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I know she does. I'm ok with it.


This, my gf and I even share porn back and forth sometimes if one of us finds a video we really like. It’s like foreplay.


*Relationship goals*


My relationship goal is to get a relationship


Sounds easy. Do as these couple do. Just send porn to someone you like.


Damn, if only I knew these one before


**Airdrop** "Jeffery's iPhone would like to share a file." [the file](https://youtu.be/Wy175rkLTJo?si=g7jjQpaKb24w-2xn) [Decline] [Accept]


Same 🤣


This is a healthy relationship.


My gf will send me clips of porn she’s watching often with the message “can we try this later?” Or something to that effect. It’s honestly been really great for our sex life cause we’ll try things out and sometimes you have something new to add to the routine and sometimes you try something very clearly only done in the porn industry cause it looks better than it feels! Lol The bad ones we just laugh off and move on. But it’s genuinely a really fun way to spice up the bedroom


Yep, same situation and I don’t take issue with it at all. Every so often she does something new in the bedroom which keeps things fun and exciting. Obviously she’s picking these things up from the porn she watches, and in my opinion it’s always been a positive. She enjoys trying new things, and I’m pretty open to that as well so it leads to better sex, not just that night, but long term as well. If she didn’t watch porn I don’t think she would be half as adventurous in the bedroom, and that wouldn’t be very fun for me.


As long as they’re not masturbating to stupid sex questions asked constantly in this sub.


What are you doing, step-partner?


Great. Having a partner with a healthy sex-drive is the best thing you can hope for.


Feel the same way.. sometimes me and my wife's horniness don't sync up (stressful day, tired from work, monthly visitor). So we will "take care of ourselves" if the need arises. I will go downstairs by the computer and wank in private, but she will do it in bed beside me watching her phone (because she knows 1/2 the time, the sounds and sights will probably convince me to join anyways).. But this is something we have openly talked about and there is no jealousy, because we don't do it when the other person is willing to have sex ( if she tried to jump on me, but I declined and went downstairs to rub one out... now there is a problem)


You only join half the time? You have an iron will


In real cohabitating relationships, men sometimes aren't in the mood for sex too. Long days happen. Stress happens. Being so tired you're ready to fall asleep when you lay down happens. He sounds like he has a healthy sexual relationship with his wife where they respect each other.


This. It almost feels like a form a shaming when some rando comes along and says “Youre not fucking your wife 24/7 🤯” as if there’s something wrong with you Like sometimes youre just not in the mood like that and thats ok


Sometimes you just want to eat a sandwich over the sink.


or get a good nights sleep


What??? you mean that males dont have to fuck every single time an opportunity arises?


Crazy right? I feel like those types of takes come from the chronically single. Anyone in real long term relationships knows that sex isnt 24/7


I used to take a lot of shit during college in the US from friends and acquaintances brcause Inwas very selective with whom I slept with. Like people couldnt believe I turned down some people when they tried to go home with me. Like sometimes there were fun girls to hang around and dance, but from that to putting my dick in them is a big difference. People just think that if you dance a bit and maybe kiss then that absolutely has to mean that you need to get intimate. I honestly dont see it that way. But well I just told everyone to fuck off, not like I got tramiatized or anything. Its just annoying


Indeed it does sound like a very healthy relationship!


My wife and I are similar to that guy. I’d say it’s more than 50% I join in. But if I’ve previously already turned down sex due to being too tired, joining in usually means I’ll just have a wank next to her. But mutual masturbation is really nice, honestly. It’s low key, low impact on a tired body. You can cuddle your partner and do a little bit of your normal foreplay without ramping up to a high activity level.


So so underrated and amazing after a long day. Still sexy and intimate without like any effort.


Mutual mast is so under rated. It's so sexy and fun.


Sometimes you are legitimately too tired or worn out from work (I work in the trades).. only happens maybe 7-10 times a year.


Right. "Can I watch?"


That was a new level when an ex girlfriend asked to watch me


Getting asked to watch? Wow, that's hot.


What if it was specifically bbc gang bang


Well if she fancies a few British newsreaders, then that's not much of an issue.


As long as Sir David Attenborough does the commentary.


This guy comments.




My god, it’s a sub-Reddit now …. That sub-subs


As he does so well [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8zwIphm5r4)


This guy Attenboroughs.


I can never ever seriously wach BBC news again without envisioning BBC under the table.


OMG thanks mate


Honestly, no problem. It would make sense, that they will watch something, that they can't live out at home. Because it's exciting. Doesn't mean, that they'll go out and do it or that this somehow reflects badly on you.


My, guy. Whats, with all, the commas,?


Show some respect. That's fucking Christopher Walken you're talking to! Don't ask about Butch's father's watch.


My god, you are right. Im so sorry


This made me laugh. Thank you


Exactly. I don't stick to the same kinda stuff each time I watch porn. Just because I might enjoy something one day doesn't mean I'm into it..


Some people might wank to a "step sister" video, not because the premise or a kink, but more than likely the actress is super hot.


Are these "people" in the room with us right now?


I have no plans to transform myself into several black men, so that was never a category I could compete in anyway.


Just because i watch tentacle hentai dont mean that i want to see my partner humping a real octopus.


Or do I?


The deep whens season 4 coming?


I would naturally be outraged (I am extremely racist)


I mean, I would argue that the BBC fetish is racist in itself because it's based on the idea that Black men having sex with white women is taboo.


Wife is that u?


Why would anyone care about that? Just because they watch it in porn doesn’t mean they will cheat.


I dunno man, just asked /r/relationships about this and I think we might have to break up over this


Then we'd have that in common.


This. She likes word porn/ erotica more. Same thing essentially, together we tend to watch and share clips…


Yeah this isn’t problematic for me at all


That’s why I just tell her. Great and thankful to be on this level with my wife.


I feel like I'd trust them more. It was weirder having a partner that said she literally never masturbated then was terrible at initiating anything.


Had a similar experience, agreed.


Yeah, same, just odd.


You ever talk to a girl who insists they never masturbate as some sort of flex??? Like m8 that’s not a positive thing.


It's unfortunate but there's a lot of baggage and misinformation about women's bodies that women themselves are not immune to. I didn't even try masturbating until I was 20. Whereas the socks in my brothers room were so stiff they could crack in half.


I winced and laughed at the same time.


This is crazy to hear (as a male). I discovered masturbation in 3rd grade, back when nothing came out. I thought I was the first person to invent such an amazing feeling and had plans to patent it when I got older. Nobody told me what to do or even had a chance to bog me down with baggage. It was just me and the crown jewels finding ourselves.


At least half a dozen. Not uncommon at all.


The worst is when they openly talk about how horny they are all the time and then you date them and find out its a complete lie


Agreed as I'm that girl, I don't have any turn ons and never feel the need for maturbating, I'm also shy around sex too. Luckily I found my person (unless he gets sick of me) but it was tough


Dude i had a partner exactly like that for 12 years. It was horrible.


Yeah who cares. I’ve never understand spouses that get mad when their significant other rubs one out on their own.


It’s insecurity, and jealousy.


Or controlling. I know this is can be a somewhat controversial comment but seriously these people should learn some respect, like just let them be themselves, don’t be that person who ruins things or disturb someone who is just minding their own business.


Good to know they’re just like me, having any aversion to that would be beyond hypocritical


you underestimate my self-aversion


I dont care where she gets her appetite as long as she eats at home.


I really enjoy knowing my girl does just that!


I fine with it. Only thing that upsets me is I don’t get to watch.


I bought my wife a We-Vibe Melt for Christmas and gave it to her early. I’ve gotten to watch a lot. Maybe that advice will help.


Thank you, We-Vibe marketing team


I’m using my rose toy meme


Had to google it. That's a weird ass stapler.


Please don’t staple your ass


Yo, despite the name, the ‘Womanizer’ was a game changer for us. If you wanna get some variety in your foreplay, that thing is fucking mint, there is still time for something else under the tree. Although it might end up like our foreplay and it’s the only thing she ever wants to use. WeVibe and Hitachi collecting dust.


I used we-vibe when I was in a LTR. They have models that let another person control the toy wirelessly through the app


Agree 💯


Why is that upsetting to you?


Fine as long as it’s not to people we know lol


Dang how many pornstars do y’all have in your social circle?


You’d be surprised with onlyfans these days half the people you go to high school or college with got it wide open for a fiver haha


Stroking it to my highschool bully for 4 bucks


*Give me your lunch money*! OK…


My God


Zack And Miri Make A Porno was way ahead of its time.


Idk if I'm just unlucky or what but I don't know a single person IRL with an onlyfans.


You absolutely do, you just don't know it.


Sure you do. You just haven’t found it, and they haven’t shared it.


People make fake socials and also region lock their OF so no one from their home town/current city can stumble across their page.


Yeah that's a huge difference


I don't care. Just cuz I don't watch it doesn't mean she cant.


Can I watch?


I wish.. would at least indicate she wanted sex


Not inherently. Some people watch porn precisely because they don't want to have sex


I did this for the longest time, until I met my current partner and we have the most comfortable and amazing sex life I would've never imagined for myself.


As long as it’s not a replacement for me, I wouldn’t care. If she did it, and then called upon me to finish the job, amen. If she did it secretly but wasn’t sexually interested in me… that might cause some issues.


I had an ex like that once. She’s greet me when I came home saying “I masturbated like five times today” all sexy like, but then when I was like “that’s hot, let’s do it” she’d say she was out of gas for the day! WTF is that??


100% fine with it. We share links sometimes if we see something really hot or funny.


‘Or funny’ is the important part, let’s be honest I think we’ve all found a video where the acting or some other thing just made us shit ourselves laughing. I’ve seen two women throw dildos at each other across a room in a fucking goofy ass ‘western shootout’ I didn’t even finish, I was laughing so hard I lost the drive


Our running theme is weird dicks. The last one she sent me was a dude who literally had a square tip! We both laughed our asses off because it reminded us of that kid's toy where you sick the shapes in the right holes and we're like "It's not supposed to fit!" 😂


Fine by me. Funny thing is, I watch porn when I masturbate but most of the time right when I’m about to cum I have some sort of sexual thought about my wife. If she would let me film us for my own private time I might never even watch porn.


depends do they just look at porn to masturbate? cool, me too do they obsessively follow a specific porn star/model and are obviously fantasizing about being in a relationship and/or having sex with them? that's gonna feel weird ​ I see a lot of stuff online about girlfriends not wanting their boyfriends to look at porn and guys saying that's bullshit, but what a lot of people miss is that a lot of the time their boyfriends are doing the *latter* (i.e. they know more about their favourite OnlyFans girl than they do their girlfriend), but the distinction was never made so people think the girl has a problem with porn in general and that they think just looking at porn amounts to cheating and guys take issue with that (not that it's always the case, of course some people genuinely do have a problem with porn in general) IMO there shouldn't be a problem with the former, or at the very least I wouldn't consider it 'cheating', but the latter? I can understand why some girlfriends get uncomfortable about it


Yes! A lot of stories posted in the r/marriage are like "porn is bad!" And then describe how they are in debt because their husband spent it all on OF. Porn is easily abused, but I think people need to understand how to use it in a healthy way.


Yeah...you go to the hub and whack one out on occasion? Fine. You start dropping 500 a month on OF? Problem.


Yep, exactly. My partner and I both watch it, sometimes together. Early on in the relationship when I realised he was commenting on things I had to draw a boundary. That was a huge nope for me. At the same time I realised the download folder (mainly made by him for us to watch together) was dominated by one particular woman (not from OF) and I didn't like that very much either so we spoke about it and the difference between watching various videos vs. seeking out specific people to watch over and over.


I would find it normal to watch and masturbate to free porn. Paying for OF would be cheating imo…


As long as it stays in the world of fiction, and she understands that most porn is fiction, I don't care. I'm sure she would say the same for me.


Turn that shit down im trying to watch my own porn


Go for it. I do it. She should do it. Shit, we watch together and then have amazing sex. Silly to think anyone would take issue with any way a partner pleased themselves.


Who cares? As long as they're not a crazy ass fan of the creator I don't give a shit


If our sex life is working and good, I don't mind.


This is my feeling. We unfortunately go through many dry spells due to her health. I wouldnt feel great if I found out I get turned down regularly because of it but then find that she takes care of herself instead. But yea, if we had sex regularly and she filled in the gaps with self pleasure I wouldnt care.




More women read erotic romances than watch porn. Something to do with being less visual oriented?


Sounds right. Erotica offers so much more for the imagination imo. The sexual tension builds (if it’s written well enough). That’s so much more satisfying than watching a quick fuck with no context.


I switched to erotica because it doesn't involve potentially forced/raped/trafficked/coerced/unhappy women. Porn is getting so sketch on what is and is not ethical, and I'm not driven to hunt for ethical porn or pay for it. Erotica has been a superb replacement.


If that’s true, it probably has more to do with social norms. The whole “visual oriented” thing sounds made up


There's a lot more women that don't masterbate and/or don't like partners watching porn. My partner doesn't watch porn, but she uses a vibrator by herself to help relax. There's nothing inherently wrong with either if it's done in moderation as part of a healthy sex life.


That's fine, as long as we also had a healthy sex life.


That’s the only time is becomes a real issue imo


Completely ok with it


I used to not care, but as I got older, I made it my responsibility to excite her more than the pixels, but if she does look at porn it just means were are having sex soon after, lol.


Cool with me, especially if it brings some inspiration into our bedroom. It would be an issue if she stopped being intimate with me and instead used masturbation as a substitute for connection. I cannot be there for her everytime she has an urge and I don't want her to be frustrated. She communicates her desires well and the more she is in touch with what gets her off, the better.


Would be excited if they did, would maybe bring the spark back. Wish my partner was way more sexually active


We really don't care. I mean, we are all horny creatures after all. Being a girl doesn't mean that you shouldn't watch porn (every now and then), it doesn't mean that you're a disgusting person at all. Trust me, it's normal.


Sure, ok. I mean, I do… why shouldn’t they?


Perfectly fine. Even better if I can watch sometimes 😅


It would be kinda odd if they didn't. Me and my partner send stuff we find that we like to one another pretty consistently. Since we have similar tastes.


I would be ecstatic if she had a functioning sex drive. Watching porn would be amazing too, would at least give her some ideas about things to do in bed.


I really wish she would. She dosent and while she likes to smush when it’s time the rest of the time she seems to lay dormant which makes me carry the sexual tension which is super important.


Would not bother me at all. We all have fantasies that are not realistic to live out...


I find it attractive as fuck.


Ive had sex with my gf and then watched porn and jerked off when i got home in the evening. One is "us time" and one is "me time" and they are very different to me atleast I dont judge anyone for their "me time" its not my business honestly, even with a commited partner. Its not an insult to me or a relationship


Sex is pizza. Masturbating is ice cream. They're both great. I want both. If you leave me home alone, I'm probably going to eat some ice cream. That's my business.


Honestly? I'd be absolutely furious. Not because of the porn, that's perfectly fine, I don't care about that. But our bedroom has been dead for almost four years now, and considering her reasoning is "my sex drive is much lower now", I'd take it as a massive betrayal. We've had zero sexual or intimate contact in this time, despite all my attempts to alleviate her stress, so more romantic stuff together, find hobbies for us to do together, address things she's remarked on previously - nothing has made a difference. So yeah, I'd be fucking pissed. It would very possibly be the final nail in our relationship's coffin.


Your relationship has underlying issues that are contributing to your lack of intimacy. I would suggest going to counseling, as this isn’t normal or healthy.


No problem at all. Part of a healthy sex life, but communication is also key. Being open about it is the best thing I've found. Avoids any jealousy or worry when both are on the same wavelength.


Fine? Good even. Self care is important. I'd feel weird about someone thinking there was anything wrong with it tbh


I Never understood why anyone would give a dam about porn. Its fantasy, no more, no less. Whoever gets upset over that is too insecure to have a mature relationship imo


I would regret the time when I asked her to go fuck herself.


I'd be 100% fine with it. It's normal and natural to masturbate. Everyone does it.


I’d want to try out their shit, see if I like it.


Movie recommendations


She does and I think it’s great. Sometimes we share what we’ve been watching when we’re alone.


I wish she did


Sexual pleasure helps maintain a healthy mental state. I'm happy she's taking her health seriously.


Watching random porn - absolutely fine, a sign of healthy sex drive. Following a specific pornstar, being obsessed with them and interacting with them on Only Fans? Very much not fine. Same for men.


Am I suppose to have an issue with people doing complete normal things?


I do every day and think its just normal if you have a strong desire for sex.


Crack on. Let me know if you want a hand...


Why would anyone be *stupid* enough to be upset about this? It's healthy.


Not bothered. We’d Watch together.


Woman's opinion here. I occasionally masturbate to porn clips, but it means nothing. Guys, we're not really visually motivated. My best masturbatory motivators are in my imagination. Porn only helps me kick start the thoughts I already have. If your girl likes a little self-care, appreciate it. It means she knows what gets her mind and body in sync - and that will 100% translate into much better sex with you.


“So, babe, whatcha watching?”


I've got no problem, maybe I can join her well (?)


I encourage it lol.


Cool! 😀👍😏


Sexy as hell.


I know for a fact she does because she told me. Doesn't bother me at all.


I couldn't care less


Don't give a shit


I'm fine with it. We have an amazing sex life but occasionally I'm not home or I've got the flu or something and she's gotta take care of business.


Long as its porn and just fantasy go ahead


If I am not available what's she supposed to do? Ignore herself?


Fine, it’s normal and people have urges, and often, very little time. Some times it’s easier to just knock one out.


Seems perfectly normal to me and I'm also not sure that how my partner masturbates is any of my business.


That's their freedom and her alone time, i will let her have her time and leave her alone to enjoy it. I don't have to barge in to tell her its not ok especially when its something i am totally fine with. No need to ruin things for her, let her be herself and enjoy what she does, give her that space and respect.


Couldn’t care less


Down with it, just not when I’m available for duty.


Mine says she does all the time. She claims to use our own videos though, which I know isn’t possibly true. Atleast she’s half honest.


Join them, then have a regular sex session


Blessings to you. Your body your choice. My ex used to get mad if I masturbated. She said, "Get me involved when you want to, or it's the same as cheating." Nuts to think you need to have control over ANY aspect of another person's body, especially something as private as masturbation.


Totally fine and normal


I would prefer that she did it more frequently and be open about it. I’d rather her kinks not be a mystery.


Absolutely fine, porn and masturbation is completely normal


Absolutely fine. I do it, why shouldn't she? Nothin' wrong with a little self-love.


Mine doesnt, which is a bit odd to me. Wouldn't bother me at all if she did


I wish she would


I would be stoked


Zero fucks given, enjoy!


So what? Have a good time. Lets hook up soon


I'd be worried if they didn't


Go for it.


I would be concerned if she didn’t get herself off when she needed to. My insecurities shouldn’t control her sex drive. You get yours baby!


Don't care. She's my wife, but it's her life.


No issue. I do it so I don’t see a problem.


Doesn’t bother me

