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The X-Files after Mulder left.


Don’t get me wrong I did quite like Agent Doggett and the shows effort to continue but you’re absolutely right - Mulder is Mulder and you can’t have X-files without him Edit: I’d just like to point out how much I love that people are still so passionate about X-files even now.


Without Mulder and Scully both. And it's the show's own damn fault, they milked that partnership for all it was worth and made like neither character had a life outside of each other and their shared quest.


The X Files once it left Vancouver. The city was a character in that show, it was never the same with all the LA sunshine.


"Hey scully, i'm in Dallas" *clearly in downtown Vancouver and its foggy as shit* later became "Hey Mulder, i'm in Maryland" *palm trees clearly out the window*


As a native midwesterner, my favorite was when they went to Lake Okoboji, Iowa and were just blatantly surrounded by foggy pine-tree filled PNW mountains. Yea we don't have that here lmao


My favorite was an episode in 'ohio' where there were clearly mountains in the background. The highest point in Ohio is still technically a low hill.


That 70’s Show - Replacing Eric with Randy was truly awful.


Crazy how the narrative has completely flipped on the cast of the show. I was a casual fan and remember hearing the Eric actor was a huge douche who didn’t get along with the cast, that’s why he left or was pushed off the show. Come to find out the cast was a whole bunch of rapists and rapist apologists. Not to mention a bunch of Scientology whackos. Eric was the glue in that show. It was garbage without him


Yup. That trial revealed so much about everyone in the cast, minus Topher.


What else was revealed besides everything with Masterson?


Laura Prepon was also a Scientologist. She has since left the “church”.


She also intimidated one of the witnesses in Danny's trial in a car park.


No shit! Those people really protect their rapists.


Leah Remini said that Tom Cruise and John Travolta are at levels where they could basically kill someone and get a pass and nobody below them can even question it


And if they kill them in the church, the cops will never look for the victim (Shelly Miscavige hasn't been seen in over 15 years).


Didn't Laura briefly date Masterson? That would explain a bit how and why she was a Scientologist.


She dated his Scientologist brother


aka oldest brother from Malcolm in the Middle


I just got 2 for 1’d on Francis being both a Scientologist and related to Danny. Oof.


I read somewhere that Brian Cranston had to actively discourage Francis from trying to get the younger actors to join scientology


And if you're a fan of The Walking Dead, the girl that plays Tara is their sister.


Bryan Cranston (Hal) sternly told him to fuck off when he tried to convince the kids in the show to join the church.


I've yet to hear a thing I did not like about Bryan Cranston.


**Respect +**


Who had to be stopped from trying to recruit the kids playing Reese, Malcom, and Dewey to Scientology. Bryan Cranston put the kibosh on that is the rumor.


She dated Christopher Masterson, Danny Masterson's younger brother, from 1999 to 2007. She was a Scientologist from 1999 to 2016 and hasn’t been involved with the church since then In 2018, she married actor Ben Foster (*Freaks and Geeks*, *3:10 to Yuma*, *The Survivor*, etc.)


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher both wrote letters in support of Danny Masterson, as did Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith. Some creepy interviews with Ashton and Mila resurfaced from when Mila was a minor. Wilmer Valderrama has dated several young girls and women, including a 16 year old Mandy Moore when he was 20 (he claims she lost her virginity to him, she claims otherwise) and a 17 year old Demi Lovato when he was 29. Laura Prepon, as a Scientologist, allegedly helped to silence Danny’s victims.


Don’t forget about Wilmer and Lindsay Lohan, and how he denied he was dating her for what, at least a year? while she was a minor, and then immediately went public with their relationship once she turned 18.


Didn't I hear that they bullied and/or froze him out of hanging out during the taping of the show as well? It's funny how the cool, naturally good looking popular kids control the narrative and get the benefit of the doubt, right up until society catches up with how shitty some of those people can be.




The man just wants to edit movies and live his life.




What about that time he plagiarized the work of great photographer Peter Parker back in 07/s


Masterson, Kutcher and Valderrama went partners on a restaurant while the show was still being made, and somehow it was news that Topher treated the show as a job, going home at the end of each day.


It really sucks when a good person is villainized. Eric deserves justice, just like Brendan Fraser got


Brendan wasn't even associated with anyone or anything shady. He was a victim of a terrible crime, which makes his ostracism from Hollywood so much worse.


News Radio after Phil Hartman was killed.


Came to say this one. I think they limped along for another year or so, but it wasn't the same.


Yeah Jon Lovitz is great and all and should have been a plus for any sitcom, however after a tragedy like that all the air left the room. Final season it was so obvious from all involved that they felt like they had to be there instead of wanting to be there and just went through the motions to get it over with as fast as possible.


Misfits when the main cast started to leave. It just went downhill so fast.


As soon as they started swapping powers around the whole premise of the show kind of disappeared.


Yeah, the whole thing was how their powers tied in so directly with their personalities.


I will always love how Robert Sheehan is basically playing the same character in Umbrella Academy, just slightly more camp, almost like a canonical continuation of Nathan


Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but you look like a panty-sniffer.


And you, didn't you say you wanted to piss on her tits?! Probably best to keep that kinda thing between you and your internet service provider.


I'm immortal?!




The ending with Simon and Alisha was a perfect bookend to the series.


I consider that the true ending of the series. Kind of like how My Mad Fat Diary only has two seasons, since the third was so atrocious.


I’m just glad they decided to keep Iwan Rheon (Simon) bc the original plan was going to be him turning on the group at the end of S1 and the Asbo 5 having to kill him in self defense. That would’ve meant so much of the rest of the series would’ve been different, but apparently they re-wrote the S1 finale last minute and decided to do a whole arc for Simon’s character instead


You'd screw your own sister for a piece of cheese!


Yeah no nathan no show. Rudy wasnt a bad replacement but dayum. Alot of those kids ended up in bad ways


I expected to fucking hate Rudy because I liked Nathan so much and comments online I read at the time gave me the impression I would. but I liked Rudy far more than I thought I would. Not more than Nathan, but still in his own right


I'm a bit biased because I absolutely love the actor that plays Rudy, but I think as far as replacements go he was as good as possible. He's fantastic in This is England and Preacher.


The episode where he played three different versions of himself was incredible, and really showed how good of an actor he was.


I have a feeling we're about to find out with the Witcher.


It was only as good as it was because Cavill was passionate for the project and did his best to show a good Geralt and to push back against some of the worse decisions of the showrunners. With him out of the way, I'm not too sure that it's going to be any good at all. Cavill hard carried the show.


Not only did they fire the main actor, he was also the only person in the production to have read the books.


Not only was he the only one who read the books, he was the only one who even liked the franchise. The writers spoke actively about how they thought the entire series was stupid.


Maybe it was too difficult to self insert.


That's something I will never understand about some of these writers. You are given a series with a big fan base, lots of media to draw from and you can't even put in any research into it or even activity hate it.


I think it's the other way around with the Witcher. Season 3 was dreadful and it's clear the writers shit the bed, which is why Cavill decided he was done with the show. So it was already going downhill.


Wasn’t Cavill having problem bts because he’s a huge fan of the books and the creator essentially told him to fuck off when he said they were straying too far from the source material?


Members of the writing staff also tried to spread rumors about him being a sexist and a diva, to which the internet correctly responded "nice try".


Such an underhanded thing to do. Good on him for leaving.


Season 3 was weak but the news of all the shake ups with Cavill leaving makes sense that the uncertainty would bleed into the creative process. If season 4 hasn’t been written to transition strong it will fizzle. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they cancel the show as soon as season 4 is released.


imo season 2 was already a drastic decline in quality from season 1, season 3 just continued the trajectory


I loved S1 and got so jazzed up just hearing the music from it. S2 did nothing for me. NOTHING. So disappointing.


Scrubs without JD


This is exactly what I came to say. Perfect show for Braff. Career defining and the heart of the show.


Perfect show for Braff and Faison. Things just lined up and they actually became real life best friends. No one can make that happen on a show between actors. It was the stars aligning.


I'm not sure there's ever been an onscreen couple with better chemistry than Turk and JD. Those two were the most believable best friends ever.


Shawn and Gus in psych were close, one was in the other’s wedding party IRL


see also Simon Peg & Nick Frost in the Cornetto Trilogy. Their real life friendship shows through.


I mean, it started to slip when Dr. Ján Itor left


Scrubs ended perfectly just for the channel to try and reboot a new series


2 and a half men. I know Charlie didn’t “leave “ but it was never the same


I saw Kutcher in one episode and was done.


Pretty much. I don’t think I made it through a full episode.


I loved 2 and a half men. Besides Charlie I also feel that when Jake grew older it lost its magic. Instead of growing up with Charlie traits they just dumbed him down a lot.


Recently watched the first few episodes, and Jake wasn't a dumb fart machine joke. He was a smart average kid. They gave up on that after 3 or 4 episodes, and in hindsight it was a big mistake I feel. Whenever they decide a character is an idiot it becomes old quick. See Joey on friends.


A troubled yet relatively smart kid would have been a good version for him. Makes sense given that his parents divorce wasnt exactly a great one


Makes even more sense given he’s being raised by two barely competent adults, one of which spends all his time drinking and womanizing, and is often conveyed as the more successful one. I can’t even remember what Alan did for a living.


> I can’t even remember what Alan did for a living. Chiropractor lmao one of the few things I remember from this show is how no one took Alan's job seriously


Walking dead ain’t walking dead without Rick grimes


8 Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter, but John Ritter passed away so a little different


I mean, the show also played the immediate aftermath of the sudden loss of a loved one in a very open and unapologetic manner.


Yeah it handled his death better than any other TV show with the sudden death of a lead actor imo. The episode after his death was heartbreaking, and you could tell that all the actors were actually heartbroken over it too. It was sad man, but also felt so respectful.


It’s been YEARS since I’ve seen that show, but man, this one scene has always stuck with me. After his funeral, Cate is telling her mom about how she doesn’t want to sleep in her room tonight, and her mom tells her that’s ridiculous because it’s *her* bed. Cate cries out, “it’s *our* bed; I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep in that bed again!” Katey Sagal did such a great job portraying it.


My mom slept on the couch for like 1.5 years after my dad died.


Agreed. And I think the show was much better than it had any right to be after Ritter passed. It should've been garbage, but it was okay for a bit.


This was a show my family would watch together every week, Ritter’s passing was a shock and it wasn’t the same.


I agree. The memorial episode was a tough watch, and this was a tough lesson to learn as an eleven year old. It has been twenty years.


Criminal minds went down hill after hotch and Derek left


I’m watching for the first time and I’m on season 4, it’s still quite good, but I can’t help but wonder what would have been had Mandy Patinkin stayed around. Gideon had this gravitas about him and portrayed so many emotions through so little words. Still enjoying the show but Gideon really felt like the main character. The acting from Hotch, Prentis,and Reid save it for me now.


I wish Gideon stayed even just for his relationship with Reid honestly.


Mandy said he got really disturbed by the writing. He doesn't like gore.


I'm just coming to the end of rewatching the entire series and once Derek and Hotch left it just got a little bleh. The Derek/Garcia banter made the show and when that was taken away it all just started going downhill.


The show did okay after they left, but I agree. Hotch and Derek were key members. However, the actor who played Hotch was fired because he got violent with a crew member and kicked him in the leg. And a few years before that he shoved another crew member, and was ordered to go to anger management. So there was a small pattern emerging.


Hasn't "failed" yet but have officially lost all interest in Grey's anatomy now that Meredith has left and I see a lot of others have the same opinion. They're trying so hard to keep the show going with a new batch of interns but tbh it should've ended a few years ago.


I honestly lost interest not long after Dempsey left.


For me it was Christina leaving, I kept watching because the show "was there" but now I don't even watch it.


For me, it was how dirty they did Alex. Completely fucked his character growth.


We lost interest when Karev left. Christina and Derek were both super important to the show but once Karev left it felt like they didn’t have a character who was trying to be the wholesome adult in the room. (Sometimes that’s Webber but they’ve done his character dirty)


How much coke did Charlie Sheen do? Enough to kill two and a half men.




Once Upon a Time was already dying a slow death, but the last season when many of the original cast left was unwatchable for me. I don’t think I made it ten minutes into the first episode.


Dude that show started off so fucking good, I ended it within the third (?) season maybe I don’t remember. It started just getting a little too loosie goosie with the story.


It needed to end with the neverland arc


The Good Wife went to shit after they killed off Will. Likewise with Sweets on Bones


They could have just had him go raise his kid with Daisy and help at a center again or something, the killing was unnecessary. Him not being there, making sure people actually resolved their issues, and missing the insights he gave into cases, was a detriment to the show.


Finding out why they killed sweets was worse. He wanted to leave the show on good terms because he (the actor) had better offers elsewhere, writers/director got buthurt and had his character killed.


He didn't want to leave, he wanted a break to direct a movie. He fully intended to come back.


Yeah but he went on to write the D&D movie so that’s pretty fantastic.


First one that came to mind was That 70's Show. When Topher Grace left, it jumped the shark.


Rewatched the series last year and boy oh boy had it already jumped long before then. I think Eric leaving Donna at the altar(a full season before leaving the actual show) was the point of no return - the writing had been really inconsistent for a while by then, but calling off that wedding was the official sign that they were refusing to develop the characters any further into adulthood and would just keep sleepwalking through the now-stale status quo.


Do the writers for Dexter count?


grey’s anatomy after most of the og cast left. christina, lexie, mark, derek…


They need to put that show out to pasture.


I came home to my wife watching it the other day and was baffled that it was still on. It has really dug into the soap opera theme. Nothing changes, interchange characters into the same standard tropes. I really thought it went off the rails and ended like a decade ago with a plane crash. I was wrong.


House of cards, when spacey left. A shit person but an amazing actor, really unfortunate.


I stopped watching at the end of season 2, seemed like a perfect ending. Didn’t need any more.


I watched it all the way through, but yeah, S2 was probably a good place to stop. It's like watching someone struggling to cycle up a hill, and then they finally reach the top... and then you keep watching. It's not terrible, but it lacks the tension that the first two seasons had.




Yeah. Then Jerry O’Connell left, then Sabrina Lloyd… they killed that show good.


Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show Dude was such a charismatic comedic genius, and his replacement was such a moronic buffoon of an imbecile


Ferguson was amazing. It was truly a talk show: he threw away any prepared notes and had a conversation. Often, he’d have to throw in what they were pitching to be there… “I hear you’re in a movie…” guest: “Oh yeah!” They were so into it, they forgot. It was tens across the board. I miss it.


Ferguson's hour-long talks with Stephen Fry were a delight.


Yeah Ferguson was fantastic and just great to watch. When Robin Williams came on with him it was just comedy bliss.


His talks with Carrie Fisher were also a delight!


And any visit from Ewan McGregor


This show was so good. I still remember him mentioning Carl Jung in one of his opening monologs. And his defense of Britney Spears. Respect.


Craig's monologue about Britney Spears and getting sober is a favorite of mine.


"...and one thing led to another and I forgot to kill myself that day" I've watched it so many times


Kristin Bell's feud with ~~Jeff~~ Geoff lives in my heart.


Glee after Cory Monteith died. It was generally bad after high school ended but he was definitely the piece that held them all together.


The first season or so was a perfect balance of satire and earnest embrace of theater kid camp. The jokes were spicier and more self aware. Once I gave it a chance, I realized how sharp the humor was. Rachel Berry was supposed to be the butt of the joke, not the audience surrogate. After Monteith died, it felt like everything had to be a saccharine after-school special. I hate-watched it for a few more seasons, but Monteith was the charming straight man (in a comedy sense, not sexuality) that held the storylines together and those seasons weren’t the same.


The Glee pilot was absolute perfection. They gradually pulled away from the theatre nerd pedigree to sell more pop song covers on iTunes.


That show *could* have successfully gone on for years and years, with a regularly rotating cast, much like high school itself. But then they decided "nah we're just going to focus on our original cast members even after they're out of high school / have left the central setting of the show" which did NOT work.


well the rotating cast was tested in season 4 and was notoriously panned to not have worked, which is why they ditched it for season 5 and 6


Game of Thrones without George Martin


That applies to both the show and the books!


Top Gear. Clarkson, May and Hammond were the show.


The problem with New Topgear is that they tried to recreate Clarkson Hammond and May's repartee and humor, but with 7 presenters, only 2 of which were actually interesting to listen to and one of which was universally considered to be insufferable. And you just get too many cooks trying to recreate something that took a decade to perfect in 1 week.


Beauty and the beast tanked when Linda Hamilton left.Ron Pearlman was great in that show..


Altered Carbon after Joel Kinnaman left. :(


I think they could've better established the premise by having Kovacs resleeve a few times within the season, so the change in S2 wasn't so jarring. Kinnaman had amazing chemistry with Chris Conner (Poe, who really stole each scene) and Higerada (Ortega). Yes there were flashbacks, and S2 REALLY tried to remind viewers that resleeving was a thing and visual identities don't matter like our reality does, but it was lost to S1 viewers because they already imprinted on Kinnaman as the main character.


I typically like Anthony Mackie, but yeah, losing Kinnaman killed my interest real fast. S2 felt corny af.




S2 just felt like a generic scifi action show, while S1 was a proper mystery set in a hugely imaginative SF universe dealing with interesting questions about humanity. They thought the universe (and Poe) was enough to carry a bland story. It wasn't.


H2O after the character Emma left




Oh naur, the condensation!


Castle. They fired Stana after season 8, and though they technically got renewed, season 9 got cancelled after the backlash.


I can’t even watch reruns of Castle because I’m still pissed about this.


I still liked Silicon Valley without TJ Miller, but it wasn’t quite the same.


Zach Woods held that show together


"How would you like to die today, motherfucker?"


House when Lisa Edelstein left. House might have been the main character, but it was Cuddy who brought out his human side. Without her, he became an annoying asshole (even more so than usual). Not to mention the whole reason for her character's departure aka House homicidal stint that completely ruined his character for me.


Nah losing the OG fellows did it for me. The only new ones I liked were Kal Penn because how can you not? And Olivia Wilde but they didn't have the same group dynamic that just worked in the same way and diluting their intro with all the others just made the transition period where the OGs were there but we didn't know who to get attached to. basically the whole transition was done badly. Then again them leaving house gave us Jennifer Morrison on OUAT so can't complain much.


The West Wing didn’t ‘fail’ when Aaron Sorkin left, but the quality went down significantly.


I feel 5 suffered by trying to emulate a Sorkin and failing. I personally, felt it up ticked again once the asantos & Vinnik stuff started, and the writers went their own direction. Yeah, the Toby story sucked, but I really liked the super focus to Josh as the main character and the election campaigns.


Kiiiinda this when The Golden Girls ended and spun off into Golden Palace without Bea Arthur.


Pains me to say, Superstore. I say this as an Amy fan, the show should have been able to survive without her; the other characters were great as well.


I thought superstore struggled after Jonah/Amy became an official relationship. Still liked it for the other shenanigans in the show, especially Marcus’ antics.


I did root for Garret and Dina, though.




Oh God, it's Peter, he's gonna make that noise again \*answers phone to the sound of a long, dry retch\*


News Radio when they replaced Phil Hartman with Jon Lovitz. Nothing against Lovitz, but there really is no replacing Phil Hartman


I always gave Lovitz a pass after finding out he punched Andy Dick in the face after Dick was making jokes about getting Hartman killed


He didn’t punch him in the face, he grabbed his head and slammed it into a bar, lovitz is a beautiful person.


Shameless (US version) after Emmy Rossum left the show


The show was downhill earlier than that. I think the season lip goes to college and becomes an alcoholic. At that point the show just kept repeating it's self destructive themes and it got wildly repetitive and stale. Early seasons were great they should have ended after Jimmy left.


Agreed with the self destructive shit. Lip should've made it out tbh.


Yeah the show started off by showing a dirt poor family that inherented a shifty situation survive. Then after a few seasons they were just doing everything they could to have the characters make terrible life decisions.


Hoss left Bonanza


ER slowly failed when Doug, Carol, Mark, Peter left


It went on for over 10 years after Doug and Carol left The exiting of Carter was the full downfall of the show


100% agree. Carter carried that show for years. Nerdy intern turned into jaded veteran doc? Classic storyline, done extremely well. It definitely fell apart quickly after he left, but I'm glad he did as many cameos as he did. Helped me make it through those last 2 or 3 seasons.


After Dr. Green died it should have been put out of its misery. 7 or 8 seasons of a drama is usually the best that a show can get. After that, the newer characters weren’t compelling at all. I remember tuning into an episode that showed John Leguizamo’s character jumping up and down on top of a car like a monkey and I knew it was a football field past the shark.


Dr. Green's daughter >!coming back as a doctor herself for the series finally was a great way to wrap it up though.!<


Rob Morrow and s6 of Northern Exposure


I'm going real old school with Mission Impossible. When Steven Hill left, changing him out with Peter Graves actually got better, but Martin Landau and Barbara Bain left at the end of Season 3, it was never quite as good, in spite decent acting attempts by Leonard Nimoy, Sam Elliott, Linda Day George, or Leslie Ann Warren.


the x-files when mulder left.


After David Lynch was forced to reveal the killer in Twin Peaks and left the show during Season 2 the quality of the episodes dropped, leading to some actors not going back to play their characters in the movie Fire Walk With Me and the third season The Return


Daily Show and Jon Stewart. Not only did the show suffer, but the political and current event awareness of an entirely voting demographic declined tremendously.


Every now and then, I remember the rumor that NBC originally wanted Jon Stewart to replace David Gregory on Meet the Press, but they ended up with Chuck Todd instead and it infuriates me


I recall Colbert on his then brand new show talking about people saying Trump would not have won if Stewart hadn't quit The Daily Show. And then cracked that once again, everyone blames the Jews.


I know the show still exists, but I still can't get over how dirty NBC did Conan O'Brien.


Coupling- A British Show


No Geoff no show.


The first seasons of that show were so funny and clever


Blues Clues after Steve ran off to be a rock star


After being subjected to about 16 hours of childrens television for my job, the "steve" character they have for the reboot has an incredible voice and I far preferred blue's clues to anything else they put on. Dora was by far the worst-every character is yelling and not talking like a normal person. Love the bilingual aspect, but my god the voices were grating. The "steve" they have now came from singing musicals on broadway-you can tell he's used to being animated on stage and obviously professionally singing. THAT SAID: Rainbow Puppy is THE worst thing to happen to Blue's Clues. Rainbow Puppy can talk, which negates the Steve character who translates Blue's world for us, and Blue is now pointless as well. Not all episodes have Rainbow Puppy, but the ones that do are so disappointing. As a grown adult with no kids, I never thought I'd have such strong feelings about children's shows, but I am very passionately anti-rainbow puppy.


American Gods. Season 1 was so so fun and great. Then, everyone important left just because Starz couldn’t cough up an extra $15m. They proceeded to run it into the ground with seasons 2 and 3. Fucking sucked. People rave about Sandman but American Gods was fascinating.


Greys anatomy after Derek left. I can’t tell you how many of my friends moms stopped watching after that. I still watch, but now Meredith (who is the titular character) is gone


I’d say it was earlier, when Cristina left - that was a big turning point IMO. It definitely felt like the show struggled after the plane crash though


community for me


I’m obsessed with community and will often put it on for background noise. When Donald Glover left it was still good but not the same level. 🎶Troy and abed in the mooooorninggg🎶