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This time last year, I had Stage 3 cancer; I’m cancer-free right now; new scans in a few weeks.


CONGRATULATIONS!! That’s SO awesome! Keep fighting, you got this!!!


That’s amazing! Congrats.


Congratulations! Give cancer the middle finger for me!


There are some struggles, but i woke up today so I can’t complain 💯🙏


I am finishing one of the hardest stages of my therapy. Still things to get rid off, to finally let go from a big part of my past. End of March is own imposed deadline, and I am doing well, just so fucking tired man. Yet even beyond the deadline, there is one thing I have to do, the one I left on purpose for last. The hardest one. At least now I have a well paid job (for my country standards) and looking to catch up after many years unemployed.


It’s slow and heavy.


A lot of ups and downs but I’ve made the choice to be mindfully engaged regardless. Would hate to look back and say I didn’t give it my all


My life is going really well! Got a lovely wonderful gorgeous girlfriend. Lost almost 60 lbs in 7 months. Am steadily getting over my fear of going outside. Slowly but steady wins the race.


Well I have a new cat so I have that going for me.


Good, it’s my birthday.


Happy birthday stranger


Happy birthday!


Thank you!




Don't give up !!


Dog shit dumpster fire , with nitrous.


Great, family is great, friends are great and I recently bought my dream car. Couldn't ask for anything else. Let's hope I don't mess anything up!


Existential crisis ↖️↖️↖️


It’s not, but gotta keep going. I’ll get where I need to go.


Lost my job 9 month a go and facing the reality of the recruiting hell even though I am qualified




Not as good as I'd like it too. There are a few important aspects that need to come together. Apart from that, I've been worse. I'm having a more positive attitude, finally, therapy is making great progress. I think things will be good soon. Just need to hang on to it.


It’s going. Stuck between a rock and a hard place about separating from my husband. I’ve been in individual therapy for a year. We attempted couples counseling which didn’t go well. So many things to think about. No kids involved. Aside from all of that, I’m staying busy!


Bad Currently thinking about commiting suicide.


you will die anyway, no need to speed the process.


Why has suicide crossed your mind brother?


Academic failure and being a useless and lazy idiot.


I've always lived by a quote, "never a failure, always a lesson" you've recognised you could be better at something and you obviously believe you could of, so you are already making a step in the right direction to sort things out, set small goals to achieve a bigger goal. Life is hard if you allow it to be, giving up on it easy. Don't let this one setback ruin your life or your family's, be strong and build habits. You will get there. I promise.


Why would you call yourself “useless” man? Nobody is useless


I got kicked out of university , got my shit together and got back in the year after , ask for help , even when you don’t want it


I know alot of people that graduated from University and don't have a good paying job. Don't let that define you, although I know its a disappointing feeling. There are lots of trades and skills to learn out there !


I also tried to commit suicide after failing 2 classes but I did retake them and am graduating this year. Keep your head up.


Hate to hear that. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet, I hope things get better for you.




Have you talked with someone about this? Is it possible to go to a shrink? Dying isn't the answer even if it looks like one right now. I have been there, it sucks, but it does get better.




Ok. How can I help? I don’t have a lot of skills but I’m pretty good at google-fu, planning and budgeting. Would those be helpful to you?




If you change your mind, or think of something I could do to help, please dm me, ok?


I wish I could help.


PLEASE don't do that.


Sorry to hear that. Please don’t. You have a future, there is light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just hard to see right now. I was you. Your academic failures do not define you. I was also here once. Find the strength to believe in yourself and get back on your feet, the path doesn’t have to be linear. I went from being an academic failure who just couldn’t do exams to save my life (I suspect ADHD), to someone who now has a PhD. You can do this.


I'm confused


Am surviving 💪🏼😁


Not bad. There are only minor problems related to the country where I live


I learned rhinovirus is a thing so pretty good pretty educational pretty good


Kinda stressing but overall fine. What about you?


Been worse, def not good though


Killing it. Great job, financial well off, great friends, enjoy my hobbies. I love my life.


I wish I could say good, but no. I’m 63 and my body is falling apart. 2-3 years ago I had a liver tumor that they collapsed using a big needle. Now I have a second tumor which is much bigger and I hope can be collapsed the same way. The care I’m getting on Medicaid is awful. Very young lady doctor who checks her Instagram while I’m talking about my heath issues I live in what’s called a “housing program” because I’m homeless and my roomie is a violent crackhead who scares me he gets so angry when he runs out of crack to smoke I think he’s going to break down my door and kill me one day. The poor care I’m getting now? I think maybe by next year I’ll be dead. 💀




Put my dog down in December. My car engine blew up in January. Lost my phone in January. 6 year relationship ended in February. My ex gf owns the company I work for so I lost my job in February. I own a house but had squatters mid 2023 and they took every appliance and the faucets and ceiling fans and nothing has been replaced. After my breakup I fell asleep in my car at a gas station, a new to me used car, and the pistol I keep in between the seat as console ended up on my lap. Gas station clerk came to see why I was at the pump for two hours, saw the pistol, called the cops and I was extracted from my car by 5 cops and arrested for unlawful carrying of a firearm. They have to be holstered. I had some contraband on me which happens to be a felony in my state and was charged with that also. On the bright side, the cops didn’t find the contraband initially so I was able to sorta stash it in the first cop car I was placed in so they didn’t actually find it on me but I was still arrested for it. Haven’t been indicted. If I am indicted I’ll likely pick up a tampering with evidence charge for stashing it in the cop car. Life is good tho. Could be worse. Somehow. Oh yeah. My grandmother passed away last week. She was 94 tho and lived a great life. If any of that is untrue may I never achieve an erection again.


I’m breathing through all the tough lessons … I accept the mistakes I’ve made - I take accountability and I’m hoping I grow into a the good person I want to be.


Not good. Had it all. Now I get excluded from all. Friends, family. They all hate me. I have no illusions of happy futures, or loving cares. That helps.


My life was absolutely great!


I got told today that I look like I’d fit right in on a TV show called Home and Away. Which I mean, that’s a compliment right? A good thing?


Well, i was starting to feel "ok", then reality hits hard and i don't know how am i supposed to get through this


57 childless.


Shitt, ty, you? You know that line in Undone by Robert Earl Keene where he says he'd khs but he pawned* his 🔫? I feel exactly like that except I haven't got a 🔫 *The song says actually hocked/hawked but I have no idea how to spell that and both of those look wrong and I can't imagine what else it could be


I'm exhausted


Things have been pretty bad, but I have today off so I'm doing okay today.


I’m on day 4 of the flu and woke up to find I also have pink eye. Besides that it’s fucking fantastic.


It's too much effort, I just wanna chill


Very lifish


Bs chal raha hai


The best it's ever been, thanks for asking.


Not so good. But I have hope.


Great, just got out of inpatient rehabilitation for RC benzodiazepine withdrawal that led to a grand mal seizure. I spent a month their learning alot of coping tools and new ways of thinking and processing emotions more clearly. I am sober for the first time on over 2 decades since childhood trauma I experienced. I jumped from Substance to Substance burying my brain under the tormenting chains of addiction. Now I feel alive and full of energy ( may be glutamate uptake due to gaba a receptor malfunctioning). But, great nonetheless!!






It will get much better, my friend! I was in your spot in June 2015. Was absolutely shattered when my girl dumped me. Fast forward, I'm married to an amazing lady and things are well! It will pass, just give it time.


In limbo. Seems permanent. Music helps. For those expressing self-exit thoughts... consider this: do you want to repeat this life? What if we come back to the same bs? better to finish it this time so we can move to the next level... if reincarnation is thing. What if we miss a golden egg just around the corner? Why take chances!? Well, that's what I tell myself. Good luck out there... or in there... whatever it is.


Work laptop just broke down permanently, otherwise I'm fine. 


Receiving it right in the fucking ass 👿


Neutral. I can keep it this way until i die.


It’s going alright I suppose. I feel like there’s a lot I need to get done with very limited time and motivation to do it. But I can’t say I’m too stressed, I’m pretty hopeful that I’ll be able to get everything done.


Temporarily stressful. Between screwed up paychecks, a lot of big bills coming due (insurance, car registrations ect..) and getting ready to step into a new position at work and not getting any info that I may need until the last minute I am kind of stressing out a bit. Then toss in my not having much faith in my replacement which while it is not going to be my problem if he screws up as it wont be my client anymore I don't like the idea of leaving them with someone I am not sure on. Should all sort itself out in a few weeks though.


My wife, SIL and I have three, soon to be five, beautiful healthy children, we recently bought the house we were renting and my SIL recently got a promotion at work. Compared to about six years ago when I was standing above a rush hour highway about jump because my ex girlfriend was pregnant with her ex’s baby… I’d say I’m doing better.


Feeling pretty lonely for a while now. This comes and goes as I don't have much friends, if any true ones at all. But hitting the gym constantly so that's good I guess.


Not great. I'm actually having a pretty rough time right now.


After recover from my allergies, I can breath without using nebulizer daily, so I am happy about that.


last year at this time I was learning to walk again after being one of the 1% that almost died of Covid. I spent six months in the hospital even after being fully vaccinated . this weekend I bought the car of my dreams. as I promised myself in the hospital I would.


Good. Got a loving spouse, child is finally sleeping through the night after 2 years of struggle. I've been going back to the gym and lost 15 lbs since christmas


Can't complain. How are you OP?


It's alright, some issues with uni but otherwise I'm doing fine. I have a lot more spare time now than when I was in high school at least.


Drunk and high as fuck, packing my shit at my ex boyfriend's house at 4:30 in tne morning. Told him when we started talking I was a meth addict, but functional, which I true. Told him I was willing to wait for someone who was ok to sign up for that, but my addiction was my own to deal with in my time, and I wasn't currently interested in getting sober, if ever. Simply wanted to maintain functional addiction, if possible, with a goal of minimizing damage to myself and others. I understand this is a massive risk to take for a partner. But I have had insane success compared to almost everyone else he or I have every known at this time time frame of addiction. My view is.in part based atound watching my Dad and Uncle struggle with and subsequently seeing my Dad's health fail and bury my uncle. My Dad's still alive but not long for this world, still angry at himself and trying to get sober. My father was weirdly his best as a Dad when in active addiction Outside of that or in detox it was absolutely nuts. It seemed like his unresolved trauma and anger over a resulting super diffuclt to solve problem with no cure is the thing that destroyed everything. Not the addiction. My ex is a coke addict and an alcoholic. Has a bunch of intense rules around use he consistently breaks. Became clear he didn't accept my desire to not be nagged about my addiction. yet with his pressures to use less, my use actually has gone slightly up and everything is just over all super uncomfortable. Told me today he hoped time would change my mind in time about acceptance of addiction as a life challenge that might be manageable with a different approach. That if I fell in love with him, I would want to quit. Insisted I answer in a simple yes or no whether I loved meth more than him. Said, yes. Not because I love meth more than I loved him, but because I don't want to date someone who can't be honest and comes out with shit like that. Asking the question like that is what changed my answer.


I'm in zombie mode. 


I’m disassociating and masking my way through one stress after another. But God is still good!


My drug addict cousin is about to get out of jail and come live with us again. I was *really* hoping he'd die in there.


I made a much faster recovery than was expected post-major surgery so I'm walking with just my leg brace again instead of needing to use a wheelchair 🥰 While I'll never be able bodied (permanently ♿), I no longer deal with the pain of torn ligaments and it's so much more freeing to walk rather than roll, my arms get tired 😫


This year is going to be a turning point for me. Either I climb the peak of success or I become the biggest disappointment of my family and break my mums trust and become a disgrace to everything that has brought me up,everything I believed I wanted to do. I don’t know where I’ll be a year after this,worse a few months. If I make it out alive life would be so better


Great, finally got a job with some benefits and in my country that means everything


Not the best but I'm managing. I have a bunch of debt creeping up on me so I can hardly enjoy myself like I used to.


Need about $20 grand in work done on my house, front seal on my car is leaking, but my adult kids and I are healthy and thriving so I'm good 👍


Things are good. Suffering from SAD which is normal for me in the winter. But we are seeing signs of spring so there's a light at the end of the cold dark tunnel.


Tired but trying to live my best life as much as possible


Tryna make a career for myself and its no wear near done yet. Im a graphic designer who wants to open his own printer business i’ve only managed to get the place to work.


Lost my job after 14 years. Staff reductions. Good severance but I keep thinking about the projects I was doing.bSo kind of sucky.


I hoped this year will be much better than last, because of my problems witch backbone, but in January died my dad... So fuck this year too I guess


I’m starting a new job on Friday, my last day at current job is Sunday, so 4 day weekend!! Finally caught up on dishes, the house isn’t a mess. I could bog this down with all my personal issues, but you have to find the positives in the negatives, no matter how much the negatives outweigh them.


Pretty god damn terrible, with no end in sight. It's my own fault I'm here, and I'm going to be here for a long time. It's awful and won't stop


life doesn’t feel real, i committed a few days ago feb 18, and nothing feels real anymore.


Job is pretty meh. Dealing with a lot of stuff 


Decent! I laugh more these days. My friends notice I am more like my old self, which is to say happy. I am, however, still sensitive to the hardships of this world and I take on other people's problems as if they are my own. Overall, though, I do not have too much to worry about at this time. I think the outlook for my year is good, too.


Going well but I’m nervous about things like finding a job after graduation 


Without my financial issues I would be doing great. Having to count pennies at the moment, crippling debt of my spouses really puts a dent in existing.


Stuck in 2nd gear. I accomplished all I wanted to this point, now I am in the lull/stress of raising teens, everything else that I want to do requires them to move out. 3.5 yrs to go.


I’m just waiting for the end


Not so good i am still in love with my ex and we were in contact until last monday she said she loves me aswell but we need space. We were in a long distance relationship and ended it because of the distance i regret every single minute and now i habe to wait until summer (she said she wants space until then) she is coming tovmy country for a dance thing(she is a dance) and i am just scared that she will have moved on until then. I cant sleep and i am really sad all the time.