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Everyone's parents fuck them up.


One day we all die so we should make the most of the time we have and appreciate the people that we care for.


Some people are just antagonists and they will always exist. There is no perfect “peaceful world”


I hear what you're saying but I would like to add that we live in a universe with finite resources including time and energy. Some people do seem like pure villains but I find it hard to believe anyone wakes up and chooses to be evil. It seems far more likely that their circumstances led to their desires being antagonistic to others. That being said choosing to ignore the wants and needs of others for personal gain, damn the consequences, is almost always a harmful decision. Wish you well.


I was thinking more of people who make mountains out of molehills. Everything is cool and everyone is alright till that one person walks in and starts going off over something that isn’t even worth being called a problem. Then there are people who just seem to revel in making people fight by manipulating situations and then using their words to fan the flames till a solvable issue between people becomes an outright war and now nobody is willing to calm down or listen.


Ah okay I gotcha, I agree. I've noticed a huge issue in the modern day when it comes to nuance. It's much easier to make a quick strong opinion on something and then continue to double down but more often than not it leads to what you described above. Thanks for explaining more for me, and for being someone who can rise above and engage in a more productive conversation.




The universe is filled with chaos. Life is a quick and messy explosion of experience and embracing that fact helps me when I feel lost or like I've lost control. There's an odd comfort in the idea that nothing matters except for what we choose to care about and nurture.


Life is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. -- some English guy


Hey that guy sounds pretty cool, he should be famous or something.


That some people are just incredibly dense


True, ignorance isn't evil by itself. Sometimes we all fail to understand something, but willful ignorance, and hate hurts everyone.


That American youth wants to see the country destroyed


People are like trees. Some people are like the leaves and are only supposed to be in your life for a quick season. They come and they they fall off and they’re gone


That, guys will only treat the woman they *genuinely* like, nicely. If you think you're not getting enough attention/respect, hate to break it to you, you're not the one.


That ill never get my old friends back


Friendship is a two way street. I'm sorry to hear you've lost connections you valued but I hope you understand that time moves on and you can make new ones with people who are more willing to maintain your relationship as the days pass by. Stay hopeful, you owe it to yourself.




Humanity is dumb


That I am what I am


We come alone, we go alone. Don't have expectations of anyone. What will be, will be.