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I still feel like 2020 was a year ago honestly


Covid has really distorted our sense of time. Feels like we skipped a couple of years. 


Because time keeps on slipping , slipping,


Into the future


Not for me. Covid was the best thing ever happened to me. I got into a sport and find out it is my passion.


Time flies after Covid. Yesterday it was a new year, tomorrow March starts (not really, but that how it feels)






Same, friend. The only things that are keeping me from ending it all are my dog and my girl.


Those are the two things making me


Yeah his dog and his girl are making me as well


Same. Except my motivation is to get better from diseases that nearly killed and disabled me. I know good, happy life can be waiting in a few months or at least a year or something. You also have a happy life waiting if you just work, work, work for it, day and night, keep going friend


Aye. Silver linings and shit. I know. Therapist used to say something similar. Thanks. You keep it pushin’ too. 🩷🙏🏾




Me personally I'm waiting for GTA 6 to drop.


It's like every year has been worse than the year before for the past decade and this year is keeping that trend. Every new year we say maybe this is the one. I've given up thinking that now.


cakes and candles my brother 🙌


Great. Earning amazing money in a new job, about to put money down on a block of land to build my first house.


Congrats and good luck!


You didn't ask, but get all your ducks in a row and keep tabs on your builder. Also, HELL YEAH! Enjoy the new place. Edit: A word. lol whoops.


Im almost certain you meant "ducks" in a row but thanks for the chuckle and advice mate. My brother's a chippy and I'm a sparky so between us both we should hold their feet to the fire 🫡


That is so awesome. Well done, and hope everything goes well for you!


Nice, Godspeed!


pretty bland


Same. I can’t complain though, it could be way worse.


Could always be worse


Started out pretty ok until I suddenly lost my job a couple of days ago. Kinda sucks now. How’s yours?


Hey friend, I'm in the same boat - lost my.job Monday after 10 years with the same company. It has been the most humiliating and awful week of my life.  Simultaneously, the support from family and friends has been amazing, and I often feel unworthy. Here is to both of us finding better days.


I am so sorry. The emotional experience you’re describing is dead on. Very hard not to internalize the feelings of rejection and unworthiness. I’m so glad you are finding plenty of support. My friends are being very kind and supportive as well. I haven’t told my family yet. I am divorced with no kids and live halfway across the country from my parents and sibling. My folks are older (I’m 58) and I think the news is going to be very hard on my mom in particular. She is developing some dementia and I am seriously considering not telling her until I have found something else. Wishing you peace and solidarity and continued support from your loved ones. Try to remember that this does not define you. What happened to you, to us, is not who we are. It’s just an unexpected detour that could turn out amazing.


If you were laid off through no fault of your own, make sure you file for unemployment insurance ASAP. The program runs weekly from Sunday through Saturday. Most states have a mandatory unpaid "Waiting Week" to process incoming claims. So make sure to open your claim ASAP and request weekly payments after the week ends. I am sorry for your loss of employment. That is incredibly difficult, second only as a life stresser to a death in the family. It's hard to know what your purpose is and what to do. Thankfully, unemployment I'd really low, and the job market is desperate for labor. Hope you have better luck soon.


Thank you for this kind response. I appreciate it very much. In my position I was an independent contractor and therefore I am unfortunately not eligible for unemployment.


Yeah, that would make you ineligible in most cases. I am sorry to hear that. I hope you find something better and can flourish from this time.


Thank you, I really do appreciate your taking the time to offer support. It helps more than you know.


I have worked in labor relations for over a decade. I have helped tens of thousands of people through multiple recessions. A lot of times people are alone and afraid and need to know someone cares. Things will get better. I believe in you. *hug*


Thank you ❤️




Anger and determination. I will get my vengeance.


The worst of all years


Too fast for my taste. Pandemic feels like yesterday.




After three "best year of my life" after another I'm not sure how to top the last years. So it's looking like this year will only be a fucking good year!!




Thanks man! After 30 something shitty years... It's my turn now!


pretty good, i got a positive pregnancy test and I’m expecting twins later this year, but i also been struggling with my anxiety a lot lately so it’s been a roller coaster


What's the level just below "meh" called?






2 months of trials and tribulations 😭


In a word, “surprising”. An obscure health problem (that I’d never heard of) suddenly knocked me for a loop, forcing me to make my first-ever 911 call, take my first-ever ambulance ride, and spend a couple days in the hospital. But I’m gradually recuperating, with the help of my loving spouse and some terrific physical therapists. And I have big plans for the year, which I’ll likely fulfill as long as fate doesn’t mess with me like that again.


I feel you. Also recovering from massive illness that nearly killed me. Its a tough road but health and wellbeing awaits us


just as lonely and depressing as 2023, thank you for bringing it up


2022 was the last decent year of my life


2017 club here


It exists.........


Since 2019 and life is awful in my country lebanon we have war with Israel economy problems low salary the worst thing is live must go on alhamdulillah




Fucking hell


Terrible on the financial front , but otherwise pretty good so far and the media released so far this year has been great


Still no Left 4 Dead 3. Sad.


Hey if they can come out with new Silent Hill material, it could happen! Maybe someone will even revive Dead Space.


Great Germany legalization of weed!


Honestly pretty awful. My whole family's been sick pretty much every week. My grandmother died suddenly. Work keeps firing people, and I've lost several really good minds and work buddies. We've had thousands in unexpected bills. The only silver lining is my son is healthy and just started crawling two days ago. His laugh is literally my only light in the darkness right now.


Graduated, searching for job but no luck so far, depressed but still trying to move forward 🥹


Better than 23 maybe ? 23 was literally the lowest point of my life. I tried to overwork myself,created a voice in my head whose sole purpose was to bully and criticise everything I did,I was so hard on myself. I didn’t appreciated myself enough so I stopped improving. This year I vowed to be kind,and gentle to me.


Not bad, my wife just got a new job that she’s extremely passionate about, her first job in 10 years. Doubled our income and in about a year and a half we’ll have saved up enough money to move to a better apartment. Our current one is awful.


Pretty bad




Horseshit. Lost my mom in January. Currently in the middle of an existential crisis and depressive spiral – working through it and trying to become who I want to be.


I hate when people ask a question to something or someone they deep down don't care about.


It's been a fucking dumpster fire, same as 2023. I'm really working hard to turn it all around. \- I'm writing again, will probably start dabbling in photography in the Spring/Summer \- lost a total of 15.5lbs since November (from 151lbs to 135.5lbs), eating better and doing more workouts at home and at the gym \- going out more with coworkers and friends alike (I've got a girls night tomorrow, another in two weeks, multiple networking events a few weeks later, etc.) I'll be damned if this year turns out to be just as ridiculous as last year!


Absolute dogshit so far. I'm ready to call it for 2025




Can’t complain too much. Very grateful for my job I have. Almost have my student loans paid off (May will be 2 years). I got a raise from my job this month and I will be getting a big bonus (no idea how much but it’s about 1.5x the normal amount, no idea how much the normal amount is). I’m in good health. I have a great family, friends, I feel genuinely happy.


So far so good. Thank you for asking


Awesome. Best I’ve been in a long time


2 abcesses on my teeth, a skin infection that could lead to gangrene if untreated and got my official diagnose for ADHD.


Underwhelming.. hoping I’d get my plot twist this year


It is what it is


It’s shit. Like the rest of the 2020s. 


Not great. Working a job that's understaffed has been the worst part of my year so far, constantly being forced to work overtime.


Hang in there buddy 🤕




Meh. You?


🔥😊👌🔥 everything is fine


Mixed feelings. It didn't start too well, it's been challenging but I kind of feel like things are getting better in general this year. I'm having a more positive perspective on things even though I'm still afraid they'll turn out wrong again. It'll be ok.




As shitty as the previous years & going downhill


No GTA 6 yet so this year is a write off


Nearly went bankrupt, wasn't able to get a new perm job so far, currently relocating to a new country without my family. On the upside, I just spent a few days with old friends, my little side project is showing signs of life, and I'm going to a country with a drastically lower cost of living. It's stressful so far, but there's hope.


Better than it was before.




It’s been good. I have started therapy to fix my perfectionism problem, and also began serious GIS studies.


It’s been fine. Definitely (so far) an improvement to last year.


It's alright but the weather's miserable here in the UK


Bad. Earthquake.


Better than last year's early 2023. But im still going insane in this damn meat suit




So good to be honest


I need a job, but I can't change who I was, and people don't judge me for who I am now, and they trust lies and slander upon my name.


3 deaths in the last 3 weeks plus another diagnosed terminal with 2 months to live.. I might have kidney failure. My uncle had a big stroke. Recovering though. Dad's got a lung infection. And mum's ill to the point of not being able to get out of bed. So yeah, all hunkydory


You ok, Elmo?


This feels like the best year I’ve had in a while. I’ve settled in at my new job and really love it and the people I work with. I feel like I’m on the right career path finally. I’m about to go on my first international trip of the year. I think my partner is going to propose sometime this year. I’m working towards my mental and physical health and am seeing a lot of progress to motivate me to keep going. Oh, I had ICL a couple of weeks ago and it went well. I can see clearly for the first time and am no longer afraid my eyeballs are going to fall out.


Doing good so far, lost almost 4 kg. On the gym and uni and job searching grind.


Well....Trump's still breathing, so it sucks so far. I thought Iran was going to eliminate him for killing Solemani?


Way fewer panic attacks!


Perfect... I'm still alive. Being grateful for every second more


Met the love of my life. Did some things I never thought I would do. Great.


It started really bad. I lost a childhood friend around Christmas to a suicide. But it helped me reconnect with alot of friends that I had isolated from my life because of my drug use. I'm off of heroin and starting to feel better. Some days are worse than others. I really miss my friend, and I feel alot of guilt about it. But it's getting better.


It's going great so far. Hit a personal financial goal, built some mechanical keyboards, been playing Helldivers2 with the bois, finally enjoying a season of APEX Legends, had a birthday recently, and I'm just shy of 2yrs from retiring from a 20yr career. I'm healthy, my parents are doing well and for the first time in years so is my brother. I'm thankful.


Iz aight


Pretty much amazing Finally living in our house that we bought ans furnished Partner and I had beautiful healthy baby Great. Sleep deprived, but great


Pretty good. I'm no longer as depressed and suicidal like I used to be :)


I had my first body, so I’m happy


And till now you were just a consciousness in a computer?


I have been ill since Christmas night... first had a terrible cold/flu... then that turned into whooping cough which I still have and is marginally better... and then on Sunday just gone I coughed so much I threw my back out and now struggling to walk and every position is incredibly uncomfortable. So in summation... it could be better.


Almost half-way to the next decade, in the year of our Lord, Capesus.


Fun and healthy


It hasn't


The same as last year.


The worst. Thinking I'm done with Earth and this shall be my last.


I think 2021 was the best year ever


Awful. And it’s only going to get worse. Due to a family issue I knew was always going to happen. Now the year it does is finally here. And only a month and a half away until it does happen.


Starting to finally, know what I want to do with life. Looking forward to each day everyday.


Going alright, can't complain. But still feels like it's still 2020


I'm feeling the calm before the storm.


It's only just begun, I'll leave it at that.


My first (it looks like) good year since 2015. Thanks for asking :)


Well, still in massive debt


Got fired from my job on dec. 31st so there’s that


I got fired on Monday - it was shocking, horrible and humiliating.  It has been one of the worst weeks of my life. Here is to hoping we both find ourselves in better places and a year from now this is all behind us.


My dads need surgery for his eyes, or else he'll go blind in a few years. Overall it's not doing so well.


seems like am going to spend this whole year on the couch


My nuts hurt.


It's fine, there's nothing too unusual happening, didn't set any goals for myself, so it's all going in some kind of unknown direction


It kinda feels like the years aren't getting more if that makes any sense?




Not too bad overall. I’m working towards some positive career moves that are gonna be a big boost for me, financially and mentally. Also just having the time of my life with my new little family!


wet and miserable, no work, recession has been made official on the other hand, spring is around the corner and it's time to get into the garden, i'm making a pair of gates today to add to a fence to contain my new rescue terrier so she can be out there with me


Bumpy as fuck


My Self Care Is At An All Time Low. I Feel It Is Age Related. I AM 67 & Fearful That I Don't Know How To Get To The Finish Line.


Not as great as I thought it would be. Just the same as 2023 and 2022 so far.


I just got Covid 19 again! Otherwise, pretty alright, medium I guess. Nothing special


We're in that stretch until April where everything is grey and kinda dead. Good old New England. Still adjusting to being empty nesters (I hate the term, but there's no other like it). I miss my son like hell, but he's doing really well.




Great! Getting my shit together after a successful surgery and walking a lot more to shed some weight. Really watching my diet, ditching sodas and carbonated waters. Also reduced my carb intake. Looking at joining a gym soon.


Stuck in 2019. Can't get out.


Just stay there, it was better then.


I feel like my life is finally turning around after 2 years of hell, and I can enjoy things again!


I have an almost 3 year old who keeps waking up at 4 am since the beginning of the year. Lately he's been better and waking up at 6:30, but he doesn't want to nap. And trying to get him to go back to sleep has been challenging. So yeah this year has been pretty exhausting.


Not great. My mother's health is on the decline in multiple ways, and my job site is closing. I'll still be employed - I work for a different company, I'm just located here - but I really liked it here. Working elsewhere will be guaranteed worse in at least one way 


A blur, we at the end of Feb already?!


I raised my credit score so there's that.


Not that eventful


A big meh, honestly 2023 was terrible, 2024 looks like 2023 part2 for the moment


Well, right now I'm on a tropical island in Belize at the tail end of a very long awaited vacation. So atm it's incredible. Once we get home, the reality of 2024 will come crashing back though. So far it hasn't been that bad, but my election year anxiety is beyond sky high and is only going to get worse.




Sick 3 times in a week


December 23 - Heartbreak January 24 - Trying to heal February 24 - Shot myself in the hand ​ Not the best 24' but looking up


Pretty good! Last year was awful for me, but I did find the education and the right school for me. And I'm starting this year which really gives me something to look forward to! I also have this really great part-time job and they gave me a raise without me ever mentioning anything! I also asked my crush out on a date...


Got a raise at work which caused my credit score to go up. Which caused me to get some new credit cards.  Help.


Awful. The job market is shit.


A rollercoaster and it’s only February


An absolute shit ton better than 2020-2022


Amazing. Workation in a ski restort in January and surfing in February in Morocco. Now back to reality at home


Getting married to my best friend of 5 years next month! Just for our license a few days ago


Its my birthday today. Got a cost of increase raise at the beginning of the year. Wife got a raise also. My son while high functioning, he is making more strides in growth in his social/emotion development while soon to turn 5 in the summer. So good.


Suckin snoo balls, cause it's cold outside


Things are going well. I still have a high paying job, I own my house, my wife just graduated and starts a job Monday. Things are pretty great. Oh and the weather is unusually warm which has me chummy. 


It's been. I'm finally moving in with my boyfriend and we are currently remodeling his home to have more space. I won my first case as a tax rep and got personal congrats from the partners at my firm. Finally bought a new car. My FIRST new car! But also... My really good friend and the woman who helped me get out of a very dangerous relationship years ago lost her battle with cancer. My mom had her hands fused and all her teeth pulled, and needs more care now. My other really good friend had a bad med reaction that left her in a mental institution. So IDK. It's a year.


Burned out with my current team. Just want to find another place to go. Teammate so hateful and disrespect, many time fucked up the system but boss still OK with that.


Great! Managed to find a new job after getting fired late 2023. I fell in love for the first time and I'm in good health.


Off to a good start. Got a great bonus from work for last year, so paid vacation to Maldives with my gf. We just got back it was as good as expected


Same as 2023.... crappy....accept even worse as the economy has gone to shit (no matter what the news says), everything costs more, food costs like 30-40% more than BB or BC.... So, it's just as bad as 2023 but, I have less money now.....


It’s okay. Just tired of working.




Lost my home of 18 years so there's that. And we struggle hard to find something new. 🥲


Was in a car accident yesterday and write off my car lmao


Weird in a good way I guess. I’m at the place in my life wear I’m working towards my goal but in the middle of it and everything I do is just a slow climb towards it. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like I’m making progress but I just gotta trust the process I guess


It's fantastic for a few weeks. Now my wife decided that she needs to run our investments. For the record, I worked in financial services for 30 years. My wife has zero experience and is highly emotional. Her notion of management is that whatever happened last week should be changed tomorrow.




Turning a sexual due to economy or people generally being crazy


Same as the rest if my life....bollocks!


Bad. I can't found place in word and progressing my passions doesn't go well.


It's really fast, but good. Lots of travel already. I'm about to roll into a busy time for work. Nothing bad so far,knock on wood.


Same shit. Different day.


It’s been back and forth. Main issue being my dad died rather tragically last month but I’ve had the BEST people in my life supporting me, including my amazing partner.


The rollercoaster so far favors going down and not so much the up


Mostly good


Things were supposed to pick up and I guess they technically did, but not nearly enough to get going.


Realised I do not need to have fun to get drunk, or leave the house. Climat e change and whatnot. Mint cheers mate 👍


Dragon's Dogma 2 and Shadow of the Erdtree are coming out this year. The hell you think?