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Christmas Eve I got a call from an unknown local number. Wondering which of my neighbors it might be I answered. An old man says, "Justin?" (forgot real name, let's use, Justin.) I said, "No. I..." He reads off my phone number. "Maybe Justin used to have this number?" He said, "oh." The sad tone of that hit me. I started talking to him. He was alone. Hadn't heard from Grandchildren all year. Sent cards, got no call... So I kept talking to him. We talked about what he was up to, if he has a cat, like that. Probably 20 minutes. At the end he said, "Merry Christmas." I was so glad I answered.


An elderly lady text me and a few other people a photo of her bruised face after she had fallen down. She was trying to text her family but everyone in the text was the wrong number. I noticed she was wearing a little cross necklace and I happen to be a Christian, so I said a quick prayer for her recovery and text her that (along with letting her know she had the wrong number). All the other people in the text also sent little prayers for her and she was so grateful to have mistakenly text us. She even updated us when it healed. She’d recently lost her spouse and I think she was just happy to have some shared connection. It was very sweet.


Had some guy call me because his crush gave him the wrong number. He sounded so disappointed when I told hime she didn't live here


A woman called to tell me about a party and still invited me when I told her she had the wrong number. We talked for a while, so I went to the party. It was a fun night.


It was an older black woman and she, very rapidly said, “I called the wrong number so don’t call me back cause I called the wrong number bye” I called back………she didn’t answer 😔


Got some weird texts one day from a "random" girl years ago who kinda half attempted to flirt with me or accuse me of hanging out with some random girl I don't really remember. I was curious to look up the number like years later (don't know why I didn't look it up then) and discovered it's the number to some random local bar. I don't think it's the kinda number you could text from but a landline kind of business I guess. This is over 10 years ago, btw. I think it was my ex who got a friend to text me weird things.


When I was a kid, we change our Christmas tree decorations and my stepfather ask me to call my grandparents to invite them to see it. I dial the wrong number but it was a grandmother voice that answered so it took me a time to realize what was happening. On the other line, the person was also confuse by my call. I felt so shameful at the time. Haha Another situation: few years ago, I wake up and got a text from an unknown number that ask me to bring a lot of flour for the donuts making because Tommy didn’t show up. Oops


When we were teens my best friend and I used to do prank calls back in the day and would talk to all kinds of people. Most of it was cringe as I wasn't a very good prank caller to begin with. I only did it for my friend at the time as he was very good at it and I have it all recorded. We've made random friends strangely enough and we've even been on dates with some of the girls we talked to that ended up liking us (we sounded like fun people I guess).