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Hitting on other men to make their boyfriend jealous.


Been there, experienced that. Doesn’t make me the slightest bit jealous. It completely turns me off.


This..... is largely a misunderstood concept because normal men don't feel the sudden urge to "compete" for the girlfriend purely for sport. It's rather a huge red flag to drop the *itch. Kudos for mentioning this one, it actually happens quite often.


"Oh, that's nice Babe; I hope that made you feel pretty. I'm thinking.... about getting some Chinese food, are you hungry?"


More like “fuck off, bitch, I won’t let you play with my self esteem”


You are allowed to swear on the internet


Or telling them that other guys told them they're pretty/find them attractive/have a crush to make them jealous.


It could be because they erroneously extrapolate certain tendencies that women have to men. It could be debated, for sure, but I often hear it said that women find a guy much more attractive if they know other women find him attractive/want him, which is also purportedly part of the explanation why guys often say they get much more female attention when have a girlfriend/are married. It would act as a form of social proof


Yea always wondered why that was, had several female friends who were very happy in the friend zone, I get serious with this new woman and suddenly they want to hangout and get drinks all the time. Wtf… too late now mofos


Doing anything to test her man’s love and loyalty to her. It just becomes clear she’s an egomaniac


This. But when it’s your best friend. And your best friend reciprocates. It’s a really shitty feeling when you realize you can’t trust your partner or your best friend, emotionally lose your connection to both of them, but are stuck and can’t leave the situation due to randomly unfortunate circumstances. Life man. It do be wild sometimes.


This man. If we're dating you should WANT to be with me too. My ass shouldnt have to be competing to keep you.


Women are socialized to compete with other women for male attention, and will be jealous and competitive if they think "their" man is paying attention to another woman. The disconnect is that women assume men have been socialized to be the same way, but they aren't.


This needs to be plastered everywhere, at all times


Not even there boyfriend but to the guy they 'like' wheres the logic? You won't hit on the guy you like but you'll flirt and sleep with the stranger you just met?


Playing hard to get. I've read quite a few blogs and heard from quite a few people that making yourself look unavailable is a quick way to gauge the guy's interest. Sorry, doesn't work on me. It just makes me think she's a game player and not interested in straight forward communication.


Some people think relationships are a competitive thing instead of a cooperative thing


Wow, you just fixed a piece therapy never did, goddamn. (...thank you?)


I saw a post a few days ago about how to commit to someone when people keep changing and my favourite answer there was that it's not about committing to each other, but to the relationship, so any trouble you might have is not you vs them, but the both of you against the problem


Im digging your soul littlemlem. Hope you the happiest of vibes


>Im digging your soul What a nice sounding compliment, I think I'm gonna start using this lol


That actually makes me really happy lol. You're welcome to it 💕


Thank you kindly


This was one of the first adult lessons I learned. It's us, we both win if one of us is right and allowed to be


I love that


Well the existence of casual relationships does imply the existence of ranked-competetive relationships.


I can't tell "hard to get" from "I'm not interested."


Yeah and that's the problem. That's why I don't play those games.


you don't have to, in both cases you just go on with your life, it's never worth it to play those stupid games.


They drummed “no means no” into us dudes when I was in school, I’m not even gonna attempt to tell the difference between “hard to get” and “not interested”. It’s not even a game really, if a girl is acting not interested when she is interested then she is lying to that person.


I generally get more of a “fuck off” vibe than “not interested”.


Or I just assume they aren’t interested, and don’t want to harass them about it. Why waste my time bothering someone?


"Hard to get" seems like a really self defeating dating strategy. The respectful guys who know how to take no for an answer, will take that hard to get stuff as a soft no and will move on. The guys who don't know how to take no for an answer will keep at it. You reduce your odds of finding the right person while increasing the risk of future restraining orders, lol.


To be completely honest, I think it might also be a cultural thing. I remember with my current boyfriend, my mother would constantly tell me that I shouldn't "appear so easy," and that men "like a challenge." Its a real shame because I'm sure men love knowing they're loved just as much as women do.


It’s not even that. We (try to) teach men to be respectful of women’s boundaries. If you present yourself as anything less then enthusiastically into being with me, I’m going to move on to find a girl who says “yes!”


Probably right about that. But as one of the commenters said, playing hard to get is almost impossible to tell from disinterest. Life's too short to be guessing.


Any girl playing hard to get means she's gonna keep playing the field even after you "get her." Knowing this... (Due to too much experience) I now move on with gusto.


Yep , if you don’t seem interested why would you expect someone to try harder ? That’s counter intuitive


Playing hard to get just means you’re a pain in the ass.


Yeah playing hard to get, and some girls also talk about options they have like this guy has interest in me, that guy has interest in me blah blah. In such situations I just start avoiding them. Never liked queues


Yeah, when a girl did the "I have lots of guys interested in me" thing to me, I responded "Great, good luck with them!" It was apparently not the right thing to say.


I'm honestly not even socially intelligent enough to see the games. I just think: unavailable? okay, next!


So anything Kardashian. Got it.


Yea, just don't look like from a factory




And we’re done here. Would the last one out please get the lights.


Couple of weeks ago I mentioned duckface to my 20 y. o. colleague. Apparently he is too young to remember it? I got called old because I remember it.


It’s still a thing in 2023. You’re not old. He’s just ignorant.


It's still around. I have a cousin whose girlfriend either makes duckface or a suggestive tongue gesture in every single picture.


Oh yeah the tongue thing, that one was weird as well.


Interesting thing about Duckface, it was meant to be girls doing a sultry pout as a slight puffing out of the lips can appear lustful, unfortunately most girls just didn't get that it was meant to be a subtle effect and instead went completely quackers. Another example of this sort of effect is in the 2nd Jumanji film (first Rock one). Karen Gillans character is trying to appear seductive to 2 guards by biting her bottom lip - an effect we know can look extremely attractive. The way her character did it was ridiculous and she looked she had a nervous tic instead.


I went to get ice cream last night. Someone in line in front of me got their ice cream and was taking a selfie with it. I’ve never seen anyone duckface so hard. It was like an evolved version. I’m terrified that it might not even be the final form.


It looks stupid


Compare me to an ex


Sometimes, I think people who compare partners don't see them as different independent individuals.


This could go one of two ways. Either you're being compared because you're fucking up in a similar way the ex did, or you're doing a lot better than the ex did. I don't mind being compared to an ex because I've got maybe too big of a growth mindset and I just don't take it personally, but keep in mind exes are experiences and important parts of people's lives. I get what you're saying though.


It can be done better. "you're so kind to people, I like that about you" is way nicer than "you're so much nicer than my ex" I get that people are probably making the comparison to their last partner, but I feel like that should be an internal calculation. Also, you should honestly be trying to look at your partner in comparison to everyone. You can sell yourself short if you get stuck with "well, they're better than the last one, guess that's good enough."


Deliberately acting stupid and helpless. It’s not cute: it makes me think there’s something wrong with your brain.


Unhealthy amounts of plastic surgery. As in 'lets get implants that make my breasts the size of fifty ton boulders and lip filler that gives me fish lips'.


Especially fucking LIP FILLERS! How is that sexy? How is any of that sexy? You look rediculious! It's so fucking obviouse. Why would you choose to look like a blow-up doll? Your lips look like they want to explode.


I think with lip filers and similar things like that, a lot of it comes from insecurity and dysmorphia. They feel so bad about how they look or their perceived lack of attractive features, that they see the changes made through these cosmetic procedures as an improvement. I can’t say I fully understand it to a T, but when I was younger I did things to try to improve my appearance that in retrospect looked awful, but at the time I truly believed were massive improvements and made me look great. I imagine women feel doubly more self conscious about their appearance with how everything is culturally. A lot of people don’t actually see themselves when they look in a mirror or at photos. They either “see” what they want to look like or what they fear to look like. Insecurity is a bitch most people can’t escape from.


It never looks right. People say "oh, it looks natural". No. It never does.


Nobody with that much plastic surgery is trying for a natural look these days. They want to look like a million-dollar Barbie. I don’t necessarily have a problem with most of that, but the crazy lip injections specifically do turn me off.


What is the healthy plastic surgery limit?


5 mph


Modifications Per Human


Probably the one that you can't tell it's fake


Recovering from a fire or having a new breast when they had to take yours due to cancer would be two examples.




Any plastic surgery that isn't necessary. If it's to improve breathing so you fixed your nose, or breast reduction because of pain and weight...all for it. It makes me sad to see some women, especially those with strong ethnic genes shave there noses just to look more western. I understand there is pressure to do this in some ways, but that pressure is wrong. I've always found natural to be the most beatiful.


I live in a small city of 20k and the posts for recommendations for plastic surgeons is just unreal. Mommy makeovers left and right you don’t know who is real anymore. Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake tans. Fake everything! One woman in particular was so, so gorgeous I can’t even begin to explain. Then she got massive boobs, lip filler, and almost died getting butt implants (which she ended up having to remove anyways) I’m a pretty confident (natural) woman but at times it’s definitely hard.


Makes me sad when other women feel the need to de-emphasize their ethnic features. I'm a clueless white girl who just found out a few years ago that many employers have dress codes that don't allow African American women to wear their hair in braids or natural. WTAF? It's so expensive & time consuming to get your hair done. Ladies, don't let the media tell you that your complexion, hair texture, body type, or facial features are not enough! The cosmetic, skin care industry preys on insecurities all the way to the bank.


Any kind of weird eyebrow trend. please stop it’s not sexy


I mean I love some good eyebrows, but there’s this trend lately where they’re glued straight up and I mean it’s literally GLUE. Eyebrow glue. Straight up toward the hairline. I just don’t get it but then again it’s probably not “for me”.


Grinch lookin mfs


Speaking as a woman, i don't do makeup or draw my eyebrows to look sexy. I do it because I want to and I like it. So not sure how well this fits the question...


I don't know where painted on eyebrows came from .. I can't tell if the poor woman has to recreate it every day, or if one application lasts a long time.


Redone everyday unless its microbladed or fake tattoo type thing


The princess act. It might be cute for a date or two. But any guy with brains comes to his senses and realizes, "Dear God. The rest of my life could be spent tethered to a whiny and demanding diva." And nopes straight out of there. You know the type. The ones whose motto is, "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't get me at my best." Well, if your worst is throwing little temper tantrums if you don't get your way or taking it out on people if you're having a bad day, that's a lack of character. No guy wants that in their lives. A neighbor across the street was that way. She had the high-demand kind of approach to dating guys down to a science. She could wrap guys around their fingers and then, poof!, they'd disappear. And somehow, she couldn't ever figure out why no guy would ever stick around.




"I want everything handed to me and you should be grateful I let you"


It comes from a popular notion that actual princesses are high demand women accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Now I've met a few actual princesses and they have all been very lovely people so I would rather call them spoiled divas. But ones mileage may vary.


IMO it's what all the "chivalry isn't dead" chicks expect. They expect you to open the door (and will wait for you to do so), pull out their chair (and will wait...), bring them flowers, take them to expensive places, gift them expensive things, and generally obsess over them. To anyone reading: you do not deserve this behavior simply for existing. Even in the deep South/etc it's an earned behavior. You'll probably get one or two dates out of being granted the benefit of doubt, but it won't last much longer if you stay passive. The king/queen shit only works if you treat them like a king, and "allowing them the privilege of spoiling you" is treating them like a butler- not a king. Nobody with self respect will stay for that.


> Even in the deep South/etc it's an earned behavior This is the key. I'll open the door for anybody, that's how we roll in the midwest. Occasionally I'll open the car door if I'm playing up the romantic part. But where I'm from you are expected to be an equal, not placed on a pedestal.


High pitch screeching during sex. Calm down Kara I’m not that good at the sex.


Long fingernails and giant false eyelashes. Pretty much anything that looks fake.


Adding whatever the fuck they do to make their lips look like they were stung by bees


I call them fish lips, and yeah, they look terrible and are a turn-off for sure.


'Bee stung lips' is actually I term I read in a ladies' magazine. Looks great on Angelina Jolie, but she was born with it.


I think the crucial difference between natural lips and the ones that look bee stung, is that natural lips aren't a uniform size. They taper, where the artificially puffed up ones are more uniform. I think that is what results in the uncanny valley effect when looking at someone with those bee stung lips.


Micheal Jackson used this term about Macaulay Culkin, I could never unseen it after


"Thomas J can't see without his glasses!"


Long fingernails don’t bother me from an attracted to women POV. It absolutely drives the “how do they wipe” center of my brain fucking nuts.


I can't tell these girls apart they all look the same.. The ones with dyed blonde hair, massive rubber dingy lips that would have been useful on the Titanic. Looks like they fell asleep on the sunbed and then smashed their face into the makeup pit.


I'm a girl and never fucking understood that it just looks so odd they look like a shitty velociraptor


I'm a guy, and I don't know why guys think Axe is going to get them a date.


An aggressive marketing campaign geared toward horny teenage boys that explicitly tells them that Axe turns women into mindless sex zombies, probably.


Long fake fingernails or long natural?


The ones where bathroom hygiene gets questionable and longer


I think so long you cant really function with them anymore besides \*clack clack clack\*. I mean well executed fake nails can look good.


At the dispensary the other day and watched a girl put her card into the ATM and then was unable to retrieve it because of the nails.


im going to hell for laughing at this


She had to ask a person to pull her card out of the machine. I told her she needed some tongs if she was gonna keep this up. No one was nice. You're not the only person going to hell.




Butt implants 🤢


Lip fillers and breast implants as well.


This is entirely subjective, there are many guys who are absolutely fine with breast implants.


I feel like most of us don’t notice unless they’re bad tbh. I’ve met people who later told me they had implants and I would’ve never known otherwise.


I personally don't like implants of any kind


Lip fillers are number one. Butt implants are ... He he he, number two.




That thing where they get all coy and ask stupid questions. Like "Who are you?!" And "How did you get inside my house?!"


I’m a locksmith, and I’m a locksmith.


"I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFhpctuUwb4


Lt. Frank Drebin, Police Squad.


Big fake eyelashes. Just stop it.


Someone doesn't like cumbrellas


Kissy face in photos Lip Injections Ass filler


Acting dumb to look cute.


I'm a woman and just popping in here to say THIS ANNOYS THE FRIGGIN HELL OUT OF ME!! It's 2023 - being intelligent is no longer a "nerd" thing. Not completely, anyway 🙃


Intelligence is very attractive actually


The problem is it works. You fall for it, then feel like an idiot later when you realize you’ve been played.


It works though. I know a girl who is a scientist yet who has mastered the art of acting dumb to perfection. She gets tons of action when she does it.


Who exactly is she attracting though?


That’s sad that she feels the need to pretend to be stupid to get attention. If you have to pretend to be something you’re not to “get guys to like you”, then those guys don’t actually like you anyways. Stop playing games, be yourself and be comfortable with who you are. The confidence that comes with being comfortable in yourself is much more attractive anyways.


Lip filling Why has this became a thing, why...


Yes 100%


Baby talk. Gross.


Yes or doing their impersonation of Betty Boop. It’s amazing how many of these women I’ve ran across lately.


i never even met a person like that in my entire life


I’ve ran across 3 so far and one is married to my stepbrother.


You must be dating 60 year olds if they are doing betty boop impressions


Wear overwhelming perfume. Fake eyelashes.


If I can taste your perfume, just by walking past you... not good.


Talking like a little girl


Wear heaps of makeup.


Enough paint for a battleship and enough powder to blow one up.




Said this to another comment but, WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO LOOK SEXY FOR MEN. Yes, every single woman knows what every man thinks of makeup. But it's not for you, it's for ourselves. It's like saying "men who uses hairproducts are soooo unattractive". Neither party does either thing for the opposite gender.


Anything super fake. Lips, nails, boobs, hair, lashes, cosmetic surgeries, it all detracts from natural beauty. Stop competing with all the hers and just be kind and friendly.


Eh. There's fake boobs and then there's FAKE BOOBS!!!. Subtle implants that suit your frame almost always look nice.


Thus my use of phrase "super fake"


Woman here but I’m bi so I’m chiming in with the guys for this one… the fucking ahegao face. Cringiest thing ever.


Along with the high pitched anime voice when they talk. Do people who do this realize how stupid they look?


I have such an irrational hatred for that face. It's an instant bonerkiller


Oh, that’s what that’s called.


i actually agree with this one


When I say I abhor that shit.


Honestly? Doing something that she doesn’t like, just for me. I love a blow job, but if she hates them, I don’t want one. Full enthusiasm and sex for fun or pleasure or intimacy without a sense of obligation or duty is so, so sexy. Am I a hypocrite, in some ways? Yes. I also love eating pussy, and it makes some women self-conscious, and I am disappointed I don’t get to make them cum so hard they forget their names. But I try to stay consistent and not push it.


Consensual King 👑


This^ Tell me what you like and what you don't, I'll do the same. If you don't like something, we don't have to do it, both people enjoying the process is so much better than someone going through the motions


You should travel and spread the word. You're like Jesus but better.


This is the way. Some people can’t handle the intensity of it or they feel uncomfortable when someone’s face is so close to their privates which is understandable. But damn sometimes it seems like not a lot of men like going down on women because they think it’s gross or am I just talking to the wrong people ?


Talking bad about others. No matter who the person is.


Ask this question every week on r/AskReddit


Twerk. I have no idea who in the blue fucking moon thinks that shit is arousing. There is a sensual hip swinging, and then there is twerking, where you shake your ass like you tried to get something out from it.


Bruh lmao, "to get something out of it".


Ugh yeah, dropping your ass like you are about to take a dump 😂


It's like watching an armless person trying to shake out a wedgie


Get ready for: Duckface, Baby voice, "real men do X", "if you don't tolerate me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best"


I can't tell these girls apart they all look the same.. The ones with dyed blonde hair, massive rubber dingy lips that would have been useful on the Titanic. Looks like they fell asleep on the sunbed and then smashed their face into the makeup pit.


I lived in LA for the last 5 years and while there are many naturally beautiful people there, there is a distinct sub-sect of the population that has all gone to the same plastic surgeon and said “hit me with the Kardashian”. So weird.


randomly twerking at the security cameras. i'm tired of mentally adding the timestamp in my memory bank to check and save it later because i'm too busy with customers to do it right away.


Whaaaat? 😂😂😂


I’m a woman and I’m realizing men like “simple” This might make my day to day a tad bit easier. Thanks everyone


All that over the top stuff is either for you or the girls. We don’t much care, and those of us that do probably aren’t the ones you want :P


As someone who likes the more relaxed, natural look, I appreciate this piece of info Lmfao. Yet most guys I know are taken by women who are all those things people here mentioned. I’m not hating oh god no, but it’s interesting


Honey, from woman to woman and with sincere love, if knowing that makes your days easier, you should be doing less for strangers and more for yourself. Love yourself, you're worth, you're good the way you are. ❤️


Cake farts


What the hell is a cake fart?




A reference I understand


Baby talk and generally acting all "Oh, bahbey! Am I a dwirty wittle girl?" shit. It's like, do we look like nonces? Do we want someone talking to us like a four year old would? Because, if so, WHY would you fuck someone like that!? Men are simple: tell him dirty things, give us sexy times, you're good. That's it, no need for the Jimmy Saville routine.




Calling men “daddy.” As a parent, it feels gross


As someone who heard a group of drunk women in a hotel lobby call my father “daddy”: agreed. That shit was just hellishly uncomfortable. What was worse was when he asked me what they meant by it.


Act stupid. As in 'I don't understand and are just too cute, plz explain/show me/do it for me' I get that some men like to get their ego boosted but damn it is so cringe.


Ask this same question 10 times a week


Twerking - wtf is this 👀. You just look like an idiot that can't dance Lip filler - your lips look inflamed. How is this sexy. Shit tons of make up - ok make up works well to enhance your natural features, but when you put in so much you have a different face wth are you doing? Calls you "daddy" - this makes me so uncomfortable 😖. My ex said this to me once in public. I just looked at her and said "never say that to me again" Implants - tits or ass, once you start messing around with surgery your ruin everything. They just look like inflated or disproportionate.




Long. Fake. Nails. Get your nasty ass claws away from my peepee


pouty duck lips faces. Edit - turns out everybody agrees!


Long pedicured toenails that look like they could snatch a salmon on a spawning run. No matter how nicely they are lacquered, long toenails look monstrous. Bee stung lips. If the skin looks tight and shiny, it ends up looking like it hurts and it’s distracting. Also, and this is mostly a towny white girl thingy when they come to the city to go clubbing, or dancing at a corn festival- that weird rythmic squat dance where they lower to the floor as if they are about to perform fellatio or take a shit while dancing, and then ride back up again. It’s not hot and looks dumb.


I don't mind the "independent boss bitch" thing but madam, all I did was hold the door for you...


"Excuse me?,I have a boyfriend"


Implants, lip filler, microblading, pretty much all the fake shit. While I don't find any of it sexy, I'm totally on board with the fact that women like to do it for themselves and that my opinion doesn't really matter 🙂


Microblading is fine, if done well it looks natural. Just makes it look like the eyebrows are more full. It's not akin to caking on fake shading (again, if the microblading is done well).


It is also worth mentioning that we notice the very bad cases. Almost everyone in Hollywood - male & female - has extensive operations performed but they are the "stealthy" ones that do minor improvements or delay aging. I've known people irl with several procedures and no one could guess. ​ What I'm saying is, most people DO like it when done well - what they don't like is the extremely overdone version of them


Paint their eyebrows on


Fake eyelashes and ridiculously long fake nails.


Ridiculously long fake eyelashes


Dropping really subtle hints. We most likely will not get it or think you just misspoke, just be more direct.


I was pretty much scared before coming here as I was preparing myself to be torn to shreds lol was expecting critique on more common things such as “annoying” character traits


Murder a sabertooth tiger bare handedly and drag its bloody corpse back to the den to feed the family for the upcoming winter when food may become scarce. Like Denise please, just go to the store like the rest of the wives it's becoming a problem and the HOA is going to fine us.


Anything that’s unnatural to their body Twerk


Drunk "sexy" dancing. I'm very sorry, but you are not Selma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn. You might feel like it, but it looks embarassing.


This is just me but fuck the whole "duck lips" shit


Acting like they are stupid, even if they are in reality very smart.


Ahego. Put your tongue back, you look like a cat about to puke. Its ugly as fuck when anyone does it and i hate that it became such a fad in nsfw spaces.


steal your money and leave you