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What is a Reddit alternative we can migrate to


In my comment history, comments I've posted recently to subs that are now private, don't show up at all. They only exist in my memory. Is this a bug or a feature?


Why don't you restrict the sub to only have content about the API changes for 48hrs? If the reason for staying up is so users can discuss the changes!?!?


Is anyone else binging askreddit and other subs before they go Darker than Black? :D


All i know is i am kicked off some boards .. why. What is going on? What did redit fo?


It's kinda hilarious that a good high % of the people saying "join the blackout" have already made several posts today. Basically a bunch of hypocrites


Idk about everyone else, but reddit is such an addiction I just kept ending up on reddit without even thinking during the blackout. So much muscle memory of "oh I spent 15 minutes doing this, time to go to reddit". And then the site is open even though I wanted to participate in the blackout. It's cool, though, I'm training myself to stop going here so much. Tired of this shitty website, Spez just digging himself deeper into a jackass hole is making it easier to get myself weaned off the site.


why would a subreddit like /r/all not work? Shouldn't it show all of the subreddits that did not go dark?


Do the right thing: Indefinite blackout now!


I just did an askreddit of where people plan to migrate to due to the situation. I had a bot tell me to use this megathread.


I joined my subs before they went private. Why can’t I access some of them?


911 for neckbeards


Reddit the least thing you can do is make 3rd party apps pay way less than what you have to offer...


There needs to be a TL;DR: in plain English instead of expecting people to spend an eternity reading the entire War & Peace length novel in the link. It's already frustrating enough that entire subreddits are being held hostage without being expected to also read an entire book to figure out what's going on and why reddit is punishing its users for a decision that we had no part in.


Reddit, please do something. I wanna keep using it.


Any sub that participates in the blackout should have it’s mods removed. Complete joke that third party app developers who run for profit businesses get to screw with a free product.


Can someone explain what’s going on?


How long is this blackout supposed to last? Are all subreddits that are going dark doing so permanently or temporarily?


How long will this last? I can't check off the anime, manga, game, etc because they are set to private


The blackout was mentioned on BBC Radio 4 just now! Hope it works.


these protests have my FULL support. please reddit, i just want my favorite subreddits back. reconsider, and throw these stupid new API changes out the window. no one wants a subreddit dedicated to book works, with people posting things about the marvel movies in them. we need mods, and we need the mods to be easily accessible.


Askreddit mods, you are not neutral. By staying up, you have chosen your side. If I’m not mistaken this is the biggest non-official sub out there. It’s not too late to join the blackout.


I really want to know the opinion of the mods who are deciding against the blackout, what is really their opinion?


The idea that ANY mods of this sub have any opinion besides the objectively correct one that the API fiasco is malicious and predatory speaks all the same volumes that your unwillingness to join the blackout does. Happy to unsub here as the last thing I do on this site. Cowards.




Why stay neutral? Pick a side.


This blackout is kind of fucking pointless then? All its really done is promote a bunch of smaller subs which is better because every other post isn't a repost for a change


My feed has never looked better lol


the blackout is honestly just very annoying


It's hard for me to find the time to look through 2000 comments or long articles/posts before I get to the part about why all of this is happening or if my favorite subreddits are still going to be available or if my account is getting shut down and I will lose all of my history.... Is someone able to explain in the fewest words possible wtf is going on? Because all I see when logging in every day to various subreddits is... "This subreddit won't be here much longer you need to find an alternative etc" and long drawn out talking about it but can't find what is going on in the middle & then I have to log off... I'm a very busy guy. Was hard to even take 5 to write this Thanks


Neutrality and or stagnation isn’t neutrality on this issue, it’s siding against the voice of your community. If you insist on neutrality then give up api based moderation for the duration and show what happens if we stay neutral.


Is there a way to read cached blackout subs?


You can't offer a "neutral place" on Reddit of all places, especially at a time like this, nor are you neutral when you're actively choosing to *not* join the other subreddits. You already took a stance—and it's a disappointing one.




Yeah it might become sliiightly less convenient to spend hours thumb fucking your phone looking at videos of puppies and bad drivers. I'm sorry for your loss.


Tick tock...


This subreddit blackout won't be that effective. A lot of subreddits are going private for 2 days. Any money that reddit loses in those 2 days will be made back in a week or so. A good protest lasts indefinitely. Subreddits should go for an indefinite blackout instead. Also, your community has spoken and asked that you join. Listen to them. -Commented from RIF because fuck u/spez


As one of the largest subs, I think it would really help the cause to join in the protest.


Not really being neutral when there's only two options: stay open or blackout. You're supporting reddit's decision this way under a fake guise of neutrality.


Reddit is filled with angry nerds who think 2 days will do anything😭😭😭


Oh yeah all the difficult topics that Askreddit allows like....... Sex questions, sex questions, oh and more sex questions wow. Yeah you guys need to be open for sure.


> We’ve always done our best to be a neutral mod team because this subreddit is about letting the community discuss topics and at this moment in time, the community speaks louder than mods do. The mods here individually have our own opinions on the Reddit API controversy but as mods of a community dedicated to conversations, we think it’s more impactful to keep the subreddit open so people can discuss this controversial change and the surrounding impacts. Right, that’s why default sorting is by new and comments are randomized to prevent organized discussion right? Get the fuck outta here.


Why should I care?


a massive subreddit overtaken by reddit admins isn't going down for the blackout? holy shit, i'm soooooo surprised. fuck off guys. yall are greedy fucking shitheads who just want fucking money. if you're reading this and you aren't a reddit admin, head over to lemmy. takes a bit to set up, but is much better and more trustworthy.


Dadsgonewild and daddypics are gone


No one will see this btw


Mods taking a big L today. Shame on you.


In that case, on the twelveth we should all unsubscribe


Mods in this sub don't care • written on the soon to be killed reddit is fun (rif) app on Android




That sounds like a shitty way to get a job • written on the soon to be killed reddit is fun (rif) app on Android


Thanks for this I understand in the sense as to why the blackouts are happening but don't understand but do understand why people are getting upset with Reddit doing whatever it wants with what it created. That might be a bit confusing for some people. Edit: Question Would said team that made 3rd Party apps for a person's reddit experience worked at Reddit and implemented said features, would people be satisfied with that? Just burious.


By staying "neutral" you side with the oppressor. Not a good look.


Ironic that people asking the sub to join the blackout are still on Reddit today. Go offline or delete the account on your own


It looks like some subs are shutting down as of today. Like even this sub, I can't even post a question without getting the error that Body text isn't allowed when I'm only using the title field. I do see the big picture, and its a shame that in order for a company to listen to their customer base, these games have to be played. I'm especially floored that they would try to extort 20million from a group of volunteers making reddit usable. In the end some companies just have to learn the hard way.


This "blackout" is nothing but a bunch of virtue signaling horseshit anyway. This change probably affects at most like 1% of Reddit's userbase. I don't think it really warrants this site-wide tantrum.


Who is we? It is clear that the mods need to be replaced as they clearly go against the will of the community. SELLOUTS!!


Does anyone else think the whole thing is stupid? Punish reddit by making things inconvenient for the users and not letting them use the site? Tf?




I’m taking advantage of the situation to unsubscribe from all “neutral” communities such as this. Thanks for making your stance on the matter very clear. Posted from Apollo.


when are you children going to be done with your temper tantrum? absolutely no one gives a fuck about your weird crusade, you’re the laughingstock of the internet


This is bigger than any one sub and concerns the future of the site. "Being neutral" effectively amounts to condoning Reddit's conduct and what that will do to affected developers and users. You should re-evaluate your position and join the blackout.


no, they shouldn't. all it will do is drive people away from their sub and the website.


Go private or I filter this sub from appearing with RES.


Hey all! So, I am noticing a lot of subs are still private. r/facepalm being one of them. Does any one know when they will be back? Is there an actual timeline?






Do you remove everything that's not questions about the blackout?


What are they talking about?


my notifications to this post have to be on. 🍿


I felt the first blow today trying to automate a task on Android. Reddit would be a loss.


I'm very new to Reddit and had seen comments about this deal. I didn't even know until a few days ago, that there are other apps for this. The BBC link was super helpful to understand the situation.


Thank you moderator and leader. All this immature redditors who dont even know the redditquette are whining. I'm sure they have never even got a reddit gold, simply embarrassing.


Go private please


Bad take, join the blackout.


Aside from the fact that there's a sizeable amount of people that just won't or can't use reddit without third party apps, they're taking away mod tools, and based on how well this goes, they will continue to act in this anti-consumer way. This isn't the worst thing they'll try. And if you don't take a stand now, it might be too late in the future.


Yea shut this sub down or else 🫦




While I agree with having a community wide protest as large as possible, if you've ready been a member of a community before the blackout started we shouldn't be prevented from seeing posts in those. To me, that just makes me want to leave the subreddits and is an annoyance in an of itself and makes little sense. With being a late night body, not being able to access my usual subreddits is again just annoying / frustrating. We also should've gotten a notification from this before it started instead having to find out by searching why I can't access my normal subreddits.


It is annoying AF when you browse episode discussions in subreddits of shows you do not want to join the subreddit of because you haven't finished it yet.




As a subreddit with 41M members, I think it’s a better idea to join the blackout. We really need to send Reddit a message that we will fuck them up if they don’t change their API pricing to better suit us.


Keep the sub open but only allow posts about the blackout. Can still show show support and allow a neutral place for discussion.


At this point, it is easier to ask which Subs are not participating than which Subs are.




Do not join this stupid temper tantrum because of peer pressure. You’re doing the right thing.


As one of the biggest subreddits, you should partake in the blackout. Because it will have the most impact. And if you’re such a great team of mods that listen to the wants and needs of the community, do it already. We literally all want the blackout to happen. But Reddit won’t take it seriously if the biggest subreddits don’t partake because they are big and a lot of people use the subreddit daily. That’s the whole point of the blackout. To tell them that what they are doing will result in people leaving


Did r/CreditCards extend their protest. I thought it was 48hour from 6/12 but they are still private. Will they remain private indefinitely (as I heard some communities have decided) or do they have an updated date to go back to public (or let new members join)?


r/istandwithreddit ​ Would you guys really want anyone being able to scrape every post and comment you made with the Reddit API? If you are an artist, would you really want every piece of art you made be used to train AI? Would you want sites like removereddit and ceddit that can recover deleted posts and comments \*\*YOU\*\* made? New Reddit API changes makes it expensive for stuff like this to happen. Its all just people thinking it only stops good things (such as third-party apps).


Do you know how many onlyfans bot I got when the change was made? 7. Do you want to know how many I had as an account that was active for a full year mind you? None at all. These might help us somehow sure but as you can obviously see it hurts us too if not more arguably.


Putting the comments in contest mode to try to hide the popular comments is pathetic.


will subreddits that closed because of api changes ever become active again if reddit changes api pricing for the better?


Joining the blackout would be better.


5 bucks says this post was written by or in communication with a Reddit admin


I've seen lists of subreddits that have pledged to go dark (like [this one](https://reddark-digitalocean-7lhfr.ondigitalocean.app/)), but does anyone have a list of subs that have pledged to go dark **indefinitely**? For example, /r/physics.


If the community really speaks louder than the mods, then shut this server down.


Is there a way to see the impact of all the subreddits going dark had on the overall traffic flow of reddit?


>offering a neutral place to discuss topics My dudes, entirety of Reddit is united on this one. Staying neutral means going against users.


Go dark.


When is the big date as I don't want to miss it


People keep posting saying the sub should go dark, but aren’t they also breaking their little strike by still posting? Like, why don’t you log off in support?




if you can't beat 'em, join 'em energy


This is nonsense! You're one of the biggest subreddits on the site, using your platform to "both sides" it is indistinguishable from taking reddit's side.


Join the protest




[Was previously on the fence about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1470boa/the_big_reddit_blackout_of_2023/jo35ffe/) but I know bullying when I see it, and the way reddit is threatening mod teams and refusing to listen to them is bullying. Not that the mods need a Monday morning quarterback but my thought is that it would be reasonable for mods to say that given the lack of mod tools they have no choice but to keep their subs read only for x% of the day to cut down on the moderation workload to manageable levels, and that if and as mod tools are improved that percentage can be increased. That strikes me as an effective form of protest because it is hard for reddit to discipline them since they can credibly claim it isn't a protest but a pragmatic measure taken out of necessity as a consequence of the lack of support they have received.


Disappointment. Close.


r/modCoord has the growing list of subs going dark. This sub needs to join.


Ultimately what people don't understand is that boycotting Reddit completely is going to have more meaning than mods here turning their subs private. As long as you're on the site, Reddit gets ad revenue. So stay off of Reddit indefinitely.


Doesn't actually seem like there's that many subs participating? Going on r/all theres still loads of active subs and new posts




Reddit's new API sucks so fucking bad No, actually


Your community is speaking. They’re saying “Please, shut it down. We won’t be angry.” Listen to them. Shut it down.


I haven't really found a lot of discussion as to why I should boycott Reddit. Let me summarize what I know: - Reddit is essentially pricing out third party tools like moderation, alternative Reddit apps, and anything in between built on their API - This action will make it more difficult for the mods who already volunteer their time to moderate Reddit I am sure there is more to it than this, because frankly why should I, the average user, care about this? If the new cumbersome workflow makes life more difficult for the mods of my favorite subs, won't new mods just eventually replace them? Seems like there is a near-infinite amount of people that want the power to do that. Frankly, I find it hard to care about the problems mods on this website face. The only good arguments I have heard is that there are better accessibility options available, but honestly instead of pushing to keep the third parties, we should be pushing Reddit for better accessibility options. This reminds me of the VRC thing that happened earlier in the year, where they added anti-cheat. I am not here to just simp for Reddit, but I don't get what all the fuss is about tbh. Is there an unspoken alternative motive, where some people are using the api to browse ad-free? Or another type of use-case that isn't beneficial to Reddit? I am asking these questions because I want to get with everyone and care about this, but I haven't found good reasons to yet. Edit: I’m also not a fan of how scores are hidden so we can’t see community sentiment on this.


Fuck the bbc


Mods, please reconsider. If r/funny can participate so can you. AskReddit isn’t some bastion of conversation and community, and keeping it open undermines the unity others subreddits are showing.


Good shit fellas. Y'all just gained a new subscriber for this. Whole site should follow in your footsteps.


Keep it open. Let the users decide if they will choose to join the blackout. Subs going private at the vitriolic behest of spoiled children throwing tantrums will serve no purpose but to alienate a separate segment of users who never even knew third party apps existed.


People who believe that Reddit's new API charges are exorbitant and impossible, how do you feel about [Relay For Reddit's new plan](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/147152b/update_how_the_current_api_changes_would_impact/) to continue their app by offering a moderate $3 monthly subscription? Do you feel you were lied to? Were you conned? Was this whole protest built on a lie?


Because I is the big potatoe, why is AOE2 not visible to me? This blackout thing sounds like a political thing, and I (again, with potatoe brain power) cannot figure out why a niche gaming community is partaking in such frivolity.


Dammt I'm already seeing subs come back. This whole blackout was pointless. If everything could stay blacked out until august that would be great. I mean june and july is prime grass touching season. Grass is at peak maturity prime for touching at this time.


Reddit mods are acting like little babies, they don't get their way, so they shut down the majority of subreddits. Its reminds me of those in goverment who shutdown the whole goverment and they don't suffer but as a result the rest of the country suffers. Its totally infuritating especially as a person like who me uses Reddit on desktop and just looks for new Youtube videos ( that can't be found elsewhere) and music. Grow up, this blackout is not going to work and all your doing is keeping us from information since reddit seems to be only places to find answers to questions and vital news that we need.. Thanks guys


Why are subreddits only going dark for 48 hours? This does not make a huge impact on anything. Also, some of the 'protestors' are using Reddit despite boycotting the deal. Typical Redditor moment.


Wow, of all the subs to pull this bullshit.


Siding with reddit admins and keeping this sub online is not neutrality. Sorry


Sub is neutral cause they’re giving people a choice


What new subs are you discovering while your favorite subs are inactive during the blackout? I’m getting stuff I would otherwise never see in my feed.


Please join.


Does anyone know what praise spez means?


Serious question: I don’t use a 3rd party app for Reddit and it seems to work fine for me. I didn’t even know there were 3rd party apps. What exactly is bugging everyone with the original Reddit? Just genuinely curious.


No ads, a lot more customization options, and less privacy invasive to name a few. But not just that, some third party apps have been around longer than the official reddit app. Some people are just more used to them, and unnecessary change sucks.