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Work correspondence hack: Anything that benefits you, put it in an email, letter, etc. so it can be memorialized when possible.  Anything that is detrimental to you, make a call or discuss the issue face to face verbally.  Don’t leave a paper trail. 


"always get it in writing... never put it in writing"


Succinct. Thank you.


I used to be a social worker. One of the most valuable bits of advice I ever got was: "It's not what you do, it's what you document." In the end, that's what really moves the needle.


That's not unethical, that's just smart. And as an addendum to #2, if you're in management, always put disciplinary action in writing even if it's just contemporaneous notes i.e. "On 2/22 counselled duffman about proper internet usage due to redditing at work". If there's enough that you need to escalate, you want a paper trail.


If you want to lie, make a part of the lie something shameful. Everybody will believe you.


Username checks out. This man is a professional


Or the nemesis of penguins.


Just before covid my son worked at a multi national that had posh reception areas with coffee machines, large tv’s running the companies products and advances all day and always smart receptionists. One day a van pulls up with three blokes in it, all in hi viz and clean smart workwear, they show their work order to the receptionist and get on with removing 4 x 70” tv screens and a projector all for upgrades and replacements. To this day, neither the blokes, van or tv’s have been seen again. Just walk out like you own it comes to mind. The receptionists were not sacked but from then on every one who came to that facility had to be checked properly.


I walked right through the front door of the Smithsonian Science museum once at 8:30am. I managed to walk through almost all of the exhibits, greeting people cleaning the floors and at least one security guard. It wasn't until I went to the American History museum after and had to stand in a long assed line that I realized they opened at 10.


I got lost looking for my meeting location at a DoD facility and definitely ended up in a place I should not be. No one caught me though I figured it out myself and walked back to the non secure area.


this goes with anything. I've worked in a hospital for 12 years now, the amount of doctors that come through each day that none of the nursing staff have regular interactions with to know is pretty high. that being said, if you go to a hospital wearing scrubs and just look like you know what you're doing, pretty much no one will question you as long as you don't do obscenely suspicious things or dawdle way too long.  there wouldnt be many benefits to actually doing this unless you really wanted patient information out of the chart or wanted to steal a chocolate milk out of the pt refrigerator, but it's very doable


I'm pretty sure it was 'Street Thief' that said any business with more than 20 employees isn't going to tell everyone about work that's being done so if you walk in like you're supposed to be there and look like you're working on something most people will ignore you thinking they just missed the memo.


Very true. I’ve worked at places with over 30 people on a shift. If you have on the right clothes and act like you’re supposed to be there then no one will do anything. Maybe a simple who’s that guy? To each other but not really caring and just continuing to work. Now I’ve worked at places where there was like 5 employees and it’s a different story then.


Reminds me of trailer park boys


"You talked to Jeff??"


It’s ok everyone, he talked to Jeff


> from then on every one who came to that facility had to be checked properly. Until a few months went by and everyone went back to how they used to do stuff. Right?


When you call in sick to work, call lying down as it makes you sound more congested.


Bring up food poisoning around your boss. They will tell you about what they ate when they had food poisoning. When you claim food poisoning tell them you ate that thing or something adjacent and they will instinctively remember the time they had food poisoning. Bonus points if you talk up your iron gut prior to.


I try and do it as soon as I wake up, so I sound really groggy and out of it!




If I take anything from this thread, it's gonna be this one.


If you’re planning on calling out sick, schedule an email about it at a weird time early in the morning. People don’t doubt it when they think you were up at 4:37 am vomiting. Then if you need to physically call, you can do that later and have written documentation that you were “up all night vomiting” or whatever.


When I was a lifeguard as a teenager, the company I worked for hated call-outs. Obviously it was because they'd have to scramble to find coverage. I remember one night my girlfriend at the time was having a house party while her parents were out of town. I was hammered and knew I was going to be hungover, so I called my boss and told him I had diarrhea. He didn't question it one bit, I'm assuming because he figured I was embarrassed by it and would have made up some other excuse if I was lying. There was another time when I was in my 20's, working in IT. I was about halfway through the workday and just didn't want to be there anymore, so I suddenly jumped out of my chair and sprinted to the bathroom. Waited there for about five minutes and walked back in with my head down. Stepped into my manager's office and sort of whispered to him that I just shat myself and needed to go home to shower and get cleaned up. Again, he didn't question it because shitting yourself as an adult would be pretty embarrassing for anyone and it's not something you'd willingly share with others. He did not question it, just told me quietly to go home and that he'd see me tomorrow. I don't really have to make excuses at my current job. If I don't feel like working, I just tell my boss that I'm taking PTO. I almost never do it though. I don't mind my job and I tend to hoard my PTO for emergencies now.


This is the fastest way to make me think you were partying till 4:30am and you're just too hung over for work.


Valid! It probably depends on your relationship with your boss. I did this once to get out of going on a lab retreat/camping trip in grad school but that was fairly low stakes and everyone knew I wasn’t a partier.


Pay for one movie ticket, stay in cinema all day. Works almost always everywhere.


Works even better these days because the theaters can't even be bothered to hire anyone more than concessions.


Yeah the concessions area sells the tickets at my local theater now. Nobody checks your tickets. Pretty sure if I wanted I could just walk in and go to a movie without paying and nobody would stop me.


That's because that's what makes the theater all their money.


There used to be a website (not sure if it still exists) called the Double Feature Finder. You could search for your local theater and it would tell you all the movie listings and pick which ones ended when new movies started.


If you get in a one-car accident, or fall asleep whilst driving, etc., tell the responding police that you "swerved to avoid an animal."


If you hit a stationary object in the road, it wasn't stationary. For insurance purposes, hitting a stationary object is an at-fault accident; hitting an object moving in the road is a comprehensive claim, on the level with weather damage while parked.


Not entirely true. Hitting an animal is comprehensive, but hurting any object in the road does not mean it's comprehensive. It actually has to be in the air and then hit the vehicle to be comprehensive, otherwise, if it's an object that is on the road (and not an animal), it can be classified as collision. Source: I was an auto insurance adjuster.


I found that one out the hard way


Yes same here, I once hit a tree that was lying across the road covering 3 lanes on top of a hill, it was pouring down rain and pitch black at night. It was the literal crest of the hill. No way anyone could have seen it. It was ruled my fault. Insurance said it would have been better if the tree landed on my car whilst driving. Im like well that would have been more likely to kill me but its whatever.


"I swerved to avoid a deer!" "Sir, we're on Interstate Bridge."


"Are deers not allowed on this bridge? I thought this was AMERICA!"


This is so true. My grandfather was a dick on the road. He break-checked a guy who then ended up rear ending him, caused some damage to the cars but no one got hurt. When he stepped out and started yelling my Grandpa just yelled back "WHAT YOU DIDNT SEE THE CAT THAT RAN OVER THE ROAD?!" The guy ended up having to call insuranse, my pop got his car fixed for free and got off scott free


On a trip to Las Vegas, I decided to visit their adult pool area at the Delano. Upon paid entry, they provided me a bright neon wristband. I also happened to be attending a Red Hot Chili Peppers show the same night and still had my pool wristband on when I entered the venue. While trying to navigate to my seating area, I asked the usher for directions to get to my seat. Well, they didn't look too closely at the ticket location on my phone and only noticed my wristband. The next thing I knew, I was being directed into the VIP access area right up front. Apparently, the VIP wristband was the same color, so I was able to enjoy the show as a VIP.


Should be easy for me to replicate. Now I just to buy a plane ticket to Vegas, wait for the Chili Peppers to tour there again, and hope neither have updated their wristband procedures. Nice.


If you shop around at garage sales or good will, some brands offer lifetime warranties.


Relevant story. Bought a used Kelty kid carry hiking backpack off Nextdoor or whatever for maybe $30. Used it a couple of times and noticed a critical plastic piece in the frame had cracked and emailed them with pictures asking if I could purchase a replacement part. Found out that wasn’t a serviceable part and the pack had a lifetime warranty so got to pick out a new one. Will always buy their products whenever I have the chance now!


Found a Le Creuset dutch oven at a thrift shop with cracked enamel. Called LC and asked if it was repairable and said it was second hand. They offered me 70% off a new one if I shipped it back.     Found an enamelware lodge pan. Dropped something in it and the enamel cracked. Called lodge and asked if it was repairable and told them it was second hand. They sent me a new one.  Tldr: this hack doesn't have to be unethical.


Lodge enamelware is great. There's an argument for going with a costlier brand for pans where even heat distribution and the evenness of the cooking surface make a difference, but if you're going to put water in it there's no need to overpay, the water will do the heat distribution for you and make up for any inconsistencies in the cookwear.


Tried this, company asked for a receipt (for a 60y/o Dymo label maker)


At that point you could have just written a receipt on an old receipt pad with some made up hardware store that went out of business on the past 40 years.


Aren't Dymo the only ones who make Dymo? Who cares where you bought it!


A friend of mine managed to get a brand new $1500 Cutco kitchen knife set for $30. He first found a used set dating back to the 1980s for $30 on eBay. It came with the lifetime warranty, so he then went through the warranty process to get a brand new set. It was brilliant.


The problem is that the Cutco set is worth maybe $100 at most and the rest is marketing of their slightly better than average knives. Source: worked at Cutco for one summer. Customer: What kind of steel are these knives?" Me (reading script): "Why, ma'am, these knives are made of surgical stainless steel." Customer: "that's not a grade of steel and gives me no information whatsoever." Me: "uh..." Edit: After doing some research, Cutco blades are constructed from 440A stainless steel. According to the internet, 440A is not a super high quality steel and is frequently utilized by blade makers in their "value" knives, when price is their greatest concern. Point being, you can get a set of similarly performing knives for a lot less than $1500. Cutco/Vector Marketing was always a marketing company first and a knife company second.


You can’t sit here and pretend those butter steak knives don’t kick ass


Have a large, “professional” looking camera. Get a bright vest that says “press” on it. Make an ID. Go to town. Almost free access anywhere.


High vis gear also works. I am a security technician, and the amount of times I walked into places and am just like “from [company] to look at your alarm system/camera system” and the employees are just like “no idea, if you know what your doing go for it”. I have only ever been asked for ID once.


& I got so much shit in a previous job for asking for verification. Seriously. I even got written up for it. A few weeks later I ran into someone I didn't know - asked if I could help and they said they were here to see someone in customer service. OK, since I got written up for asking for verification, I didn't. That person went to a few desks (while the team was in a meeting) and stole wallets out of people's desks and purses. They tried to get me in trouble but I brought the paperwork from a few weeks prior stating, by HR, I wasn't allowed to ask for verification. The customer service management was pissed at the building management and HR (the writeup came from the sales team / building management, not my management (IT)).


i'm just imagining you watching the guy take the wallets. "well he says he's the wallet inspector"


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that meeting.  How did your department not know you for written up?  That must have been an embarrassing surprise for them and hopefully HR


This is really it. There was a case in our country where a couple of men in high-vis gear and overalls came into a mall, disconnected a jack-pot machine and carried it way. They were confident, told everyone it was out of order, and wore high-vis gear. Nobody bat an eye while they stole a gambling machine in the bright daylight without any masks on. I don't remember if they were ever caught, it was years ago.


I used to work for an electrical retailer back in the early 00s - a few stores down was our competitor. Their manager came in one busy Saturday afternoon to warn us that 'washing machine thieves are about!' Turns out that 2 dudes with Hi-Vis jackets and a sack barrow had nicked 5 brand-new washing machines right off the shop floor, over the course of about 30 mins. Nobody thought to challenge them because 'they looked like they knew what they were doing'. I don't think that hysterical laughter was the reaction the manager from the other shop was expecting.


I used to work at a retail store and someone did this with a large screen TV worth at least 5k, only they didn't do any preperation for it - no hi-vis or anything, simply grabbed one of our shopping trolleys, walked to the entertainment section and put the TV on the trolley, and walked straight out the front doors. Because they didn't look nervous or unusual no one questioned it, and they just didn't even look at or acknowledge the person (likely a 16yo kid) who was meant to check their receipt on the way out the door.


Someone did that here in Norway and stole one of those coin-op rides. Someone else drove a lorry up to the loading dock of a local brewery, walked in with a clipboard in hand and proceeded to load up with beer, then drove off.


Knew a guy in college who bought a couple of those high vis vests & hardhats, rented a truck and jackhammer. He got his buddy to help him remove a streetsign in broad daylight in the middle of a posh neighborhood, because the street name was the same as his girlfriend's name. Only one lady walking her dog stopped to ask what he was doing. He spouted some made-up civil code numbers such-and-such prohibits lights atop street signs. She said "oh" and went on her way. He gave his girlfriend the street sign for her birthday, pole, light, and all.


Guy sounds like a real go-getter, good for him.


In Canada, thieves stole 20 million in gold and money by posing as security personnel from an Air Canada plane! https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/brink-s-gold-air-canada-1.6993639


Lmao I just got access to the basement of a bank completely unattended on Tuesday because I needed the water service access (why the fuck they didn't have a shut off outside is a whole other thing). My work partner and I were just like, did this really happen? But I think they were also aware of the situation because everyone in town knows the water department guy we were helping out. But still, I expected someone to be in there with us. The vault was literally the next door over.


I forgot it was Sunday, went to my bank, walked in the door. All the lights were on, music playing. I'm like where is everyone, oh shit, it's Sunday. Walked over to the bathroom next to the vault, took a piss, walked out.   Had a client the next week who does IT security for the bank and he's like, uh, yeah, that isn't supposed to happen. 


I did this unintentionally on a smaller scale. Took my new camera to a concert. Never used it before and I was just practicing with the settings. It was a smaller show but a packed front stage railing. People saw me snapping shots and moved out of the way for me, assuming I was the photographer and I got front row and some KILLER shots.


Same thing has happened to me on multiple occasions. I just do photography as a hobby, but lots of people over the years assumed I worked for the news simply because I use an old Nikon D40 with a 200mm zoom lens. I guess that when everyone else around you is using a cell phone to take pictures, any kind of actual camera seems legit.


Sadly this does not work for all concerts. I used to get harassed by security if I didn't have a press pass. The last thing you want is for them to take your camera :( For most smaller bands they will actually be grateful for good photos but it can be a real gamble if you get thrown out by asshole security.


I got kicked out of an Ani Defranco concert in 1997 for pretending I was part of the press and walking around with giant old Nikon.  They didn’t mess with me until like the last 2 or 3 songs, nor did they take my film (this was in those days).  There was a huge 60-70 foot cottonwood tree just outside the outdoor venue, and it was an easy climb.  So I climbed up the tree and got the best shots of the night from that tree.  


This happened a while ago at a local zoo near me. For 20yrs, there was a guy in a shed charging for parking. No one questioned this as he wore a hi-vis vest and had a clipboard and change bucket. The one day he didn’t show up, the zoo called the council to see where their parking attendant was. The council said “what attendant? We thought he was working for you” Dude is probably retired in a private island because no one bats an eyelid to a bright yellow vest and confident expression


Looks like there was a whole network of such guys working in zoo parking lots over the world.


That vacation home isn't going to fund itself!


Dude, this was in my uni law book


Could you roughly describe what country/region you are from? I'm from South UK and every few years that exact same story circulates about a local zoo near me. I'm hoping there's a secret society of fake parking attendants doing this worldwide


A guy did this and collected a whole load of money charging concert goers for parking, he disappeared and [they all got towed](https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/concertgoers-cars-towed-after-parking-scam) 😔


Beach town, early morning of a popular town event. Guy stood directly under the sign that said government property, all unauthorized vehicles will be towed and directed people where to park all day for a flat fee. Filled the lot by 8am and walked away. Soon after, the employees started arriving. Tow trucks had to clear the lot, and I spent all day telling people, no you weren't allowed to park there because some guy said it was OK.


Don’t have a professional camera, Carry a ladder for extra cred. Nobody asks anybody why they are wearing a reflective vest with a ladder.


The best way to help your kid afford college is to deal drugs. If you don't get caught, you can make a lot of money. If you do get caught, they now have a parent who is in prison for felony drug charges, which opens a lot of scholarship doors


This worked for me! My daddy was in jail for his 3rd DUI. My mother was a SAHM. No income on my FAFSA opened a lot of doors for me! I still had to take out about 50k in student loans for school related expenses like housing and government certifications, but my actual education (tuition) was paid for. I'm sure there we many scholarships i could have taken advantage of as well but I didn't know how to navigate the system until it was too late (didn't even know who to ask or how to apply).


Flights around 9/11 are cheaper 👀


I've vacationed a few times in September, but always make sure the flight doesn't occur on September 11. Not because I'm afraid, but because I hypothesized that on that particular day, there would just be an atmosphere of heightened tension/anxiety in the airport and on the plane.


We fly a lot on Sept 11th to go to NFL football games. The airport takes a moment of silence at 8:46am ET & everyone carries on as usual. I expected the atmosphere to be heavy at the airport & on the plane, but it wasn’t.


If you're looking for parking and you ended up somewhere where rows of cars got fined, just pull up, park your car, walk over to one of those cars, take the fine from their windscreen and put it on yours. Enjoy your day. 


You can also reuse your old fine for any parking spot. Just keep it in your car and use when needed.


It's crazy to me that so many places still use paper for parking tickets. I live in Mumbai and it's been the case for at least 4 years where the ticket gets sent via SMS to the phone number registered to the vehicle owner. If another cop comes to give you a ticket he'll see the existing one when he enters your car number on his device. I would have thought that developed countries would be ahead of us at making this digital.


Bold of you to assume I'm from developed country😅 In Balkan, we loooove bureaucracy, stamping, papers in general..


For ubereats, mcdonalds, burger king, etc start like 20-30 accounts on their apps. Once they realize you have been inactive for a period of time they will almost always give you offers for free food, or like a burger for a dollar or whatever. Because i have so many accounts i can check through them and there is almost always ways for me to get a full meal for about 3-4 bucks at most. You can also use multiple accounts at the same time to make different orders and pick them up all at once if you really want a lot of basically free food, but thats a little more risky. Ubereats regularly sends me 25 dollars off orders of 25 or more for the first order on a new account if i dont order anything on that account for a bit. Now you cant use the same card you have used on other accounts so you have to buy a cheap prepaid card each time. If done right it ends up being like 20 dollars off any order of 25 because of the cost of purchasing the prepaid card. I do this regularly and order exactly 25 dollars of food which ends up being 5 dollars+fees+tip. Generally means i get to order 25 dollars of food from any restaurant for around 15 bucks all fees and tip included vs the 40+ it would be normally. Cheaper than going there or picking it up myself. 15 bucks for enough food to feed 3 people and have it delivered is pretty awesome. It takes a few steps but honestly not more than just starting a new email address and a quick stop on the way home for a cheap prepaid gift card. ​ For the accounts you have already used your first order deal on they will still send 40% off 3 orders of 25 dollars or more almost consistently on accounts that havent been used in a few weeks and i always have one on deck if the girlfriend and i want to order food on the weekend.


As for the card part, Revolut allows you to generate one-time use virtual cards in their app


Just made my easy food even easier woot woot!




Waiting for the unethical life hack on how to have 15 different phone number for free


Textme Textplus TextNow TextFree.. I use these (some dont work with Uber/DD etc) but most do. I use them to do marketing and have phone numbers locally in each large city I have campaigns running. I have like 7 Uber accounts and I always have a 40% off somewhere so I just gotta scroll through logins and see whats what. Alternatively, you can use App cloner on android and rename the app icon with the # its associated to.


Back in the day I worked for Jerry's subs and pizza for a few months running deliveries, it wasn't uncommon that folks would call in pick up orders and just never show. At closing time it was up for grabs so on weekends my friends would call in a decent sized pick up order 30 mins before we closed and I'd show up to hang with the bros with eats in tow


Pretty unethical but also pretty harmless: if you’re ever out and about and forgot your sunglasses, go to any grocery store customer service counter and say “Did anyone turn in some black (or whatever) sunglasses?” They will proceed to dump a literal pile of lost sunglasses in front of you. Look decisive so as to not draw suspicion.


You can do this at hotels, car rental places, restaurants, anywhere ppl leave stuff....and sunglasses are good but you can get umbrellas, gloves, hats, anything really. Oh and phome chargers! I havent bought a charger in 2 decades.


If you run for Congress, you get government briefings, some of them confidential, then you can trade stocks on the info.


If you're President, you can sell classified secrets after you leave office.


They also make for good bathroom décor!


If you're any major city pick the nicest hotel you can find and walk in like you're staying there. Use the bathrooms as they are often very nice and with little pressure to rush. My primary source is the 4 seasons bathroom in downtown SF, top tier, has those tough paper towels that are so nice to use.


If you rob a bank you have almost guaranteed shelter regardless of the outcome


I had a great uncle do this after he went to Vietnam. Got strung out while there and kept the addiction up. He tried to rob a bank for $1, teller called the cops, and in 1970s Philly, the DA didn't think twice about putting a black man who was a junkie behind bars for five years. He got clean and left jail a conspiracy theorist. BUT, he was able to get back on his feet with a religious grift. Happy-ish ending?


Ah, the American Dream (tm).


Worked at a Bank years ago. A man robbed us and then waited for the police to show up. He was having mental issues and couldn’t get the help he needed, so he decided that getting arrested force the government to help him. Yes, I’m in the good old USA.


Punch your own reward punch cards.


For entry level / lower level jobs, lie on your resume. Most places don’t have the time to check that you’re telling the truth. Put a friend’s phone number down as an “old boss”, or bump up your degree, whatever you need to do. Just make sure you actually have the skills you claim to have. EDIT: agree with these comments that even if you don’t have the skills you claim to have, be willing to learn them FAST! That’s actually exactly what I did when I first got into my industry now that I think about it. They never suspected a thing lol


Ahhh that's my problem! I don't have any skills!


Also a lot of places can’t or won’t verify employment. I work for a very large company, like there is no possible way you haven’t heard of this company, and for some reason all the phone calls from prospective employers end up on my phone line. I work in a completely different department and I’ve tried hunting down a phone number for employment verification and it doesn’t exist. So since I can’t give out or confirm information, they don’t get to verify that you actually work for my company.


You can get into most places by wearing a maintenance uniform i.e cover alls a construction helmet+ vest and carrying a tool box or ladder. I would recommend a respirator and gloves. No more movie tickets needed.


Friend of mine used to work for a public water works company. On weekends he would put on his uniform - dirty boots, hi-vis vest, tool belt complete with tools hanging off it and walk straight into rock concerts, football matches and stunt bike shows. One day he was up in the corporate boxes watching a rugby match and came face to face with his very surprised boss. They both just walked away and neither of them ever mentioned it.


Was his boss doing the same thing, or was he supposed to be there?


Two people did this in the hospital in my town - just walked in wearing maintenance uniforms and a belt with electrician tools. They switched off and took a huge TV in the waiting room off the wall while over a dozen people were watching, put it in their truck and drove away. It took the hospital several days to figure out the TV had been stolen at all, and no one had even paid enough attention to the thieves to properly describe them to the police.


In this same vein, you can remove / rearrange street signage with no one noticing. *I'VE HEARD* this works wonderfully when you have a-hole construction sites that like to put up signage they didn't even think to breath on a permit for. Also, should you need, say, a "no left turn" sign for a dangerous intersection, and you have one to put up, it will be enforced. Use your imagination: there is NO central repository/database for this kind of signage, no way to check. Law enforcement only enforces what they see. Bonus tip: DMVs in different states have almost no communication with each other if no crime related to the VIN has been committed. Out of state temp tags are too much of a pita to check into. Of course, this is in the USA, *totally* just rumors, ymmv, and no one saw you do it, they can't prove anything.


On that note, the construction signage, the letters usually aren't painted on. They're usually a higher grade vinyl. Someone who happens to have a circuit/vinyl cutter can make them say just about anything.


Be reliable and honest enough that you get away with the occasional lie.


I worked at a grocery store and saw the same 3 people show up all the time and steal stuff. The manager said there aren't even recordings for the cameras and they don't care if people steal. I started treating myself to lunch after that.


Walmart, or at least the one I worked at, will keep a running total of everything they can prove you stole, even over several visits. When you hit "serious crime" levels, THEN they'll charge you for all of it at once. 


I got busted shoplifting World of Warcraft trading cards at Walmart by their fake shopper when I was a young teen. No threats or anything, they just walked me to the cash register and made me pay for the cards. It was embarrassing in that teen sort of way, but I guess it could have been worse.


Sounds like they caught you before you committed a crime in a way. Forced you into not committing it haha


Do not go to target with this mindset. They absolutely keep track of what you steal. I worked there for 2 years and they had a file cabinet in the AP office of people they were working on.


When I was a young delinquent (25+ years ago), we would do delinquent things involving big box stores. We did not fuck with Target.


You can head over to r/unethicallifeprotips and get thousands of them.


Think someone is lying, hiding something, or generally knows more than they are letting on? Ask a question, look them in the eyes, and just sit there and listen. Lots of people are uncomfortable with the awkward silence and will talk themselves into a hole. It’s not really unethical by itself but it can be used in unethical ways. This is probably the most ethical but there are a lot of dark persuasion tricks that people with silver tongues use to get what they want.


In the self-checkout aisle, you call the shots. Organic pears become regular pears. Organic apples become regular pears. Organic meat becomes regular pears; if you tear off the bar code. The scanner is just a mindless machine, take control of your own destiny.


A ps5 becomes a tomato


Take advantage of the whole system. The tomato is now a PS5 because you've put a bar code on it. They promised a no-frills return policy, *threaten them with the law if they don't take your tomato and refund you PS5 money*. 


I still love that there was a news report a while ago of a kid that actually managed that, he would have gotten away with it* if he hadn't boasted to a friend (and online I think) and tried it again, in the same store, the next day! 😹😹 NB. Found the report, added it below! (*If it weren't for those meddling kids, sorry, generational Pavlovian response, it's like someone asking who you're gonna call!) [Independent newspaper, was a kid in France, didn't boast about it, but did try it the next day after selling it for £87](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/playstation-4-supermarket-selfservice-checkout-fruit-montbeliard-nice-teenager-a8758616.html)


Tomatoes are paid by weight


Ps5 becomes a light tomato


If in a boat and have cigarettes on you then toss one over the side to make the boat a cigarette lighter.


Just FYI find the highest wealth zip code in your area for least security precautions by the door!


also, lots of products with 50% off stickers in those areas, since there are less people buying those


4011, everything is a banana.


I mean, what could they cost, ten dollars?


I dont do this, but also I dont call out anyone who does do this. If you're stealing food from a profiteering mega corp, i didnt see shit. But, and this is important for anyone who i didnt see, they're starting to introduce smart technology into self checkouts, the lil cam will watch you and pick up on things like 'pears arent red' and 'pears arent that shape' so use caution. The big 2 groceries in Aus have this in most stores, not sure how wide spread it is yet overseas. The tech also isnt fully matured yet either. It called an attendant on me because i 'didnt pay for all items in my trolley', the remaining item being my son. I didnt buy him here.




Yes! The screen asked me if I’d left something in my trolley and then played a little video of my child sitting there


Scan her like Maggie Simpson


Scanning Everything as Carrots, this is the Australian way!


This is why when I try buy carrots I have to wait for the guy to come over and approve the purchase on the machine, too many carrot scammers.


I don't know how consistently this would work, but many years ago I stopped paying my cable bill, they shut it off and put a tag on my door to address it. I waited a couple days, called them and said I'd been out of the country for months and had called to have the service suspended before I left. Past due bill gone just like that, and service restored the same day.


Ladies, if you're having a casual sexual encounter, Tell the guy that no other man has made you cum from oral/PIV/whatever it is you want him to do. He'll probably take it as a challenge. When he gets you off, act impressed like this is the first time it's ever happened. Gives him a nice sense of achievement and you have nice orgasms.


My life is a lie.


"No other man has ever painted my house..."


i told my ex no man had ever made me cum from head, which was true. he responded with giving me head for at least an hour every time we had sex, and he was usually able to make me cum




Wear black carpenter pants, black polo, multi tool, flash light and a clipboard. Walk with purpose. Get you backstage 90% of the time.


I just talked about him in another thread, but an old professor of mine used to be a sound tech at a bunch of shows and that is literally how he dresses to class and backstage at the shows he works at.


Girl Scout cookies are able to be resold easily. Girl Scouts are terrible at spotting counterfeit currency.




Rule #1: Never get high on your own supply. 


I thought that's what the Laundering badge was for...


You can replace every 'e' in a word document with 'е', the Cyrillic equivalent. Looks identical to us but computers read it as a separate character. It's such a common letter that when replaced, it scrambles the text and lets you get through plagiarism/AI detectors.  For fun, copy/paste this modified word into Google and see what results you get: расе




Take all the scientific studies paid for with taxpayer dollars and put them behind a pay wall


If I break something that is still available for sale, I go buy a new one, then return the broken one with the new receipt a day later, saying it only lasted a day. I've used this for video game controllers, toasters, blenders, vaccums, and a lot of items. The store never questions it, and I get a new item for very little effort and no additional cost.


I once noticed in a store that some bathroom tiles I have bought recently are now on sale and much cheaper. The store had a policy that you can return not opened packages for the full price within a month (mostly to allow people to return the excess if bought too much). It just so happened that I still had the receipt with me, so I bought a couple new packages, brought them to the returns point at the other end of the store and returned them for the old receipt.


If you are in the middle of a war it is okay to buy and sell things on the black market. That includes buying and selling things like salt or met. The black market isn't always about things that are unethical like guns or drugs. Sometimes it can be about everyday items most of us have access to now. You do you when the world around you is falling apart.


If you have a damaged product that is past its return date, buy it again, claim it arrived damaged, then return the damaged one.


Wear a generic shirt, jeans, and boots. Put on a safety vest. Carry a 6ft ladder. You just got access to damn near anywhere. Just say you're "Auditing the camera system" and you basically have free run of most places. Source - I'm an electrician, and never get questioned unless I'm going into a bank vault.


I think this works better if you fit the stereotypical look. A 5ft tall woman by herself probably would raise questions.


Go to the doughnut store (or any bakery) 5-10 minutes before they close. They’ll give you a bunch of doughnuts for free they would’ve thrown away ! 


I buy a lot of things on Amazon. And it happened that the delivery status doesn't work. So I got my package in my mailbox but Amazon sent a message saying that, as my package is late/or lost I can ask for a refund of it. I did it a few times so I got some pretty good stuff for free.


6 years ago we bought a nice vacuum from Amazon, it didn't come for about 2 weeks, we marked it as not delivered, they sent us a 2nd vacuum and we got it in 2 days. Two weeks later we received another vacuum, we just gave it to my parents, that was nice.




Tell people you’re a businessman who works at the business store


you can go to the stock market and do a business


Bluffing on your resume about trending skills & experience - although make sure you are well-versed in the skills & aware of the fake experience.


Educate childs using dog training techniques


Positive reinforcement works wonders on humans. Speaking from experience here, I use it on myself all the time. I clean the house, I get to eat ice cream.


I say that, but then I'll just eat the ice cream without cleaning.


My mom used the spray bottle on us 😭😭






No we don't. Most of the employees want to die. Try me


I love falling down


If your grocery store has a scale that prints a barcode for your produce you can put whatever PLU number you like in the scale. Get honeycrisp apples for gala apple price.


Never write anything you can say. Never say anything you can imply. Never imply anything you can get someone else to do. And never break more than one law at a time.


If you own a restaurant make fake dating profiles and lure Women and Men to your restaurant to Sunken Cost fallacy them for increased profits during your less busy times of year! This is actually something Restaurants are doing. If you get stood up at a food place just get up and leave. They probably baited you in to buy the food.


This seems like an exorbitant amount of effort and work by the restaurant to hopefully capture what - a few at best people offering single entrees or something?


I've heard of this, but I can't really imagine it working. 1) if I got stood up I wouldn't just eat alone and 2) it would make me have negative feelings about that restaurant and I'd be less likely to go back.


You don't actually have to be a violent sociopath to make people believe you can snap at any moment and make them behave accordingly.


Till you meet that one arse hole who's crazier than you're pretending to be. 


My Dad did this to actually *avoid* fights! 😂 I never even heard of him into one, just lots of close calls. My Mom was proud of him for this.


A Target employee will almost always honor a clearance sticker even if the item doesn't scan with a clearance price.


If you walk quickly and look annoyed, you will look busy. Spice it up with a clipboard and talk to yourself and no one at work will bother you.


If you need an umbrella and don't feel like buying one, go to any major theater, movie theater, or large chain restaurant and let them know you lost yours. If they ask what it looks like you tell them it's a plain black umbrella. Nine times out of ten they'll hand you one out of their lost and found. It was the number one thing left behind when I worked at a theater chain and I've never bought an umbrella since.


I have lied thru my teeth every time I have been sat on a jury to get out of it. Works every time.


I just tell them I’m biased because I pick one of the people and say they look like a relative or too close to their situation so I’m too heavily biased to be on the jury…. It helps that I have over 100 first cousins


>I have over 100 first cousins You guys should really consider putting out pamphlets on safe sex on your family reunions.


I need more information on how you have 100+ first cousins wtf. How many have you met/know? What's the age range of the cousins? How many aunts and uncles? Do you have just 4 grandparents? So many questions...




This will work everytime (usa): Tell the judge you believe the defendant must prove their innocence. Its a conflict of interest because obviously it is the prosecution who should be proving the guilt. Happened when I got selected for jury duty..guy got dismissed on the spot. The guy next to him raised his hand and said he believed the same thing. Got dismissed immediately as well. You're welcome.


Friend of a friend went to school to become a dentist. Took out loans all the way through to pay for his studies. On graduation he applied for a whole bunch of credit cards and used them to pay off his dental school loans. Declared bankruptcy. He ended up with a black mark on his credit record for seven years, which was better than decades worth of loan repayments.


This has been posted in a similar thread about a year ago, but it's so good not to be mentioned again. When you're looking for a job, post a fake ad for a very similar position on Craigslist so you could check out the resumes of your competition.


If you have a sunroof in your vehicle you can toss pennies straight up towards the sky while driving and by the time they fall down it’ll hit the windshield of the asshole tailgating behind you with enough force to crack it.


What do you do after they shoot you?