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24 hour locations. I am a night shift worker, and I appreciated having diners and super Walmarts that are open 24 hrs so I can eat or do.my shopping at 2-3AM on my days off while I am awake. It's always quieter and less crowded at those times too. Ever since COVID, everything closes now and I have to do my shopping in the early mornings.


Even getting off work in the late evening is tough. Everything is closed. My town has always had a lack of anything open after 10pm and COVID made it worse. Now it's tough to find anything open after 9pm. So most nights its a snack from 7 eleven or I'm just hungry


Yep big same. It’s like these companies forgot there is still money to make and people who need them. SMFH.




Yep, I know how that goes. There was a big fight between my brothers over where to even have the funeral for my mom. Most churches weren't even allowing public gathering at all, but we knew a guy that looked the other way for us. Then we unexpectedly needed to come back about a week later for dad.


My heart, it hurts. My wife and I have been together for 10 years now, and likely will be for a lot longer. Dying close together later in life actually seems like a better outcome to us, so the other doesn't live lonely for too long. But my wife claimed dibs on dying first, so there's that.


My dad was 12 years older than my mom & died two years ago at 65 (fck cancer). My mom has said she always anticipated my dad going first, but not that soon. She said the other day she thought they’d get to 40 years together at least.


This breaks my heart. My condolences to you for losing both in a couple of weeks. ❤️


Sorry to hear that. My remaining grandparents died within a month of each other in 2021. We had funerals but they were very limited in capacity (I think the rule was 30 people at the time). My grandmother was very active in her local community and one nice thing is that around 200 people from their village lined the streets when her funeral procession drove past to pay their respects.


Mate, this one fucks me up. My friend is a paramedic and going to deaths was always hard for him. However, during COVID, when the family realised that they couldn’t attend a funeral. He said it was the hardest to witness people saying their final goodbyes right there and then, before the mortician took the body away. The double standard of it sucked. Supermarket could pack people in, certain work places could gather staff if they were priority workers BUT only 5 family members could attend a funeral. WTF?


Am cemetery foreman. We let that rule slide =[ I'm sorry things went this way in other places


I’m sorry for your loss. My best friend got taken by cancer in March of 2020. Just glad I got to go see him in the hospital before everything was really shut down. They couldn’t have a funeral.


Fuck. My brother is tied for the title of best friend with my fiance. He's heavier and asthmatic, and this was one of my biggest fears. I am so sorry for the loss and everything it must have brought


Can you do a memorial now? Like maybe on his birthday?


24-hour grocery store & Wal-Mart in my town


As someone who works mostly 2nd and third shift jobs hitting the store at 11 pm while it was mostly empty was amazing.


My store ended it in February of 2020. This was already on the way out in a lot of places so COVID just accelerated it.


Kroger used to be open to 2 am walmart was 24 hours and any fast food places also stayed open to 2 am or later.


WinCo is the only grocer still open 24 hours, which is a huge service for those of us that work late. It's a shame that WinCo being the only one open attracts all the riff-raff that would otherwise go to Walmart to do their late night shoplifting.


One of my wincos stopped 24 hour service and shifted to 11pm close and 7am open. Noticed way too many shady people.


fuck I miss WinCo so much


It was extra miserable when they decided that stores needed to close early "to clean" at 7pm. I was "essential", so this meant that there were weeks when I could not get groceries until the weekend, unless I took PTO.


Late hours in general seem to have vanished. I think once the worker shortage started and wages started rising, the extra paid and lower traffic shifts became an easy target for most of these companies.


I used to work nights at Walmart. My stepdaughter's father got me the job. It was actually good on their part since they could/can get their work done like stocking shelves, moving pallets, cleaning under the shelves, so on and so on without having to deal with late night shoppers. Got the work done faster and more effectively. The overnight shopping crews could get orders filled quicker. And they got a pay raise, if you could believe it. It's still a cooperate, soul sucking machine (idk how many rotisserie chickens still hot I had to throw out), but if you're in the trench, you look for something positive, I guess.


Even “the city that never sleeps” NYC has been hit by this. Whole neighborhoods shut down around 10:30 now. Sucks


That surprises me. Any areas that you've seen particularly changed like that?


Most of the predominantly business districts- which I guess is the result of a lot of people still working from home. But even more semi-residential areas like Chelsea are dead after 10pm. All the touristy spots are pretty much the way they were pre pandemic. The Upper West Side has gotten quite lively the last couple years too.


24 hour almost everything where i am. most gas stations were 24 hours, coffee shops etc. the only thing left within a 20 minute drive is one mcdonalds.


Seriously, U hate going to Walmart when it's packed. I loved going at like 2 or 3 in the morning.


This 1000%! I have heavy anxiety so shopping at 2-3am was a comfort for me. At least now almost every store has pickup options


All night diners were the best.


Steak n Shake


Our Steak and Shake just moved to computer ordering and it has gone to complete and utter dogshit. The orders are constantly wrong and when they brought cheeseburgers out they had literally slapped a cold piece of cheese on the burger before they dropped it off. It’s a shame because I used to love it.


Waffle House


The local Dennys had a huge problem to deal with. They had no capacity to lock their doors. They hadn’t ever locked up since they first opened and the doors didn’t even have locks.


That was an issue for most dennys from what I read


That seems really dumb. Power outages, snow, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes... There's lots of reasons a 24 hour place closes for a little bit.


generators, interior locks, and a tolerance of risk. If Jo Smo wants to break into a Denny's when the roof gets ripped off so be it, we'll just add it to the insurance.


All day breakfast at McDonalds.


This was my biggest upset. I loved getting sausage burritos whenever!


You could tell the employees hated this when it first happened and were ecstatic when corporate got rid of it.


Yup, came here to say this, talk about a cock tease. Everyone was demanding that for 15+ years and we finally get it just for it to be ripped away, in what, only 1.5 years if having it lol sounds super priviledged but I miss getting my 2 sausage egg mcmuffins during those drunk nights


My wife was convinced they still had all day breakfast (she doesn't eat that much fast food) and I had to tell her it's been gone since the pandemic.


Where are you? In Canada they do. It was always a reduced menu.


I hate breakfast i always wanted all day cheeseburgers


Always agreed and confused by this! It’s a burger joint! Give me burgers all day. Sometimes I want one at 8am if I’ve been working since 5. Couldn’t care less about the breakfast, I want the burgs damnit.


Public things that never came back. Our city took the opportunity to close 2 of 4 library branches. A regional park system has kept some trail access closed for no good reason.


There is no better activity to do with others while social distancing than hiking. Makes no sense at all


"Labor shortage"


Trees don’t wanna work anymore


In the UK all over they shut a majority of public toilets which just never opened back up again. Everywhere has old toilet blocks just permanently locked up. Especially fun when you're pregnant and there's nowhere to go. Just have to hope a cafe lets you in without too much bother.


My wife's 30th birthday. I planned us a cruise to the Bahamas. Everything was ready to go and finalized March 3rd. We are now divorcing but I really wish I could get that one back.


Bro go by yourself. Meet a baddie.


Thank you. That really made me smile.


I agree with the above. Sorry about the divorce. But take a trip. Go somewhere. Meet some new people. Cruises are fantastic.


>But take a trip. Go somewhere. Meet some new people. Take a cooking class. Ride a bike across state lines. Smoke crystal meth. Kill a person. Run from the law. Try parachuting. Discover new music.


My husband and I put a down payment on an all-inclusive to Legoland on Friday the 13th before lockdown. Had to postpone and still have that credit waiting for us and our 9yo.


I’m pretty sure your 9-year-old will enjoy it even more now, but it’s a good idea to start planning now.


Oh man. This hit me in the feels. Are y'all still friends? I say you plan it again and just say it's her 30th and pretend like it is lol.


Yea it's tough. 10 years and three kids. We plan to be amicable and co parent. Both parties accept responsibility for their role. Maybe one day down the line when this all settles we can replan. I very much appreciate your reply. Thank you!


Hang in there. I think COVID did a lot of marriages in. My parents divorced after like 20 years together. It was rough at first, but after a year or two they became inseparable best friends. Without the financial/sexual pressures of marriage, they could enjoy their chemistry and history as friends. They even went on trips together. I hope this will happen for you.


I miss the canceled traffic. It was glorious


Probably super un-PC to say, but I loved lockdown. Empty roads, could walk my dog like I owned the town, spending all day with my SO, day drinking and playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time. Was glorious


Some people handled lockdown a lot better than others. It wasn’t without benefits. My town’s air was so clean because of the lack of traffic.


I’m an introvert that can pretty easily turn the socialization on for work. I could go weeks without speaking to a soul if my profession allowed it. I would have loved every minute of lockdown. Staying home, taking care of my hobby farm. Unfortunately I was a nurse at the time so work continued and actually got worse. The empty roads weee amazing though. I had an hour commute, mostly on a major highway. Being the only car on the road for weeks was super nice.


I'm an introvert too and I remember my niece saying the lockdown must be paradise for me. Yes it was. 😄


My poor wife was stuck at home with our kids, I on the other hand make food packaging so I was essential. I do miss the empty roads though.


I used to enjoy the sound of the birds. I live by a main road so noises like that are usually drowned out by traffic.


I feel like that's one thing I really missed out on, was actually getting any kind of lock down from work.... I didn't even work a service job but we still had to be in-person due to the nature of the work. I still feel like I'm missing some details, did office workers really just get a few free weeks of time off? The only thing that was different for us was that everything to do was closed so it was work, home, work home, grocery shopping every week or two. Like living a normal life but with even less stuff to do.


I missed out as well. We were deemed necessary. I volunteered to leave for a while so they could keep some other people. Ended up working like 4 hrs a day for 2 years cuz they didn't want me to leave. It was glorious, but also really blew by still having to come in 5 days a week, instead of working like 2 or 3 days for the same hours. Seemed to me like everyone else was just on a paid vacation. Now I struggle to come in for 40 hrs a week cuz I'm a covid alcoholic and don't give a fuck about anything anymore. I'm dead inside... long live lock down!


Same. I loved the lockdown. No planes, no traffic. All was so quiet and peaceful. Working from home was great. Empty stores. Loved every minute of it. #introvertsdream


I low key loved it too! Minus the actual Covid stuff


I remember driving at 5 PM in Massachusetts and...it was like a nuke was about hit. Just nothing on the road especially the first 2-4 weeks


The glory days of the essential worker.


KFC buffet There was 2 of them in my city. 1 of them closed and became Chipotle. The other is still open, but they got rid of the buffet. Now you have to actually order food there. Such a bummer.


Buffets in general. Sadly I think it's a dying (genre?) now. I know, I know people say "well good it was gross and unsanitary" and... okay well you don't have to go to them then. I miss the Chinese buffet around here :(


Literally never heard of this


Had tickets to go see Rage Against The Machine + Run The Jewels. Legit one of the most fucking awesome concerts imaginable... and COVID straight up made it disappear.


I had floor tickets to the Foo Fighters. It was going to be my daughter's first ever concert.


Same. Had great tickets for that and Tool. Sucks having to go through the whole ticketmaster song and dance in the first place, even worse when you manage to get good seats and the show gets cancelled. At least Tool finally rescheduled but we will never get that RATM show.


My friend was the one who actually purchased the tickets, so I was lucky enough to avoid all that. Last I heard, he got a full refund... only to be used on Ticket Master of course. What a bunch of bastards.


I had bought a VIP ticket to see Amaranthe, one of my favorite bands and meet them before the show in Montreal but the whole tour got cancelled. No idea when they'll come and it breaks my heart because it was supposed to be my first concert ever


In 2020 I was going to play Jafar in Aladdin for the school musical. And then covid came around and we weren't allowed to do the musical. And since I was graduating that year there was no chance of doing it again.


Damn, hope you get a chance in another (non high school) production.


I won an award in Microbiology in 2020, and every winner of the awards gets their pictures taken and they're put up in one of the science buildings at my University. No pictures that year. Would have been cool to have cemented some sort of lil' legacy.


You should ask them if you can take it now. Just explain exactly as you have here and that the photo would have meant something to you. You’ll feel like a dweeb while you explain it to three different people (while you get through to the person that holds the power to say yes), but they’ll probably be touched that it actually means something to you. You deserve it and it’s worth feeling silly for a brief time to get it.


I won my PhD in 2020. Every winner gets a graduation ceremony. Not my cohort. Get them to take the picture now. Do it for me.




Soooooooo many local great restaurants and businesses.


The rest of my senior year of high school. No prom, no proper graduation.


The high school class of 2020 is (for those who went straight on to continue their education) heading into their 4th year of college this fall. This group, which includes my daughter, also never got to experience the college welcome that 1st years get. It’d be nice if colleges welcomed their 4th years back with a little extra this year to make up for it.


That made me feel oldish. Edit: Then again, that's only a couple years younger then me.




Ugh, I'm really sorry for your brother. I don't blame him honestly. I think some school districts allowed kids from 2021 to walk with the 2022 class. But class of 2020 probably didn't get that offer in most cases.


My daughter too, sorry, you guys were robbed.


I feel bad for the 2020 grads. But I feel worse for the 2021 grads. 2020 grads got the majority of their year - just missing out on activities from mid March to the end of the year. 2021 grads missed everything. The entire year was a loss with activities severely limited.


Mindhunter on Netflix. Give it back


I'll never understand cancelling that


Some of the cast took on other projects while the show was on hyatis. It became a scheduling issue to get everyone back to finish the show so they just didn't renew it. An absolute tragedy as it is my favorite show ever that got cancelled way too soon. Especially considering how good the show was and how much junk Netflix pushes out. They do make some great stuff, but they do so by sheer volume of content


That wasn’t cancelled due to covid though. It was expensive and Fincher didn’t wanna do it anymore for the time being.


They used to have hand-spun cotten candy at Minnesota Twins baseball games. It was awesome. Now they just have it in little pre-made containers from a factory. You get about 1/4 as much for the same price and it's not as fun either :'(




In a similar vain, a healthy relationship with my parents


I design concert posters. I’ve worked with everyone from “Weird” Al to Metallica to Foo Fighters. In February 2020 I was flying across the country to see my mom get remarried and working on my iPad Pro on my second Foo Fighters poster. It was to be their 25th anniversary and they were going to play the same cities in the same order as their first tour in 1995. [I came up with a design and got the band to consider printing them as “flocked” screenprints (that 70s stoner style blacklight poster where the black is fuzzy like black velvet)](https://decabet.com/project/foo-fighters-poster-albuquerque-2020/) and then…all this (gestures around) happened. Working in the music industry was touch and go that year since we were in uncharted territory. I had so many projects that initially got moved weeks, months, a year out and often were postponed indefinitely. A great coda to this story and a huge credit to how great it is working with Foo Fighters is that that December the band decided to just do all our print runs anyway. I was like “is anyone gonna want a poster for a show that never happened?” but me and all the other artists on the series sold out, which was a huge bump to our Christmases.


SICK fucking design. That’s my favorite band man. Well done!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Dude that is an AWESOME design. Love it


That design is amazing!


My wife’s 75 birthday party. We did a Zoom family meeting with a birthday cake for her.


Souplantation / Sweet Tomatoes :’(


At the beginning, I thought to myself that Sweet Tomatoes would be one of the first places I would go to after the lockdown. Womp womp.


I was 8 months pregnant and the county fair was cancelled so I didn't get any fair food during my pregnancy, which is something I looked forward to for years


Bad life advice: Just get pregnant again and eat food at that fair. If another pandemic causes a quarantine just become feral in response.


Unhinged life advice: next time the fair comes around shove your kid under your shirt, purchase and eat all the fair food, loudly exclaim "how you've always looked foward to eating it while pregnant" while you are extremely obviously not pregnant and just have a small child hidden in your shirt.


You have to then "birth" them to be unhinged


My full lung capacity.


My memory and energy. Long covid sucks


Oh dear God, yes. Memory is gone, lung capacity is crippled and my joints are aching like crazy after any decent amount of work or walking. Not like overused muscles/tendons, the actual joints.


I used to be an avid hiker but haven't hiked since I got sick. If I push myself too much, I relapse, and it can take months to recover. Extreme fatigue


Same, I'm gonna need both hips to be replaced thanks to COVID.


Wheezing in agreement over here 😩


Oh my goodness yes. I love singing and I also play clarinet. Covid killed my lungs though. I can't hold long notes when singing anymore and I'm having to take breaths way more frequently. I used to be able to play clarinet without taking a breath for like ten or more measures but now I'm lucky to get past four.


Community choir


My local farmer’s market. It was something my teenager and I did together every chance we got.


I was gonna go to fcking HAWAII for my birthday in 2020! That crushed my soul. I still haven't gone, but I hope to next year for my 35th bday.


McDonald's all day breakfast and 24/7 grocery stores


Home ownership


My trip to Paris. It's okay though, by the time I was able to go, my husband (then boyfriend) surprised me by proposing at the Opera Garnier - a place I had been wanting to visit since I was 14.


Affordable cost of living


That was on its way out the door pre-pandemic, but COVID definitely made it a lot worse.




The TV show?


Yes, they had to cancel because they couldn’t film with everything they had to do regarding the wrestling shots. I’m still holding out hope that they will get something together but it’s a thin thread of hope at best.


Trader Joe’s free sample coffee.


a school choir trip to Disney🥲


Our trip to Iceland to see the northern lights.


(I think only folk from Mexico would understand this) An event where i had the opportunity of meeting a man who was so popular during the 90s because his TV show featuring gaming called "Nintendomania" , i was a fan of him, but the event was cancelled due the covid thing and he died just like a week after said event was cancelled.


Being able to go to Walmart at 3 am.


My 30th birthday. My wife paid for a charter boat but then everything locked down. By the time things cooled off the charter company had changed hands. The new company told us they’d give us a discount on newly inflated prices. Tl:dr paid for my 30th but never had it.


Human decency


Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter. I don't know if it was covid that killed it, but it disappeared at the beginning of lockdown and never came back. Best peanut butter ever.


Dude, this comment made me realize that I’ve never seen it since pre-2020


Bars open till 2am.


Where do you live? That never stopped where I'm at lol


I didnt know that stopped anywhere


Multiple anime conventions for nearly 2 years.


My parents being alive.


Sorry! Same, my dad. Not covid though, heart attack.


Funny enough, it wasn't actually covid that got mine either. Mom had a pain in her hip. She didn't want to go to a doctor or hospital because of this new nasty virus going around. Delayed until she could no longer walk at all. Cancer. It was less than a month from her Dr's appt to the date of her death. Dad made it less than a week after her funeral, we found him on July 5, heart attack. We figure he passed some time on the 4th. He didn't like fireworks before, it triggered his PTSD. I don't like fireworks at all anymore.


My dad died in 2020 too. He was a two time cancer survivor in full remission. Because of COVID they stopped bringing all but the most serious patients in the office so that the worst cases could have the minimum exposure during their chemo. Which is why we didn't realize he was in late stage liver failure until a few weeks before he died. There was maybe 2 weeks between going to the hospital with fatigue and fluid build up and going into hospice. I don't think without COVID they would have been able to do anything, but I'm pretty sure they would have figured it out sooner and given us more time to prepare. He'd had symptoms for months that in retrospect pointed to liver failure but they cancelled his usual monthly follow up appointments.


That's awful. I'm so sorry for your losses.


my wedding :( people visiting the NICU when my son was born :(




My vacations. Fortunately I started going on them again.


Most people's common sense (or, I guess, me believing most people had common sense).


Ahh yes there is that.


European honeymoon. Now, three years later, 2 months from finally getting to spend two weeks in the Alps.


several of my favorite art supplies that i need for work were discontinued :'( it seems unlikely that they'll ever reappear, the market for caricature markers and colors was already small...


Locally or family owned restaurants


Costco combo pizza. RIP


Not “cancelled” per say, but the Lime Diet Coke and feisty cherry flavors one day just disappeared. They also had blueberry açaí, strawberry guava, and another and we went through them at our house like mad. Still have cravings


I live in a small city that had a couple of very nice signature restaurants. One had been doing their own brand of chicken barbeque since the 1930's they were regularly winning barbeque competitions within hundreds of miles. Another did relatively simple steaks and lake trout and such that weren't very complicated cuisine but were reliably excellent. The chicken restaurant closed their salad bar for good, the chicken went from amazing to just pretty good while all the sides that made it a great dinner turned into something out of a second-rate church picnic. The service went from grandmotherly old ladies and perky young country folk treating you and your family right to basically a take-out window with the option of finding a seat if you wanted one. The steak and trout place just closed up after a half-century of service. Now my small city has little in the way of restaurants worth going to.


theres these certain kind of taquitos at a few local places in my area, they were so fucking good, & because of covid they discontinued them due to ingredient shortage or something. theyve never returned & i think about them quite often lmaoo


Hiking trails. SoCiAl DiStAnCe! *close the forest access *


Prenatal appointments with my wife. No boys allowed


Salad bar/buffet restaurants.


Oh, shit. I didn’t even realize those were gone.


Lost a couple of my favorite restaurants


Baseball season. My son wanted to play, but he had started a little older, so we found a learning league thru a Christian organization. He was ready to go, I worked with him on fundamentals of fielding and hitting, and we were all set. COVID hits, season cancelled, and he lost all interest by the following season. He's big into soccer now, in a club, but he's behind the curve. Practice makes perfect though. Both my boys were also into gymnastics, but they lost interest in that too. My youngest son turned into a complete homebody after being adventurous and outgoing. I'm gradually working that out of him, but he has a very developed lack of confidence issue when it comes to sports now. It's like he missed that stage where sports and outdoor activities clicked, and now it's turned off. He was a real creek playing kid, but now he's like bug scared.


Movies, Many of them had to be released later


The remainder of my 8th grade year. My 8th grade promotion never came to be, but I did get an award by my middle school. I'm lucky to even be getting all the stuff that seniors get this year, because I feel for the people who didn't considering I didn't get to do it in middle school.


Common sense


There was this brand of canned ravioli called Ravioli-os made by the Spaghetti-os company that they no longer make. They were disgusting, yet absolutely delicious when you paired them with sour creme and onion potato chips I'm fully aware I've said the most disgusting thing anyone has ever said, but I stand by it. Those things were so good as nasty comfort food


Season 2 of “I am not okay with this” on netflix. They did us so wrong.


Casual friendships. I'm single without kids and I hate how capitalism and the pandemic broke up every non-familial relationship. People used to have "social lives," back when we had free time and safe public spaces.


All the new parent classes: childbirth, breastfeeding, cpr, car seat safety. I had no idea what I was doing. It’s not like I could have my mom or other mom-friend over to help me through it all either. It was rough.


Half of the Major League Baseball season.


the Supergrass reunion show in New York City.


My honeymoon. Got the wedding in on March 14, so I’m happy


24 hour grocery stores


The professional ballet company I founded.


Library hours


McDonald’s breakfast past midnight


Socializing in general! Going to bars, casinos, traveling. Just the simple freedom of going anywhere without wearing a mask and not being in fear. Being forced to stay inside made my mental health so much worse!


"I'm Not Okay with This" on Netflix. I would have said the My Chemical Romance concert but they finally did the tour and we went of course.


The airport shuttle business that ran out of my area. Couldn’t transport anyone due to social distancing. Went out of business after years in business. They were great. $25 per person.


The theatrical release of Bill and Ted Face the Music. That would have been such a fun experience, and instead I had to watch it on my couch, alone. (Still enjoyed the movie though.)


Sanity and peace of mind


Buffets. The ones where I live never opened back up (regular menu now).


My daughter's wedding.


My favorite restaurant shut down in April of 2020, saying that they'd be back when they had the chance to see stable traffic again. They've not reopened yet.


All my college graduation events


Free peanuts at Texas Roadhouse


My trip to Australia


The really good Indian takeaway place a block from my apartment. The people who ran it were also super nice and I regret that they had to close even more than not being able to get such good food near to my home.






The last ounce of my creative motivation.


Going to see Weezer, green day and fallout boy for me.


Affordable property in the west.