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She brought a guy home with her one evening and told me I had an hour to pack my shit and get out. I reminded her that the lease was in my name, not hers. Imagine the look of shock when I told her to get out.


That’s… wow… WTH


She seen my kindness towards her as a weakness she could exploit. I was very forgiving of her bad habits, and she pushed to the point where she obviously thought I would let her stay in my apartment if she told me to get out. In hindsight, being that forgiving was my fault.


Man but telling her to get out. Must have been satisfying though.


Was definitely satisfying to read


Wait wait wait, so what happened next?! Did she simply pack her things and leave or was it much more complicated than that?


you just cannot just leave up the story. Tell us what happened after. im invested


There is a lot I left out, here we go. She was using my car at the time as well. When she left, her and new guy left in it. I didn't stop her from using it that night because I didn't want a fight over it. Over the next two days, we text back and forth and I tell her that I will let her come for her stuff on the weekend, when I'm home, she agrees to this. IN THE MEANTIME, I know she has been in my place a few times while I'm out because stuff has gone missing, some of her clothing, the mattress from the daybed we recently picked up(oddly enough, she left the frame). Nothing of mine, thankfully. Saturday afternoon she pulls up outside the apartment building. I can see shopping bags in the back seat of the car and her sister in the front passenger seat, it looks like they've spent the morning shopping. Wonderful. She comes up, leaving her sister to wait in the car. She lets herself in with the keys she never bothered to return....yet, and strolls in with a few boxes to collect the rest of her stuff, she says nothing to me. She puts her keys down on the table and makes her way to the bedroom with the boxes. This is when I make my move. While she's in the back rooms packing, I remove the apartment keys and my car key from her keychain and go back to sitting on the couch, casually drinking my coffee and channel surfing.......and wait. She's in there maybe a half hour and comes out carrying her boxes, saying she has the rest of her things and that we are done done. Not to contact her again. I agree. She grabs her keys, struggles to open the apartment door, and leaves. I move to the balcony (2nd floor of a 3 storey walk up) and wait for her to walk out. Once I hear the outer security door close and I see her walking away from the building, I thank her for not only returning my apartment keys, but my car as well. Being the ever loving person she is, she flips me off, puts her boxes in the back seat and gets in. I'm on the balcony.......waiting. And it happens. She realizes what it was I had just said to her when she can't start the car, flips out while in the car, sees me leaning on the balcony, sipping coffee, and gets out. She asks me where her car keys are, to which I remind her that the car is actually mine and I have taken them back, along with my apartment keys and I thank her again for returning them and let her know that if she vandalizes my car when she leaves, I will get the cops involved. At this point, I go back inside and close the balcony door. Her and her sister are there for at least another half hour, talking. I'm assuming they're waiting for a cab, but eventually they gather up the boxes and all the shopping bags from the back seat and walk away. They must have been close to broke when they came over, thinking they'd have the car when they left. That's the last I seen of her. I kept my promise, I've never said anything to her since then, but she has reached out to me on FB every now and again, trying to apologize and telling me her ups and downs. Apparantly she married new guy, they had a kid, and he left her, she's single, a mom, and had to move back to her mom's place. I don't have her blocked on FB, so I know she can see my timeline. I've moved several times in the nearly 15 years since we split, so she has no idea as to where I live, but she knows I bought a house, advanced in my career, and have gotten married. How does the Mrs. feel about all this? She laughed when I told her about it years ago, saying it was ex-gfs loss. Whenever I get an "update", I read it to her, and we talk about what has happened and how it could have gotten to that point for ex-gf. The Mrs. has suggested a few times that I reply to ex-gf and let her know I'm fine and that I hope her life gets better, which I do, but I also won't go back on breaking the whole "don't talk to me again" request from all those years ago.




She cheated on me with a convicted pedophile, then she left me for the pedophile. We have three kids together and, unsurprisingly, they all live with me.


OMG I hope (and I think) your life is much better now.


Thank you. My life is amazing now. I'm with a woman that I love totally. She treats my kids like her own and I treat hers like my own. We are all very happy.


That’s the way we all became the Brady Bunch! The Brady Bunch! That’s the waaaay we became the Brady Bunch! (And Ann B Davis as Alice)




It was totally surreal. She couldn't have the kids because of her relationship with him. She actually met him while he was on bail. She went to his sentencing and they got engaged the day he went down for five years. She's not with him anymore, though.


>She's not with him anymore, though. So she gave up her kids... for nothing...


Giving up your kids for nothing somehow sounds better than giving up your kids for a convicted pedophile


He only wanted her for her kids


Thank God your kids are with you. Reading that I was thinking I was about to read a horror story.


It all turned out well. The kids are perfectly safe and they're fine.


I found pictures of her banging some other dude in our bed while I was gone for work. 5 years of my life down the drain.


Don't worry though. Was painful at first but ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. Got me out of an unhealthy relationship with someone who clearly didn't really love me, and freed me up to meet the real love of my life, who I just proposed to 😁


I love how you see the better picture. The One that truely loves you will come around soon😉


I didn’t have my shit together yet and was selfish and unreliable. She thought she deserved better, and back then, she was right. I’ve come a long way since then.


Huge props to you for being honest and having the self-awareness now to openly admit and accept that. I obviously don't know you but it's not easy for a person to admit that they were the bigger contributor to the relationship ending. You should be proud of your personal growth at the very least.


I feel you bro. Left an awesome woman because I was a young egoistic bitch. Didn't have my shit together, treated her pretty bad and then when she asked to break up, I just said yea okay. Genuinely hope that she is doing better.


Hell yeah, same with me and a couple women in my early 20's. The guy they didn't like at the end isn't the man I've become and I'm not sure I'd be this guy if that all didn't happen.


100%. I regret any sadness or suffering I caused, but without that journey I’d just have been a perpetual fuck up.


I didn't have my shit together and I thought she deserved better, so I broke it off. She tried fighting for me for 2 years but suddenly got married. Several unsuccessful relationships later I'm still single and still don't have my shit together and she is in an awful marriage, and I feel terrible for her.


I took her for granted. She got fed up.


I'm also a "she that got fed up of being taken for granted", but I'd forgive him if he offered me an honest apology. Hell, I'd take him back if he really showed me that he cares. What I'm saying is - if she's not in a new relationship and you still love her, you might try and reach out. Life is too short


Oh, this was years ago! The apology didn't work, and to be fair, she's better off.


I'm sorry, but at least you tried. Respect 💪


I always wonder if I could have done that with my ex. I was a total loser and treated her like my care giver (although I was dealing with massive depression issues for a few years). She cheated on me and then left me. I was devastated at first, but after a month or two I felt more relieved than sad. I realized I had sacrificed so much of who I was, my friends, time with my family, my hobbies, etc. just to try and make her happy for the majority of our relationship. Every major life decision we made I would defer to what she wanted to do. A few months after we broke up I was dating again and having a great time. She called me crying one day saying she was sorry she ruined our lives and was unhappy with her decision. I told her that I was sad too, but low key was also having a great time being myself again. I’m glad she never straight up asked me to take her back because I most likely would have at the time. But a few year later I almost want to thank her for ending our relationship. I am much happier now than I was for the longest time in that relationship.


His mom slapped me. I was tired of being abused by the bitch so I told him he couldn’t keep both of us in his life. He had to choose me or his mother. He chose his pregnant mistress. Edited for clarity. Original wording read “He chose his pregnant side piece.”


Plot twist from hell


Plot twist is mom's the side piece.


Naw. He‘s not into bestiality.


Um wait did he get her pregnant? I would like some context to the last sentence


The side piece is an affair partner not previously mentioned.


Oh I am a dumbass I thought that he got his mom pregnant not there was a separate side piece. My mind just assumed that his mom was his side piece.


This is so awful! I’m glad you’re out of this: sounds like a family from hell!


She said she would kill herself if I left. I stayed and began to resent her and slowly push her away. She cheated, we broke up. 0/10, would not recommend.


ugh emotional abuse is the worst. glad you got out.


It sounds harsh, but the best thing you can do against that threat is to immediately break up. You don't want to be dealing with that kind of guilt-inducing manipulation in a relationship. You're not responsible for their mental health, or at least not solely reaponsible. And staying in a relationship you don't want to be in *only* because you are essentially being threatened is not a fun way to live.


You often aren't aware just how much you're being manipulated and abused until it's over and you look back it, wondering how the hell you allowed that to happen. It's almost surreal.


My ex-wife filed for divorce to teach me a lesson, thinking I would try to stop the divorce. She was piping mad when I didn't, though.


Task failed successfully.


How many times has she tried to convince you to stop? To "fix this," or something?


She did that kind of thing a lot. She was always trying to convince me that my way of doing something was wrong and would try to "retrain" me, but I never budged, which was what made it so bad. This was even a subject in marriage counseling. I had said that if she asked for a divorce, I would give it to her. Next thing I know, I'm getting served papers. But she was also the kind that if I told her not to touch the stove because it's hot, she would burn herself with both hands and would say, "Why did you tell me not to touch it if you knew I would touch it?"


I don't want to offend you, but why exactly did you marry her? She sounds like a dumbass.


That's a fair question. She started out halfway decent, but got worse and worse over time. One thing was how she went from being cooperative to being all out for herself.


I have an ex like that. She is...just awful and I know people wonder how I ever got with her in the first place. Well, almost 20 years ago, she was different. Mental illness gets worse as you age and throw in a bunch of spite and now sharing custody is a fucking nightmare but still being married to her would have been so much worse.


Yep, that's how it was. It wasn't just me, either. Her friends outgrew her (mentally) over time and she had a whole new group of friends who were 10 years younger and in college with zero life experience. She would surround herself with family and friends who would do nothing but agree with her, so I became the odd man out. That's how it eventually got to the point of divorce. We kept changing marriage counselors because she was convinced that I was somehow fooling the counselor into agreeing with me while I was the one who was wrong. Many times, I'd go and just sit for an hour and it would all be about her, and not in a good way.


Yeah or it can be fixed sometimes like me and my wife we had a very bad start like we even hit each other strongly once. But then we figured out she had huge untreated mental illness, like trauma and I've huge anger issue and paranoia, she got on meds and saw therapists, now off the meds and no need for therapist she is healed almost totally, while me getting old just killed my anger issue I'm too tired to be angry now, so yeah sometimes time can help, its depend what you do to fix yourself.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


It got pretty interesting when she kept trying to give me ideas for how to "win her back." My defense was pretty simple, "No, you already filed for divorce. You made it clear it was over. Nice knowing you. Good luck." I would compare it to a job. "You mean the company that treated me poorly and fired me wants me back now? Um, no thanks!"


Had a boss give me a letter thay said if I was late (5 minutes early) again I was fired. Next day I gave my resignation letter. Saying if 5 minutes early is considered late then you better pay, I show up when my pay starts


Yeah had the same but no official letter just the manager threatening me front of everybody like I was a child, I almost lost my shit and he saw it, he tried to play it down after in private saying he cant let me be late all the time, but it was too late and I left few weeks after. Idc to be blamed for something I obviously did wrong, but don't talk to me like I'm a kid I will never accept that lol


"Hey babe don't you think you could buy me like a nice ring to make up to me?" "No."


Wow, this is the final form of that thing some dumb folks do where they try to make you "chase them." Like they say no when you ask them out so that you'll try harder and push back.


This was her plan exactly. She was "coincidentally" there when I was served the divorce papers. She got mad when I didn't react the way she planned and even said, "I knew it! That proves it! You don't love me! You never loved me at all! Why won't you fight for our love?" I pointed to the papers and said, "That's not my job any more."


That's some bullshit. We're trying to teach people respect these days, IDK what she's on. No means no -- and she told you no.


This is where I was, too. I simply said, "If you don't want me, I'm not going to bother you, and these papers say you don't want me."


My ex and I were together for 14 years and it was a magical time. However, once the pandemic hit he took up smoking crystal meth at home while I was away at work all day. He became absolutely addicted, stopped taking his schizophrenia medication, and the psychosis and paranoia took over. Living with him became a horrific nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone. I tried everything to get him help but he wouldn't budge or acknowledge the depths of his despair. After 5 months living with this madman who was once my best friend and partner in life I had to move out and start my life all over from scratch. I still can't believe how quickly it all unraveled. Now he's homeless and living downtown in some bushes in a park.


Holy shit! I'm so sorry about that. He needs to be brought to a rehab facility for his own safety. I think he can be involuntarily admitted with the condition he's in.




That’s so sad. Losing a great partner to drugs. i am so sorry.


3 months of long distance. She gave me a "summary" of her week via text. I spent the first few weeks trying to engage in conversation only to be ignored for another summary. I spent the next few months asking if we could just enjoy casual messages that flowed in a natural conversation to mimic how we spoke when we were in the same city. After 2 months of not being listened to, I called her up and broke it off. For some reason she was surprised.


Oof, i’m sorry to hear it. Been doing long distance for almost 2 years now and this is exactly what my relationship is evolving into. We used to chat, call and play online games all the time. Got into chess and shogi together. Used to recommend each other books that we would read to have something to talk about and make each other memes. I really thought we could make it work. Now he’s always too busy with something, rarely asks how i’m doing and truly thinks i’m satisfied and proud of him when he sends me a list of his accomplishments at the end of the week. I mean, good for him. He’s doing things and reaching goals and stuff. But what can I possibly say to that? “Oh, cool” “yeah, you’re doing great” “nice, you’re making progress”. It feels like i’ve come up with a hundred ways of saying the same thing. Man, i wish i listened to everyone who warned me long distance gets shite.


They don't always go to shit 🤷🏼 I dated my gf long distance for over three years...flying back and forth since we lived in different countries and then the pandemic hit. Basically got stuck doing Whatsapp calls nightly and it did get pretty rough. Eventually we decided covid or not we had to risk flying back and forth and see each other again after a year of talking through a camera. Ended up being the greatest decision of my life. Had to take a month off of work to "quarantine" and test endlessly and all that nonsense. She's since moved to my country and has been here almost a full year, has a work visa, and we have nothing but good times together. Don't lose out hope just yet. Eventually you're both going to have to make serious sacrifices and take that risk if you want to make it work.


That’s fucking annoying I’m so sorry. Currently LD and the conversations are also not flowing.


Was this even a real relationship, sounds a bit one sided to me


We lost a child and grieved in very different ways. He went back into active millitary duty and was gone 18 months. I developed an addiction to sleeping pills and alcohol. When he came home, we started divorce proceedings and he returned to the military. I checked in a rehab center and we went our separate ways.


That is such a heartbreaking story. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I took time off from work to take care of her parents. Her mom died, and it hit her hard. I continued taking care of her dad, but she was so stressed she would go out with her daughters and friends from work to de-stress. After two years of staying at her parents' house 24/7 and right before her dad died, she told me I was a godsend and she wanted a divorce. She locked me out of our house and had the attorney she was working with declare I had abandoned it so she could keep everything. Turned out her nights with our daughters and with her friends were actually with her boyfriend. She got the house and the inheritance and a new boy friend. I got nothing.




Oh lord that’s probably the worst thing I’ve read so far. So sorry you had such an awful experience, I can only hope you’re in a much better situation now.


I hope she never feels an ounce of happiness in her life.




Well, at least you know it wasn't a lack of chemistry.




What happened?


I did some 🤦‍♂️


Maybe you should have shared.


In this economy?


Yup! Cocaine is a fast track to ruining relationships.


By Clapton?


By Bear


We grew as people but in different directions and the things we once connected over were no longer relevant.


I feel this.


We’ve been married for 13 years, got a 10 year old daughter. Once as we both turned 40-42 we realized that each of us thought she/he sacrificed his/her life for another trying to make out some happiness. But it was nothing. A way we tried we THOUGHT me or she would be happy. But appeared that we were living in a world of illusions. We talked much and revealed we have only few things in common: no passion, no feelings, just good companions in life. We didn’t cheat, we tried not to lie and be the best partners but seems like both just lived their own dream. I was totally devastated as I understood I have no family in my understanding. My wife doesn’t want me, she never felt confident enough with me financially. The whole concept of a family was wrong. The worst thing we have a daughter we both adore. And we don’t know what to do - split up or try to make it all over again. I do realize that also could lead another life. Another woman at least. And now it’s wasted. We both made a wrong choice once these years back.


Co-parent with kindness for your daughter but start new journeys. It’s short-sight d to think your adult lives are over. You’re going to have to show discipline for the benefit of your daughter but there will be time when your daughter is on her own.


Wasn't ready for a relationship at all. Came into it with a lot of baggage. I hated many aspects of myself, had no self esteem or confidence. We were in Uni and matched via Tinder so it's not like I had to put in actual work to pursue her. Long story short, I became overwhelmingly attached and really put her on a pedestal. There was a whole lotta love bombing as well. She finally got suffocated with my nonsense and jumped ship after 3 months... I took the breakup horribly and for about 3-4 years, I remained in a really bad state with even worse baggage as a result of how I perceived the breakup. One day, I faced some really strong marijuana and decided to reflect on the past. All the reasons for the breakup became clear and I started to see why she felt the way she did. I've since then improved myself and can finally say I am now slightly above the baseline amount of confidence / self esteem. Was most def deep into the negatives before.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm not easy to date (anxiety, bad past dating experiences). I'd been cheated on twice before, so naturally I like to keep new partners at arm's length at first because I'm aware I have a tendency to go all-in early in a relationship. My ex was also the kind who moves quickly: we were officially an exclusive couple 2 weeks after we first talked. A week after that (about 3 weeks since we'd met), she said "I love you" and I did my best to explain that as much as I cared for her then, I felt like it was a tad bit too fast. By this time, I'd already told her about the "being cheated on" part; she then proceeded to use it against me, saying that I was just letting past traumas affect me and that I had no trust in her. I gave in and said it back moments later, thinking maybe I had been wrong to be hesitant. From there, the relationship dynamic was like that: every time I didn't do exactly what she wanted, I'd end up thinking it was my fault for not being trusting enough, and that I had to prove myself to her. I was slipping back into old habits, allowing myself to invest too much, telling myself that it was fine because I was just "showing that I was committed" and that "I was past my bad experiences" or something. I slowly started hanging out less with friends, skipping on workouts, all because she would ask me to spend more time with her. Not a fan of who I was becoming when we were together.


And here you are now with the knowledge, self-awareness and ability to recognise a lot of very important things about yourself and others that will definitely help you to pursue healthier relationships in future, and hopefully avoid those types of people that just aren't right for you. You've come a long way. Proud of you bro!


We'd been in a committed relationship for 7 years. We were both in our 40s, and we had a plan to get married after her last child finished college which would take another 7 years. She lost patience, found another guy who said he wanted to get married again much sooner, and she ended it with me. Spoiler alert: They got engaged about a year and a half later. But apparently he wouldn't agree to a date for the wedding. After being engaged for over 4 years, she finallly figured out that he lied about wanting to get married. They broke up about the time we originally planned to get married.


Why would you put a 7 year delay on getting married if you’ve been with them 7 years already and know you want to marry them? Seems a very arbitrary number, and unnecessarily long, if you know it’s something you both want.


Very long story, but it had to deal with putting her three children through college. She never went to college and had no idea how financing and/or needs-based scholarships worked. I made about 3 times more money than she made, and all of her children would pretty much have a free ride through any college they wanted on needs-based tuition assistance...as long as my income wasn't included. Once we got married, that "free money for college" would disappear. I remember showing her once that "I do" would cost us around a quarter million dollars. The 7 year mark wasn't arbitrary; it would mark the year that her youngest child would need to submit his last FAFSA application for his senior year in college.


So basically she broke things off with you because you had long-term financial plans in place that would benefit her children... Honestly, I was about to say that setting a timeline is arbitrary, but this is the most well thought out reason for delaying a marriage I've ever heard of. But really if she couldn't see that and accept that the main reason and only reason you weren't getting married legally was that it would be a huge financial burden on her and her children, then I have to say that you're very lucky that things ended when they did


The American education system is fucked.


This is incredibly stupid. Marriage is just a title, I couldn't imagine being someone solely for the purpose of getting married.


She told me she wanted to use knives in bed, and I pooped my pants in her car. It was both in the same day, and honestly I think the accident was convenient timing because she scared the hell out of me. She wanted me to draw blood, and I had no idea how to get out of the relationship. Thank god for that breakfast burrito.


“Thank god for that breakfast burrito.” Definitely not the first time that’s been said, but perhaps the best.


he got violent


Good riddance


Good! **Always leave as soon as things start heading south!** My birthers never understood that and stayed together until one put a steak knife into the other.... It's no good for those who are in the relationship and even worse for the kids should any be involved....


He went after my at the time 11 year old daughter, I sent him to jail, in the works of getting divorced


She took advantage of me. She used me, especially after her father died. I tried moving her away from where she was to help her start a new and improved life. She was addicted to meth but said she’d stop for us and it was just to deal with the trauma of her father passing. II was working 80-100 hour weeks and came home to her cheating on me, then I found out it was with multiple people on multiple occasions.


That sucks. Addicts are great liars.


She had her first time with me. After she got comfortable with sex, she became hypersexual, which was awesome for a minute, until she would just regularly express her interest in fucking just about anyone else. despite never cheating on me, it absolutely destroyed my self worth and self esteem, and eventually destroyed the relationship. Afterwards, she felt the need to inform me about her "hoe phase," in which she had unprotected sex with several men like a week after leaving me. I didn't eat for 4 days after hearing that.


Jesus fuck. The fact that she didn’t even have the decency to NOT tell you that


Actually, she informed me that she had another man's miscarriage. The math didn't even really add up, pretty sure it happened before we split. It took a few weeks for me to be able to function, I can't tell you how broken I was. She was not the best partner.


Is hypersexuality something that just happens like that after the first time you have sex? I've heard of a lot of people who were hyper sexual but in their case it was often due to early exposure to sex, sexual content, or child sexual abuse. It's also not something that just happens overnight usually. Quick story: I had an ex back in high school who had trouble with her sexuality and tended to sleep around and do stupid impulsive sexual things. She was also well aware of it. Once, after we broke up and were just friends, she cried on my shoulder about how she wishes she could "just be normal." She told me when we were dating that she was being molested by her father, but I didn't put the pieces together until years after I graduated that a lot of her problems with sex stemmed from her trauma. I don't know if your ex had a similar experience or if something else was up, but I had never heard of it happening spontaneously like that. Then again, you learn something new everyday, so who knows.


She wanted to be "closer to God" Turns out God's name is Kevin.


She went to Hawaii for a girls weekend, came back and told me she wants to focus on her career without worrying about me and broke it off after 4 years. She probably cheated on me. Edit: She started seeing me as a burden when applying to jobs because she kept considering my opportunities alongside hers. We weren’t right for each other anyway so it’s cool. Just sucks to have something last for 4 years and then end so suddenly. Kinda ruined my outlook on dating and commitment so I haven’t been in a relationship since then. Sucks.


I mean, it's tough, but at least she didn't leave and stay around til she found someone new and not in hawaii.


This one is tough, because i had something similar happen recently. I went on a work trip to Miami then met some people while i was there (didnt cheat) and had an amazing time. When i got back it really put things into perspective. I hate where i currently live and i haven’t been happy in my relationship in a very long time. So i broke up with her and now focusing on getting to a better place. So she may not have cheated, it’s possible she did, but things may have hit a tipping point and they finally decided to make a change.


This happened to me as well. Went on a trip without him and realized how easy it was not to manage his emotions and expectations. Broke it off a couple weeks later.


Okay I know cheating is a very likely possibility but I broke up with my boyfriend of a year right after a girls trip because all those late night conversations with my closest friends made me realise it wasn't a great relationship. I had some lingering doubts around that time and I could finally be honest and talk about them. Basically, maybe she just finally got a chance to think clearly and open up about her feelings. I hope that makes you feel better.


Yeah sometimes you need time away from the other to really see what you feel, I could see everytime my ex and me were away I would slowly start to hate her and when we would meet I would feel she was like a stranger to me, but with my wife it's like someone stab me in the heart and I could cry like a baby if I didn't keep it.


That's pretty much what happened with my ex when she went to England for Bible college, at least I think. Made me realize a lot I failed at though so I don't regret anything.


She fucked a friend outside our house


Cleveland?! I'm german and even I know that's trash!


My ex thought it would be fun to surprise me to tell me she was two months pregnant. "Uh, you know I've had a (successful) vasectomy right?" "Yeah I know it's not yours but it's such a blessing for us!" "Uhhh.. you can lose my number immediately. Good luck with that." Edit: Damn didn't expect that much attention on this one. To elaborate we had met at a bar and I thought she was gorgeous. Our mutual friend got us talking, we ended up drinking too much whiskey and going back to her place. Got mildly snowed in so we a long weekend getting to know each other and really clicked. A few weeks later she's making all sorts of future plans for us which I thought was cute, I was falling really fast after a string of unsuccessful tries at dating after a painful divorce from my wife of 17 years. She dropped the L bomb first and I was done after that, introduced her to my kids and thought things were going well. She ended up going to a friend's wedding and I guess that's where it happened. Started acting strange after that, kinda frigid. Dropped the baby bomb on me some time later and I could do the math and science quick enough. Looking back on some of our conversations I think she just really wanted a baby to fill a painful hole in her heart from childhood trauma. I'm not sure exactly what role she intended for me to play in this, but when I didn't react accordingly she got extremely nasty telling me I never meant anything to her and I was overreacting. I wished her the best and asked her not to contact me further. Our mutual friend says she seems to be doing well, baby is happy and healthy and I'm glad for her even though it hurt me so bad at the time. I could never forgive her, but I really hope she found what it is she was looking for. Live and learn, I suppose.


What the fuck kind of delusion was she in?


So surprise, I cheated??? WTH?




The lion, the witch... And the audacity of this bitch.


He is a man child who refuses to take any sort of accountability for his life. He considered "I don't know how" to be a valid excuse for not doing something that he could have learned, and wanted me to drive him everywhere because he was afraid to drive, despite there being a bus stop 3 short blocks from our house. Eventually, his helplessness overshadowed his good qualities and I couldn't take it anymore. I started viewing him as a teenager and wasn't attracted to him anymore. He moved back owth his mom who treats him like crap and I'll be surprised if he ever leaves, going on 2 years now.


> "I don't know how" to be a valid excuse for not doing something that he could have learned, This is hands down one of the worst character traits a person can have to me. Outright refusing to try to learn something because "I just can't." is so infuriating to me.


Exactly! There was a home repair that needed done. Nothing super hard. He's like "well I don't know how to do it!" I picked up my phone and said "neither do I, but give me a few minutes and I will." Watched a couple YouTube videos and did it. He reminded me of a little kid I used to know who's parents wouldn't let him try to do things on his own, so he'd just say "I don't know how!" I'm too old for that shit out of a supposedly full grown man.


He developed a crush for my friend lmao (and that “friend” blocked me from everywhere when she found out)


Wife of 15 years said "I thought by now you'd be earning enough $ that I could quit working (she's an RN $80K/yr) and go back to doing things I enjoy like painting, Yoga, and hanging out with my friends" 1. We were both 43 years old. 2. I had supported her as a SAHM for 6+ years, and she had then returned to working 4 shifts per week because..California is really expensive. Marriage over.


Lmao and she thought leaving you was gonna allow her to do what exactly?


As nicely as I can put it she prefers to be in the kind of relationship where the man tells her what to do. While she runs his life and his career. I had no interest in ordering her around or restricting her on a day to day basis and definitely no interest in her telling me where I was going to live and what job I was going to do.


That is my sister, and her relationship with her husband. It's fulfilling for her so I leave them to it. I will never be able to accept it though.




The others aren't even worth mentioning, so I'll speak about my last ex-gf. We ended things on amicable terms, as she couldn't give me the attention she felt I deserved - it was a tough time for her, and in hindsight, I wasn't ready for the commitment she required. She's a remarkable woman and one of my best friends. She actually introduced me to a friend of hers, kept pestering me to ask her out. Glad I did - we got married this month. Bless her heart.


Sounds like she really was a good one. Glad everything worked out. :)


I was a narcissist, took her for granted and was mentally abusive. I’m glad she got out when she did and received the help she did after, it’s really nice to see her thriving too. I truly lover her and it’s gutting to see how much I hurt her. Thankfully losing her really kicked my ass into gear and I’ve been working with a therapist for a while now to turn myself around so I never hurt another person. Hopefully someone similar can see this, realise their mistakes and flaws and take action before they lose the one they love also.


Spent our whole relationship sacrificing who I was to make her happy. Cut good friends out of my life because she didn't like them. Stopped standing up for myself because it wasn't worth the arguments. Worked 10-14 hours a night and still she abused me for not doing the housework. I genuinely tried. She worked 6 hours a day and rarely did any chores at all. But I wanted to make it work so I tried to talk to her about my feelings and problems. She called me lazy and played the victim and every time I let her make me the bad guy. All I wanted was for her to be happy. I never stopped her seeing her friends or doing the things she liked. I never complained when she wasted all our money on her whim of the week. So when she asked if she could hang out with her ex, just as friends, I said yes. Because I trusted her and I told her as much. I may not trust him, but I trusted her. A few weeks later I get home at 11pm and she breaks down crying. Tells me she cheated on me with him. I was obviously devastated, but I could have forgiven her, could have still tried to move on, but then she gave me the real gut punch. "I love you, but I just don't think I'm IN love with you anymore". And that was it. I told her to get out. A week later she came back saying she still loved me, she just wanted me to fight for her. I told her the truth. I will never fight for something that doesn't exist. She said she wasn't in love anymore, so there was nothing to fight for. And if I have to fight another man for your affection, I don't want it. Fast forward 6 months and she calls to say she's pregnant and the guy denies that he's the father. She says she fucked up and wants another chance. No. PSA to all the women out there: don't take advantage of a good man. If he's not #1 for you, he won't fight for second place.


This story is all too familiar. I knew by the very first couple of sentences that she was going to cheat on you. I've dated this type and watched friends date this type. They confuse the hell out of me. They find a great partner that loves them and treats them right. They then treat that person like shit, causing their partner to silently build resentment towards them. Then they cheat on their partner, who finally, after resentment building all this time, decides that's enough. They then beg and plead for you to take them back. They are incapable of acting like they love you back until you're already walking out the door. The worst thing about it is that if you take them back, it just starts over. They do it the exact same way. If you don't take them back, they do it to somebody else. I'll never understand how someone can act like this and still sleep at night.


Aside from other issues the final straw was when my dad’s cancer came back and they decided to not ask me how I was and then an hour after finding out proceeded to have a go at me for not feeling up to going out. Ended it straight away, fuck that shit


fuck that shit real hard. good for you for getting out.


Yeah and that was just the tip of the iceberg but that’s just one thing I can’t overlook bc who acts like that about terminal illness 🙃


I realized i was not ready for a relationship and broke up with her, it wasn't in bad terms but i did not give a good explanation. She seems to be doing good. I still feel like shit tho after one year.


She just kind of fell out of love and broke up with me only to ask me out again the next day. That held for about 2 weeks after which she broke up with me. It's worthe to mention I was in Rehab at the time. After that we stayed in contact until she suddenly blocked me recently without any comment.


Came back home from work like every single day, she said she wanted to talk, told me she wasnt fulfilled anymore with me and she wants to break up, bonus point: she told me that she cheated on me few weeks ago. Had 2 days to take all my stuff and leave our apartment, came back to my father's apartment, end of the story.


I was and still am an alcoholic, I did and said stupid shit and embarrassed her enough times in front of her friends. I didn't want her to deal with that anymore, she deserved better.


I hope you get better soon, friend.


He told me I was too old. However, he came back saying he just made it up and wanted it to work out. Then on a hunch I had a friend look and see if she could find him on a dating app. She did. I wasn't upset that he was on an app, it was the fact that he had just updated his picture from the weekend. Called him out and he still hasn't spoken to me about it. Although, he's gonna need to grow some nuts and talk to me because I have his expensive mountain bike at my house.


Her depression which led to a lot of side issues plus cheating on me covertly. It’s beautiful how she fucked me over lmao.


"I'm tired of treating you like shit and I can't seem to stop treating you like shit." -Her words.


Tried to break up with her but she talked me out of it, just to cheat on me later on and break up with me.


Literally couldn’t stop cheating and blamed it on his trauma of being a Jehovah witness.


Oof. As an exJW I know firsthand how much the deprogramming fucks with your head, but holy shit shame on him for weaponizing that trauma like that.


They threatened to break up with me and then said I love you for the first time when I got upset. It died pretty quickly after that. I don’t like emotional rollercoasters.


I got arrested and fled the country


This is the sexy way to end things.


We realised the reason only years later. We shared a common interest: I like the ladies, she does too. We're able to laugh about it now.


He wanted to have children in the future and I didn't (and still don't). After almost 4 years together, he essentially gave me an ultimatum of "agree to have kids or we break up", I opted for the break up. I suppose he hoped I'd change my mind, but nope.


My favorite saying "never give an ultimatum if you can't handle both outcomes." I've received several ultimatums over the years, and each time, whoever gave it to me seemed to dislike my answer.


Growing apart. Being together a decade, starting from college age, is a gamble. Most people have no fucking clue what they want with their life, nor have they lived at that point. Up until you're 25-35 your taste in everything is still up in the air, and only after that some start to slow down with their change. She went in a different direction than me, and she also had a bigger drive and a better sense of direction than me at the time. I was still kinda aimless and just falling from gymnasium to university to apprenticeships to finally a job when we split.


He took my virginity and gave me herpes. Then tried to say I must of got it from someone else even though he legit broke my hymen and I never been with anyone else lmao.


He had jealousy issues and put holes in my wall. Not okay so we broke up.


Nothing dramatic, just stopped loving each other. We became more like flatmates and not a couple.


I didn’t want to get married or have kids. She did. Funny thing is, my mom told me all proud and certain “you DO want to get married, and you’d be a great dad. Just not to her.” I rolled my eyes at that, because I didn’t want to get married to anyone. I dated for years, and knew marriage wasn’t right. Then, I met my current partner and proposed within 7 months. Getting married in June. Guess mama was right.


We had discussed and agreed early on neither of us wanted children. At some point, she changed her mind and wanted a child. I realized together we would only build resentment over this in the long run. She deserved to have a child. I deserved not to have a child. We are still close just haven't been together in years.


Religious reasons.. I failed to worship her.




You did the right move early on, good on you! He sounds like an all-around disgusting person


Our parents split us because "god wouldn't condone love between two girls". They moved away and I never saw her again. I didn't have another actual relationship until years later.


Priorities changed for us along the way


the main cause was imho we were two lonely people who shared our lonlyness to ease it, there was not much else which bonded us together. That was never spoken out, but retrospectivly that was the reason. I couldn't get over her antics of her low self confidence anymore. I couldn't hear anymore she calling herself ugly and putting herself down and I was not able to help.


She broke up with me. We cried and held each there as we knew it just wouldn't work. I found out a week later she'd been cheating on me the entire relationship. I got cheated on for a year, dumped by the cheater who then cried on my lap like she was the one being hurt.


She kept taking things that weren't hers. Like dicks. Acres of dicks.


There were many reasons, but one of the most notable one was him accusing me many times of making up my chronic health issues just so I could avoid having sex with him. That and him trying to physically force me into a sexual act I had trauma from.


my ex picked me up and threw me on the floor. I felt a strong pain, so strong that later I couldn't walk and I was crying on the floor. He would look at me, and laugh at me while telling me to stop acting. He had fissured my coccyx.


Wtf, sorry you had to go through all that. Hope you are doing well now.


Thank you for your kind words. Actually, i'm engaged with a super kind person. I'm happy now :)


1st EX - Short lived and just didn't work out. She wanted sex and I wasn't ready for that yet. 2nd EX - Relationship became toxic and she cheated on me 3rd EX - Short lived fling that ran it's course 4th EX - IDK really. She became cold and we just drifted apart but it's all good. Married number 5 lol.


She got done abusing me. Was my first relationship, and I let waaaay too much shit slide. Still trying to unpack some of the shit I went through and deal with it. On sertraline for the meantime, and a self referral for some therapy that I need to get sorted out with.


It was doomed from the beginning. I’m a Sagittarius and she’s a total bitch.


Because he was/is an addict who was/is emotionally, verbally and financially abusive and I got tired of being treated like his personal whipping post for all things "wrong" in his life.


I started taking my medication


He was a huge alcoholic, extremely controlling over my finances, and was also physically and emotionally abusive. Not to mention I found videos of minors on his computer. Reported his ass and moved out all in one day while he was at work.


Well, it all started when we had a heated argument about the best programming language. I said Python, and my ex insisted it was Java. We just couldn't see eye to eye on it, and things got really codependent after that.


Now she belongs on 30 billion devices


Never ever had a fight with my ex. I just thought somehow I could do better since we did not have sex that often, maybe once every 2 months. I divorced her and I am regretting it every single day. She rightfully moved on and is happily living together with another man. I miss her so much, but I will have to live with that.


She said she felt "underappreciated". I spent 5 years building a foundation for the rest of our lives - obtaining a Master's and fulltime position so food would always be on the table; getting a car so we would be mobile and able to travel; getting a flat that we could make into a home. Within the same year of all the accomplishments, between Christmas and New Year's, she sat me down and told me she wanted to end it. That was two years ago, and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces.


I got tired of being treated like a servant. Who footed all the bills. Any decision I made I made thinking of family first. Hers were made her first and only. Then the bi polar schizophrenic episodes kicked in. Paranoia, then false accusations (how do you steal a house???), then violence. Refusing the meds prescribed so it became a rollercoaster. It took the city PD telling me to leave if I had a place to go. I did, and I did. Been almost a year and I am in better health, physically, mentally, and emotionally than I have been in the previous decade.


We talked it out and then stopped dating to stay friends


She had a problem with her vagina. Kept getting other dude's dicks in it.


Was hitting me every day for about 9 months then I hit them once they claimed I was abusing them (I’m a huge teddy bear when dealing with that stuff it take a lot to pee me off)


Because I turned 18




She told me she wasn't feeling any kind of romantic attraction. Granted, we weren't bf/ gf and were only dating, but still stung as I was attracted to her. But I'm forever grateful she was just upfront and honest with me.


She thought she was missing a party somewhere. This was about twenty years ago. Was in and out of rehab, but got clean last year. Sadly I found out she passed away yesterday morning. She was 42.