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Jared Leto


I can't imagine him doing anything and not letting everyone know about it


Hahahaha touché


I can easily picture him murdering someone. And in a very macabre cultish way


He’s the type who would say some sort of pretentious shit during the kill, too. “I release your soul from its confines of this wicked flesh so that you may be reborn anew.”


“It’s Morbin’ time”


“Nothing on the inside nothing on the outside” as he licks blood off the knife


I love how whenever these kinds of threads about a piece of shit celebrity comes up one of the top responses is always Jared Leto. Without fail and totally justified. Animal abuser? Jared Leto. Serial killer? Jared Leto. Rapist? Jared Leto. Into bestiality? Better believe it's Jared Leto.


>Animal abuser? Jared Leto. Serial killer? Jared Leto. Rapist? Jared Leto. Into bestiality? Better believe it's Jared Leto. Guy's got range.


The property brothers.


New floors, .....but never pull them up 🙂


Good idea to remake "The Tell-Tale Heart" with them in it!


This is so unrelated but every time the Property Brothers are mentioned I always think of a tweet response I saw on an advertisement for their mobile game. They are standing really close in the app thumbnail and it’s just an awkward image and someone tweeted, “Brothers by chance, lovers by choice” and for some reason that has stuck in my mind. 😅 Edit: Fixed typo from awakened to awkward.


I had this job where we had to go to a shitty work dinner/gala and these guys were there doing a presentation. They were more unsettling IRL than on TV. They definitely seemed like they were made in a lab.


I’m a fan of theirs, and after listening to thier book- it’s made very clear they are carefully curated in thier looks and behaviors. Thier managers expect them to wear certain clothes and respond in certain ways.. it’s very teenage forced pop icon feeling.. and now they feel stuck in those personas. But I genuinely do feel like they are best friends. If you have ever hung out with twins, they are definitely a different breed of person, identical or not.


Somebody said once if you combine them, they are almost as good looking as Harry Connick Jr. I can't unseen it now.


I was actually just at a wedding with Drew. He brought his wife and baby. I’ve never met the other brother but Drew was incredibly nice and made an effort to chat with and get to know pretty much everyone there. Nothing but nice things to say about him. Never watched the show or seen the two of them together though!


Ezra Miller


Except he sounds too disorganised to get away with more than 1 murder


Not exactly a well-known celebrity, but Jim Bob Duggar. He allowed his son to molest 4 of his daughters (one was 5 at the time) and tried his best to cover it up and brush it under the rug. Then he made (2 of) the victims do a TV interview when it was made public. He also pocketed all the money (meant for his kids) from the TV show. There are more skeletons in his closet.


And Michelle Duggar would smile and defend him to her dying day.


SHE scares the fuck out of me. Just vapid expressions and dolls eyes


It's done on purpose. Women in the IBLP cult want to appear submissive and quiet.


Watch the docuseries on Prime. They literally beat the spirit out of them from the time the kids are babies. That's why they are vacant shells. The whole religion centers around child abuse.


I watched the documentary. The part about them asking if their kids needed “encouragement” was honestly scary.


They said that these people "blanket train" 6 month old babies by putting the baby on a blanket, putting something they want just out of their reach, and then slapping them every time they try to reach for it. It's repulsive and I have no sympathy for anyone who would do that to a baby.


Yeah, the entire documentary was horrible but that part in particular was extra upsetting. The story about the “encouragement”, the blanket training, the sweet and high pitched voices and the spanking on stage was just awful.


They do what now????? I've heard of putting a baby on a blanket/play mat and putting something they want just out of reach... But it's to help encourage them to crawl. Not to tease and torture the kid!


What’s so fucking wild is when Josh gets out of prison - if his kids are still minors - Anna will pick him over her kids. Not that any kind of legal enforcement will probably be enforced, but she’ll pawn her kids off on someone else to stay with him And I almost can’t hate her for it because she has been brainwashed and beaten into submission by this cult she genuinely doesn’t realize why that’s the wrong choice. It’s awful.


They are trained through the church to have dead eyes and a high pitched voice. It's fucking weird.


Michelle's case is a little weird. She and Jim Bob converted to whatever fundie quiverfull religion they're a part of. I expect the attitude from women raised in that environment, but Michelle had a career and shit before she became a [real world axlotl tank](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Axlotl_Tank).


I don't think she exactly had a career, she was 17 when she married Jim Bob. She worked at his mothers yogurt shop before that, but I have never heard of her having a career that wasn't birthing babies.


Most fundies have those dead doll eyes. It’s the creepiest thing. Like an actual physical manifestation of their brainwashing


It’s called “keeping sweet”. It’s a fundie thing


There is nothing in that woman, no core, no soul, nothing. Just baby dispensing shell.


Was waiting for this one Josh definitely isn’t the only bad egg in that family


Ugh. I remember when they first were “big” on TLC. A friend of mine who was raised Fundie-lite remarked at how “cute” they were. I on the other hand had my own thoughts. Something really set me off about them and I couldn’t quite figure it out at the time. Well Josh is a POS much like his disgusting pig of a father. Michelle is dumb and so far entrenched in that IBLP mess, it’s scary. I’ll support my kid and love my kid but when my kid sexually assaults someone, kid, anybody, I’m done with support.


I was raised non religious and I assumed most people watched it as a sort of circus freakshow, with morbid fascination. I've only learned in the last couple years that a lot of people thought they were "cute" or some kind of aspirational family.


Telling your kids to keep their hands off their genitals gives them an unhealthy obsession with genitals, when will people learn that? > Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar said: "Even though we would never choose to go through something so terrible, each one of our family members drew closer to God." Yes yes, nothing says god is great like him idly standing by watching a 5 year old getting molested.


I'm still trying to reconcile why God would have let me raped 15 years later. That shit sticks with you And I totally agree. Teach kids that there's a time and place for it and that no one else should be involved until they're grown up and ready. Keep it age appropriate and refresh the talk with new language and boundaries as they get old. BUT they would never do that since touching yourself or sex before marriage is a "sin." Which is so stupid. A sin is something that distances you or separates you from God. You can cum and still love God


Tbh I lean more towards josh Duggar being a serial killer


After watching the Duggar documentary and learning about the child “raising” (read: abuse) techniques their church teaches like the Blanket Training I would be very surprised if none of them were serial killers. He strikes me as the most likely though given what we already know about him.


Watched Shiny Happy People last night… WTF! These people are insane.


Come to r/duggarsnark, where we make fun of them. And check out the documentary, Shiny Happy People that explains the cult.


The crazy fundie preacher, [Kenneth Copeland](https://opoyi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kenneth-Copeland.jpg). He can't even hide his lunacy. It's written all over his weird demonic face.


His demonic eyes scare the hell outta me.


Real life Disney villan


Same. There's this instinctual vibe that screams unhuman or simply "other" but not in a good way


Yes. I know him personally. Spot on.


What’s it like on the inside? Tell the people


It’s the flaming hellscape of idiocracy, misogyny and bigotry that you would expect. It’s awful. I grew up in that world. My dad is an evangelical preacher and he grew up with Kenneth Copeland and Jessie Duplantis. He’s also lifeline friends with Joel Osteens dad, and now Joel. It’s just awful. True grift.


Pretty sure some teenage girls are trapped in Joel Osteen's basement as we speak too. Edit: typo


That man looks like an absolute demon. If his followers actually read the fucking manual they’d know to keep away from that thing


My son described him as a devil in a skinsuit. He's who they should fear!


JFC. That face is trauma-inducing.


It’s from an interview where they confront him about buying a new jet. He starts out nice and smiling and in an instant the full evil comes out and he get super aggressive against the reporter. Leaves not doubt about his true intentions


It’s like Bilbo trying to get the ring back from Frodo


It’s ironic that he’s a preacher because if I had to imagine how The Devil would look like as a human, it would be him. Plus, being a rich crazy fundie preacher with immense power and influence would totally be something Satan would do if he took human form.


David Miscavige


Well he definitely killed his wife


he strikes me more as a "keeps her in a panic room and has staffers make sure she eats every day" kinda guy


I can't imagine a world where Tom Cruise isn't secretly a serial killer. It just makes too much sense.


Christian Bale said he watched a lot of Tom Cruise interviews while preparing for *American Psycho*.


there's nothing behind those eyes!


Unless he's doing something where he might really die from the stunt he's working on, they're totally empty like a shark. It freaks me out lol


That really makes it sound like if he weren't getting his thrills from doing his own stunts, he'd be getting them from murdering people


Scientology teaches you that everything is a blessing, everything is good, always smile. It teaches people to oppress emotions. He really DOES only feel things when he's close to the edge. Murder, maybe. Fish fucking, definitely.


He always says this but leaves out the fact that the comparison is made in the book itself. There's a bit where Patrick Bateman is in an elevator with Tom Cruise and it's implied they are like eachother.


Wait is that implied ? English in not my first language and from what I remember and though I understood Tom Cruise is annoyed/weirded out by Patrick being... Well, Patrick. Like, he bleeds from his noise because of Cocaïne and Tom Cruise is clearly judgmental of that but I never got the idea they were all that similar. (Beyond the fact that both are clearly judgmental and think some people have less value that they do but mainly because of their social status than shared psychopathy?) But I'd need to reread the novel, my English reading and comprehension skills are a bit better now. Because I did not get that parallel if it's implied.


English is my first language and my read on that is the same as yours. Cruise clearly wanted off of the elevator and away from Bateman.


You read it fine. Bateman imagines he and Cruise are similar because that feeds his ego, but it's obvious Cruise is actually very uncomfortable being next to Bateman and gets out of the lift as soon as he can. It feels weird a book written over 30 years ago has Tom Cruise in it. Weird as in it makes me feel very old.


I don't think it is as secret as you imagine. Scientology has *scary* shit going on inside it, and death from neglect, overwork, and/or isolation isn't unheard of and certainly happens everywhere in Scientology. If you go down that rabbit hole, it gets pretty scary pretty quickly. Their absolute mastery of the cover-up has blunted this feeling for most people, but they are as extremist or worse than a lot of fundamentalist movements. I'm of the opinion that David Miscavige is a serial killer and probably killed L. Ron Hubbard. Tom Cruise is his best friend. Do the math.


At the very least Sea Org members (the slave labour of Scientology, who sign up as children) do stuff for Tom Cruise. Either he’s very very sheltered within the org so doesn’t know the same things we know or he does know and doesn’t care


I remember hearing Leah Remini talking about how Cruise has literal slaves from Scientology who have to serve him. She said he could be filming a movie in the bumfuck backwoods of Canada and demand Starbucks coffee, and his 'slaves' would have to get it for him. Even if it was a 12 hour round trip in the middle of the night and the coffee would be cold by the time it got back, they'd have to do it. They couldn't argue, or sigh, or roll their eyes or anything....Cruise was 'God' and had to be obeyed.


L. Ron Hubbard and probably his wife.


I can absolutely believe any evil shit you can imagine about Miscavige.....but Hubbard always stuck me as kind of knowing this thing he created was bullshit, and just laughed all the way to the bank. It was the ones who followed Hubbard and came after him that turned the most insanely hardcore and crazy




His wife is almost certainly "alive" whether or not she's happy with that fact... who's to say.


He’s not a serial killer per se he’s more like Joffrey Baratheon - violence gets him off and some people may die in the process but he’s really after their suffering more than their actual death. Like I could absolutely see him strangling hookers until they pass out or paying gay prostitutes to let him beat them up.


You're assuming a more normal world than the one he lives in. Scientologists absolutely thank him for the horrible things he does to them.


Absolute monster. 100% has to be.


Kris Jenner strikes me as a woman who would do *whatever it takes* to get what she wants.


Definite Serial Mom vibe.


Joel Osteen


“Don’t worry, me strangling you to death and then dismembering your corpse and leaving pieces all around Houston is part of Gawds plan!”


Any of those Megachurch people. Tell me this [motherfucker ](https://youtube.com/shorts/qJMzmg3gXWU?feature=share) ain't got bodies locked in a freezer.


I knew exactly who it was before I even clicked on the link. That dude is terrifying af.


If there’s anything in the world that could convince me the devil is real and shows up in human form to corrupt people, it’s this guy.


Same here. When I first saw him that was my instant thought. But hey, the fact that he's got a following means that the devil does have charisma apparently. If he's real, that's a terrifying thought.


Is it Kenneth Copeland? I bet it's him!


Dude...I've never heard of this guy, but I just got like really unsettled watching that. His eyes are full of malice, and the way he pointed at her and raised his voice, god the man's unhinged.


No, you don't understand, it's God speaking through him Or the devil, idk who he got on the phone rn


Demon eyes.


They did find a [large amount of money](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/04/us/osteen-church-money-plumber-trnd/index.html) hidden in the walls while fixing a plumbing leak.


The first time I saw him on TV my first thought was "there's something really odd about that guy"


Jared Leto. Some kind of Elizabeth Bathory type of thing (I know she never actually bathed in her victim's blood but Jared Leto would most likely do it in some capacity). ​ Dane Cook is also suspicious.


Jared Leto was my first thought too, followed quickly by Ezra Miller.


Ezra Miller was my first thought.


Mark Zuckerberg if you want to call him a celebrity.


The first law of robotics wouldn't allow Mark Zuckerberg to be a serial killer.


True, he's more of a serial number.


Ezra miller


Literally, the first name that came to mind


Kevin Spacey


Well he's already a few steps in that direction


A couple of his accusers did die suddenly Then you have the sexual impropriety, and cryptic Christmas videos


OJ Simpson


Apparently they thought about casting OJ as the terminator but he didn't "seem like a killing machine"


100% true story. James Cameron confirmed it in the new Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary series in Netflix.


He just needs to kill 1 more, or the same pattern to be a serial killer


Toby Flenderson


Jim Bob Duggar




You should see the video he did before he was blippi lmao


Any celebrity involved in Scientology.


Armie Hammer


This was my first choice. Like he's killed before he was famous but his rich family covered it up.


Dan Schneider


They serial killer not serial child rapist


Easy. Shia Lebeouf


You're walking in the woods There's no one around And your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye you spot him…..


[whispers] *Shia Lebeouf*


He's following you, about 30 feet back...


He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint! He’s *gaining* on you!


You're looking for your car, but you're all turned around. He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face My God, there's blood everywhere!


Running for you life (from Shia LaBeouf) He's brandishing a knife (it's Shia LaBeouf) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf


Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf) Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf) Eating all the bodies Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf


Now it's dark, and you seem to have lost him But you're hopelessly lost yourself Stranded with a murderer You creep silently through the underbrush


You mean, actual canibal Shia Lebeouf.


Shia Surprise


Ezra Miller, Armie Hammer


Leonardo Dicaprio, not because he dates young chicks but because he just looks like he could be a serial killer ngl


He’s on a yacht with all those models in the middle of the ocean. If one disappears, who’s counting?


It's the implication


Gwyneth Paltrow


You don’t get baby blood by paying market rate do you; you source it yourself silly. /s


Ellen. Just look into those cold, dead eyes and tell me she hasn't tasted human flesh.


Of course she has. Portia’s.


Danny Masterson


Hear me out.. Oprah.


I'm listening


I dunno I just feel like when she goes home she literally peels off her generous, wise, adored, celebrity face and just runs around naked and faceless eating raw meat and plotting her next kill. Like she hides out in the bushes in Beverly hills and chokes a bitch out, drags her into her lair and forces them to tell their life story. She then steals the idea and forces her and all the other victims chained in the basement to write an anonymous author best selling novel that makes billions because she promotes it on her show.


I wish I hadn't read this right before bed.


You just did. And now you're in trouble for knowing the truth.


You could be right bro, you could be right.


She’s like mom from Futurama, she steps out of her sweet motherly body suit and is a cold-blooded maniac


You get a murder, and you get a murder, and you get a murder.... everyone gets a murrrrderrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!


Jared Leto He looks like that old Jeff the Killer jumpscare thing


Easily Chris Brown and Ezra Miller. Two loose cannons with obscene quantities of money, access to private transport, and utterly bizarre histories of violence with multiple different victims. They'll either escalate one day or shit's already been covered up


Andy dick.


Could you imagine anyone actually being weak enough for Andy Dick to murder them though?


Unfortunatly Samuel Colt made all men equal when he made that damn revolver.


Hey that revolver can kill all but 5 paranormal beings.


Jada Smith. Will Smith knows what she has done, who she's killed and knows that he will be the first target if he steps out of line.


Never gave it a thought, but if you're right, she whacked Tupac.


Shia LaBeouf


Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf


Running for your life from Shia LaBeouf


Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf!


Stab him in his kidney!


Safe at last from Shia Labeouf!


Wait! He isn’t dead! Shia Surprise!


But you can do jujitsu!


Normal Tuesday night for Shia LeBouf!


I'll go with Quentin Tarantino.


Keeping feet as mementos 🦶🦶🦶


He’s the kind of guy that goes so deep into the writing/directing /casting/performance that he’d do it once “just to find out”


Also Eli Roth He makes movies like hostel, green inferno , he has that crazy look in his eyes


James Franco


Kris Jenner.


I think Ben Affleck could easily hide some bodies, and carry on with his life...


His brother, Casey Affleck gives me way stronger serial killer vibes. He comes across as more charming, but in a way that's manipulative.


I'm just waiting for them to find the hoard of dead children buried under Pat Robertsons' estate.


I read that as robert pattinson, i was like "serial killer? Sure. Child killer? Nah"


Steven Seagal


He wishes, dude is about as hard as a dough ball. Which he is sure as hell starting to look like.


Watch out now! He'll lady slap you to death.


I don't know why, but Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) strikes me as the, "accidentally killed a hooker but now has a lust for blood" type.


Gary Busey.


I’ve met him. He didn’t come across as creepy in person…just kinda sad and drunk.


He has severe brain damage from a motorcycle accident where he wasn't wearing a helmet, he can't help being creepy and weird because his eggs are scrambled but good. He's lucky he's even alive and speaking in full sentences.


The Gingerdead Man was a documentary.


Andrew Tate…then he tries to spin it as being the alpha and you’re a beta if you don’t do it.


I brushed him aside as a simple idiot until I heard Robert Evans read his text messages to his rape victim. They're fucking disgusting; he's fucking disgusting. He literally tells her, "Every time you fought, I got more turned on." There is something *seriously* wrong with him.


Don’t forget how he said the woman should feel lucky he chose to rape her


Carson Daily. The dude is so creepy to me and always has been.


He dated a friend of mine and we all went out. Super nice guy that was really easy to talk to with no pretension at all. First time I ever rode in a big black suv with a personal driver. Made drinking all over LA so much easier and I was like, oh, that’s how you do it when you’re rich. Damn.


glenn howerton


The fact that this comment is so low means he’s doing a good job of hiding it.


You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch.


Look, he just likes to bind and be bound okay.


He's not a *serial* killer


But he is a *cereal* eater.


Is it because of the implication?


I feel like he would have a full blown Buffalo Bill moment. "I am a Golden God, would you fuck me?"


Jared Leto


Elon musk


Maybe not a serial killer, but has hitmen do his bidding


Nah he would get people kidnapped and put on a sound proof torture room under his nuclear fallout bunker.


Zuckerberg! That dead behind the eyes, strange cup holding bowl cut having android.