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Zoe Kravitz is starting to look a bit strange imo


Chrissy Tiegan was on the cusp, years ago. Her face looks buoyant to the point there’d be no need for a life raft if she were out at sea.


She literally has a Lego head


Handsome Squidward


Megan fox was certainly more like untouchable beautiful with work done in her prime but she is still was a beauty naturally and now she has gone too far with the fillers and looks like every La/Insta model which is a shame.




That’s what gets me - so many of these stars were stunning to begin with, it’s part of how they got famous in the first place. Beautiful, but still at least somewhat unique. But they’re all starting to look like copy and paste Instagram models now. Idk why that face has become the blue print for all the surgeons in LA, but it’s awful.




Ha, ha, ^(ha)


I heard that comment lol


His facial expressions scare me tbh. He reminds me of that ventriloquist dummy from Goosebumps.


I will say, at least he’s honest about it. His hair transplant really changed his whole look though


He looks like slappy


Gwen Stefani


She looks like every other basic plastic surgery woman in Hollywood now. Wow... I just looked it up, too


Yeah this one is a huge bummer because she had such a unique look for most of her career


It's especially weird to me because I feel like angry "Just a Girl" era Gwen would slap glamazon bad plastic surgery era Gwen upside the head for being stupid.


I think for a lot of people it's very easy to say "fuck societal standards, I'm going to age naturally" when you're currently young and attractive. But when you start to *actually* age, it is suddenly a lot harder to say you don't care about that. If you've been beautiful your whole life, it can be very hard to accept that you won't really be seen that way anymore, so you try to hang on to it just a little bit longer.


It kinda makes me think she never believed in that stuff anyway and just sang the song to take advantage of the 90s angry girl trend. Then she moved on to her weird japan-obsession trend, then her weird country music trend. I don't think Gwen sticks with anything except what's fashionable.


Gwen today looks exactly like the type of woman who would marry Blake Shelton


I miss her original cute nose. It made her unique.


Gwen Stefani is starting to remind me of Madonna and her desperation to look like she did in her thirties. Neither are graceful about aging at all.


Don’t know if this is a hot take but Ariana Grande. Maybe it’s because of the blonde hair but she literally has a new face every 3 years. She recently said in a Vogue video that she stopped plastic surgery in 2018 but it’s so obvious she’s continued to have more work done and at this point she’s very close to the edge.


I think the fox eye plus buchal fat removal really pushed her into botched territory.


The buccal fat removal is what's really messing up celebrities, or is going to. Even if it looks good on them now, buccal fat removal does NOT age well.


I saw a plastic surgeon talk about older celebrities that continue to look young (Paul rudd) and she pointed out that she suspected that he had fat injections put *in* his cheeks. Because younger people have more fat in their faces and older people naturally lose fat in that area. Ergo, this buccal fat removal is going to look a lot worse in 10 years.


But then they will get fat injections to look younger won't they. Seems like infinite loop of removing and adding fat as needed haha


Sounds like my diet


I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for months.


Buccal fat removal cannot be undone with fat injections later. Buccal fat is unusual fat that can't be replaced. This is a permanent thing and looks awful and disfiguring.


I read about a woman taking us through the surgery with her. It was like a ‘sac’ that they had to pull out of her face. Not like liposuction, but like a membrane and everything.


Apparently the buccal fat in particular can’t be replaced, only other layers of fat higher up, so it might look weird too. I’ve heard something like that at least. I don’t think they know super well yet.


I have very round cheeks and people always put me at least a decade younger than I am. Everyone getting rid of their chubby cheeks look so old already. Instantly ages them decades.


The thought of Anya Taylor Joy in ~10 years makes me uncomfortable


She was already a very unusual looking person. But still in a pretty, elfin way. Now, she just looks insectal/alien. And her upper teeth are really sticking now that she has no cheeks.


I feel uncomfortable looking at her now. Her face is so scarily thin.


It doesn’t even look good now it’s aging everyone by a minimum of 15 years and making everyone look dead


I told my husband that the fat on your face makes you look young because we lose the fat as we age, we're around 50, so these people are going to look skeletal and unhealthy as they age which is tragic because many of them are very naturally beautiful.


Then they will use fillers to get it undone and will end up looking like plastic dolls that can somehow speak.


If I'm remembering correctly fillers won't even work to replace buccal fat. Basically, those fat pads are irreplaceable and once the procedure is done, it can't be undone.




Honestly, I hate her new look. It makes her look like she's ill.


Currently I think she looks anorexic. Not sure if it’s because of plastic surgery or a legit eating disorder. She seems to have aged like 10 years in the last 2. 


It’s both, unfortunately. I thought it was the blonde that washed her out, but she posted a pic from behind the scenes of Wicked when her hair was still brown and she still looks sickly skinny. I feel for her in that regard, but she’s SO dishonest about the work that she’s had done that it’s hard to root for her. Plus the Ethan drama ugh


I can't even decide what color to paint my living room. How are these people reconfiguring their faces in their 20's!? It's such a slippery slope and if you don't like the result it's so difficult to correct without fucking it up even more.


She has a new race every three years


Madonna gonna turn into her own species if she don't stop


Cusp? She’s way past


My friend saw her in real life. She said it was disturbing…. She’s past the “cusp”


She's in Mickey Rourke territory


Rob McElhenny and Kaitlin Olson


I found them extremely distracting in their season after their surgeries. I couldn’t even focus.


I think it wouldn't be so noticeable if those 2 + Glenn Howerton weren't always in frame with Charlie Day, whose cosmetic work probably begins and ends with propecia (that hair is fire). If all 4 of them were all getting face lifts and fillers and sht, it'd be one thing, but when one of them is willing to age naturally all that work's impossible to ignore. It's like he's acting as a control group in some weird experiment. (edit: I'm excluding Danny Devito here. He's obviously patient zero when it comes to plastic surgery, dude's addicted)


Clean shaven Mac with a normal haircut just did not fit his character whether he is out of the closet or not in the show. Keep his facial hair, slicked back hair and get his damn karate moves back.


Honestly it seems like he's stopped playing mac, and is just being Rob on the show now


Maybe when he teamed up with with Ryan Reynolds he realized you can make more money that way.


Mac works when he's incompetent. Normal dude Mac, fine. Ocular patdowns, out of his element, it's great. Fat Mac, because he's packing on mass, ok. Greek god Mac? He's not supposed to be that good at anything.


The combination of the higher production quality (at a certain point dingy Paddy's turned into the most well-lit dive bar in America) and half the main cast packing on the plastic surgery and transforming into generic, desperate-to-stay-young middle aged LA celebrities has really made it hard to buy in anymore for me


The lighting really bugs me too, especially because they made a whole point of mocking overly bright TV shows. In one season they went to some bar called Suds, and were joking about how everything was so weirdly oversaturated and brightly lit. There was a meta joke where the gang turned Paddy into an explosion of light and color and perfect angles to “compete” Few years later, the show is unironically like that! Everything is vivid and garish, the grimier muted tone is gone


Listen to the podcast! Charlie Day abhors the new lighting scheme but the other guys want it. It’s a hot topic!


And Charlie is the only one who doesn’t looks like he’s had massive facial surgery done, ironically.


charlie seems like the most down to earth out of them tbh, and from the podcast episodes it does come across like he is the most accommodating of the three. like he has brilliant ideas but seems more mellow and more likely to let rob and glenn have their way


100% agree. It’s not a competition but I also find him the most artistically talented in performance and creativity. Seems to be a total goat.


The gang tries desperately to win an award


They talk about it on their podcast. They're "excuse" is basically they're trying to put out a higher quality product since the they're no longer the underfunded ugly step child. But there's no doubt that something is lost with how they've upped the production quality.


Yeah same. I just stick with rewatching the first 10 seasons now, the later seasons almost feels like a different show.


I'm glad someone said this. I saw picture of them from the Emmy's (?) last week and it was sooooooo noticable. I'm always surprised when rich people have obvious plastic surgery as they should have people looking out for their best interests at their level.


Throw Glenn Howerton in there. The only two people from It’s only sunny that don’t look like they been replaced with a sentient real doll is Charlie and Danny devito


It's all the cat food they eat.


Was looking for this comment. It makes me so sad because I feel like, especially in Kaitlin’s case, it severely limits how she can perform on it’s always Sunny, her facial expressions are almost nonexistent at this point.


Also funny that Rob has repeatedly mentioned how in many famous shows the characters (unrealistically) get better looking as the show continues. It’s because the actors have stylists, nutritionists, trainers, plastic surgeons, etc. And that’s one of the reasons for Mac getting super fat that one season. Lo and behold, they did the exact same thing they were critical of and parodying Edited to add: I don’t blame them one bit. I say go for it. I’m just commenting on how your perspective can change once you get on the older side of a situation. It’s easy to feel one way about successful people, until you realize what it takes to be one of those successful people


Die a hero or live long enough to be a villain?


I think Dee probably would get a lot of plastic surgery though.


Only after successfully scamming the IRS, and we all know how that turned out.


Add Glenn Howerton too.


Yeah I'm so surprised that nobody ever talks about Howerton. Parts of his face are just so stiff while he's acting, and it makes it more noticeable since all of these people have been on TV for almost 20 years. Meanwhile Charlie Day is aging like a fine wine. edit: just wanted to add that I don't think any of them are trying to hide anything that they've had done


*Charlie day and Danny DeVito


Day is doing alright, but DeVito is ethereal… doesn’t look a day over twelve…


Dennis is a special case though, he’s just trying to live up to all the expectations we have of him. You know, physical perfection?


Ironic since both Glen and Rob are fitness freaks both in the show and in real life, while Charlie (character) is a slob.


I don't know, in tons of episodes he's shown without his shirt and he's consistently in fine shape. He's just not jacked or anything.


Yeah but he drinks paint and eat milk steak


I feel like Glenn looked mostly the same from Season 1-13 and then between 13 and 14 the years caught up to him all at once somehow


That feels in character for Dennis though, so it's not as distracting.


I was going to say 3/5's of the IASIP main cast


Who would’ve thought that in the end the most attractive cast members would be Charlie Day and Danny DeVito.


Miley Cyrus is very close to overboard, if not already there. Her buccal fat removal made her face look…very gaunt and sickly. She also needs to get more natural veneers. It looks like she’s having a hard time closing her mouth. ETA- the change in her vocals was due to a necessary vocal cord surgery. She had Reinke’s edema. I really like the change, but it’s not for everyone.


Her sister Noah looks 10000X worse She’s got the worst case of pillow face I’ve ever seen


Holy shit wtf happened? The last time i saw her pic was in 2018 and she was pretty back then. Now she looks like the person in ‘The scream’ painting.


Every celeb is either addicted to ozempic with buccal fat removal and looks malnourished or addicted to filler with a swollen face


Came here looking for this comment to ensure I wasn’t insane. About a year ago, a close friend texted me and told me she wanted to take a picture of Noah’s face to a surgeon as filler inspo. I was so confused 😐 why would anyone want that?


Oh my god please tell me they didn’t do that in the end


Her veneers are SO bad. Like who hurt that dentist?! Also just generally speaking, I hate veneers. Even when they look “good” they look like that episode of friends when Ross got his teeth whitened.


Yeah, you’re supposed to have teeth. Teeth aren’t supposed to have you.


Her veneers are ridiculous at this point


She looks like she's in her 40s now. It aged her horribly


I feel like she’s always had an issue closing her mouth. If you look at her in the last song, her mouth is almost always open/showing her teeth.


Tom Cruise passed it recently. He looks too young and old at the same time during the recent Mission Impossible movie. 


I think he has it in his contract that his face needs to be touched up with cgi in every movie he is in.


In the most recent Indiana Jones movie they made Harrison Ford credibly look like he did 40 years ago. There were a few moments where it almost seemed like a glitch and he suddenly looked like Dennis Quaid for an instant, but it was solid. The physical performance was also solid but the voice was off. Which is strange because that the vocal element is probably the simplest to correct. Anyhow…. I would expect to see Tom Cruise continuing in films for literally decades.


Kate Beckinsale. She had the perfect amount of subtle work for years, but now her face is starting to look like everyone else’s. Such a shame, she was really gorgeous!


She vehemently denies having any work done and it just annoys the fuck out of me because it's so obviously untrue


Having work done isn’t objectively bad or shameful but if you are lying about having it done obviously you believe it’s a bad thing… so why go through with it in the first place?


She’s interesting, in the 90s she was this natural English rose, very pale with dark brown hair, very cool and wonderful actress in films like cold comfort farm, then she went to LA and just went the polar opposite like robot Barbie (still gorgeous but more artificial) but I just loved her original look so much


She looked great but it wasn’t subtle. She bought a whole new face


Almost all of them. Bravo to Frances McDormand, Jodie Foster & Annette Bening for not giving in and becoming plastic.


Naomi Watts as well. Saw her in The Watcher and it was so refreshing to see a gorgeous woman with obvious wrinkles who can still move her face and make normal expressions.


Watch Keri Russel in The Diplomat to see how an “older” actress can be amazing without all the fillers, Botox, filters & makeup.


Ditto Rachel Mcadams. She just looks like herself but older.


I would honestly be pretty sad if Rachel macadams starts messing with her face.


Keira Knightly is starting to show signs of aging. She looks great and nice to see she’s leaving her face alone


Personally I love how she never “fixed” her teeth. Her crooked teeth give her such charisma to me. Idk, I also just love imperfect, individual teeth on people.


I also love an imperfect smile Kiera has a nice smile but Kirsten Dunst is my personal fav.


I love Keira’s teeth. There’s way too many veneer mouths these days so it’s always refreshing to see some real teeth.


Seeing celebrities' bad plastic surgery has really made me appreciate the process of natural aging more. Like, I almost feel like aging naturally has become the new hot thing (in my brain, at least) because NOBODY does it and the work people do to fend it off often looks so wrong and alien.


I saw Frances McDormand in person recently. She was so refreshingly normal. Looked like she could be friends with my mom.


I’m watching the new True Detective and it’s so refreshing to see Jodie Foster look like a normal, aging woman. She plays a hardened cop in rural Alaska, and her face actually moves. Sadly refreshing.


Nicole Kidman


She already went over that cliff, mate.


Then climbed back up for more…


The inspiration for this post! Watching her in Expats and her “work” is distracting from her performance.


At this point she should really only be taking roles where it would make sense for the character to have that much plastic surgery. For instance in Big Little Lies she is absolutely perfect! But in The Northman, where she was supposed to be an ancient Viking woman it looked ridiculous.


She looked so extremely out of place in the Northman


That bothered me so much. I remember reading that the director was really into making sure the costumes and weapons and houses were accurate for the period and I was like....ok, but they cast Nicole Kidman! It threw all sense of historical immersion off completely.


What was the show she did with Hugh Grant? The entire time I was distracted by the fact her eyebrows do not move. I couldn’t enjoy it at all.


The Undoing! That was when I noticed she'd gone past the point of no return. So distracting.


I hate to say it, but that’s the only reason I don’t want to watch the show. I know her face will make me sad and uncomfortable the whole time


Dude, she blew past the cusp a long time ago.


Saw her in Lioness recently- her face doesn't move any more.


Cate Blanchett needs to be careful now, imo. She will start losing the big roles that she's been getting the pick of in recent times if her features stop moving. I don't know why celebrities think looking like an alien wearing a human skin mask is worse than aging naturally.


I sat right next to her on a flight recently and she is stunning in person. And made me want to buy everything she was wearing. But I agree, her face is right on the edge of still having some emotion. Hope she realizes what good she has!


Whatever Jennifer Lawrence has done looks good, but if she keeps tweaking she’ll cross the rubicon.


I feel the same way about Emily Blunt.


See, I feel like Emily Blunt is right on the line. I can see the fillers in her face, especially around her mouth.


Her veneers did it for me. It’s so glaringly obvious I can’t help myself but stare at them. She’s such an amazing actress too. :(


Yes! And something about her nose looks off to me now. Plus the veneers.


Why do rich actors bother with veneers! Ruins the illusion of anything set before like 2011


Whats crazy is these people can afford whatever bullshit cosmetics they want and they still cheap out. They can make molds of your teeth, make veneers that have the exact same shape and color, sure maybe make em a bit cleaner but keep it natural. Instead they get whiter than driven snow and perfectly shaped glaringly artificial ones.


To me she’s already crossed it. I had a thought of how much CGI will now be required in all her movies to make her look like herself.


Yeah, in Oppenheimer her face was distracting, and she was acting her ass off. Took me out of the film sometimes. It was such a shame. Fillers, veneers and plastic surgery really stand out in period films. I just don't understand why we can't age?


She looks like she can barely move her mouth


Martha Stewart and Helen Mirren are the gold standard in my opinion.


Martha Stewart's work has been done exceptionally well, but it's very uncomfortable for me seeing someone popularizing the notion that an 83 year old should look like that at all. 


She’s 83?!?!? Holy shit I thought she was in like her 60s.


I maintain Martha Stewart maintains her looks through a combo of good genes, good nutrition, the right amount of plastic surgery, and then a hefty dollop of straight up witchcraft.


They both nailed “wow, she looks amazing for her age!” surgery instead of trying to look 22.


Courteney Cox! She had wayyy too much at one point in time and dialed it back, but any more than she has now and she’ll creep back into that territory


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find her name. She was the first celeb that I really remember saying “why the fuck would she do this?”. She was so pretty in Friends.


dude from the Goo Goo Dolls easily


Johnny Rzeznik my man. I've loved thatband for 35 years and it was a right hook to see him now. 


There was a time when plastic surgery was a taboo subject, but these days nobody even raises an eyebrow..


Found my dad's reddit account.


Did you clean your room yet?


Jennifer Anniston was so natural for so long. Recently she went to the dark side


She’d had *just* enough for the longest time. Definitely too much now. It’s really sad how these aging celebrities are so afraid of looking old that they subject themselves to this. Aging is 1000x more beautiful than whatever ends up coming out of the operating room. 


Watching Jodie Foster on True Detective is SUCH a breath of fresh air and she is so so beautiful. I keep staring at her like she’s aging perfectly.


Yep. Helen Mirren.


Add to that Gillian Anderson. She's probably had some work done at some point, but is also allowing herself to age gracefully and she's one of the most beautiful women in the world.


Sometimes I think the surgery just also ages badly too. So you get some procedures that look good in your 40s, and even if you don’t do much more, it can go uncanny-valley 20 years later.


ITT: Celebs well past the cusp. Good rule of thumb is that good plastic surgery isn't noticeable for most people. It's like the Boob Job Rule: you only notice the bad ones, unless you literally see the scar.


I saw Paul Rudd mentioned and I think he is a good example, Ryan Reynolds too.




These answers are all people who have already passed the cusp of too much plastic surgery. You should be thinking of celebrities who don't look like uncanny valley versions of themselves. My pick is Halle Berry. She had work done in her youth but is now aging gracefully. She looks good and any more plastic surgery would be too much.


My pick would be Margot Robbie. Same reason. Great plastic surgery. She should not do any more of it.


*immediately opens new tab in chrome*


Brad Pitt. He seems to have had some job done. And he does look good, especially for his age. But if he continues he's in trouble.


A lot of the ppl mentioned are well past the “cusp” (including Nicole Kidman). I’ll say Emily Blunt is right at the edge.


…of Tomorrow?


All of them. I miss seeing natural faces in the media.


The normalcy of celebrity (especially actors) plastic surgery creates an unbelievable factor in film/TV. When you’re watching a movie or show that’s set In the mid west and the majority of the actors are all puffed and cut up from the surgery but are suppose to be a normal working class person. It just looks laughable and out of place. There is no realism in film anymore, the average person can’t identify with the characters because they all look so fake and elite coded in their features.


In this thread: a lot of confusion as to what ‘cusp’ means. 


Lady Gaga. I’m a huge fan, but in the span of a few years, she *completely* had a new jawline, new cheekbones, her eyebrows are permanently in a Nike logo shape, it’s just unfortunate to see someone that paved the way for being different end up being a Kardashian clone Edit: I absolutely love her to pieces, I support anyone doing what they want to do, I’m just certain her PR team has told interviewers not to ask about it. It’s just weird how swept under the rug it feels.


Her lips look crazy fr and I'm a stan


Dove Cameron


She’s gone overboard IMO


noah cyrus


Damn, I only knew what she looked like before and this is so sad. She really went overboard.


Starlight from “The Boys” chick fuckkkeeeddddd up her face badly


Even more sad/ironic when you consider Starlights arc from girl-next-door to the “sexy” version they made her be. But now she’s just done it irl and it looks awful.


She definitely got buccal fat removal when she didn’t need it


>Starlight Is that what happened? I thought she got hooked on drugs or something and just lost a ton of weight. I was sad for her hoping that she would kick the habit.


I know actresses did this in the past, I think Joan Crawford famously even had some teeth removed for a more angular cheek look. But between that and the pointy nose everyone seems to get, it just looks very Uncanny Valley.


She took a hop, skip and a jump passed the "cusp" and outright fucked herself up


She was so lovely-beautiful girl next door and now she looks bizarre. Sad.


Having grown up seeing most of Zac Efron’s career its sad to see the amount of obvious work he’s had done when he really didn’t need it since he’s such a good looking dude


When your entire identity is being hot it's hard to age


The entire main cast of It's Always Sunny (except Danny Devito).


I feel like Charlie Day still looks normal, right?


I don’t think Charlie has had any work done, or at least none that’s immediately noticeable to me.


It's especially obvious in Kaitlin Olson. There are clips from the most recent season where she can barely move her forehead at all. Such a shame, too, because she's such a great comedian, and the lack of expression just kills a lot of her delivery. So much of Dee's character comes from her silliness, being the butt of the joke, etc, so to see Kaitlin looking even more beautiful as time goes on doesn't mesh well with the Dee that was "too ugly" for her dream of acting. I understand why they've all had work done, though. They're getting close to 50, I'm sure that comes with an unreasonable pressure to still look young!




I think its telling that a show that regularly has characters disrespect each others appearances hasnt featured any jokes about their new looks.


It would nearly be easier to say which ones still look normal. Margot Robbie/Blake lively/Taylor Swift all look great. Older celebs like Hallie Berry/Julianne Moore look great too


Angela Bassett. She's near-perfect with what work she has had done, but there is a slight problem of her always looking like she's tasted some lemon so any more and she will have gone too far.


Zac Efron is starting to look a little “uncanny valley” if you ask me. Edit: You can tell me he broke his jaw 1,000 times— I don’t believe it, so you can save your breath. If he did, he absolutely used the opportunity to get some work done. That is a face full of filler and Botox. And breaking your jaw doesn’t give you a brow lift.


Absolutely, he’s looking very Ray Liota ish and he’s still so young.


Anya Taylor joy


anyone who's gotten buccal fat removal has already signed up to fuck up their face


Miley Cyrus. She had that awful buccal fat removal procedure and she looks gaunt, 30 years older, and it's so sad! She was so cute and pretty and soft looking before. Now she looks like a strung out druggie from the '90s. Noah Cyrus. She's also had her buccal fat removed, plumped her lips too much, and bleached/shaved her eyebrows. She was sooooo pretty before. Now she looks like an alien. Jennifer Lawrence. She had a bunch of stuff done early summer but still looked pretty. Mostly she had a bleph done on her upper eyelids but she still looked like herself (I love the look of hooded eyes and hate when people remove it, but I understand for medical reasons). Anyway, a couple months later and she had *more* work done! Now she's barely recognizable. She's very expressive with her face but now everything's taut. She had her chin done and at a fashion show a couple months ago she just looked completely different. Very wide-eyed and waxen. Renee Zellwegger. I miss her old face!! She was one of the first to have the buccal fat removal and she also had a bleph. She's still pretty, but not that unique, cute she was before. So sad. Kylie Jenner. I understand some of the work she had done like lifting her eyebrows and hairline to open her face a bit and some lip filler since she was worried about her thin lips, but she's gone crazy with procedures and looks way older than her 20something years. She looks 50 and kinda silly next to her boyish boyfriend Chalamet. A lot of older celebs are looking really weird lately, too. Veneers that are so white they're almost grey/blue and way too big for their faces. A shiny plastic look to their faces. It seems plastic surgeons are getting worse not better at their craft! A lot of women of all ages now have the "Instagram face" which makes casting them in period pieces absurd. They none of them look natural or can star in a movie that takes place in the 1800s anymore. They all have a harsh, unnatural look that didn't exist before this decade. It's appalling.