and "Liberal Ideals" that they keep pushing on the global south.


Exactly. The west is still as Evil as it was during the era of colonialism But now they just hide it better with fancy Buzz words like human rights and democracy. They still call themselves the civilized World though.. Just cant hide their racism too well


A very recent example of how engrained racism is in the mindsets of the European that any time someone posted a video of European fans having fun at the Euro’s, they brought up how it was a crime to give Qatar the World Cup and there were no “scenes like this” while the reality is that Europeans attended Qatar in smaller numbers but anyone who was there or doesn’t have an agenda knows that the atmosphere was great mostly because of Qatar’s small size and fans interacting each other.


This seems doubtful, most people in the West wouldn't be able to tell people in the Middle East apart.


So? Most westerners are racist against arabs in general That's the truth 


Many would support it, NOT most. People are waking up now.


true and we are able to see it from the middle east. <3


Ahhhh, that's why not a single Moslem lives in the western parts of the world. Got it


Most Muslims in the west hate the west and only live there to earn money because your people ruined their countries If you think they actually like the west and its Evil values you are coping hard


actually no lol


We see that they hate the west when they r**e women just because they are not Moslem. Best for both parties would be if u guys go home, but then u had to b*tch about ur own country and u'd have not as many women to r**e I'm not, i know ur values and that u don't like us. But u hold the hands wide open and shut ur mouth when the money comes.... pathetic


You can't even type in English, stop.


Lol I wanted to censor a word with 2 * on mobile. But yeah, that destroys my points lol Saw yesterday a group of moslem threat a cashier with death, cause they blocked his store with their cars and he wanted them to move... So lol u guys are laughable at best


That is not the argument you think it is, you think the rest of the world is an ethno state? Only Muslims moving to the West are the ones with no choice, their home country got destroyed, and in many cases, it involves the West.


Arab governments seem as concerned as the western ones sadly, so it's not racism.


Wrong. Arab governments are literally paid off by the west so that they dont do anything against Israel They dont represent the will of their people  So that's the fault of the west too and its clearly racism when you see how much westerners cry about ukraine even though barely any civilians have been killed But 45k+ Palestinian deaths most of. Them civilians are easily shrugged off 


>its clearly racism when you see how much westerners cry about ukraine Of course we care more about Russia's war against Ukraine - that war is much more likely to directly affect us. Not saying racism doesn't play a part, but it's not the only reason.


The problem is your countries support Israel. Israel literally wouldnt exist without the west So we dont need your fake sympathy. We Need you to gtfo of our countries and take your settler colony with you 


If you're aiming for the complete removal of Israel as the remedy, you're delusional. That's not gonna happen.  And in the very very unlikely event that it does, it would involve an extreme escalation of the situation with catastrophic consequences for the entire region. >your fake sympathy The ((somewhat) growing) sympathy for Palestine in the West is not fake (well, at least not to the extent you seem to imply, of course there's always some degree of fakery in both (social) media as well as politics). But on the other hand this sympathy also is not the only factor that matters, especially not at the level of the governments where the actual decisions are being made. 


Because they believe that with the “right” leadership, Gaza can be a second West Bank where there are elements of armed resistance but in general, the spirit of Palestinians is crushed. Like imagine telling someone a decade ago that there will be a Nakba level genocide on Gaza and the West Bank didn’t respond with an Intifada. The West and Israel believes that if Gaza will be controlled by elements which are willing to normalise then armed resistance will be crushed forever but they are wrong because Gaza is just different. The fedayeen there was fighting back in the 1950s long before Hamas and there is no reason to assume that they will suddenly surrender.


>they believe {...} Gaza can be a second West Bank How was Gaza in the 80s/90s/00s (=when there were Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip)? Was it comparable to the West Bank during that time?


yeah very shitty. settlers and especially Israeli soldiers killing innocents everyday and a strict military rule coupled with settlements..the bad circumstances actually made to Hamas go from a charity-like organization who did try to give answers to the need of gazans everyday to becoming an armed militant group/org


Because most of them r barbaric zionists.


In other words, you're asking: why don't the Western friend of the terrorist state admit their Middle Eastern lord is actively pursing genocidal goals?