• By -


enjoy life


1) You're not as smart as you think. 2) You need to learn self-discipline. 3) You're not listening. Look, here's a dollar. Go buy some condoms and use them this time.


Damn man, at least give yourself enough money to get decent condoms


I was 16 in 1980. A buck would buy you a 3-pack of good Trojans.


That gets you a well used one nowadays.


I assumed I'd be going back to 16-year-old me. Bringing him forward would be disappointing for him on a variety of levels.


Wish someone would have told my dad this




Stringy, but okay with ketchup.


I want to hear the lore behind the 3rd lne






How helpful


He’s beyond help.




Go out more. Find your soulmate sooner. Invest in Bitcoin and sell when it reaches $35K


>Invest in Bitcoin and sell when it reaches $35K But it's worth more right now.


My quality life wouldn't change much if I had 60 million or 80 million. So just cause it's more doesn't bother me


Correct but if invested early and sold at that price I could probably be a millionaire, that's enough money for me, I don't need (or want) Musk money.


That’s fair


Totally. I would be set at 10 mil and donate the rest. Some greedy bastards out there.


Why would you not tell yourself to sell it when it was at $64k in 2021


I bought into the whole soul mate thing. It wrecked me when she dumped me.


All these similar questions- investing in bitcoin should ALWAYS be one of the answers


52k right now


1. Learn to say “no” if you don’t want something, don’t just agree to make someone else happy. 2. College isn’t worth it, follow your dream to be a chef. 3. In 3 years when that guy asks you out, say NO. Trust me.


Then your younger self applies the first two points which changes your life path entirely. Three years later a totally different guy asks you out and you say no thinking it was the other guy your future self warned you about. Oh well, better safe than sorry.


That's why you say who the person is... Although there may be another person with the same name / last and also, y'know, time paradox or whatever but still... Better than nothing ig lol.


Are you a chef?


1. You’re autistic 2. You’re bipolar 3. It’s not your fault.


i hate being bipolar, it's awesome


Under- and overrated comment here.


I see what you did there.


this guy knows it 😎🤝😎


It sounds like you were not getting therapy and properly diagnosed with a treatment plan. Not your fault. I hope it's all going well now.


1. ⁠Stop blaming someone else 2. ⁠There is nothing wrong with you 3. ⁠It’s entirely your fault.




1. Spend more time with your mom in college 2. Spend more time with your mom in college 3. She goes a lot earlier than you think when you’re 21.. today




Sorry to hear that


sorry to hear that man hugs to you


Pay more attention in class, care less about what people think of you, don’t get with her


1. Do not take art and design in your first year of college go straight to animal care 2. Drop *persons name* they only hang out with you bc your their only friend they don’t actually care about you 3. Don’t buy that vape


1. It’s okay not to be okay 2. You got this 3. Don’t worry about what others think about you


1. Your going to be pregnant in a year don’t regret it, don’t cry, don’t feel like your less or trash. It will all be ok and you have an amazing daughter and husband and son (years later) 2. Don’t waste a year in nursing school you don’t like It and find a good job in IT 3. Don’t go to Disney world because you spent too much money 😂😂


But its fun!


1. Don't go to art school. 2. Don't go to Arizona. 3. Don't go to art school in Arizona.


It only gets worse from here Edit: I didn’t see that it said 3 😂 Only trust yourself The world sucks


Oh yes and second one would be: adult hood wont be the same for you as it was for your parents!


You are perfect just the way are, go and have fun! Don't worry too much about what others think of you.




1. Don't control everything. You can only do so much 2. Be okay with mistakes. Dont take it seriously 3. Dont overthink.


Nothing, he’ll be alright. Dumb fuck wouldn’t listen anyway.


Yours is the correct answer


I haven't found a comment I agree with as much as this one.


Seek professional help.


Forget about your family Forget about your current boyfriend Try to become a modell.




1. It’s ok to be 16. You don’t have to be an adult now. 2. There’s nothing wrong with being who you want to be. The world has plenty of boxes to put you in and the box changes for each person you interact with. Create your own box that makes your soul feel happy 3. Math is more important that you think it is


1. You're good enough 2. You're beautiful 3. Don't live up to others expectations


1. You are smart 2. Keep doing what you are doing 3. Stop dating abusive people


You got this


\- Relax, you beat the shit out of him next year. He's a little bitch, you could do it now. \- Buy Bitcoin, then in 2018, sell bitcoin. \- I know it sounds like bs, but believe me, she actually does want your dick. Idk dude, maybe she likes fat fucks like you, who cares? Take the chance.


Do not date anybody because these mfs won't be in your future, I promise Invest in apple stock Take care of your body more by stretching and continuing cardo outside of school


You're ok. You've come a loooooooong way... You're ok.


1. You don't need a relationship with someone 6 years older 2. You're a creative person, don't choose fucking medicine 3. Throw away that cigarette now


1) It only gets worse from here. 2) Dont do dangerous sports because you will feel the injuries later 3) Your adulthood cant be compared to your parents adulthood so dream of your own future and not your parents! Otherwise you will be disappointed…


Go make friends, don’t chase girls, go to the gym!


Buy a house right now while interest rates are low


1. Have more fun 2. Your anxiety doesn't define you 3. Have more faith in yourself


Tell dad to buy Apple stock. Ask out that girl you like.  Learn computer programming. 


Don’t waste time, don’t chose wrong degree, start earning money as early as possible


1. Stop skateboarding, you'll break your kneecap in half and ruin your leg for the rest of your life 2. Stop drinking, all it has done is bring negativity in your life 3. Take music more seriously, we're 33 going on 34. You could've been in a band that signed with a major record label.


1. Don't try to find your passion. Try to develop it. 2. Take care of your health. Everything in life gets easier when you put your health first. 3. You're gonna die someday so just take a chance. Don't let fear inhibit you.


1. Stop fucking around and just keep grinding for like 5 years and then enjoy your life 2. Take calculated risks 3. Be logical not emotional. Use your brain and heart simultaneously but then use your brain to decide.


Take it slow, don’t grow up so fast. These years only come once enjoy the age you’re at.


1.quit drugs 2.you are a junkie 3.stop xanax


1. Explore different hobbies 2. Make memories don’t stress over life plans 3. Learn languages


1. Nothing is as bad as it feels in the moment 2. Start exploring what you love or makes you happy 3. "God" is love and spreading love is #1


1) Travel a lot. 2) Just when you think you are good at something, there is someone better than you. 3) Always operate with integrity.


1. Always wear sunscreen because he would laugh. 2. Cut it out with the sex, seriously 3. Take the scholarship to Emory


>2. Cut it out with the sex, seriously Curious to the reasons for this one Like maybe it was unkind to other people? It was a distraction that kept you from doing more important things? My regret is the opposite. I was afraid of sex.


Get off that phone and socialize with people. Get professional help. Study harder.


1 - when you meet Elizabeth, dont let her out of your sight. 2 - you are dead nuts correct about towers and maps. Do it. 3 - buy bitcoin.


1. Stay away from party drugs 2. Fuck your girlfriend more 3. Invest in crypto moron


Sex is not bad Get a decent haircut Talk to girls more - they are human and might be nice


No goal is too small Be proud of the tiniest accomplishment You’re not a fraud if you be honest more often.


1. Tell your parents you’re trans 2. Take a fucking shower 3. You clearly need therapy


Get money, save, invest. Don’t do drugs. Woman will ruin your life, avoid them at all cost.


disregard bitches, get money.


1. Figure it out. 2. Life is about mistakes. 3. Don’t blame others for your shortcomings, you control your life.


Damn, I’m having fun, where’s the closest bar and don’t believe in anyone.


1. Kill yourself 2. Just do it 3. It doesn't get any better


1) Crack is good. 2) Crack is life. 3) Crack is goat 🐐


Drop out, go work, get into real estate when you’re 20, go balls deep into Bitcoin


Oh yeah, you better start eating healthy, you’re gonna get diagnosed with diabetes real soon, and there’s nothing you can do about it, so better start dieting now and not later.


1. stop drinking 2. prioritize health 3. start investing into the s&p 500 The first two lessons i had to learn the hard way.


Life will not be easy. Get a degree that sounds like a job. You will regret moving out of your hometown.


1, Meditate 2, take care of urself 3, distance urself from them.


Go out and enjoy your life because after few you'll miss this time


1. Don't over pursue girls for a relationship. If they are interested they will come to you. 2. Don't get married for sake of getting married because that's what 20-somethings do. 3. Who will win the Super Bowls from 1987 to today


Don't do drugs Don't drink and drive Use a condom


buy a house or two as soon as possible because prices will make you very comfortable by the time you are 40 and you can retire early be good to your friends and don't cheat your dad is a selfish cunt and it's not your fault


Do not date Do what you want not what others want you to do You look fine


1: You're too hard on yourself 2: University will change you for the better. 3: No is a full sentence


On your 18th birthday the winning powerball numbers are 1, 12, 35, 38, 50 and powerball 10. Invest millions in bitcoin it will get up to about $19000 before it crashes so invest as early as possible and then sell when it is over 10k.


1. GO TO COLLEGE!!!!! 2. A boyfriend/girlfriend will not make you whole, love yourself! And finally, as my spiritual advisor teaches : 3. It happened to you, it does NOT define you!


1. You *will* have the opportunity to become a professional wrestler and do it for a few years, so start working at it now even though you think it will never happen. 2. Testing video games as a living will be as easy as answering a craigslist ad, but take the job seriously and put your best foot forward, don't let it become personal. 3. Don't waste your time with Episode 7, 8, and 9.


1. Rest of 2021 will be shit for you 2. 2022 will be a rollercoaster but your highs won’t be that high, so it’s a shit year. 3. Jan-July 2023 is gonna be an absolute shithole for you. August 1, 2023 and later is gonna be a great time for you


never grab a cigarrete, study programming, invest in social media.


1. Don't stop exercising/playing sports 2. Bang the girls you want to date 3. Don't spend all your money


1. Study well. Don't spend a lot of time thinking of boys. You will meet the love of your life in a perfect time. 2. Learn to use contraceptive as soon as you become sexually active. 3. Lose weight and develop your looks. Take good care of your health. You may be blessed intellectually but in the looks department, you are sorely lacking. 4. Forgive your mother. 5. You will meet someone on 5 April 1999. Avoid him at all costs. 6. You really should not be a mother.


Don’t care what others think (most important) Don’t trust everyone you meet. Build assets, read more books, trust your gut.


A list of people to stay away from


Trust your instincts/gut. Take some risks. I passed on many opportunities that would have really paid off had I not been too conservative.


1. don't date! 2. things will get better. 3. YOU DON'T NEED LOVE THAT MUCH!!!!


Be more open Be more honest Do be so afraid to take risks Especially with conflict and decision making and sexual desires


1) Don’t do it, life gets better 2) Ask Megan or Roxanne out, stop waiting 3) The winning lottery numbers for your 18th birthday are: (insert winning numbers)


1. you con not save the women in your life you can only live your life. 2. get real therapy for the shit that happened as a kid. 3. invest in bitcoin in a few year it will hit over 60k per coin sale it on November 8, 2021


Only do cool drugs, skip the opiates and coke Never stick your dick in crazy, unless she is really hot Buy a house now, like as a 16 year old, cause in a few years a shack will be a million dollars


1. You are going to have to try hard at stuff to be as successful as you want to be 2. Try and relax on the romantic front, you're putting too much pressure on it, man 3. It's way more important that you're genuinely kind to the people around you than that you think you're smarter than other people


\- don't follow charismatic leaders \- don't feel guilty about sex, its fine \- do art everyday


Acid is not worth the trip


It's not going to be worth it.


Focus more on school and less on boys. And grow thick skin.


Invest the few dollars you have and tell your father to put that money into bitcoin.


1. stop thinking so much and start just doing 2. stop trying to fake being happy around everyone all the time, it's exhausting and most people don't act like that. you can just exist around others without needing to cater to their experience 3. sleep & wake up earlier!! ur not a night owl as much as u want to be


1. Pick a good major when you get to college. 2. Losing weight is as simple as counting calories. 3. Please pick a good major when you get to college.


It works but never underestimate it.shes near when you find her,appreciate her, love her hard as you can . Be more grateful for your parents


Appreciate your youth, don't rush it. Be present. Enjoy the lack of real responsibility. It's going to be ok. High school doesn't last forever.


1. Don't watch Tensura 2. When you have three options, take the hardest one 3. Never trust your uncles


Really only one which is ask out the girl who had a crush on me (I also had a crush on her)


1. dont get that tattoo, bitch 2. exercise, you'll get fat when you turn 25 3. explore, have fun, you'll be tired 24/7 when you turn 30 i am now 30 😂


1) it's okay that you don't believe in God, you can quit pretending to make others happy 2) the eating disorder is not worth it 3) everything will be okay


Be bold, study more, and find your own style.


Just. Be. You.


Don't be so anti-social. Nothing is worth giving up your morals for. Don't listen to outsiders, and go to school for film.


Buy bitcoin - you ‘re autistic - don’t take the antidepressants


1. Take better care of your teeth. 2. It's ok to have fun, but be easy on your body. Your 40 year old self will appreciate it. 3. Finish highschool. College isn't necessary, but check out trade school.


1: Sell bitcoin at 50k 2: Save money where your parents can't take it 3: run away from your family as soon as you turn 18


1. Transfer out of your high school for a more accepting place 2. Stop being such a huge incel 3. Put some fucking deodorant on


Don't do drugs See a therapist for recent trauma Stay in school and try harder... You are smart utilize it..


1. Keep all of your childhood collectibles, especially the video games, Magic cards and Pokémon Cards. 2. Zappy, you are an actual genius. That's what all the tests were for when you were younger. Your parents didn't keep this from you, they just never knew how to tell you. This is why you're unhappy, you understand too much. You see the big picture that very few care to see. You truly understand the meaning of death, and it frightens you so bad, because all your life you were able to find answers, but there is no answer for the end. Your extreme fear of death is just your misplaced anxiety due to the fear of not knowing something. 3. Don't be so afraid of the pregnancy. His heartbeat will be the most beautiful thing you'll ever hear. You will love him more than you love anything else. P.S. You make so many good decisions. Trust yourself.


• Hit the gym more, keep your weight stable • Don’t tell Mikayla how you feel about her 20 minutes after Eric dumps her. It goes very poorly • Mrs. Page is going to talk a lot about Bitcoin in a class you take next semester. Listen to her and get in while you can


1. Have more confidence 2. Find good friends 3. Don't chase her


1. Patience 2. Eye on the goal 3. You are beautiful


If I say, I'll get banned


Get a part-time job and buy bitcoin 


1) you’re great as you are, stop trying to change & comparing yourself to others around you 2) stop letting people treat you like shit, you’re worth more than that 3) girl eat something!


1. I'm sorry you're going through this without even knowing it isn't your fault. 2. You'll grow up to be an amazing young adult. 3. Life is gonna get much better ahead.


Stay single, get a job, cut family out of your life.


1. Stop smoking, like, right now. 2. Stop fucking around in school. 3. Don't cheat on Mary.


1. Stop trying to make them like you, it'll never work out. 2. That boy you're about to meet is going to change your life but he's not going to be the love of it. Fall for him anyways - he's good for you, he's going to be the first person who isn't scared of how ambitious you get sometimes - but know that it won't last. 3. Your mind doesn't work and you're going to start showing signs of bipolar. Don't try to justify it beyond that.


Stay in school. Go to the cheapest college possible and get a degree in business Don't fret over your crush, lots of others will be around soon


Tuck it AND fuck it


1. Don’t be in a hurry to grow up - spend time with friends and have fun 2. GO TO SCHOOL AND DO YOUR WORK 3. Don’t be hard on yourself you’re still a kid figuring the world out


1: everything is your fault (the good and the bad), learn accountability. 2: apply for the high paying jobs early. 3: stop playing fucking video games all goddamn day.


1. stop trying so hard 2. don’t do your eyebrows like that 3. save your money


\- Pick a more affordable college. \- Don't date Ben, he's a trainwreck you don't want to be in. \- There's a word for how you feel, you're gay, you like guys, and you're gonna meet a great guy and get married eventually. (I grew up in a rather conservative Catholic house, so I didn't know the word gay, or that like... being gay was a thing... we just never talked about it, the assumption was that I was straight, and gonna have a girlfriend etc., so I just didn't understand the feelings I was having)


Stop hanging out with losers


Nothing. My dumbass wouldn't listen.


Stay in school Stay away from guys, they are a waste Save more money


1. You are my future. 2. I have no idea what my future is. 3. I have no advice for you.


Think , Plan and stay 💯


First, I wouldn't even try to explain that I am me from the future. That would be the easiest way for me to not listen to me. Second, I wouldn't even try to interact with myself because there is no guarantee that anything I try will only have positive results and it would be asinine to think I can cover every real world variable.  Third, if I am able to somehow interact with my past self then it stands to reason that I might start getting constantly harassed by my future self and harassing my past self about every little stupid mistake like they weren't important parts for building me into the individual I have developed into. 


1. He becomes a way better dad, just give him time 2. Yo maybe Don’t download tinder. And bumble. And okcupid. Maybe just go do more therapy instead? 3. That relationship you have with her is toxic and now I cry when I think of that one song, hope it was worth it


1) You should have study hard 2) Cigarettes are not good for your health 3) the guy doesn't like you back , stop wasting your time worshipping him


Buy tech stocks for pennies from bill gates and Steve Wozniak


1. Embrace what you love to do and don’t care what people think about you. 2. Your peers in high school don’t dislike you, thats just a side effect of previous trauma you don’t know you have. 3. Trust your gut feelings. Don’t listen to your heart or head.


Don’t start smoking. Finish your degree before joining the Marines. Learn about investing early and take it seriously.


1. Focus on school more 2. Don’t settle leave at the first sign of disrespect 3. Keep your friends closer, you need them


1. Don’t get pregnant 2. Don’t do drugs 3. Don’t trust men


1) don’t smoke weed 2) you’re smart but you need hard work and discipline 3) everything takes time


When you go in the Army, stay in the Army When they offer you West Point, go to West Point On May 15th, 1997, invest everything you have in Amazon


1. Put out that cigarette you muppet 2. Tiffany is a fucking cancer that’s going to cause you misery 3. Pull yourself together with maths so that you can get into a good university and start an IT degree


What he did to you was not your fault. Don't you dare try that cigarette when she hands it to you. Don't you dare! Stop being so angry at mom and dad about the move. Mom couldn't bear to stay in that state anymore after her mom died. Everything reminded her of her mother and it was breaking her heart.


You need to save money because you like to travel. You need to figure out some things but don’t worry if you don’t - I got you. Be quicker to cut off people who are toxic and annoying