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Can not have a nice sleep


If I'm actually enough after a mistake...it's a perpetually silent fight.


1. Pressure from myself, and my relatives 2. The pressure seeing your batchmates already professionals while me still here 3. A 'friend' who sees you as a competitor and looks down on you 4. Disappointing myself 5. The fear of not coming back to my hometown i just want all of these to end hahaha


depression, professional help is too expensive


knowing that my value isnt with other people. especially not with my ex who cheated on me.


Worried ako for my parents. I don't think hindi enough tong work ko ngayon to provide for them. I really want to support them kahit hindi naman nila ako inoobliga. And naiisip ko na tumatanda na sila and I need extra income to save para sa future.


My insanity inside slowly killing my mind.


Keeping my future plans private. I'm trying not to be an over-sharer this past couple of months, it's so hard to keep mundane experiences - - mundane.


stupid economy


quarter life crisis. at 27 nagaaral pako (post grad), no other prospect in life, no social life. di ko sure kung tama ba mga desisyon ko sa buhay o kung may patutunguhan ba hhaaha


1. Being the breadwinner right now for my unemployed parents which leaves nothing for myself. 2. Acting like I dont need to be in a relationship right now nor have my own family but it is just because I am aware that I cant afford to be in one. 3. Avoiding to be jealous of my batchmates who already reached their dreams 4. Growing debt because my siblings dont even help me out with our finances 5. Scared that this is just what I am made for, to support my parents until they get older. 6. Feeling that I am not living, just surviving 7. Afraid to die but if I'll be in a life and death situation, I'll choose the latter 8. Keeping myself from pursuing the guy I like because I dont want to risk our friendship


Undoing care for my mom. Minsan pamilya mo mismo hihila sa iyo pababa. At the end of the day, choosing yourself.


Being stuck with family who doesn’t like progress and comfort and romanticizing poorness as humility🥲


Having the qualifications, doing the right thing, standing by your principle, following the rules, but few career related opportunities.. You know why? The Philippines always rely on “connection”, integrity, credentials do not matter. I dream that I could go to places where integrity and credentials matter like Japan


Pron addiction


Ugggh i just want the voices in my head to stop for a while, OVERTHINK MALALA


Unemployment. Akala ko madali lang makakahanap ulit pero months have passed, tambay pa rin ako. Habang tumatagal, mas kinakabahan ako sa technical interviews. Umoonti yung pwede kong applyan. Yun na lang lagi nasa isip ko. Bago matulog, pagkagising, all throughout the day. Nagguilty ako if I take a break from studying or sending job applications. Kahit chores like pagtupi kinaka guilty ko.


anxiety anf depression, walang tulog now 😭


1. Being a people-pleaser (main one) 2. Getting easily attached to people whom I get close with ('tis a double-edged sword) 3. An addiction for more than a decade (can't further specify though it ain't anything drug-related) 4. Frustrating struggles as a highly likely ADHDer (realized last year it's been going on for all my life, like since early childhood - it's just that it had been gradually worsening over time)


I tried to get rid of all our physical and digital memories together. I am happy. But I cannot remove our memories on my brain. I randomly think of her. Does she ever think of me? I do not want her back. I miss her. When will this end? Tired and sick of this roller coaster.


Definitely my crippling eating disorder. I would do everything just to be skinny.


Accepting the fact that my boyfriend does not love me less if he isn't doing to me what he did to his past relationships. I mean, he is romantic, he gives me compliments all the time, looks at me lovingly, gives me time, listens to me, etc. But I cant help compare his pasts to ours. Like, he gave his crush a scrapbook of vector arts with captions of how he met her, how he gave an effort looking for her on places he might see her, and how he went to this exhibit in Makati just to see her. Even made a dance choreography for his ex-gf, whom he just met online (they didnt meet). Gave a flower on a girl on their first date/meet up (didnt have a second date). And how he talked about his crushes before with his friends versus mine. And many more. I know how toxic my mindset is, but I really can't help but think all of this. I wanna have therapy, because this might be the reason for our breakup. But I just cant afford one.




Silent treatment by someone I care


Getting out of my comfort zone


Pressure in life. Like I want to do travel and I want to do attend concerts.. pero I also need to save for my future. 😭


Self doubt, can i graduate, balancing rr and rrL HAHAHAH Get it?


The urge to leave my job for being so toxic, I dont a back up plan, I really wanted to.


Debts that i have to pay for who knows how long


friends ✅ money ✅ well slept ✅ fiancé ✅ Meron ako lahat, pero alam mo yun? Parang meron paring kulang.


Accepting the fact na ginagamit lang ako para makatulong sa pag move-on sa past nila, ( 3 times na ito) Fight for my dream even though super distracted ko na, hindi nakaka focus mag-review, aral, super unproductive ko na.


My dad has cancer at fam lang namin nakakaalam. Maski friends ko, di rin nila alam


That it may look like it bother me or i dont care but actually i do and it hurst na d ko masabi un sakanila. I hope they would stop comparing me with other ppl and to them im just a lazy person pero deep down ang dami ko na palang internalized




grieving pa din sa taong akala ko makakasama ko ng matagal.




Finances plus burnout sa present work


Suffering in silent, kahit na sobrang nasasaktan na ako sa treatment ng lahat (emotionally) id still love them and treat na hindi ako nasaktan. Attempting su*cide ksi hirap na hirap na ako pano ko kakayanin lalo na't ako lng ung inaasahan. Ang hirap pag lumaki sa environment na hindi vinavalidate ung nararamdaman. 'maliit na bagay' lang nmn daw yan wag ko na daw isipin. Hindi nmn sila ung nasa kalagayan ko eh.




Being bullied at work. Wanting to quit but not having another job lined up. At the same time, namumulok sa kumpanya because our technology is so outdated.


understanding myself


Being a father and a man. 1. Worrying about family finances. I literally have nothing left every payday to make sure my family has everything. 2. Trying to balance being a playful father to my kid, a helpful and sweet husband to my wife while dealing with work stress 😅 3. Fighting all the silent battles that comes with the expectations and responsibilities of being a father and a man while keeping a straight face and a big smile.


Kung papasa ba sa board exam


Knowing that no matter how good you do at work/with your tasks, your superiors will always choose someone who they're close with. I did everything. And I have my last straw. Pag nabreak yun, then it's time to say goodbye. 😊


i-c'checkout ko ba yung item na months nang nakatambak sa shop cart ko or not


Financial battle. I cannot disclose to my mom that I have a hug debt on my credit card and I have zero balance on my savings account which makes it really hard for me to file my resignation since I have no safety net. Hehe


Fighting the urge to just end it all. The feeling of "losing one's self" after being a mother.


Sarili laban sa sarili as usual


Financial and Work Struggles They think my work is ok and I am earning enough. Just no. 




Moving on from past traumas. It haunts you everyday, even in your sleep. But I always keep in mind that tomorrow is always another day. Keep on giving yourself a chance despite failures.


1. My dad passed away last 2023. 2. Income's low (2k per week, naiintindihan ko naman kasi nasa food industry ako and hindi pa masyadong malakas yung store namin) 3. Hindi ko mabigay basic ng family since wala na papa ko and nag aaral pa mga kapatid ko. 4. May loans si mama and she's unemployed. 5. Naghahanap ng work. For number 2 hindi ko maiwan iwan work ko kasi mas-short staffed and kakilala ko din may ari kaya hindi ko rin maiwanan.


na I've been contemplating the person I did not become. I know deep down I have to forgive myself, but man, I still have a long way to go.


my sugar cravings 😭 so hard to quit sugar


Accepting that life is an everyday survival mode. Fuck adulthood


natatae ako sa byahe


Consequences ng binoto ng 31M


Trying to get a job and spiral down to anxiety and depression. I know I'm getting there so need labanan.


Me drowning because of "At this age I should be more accomplished". I honestly feel like I'm wasting my years yes I am envious of people enjoying their life while I'm here stuck at a religion where everything is wrong and suffocating where women are underneath men that our life should be bowing to men, I feel jealous of my friends who can wear the hell they want they can go whenever they want to. I grew up in a strict family where even playing in the playground is banned unless they're with you, now that my parents are in that religion I got more choked; I was even cut my hair and honestly depressed I want to go out but I can't. Not only this my siblings will always sabotage everything I have and would be awful with me unless they can get something from me, I'm drowning deeply there's no day that I didn't think about ending my life. I feel jealous of people who are successful while I'm here rotting because whenever I'm trying to get a good job but it's far it's turned down because my siblings don't take care of my parents and now all of the duties are passed to my shoulders. I just wanna go out, live my life.


unemployment 🙁 kapagod maghanap work


Staying in an unhappy relationship with no emotional connection.


Loving and forgiving myself. Aaaaaaand where do I get the strength na gumalaw. I just want to sleep lagi. 😑


Unemployment and lack of consistency in upskilling


Sa totoo lang, hinahabaan ko na lang yung pasensya ko sa work ko sa census ng isang city hall dito sa amin, biruin nyo, 2 months, walang sahod, bukod pa dyan eh pinapamadali na kami sa reports and areas😡 nakakagalit talaga.


Pagod na pagod na ako.... But even quitting cannot be an option.


Anxiety and trying to feel something good again without feeling bad about it.


I'll retake the board exam. Ang hirap din pala magreview ulit lalo na't 2018 pa yung first time ko nagboard exam. Gusto ko abutin ulit yung pangarap ko, sana this time eto na talaga.


The bowel movement inside that won't come outside


that i am not good in my profession and leads me to question everything and thinking "they don't deserve me. they deserve better."


Narc parents. Estrangement.


burnout sa work, navigating life at mid 20s, worrying about aging parents and wanting to give back to them, I mean I already am but I don’t think it’s enough yet. they deserve so much more


I feel so lonely I want to see my friends but they're all busy, this coupled with being home all day and struggling to get a job after 6 months of looking. I actually just got a text message this morning telling me that I didn't pass the 2nd/final interview after very promising reviews. Last year, same thing happened but I got ghosted after very promising feedbacks, even got an early "congratulations" from the HR. I don't really know what I want to do, I just know I want to do things.


financial challenges. i have approx 200k debt. my family doesn't know about this.




silent battle ko... yung hindi tanggap ng magulang ko na hindi ako lalaki at di ko maamin sa kanila, lalo na sa nanay ko kasi matanda na siya. ayokong maging reason ng heart attack niya


existential dread


Realizing that in a span of 3 months I won't be able to see the people that I've been with for the past 2 years. Graduating SHS and I'm not ready to just see them in socmeds and not in real life. We'll now go our separate schools and lives and it hurts. :((


Persistent bad breath or halitosis. Been battling it for 3yrs. Ive done everything and spent almost a hundred thousand for checkups, tests, medications, supplements, mouthwash. I also got my tonsils removed but didnt work. I cant even tell it to anyone. Even to my parents. I wish i had a cancer instead of this curse. It ruined my life completely. I had no self esteem left. I just want to kill myself.


Yung autoimmune disease ko.


actually resigning vs staying at work. i never thought i would ever consider not working. who knew baby lang pala magpapabago ng isip ko. i know i can’t leave work since andami kong hawak sa office pero grabe ung pakiramdam ko lately. i’m dreading matapos mat leave ko in a few weeks. nakakainggit ung countries na year long ang mat leaves


Finding a job now.


I'm 23M and landed on my first job (up to present) weeks before graduation. As the first born in the family, there's this pressure sa sarili to earn high salary to provide for my family's needs and somewhat treat their wants while establishing my career path and prolly lowkey waiting for someone.


Being unemployed. It's not that I wasn't accepted to any jobs I'm applying for, hindi lang sya sakto sa schedule ng classes ko kaya nahihirapan ako maghanap ng sakto sa sched ng classes ko at the same time yung kayang bayaran yung tuition fee ko.


No contact with my mom. We basically cut each other off.


My OB told me I have STD. Found out my husband has been cheating on me with girls he met here and TG.


Hindi ko pa totally matanggap yung sakit ko at yung mawawala sakin dahil sa sakit na ito 💔 But I'm working on it. Gusto ko pang mabuhay kaya I have to make the decision. I'm praying hard talaga 🙏


Cost of living crisis


Trying to be rigid but still cares.


Financial crisis, emotional turmoil, pressures at work


being confused on what college program I should take 🥲


Feeling like a disappointment to a lot of people because I'm still unemployed even tho I'm a fresh grad. Also feeling left behind because some of my peers are working already.


Anxiety levels sa work.


Heartbreak i guess. Especially because I know it was my fault. Now I have to deal with seeing her with my friend


Numerical reasoning. Kahit sabihin niyo pang madali yan, para sakin napakahirap niya.


Being at peace with my decision of letting go a job offer in Europe just to go back to a job with no growth…to focus on my healing


leaving home bcs of ur dreams?hahah can’t talk to anyone about it bcs they perceived me as a quite strong kid ah! slash that adult na pala ako 😔😂 *just turned 20 and hindi din pala ako sanay maglabas or magsabi sa iba but surprisingly most of it I figured it out on my own


Constant headaches. Hanggang ngayon Ang sakit parin ng ulo ko sa may bandang noo


Grief, pain, mourning, sadness, and loss due to miscarriage. Acting like I'm okay and moved on na since it has been a month already. I don't want people to think na ang OA ko naman ang tagal na nun di parin ako makamove on :((


Lubog sa utang at nahulog pa sa lalaking di ako gusto.


Mother in law. LOL


financial sawa nako maging mahirap :(


Accepting that I was Ghosted for being the toxic one.


My bowel movement before a speech in an hour


Friendship betrayals. Want to have a baby. Dreaming of financial freedom. Character and physical development.


The battle of cebu business park  Part of operation job hunting  (2023-present) Result: operational failure(bagsak sa interview)


Mom guilt. I’m a doctor in-training and I feel bad for leaving my 6th month old son everyday 😞


Gambling Addiction


Expenses. Sunod sunod ang medical bills amp


Last day work ko na sa Thursday :( naiiyak ako.


Reading the comments and.... Ganon pala ang ibig sabihin ng battle / silent battle. Akala ko kaylangan malaking bagay or malala e 😅😶


Choosing myself over someone I spent the last 3 years and 5 months with


How I'm starting to notice that my partner just tolerates my presence. Already communicated this to him but I feel like na walang nangyayari.


The urge to not kill myself


Financial aspect is so fucked up. I just wish I could really get out of this because it’s so mentally draining. No one knows except for my boyfriend. Atleast I have someone to lean but I hope I don’t fully consume him.


I cannot fail because I am my own back up Si mama umuwi na sa langit last 2022 tapos nung new year 2024 pinakilala ni papa girlfriend niya meron na pala silang 4 year old na anak. Ending ako yung nawala ng pamilya 🫥


My 13-year-old childhood cat died last week. When I was a child, I picked him up as a stray kitten and I cried to my mom just so we could take him in. Now he's gone and it's been devastating. He was one of the few reasons I still haven't left my hometown even though I hate the place. Now I want to leave more than ever. It hurts to come home and not see him by the door waiting for me. Worse, he didn't die of natural causes, he was killed by a neighbor. I am so mad and hurt.


Staying in rehab..for 3 years and counting.


Sawa na ako sa revolving people in my life. Sana maging permanent naman na


The demons inside me that keeps on wanting to come out


My therapist calls it "anticipatory grief". My mom's been battling cancer for almost 4 years now, kaming 2 lang nagwowork since my sibling is still a medical intern, and we're only getting by financially dahil sa mga pautang (at no interest) ng tita kong doctor. My mom's had a hard life and difficult marriage (only ended by my dad's demise in 2021) and I want her - and us - to enjoy a better life talaga. :( BTW I'm selling preloved clothes and accessories to raise funds for her treatment - here sila: instagram.com/project\_r\_ph. Laban po >:(<


Trying for my depression not to relapse


self worth


Fighting my guilt by cutting off my abusers who are actually blood.


Self doubt talaga at fear na walang patunguhan buhay 🤷🏻‍♀


Reddit is showing Filipino posts on my feeds even if I'm not a member of any of their community. I hate it.


Mango sticky rice